ह्यापी बर्थ डे ज्ञानेन्द्र !

[यो लेख मेरो संसारको इमेलमा ‘प्रमेश’ नामबाट प्राप्त भएको हो]


सबैभन्दा पहिला त तिमीलाई जन्मदिनको शुभकामना। आजको दिन तिमीले एउटा कुरा रियलाइज गरेको हुनुपर्छ- हिजो शक्तिमा रहँदा तिम्रा अगाडिपछाडि घुम्ने तिम्रै चाटुकारहरु अहिले तिमीबाट कति टाढा भागिरहेका छन्। तिमीले प्रत्यक्ष शासन लिँदा होर्डिङ बोर्ड र वक्तव्यमा शुभकामनाका सन्देशहरु छाप्न होडबाजी गर्नेहरु अहिले कसरी तिमीबाट तर्किरहेका छन्! त्यसैले आजको दिन तिमीले तिम्रा यी स्वघोषित चाटुकारहरु र भारदारहरु कसैले तिम्रो २३७ वर्ष पुरानो शाहवंशको परम्परालाई थाम्न सहयोग गर्दैनन् भनेर बुझोस् भन्ने मेरो कामना हो। इतिहासमा नै सबैभन्दा कमजोर बनेको तिम्रो राजवंशलाई बचाउन र लोकप्रिय बनाउन अब अरुको भर नपर, तिमी आफैले यसका लागि कदम चाल्नुपर्छ। ढिलो नगर..!

तिमीलाई थाहै छ- तिमीलाई कसरी अहिले एक्लै पार्ने प्रयास भइरहेको छ। यस पटक राजाको जन्मदिनको अवसरमा सार्वजनिक विदासम्म दिइएन। तिम्रो जन्मदिन मनाउन समिति गठन गर्ने प्रयास हुँदा तिम्रै पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्रीहरुसम्म बस्न मानेनन्। टेम्पोमा तिम्रो जन्मदिन भव्य रुपमा मनाअ‍ौं भनेर दरबारवरपर माइकिङ गर्दै हिँडेको मैले पनि देखेको छु। तर त्यसलाई बटुवाहरुले गिज्याउने आँखाले हेरेको शायद तिमीले देखेका छैनौ।

ज्ञानेन्द्र पहिलो पटक ७ नोभेम्बर १९५० मा राजा बन्दाको फोटो।
वास्तवमा तिमी एउटा भ्रममा थियौ। तिमीलाई तिम्रा चाटुकार र भारदारहरुले यो स्थितिमा ल्याइपुर्‍याएको हो। आन्दोलनले ठूलो स्तर लिइसक्दा पनि तिमीलाई भ्रममा राख्ने प्रयास भइरहेको थियो रे भन्ने मैले सुनेको छु। मैले सुनेको हल्ला त तिमीले तिम्रा गृहमन्त्री कमल थापालाई “आन्दोलन यतिविघ्न चर्किसक्दा पनि मलाई ढाँट्छस्? ” भनेर हप्कायौ रे। यदि यो कुरा साँचो हो भने तिमीले अब यसरी धेरैलाई हप्काउन जरुरी छ। अब शाहवंशको राजपरम्पराको अस्तित्वलाई कायम राख्ने हो भने अरु हैन, तिमी आफैले पहल गर्नुपर्छ। अनि पछि हैन, आजैबाट थाल्नुपर्छ।

मलाई थाहा छ, तिमी इन्टरनेट हेर्छौं। म सम्झन्छु, टाइम एसियाका एलेक्स पेरीलाई तिमीले दिएको अन्तर्वार्ता, जसमा तिमीले राति केही घण्टा इन्टरनेट चलाउँछु भनेर भनेका थियौ। पक्कै पनि तिमीले यो ब्लग पनि हेर्छौ होलाउ। मलाई थाहा छैन यो ब्लगका सञ्चालकले तिम्रो पक्षमा लेखिएको यो लेख प्रकाशित गर्छ कि गर्दैन। तर गर्‍यो भने तिमीले यसलाई मनन् गर्नेछौ भने आशा गरेको छु।

तिमीलाई मेरा केही सुझावहरु-

संसदमा जाउः संसदमा तिम्रो भूमिकालाई पूरै काटिसकिएको छ। हुँदाहुँदा अस्ति शपथ ग्रहण गर्दासमेत तिम्रो कुर्सीलाई त्यहाँबाट हटाइएको फोटो तिमीले देखिहाल्यौ होला। तर तिमी संसदमा जाउ। कसैलाई पूर्व सूचना नदिइकन जाउ। याद राख, तिमी नेपालको इतिहासमा सबैभन्दा कमजोर राजा बनेका छौ, त्यसैले अब तिमीले निकै बोल्ड स्टेपहरु ड्रामाटिक रुपमा चाल्न जरुरी छ। संसदमा तिमी अकस्मात् जाउ र प्रतिनिधि सभा घोषणापत्र अनुसार चल्छु भनेर रोष्ट्रममा उभिएर भन। यति भन्दा तिम्रो मान घट्दैन, बढ्छ बरु। देश र विदेशका सञ्चारमाध्यममा तिम्रो यो अप्रत्याशित कदमको चर्चा हुनेछ, त्यो पनि सकारात्मक रुपमा।

उत्तराधिकारी परिवर्तन गरः शक्तिको आडमा तिमीले नेपाली जनता दशैंको रमझममा मस्त भएको बेला नेपाली जनमानसमा खराब छवि भएका पारसलाई युवराज घोषणा गरेका थियौ। त्यो तिम्रो ठूलो गल्ती थियो। अब यसलाई सुधार गर्ने बेला आएको छ। तिमी घोषणा गर उत्तराधिकारी तिम्री जेठी नातिनी हुनेछिन्। उत्तराधिकारी घोषणाको अधिकार तिम्रो नरहिसकेको छ। त्यसैले तिमीले यो प्रस्ताव संसदमा प्रस्तुत गर्न सक्छौ। अनि हेर कसको आँट हुन्छ तिम्रो प्रस्तावलाई नमान्ने। महिला अधिकारको कुरा उठिरहेको बेला यसले तिम्रो छविलाई अझ उच्च बनाउनेछ।

विकास-निर्माण कार्यमा जुटः अब पहिले जस्तो गाउँगाउँ डुलेर नबुझेको कुरालाई पनि बुझेँ-बुझेँ भन्ने हैन, वास्तविक रुपमा विकास निर्माण कार्यमा जुट। तिम्रा कालो र गोरो धनको कमाईका केही अंशलाई विकास निर्माण कार्यमा लगाउ। सानोतिनो काममा आफै प्रत्यक्ष संलग्न भइदेउ। सक्छौ भने माअ‍ोवादी क्षेत्रमा नै जाउ। डराउनु पर्दैन, कसैले तिमीलाई केही गर्न सक्दैन। गर्ने आँट गर्‍यो भने उ विश्वकै नजरमा आतंककारी साबित हुनेछ। धनको माया नगर। खर्च गर, विकास निर्माणमा खर्च गर। विलासितालाई बाहिरी रुपमा भए पनि छाडिदेउ। तिम्रो वंश बचाउन यसो गर्न जरुरी छ।

