प्रधानमन्त्रीको अस्वस्थताका कारण सरकार गतिहीन ?

-नीलम घिमिरे-
आजका समाचारहरु हेर्ने क्रममा मेरा आँखा एउटा समाचारको शीर्षकमा टक्क अडियो। नअडियोस् पनि कसरी सबैको चासोको विषय पर्‍यो यो। त्यसैले मलाई पनि यसले लोभ्याइ हाल्यो।

शीर्षक थियो- प्रधानमन्त्रीको अस्वस्थताका कारण सरकार गतिहीन अरे। के यो कुरा साँच्चै होला त – मलाई त कस्तो हाँसो उठ्यो। हरे , यी नेताहरुको बुद्धि के भा भन्या ! नेपाली जनतालाई अझै पनि त्यही गोठाले विचारधाराले झुक्याउन सकिन्छ जस्तो ठान्छन् कि कसो। फेरि यिनीहरुले कहिले गति दिएका थिए र हाल गति रोकियो ?

मेरा आँखाले त जहिले पनि गति रोक्न र आफ्नो सत्तामा रहने समय बच्चाले खेल्दा चुँइगम तन्काएजस्तै तन्काइरहेको अनि विलासितामा रमिरहेको पाउँछु। हैन र हाम्रा प्यारा पाठकहरु ? तपाईँहरुले नै यसको जवाफ दिनु है त मलाई ल। अस्तिकै केपि अ‍ोलीको फोटोबाट थाहा हुन्छ नि कति विलासितामा हराएका छन् भनेर।

अर्को कुरा, नेपाली नेताहरु अरुलाई आलोचना गर्न कति माहिर तर……….काममा भने जब आफू सत्तामा पुग्छन् जुन जोगी आए पनि कानै चिरेको भने जस्तो ……. कुनै काम छैन। फेरि के हो भन्या यिनीहरुले त केही अध्ययन पनि गर्दैनन् जस्तो छ नि। कहिल्यै बोल्ने भाषणका शव्ददेखि लिएर केही कुरामा पनि परिवर्तन हुँदैन। अनि साना नानीहरुलाई फुलाउन ललिपप दिएपछि मख्ख परे झैँ सत्ता पाएपछि, पद पाएपछि मख्ख। जिम्मेवारी वहन गर्ने र विकास गर्ने त कहाँ हुनु, पद र शक्तिकालागि झगडा।

कमिलालाई कुन्नि के को पहिरो भने झैँ नेपाली नेतालाई आफैले बोलेको संविधान सभाको घोषणा भएको आज आफैलाई समस्या बनेको छ। मुख नखुले पनि उनीहरुको व्यवहारले प्रष्ट बोलेको छ। किन हो कुन्नि सत्तामा पुगेपछि त रोग नै धर्मशास्त्रको हिरण्यकस्यपुले विष्णुलाई नमानेर आफैलाई भगवान माने जस्तो आफै पावरफुल र सबैभन्दा शक्तिशाली ठान्ने भन्या। कसले दियो त्यो स्थान र केका लागि भनेर किन भुलेका हुन् कुन्नि –

हरेक काममा ढिलाइ र सुस्तता त भएकै छ जुन आवश्यकता भन्दा निकै पछाडि छ। अब त गर्दागर्दा अर्को बहाना आयो। गिरिजा बिरामी भएका कारण सरकारले गति लिन सकेन रे। हैन यी माधवकुमार नेपालले पनि के भनेका, पुरानै आफ्नो बानी देखाउन लागिहाले नि- केन्द्रिकरण भयो या वा विकेन्द्रिकरण गरेर देखाउनु नि। अव जनताले थोक्रो गाला बजाएको सुन्न हैन काम गरेको हेर्न, देशको विकास गरेको हेर्न चाहेको छ। जतिसक्दो छिटो संविधान सभा भएको हेर्न चाहन्छ। तर संयुक्त सरकारले पनि किन हो कुन्नि काम गर्न ढिला गरेको, अझ छिटो गरेर देखाउनु पर्ने हो।

