थाई 'कू' ले सम्झाएको नेपाली 'कू'

[थाइल्यान्डमा भएको ‘कू’ ले हाम्री महिला ब्लगर अनामिकालाई पनि छोएको छ। यसमा उहाँले माघ १९ मा राजाले ‘कू’ गर्दाको अनुभूतिहरु संगाल्नुभएको छ। राजाले ‘कू’ गर्दा तपाईँलाई कस्तो लागेको थियो ? तपाईँले कहाँबाट त्यो समाचार थाहा पाउनु भएको थियो ? तपाईँ पनि आफ्ना अनुभव प्रतिक्रियामा लेख्नसक्नुहुनेछ- मेरो संसार]

मलाई पनि राजाले टेलिभिजनबाट विशेष सन्देश दिँदैछन् भनेर सुन्न भनिएको थियो। राजाले के भन्नेछन् भन्ने कुरा राजनीतिमा रूची राख्ने मैले अनुमान नगर्ने कुरा नै थिएन। मैले मेरो त्यो अनुमान सही भएको थाहा पाउन आफूलाई पटक्कै मन नपरेको शासकलाई आधा घण्टा सुने। सुन्ने बित्तिकै मैले छेउमा नै भएको फोनको प्रयोग गर्न खोजेँ, म त जिल्ल परेँ, त्यसले त काम गर्न छाडिसकेको रहेछ। राजाले बोल्न शुरु गर्दा फोन बजिरहेको थियो।

देशको राजनीतिक परिस्थिति एकदम नाजुक थियो। शेरबहादुर देउवाले आफ्नो होशहवास गुमाइसकेका थिए। माओवादी विद्रोह चरम सीमामा पुगेको थियो। भ्रष्टाचारको कुनै सीमा थिएन , विकास निर्माणको काम ठप्प भएको थियो। जनता नेतावाट वाक्क थिए, तिनीहरू भरपर्दो शासन चाहन्थे। तिनीहरू शासकीय व्यवस्थाभन्दा पनि राम्रो शासक चाहन्थे। नेपाललाई साँच्चिकै एउटा जादुको लठ्ठी चाहिएको थियो। त्यसैले राजासँग “कू” गर्नका लागी निकै दर्‍हा कारणहरू थिए, जुन उनको मुखबाट आउँदा अस्वभाविक सुनिँदैनथ्यो।

एकदिन अवश्य पनि देशको शासन व्यवस्था सुध्रन्छ, नेताहरूको पनि आचरण सुध्रन्छ भनेर आशा गरेका र कुनै एउटा वादको पछि लागेकाहरूले त राजाको चाल बुझे, तर तुरुन्त विरोध गर्न पनि संभव थिएन। किनकि राजाले “कू” गर्नुअघि सबै विरोधका सम्भावनालाई पनि अध्ययन गरेका थिए। सरकारी त सरकारी भइहाल्यो निजी संचार माध्यमलाई समेत राजाको शाही सरकारले नियन्त्रणमा राखेको थियो।

राजाको सन्देशले मान्छेहरू जिल्ल परे। जसजसले यस्तो होला भन्ने अनुमान गरेका थिए तिनिहरू पनि अन्योलमा थिए। राजनीतिक दलले विश्वास गुमाएको र माओवादीहरू पनि गाउँ केन्द्रित आन्दोलन गरिरहेको अवस्था थियो।

म पनि जिल्ल परेँ। त्यसताका पनि म काठमाडौँको कुनै गाउँमा नै बस्थे। सहर आउनु थियो, सहर आएँ। गाडीहरू कम चलेका थिए, मान्छेहरू एकदम हतारमा देखिन्थे। बादल लागेको थियो। सहर कालो, सुनसान देखिन्थ्यो। धेरैजसो कार्यालयहरू स्वचेतनाले बन्द गरिएको थियो। मान्छेहरू कोही दलका नेतालाई ठिक्क पर्‍यो भन्दै थिए त कोही अब के हुने हो अन्योलमा देखिन्थे। विरोध हुनुपर्छ भन्नेहरू जो आफै विरोध गर्न सक्दैनथे तिनीहरू नेताहरू सबै पक्राउ परेकाले निकै चिन्तित देखिन्थे।