शहीद परिवारलाई सहयोग गरः शहीद परिवार लोकतान्त्रिक सरकारबाट निराश भइसकेको तिमीलाई थाहा छँदैछ। त्यसैले जाउ शहीद परिवारलाई सहयोग गर। उनीहरुसित माफी माग। छाडिदेउ घमण्ड। यो घमण्डले तिमीलाई कहीँको राख्दैन। तिमीलाई याद छ त्यो नगरकोट घटना ? त्यतिबेला तिमी नै थियौ देशका रक्षामन्त्री र प्रधानमन्त्री। गएर नगरकोटमा झूठमूठकै भए पनि दुई थोपा आँसु झारिदिएको भए त्यतिबेला कति प्रोपोगण्डा मच्चिन्थ्यो ? तर तिमीले त्यसो गरेनौ, चुप बस्यौ, जसका कारण तिमी दिनप्रतिदिन अलोकप्रिय बन्दै गयौ। अब जाग, लोकप्रिय बन्ने कोशिश गर। स्वार्थका कारण तिमीनजिक हुनेहरुलाई चिन। उनीहरुलाई परित्याग गरिदेउ। आफ्नै बलबूतामा गर।

अब म धेरै लेख्दिनँ। नभए मलाई राजावादी भएको धेरैले लगाउने छन्। तर म तिमीवादी हैन। नेपालमा राजतन्त्र चाहिन्छ अझ भनौ भने सेरेमोनियल राजतन्त्र चाहिन्छ भन्ने ठूलो अधवैंशे वर्गको एक प्रतिनिधि मात्र हुँ म। तर तिम्रो यस्तै गतिविधि रहने हो भने र मैले माथि उल्लेख गरेका कुराहरु गरेनौ र पर्दापछाडि बसेर षडयन्त्रका तानाबुना बुन्ने र त्यही पुराना सल्लाहकारका कुराहरु सुनेर बस्यौ भने यो बढिरहेको गणतन्त्रको माहौलमा म पनि समाहित हुनेछु। [email protected]

[यो लेख मेरो संसारको इमेलमा ‘प्रमेश’ नामबाट प्राप्त भएको हो]


  1. The damage the ex-king’s reputation was main hands of bhardar and others. For name of king, outsiders were getting benefit. but ex-king was blieve with them. King could not get authentic information about them. That is why 240 years old monarchical institution abolished. But any way concerning person should conscious in timely.

  2. hi gayane ,

    yotimro antim sal ho tesaile nachi nachi manau aba timro rajdarbar ma rato jhanda faraune chha ,ra jaha timro photo tagintheo teha nepali sahid haru ko photo taginechha ,gayne ji adi timilai fasima latkne iccha chhaina bhane turunta nepali janta ko awaj lai sina anneytha timilai nepali janta le fasi ma latkau ne chhan .

    ( DEEPAK G.C. )

  3. It will be wise if we send the royal family to the Royal Palace of England for the fast track/crash course so that they will learn how to behave, govern & get respected by the people.

  4. hello parmesh ji

    yo lekha padher yasto lagyo ki tapai king lai sujhab hoina aafno sundar bhabisya ko sapana dekhirahnu bhaya ko 6 .tapai ta jhana swarthi po hudo rahe6 kahi tapai “Rastrapati” hune kalpana ma ta chhain ? tapai le k sochnu bhaya ko 6 king lai k ? u yati kamjor 6 ?yo yadi ho bhane tapai 100 % bhula gardai hunu hunchha.ra yauta kura king tapai finger samatera hidnu parne litte kid hoina & u r not god father of king.so mr.parmesh ji first look yr.face on mirror then give to suggesion ……….ok best of luck

  5. parmesh ji tapaiko bichar tatha lekha le ma jasta derai nepaliko maan choyako chha.from south korea.

  6. thanks for editor to that birthday wish to Gyane Mailo Dai . Happy Birth Day to Gyane and wish you all best for Republic Nepal (will coming soon)

  7. धन्यबाद प्रमेश् जि

    तपाइ ले लेख्नु भयको कुरा १००% सहि छ।हुन त बिरेन्द्र को सबै सम्पति देश् को हुनु पर्ने हो तर सबै नेपाली लाइ थाह छ कि फेरि यि कथित् नेताहरु ले बाकि रख्ने छैनन।सबै ले भाग लगायर लिने छन्।
    प्रचन्ड यदि सत्ता मा गए उस्ले हिट्लर् लाइ पनि बिर्साउने गरि देश् म तान्ड्ब नृत्य गर्नेछ।
    त्यस् समय मा मात्र नेपाली जनता ले थाहा पाउनेछन्, प्रचन्ड को असली रुप।
    त्यसैले बिरेन्द्र को सम्पति त्यस समय मा देश् को नाममा गर्नु पर्छ जुन बेला देश लाई माया गर्ने सपुत नेता जन्मन्छ।
    देश को सबै सम्पति सके पछि चोर नेताहरुले बिरेन्द्र को सम्पति मथि आखा लगाएका छन्।
    कुनै नेपाली ले भन्न सक्छ देश मा सपुत नेता छ भनेर?

  8. pramesh ji, yo tapai le lekhnu bhayako lekh nikai sochaniya ra ramro cha. tara gyanendra ko lagi yo lekh gadha lai puran sunaya jastai huncha hola. i dont think he’s gonna do any good things for nepali people and for the country. he is a sick. Paisa ra power ko ghamanda le mattiyako manche ho tyo. but lets hope napatyaune khola le bagaucha bhanchan. budheskal ma budhi aaula ki gyanendra ko pani??

