थापाको निरंकुशता फुटबलको स्तर घट्नुको कारण

[च्यानल नेपालमा कार्यरत खेल पत्रकार चेतन पाण्डे फुटबलको स्तर घट्नुको कारण यस ब्लगमा विश्लेषण गर्दैछन्]
Chetan-चेतन पाण्डे-
१३ वर्षअघि नेपाली राष्ट्रिय फुटबल टोलीले दक्षिण एसियाली खेलकुदमा जितेको सुनको तक्मा अब संग्रहालयको शान बन्ने बेला भइसक्यो। तर पनि कुनै पनि अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय फुटबल प्रतियोगितामा नेपालको अन्तिम सफलता त्यही हो भन्नु पर्दा नेपाली फुटबल हस्तीहरुको गर्धन झुक्दैन।

विश्व फुटबलमा नेपालको खस्कँदो स्तरको कारण धेरै छन् तर कारकतत्व एउटा मात्र छ। त्यो हो, अखिल नेपाल फुटबल संघ (एन्फा) को गलत नीति ।

हुनत फुटबलमा जति लगानी गरिएको छ, त्यस्तो भाग्य अरु खेलको छैन। एन्फा एकेडेमीमार्फत करोडौंको लगानीमा तयार भएका खेलाडीहरुको बलमा युवा विश्वकपसम्म पुग्ने सपना एन्फाले बुनेको छ। तर, दक्षिण एसियाली राष्ट्रहरु माझ नै दिन प्रतिदिन मुसा बन्दै गएको अवस्थामा नेपाली फुटबलबाट धेरै आशा गर्नु बेकार छ।

नेपाली फुटबलमा गरिएको लगानी प्रचारबाजीको लागि उदाहरणीय हुनसक्ला तर अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय नतिजालाई आधार मान्ने हो भने पानीमा बालुवा खन्याए सरह छ। हरेक लिगमा पुरस्कार रकम बढाएर तथा घरेलु फुटबललाई व्यस्त बनाएर आफूलाई आजीवन एन्फा अध्यक्षको हकदार सावित गराउने कोसिसमा लागेका गणेश थापाको निरंकुश फुटबल नीति नै नेपाली फुटबलको अधोगतिको मुख्य धोतक हो।

दुःखका साथ भन्नु पर्छ गणेश थापाको खेलाडी जीवनमा पूर्णविराम लागेको सन् १९९३ को ढाका साफको फाइनल नै नेपाली फुटबल समर्थकले हर्षोल्लास मनाएको अन्तिम प्रतियोगिता थियो। हुनत खेलाडी जीवनमा थापा सफल भए होलान् तर फुटबल व्यवस्थापकका रुपमा उनलाई सफल मान्ने एउटा दृष्टान्त पनि हाम्रा सामु छैनन्।

पैसाको बलले गर्दा घरेलु फुटबल सफल भएको भान पर्न सकिएला तर अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय उपाधि दिलाउन नसक्दा घरेलु फुटबलरहरुलाई खोरभित्रका बाघ नै भन्नु उपयुक्त हुनेछ। त्यो बाघ जो जंगलमा मुसा झै देखिन्छ। दशौं दक्षिण एसियाली खेलकुदमा हात परेको कास्य पदकले नेपालको गरिमा बढाएको छैन। र, नेपाली फुटबल प्रेमीहरुलाई त्यसले कुनै सान्त्वना पनि दिन सक्दैन।

एन्फाको सर्वोच्च कुर्सीमा मात्र रमाउन नसकेर अप्रत्यक्षरुपमा मैदानमा प्रशिक्षकको भुमिका समेत आफैंले निर्वाह गर्ने मानसिकताले पनि थापालाई असफल बनाएको छ। नेपाली फुटबलमा मन परेकालाई काखा र मन नपरेकालाई पाखा लगाइने मानसिकता पनि फुटबल समर्थकहरुलाई दुःखको विषय बन्दैछ।

एन्फाभित्रै कै साथीभाइ अनि करोडौंको लगानीमा बनाइएका खेलाडीहरुलाई थर्कमान बनाउन सक्नु नै थापाको नजरमा सफलताको मापन हुनसक्ला। तर वर्षौंदेखि विदेशी टोलीहरुसँग सधैं हार मात्र सहेका थापाको टाउको कति दिनसम्म ठाडो होला अब त्यो विचारणीय विषय हो। थापाले एकपल्ट हृदयदेखि आफ्नो कार्यकालको समीक्षा गर्नै पर्ने बेला हो- यो।


  1. The fact that Nepal hasnt been able to get any solid result is South Asia is that all the countries ( Maldivs, SriLanka, pakistan and Bangladesh) are progressing with same accelaration.
    But the quality of Nepali football has improved in the last two years. Its will take a few years to show the result in the form of some contrete result.