आर्मीहरू छिटपुट मात्र थिए सहरको सडकमा तर सबै नेता पक्राउ पर्नुले राजाले गर्न खोजेको शासनप्रति भने मान्छेहरू सशंकित पनि भए।

म न त पक्राउ पर्न चाहन्थेँ, न त राजनीतिक दलसँग आशावादी थिए। माओवादीले एकपटक शासन गर्नुपर्छ भन्नेमा चाँही म थिएँ, त्यो पनि राजनीतिक पार्टीदेखि दिक्क भएर। राजाले शासन आफ्नो हातमा लिनु उनको बाध्यता हो भने पनि मलाई त्यो कुरा मन परेन। उनले हाम्रा केही मौलिक हक निलम्बन गरेका थिए। म पनि धेरै मान्छे झैँ नयाँ र दर्‍हो नेतृत्व चाहन्थेँ तर त्यो राजा हुनुपर्ने मेरो सोचाइ थिएन।

राजाले तीन वर्ष मागेका थिए र हुनसक्थ्यो, उनले राम्रो काम पनि गर्न सक्थे तर पनि सबै दलहरूलाई प्रतिबन्ध लगाएर उनले जसरी शासन सत्ता आफ्नो हातमा लिए नि त्यसले हामीलाई निराश बनाएको थियो। आफ्नो मौलिक अधिकार खोसिएको थाहा पाउनुले मनमा नरमाइलो लाग्यो।

राजाले नेपाली जनताको हित चाहेका थिएनन् भन्ने कुरा प्रमाणित भइसकेको छ। अहिले हामी लोकतन्त्रको अभ्यास गर्ने कोशिसमा छौ। हुनत राजाको त्यो “कू” हाम्रो देशमा पहिलो पटक होइन तर ०४६ साललाई राम्रोसँग सम्झने उमेर नभइसकेका हामी नयाँ पुस्ताको लागि भने नयाँ कुरा नै थियो।

राजनैतिक चेतना भएकाले हामी राजाको शासनको विरोधी थियौ तर राजनैतिक दललाई साथ दिनका लागि हामीलाई पटक्कै मन थिएन। तिनीहरूले हामीलाई बार्‍ह बर्षदेखि झुक्याउँदै आइरहेका थिए।

अरू पनि धेरै देशमा “कू” भएका छन्। पाकिस्तानमा पनि जनरल पर्वेज मुसर्रफले “कू” नै गरेका थिए। पाकिस्तानी जनताले त्यसलाई स्वीकारे र अहिले पाकिस्तानको अवस्था नराम्रो छैन तर सबै “कू”लाई त्यसरी हेर्न मिल्दैन। “कू” हुनु भनेको देश सामान्य अवस्थामा नरहनु हो। धेरैजसो “कू” सत्ताको मोहले भएका छन्।

थाइल्यान्डमा सैनिकले “कू” गरेको समाचारले नरमाइलो लाग्यो। सैनिक दमनका थुप्रै तीतो उदाहरणको साक्षी बनेकोले पानि हुनसक्छ। प्रधानमन्त्री नभएको बेलामा “कु” भएको छ। संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघले त्यसलाई मान्यता नदिने बताएको छ। केही समयदेखिको राजनीतिक अस्थिरताले गर्दा राजाप्रति इमान्दार बन्दै “कू” गरेको थाइल्याण्डको सेनाले बताएको छ। राजाले अहिलेसम्म कुनै प्रतिक्रिया दिएका छैनन्।

म अनुमान लाउन सक्छु त्यो अन्यौलता ! राजनीतिक अस्थिरताबाट वाक्क भएका जनताको मनस्थिति पनि हामी नेपाली बुझ्न सक्छौँ। हामीले त्यो भोगिसकेका छौँ।


  1. Sathi haru ko kura padhda Nepal ma Rajanitik Chetana dherai chha jasto lagyo. Afno deshko maya sabai lai hunchha ra yo deshprem ko bhabana lai PLEASE KEEP IT UP. And about the topics, Thai KU ko kura garda hamile gareko HISTORIC jana andola – 2 ko upalabdhi lai sabai le tilanjali diyera neta haru le arkai kisimko KU gare jasto lagdai na ra? Ke KU rajale matra garna sakchha? Ahile ko abastha KU bhanda kehi bhindai chha ra?