  9. pahila pahile raja janma le hunthiyo.yo 21st century ma raja janmale raja ta huncha tara pachi gayera usko karma j cha tyesle uskai sachi ko raja banaucha. gyan bro ghamandi bhako le garda raja bata hatyo. hateko raja lai leune ta hamro kunai iichya chaina. raja thiyo desh ra janta ko jaba janata le nai dukha paye ra uurliye aba gyanendra raja ho afnai. afno palace ma nai hukum dinu. tyo palace pani hamrai ho tei pani deko basna ko lagi palace ta rahancha timi ta 60 barsa pugyeu kati barsa aru bachchau ra. tei bhayera kehi barsa ko lagi basna diyeko yo narayanhity pani pachi gayera hamrai hune ho. tettro andolan bahyo..andolan ko samaya ma timi k gardai thiyo haha. paras le gaida bechyo tyo pani 2ta i heard it was austria. desh ko sampati ho tyo timro afno sampati haina. janata le deko bhaye timile dina suhauthiyo. birendra pani ta raja thiye. khoi raja na praja. raja bhaye ni aago le arya ghat ma chodena..jasari aru nepali janta lai jalaucha tyesarinai jalayo. antim ma tei bagmati ko bagar ta janu cha. k ghamanda gareko. timra mantri haru sabai timi sanga hurkiyera ayeko chan. 200 barsa purayo yo shaha bangsa herda herda aba mantri haru lai timro nasa bata kati khera ragat bagcah pani thaha hola.sabai bujheko chan. timro jati power huda ta timilai khelaidiyeu..timile power le tharkayeu tara timra mantri haru le timilai buddhi le tharkayo. jantra le timro power lai power le nai tharkaidiyo..jun janta lai rule garnu cha tei janta lai dukha dine raja haru ko yestai huncha. kei bigreko chaina aghai chup chap basa ghar ma. jati plot rachchau tetti timilai hani huncha. 2 karod janta ko dimag ko agadi timro ekkal kate dimag kei haina. rajj garnu thiyo bhane uhile garthiyeu aba tyo samaya pani gayo. dekhihalyeu ta jun mantri timile hasda hasne ruda rune timilai eklai ruwayera gayo hahahaha..yestai ho life yestai ho sansar bujha ..ani bhoga..ani socha timra janta haru kasari bacheka raichan..tyesai ta janta bhako raina raicha ni haina..afu pani janta nai bhayera bachi hera..ani janta ko mahotwa bujhchau..kei nabhaye ni afno daju ra babu lai gayera bujhaunu ..samaya le kasailai parkhidaina timro pani dinn aucha..bhetihalchau ni timro pariwar lai pachi. bhannu janta ko agadi kasaiko kei lagdaina. 1 lakh janta haina maile nepali janta haru ko mann jitnu parne raicha bekar ma dhan ko pachi ra power ko pachi lage..bhannu..happy birthday.60 61 62 63 ……the end.

  10. This is a fantastic suggestion although i don’t think think any one among us is going to believe king is going to accept this bitter fact about him.
    The smuggler dictator Gyanendra cannot be improved.Improving king is like an effort of making a cow by just trying washing a`donkey. this is just a hard work and a waste of time. our nepali’s`feeling cannot be expressed properly and can never are followed by the king. this proves that he is arrogant and worst and cannot be defined. it’s as if he has got a heart made up of stone, even he hasn’t got the feelings for his own family. if he had, he would try to make it right.. not just pretend that he is doing everything right. even he knows that in few years time, he must go and he won’t even get a respect of a stray dog.

  11. Pramesh ji,
    Gone through you article with suggestions to the King. I enjoyed reading and wanted to add one or two points in your article:
    1. You have blamed the King for all the mismanagement of the country. I think, Girija P Koirala was the person to be charged and trialed for Palace massacre, because he was responsible for the security of the Royalties being the Executive Head of the country in June 2001.
    2. How can you held King Gyanendra responsible while the House (Parliament) was dissolved by the King as per the Constituion of Nepal on the recommendation of then PM Sher Bahadur Deuba. The Article 127 of the Constitution was not invoked by the King, but it was invoked on the joint recommendation of then Seven Parties (including Girija Congress, NCP (UML) etc.) through the then Nepal’s most Anadi PM Deuba. Isn’t so ?
    3. How can the restoration of Parliament on Baishak 11, 2063 legitimate, if the King was compelled by Seven Parties to act out of the constitutional provisions? Ok, its fine. But the parliamentarian elected 6 years ago and terminated one year passed, can represent the people. You know, the people who voted the parliamnetarians 6 years ago, if were 18 years then have already become 24 years. You should also understand that the voters who are 18 now were just 12 when the scoundrels (parliamentarians) were elected. The persona who were just 12 at the time of election and today are 18 years old represent almost 30 percent of Nepal’s voters.
    4. If the King liquidates the monarchy before the election before the election for Constitution Assembly, what will happen then ? Can you presume the situtation.
    These are only foods for thought and don’t want to discourage you. Keep it up.


    This article has the inherent wish to retain monarchy in Nepal and its suggestions for Gyna is condemnable.

    Gyne should be put to the trail and imprisoned inside Nepal, with all his looted properties captured for the welfare of the Nepali people.

    I have heard Gyne has the properties worth billions of dollars.

    Let there be no confusion. Monarchy should be out from Nepal and all should work to establish peace in the country.


  14. Dear editor,

    We Nepalese are born, brought up an groomed under ‘chakari ‘ environment and will continue to be so even in 21st century. Our culture, religion and environment is highly influenced by chakari, a setback for development.

    This is 21st century and believes that all countries are governed by democracy. People all around the world whether in fundamentalist countries or dictatorship countries, prefer to be more democratic and wants to live like human being.

    If we believe in total democracy then we must believe in ballot. If we believe in ballot, the the kikng must be elected by the people, and cannot rule by dynasty or cannot rule by nomination.

    Even, the seen party cannot install ceremonial king. If we all nepalese believe in democracy let us ask the Nepalese : do you want king or not? This veridct is enough.

    We cannot give an opportunity to correct Gyanendra for his past deeds, if we do so, why not to give all criminals staying inside the jail?

    Today, the puppet army is still pro active in safeguarding the gyanendra(i dont want to call king even). At a time then they were charged for raping, they came out with statement, still they are dynamic in celebrating the birthday of Gyanendra.

    In what capacity they are celebrating his birthday? Nepalese must have right to know. Nepal army must be restructured as ear as possible otherwise it could play foul to all who are enthusiastic for human rights and as well democratic rights in Nepal.

    However, lets see the guts of this Rayamajhi commission, and the guts of Koirala government of interim government to take action against perpetrators.


  15. I think this mail been sent by one of the madles. Impossible.Now not any Nepalese believes King.He has no power now.No poltical powers behind him.We don`t need him.Garib Nepaliko ragat chuseko cha yesle.Rajtantra hatepachi matra Nepal ma peace aunecha.

  16. Pramesh Jile yo blog bata suggetion dinu vanda baru gyane chorko khuttama sir pau nihurayera gyapan patra bujhayeko vaye hunthyo.