अनि यो अन्तरिम सरकार बनाउने हल्ला भयो, समिति पनि गठन गरियो तर कुनै निर्णयको अधिकार भने दिइएन। बच्चालाई चकलेट दिन्छु भनेर देखाउँदै जिस्काउँदै नदिँदै गरे जस्तो। अब त कति दिन कसलाई हो र झुक्याउने। सबैले जान्ने-बुझ्ने पर्‍यो कि सबै जनता समझदार छन्। समझदारीमा हिँड्नु पर्छ नसक्ने काम सक्छु भन्नुभएन। काम आँटिसकेपछि डगमगाउन भएन। चाहे अर्को पक्षले नै जित्न किन नसकोस् तर बोलेको वास्तविकता र सत्यको लागि त अगाडि बढ्नै पर्‍यो नि। जतिसक्दो छिटो माओवादीसहितको अन्तरिम सरकार बनाएर संविधान सभाको घोषणा हुनुपर्‍यो। अनि यता यी माओवादीहरु पनि किन यसरी सेर पल्टिएका आजभोलि। यो पनि त मरेको बाघको जुँगा उखेले जस्तो भएको छ नि, कि कसो हो। जिल्ला-जिल्लामा आफ्ना अदालत र अन्य कार्यालयलाई बढाउने समय त यो हैन जस्तो लाग्छ।

जे होस्, आजको टड्कारो आवश्यकता भनेको नेपाली जनतालाई स्वस्थ र शान्तिपूर्ण निर्णयको खाँचो छ र देश हाँक्ने कुशल राष्ट्रपतिको खाँचो छ, न कि कुनै निरंकुश तानाशाही शासक।

यो पनि हेर्नुस्

कतै दलहरु फेरि गोटी त बन्दै छैनन् ?


  1. Neelam ji, lekh padhda ramrai lagyo, keep it up . But they should have a lot of excercise and interaction to get a right descision. It is not like switching on a computer. But i dont think they would be success to get it, coz all leaders are same as before. Just time is changed but not there mind. So I am not very hopeful about them. But we should give time. I am sorry that i have to say we avery neplese have very bad habit to crticise others

  2. खुसी लाग्यो निलम जि तपाहि को लेख पुन:पढन पाएको मा यस्तो देखिन्छ कि गिरिजा बाबु को ज्यान मात्र होइन अब माइन्ड पनि बुढो भइसक्यो त्यसैले अग्रगामी निकास एंव विकासका लागि राजिनामा दिनु नै उचित देखिन्छ। देशको वर्तमान जटिल परिस्थितिमा यस्तो नेत्रित्व को खाँचो छ जसले देशमा दिगो शान्ति र विकासनिर्माण को कार्यलाइ तदारुपताका साथ अगाडि बढाहोस। यो पनि देखिन्छ कि जसमा नेत्रित्व शिक्छीत तथा युवाबर्ग को होस। ‍

  3. निलम जि,
    लेख समसामयिक छ । मलाई लागेका केही कुरा राख्न मन लागेर केही लेख्ने जमर्को गर्दैछु ।
    मलाई लाग्छ सक्षम नेता को अभाब त हामीलाई खट्केकै छ, तर नेता लाई लगाम लाउन नसक्ने हामी जनता र उनिहरुको लोलिमा तालिमात्र पड्काउने चाटुकारहरु लाई पनि केही दोश को जिम्मा त दिनै पर्ला । मेरो विचारमा हामी बुद्दिजिबी र कलमजिबि भनाउनेहरुले पनि एकातिरबाट नेताहरुको गलत कामको बिरोध गर्ने र अर्को तिर जनतालाइ सचेत पार्दै त्यस्ता नेतालाइ बहिस्कृत पार्ने र नग्याउने कामलाइ अगाडी बढाउदै लैजानु पर्छ जस्तो लाग्छ ।

    माओवादीका कृयाकलाप पनि गतिला छैनन । गाउघरमा जनतालाइ तर्साएर तहलगाउने परम्पराको बिकास् गरेर चोर, फटाहा र डाकाको सङ्ख्या बढाउन उनिहरुले पनि कम योगदान गरिरहेका छैनन् भने जन-अदालतको नाउमा निर्मम यातना र ज्यानमार्ने त्रास देखाएर न्याय स्थापित गर्ने परम्पराले त अर्को निरन्कुशतन्त्र को जन्म गराउला जस्तो मलाई लाग्दछ । त्यसैले हामीले हाम्रो कलम लाई जनता सचेत गराउन तिर केन्द्रीत गराउदै लैजानु पर्ला । त्यस्ले तात्कालै नभएपनि कलानतरमा केही सुधारल्याउन मदत पुर्याउला कि?