  2. हे कालीदाश
    म पनि एक जना फूट्बल खेलाडी हु ।र अहिले हाम्रो फूट्बल को स्तर कस्तो छ र पहिला कस्तो थियो भन्ने कुरा मलाइ पनि थाहा छ।
    मैले भनि सके कि गणेश थापा को पनि केही कमिकम्जोरी छन भनेर फेरी किन यस्मा किन राजनीति गर्ने ।
    खाली सिधै गणेश थापा को मात्रै किन दोश दिने ,थापा भन्दा अगाडि को ले के के गर्‍यो तेस्को खै खबर ?

  3. hey nepal ko chhoro!
    ma pani nepal ko chhoro ho. je gare ko chha PANDEY ji le bhayeko kura gareko chha ki kasai ko khutta taneko hoina eak palta gayer ANFA ma bujhnuni GIRDHARI ji ko comment hernu ani aru kura haru pani bhetainchha, ho GANESH THAPA ramro player thiyo tar leadership garna saken, ho aru kohi chha ANFA ma leadership garna tyasai lai chance dinu parchha yehi garnu nai GANESH ji ko ajhha badi yogdan hunechha!

  4. Pandey jee
    Thanks for your article but you must understant about this lesson ” slow and steady wins the race”
    otherwise we lose everything.Nepali football is taking place in the future.ok you have to respect Mr Thapa’s dedication.

    om bikram ojha

  5. थापा राम्रा खेलाडी हुन तर असफल अध्यक्ष, पाण्डेजी १०० % सही छन् । माथि कमेन्टमा पाण्डेजीको विरोध गर्नेहरु फुटवल नवुझनेहरु हुन् ।

    यदी थापा अझै रही रहे भने नेपालको फुटवल ५०० वर्षा पनि अन्तरराटि्रय जगतमा आफ्नो पहिचान कहिल्यै वनाउन सक्दैन ।

    यहाँ गीता राणा राम्रो की गणेश थापा भन्ने विवाद नै होईन । विवाद त नेपाली फुटवल टोलीले राम्रो गर्न सकेन भन्ने हो । एक थोटी सोचौ त – नेपाली फुटवल टिम कहिले विश्वकपमा पुग्ला यही चाला ले -?

  6. Ganesh Thapa ji!!!!!!!!!!!! k ho timro chala huh!
    timro aaba hami “Nepali” janta ko tarfa bhata Football Bikash ma khaie “Andolan” garni tayare ma chhu…………. Bichar gara hie……. mahasus pani gara kati vastachare bhako chha “Neplai football”
    It;s me: Sushil junt Thapa

  7. Infidel-ji,

    Thank you for your comments on my article/opinion.

    Yes, I remain an optimistic person about lots of things in and about Nepal. But more on that some other time.

    For now, it’s sufficient to say now that even FIFA — the global Football Federation — acts like a Politburo Committee of a communist party, promoting supporters (like Ganesh Thapa, for votes) worldwide and dissing those who question the leadership.

    Here’s one evidence of how FIFA itself — forget ANFA — is run in a khattam and jhoor manner, as per this recent BBC news report:


    I don’t know Ganesh Thapa personally, nor do I care about his v arious political affiliations. As a supporter of Nepali football in general, I do think/see that so much could have been done in the last 10 years, and so little
    has been achieved . . . and that’s — however way one looks at it — sad.


  8. This is the first blog that I ever read top to bottom. What made me interested to read was the title, I thought he was talking about Mandale Kamal Thapa or some other Thapa. So I went on to read and it is finished. And I said my self that’s it? What is the point? Where is the point? Who is target? What is the reason?

    I did not know that this website is also being biased. I had heard that this site is very clear and informative. That is why recently, we from US contributed as much as we could to this website. But not to read this kind of nonsensitive blog by Mr. Pandey.

    Mr Pandey is showing just an attitude to Thapa. I have nothing to do with Thapa nor football. But as a Nepali, I wish them all the time for their victory. Anyways, even I am not tied with Thapa nor football, I did not like Mr. Pandey’s attitude at all. This is totally an example of yellow journalism. Some one has said up above that you can write anything you want but it is hard to maintain the ethics of the journalism. I know some others too in line of Mr Pandey. It is very sad.

    I doubt my comment will ever publsih.


  9. हेल्लो पाण्डे जी,
    होइन तपाईंलाइ यो खेल्कुद परिषद सँग किन एत्रो एलर्गी ह ! त्यो पनि एन्फा सँग हो गणेश थापा को पनि केही कमी कम्जोरी होला तर अहिले को स्थिती मा नेपाल को मात्र होइन दक्षिण एसिया कै फूटबल स्तर हेरन , नेपाल को स्थिती केही राम्रो हुँदै एअरअहेको छ ।
    अहिले एन्फाको आफ्नै स्तेदियम छ , देश भित्र लीग फूट्बल भैरहेको छ ,बेला बेला मा तूर्नामेन्ट पनि भैरहेको छ,बरू एन्फा लाइ हौसला दिउ न, अनि पो झन फूट्बल को बिकास हुन्छ,कमिकम्जोरी भको भए कमि कम्जोरी भयो भनेर सचेत गरौउ,यसरी पो हो पत्र कार को काम्, कि कसो मि, पाण्डे ।
    नाम मै पाण्डे खाली अर्काको खुट्टा तान्दे । होइन त ।

  10. Tiwari ji ,
    when I read your article in Nepali Times I also got the impression that you’re very optimistic person. Or atleast you have that positive faith in the Nepali players which most of the people actually lack. I really am not very much aware of internal politics in ANFA, so I can’t say much about it. I only think that introduction of professional football league in Nepal was the biggest acheivement ANFA has ever managed to have.