  17. Nepali jee,nepali army saata ma aaudai na dhukka hunus.Aaaune bhaye ahile bhanda ramro mau ka kahile aaune?
    They know its impossible to do anything without Indian help,if the king could not do anything then how can the army do.
    Try to trust the army rather than isolate them.Afterall the army saved our country from the maoists.Whatever u say nepali jee,the maoist regime would be 100 times worst and brutal than any regime we have ever seen.u wont be able to discuss like this,they will track you down and hunt you.Even in merosansar.com.np,there have been maoists who have come online to threaten people.U can imagine what happens if they come to power.

    Gorkhali jee,kata haraunu bho? Khoi ta mero prasna ko uttar? Pasu ko hota??

  18. Hi to all

    After read all the coments i will like to ask u yong people why we still need the KING ? For my openion no body is respecteble until and unless he proof his ability. Elsewhere around the world no body respect by heart to the person who acheived the position by taking the heriditary birth benefits. So why we have to respect to the KIng (its not only Gyanendra)if he doesn’t menifest any respectable works? Or u guys still want king without respect or constractive king?

  19. तपाइलाइ किन लाग्छ कि नेपाललाइ अज राजा चाहिन्छ? सामन्तबादको निसानी किन चाहिन्छ? कम्युनिस्ट संग डराएर कि आर्मी संग डराएर? के राजा भयो भन्दैमा यी शक्ती हरु मा गलत ब्यक्ती पर्यो भने पनि उहि स्थिती रहिरहला, त्यो कुन चिज छ राजतन्त्रमा जो रास्ट्रपति सिस्टममा जसले आर्मी सासन आउन मद्दत गर्छ? सोच्न थालौ। यदि आर्मी सत्तामा आउन खोज्छ भने राजा ले साथ देला कि जनताले रोजेको राश्ट्रपतिले? राम्रो संग सोचौ। एक्काइसौ सताब्दिको नौजबान ले तर्कले कुनै कुरालाइ मानै इमोसन ले होइन।

  20. हिजो कसैले यो सुझाव राजालाइ दिएको भए आज यतिका मानिसहरुले आफ्नो ज्यान गुमाउनु पर्ने थिएन होला । सुझाव एक दम सर्हानिय छ ।

  21. धन्यवाद प्रमेश जि
    तपाईंले जुन कुरा लेख्नु भयको छ साह्रै नै राम्रो छ । त्यो लेख पढ्दा त मलाई हासो पनि उथयो तर त्यो हसो कति धेरै खुशीको थियो म भन्न पनि सक्दिन । वास्तव म तपाईंले लेखेको कुरा सत प्रतिसत शाही छ र त्यो ज्ञानेन्द्र लाई सुहौछ पनि तर पनि तेस्ले गर्ल जस्तो त लाग्दैन । तर म पनि एही शुभकामना दिन चाहन्छु तेस्को जन्म दिन मा। नेपाली समाजमा भनिन्छ नि अति गरे पछी छेती हुन्छ भनेर हो तेही नै भको हो ज्ञानेन्द्र को भाग्य मा । म के गरु त अब हाहाहाहाह । । । । दीपक केसी
    काठमाडौं, नेपाल

  22. i think, king is still surpme commander in army thus he should call all soldiers from officers and his relatives houses. he must stop not to send any soldiers for doing any householdjobs.
    secondly, he should punish himself by apolizing with nepali people for appointing his son and crown prince and aploize with those families who were vitimised by his son and him. he should do king birendra and half of his own property natinalised and invest money for nation development. he should punish all army generals,

  23. प्रमेशजी

    अव नेपालको राजसंस्थाको इतिहास आगामी १० वर्षपछि यसरी पढिने छ ।

    नेपालका प्रथम राजा कुलमण्डन शाह थिए । अन्तिम राजा को भन्नेमा बैधानिक संकट देखा पर्यो । कसैले राजा बीरेन्द्र कसैले युवराज दीपेन्द्र या ज्ञानेन्द्र भन्नेमा एक मत देखिदैन । वास्तवमा भन्ने हो भने नेपालका अन्तिम राजा बीरेन्द्रलाई नै मान्नु पर्दछ । किनकी दीपेन्द्र अचेत अवस्थामा तत्कालीन परिस्थितिको निप्टाराका लागि घोषणा गरिएका राजा थिए जसले राजाको हैसियतले कुनै काम गरेनन् । फेरी ज्ञानेन्द्र त विवध्नन र नियमित आकस्मिकताको फाइदा लिदै नियतीले बनाइएका राजा हुन् वा होइनन् । जनताले स्वीकार गरे वा गरेनन् । त्यसको पछाडि के रहस्य थियो । दरवार हत्याकाण्डको दोषि को भन्नेमा यद्यपि विवाद छदै छ । परिणाम स्वरुप २०६३ सालको महान जनआन्दोलनले न त उनलाई राजा नै मान्यो न त राज्य संयन्त्रमा उनको कुनै स्थान नै दियो । अतः नेपालका अन्तिम राजा को भन्नेमा किन विवाद गर्ने । वास्तवमा अन्तिम राजा त बीरेन्द्र नै ह्न् । ज्ञानेन्द्र त केवल राजपरिवारका सदस्य र एक कुशल ब्यापारी मात्र थिए । कसैले त उनी महान षयन्त्रकारी समेत भनेर लेखेका समेत छन् ।

    हो प्रमेश जी यस्तो इतिहास नलेखियोस् भन्नका लागि तपाईको लेख हामीले यद्यपि राजा मानेका ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई पृष्ठ आधार बनोस् । मेरो यही शुभकामना राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रको जन्मदिनका यस चुपचाप अवसरमा ।

    कमलाक्ष्य । छिमेकी निर्मल निवास ।

  24. thank you deepak karki jyu..
    tapaiko commnet nikkai ramro lagyo..
    gyanelai feri raja banaune manche pakkai usle pani gyane ko asirbad khojeko bhan huncha anyway …
    afu bhalota jagat bhalo..
    kasle ke garcha herum..

  25. gyane mailaa ley tesaree nepali jantaa ko biroodhha maa anteem samaya samma panee sadyantra rachdaa rachdai panee yesaree nepali thitoley tesaree gyney ko lagee bhanera suggestion lekhnoo thulo kuraa ho .tara panee ahiley nepal ko sthiti lai saachhai manan gardaa sambaidhanik rajtantra ma raheko gyene sarkar lai ajha ceromonial king manna haamee nepali jantaa tayar chhau bhandaa panee gyane :mirga sanga kheleeraheko bagh: banchha bhane tesbata aaja nai haami nepali jantaa sajag hoonoo parchha ra yes sambandee chadai nai phaisaalaa hoonooparchha ……….