  2. Yeah infidel,

    1. Your explanation is convincing. Ranas in nepal wanted their family to remain at the top of chain. But I donot understand why thai army is putting grip in politics? Do they have top-rank generals coming from same family clan or they have some specific interest of their class?

    2. Seems thai people have higher literacy rate but still they don’t have good political knowledge.

    3. Also, I think Thaksin is targeted because of jeal that grew among his colleagues.

  3. ZZ,
    it is not very clear whether King controls the army or the vice versa, but looking back at the bloody history of Thailand, army seems to be way ahead of King. Every decison army has ever made in the past was endorsed by the king without raising any questions. Not only the coups but also the ‘bills’ passed by army which could actually scrap the king of the total grasp of the daily running was taken away. King is completely helpless, and stay away from the daily business as long as he is permitted.

    For example, no matter how corrupt Thaksin Shinawatra was, he fought a messy bloody war against the narcotics problem in Thailand. If you remember it actually made a big headline all over the world. It is not verified, but the claims were made against army and some of it’s top officers. Whatever reasons were given, but it is true that army used king to stop that operation personally and good ol’ Bhumibol Adulyadej did it.

    Make it even more simple, compare the Thai monarchs with our monarchs during Rana regime. You will find so many similarities, you will begin to wonder if Thais were copying us that time. In 1932 the group of army and/or some political people demanded the constitutional Monarch, and then King Prajadhipok accepted it. But not long after that, he was ousted by the army and his 10 years old nephew was given the throne. Since then army has been in charge , and you do the maths.

    So yes, people support king and the army is playing that card beautifully. King also gets sympathic votr from the people and the army is never too far to cash it. Sad eh ?

  4. Infidel,

    1) Have not followed much about Thai coup, but radio news reported that economic activity and tourism is not affected. This may be tactics of thai army avoiding disturbance in public life as much as possible to win sympathy of community, in which they seems successful. General public are not standing against army. (I have not followed thai blogs.) This does surprise for me because we also witnessed a kind of general public sympathy to Gyanendra immediately after his February move.

    2) I intend to say by writing थाइल्याण्डका नेताहरु मुखमा राम राम बगलीमा छुरा गर्दैनन that the leaders play less conspiracy games, and they take responsibility of their action by themselves. See Kamal Thapa, he issued curfew orders and later said माथिको आदेश.

    3) Thai king spoke in favor of army. Do you think his crown may be at risk if he does not support army now?

  5. The present coup in Thailand is yet another testimony that power can be besieged by the army at will if the political situation remains fluid. This provides one more reason that the Maoists in Nepal should not disarm themselves before true political resettlement. I don’t think there is a possibility of similar thing happening in Nepal ever; for one the present king & his family is the most unpopular ever in its history and because majority of youth are already in favor of a republic. At this moment, all the loktatrik force throughout the world should unite in condemning the present act by the Thai military commander. A coup cannot be called peaceful as the use of arms is inherent in the process; the restrictions on civil liberties can never be condoned however one may try to justify it. Let us hope that all the true democratic force in Thailand unite at this hour in fighting against any form of military dictatorship.