    I don’t agree with your or one of your friends opinion about government being involved in the daily business of football. Don’t need to go very far, look what happened recently in Greece. How Fifa had to intervene? If Ganesh Thapa is misusing his status, then kick him out. Doesn’t ANFA have that much authority?

    Talent hunt : You can’t force anyone to play football. Yes we have hundreds of thousands of strong legs, but they would rather practice for Doko Race and become Lahure.

    ANFA should focus more on professionalising the domestic league rather than focusing on talent hunts. ANFA should lay strong ground rules for the clubs. Things should be done to make the clubs financial secure. Encourage clubs to find new talents within the country rather than hiring jobless Nigerian as their players. Believe you me, we only need a system, talents will pour in. 😉

  11. While working on the above Nepali Times piece, I had had email discussions with a few sports people who I consider to be credible. Here is what one of those had to say:

    “Sports is big business and the Olympics and Fifa are huge monopolies susceptible to inefficiencies and corruption. ANFA today is run by Ganesh thapa who definitely would share your views about qualifying for the WC.

    The problem is he would never try to make ANFA a professional organization. Mr.Ganesh Thapa would never get the best sports minds in the association. He would make sure that there is no challenge to his post as long as possible. ANFA is a one man show which does not allow it to be broad based. This is critical for the talent hunt.

    The football academy is controlled by anfa (Ganesh Thapa) . The selection process would be fully controlled by him which limits the width of talent.Cronyism and nepotism is rampant. Unless football is run a by a team including the government, private sector and anfa qualifying for the wc will just be a dream.”


    Another friend who follows the global sports scenarios had this to share with me at the time:

    An extract from the friend’s email:

    “System: Systems around football is essential, particularly at the grassroots. These could be community-, government-(local and federal) and private sector-sponsored. The example of the San Miguel-sponsored league is exemplary. For the first time ever, our clubs are becoming professionalized and players are actually making some money playing football. Leagues, open tournaments should be replicated in other parts of the country.

    Academies: Taking a leaf from the Australian cricket, or the combines for American football in the US, the academy system is crucial where the basic skills are imparted to the players. Football in the schools is equally important. In the case of the US, all top-notch NBA players come from the NCAA. Same is the case for hockey, American football and baseball.

    Investment choice: We need to make the hard choice in terms of where our scarce resources should be invested: a sport like cricket, which is played by 8 or so nations or football, which is played everywhere. The choice is obvious.

    Talent hunt: It’s important to look in the right places. You need a real killer instinct, physique, and stamina of a horse to last and do well at the international level. So look in the rugged hills, mid-hills and far west for people with these profiles.

    Exposure: Teams should be sent to other countries regularly, and foreign players should be recruited to play in the domestic tournaments. And where opportunity presents our players should play for foreign clubs.

    Leadership: Need to have the real leadership governing the football in Nepal. In fact, old players should do well provided they have the right vision. Beckenbauer and Klinsmann are living example of this in Germany. I feel 2022 bit is a little too optimistic. I would say 2034, 2-3 decades from now.

    Just sharing.

    Tetti ho.


  12. hey all!GANESH SIR NIRNKUSH HO KI HOINA>>>>>>>
    sabailai thaha bhayeko kura ho gatshal pakistan ma bhayeko friendship match ma nepapl ko junior team le eak goal nakhai aru desh lai goal gari uchchastariye game kheli desh pharkeko thiyo. lagattai ANFA le kehi ramra kheladi (jun pakistan ma kheleko kheladi)lai niskashan gareko thiyo. maile yo kura thaha pai soddha coash haru le answer diyo yo nirnaye GANESH SIR ko ho bhani bhane. bhane pachhi bidesh ma khelna lai selection ma parne tar ANFA ma basna lai selection ma naparne. ke yo GANESH SIR NIRNKUSH ho ki hoina tapai haru nai bhannush!

  13. Ganesh Thapa might indeed be doing “great” things for the development of Nepali soccer.

    But let us agree that he is a khattam publicist of his own “good” work, financed by .

    Where’s the evidence for the truth of that statement?
    Take a look at :


    and see how old and filled-with-outdated-news the site still remains as of 8 Sept 2006.

    Here’s a relevant-to-this-thread article I published recently in The Nepali Times newsweekly in “Strictly Business” Column.



    An article in the latest issue of Himal Khabarpatrika asks: If the war-torn African nation Angola could be a contender in this year’s World Cup soccer tournament in Germany, why not Nepal?