  26. vaalulai puran sunayeko hola hahahaha,
    lekhak leta ..gyanelai nikkai bachha jasto thaneko riacha usleta aru mauka khojiraheko cha jasle garda feri pani pacharne dau khojedai cha hamipo chanakho hunu pareko cha gynendra le hoina …. anyway lekhko lagi dhannebaad..
    manandhar JPN,

  27. you nepali people are still in the slavery stage. you still have “das monobritti” in your mind. this writting is totally rediculous .if you dont punish the guilty person you never going to make a nepal better place. you nepali stupid and dumb people why dont you start the culture of punishment for guilty person. any napali can become king or president by election if he has a quality . why you worship this criminal “gyne”.this is the time to kick him out if you still want to be his “das” you will regret it. future generation will never forgive you.i regret looking you sick nepali people why you still have no brain to think that you are still supporting the undisclose slavery system in nepal.this is just a suggestion to you all sick and slave mental nepali people to thik about the fate of this criminal and smugller gynendra.it you do the mistake again you are the responsible person to push nepal a dark age again. good luck you sick das nepali.because of you sick nepali people there is no place and oppertunity for a qulified people and most of the qualified people force to leave the country.
    keep in mind you sick nepali that nepal never develop as long as there is royal regime.did they do anything impressive in last 250 years?
    A nepali student from usa.

  28. Today is the birthday of the Samrat of all Hindus of the World. I would like to wish him a happy birthday for he also a Nepali. What about those radical hindus of India like Shankaracharya, Shigdel and other BJP and RSS member who expressed their disatisfaction on the removal of the king and making the Nepal Secular state. They made such an uproar about maintaining the Samrat the Avatar of Vishnu and the Hindutva supported by kings men Bharat Kishor Singh. I wonder why those stunt supporters not celebrating the birth of their great Samrat and the leader.

  29. Happy Birthday king ,You can remember this birthday because of the people who are in procession,all those people are come there that you are going to takeover again and they will enjoy and loot the people once again.any way you are king of nepal these days so many many happy birthday king

    YOU HAve to be like a Thailand king.Learn some thing from him what he have done for his country and his people. just two weeks ago Thailand celebrate king’s 60th anniversary of his crown. and invited all royal family from all world.( ONLY COUNTRY THAT HAVE ROYAL KINGS,SULTANS). THAi KING IS very popular among thais.And he deserved it because he have spent his 60 years only to devlop his country and people. so plz try to be like him .
    THANKS to pramesh jee.

  31. the headline should have been jost family grand wedding..tops army chief..

    for full coverage follow the link

    PM granddaughter’s big fat wedding mocks law


    KATHMANDU, July 7 – The capital city Thursday saw one of the biggest wedding parties since the series of wedding parties for Chief of Army Staff General Pyar Jung Thapa’s daughter two months ago. The bride was Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala’s granddaughter Melanie Koirala Jost, and the groom was Rubel Chowdhury, a Bangladesh national. The venue: Hotel Everest.
    A hotel staffer said that some 3,500 guests were invited to the reception. Among them were Nepal’s who’s who, including deputy prime ministers, ministers, parliamentarians, leaders of political parties, heads of diplomatic missions, security chiefs and officers, administrators, civil society leaders, publishers and editors. Journalists and party workers were also invited.

    However, Maoist leaders were not present, and neither was the prime minister, who is battling pneumonia at the ICU of Shahid Gangalal National Heart Center. Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala was also present. …


    aafnu aangh ko bhaisi na dekhne le aarka ko aangh ko jumra ko kina kura gharne..
    thukka neta ho…

  32. Really sorry for Pramesh ji. Gyane jyanmara ho ra jyanmara nai rahanchha, chhahe je gare pani, tesaile uslai samsad haina jel lana jaruri chha,

  33. हप्पी वीरथ्डे राजा ज्ञानन्द्र, अब जनम्दिन यसै गरी मनाउन पर्छ कति देश को दुकुती खर्छ गर्एर मनाउनु ।आफ्नो खर्छ म जन्म्दिन्द मनाउद रमाइलो पनि हुन्छ नि कसो त राजन
    ल त जनम दिन्को शुभकामना ।

  34. namaste pramesh jee.srba pratham ta mero samjhana.
    pramesh jee yo euta birthday salaa raja gyanu lai diyera mero man ko kura khosnu bhayo tapain lai kanun anusar sazaye huncha.sayed time nabhayera bhanu ki kanhan bata suru garda thik hola bhanera thamyauna nasakera maile aza samma k hi lekhina sakina yestai kisim ko euta lekh pathayera euta kura yee raja lai pakkai bhanna man thiyo tara pahila yesto comment pathaune testo huri chalaune jumurko gare maa k hi huncha ki bhanne pani bhayo tara je hos aja tapai ko himmat lai kadar sorup birthday sandes padhera chitta bujhyo. atee nai anyathat eslai ko ho la yo manche bhanera nasochnu hola samjhanus ma pani nepal ka duee kador pachas lakh pidit madhe ko ek hun jo bedes ma bilaye ko chu.sachai nai nepal ko raja le hami jasta ko duee kura suni dene bhaye ra heri bujhidene bhaye sochaa pabitra man le kehi lekhne jamarko pakai garthewn hola hoina.samaye le kolte phere ko mouka chopi maile pani tapai ko ho ma haise uthaune himmat gare ko chu sayed aba ka dina hamro desh ko raja lai kehi lekhna bhanna man lage sayed nam chopi e-mail lukai lekhnu jaruri hunna hola jasto lagcha.37 barsa samma ko yo mero budes kal ma atee dukha jheleyo kastha jheliyo abata yesto lagcha marna pani darchaina tehi mathi afuta bahadur na pariyo.sachai aba ye rajale mathi ka kura manan garna sak hamro desh ma pani raja chan bhanna huntheyo 237 barsa samma lamo sasan gare ko desh ma akashi raj sasan nahunda k na bha ko k nabha ko jasto hune raicha.raja hos jasto lagcha.tara b care full with dear deadly son paras.kiran.norway.