  4. गिरिजा प्रसाद कोईरालाज्यु ले खराब स्वास्थ्यको कारणले प्रधानमन्त्री को पद बाट रजिनमा दिनु पर्छ जस्तो लाग्छ मलाई त

    Now i start to feel that those lazy bones has gone to politics cause they can not even earn their living if needed. They donot know planing, they donot know vision, and they donot know purpose… they are failure and remains failure in the eyes of nepalese… my heart went empty when i hear giri ja is priminister… DEAR CITIZEN ITS TIME TO THINK AND ACT. THISE LEADERS BRAIN LESS AND KNOW HOW TO KEEP PEOPLE IN DARK… NEED TO CHOOSE A YOUNG DYNAMIC LEADERS TO LEAD THE COUNTRY… TOO MUCH… EVERYTHING HAS LIMITS…

  6. I think all the politicians are million times clever than you, dump…..
    Nepal is being degraded by the people like U……
    Sambhidhan sava is not like a joke which can be held within 1 week or month….there are hundreds of critiacl things that should be analysed before it.
    What r u thinking? this seems u r very new student of journalism…………..HA HA…………..

  7. Mr. Daya,

    What is the meaning of Khate ? Do you have any political reason that MK Nepal should not be the PM of Nepal after Girija ? He has right to show any wrongdoing or slowness in the government as a responsible political leader. Why we have ephoria againt leaders ?

  8. PM granddaughter’s big fat wedding mocks law

    KATHMANDU, July 7 – The capital city Thursday saw one of the biggest wedding parties since the series of wedding parties for Chief of Army Staff General Pyar Jung Thapa’s daughter two months ago. The bride was Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala’s granddaughter Melanie Koirala Jost, and the groom was Rubel Chowdhury, a Bangladesh national. The venue: Hotel Everest.

    A hotel staffer said that some 3,500 guests were invited to the reception. Among them were Nepal’s who’s who, including deputy prime ministers, ministers, parliamentarians, leaders of political parties, heads of diplomatic missions, security chiefs and officers, administrators, civil society leaders, publishers and editors. Journalists and party workers were also invited….

    माथीको उद्धरण् कन्तिपुरअनलाइन् बाट हो। बयोबृद्ध प्रम बिरामी परेकोले सारा मुलुकको गति ठप् भयो, मुलुक यस्तो नाजुक् स्थितिबाट गुजरिरहेको बेलामा पनि, तर प्रमको नातिनीको बिहे रुकेन। निरन्कुश् सामन्ती तानाशही राजाले आफुलाई कानूनभन्दा माथी ठानेको आजका नेपालीले स्वीकार्न सक्दैनन् तर गिरिजा र उसका सन्तानलाइ परबाह् छैन। गिरिजा र कोइराला परिवार आफुलाइ कानून्भन्दा माथीको ठान्छन्, यिनिहरु आफै सामन्ती शोषक्-शाषक् जो हुन्। जनताले ज्यान दिएर आन्दोलन् गरेर सत्तामा ल्याएको नेताहरुको र उनका पछौटेहरुको मनोबृत्ति र चालामाला देख्दा प्रश्न उठ्छ: आन्दोलन केको लागि भयो? कस्को लागि भयो? मुलुक र जनताको भबिष्य कता लाग्दैछ? अत्यन्त चिन्तित् हुनुपर्ने कुरा छ।

  9. उमेश जी,
    ऐउटा कुरा! गिरिजा बिरामि भएको बेलामा मैले तलको न्युज मा फोकस गर्नु पर्ने भयो। यो समाचार Monday, June 12th, 2006 मा indiaenews.com मा छापिएको हो। ऐक फेर येता तिर पनि ध्यान दिनु ल!!
    यो समाचारले के भन्छ??

    Contributed by Dipankar Biswas

    Nepalese Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala’s four-day visit to New Delhi last week has triggered considerable enthusiasm among Indians over an upturn in bilateral ties. Indeed, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s decision to break with protocol and go to the airport to receive the guest underscored India’s willingness to take bilateral relations to new heights. Koirala, moreover, is among the rare Nepalese leaders who have remained a true friend of India regardless of whether his Nepali Congress party has been in power or in the opposition.