    But what it neglects to mention is how Angola became a contender in the first place. Angolan national football squad members have been playing professionally for clubs in countries such as Kuwait, Spain and the UK. Last year, Angola gathered their talented but internationally scattered players, and fielded a team which played successfully in the qualifying matches. Indeed, to any narrative about their World Cup debut, Angola’s war-driven political history serves only as a poignant backdrop. It’s the individually skilled players with international exposure who have provided the dazzle to Team Angola.

    How can Nepal too aim to produce a team for a World Cup debut? For answers, it’s worth suggesting that All Nepal Football Association (ANFA) recast it role to invest resources on three critical priorities.

    Hunt for talents: If you visit the ANFA’s ill-updated web site, it’s clear that the organization’s focus is not really on promoting football. There are no photos of players or matches. Nor are there web links to the sites related to the present World Cup. Instead, ANFA’s emphases are on spending years on erecting half-finished buildings (hostels, office complexes, etc) and sustaining its own committee-swollen bureaucracy.

    That leaves room open for any Nepali football fan to worry that the deeper ANFA sinks into the business of creating infrastructure itself – instead of having it completed within deadlines by third parties– it’s going to find it hard to concentrate on its number one priority: Identifying young football talents at grassroots matches all over Nepal. In this context, it helps if ANFA officials think of themselves as talent scouts—and not bureaucrats wasting time on procurement issues and internal quarrels.

    Market the talents: To cater to the rising global demand for top football talents, ANFA can adopt a two-pronged strategy: Domestically, it can raise the extent of its partnerships with corporate houses, event management firms, municipalities, youth clubs and schools. Doing so will help it increase the number of local, regional and national tournaments. In this, it should build up on the success of some Nepali clubs that are now being professionally managed and whose players are actually starting to make money from playing football.

    Internationally, it’s time to develop and deepen relations with Asian, African and European clubs, no matter how daunting such tasks look at the present. Unless our sports leaders see that the road to mastering World Cup-calibre confidence starts from playing with, for and against international clubs and coaches in and out of Nepal, it’ll be difficult for our players to gain the physical, technical, tactical and psychological strengths that the game demands in the global arena. After all, scoring goals only at the Dashrat Stadium – sans international exposure — will continue to consign our players to the dustbin of global mediocrity.

    Lead the talents: ANFA’s core business of promoting football has many interlocking elements. Putting politics and quarrels aside, it needs to start providing credible public leadership on matters related to football. It can do that by reordering its priorities, reaching out to partners, getting the right people on board (instead of old sportsmen who know little about working effectively with differently-skilled professionals), and completing activities one by one.

    Doing so consistently well for a number of years will help take Nepal closer to the goal of playing and winning qualifying matches in 2014 and 2018 before, who knows, bringing home the World Cup trophy in 2022—100 years after this beautiful game was first played in this country. THE END


  14. चेतन पाण्डेजी तपाईं को भिनाजु,साल,दाजु भाई कोइ एन्फा को प्रेसिडेन्ट को दाबेदार्हुनुहुन्छ कि अथवा एन्फाकै कोइ मान्छे ले यो समाचार लेख्न तपाईंलाई पैसा दियो ।
    तपै को अनुहर् हेर्दानै धुर्त(नरिसौनु होल)देखिनु हुन्छ नि!!!
    म सम्झन्छु गणेश थापा खेलाडी को रुप्मा सफल मात्र होइन अति नै सफल थिए ।अस्तीन एउटा बुज्रुक सम्भुजित लाई नक्कल गरेर पोपुलर भएको भन्थ्यो आज तपाईं गणेशथापा को वीरओध गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ ।जे मा पनि राजनीति किन ? ? ?यो पाखे राजनीति ले देश बिगारदै छ!!!

  15. I don’t know about credibility of the writer of this blog, and I don’t know who is the biggest culprit between Ganesh Thapa and Geeta Rana. But I definitely can agree that Nepali football scene is going down the hill. Now, if that’s not Ganesh Thapa’s fault, he should either correct it or get out of the way. One thing for sure, he has been running ANFA has his own company, and boy has he made big profits!

  16. hehehe chetan ji are you high on something ?

    Well I don’t care if it is Ganesh Thapa or Geeta Rana or Sarad Chandra Shah who ever is running ANFA, but yes I do care about the Nepali football. I have no clue if your personal attack on Thapa is justified or you are just pissed at him for your own reasons, but yes you sound biased and you actually have no clue what you are blabbering about.

    League football is very important. If you can’t develop the league football then there is no way you can develop the national team. For crying out loud, just don’t complain about everything and try to find the positive spirits. You wanna blame Thapa for the misery of our players’ performance ? Go ahead, you will just make an ass of yourself. Not only football but all the sports in Nepal are at the bottom. Oh wait, it was Ganesh Thapa who had influenced the Nepali Karate Association , or ….?

    Players are only human. You can’t expect them to go in the field and come back with flying result when the country is going through so much turmoil. When Nepal was playing in SAG games, Kathmandu was burning. How can you expect anyone to perform freely in the conditions like these. When you win, you are a hero, when you lose then instead of trying to find the reasons behind it, just find a scapegoat, that is what we know. People like you, so called journalists, really make me sick.