  6. Gunaraj माग त गर्नुभयो तर माओवादीका तर्फबाट कू नहोला भनेर तपाईंनै जमानत पनि बस्ने हो कि ? अहिलेको छाँटकाट हेर्दा त नेपाली राष्ट्रिय सेना होइन कि, माओवादीका तर्फबाट पो कू होला पो जस्तो देखिएको छ त ।

    थाइल्यान्डमा घटेको घटनाले नेपालमा राजनितिक फाइदा उठाउन अलि मिल्दैन होला ।

  7. tesai le ma/hami sabai maag garchau…
    jaba samma sambhidhan shabha ko election hudaina..
    jana sena ra hatiyaar bhujhaunu hudaina…
    nepali janata hosiyaar…
    jaye nepal

  8. अहो म पनि बिहान देखि यो कु भनेको के होला भनेर सोच्दै थिए ठिकै छ साथी हरु ले बुझौनु भो ।

  9. thailand ma jasto nepalma nahos,tara nepal ko poltical patti le garda katti king le army lai thailand ko naccal sikaune ta hoina?hunata maovadai ko dar pani cha ra nepali janta ava chup lagera vasne chhinan.aaba jatisakdo chado 7patti ra maobadi milna jarui cha.aba pani milna sacanan bane king le kaan ma tel(oil)halera vhasne wala chinan.yo kura political patti ra maovadai la vujnu jaruri cha.

  10. abinit
    “coup d’état” लाई छोटकरीमा “कू” भनिन्छ। पुरै शब्दको उच्चारण गर्ने हो भने “कू देइता” । फ्रेन्च भाषाको उत्पत्ति यो शब्दलाई टु्क्र्याउने हो भने, Coup भन्नाले हान्नु र État भनेको state अथवा राज्यलाई बुझ्नसकिन्छ। त्यसैले राज्य माथि अचानक हुने मारलाई फेन्चहरुले यो नाम दिएका हुन।

  11. साथी जेजे ले लेखनु भयको बिचार मलाई पनि राम्रो लाग्यो। हो, थाइलेन्ड मा सैनिक कु हुँदैमा नेपालमा पनि कु हुन्छ भनेर सोचनु हुने साथीहरुले थाइलेन्ड र नेपाल लाई तुलना गरे जस्तो हो । हल्लैको भरमा हुला दगा हुने देशमा थाइलेन्ड को कु ले नेपालमा पनि कु हुन्छ भनि गरिएको बिचार डरछेरुआ बिचार मात्र हो।

  12. Nepal ma Ku huda safal pani huna sakthiyo tyo bela yadee Raja ko Bichar ramro hudo ho ta tara uni ta afna Gunda Jagat GAuchan anee Sard Saha jasta matiyar liyara hiday anee Giri jasto Bahagauda laee Upadaychaya nabanako bhaya ,Anee desatan garnay bhandaee sarkari Dhan Rajswa laee ghoomphir anee mojmasti garna paryog nagaryako bhaya,Africa Braman ma kati kharcha bhow hisab cha tato na bhutlo ko country haruko sair sapata anee Unko Putra ratna mathee Jantako aagadh Maya(oposite) nabayako bhaya.Aba ta Raja kay Parchanda lay ni nasochay huncha Janta ullu banayera janta mathee naee Sasan Garchu Bahnera

  13. Anamika has said that she wanted Maoists’ rule in Nepal. Since she is supporting these autocrat armed terrorists she has no right to criticize others like kign Gyanendra and Thai Generals. Only democratic person has such moral strength to criticize Gyanendra and Thai Generals. Supporting Maoists and advocating democracy!! how unwise! how hypocratic!!

  14. I would like to share few words with all nepalese frinds as I am currently living in Bangkok. The military coup staged on 19 september in Thailand has not made any big surprised to Thai people becuase this is not first time in Thai history. There has been coup 17 times in the past.People of Thialand are largely fade up with Thakin shinawatra and his business motives running country like his own private company. Therefore they just want get ride off him.Today King has endorsed this military coup.So far life in Bangkok is quite normal and I am working as usual.
    Din , Bangkok

  15. ZZ, am sure you consider me as one who always objects the point you present here but I am sure you have taken it as a base for healthy discussion and hope you do it now too.