  35. namaste pramesh jee.srba pratham ta mero samjhana.
    pramesh jee yo euta birthday salaa raja gyanu lai diyera mero man ko kura khosnu bhayo tapain lai kanun anusar sazaye huncha.sayed time nabhayera bhanu ki kanhan bata suru garda thik hola bhanera thamyauna nasakera maile aza samma k hi lekhina sakina yestai kisim ko euta lekh pathayera euta kura yee raja lai pakkai bhanna man thiyo tara pahila yesto comment pathaune testo huri chalaune jumurko gare maa k hi huncha ki bhanne pani bhayo tara je hos aja tapai ko himmat lai kadar sorup birthday sandes padhera chitta bujhyo. atee nai anyathat eslai ko ho la yo manche bhanera nasochnu hola samjhanus ma pani nepal ka duee kador pachas lakh pidit madhe ko ek hun jo bedes ma bilaye ko chu.sachai nai nepal ko raja le hami jasta ko duee kura suni dene bhaye ra heri bujhidene bhaye sochaa pabitra man le kehi lekhne jamarko pakai garthewn hola hoina.samaye le kolte phere ko mouka chopi maile pani tapai ko ho ma haise uthaune himmat gare ko chu sayed aba ka dina hamro desh ko raja lai kehi lekhna bhanna man lage sayed nam chopi e-mail lukai lekhnu jaruri hunna hola jasto lagcha.37 barsa samma ko yo mero budes kal ma atee dukha jheleyo kastha jheliyo abata yesto lagcha marna pani darchaina tehi mathi afuta bahadur na pariyo.sachai aba ye rajale mathi ka kura manan garna sak hamro desh ma pani raja chan bhanna huntheyo 237 barsa samma lamo sasan gare ko desh ma akashi raj sasan nahunda k na bha ko k nabha ko jasto hune raicha.raja hos jasto lagcha.tara b care full with dear deadly son paras.kiran.norway.

  36. ke bhanne mero ………….. ko pani janma din ajai pareko chha ki HAPPI BIRTHDAY King

  37. Prameshji, I like your suggestion and its really heart touching. We wish now king will follow the suggestion.
    Thank you very much for the nice report.

  38. good try of writing however dear friend write something else though its your right to write.u cn write whatever u want………….but pliz don’t write or suggest king to be active at any way…..WHO WANT MONARCHY BY THE WAY?///

  39. Gorkhali jee,
    Nepali daju bhailai pardesi banaune,cheli beti ko ijjat lutne,kirya putri lai marne,sutkeri lai balatkar garne,baccha lai banduk bokaune,nirdosh manche chadeko bus padkaune,ambulance udaune,bacchilai bus ma thunera bus ma aago lagaune,baccha ko agadi bau aama marne,aafani saathi ko tauko kaatne…..Tapai haru Sarbahara bhaneko tehi haina ta? Maobadi ani usko matiyar haru??Testo Karma garne pasu ho ki aru kohi pasu ho bhagwan jaanun….Gorkhali jee aafu pasu bhaye pachi sabailai pasu dekhincha.
    No one among us is saying king is right or he is a good man.We are just saying he should act right and may be people will forgive him.Its upon the people to decide and King to act.Its a suggestion only.Yesma testo bahulaunu parne kura kehi chaina.

  40. Parmesh jee,
    I was moved by reading ur article.These are the exact words millions of nepalese were trying to tell our king.You had the skill and the will write it.Congratulations!!
    Though i dont represent the middle aged people as you have said.I am in my twenties and i know what he did during his tenure but still i feel we need a king.Our culture,our religion and our nepali identity is under a big threat.Losing our king at this juncture can destabilise the army,and the whole system.And may be because i was used to seeing king as a god.i cant think of a republic Nepal.I hope King Gynendra follows ur advice.You have not just given an advice,its a good will and he can make his own ways to do it but the main thing is he should win the hearts and minds of the people.
    Pramesh jee,when the 2046 Jana aandolan I wa s at its peak king Birendra and Aisworya maharani were very unpopular but because of their actions they soon won over our heart.Lets hope King Gyanendra manages to do that.Its better for him and the whole country.

  41. Pramesh Ji ….. great job…. we have the saying that sometimes son should guide his father on some step… Because sometimes fathers may not think on different angles of the problem …..same way you have shown him the path or whatever he might think about your suggesition …. it’s up to him …. but for me it is very convincing …. and also our political leaders need leader because they have the habit of negligence.. their must be one who can keep them in rules.

    Happy Birthday to you ….

  42. pramesh ji ,ma tapaiko lekhaima ma sat partisat sahamat chu, yo king ra usako son paraslai kunai halata ma nepali pepole le kahilai pani birsane chhainana tay kalirat ko din lai samjera,yo king lai mero sujab ma jantako agadi ubhayara tay kati rat ko hataykanda ma ko samela bhayako thiyo ra kin?bhani sodnu parchha,sabai kam usakai hoinara? tay darbar bhitra ko jan sakchhara ?sab gaynendrako ho usalai nepali jantale chodne chhain, u salai jantako court ma ubhayun ma nepani sathi bhai daju didi bhahinilai anurod gardachu,this king is so bad for nepal and his son,we never for get that day ,thad day that day

  43. Thanks for interesting sugguestions to our live dead king Gynendra . But i hope he has no capacity to understand your valuealble suggestions .

  44. hgfxhgSJHDHCK
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  45. Well..Pramesh jee your article is fantastic.But there are some weak points too.As you wrote that king Blammed Kamal thapa for hiding the truths.And again,u wrote that king is habitual of surfing the internet for an hour.Once king himself told that the 21st century king should be aware of all the situations.They are not the statues,,they have to work.
    So Pramesh jee…how is it possible that king Gyanendra was unware of those real facts happend in JanaAndolan PartII?DOn;t he read the News?Don;’t he watch the news channel?What he do in the Internet?Just logged in the messenger for the tips from Abroad?
    Well Pramesh jee you are trying to make Gyannedra again The Hero of the country.he was once hero, But now he and his gangs all are Villains.

  46. Prameshji,

    I liked your article. So far, we have seen articles mostly criticising the king. “Oralo laageko mirgalai bachho le pani lakhetchha.” Your article actually says what the king should do now.

    I was very disappointed with the king’s actions or non actions during his direct rule eventhough he had access to all media report to his finger tips through internet or some other means, be they in his favour, against or neutral.

    My first disappointment was with his selection of the cabinet members. There were too many bad apples. Then came the Royal Commission headed bcorruption ridden Bhakta Bahadur. Even worst, the Commission itself was scarpped later with full connivance of the people in power. This could not have happen without the king’s full consent. Then came the second cabinet which essentially repeated the same mistakes in forming the earlier cabinet.

    The king did not have to go the parliament. You had taken the full power. I thought you would use it to do the utmost good for the people. It did not happen.

    You (king) were surrounded by those advisors who did not have any vision nor any democratic tendency. They all had one goal, that was to please you by hook or crook and remain in the chair or even aim for higher positions for themselves and families.

    During the king’s direct rule, I did not see any drastic action that would benefit the majority of the Nepali people.

    If the king is to be in the heart of all Nepalis, that is if he is interested in being the ceremonial king provided the people will grant this status, he ought to go to the people and talk to them. If he continues to go the weddings of so and so and causes traffic jam, I think he will even loose the ceremonial status.