  17. I think the quality of this blog (mysansar.com)is going down because of such articles. I was very happy to see sports article but at the end it sucks. I don’t have that much information about nepali football but I still think ganesh thapa is trying his best to improve of neapli team.

    Umesh Ji, i wouls like to see nepalese sport article but nice one, please.

  18. चेतन जी तपाइ साच्चीकै खेल पत्रकार भए देखाउनोस् गणेस थापको दोषहरु तपाइको सक्षमताको संकेत गिताराणतिर हो भने पनि मला चाही केही गुनासो छैन बरु धिक्कार छ नेपाली खेल जगतलाइ अनि खेल पत्रकारको नाममा एकलौटी विरोध गर्नेहरुलइ । चेतन जी आजकाल कलम समात्न जसले पनि सक्छ मात्र कलमको धर्म थेग्न गारो पर्छ मिठो र आकार्षक शिर्षकले अब जनतामा अफवाह फैलदैन बरु तथ्यगत रिपोर्टको आवश्यकता पर्छ तपाइको अर्को ब्लग यही संग सम्त्वन्धीत होस् तथ्यपरक ब्लग प्रतिक्षा छ मलइ त्यो दिनको ।
    त्रिशुली नुवाकोट
    हाल साउदीअरेवीया

  19. very funny comments and unsensible ones have been given in this blog. Its a good practice to make such an debate or so in this open and privately run blog.

    In brief, we all Nepalese blood should be changed in order to change the way we think, see and act, respectively. Anybody agree with me? put ur thumbs up, please!

    We Nepalese are very much selfish and self-orientated and mostly spend time on talking about rather than engaging in creative work.

  20. If any one can remember , I had mentioned the same thing in this suggestion / comments column.I take it as a follow up for that. Thank god kohi le ta bole.

    In fact that Thapa is a sameless guy. No one except thapa knows , how must fund is provided thro’ AFC, FIFA and other orginizatins for funding ANFA. tetro lagaini kata bhai rakhe ko cha ta.
    Car badera(i say this cause last time Upendra man got the car, though he was not among the best performer in the National Legue, he got a car just as a sympathy as his long carrier as a national goole )matrai kehi hunewala chaina.

    Waha ta afnai chora lai training camp ma parna chai yogya hunu hola tara hami jasto National sports ko sector ma kranti khogne naya pidi le ta kehi pani progress feel garna sakeko chainau. He just believes in parcha baazi.

    Why not reform ANFA with the blend of youths’ enthusiasm and experience of the elderly ones’.Gaun gaun bata prathiva search garne paripati ko bikash garnu parcha.Gayeko SAG game le ta pramadit nai gari sakyo, Gaun ma prativa ko kunai pani kami chaina. Almost all medallion winners were from the rural villages or the country sides.

    So why not we commence the reformation of ANFA from Today.
    Best wishes to all the national sports lovers.

  21. Ganesh Thapa is also one of those who used to publicly say he supported the King after King Gyanendra took over executive powers on February 1. He was very critical of the political parties and went on to support the Royal government his brother was the Home Minister of. You can ask any sports journalists for reference.

  22. Hi All,

    I fully agree with Mr. Pande. In any aspect, Nepali Football level is not progressing but downfalling. Even the FIFA International rating shows it clearly. Last 11 years, Mr. Ganesh Thapa is on the Chair of ANFA. He might be successful gathering money also getting the blessing from Mr. Velapoun (Asian Footbal), but he is totally failure to raise the level of Home Fottball. Money and support for ANFA will be there in any case whoever be the Boss. Mr. Thapa’s assumption that International support for ANFA, is due to him is a 100% MIF. After all, seeing whole 11 years of unsuccessful history, he has no right to stay at his post. He is in the post not due to his background but due to the Higher Blessing. I also know, as most Nepalese he has no moral, so should be kicked out.


  23. Absouletely Rubbish! Rubbsih! and Rubbish!

    You are writing like a stupid opposition leader, who always comments on the work of Government. I am not saying Ganesh Thapa is 100% good, but atleast he is doing best atleast than other who we have seen in the past. Youth football program, Anfa goal project, reorganising lEague football are all done by Ganesh Thapa and his Team. So, better not to write such a nosense article.

  24. http://www.parewa.com मा 06 September, 2006 प्रकाशित भैसकेको यो लेखलाई मेरो स‌ंसारमा घुसाएर यो उमेश जी ले पनि के गर्न खोज्नु भएको हो कुन्नि ! उमेश जी , पाहुना हरुलाई मेरो संसारमा पालो दिदा अलि ध्यान पुर्याउनु पर्यो । ZZ , दिपक भट्टराई जस्ता पाहुनाले मात्रै मेरो संसारको शोभा बढाएको म देख्छु । चेतन जी जस्ता “पितपत्रकारीताका हिमायती” ले त मेरो संसारलाई नै बदनाम तुल्याउन सक्छ । मेरो संसारको नियमित पाठक हुँ तर पहिलो पटक comment Post गर्दैछु – नेपालीमा । पहिलो comment मा नै यसरी गुनासो पोख्नु पर्दा कसो कसो लाग्दैछ ।