    The Nepalese premier has returned home with pledges of Rs.1,000 crore in short- and long-term Indian assistance. After arriving in Kathmandu, Koirala stressed the “special” relations Nepal enjoys with India as well as the urgency of involving New Delhi in the resolution of the Maoist conflict and in the long-term reconstruction of Nepal.

    What India must recognize is that such sentiments are far from universally shared by Nepalese politicians or people. Mainstream communist parties, which cautioned the premier against signing any controversial deals in Delhi, have expressed concern over the “concessions”
    India must have extracted in exchange for its munificence.

    Maoist Chairman Prachanda has described Koirala’s visit as part of a wider Indian conspiracy against the Nepalese people. No matter what India does, there are enough people in Nepal who see ulterior motives in New Delhi’s policies. Indian leaders must avoid the temptation to apologize for any real or perceived slight to Nepal. Bigger countries can be magnanimous, but such sentiments will amount to little as long as the smaller partner refuses to see it as such.

    The Indian government must craft a policy on Nepal that places our national interests at the core. The massive rally the Maoists organized earlier this month in Kathmandu has proved that they can no longer be marginalized. The Nepalese rebels’ ideological and operational ties with Indian Naxals have been sufficiently established by events. The mainstreaming of the Nepalese rebels would be an important way of resolving the Naxal problem, which Prime Minister Singh and others have described as the most serious internal security challenge India has confronted since independence.

    However, any attempt to bring the Nepalese Maoists into the political mainstream while the rebels still carry arms must be strenuously avoided. Through enough political carrots – such as participation in an interim government – and military pressure, the rebels can be brought into a broader and durable peace process.

    The retention of a constitutional monarchy in Nepal would be in the overall interest of India. King Gyanendra may have grossly miscalculated by throwing in his lot with China after his seizure of full executive powers last year. Clearly, that policy could be ascribed more to his ill-intentioned advisers, many of whom have established a record of rabid anti-Indianism to fulfill their political ambitions.

    King Gyanendra’s close family and social ties with former royal households of India, his contacts with Indian business leaders built during his years as prince-businessman, and the mixture of political, security, economic and commercial realities that define his overall outlook on Nepal’s place in South Asia make him a natural friend of India. Even in a secular Nepal, the king would retain enough influence among Hindus of all ages that would continue to predispose the Nepalese toward a healthy partnership with India.
    Indeed, the ultimate decision on whether to retain the monarchy or establish are republic lies with the Nepalese people.

    Considering that the monarchy is at the nadir of its popularity, India’s must brace itself for a vote in favor of a republic. Meanwhile, India must need to focus attention on one feature that has largely been ignored in contemporary discussions. In recent weeks, there has been a transformation in thinking among a small but potentially influential section of Nepalese society vis-à-vis India. With the monarchy rapidly losing its influence and the mainstream political parties having reverted to their propensity for infighting, the Maoists have made considerable inroads.

    For the aforementioned group of Nepalese, the prospect of a life in a Maoist-led state is becoming menacingly close. While no one has come forth with a proposal for a formal association with India, this alternative is figuring high in private conversations and social engagements. Doubtless, India’s incorporation of the former kingdom of Sikkim continues to inflame passions among most Nepalese. At the same time, there is growing appreciation of how the Sikkimese people have benefited through the merger with India.

    While encouraging a peaceful and stable transition to constituent assembly elections in Nepal, India must prepare for the possibility of a Maoist takeover should the Nepalese vote in favor of a republic. The Maoists have shrewdly used the mainstream opposition parties in their final assault against the royal regime. The Maoist rank and file considers the republican agenda its own and is against any association with the mainstream parties.

    With the monarchy out of the way, the Maoists would certainly begin to marginalize the mainstream parties and eventually decimate them. A Maoist takeover of Nepal would pose an enormous security threat to India, where extreme leftist groups are waging war in at least 13 states.

    India must vigorously oppose the intervention of any third country or the United Nations in Nepalese affairs. China would not oppose an exclusively Indian initiative in Nepal once Beijing is sufficiently assured of the diminution and eventual end of American influence in the country.