    The king also had an opportunity to turn the public opinion in his favour in recent Bharat Keshar escapade. We read in the news that Komal and Paras went to visit Bharat Keshar in the hospital. The Sherpa friend whom Bharat Keshar and sons had beaten
    after the accident was also injured. If the king had shown up at his door or called him to inquire his condition, there would have been a large section of the people who would have felt a qualititive change in the king’s heart in keeping with the changing time.

    The big question has always been— will the king change? Will he stop showing his aerogance? Will he stop his immediate family members and advisors from indulging in activities that are not suitable to the changing times?

    I doubt it, but change or not, the time will treat him according. And, this time, it is not going to take 237 years, may 237 hours or even minutes.

    ….chetana bhaya.

  47. hi pramesh ji,
    we want the man like u .where r u and why don’t u come on feild and do something like an example in nepal.by your writing style u seem very clever and smart.u did really good job and hope u will do same in future bec your vesion is greater then nepali writer.thanks

  48. सुझाबकै कुरा गर्ने हो भने त आहिले राजाले चुप लागेर बस्नु नै ठीक हुन्छ होला ।
    बडी सकृअ हुँदा अर्थको अनर्थ लाग्न सक्छ ।समय अनुकुल भएपछी बडी सामाजिक कार्य मा सकृयाहुने ।बहुद्ल सिस्टम मा आस्था राख्ने,अब कहिलेपनि प्रधानमन्तृहरुसँग टक्कर नलिने ।
    यो कुरा बुझ्ने कि राजा भएर जन्मदैमा जनतामाझबाट राजनीति गरेर आएका ,खारिएका ,विद्वान जनप्रतीनैधिहरुसँग टक्करलिने खुबी आउँदैन ।कथाको राजा बन्न नखोज्ने क्या! त्येसमा पनि प्रचन्डत नेपालको हिरो नै हुन्,यो कुरा पनि बुज्ने ल है राजा।

  49. Pramesh…You have every right to express your thoughts, but I do not agree with you.
    We can agree to disagree. First of all: We now do not need Monarchy. If we do then..
    Why the next heir should be his grand-daughter? Why not Sruti’s daughter? The only living heir from Late Birendra.

  50. Pramesh G,

    Tapai ka sujhab haru uttam chan,
    Sayad King G le pani yo blog herai holan, pakkai pani padlan, kam chai garlan ki na garlan?

  51. Dear Man,

    The story written by you is really touching to me and is very relavant to the present situation of our country. Thank you for the story.

  52. hi pramesh
    i like your views and suggestions upon king gyanendra. you are also requested to drop your
    suggestions for our present leaders.
    keep it up pramesh jee
    bishnu upreti
    oakland university


    You are still the king of of my country and i am a citizen of this. But I have complaints against you and I am sorry I am offering this as a birthday gift to you.

    Ever since you got to the throne after the palace massacre, you tried to treat the countrymen really contemptibly and their aspirations were ruptured by your political ambition. I feel pity on you but am forced to believe this that you have invited all this and you deserve any kind of punishment the people will confer on you.
    Alas you were a bit more intelligent ! I wish you were as popular as the Thai king !!! But no …………

  54. शाह बङ्ग्श को चरित्र र सन्स्कृती हामी सर्वाहारा र मध्यम बर्गिय हरु सँग मिल्दैन; हाड्नाता सँग सह बास्, आफ्नै आमा बाबु दाजु भाइ को सुनियो जित हत्या र बिभात्स बिलासिताका अभ्यासहरु नै धर्म र आस्था भएका हरु लाइ के सम्झाइ रहनु। यो देश मा बोरु हामी ले क्ष्यमा को सन्स्कृती लाइ सदा को लागि हटाउनु सबै भन्दा ठुलो लोकतन्त्र हो। कानून हाम्रो धर्म हुनु पर्छ र कानून को नजर मा कोही पनि क्ष्यम्य हुनु हुँदैन । तेसैले, ज्ञानेन्द्र बहादुर शाह लाइ शिघ्राती शिघ्र नेपाली नगरिकता दिलाइ उस्का बिगत का सम्पूर्ण मुर्ती चोरी, गाजा तस्कारी, देखि बिरेन्द्र हत्या कान्ड र त्यस्पछी अस्ती को घोशणा अघी सम्म गरेका एक एक हत्या हरु को मुद्दा नेपाल अदालत मा चलाइ नु पर्छ र उपयुक्त सजाय दिलाइनु पर्छ । बोरु किन यस् सम्बन्ध मा नारा जुलुस् भएर अहिलेको सरकार लाइ वाध्य पारीदैन ? यो ज्ञानेन्द्र लाइ माफि दिएर सुधृने मौका दिनु भनेको हिस्रक पशु लाइ आफु आहार हुन उस्को सामु जानु जस्तै हो

  55. you should have suggested the king this way before the commencement of Janaandolan II. I am sure you would have enough stuff to adress him even at that time. Now, this kind of letter does not carry any significance since it is already late. Only thing we expect now is to punish the head of conspirators and culprits against Nepali people.

  56. Hi Pramesh Ji,

    Your suggestion is theoritically good but it does not work in pratical world. The history told us that


    – Royal massecre “BLOODBATH”…

    – Aswin 19…”AUTOCRACY SYSTEM”



    – JANA ANDOLAN#02 “19 KILLED & 5000+ INJURIED..





  57. http://www.nepalmonarchy.gov.np/

    प्यारा देश बासीहरु ,म नै नेपाल देशको अन्तिम राजा भएको घोषणा गरीबक्सेकोछौ ,
    मेरा कुपुत्र परसको नाममा भएको बैंक ब्याल्यन्स् सहित अनि दौज्यु भौउज्युको नाममा रहेको सम्पूर्ण
    चल अचल सम्पत्ति , स्वीस् बैंक मा भएको दौज्यु भौउज्युको पैसा, अनि अस्ती मैले यूरोप तिर पढाईदिएको सुन चाँदी सबै नेपालफिर्त्ता पठाइदिन अनुरोध गरीबक्सेकछौँ ।
    के पी र गिराजा बाबुले त मलाई राजा नै भएर बस्नु पर्छ भनेर भन्दै छ तर म राजा होईन म समाज सेवी भएर बस्छौ भनेर मैले भनिबक्सेकाछौँ ।
    अब नारायणहिटी दरबारमा हामी होईन , सहितका परिवार आएर बस्नेछौँ ।
    होस् त प्यार देश बसी हो । यो कुरा अब आउने गाई जात्रामा अधिकारिक घोषणा हुनेछौ, बाग्मतिको छेउको देउताले मेरो रक्षागरुन जय।
    यो साईड पनि हेरी देश बसिलाई आदेश गरेकाछौँ ।

  58. Pramesh ji eakdam ramro suggestion dinu bhayechha Hamro dai mara lai tara ke garne GADHA LAI PURAN SUNAUNU RA HAMRO RAJA LAI SUGGSTION DINU EAUTAI HO,

  59. its no good umesh ji any way he is king yar not like pramesh father yar dont talk like with u r father he is king

  60. dear commenters ! we every nepali know , we don’like king and his adviser , but still he is king so it is our custom i request all commenters . we can use normal respected wors i request you don’t use low and disrespecteble words . on time we help our enemy it is our custom . don’t use vulger words .