    चेतन पाण्डेको खेल बिष्लेषण साँच्चै नै गीता राणा मार्काको छ । माथि comment मा rajya जी ले भन्नु भए जस्तै “आफु पनि केही गर्न नसक्ने र अरू ले गरेको पनि देखि नसक्ने ” गीता राणा प्रबृत्ति नेपाली फुटबल क्षेत्रका लागि घातक सिद्ध भैसकेको छ । साँच्चै नै चेतन पाण्डे जस्ता “मोटो चेतना” भएका मान्छे ले गर्दा आज देश यस्तो हालतमा पुगि सक्यो । उमेश जी , पत्रकारीता राष्ट्रको चौथो अंग हो , तँपाई जस्ता पत्रकारको कलम बाट नजानिदो ढंगले देशको भविष्य कोरीदै हुन्छ । त्यसैले यसरी मनपरी कुरा लेखेर आफ्नो मर्यादित पेशा लाई दुर्गन्दित पार्ने हरूबाट मेरो संसारलाई टाढै राख्नु बेश हैन र ?

    माथि comment मा अर्का खेलप्रेमी मित्रले भन्नु भए जस्तै नेपाली फुटबल क्षेत्रको बिकाशको लागी अहिलेको सबै भन्दा ठुलो जरूरी भन्नु नै खेलाडीहरूलाइ दर्शकको माया , हौशला र खेल खेल्ने वातावरण प्रदान गर्नु हो न कि फुटबल राजनितिका नाममा सधै‌को रडाको मच्चाएर खेलको माहौल बिगार्न । विश्व फुटबलमा नेपालको खस्कँदो स्तरको कारण धेरै छन् त्यस मध्ये एउटा प्रमुख कारक चाही यही खेलको नाममा फुटबल राजनिति गरी सधै‌को रडाको मच्चाएर खेलको माहौल बिगार्नु एक हो । वर्षौंदेखि विदेशी टोलीहरुसँग सधैं हार मात्र सहेको भनेर नेपाली टोलीको जुन अवमुल्यन गर्नु भयो जो बिश्लेषक बन्धुले त्यसको कारक ANFA या ANFA अध्यक्ष लाई मान्नु कदापी सही मान्न सकिन्न । really कुनै पनि लगानी र मेहनत को प्रतिफल तुरन्तै आउन्दैन । प्रतिक्षा गर्नु पर्छ । ANFA ले पनि National League मा गरेको लगानीले थोरै सही खेलमा परिवर्तन भने भित्र्याएको छ तर International Match का लागी ANFA ले अलि अलि पहल भने गरीरहनु पर्छ ।

  25. Totally rubbush !!! Why people link everything is with politics….Ganesh thapa has great contribution for the ANFA than any other people.Now he is a wrong guy because he is brother of Kamal thapa….totally childish.He was an outstanding player …is it due to kamal thapa ??? So what we gonna do change all players and management level who served during royal regime…..Rubbish!!!

  26. I fully agree with Rajya and Gajendra. There is no logic behind the article of Mr. Chetan Pandey to blame Mr. Ganesh Thapa. Mr. Chetan, don’t try to blame Mr. Thapa simply because he is the brother of Kamal Thapa.

    I think, Umeshji, you have to be very much careful with these kind of journalist. Because these are one who bring our country in the stege.

  27. Hey Chetan Pandey,

    so you want to be the head of the ANFA without contributing anything from your side. Ganesh Thapa have managed to bring lots of fund through his effort and you want to enjoy that like he is enjoying at present. First you prove yourself doing the best you can to uplift our football tema and you will be appreciate by every one and you will be given his post easily. Don’t try to make easy way to his chair, do something first.

  28. Dear Chetan jee, I’m agree with you …Ganesh Thapa hasn’t done anything. The all football activities happening in Nepal is because of money in football not Mr. Thapa. He’s a failure boss of Nepali football. what happened to Goal Project?? whats our fifa ranking ?? SAG ko bronze medal maa khushi hune bhaneko aatma rati matra ho ….U 23 team maa most of the guys are national team members and look at there performance… there was not a single national players in team like India. tyahi pani 3rd position.. chheeee ghin lagyo

  29. Mr. Pandey

    I can not find a single word of wisdom in your article. This shows how unprofessional you are. The cheap journalist like you will be screened out sooner or later. But you will definitely contribute to hinder the process of building nation. For God’s sake, please leave this kind of behaviour.
    Please also note that I am not advocating in favour of Ganesh Thapa for I do not know anything about his role in managing the ANFA. But the way you have written your article speaks a lot about your attitude. And this is exactly what I am commenting on.