    India’s rapid economic growth, emergence as a major regional power, prospect of gaining a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, among other things, has inspired respect among the aforesaid group of Nepalese. The globalization of Indian society and culture along with the internal harmonization of disparate groups into one nation is increasingly being appreciated in Nepal.

    Ultimately, India should prepare itself and the Nepalese people to accept the country as one of its states in a federal setup. Defense, currency, communication, vital transport, federal court and external affairs shall be retained by New Delhi and all other jurisdictions shall be conferred on the state of Nepal. Let this forward-looking agenda compete with the Maoists’ ideology of death and destruction.

    Please Note: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the contributor and do not reflect those of the India eNews. If you have any opinion on this article।

  10. When we are going to learn the lesson? Is it really true that we do not have any able person to run the country other than Girija Prashad Koirala? This is the real tragedy of our country that only a limitted number of people have chance to get the top jobs. Able and good people are always sidelined. There is nobody in ths world that sre not irreplacable. If his grand daughter can get married in a lavish manner against the Social Dehavior Reform Act 1976 which bars marriage party with more than 51 guests while the prime minister is in the emergency room of the hospital, why can’t we find some one else to take the lead chair. It is the on going tradition of the ruling families of Nepal who does not like to leave the chair no matter how old they are, no matter how corrupted they are and no matter what the country desperately needs.

  11. हैन साथि हो, एउटा कुरा के भने नि हामीमा आलोचना गर्ने बानिको चाहिँ सार्है बिकाश भएछ है यो लोकतन्त्र आए पछि? हुन त नेतालाइ आलोचना गरेर नै सहि बाटोमा ल्याउन सकिन्छ तर एउटा कुरा के भने जहिले पनि आलोचना मात्र हुँदा हुँदा नेता हरुमा थेत्तरोपनको बिकाश भैसकेको छ, गरे पनि बिरोध नगरे पनि बिरोध।तेहि भएर अचेल बिरोधको स्वर हरुमा तेत्ति दम देखिन छोडेको छ। तेसैले हामिले बिरोधको लागि बिरोध मात्र गर्न भन्दा पनि सहि मुल्याङ्कन गर्न तिर पनि लाग्ने कि, नत्र भने आफैँ राजनितिमा लागेर यी नेताहरुलाइ प्रतिस्थापित गरौँ न कसो ?
    र अर्को कुरा, देश् सङीन अवस्थामा भएको बेला देशका कार्यकारि प्रमुख सधैँ बिरामी मात्र परिरहँदा काममा ढिला सुस्ति भएको कुरा अवस्यपनि सहि हो । हुन लाई सत्तासिन दलको प्रमुख नेता भएपनि माधब नेपालको कानुनि हैसियत त केहि छैन अहिलेको अवस्थामा,छ त? तेसो भएको भएर वहाँले प्रधानमन्त्रीको अस्वस्थताले काममा ढिलासुस्ति भएको भन्नुमा ठुलो गल्ति भएजस्तो त लग्दैन । के त तेसो भए गिरिजा प्रसादको भुमिका माधब नेपालले निभाउन मिल्छ त अहिले?? म ब्कसैको ब्यक्तिगत समर्थक र बिरोधि केहि पनि हैन, सिर्फ आफु बिदेशमा बसेपनि देशमा राजनिति छिटो भन्दा छिटो सुधार होस भनेर रात दिन कामना गरेर बसिरहने मध्येको हुँ । देश यस्तो सङीन अवस्थामा रहेको बेला अस्वस्थ प्रधानमन्त्रीले राजिनामा दिएर,आफ्ना उत्तराधिकरी चयन गरेर छिटो भन्दा छिटो देशको समस्या समाधान तिर लाग्नु पर्ने हैन र ?? देशलाई अझै कति समय अनिर्णयको बन्दि बनाउने?
    “असल राजनेता त्यो हो जसले आफ्नो उत्तरधिकारि समयमा नै तयार गर्दै जान्छ।”
    प्रचन्ड बहुमतसाथ चुनाव जितेका जापानका प्रधानमन्त्री जुनिचिरो कोइजुमीले सेप्टेम्बरमा सत्ता हस्तान्तरण गर्दैछन् अनि बेलायतका टोनी ब्लेयरले अर्को बर्ष । उनिहरु हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्री भन्द त आधा उमेरका नै छन् त किन छोडिहाल्नुपर्ने सत्ता, अनि हामीले उनिहरुबाट किन नसिक्ने ?
    अन्त्यमा सबै ब्लगर साथीहरुलाई मेरो कुरामा खुला रुपमा (इन्टरेस्टेड हुनुहुन्छ भने मात्र ) कमेन्ट गर्नु हुन हार्दिक अनुरोध गर्दछु, धन्यबाद ।

  12. No Panda… I mean her style of writing. I am pretty sure you are joking about it and you do have full right to express yourself .. though I am not a moderator of this site. So I will leave that authority to blog moderator.