  61. this is nice suggestion for ganandra but ……. pramesh ji you should give this suggestion before this revolution. where have you been that time you were sleeping . in my mind somewhere sometime you are thinking about to being minester ………….. please don’t try if you being then you have to go to ………..there where the ganendra’s commette ……..are……..so be think nepali think nepal don’t think one person and family .everybody have to do own job if you doing something wrong then you have to leave that if not then will be removed by someone or people that is different case

  62. As the King had told that Kingship for 21st centuary, this is the right time to show him up King as a citizen. Lets hope, he will adopt the new and model role as a king of new Nepal.

  63. Dear Friends,
    I am against any kind of monarchy because i don’t belive any kind of privilages and special rights just because of birth. Also, for me the main villain is not Paras, but it is Gyane…….who massacred all his brothers family, and made our head down in the international arena. What kind of people are we and culture and religion we have who are still believing king as an incarnation of god Vishnu given that one family member massacred all other family members? Why do we still think to keep rotten corpse on our shoulder like Mahadev did of Satidevi in ancient scripture? It is time to change and think differently friends.

  64. yo yatyara chor gyna lai kaha tikai rahane . yesalai ta tauko talatira khutta mastira huna gari dori le badane ani ahile ko vel aayeeko urlido trisuli ma lagera balchhi halnuparccha .yo dai marera sattama pugeko dai mara lai tudikhel ma lagera kalo moso dalera bass ko lingo ma junaunu parchha . hoi na ta sathi ho

  65. प्रमेश जी , तपाईं को लेख पढ्दा राम्रो लाग्यो त्यो किनभने तपाईंको लेखको मर्म शान्तिमा केन्द्रीत छ र ज्ञानीन्द्र जस्तो बदमाशलाई पनि सुध्रीने सल्लाह दिनु भएको रहेछ । तर बुझ्नु पर्ने कुरा त के हो भने ज्ञानेन्द्र राजा कसरी भए ? र के तीनलाई नैतीक ता ले राजा भएर बस्न दिन्छ ? नैतीकतालाई छाडौँ राजा भएर त अझै पनि बसेका नै त छन नि ज्ञानीन्द्र तर तीनलाई कति जनताले राजा स्वीरकार्छन ? यदि बहुसँख्यक जनताले तीनलाई राजा मान्दैनन भने तीनले साधु राजा भए पनि देशमा शान्ति का यम हुन सक्दैन । अझ ज्ञानीन्द्र त मनोगत प्रबृतिले नै अपराधी हुन , गधा धोएर गाई बन्दैन भन्ने उखान लाई स प्रमाण सिद्द गर्ने यदि कोही छ भने ति ज्ञानीन्द्र नै हुन । तीनको साना दु खले आर्ज्याको शिर्पेच हैन , तीनले सजिलै छाड्ने पनि छैन ,सबैलाई चेतना भया । अनि अर्को कुरा यदि हामीमा ज्ञानीन्द्र सुध्रीन सक्छन भन्ने भ्रम अझै पनि छ भने तीनको छोरा पारस पनि त सुध्रीन सक्छन नि किन राज गद्दीको उत्त राधिकारी अरुकोहि खोज्नु पर्‍यो ,बरु पारसलाई पनि चिठ्ठी लेखौँ न ।

  66. डिप्रेसन्को बाटो तिरजान बाट जोगाउछ यो लेखमा ज्ञानबाहादुरलाई।
    तर के गर्ने सक्थो यसो यस्ले यस्तो गर्ने आट गर्‍यो भने त नेपालमा सुर्य पुर्ब बाट होइन पश्सिमबाट उदाउन सुरुहुन्छ।
    बरु यसरि सल्लाहा दिन सकिन्छ यिनलाइ- अहिलेनै देशबाट राजगद्धि त्याग नेपालमा राजतन्त्रको अन्त्यभयको सोहि आफैघोषणा गर्ने।
    रास्ट्रपतिको नुयुक्तिको लागि जनताकोमाझ बाट स्वतन्त्र नागरिक ल्याउने।
    सोको नेतृत्वमा संम्बिधान सभाको चुनाब गराउने।
    आफुले नेपालि नागरिक सरह नागरिकता लिइ बस्ने ।
    नेपालि नागरिक भएपछि यदि आफुलाइ कुनै दलखोल्न मनलागेमा दल खोलि चुनाबमा भागलिने अधिकार हुन्छ। किन भने तिमि नेपालि नागरिक हुन्छौ। र जनताले पत्यायमा तिमिले ५ बषको लागि फेरि राजगर्न् अधिकार हुन्छ।
    आफ्नो सम्पतिको सार्बजनिक गर जनतालाइ यतार्थ देखाइ देउ। सम्पतिमा कर तिर।
    तिमि लाइ जन्ताले माहानमान्नेछ।

  67. Pramesh,
    I really liked the way you analysed the situation in nepal and put forward your point of view in order to overcome it. I hope he’ll read you article and take some necessary steps to win the heart of nepalese. All the best

  68. I don’t think king is dead. He is still plotting something. No body knows what will come by him next. People are thinking he is drowned in the lake of revolution but he is not. Dogs are potential enough to come back to the shore. In fact, he is not just a dog but a mad dog with rabies.

    Now he is going through abnormal mood disorder and/or pervasive mood disorder. Such kind of dog will be more venomenous for Nepal as long as he and his legacy remains. I don’t know how many people realize this fact but it is a whole truth nothing but the truth that he will keep biting nation all the time.

    If you read the poems of Lu Syun, truly he is a dog with rabies for our nation. Even if he dies, his seeds are there to continue an insidious venom for our nation. Beware of dog!

  69. thank you pramesh ji, i want to talk more with you about RAJTANTRA IN NEPAL ADN FUTURE POSSIBILITIES; i,m also partially with you, but no hope your raja will do as you suggest him, if changed, i,ll regard you hope to meet you via mail
    DIPENDRA SUBEDIDuisburg Essen University,Germany
    [email protected]

  70. this is really nice suggestion for the king but donot forget that a dockey cannot be a cow!

  71. this is really nice lekh so far. But i dont’ think that the oblivious stubburn king like ours will come forward with such a bold decision.

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