    GANESH THAPA is like gorkhali tyre- Sasto, ramro and Bhar pardo. See how much money he could extract from fifa to Nepal. See he is the mastermind behind AFC cup for the clubs and countries. He has been pouring millions to the clubs and players. His vision is to make the clubs rich so that they could born and grow players, not make the people rich so their children become player. He is a footballian not politician.
    Chetan -The lier and most biased journalist of the month (MBJM)

  31. I’m die hard fan of Nepali football and it’s very sad to read these kinds of biased analysis. I will like to ask Mr. Chetan that will Nepali football grow or develop if Mr. Ganesh Thapa step down from supremo position (or are you suggesting if you were in that position you will do much better job) of course not coz football is played by player not by post. I would have much appreciate that if you have written something about players’ stamina and nutrition diet which is most concerned thing these days. Recently when I watched U-17 AFC championship game versus South Korea, comparing to South Korea players our players looked very lean and thin, weak and exhausted very quickly which is the reason they couldn’t score coz of low power on shots. Mr. Chetan ji I hope from next time you would write something apart from “kurshi politics” which will be betterment for game.

  32. By the way mitraharu,
    Ganesh thapa was not made anfa chief by kamal thapa.He was made by UML gov.and that probably is the only thing that they did which was good for the nation.

  33. ganesh thapa la khalna hi na ta u ta yauta prassaak ho us la tatte na garaa ko vaya k timi patrakar la gartheyau,ma thapa ko pachhya ma chhina tara timroo lakhan prabitte nai peet patraakar ko chha ,chhoda lakhna baru kaam garara khau
    kasai lai na tarshau poisaa khana ko lagi gamling garaako timroo laakh ho jasto laghchha.
    canada bata
    khaal prami

  34. Mr. Chetan Pandey,

    एक पटक गणेश थापाले कुन चाँही हो पत्रकारलाई भकुर्नु भकुर्यो भन्ने News सुनेको थिए । तँपाईको लेख पढिसकेपछि त त्यो खेल पत्रकार को बिल्लाधारी तँपाई नै पर्नु भयो कि भन्ने पो लाग्यो । यदी मेरो अन्दाज सही हो भने I have sympathy for you. तँपाईलाई त्यसरी भकुर्नु नहुने हो । Who is Ganesh Thapa ? ANFA को अध्यक्ष भयो भन्दैमा Chetan Pandey लाई नचिन्ने ! नेपाली फुटबलको क्षेत्रलाई अग्रगमन तिर डोर्याउने कर्तब्य गणेश थापाको भए जस्तै त्यसलाई पछार्ने अधिकार तँपाई जस्तो दही चिउरे खेल पत्रकार हरूलाई छ । त्यसैले let go Ahead. Geeta Rana को फरिया ओढेर नै सही गणेश थापाको खेदो खन्नुस् । नेपाली फुटबल लाई आर्यघाटमा पु्र्याउनको निम्ति यहाँको योगदान चिरस्मरणीय रहनेछ ।

  35. Nepali Team is still energetic . No “BIDESHI TOLI SANGA SADHAI HAAR MATRA SAHEKO” SAG ma jiteko Kaasya padak le Nepal ko Garima Badhayeko Chhaina re !!!! Tapai Kasto Khelkud Patrakaar ho ? Tapaile Khel hernu bhayeko bhaye saayad thaha hunu parne ho Nepal Gold Medal ko Hakdaar thiyo tara khelma euta arko factor pani mahatwopurna hune garchha tyo ho ” Luck Factor” Tyo Din Durbhagya Nepal Sabai Khelma Haarnu thiyo. Sucied Goal Nepal ko Garima Ghatauna Bhanera kasaile Jaani Jaani Haneko Hoina. Khelma Testo Hunchha. Cricket ma Pani ta tyo Dinn haryo Aba Cricket Association ko Galat Prabritti Bhanne.

    Huna Ta Ganesh Thapa Budho Bhaisakyo aba . Nepali Rajnitima Jastai football ma pani Dosro pusta ko Khhacho Mahasus Hundai chha but khel ma Young blood maatra bhayera pani hudaina rahechha ali ali ta Anubhavi Maanchhe pani Chahido rahechha. Yes patak ko SAG ma Football ma ayeko result le sikayeko euta paath ho yo.Je hos Ganesh Thapa Pachhi nepali Football chhetra lai Uthaune Abhibhara bokna Naya pindhi haru Warm up gardai gare hunchha. But Beware… Gita Rana jasto Khutta Tanne harule yo suggestion baata ryaal kaadchha ra po nahune ta.

  36. how biased an article can be!! gosh!!
    Nepal was doing so well specially under stephen constantine and then geeta rana issue emerged and everything went haywire.Ganesh Thapa has been a stern servant of nepali football.Look at other sports and compare.
    Dont put political vandetta in sports.All we need is prayers for our team and not a political agent trying to disrupt it.