  13. Hello Prashant..

    You said you liked the “style”…style of Neelams presentation or her sitting style!!!! Just joking.blog ma yettiko kura ta garna milchha hola! I have to only say that communist comrades always exaggerate and lie the emotional and uneducated “Barga”. KP Oli under the umbrella is quite normal..Nepalese communists are not communists..they just exploit the sentimets of lower class people to achieve their “Satta”. I was surprised to see few years before when a Chinese priminister or president visited Nepal, when he got off the plae immediately one Chinese ladies leaned and wiped his shoes with a hanky. I mean communist leaser in international visit, carrying a woman to wipe his shoes on every step!!!! Is this the “Charam Vikas” of communism?? I dont need….for your information I was grown up in a strict communist environment, and my mind as well…today I realise how comrades deceived my child brain…..

  14. bichara ti girija babu lai ahile yesto belama pani makune (vaduwa neta)le chhodenan. hoina yi makune le k kati gare ra?? yi bhasan garna jaha ra jahilei pani pugchhan, tara uhi kura katera matra time khatam garchhan. boleko 50 % matra puraune bhaye pani UML le alik fadko marthyo ni. yo chhepare para le kati pugchha ho ajhai? Oli lai UP ma pathayera pahile nai afno charitra dekhai sakeka chhan. yi madhab ko na kumar ko jasto khubi chha na nepal ko jasto chhabi feri kina kumar nepal? yinlai madhab oli bhanda kasto hola? makune le, desh lai kasto neta ko abasyak chha bhani chhanera mantri ma pathayeka thiyera?? janata le chaheko neta bhanda ni neta lai chahiyeko kursi dilaune ko ko hun bhanne hami sabai lai thaha nai chha. ani kasari yo sarkar le gati linchha ta?
    Aba nepal ma sachchikai paribartan lyaune ho bhane, yi purana sabai neta lai falera naya pusta lai chance
    dinu parchha. Nilam jee yi goti banaiyeka neta hoinan, yini haru afu nai goti bandai hideka hun.
    yi sabai lai karagar ma jaknu parchha.
    from spain

  15. this is all happenin because there is not a good leader in nepal yet who can lead the country….tara euta kura achama lagcha ….hoina janta haru neta le andolan ma aaija bhane matra aaune ho kya …andolan ta aba yo condition ma ekdam necessary cha jasto lagcha…aile bala neta haru lai pressure dine bela ho….so ma ta k bhanchu bhane someone who can lead the whole janta and make them to come on street and pressurize the politician to do this fast and in a right tract….so such kind of leader is the necessity now…so umesh ji come on testo euta kunai leader ko khoji ma lagau ra janta lai pheri andolan ma lau…….this is just my opinion.

  16. Chewing Gum stretching part is great.

    Well composed… Nilam.

    I like the style. keep it up.


  18. plus MAKUNE lai PM banna hatar bhayo hola. Tara usko title “Jandai Pradhan Mantri nai thik cha”. tyesto khate PM bhayo bhane desko halat ke hola..

  19. Of course, we need a leader to who can lead the country. But can we subsitute a POLPOT minded which came through nothing but bloodshed.First they need to be disarmed and brought into justice. What we all need is peace, just read an article of Kanak Dixit in nepalihimal.com, in which he rightly discribed people came out on the street niether for loktantra or ganatantra, it is the frustration and hope of peace that brought the people on street. And again it is again a superficial analysis that only consituent assembly can resolve the problem. I think we all need to learn how to be democratic. we should know our limitation and respect other rights. We all into too much of politics than we need. I don’t care whatever “tantra” will be there but I want peace and security so that i can work in peaceful environment.

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