  37. चेतन जी ,

    सिधै भन्नुस् न नेपाली खेलकुद क्षेत्रका लागी गीता राणा जस्तो चाप्लुस , अवसरबादी र खुट्टा तान्ने हरूको जरुरी छ । हामी खेल पत्रकार नभए पनि खेलकुदलाई भित्रै देखि माया गर्ने खेलप्रेमी हौ‌ । हामीले राम्ररी बुझिसक्यौ‌ फुटबल राजनिति । कसले फुटबलका लागी कति योगदान दिएका छन् त्यो तँपाई जस्ता छेपारे खेल पत्रकारले लुकाउदैमा लुकदैन । सत्य घाम जस्तै छर्ल‌ग छ नेपाली फुटबल क्षेत्रको बिकाशको लागी अहिलेको सबै भन्दा ठुलो जरूरी भन्नु नै खेलाडीहरूलाइ दर्शकको माया , हौशला र खेल खेल्ने वातावरण प्रदान गर्नु हो न कि फुटबल राजनितिका नाममा सधै‌को रडाको मच्चाएर खेलको माहौल बिगार्नु ।

    हुन त मैले गणेश थापा नै सबै भन्दा सक्षम मान्छे भन्न खोजेको पक्कै होइन तर लामो समय देखि तँपाईको कार्यक्रम नियमित हेर्ने र स्पेश टाईममा लेख पढेको सम्झनाका आधारमा यो प्रतिक्रिया लेख्दैछु । एन्फाको कार्यक्रम भन्दा पनि तपाइलाइ चित्त नबुझेको कुरा अध्यक्षको कुर्सि जस्तो भान हुन्छ । गीता राणा प्रबृत्ति नेपाली फुटबल क्षेत्रका लागि घातक सिद्ध भैसकेको छ । त्यसैले खेल पत्रकार ज्यु तँपाईलाई नेपाली खेल जगतको साच्चै नै माया छ भने त्यो प्रबृत्तिलाई फेरी ब्युताएर नेपाली खेल क्षेत्रलाई पुन: पछाडी नधकेल्नुस्

  38. Mr. Pandey,
    CHANGE your attitude. Because nepalese are sick and tired of your kind of people. You people ARE VIRUSE of our nation “आफु पनि केही गर्न नसक्ने र अरू ले गरेको पनि आफु पनि केही गर्न नसक्ने र अरू ले गरेको पनि देखि नसक्ने .”
    यस्तो तिमी हरु जस्तो मान्छे लेगर्द आज देश यस्तो हालत म पुगी सक्यो । कुनै पनि लगनी र मेहनत को प्रतिफल तुरन्तै आउन्दैन । प्रतिक्छ गर्नु पर्छ please do not try to encourage this kind of people to shout in your blog.
    Mr. Blogger, you can contributre a lot to build our nation. all the best for you.
    ANd Mr. Blogger, i want you to ALERT our nepalese people to be more cautious, passionate and loyal to their land.

  39. Extremely cheap article! Give me one reason, in which Ganesh’s autocratic decision is against Nepali football?
    The title of the article is eye-catching, but there is no logic inside.

  40. kursi pairahanu ni unko saphalta ho bhanthanne ke ko ke kura garnu yesta des drohi ko ei ta matra desdrohi hun.

  41. i m one of the fan of soccer. i luv games mostly all kinds, tht not only makes u physically fit n fine but do regulate ur mind n refresh ur concentration power.

    by the way, talkin bout the issues wat we expect towards our nepalese players we need to think of training, play ground, availiability of coach and participation of supporters. i know the reality of nepalese sports, we are still behind, i dun mean we can’t do any thing to come up. definately nothing iz impossible in this world but keepin hand closed we only kiss losses….even we must b aware tht we’ve done gr8 job equallin with host.

    last but not least…i wud like to tell all who think or who do not want to think about nepalese sports, we ain’t gonna achieve any thing unless we help to the players…only awarding few players iz not wat we expectin we need to b come up by all sides. Players are the blood of the nation, if they come up then we slowly grow up.

    [email protected]

  42. khai k comment lekhu, mathi nai tyetro comment le thicheko chha bhude, shunde Thapalai. Tyahi ho Football lai Gharelu khelma matra simit rakhna bhayena, International( friendship match nai kina nahos) organize garnu paryo, invite garnu paryo. koach ko lagi aafno Idea matra hoina aruko idea pani copy garna saknu paryo coach ko ani president ko dohoro bhumika nibhauna bhayena, larbarinchha; budo bhai sakyo. manparne laai kaakha ma , ani arulaai pakha ma jasto byabahaar garnu bhayena. you should select the player in their capability. pls try to listen our voices Ganeeeeeeeeees ji. Natra…………

  43. hey chetan ji,

    lekh padha ta nepal ko footbal ko istar ghateko cha bhannu bhayoo, tara khoi ganesh thapa ko karan le nai ho bhanera ta lekh ma kehi udaharan nai chaina. k leauge ko prize badaera kheladi lai khelera bachna sajilo bha ko cha tara football ko istar kasari ghatyo ta?? maile ta bujnai sakina

  44. Somewhat you are right. But I admire Mr. Thapa for his succes to accumulate a lot of fund for Nepali football. I could imagine the worse situation than this without that money. Yes, Mr. Thapa is SUPREMO of Nepali football for a long time and the time has come to JUMP HIGHER or to STEP DOWN from that position. But, I can’t be as agressive as you. I love Nepali Football and I love the progress of Nepali Footballers, like you but I can’t forget the flood of investment in other nations in comparision to ours.

    Let’s hope and pray for the better fotball from our boys in coming days !!!

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