    Yes it is very premature even to think about the Nepali army copying the coup in Thailand, but to underestimate the Thai politics and to consider it different, I don’t know where have you got that idea from :).

    Ofcourse we can’t compare TIA with BIA and RNAC with Thai but if you do some research, politically Thailand has suffered more than Nepal. More blood has been shed either in the name of democracy or to protect the army rule. King is just a puppet, a good tushy who actually dances in the tune of army. To make things clear the the army and the king has nothing but a bad cop and good cop relaion.

    The economic boom of Thailand was the gift from USA during the Vietnam war as you know Thailand was the main base for the US army. Since the end of Vietnam war Thailand’s been suffering a lot from Communist rebel backed by China, up in Thai – Malayan border. And to make things even worse Islamic fundamentalist from the same region, I guess Pattani liberation front ( or something like that) are being a big pain in the a$$. And the point is yes there are politicians who are taking a big advantage of it, just like in Nepal. There was a big debate upon deploying the soldiers to crush the rebels recently. I assume your friends are from Bangkok who are just busy with their daily lives so they don’t give a crap about it. थाइल्याण्डका नेताहरु मुखमा राम राम बगलीमा छुरा गर्दैनन, I have absolutely no idea where you’ve got that from. I can give you quite a few example of the dirty deeds of Thai politicians if you want. And thee won’t be any स्पष्टीकरण from army, they are going to fight within themeselves. Army are same everywhere ZZ, and when the power is within a grab , done. Finito.

    According to the hundreds of Thai blogs which have sprung overnightI can bet my last penny that this time Thai people are going to rise, like they did in 1992. I hope they do .

  16. १) के निहु पाउँ कनिका बुकाउ भइरहेको बेलामा थाइल्याण्डका कू पनि गतिलै मसला बनेछ मेरोसंसार मा। केहि दर्जन थान थाइ साथी हुने र थाइ खाना जिब्रो फट्कारी फट्कारी खाने म आफु थाइ राजनीतिबारे यति थोरै जानकारी राख्दो रैछु कि यो कू को समाचार मेरो निम्ति आश्चर्य नै बनिदियो । म मात्र होइन सरसर्ति यहाँका कमेण्टहरु हेर्दा आयुध बाहेक अन्य कसैले पनि त्यहाका राजनीतिको चुरो बुझ्ने प्रयास गरेका हुन जस्तो लागेन ।

    २) थाइल्याण्डमा भएको दुर्घटना नेपालमा नि बर्डफ्लू सरेजस्तै सर्नसक्ने अन्दाज(याने कि नेपालीसेनाले नि कु गर्न सक्ने अन्दाज)मा जतिपनि क्रियाप्रतिक्रिया आए ती सबै ब्यर्थ होलान जस्तो लागो मलाइ । मेरो अन्दाजमा थाइघटनाले नेपालमा केहि नि असर गर्ने छैन, न सेनाको मनोबल बढ्ने छ न सेनाको डरले सेनाबिरोधिहरुले गरिरहेका जनबिरोधि कार्यमा नै कुनै कमि ल्याउने छ । भोलिको दिनले मेरो अन्दाजको परिक्षण गर्ला नै ।

    ३) नेपाल र थाइल्याण्डको राजनीति तुलना गर्नु भनेको काठमाडौ एअरपोर्ट र बैंकक एअरपोर्ट अथवा RNAC र Thai Air को तुलना गर्नु जस्तै हो । किन कि थाइल्याण्डका नेताहरु मुखमा राम राम बगलीमा छुरा गर्दैनन र भोली कू गर्ने सैनिक जनरललाइ कुनै आयोगले बोलाएर स्पष्टीकरण लियो भने माथि तिर औलो तेर्स्याएर पानीमाथि ओभानो बन्न खोज्दैनन । यसर्थ यो कू ले थाइ राजनीतिको हिलोमैलो बढार्ने छ भन्ने कुरोमा मेरा थाइसाथिहरु आशाबादी रहेछन । उनेरुको कुरा बुझ्दा लाग्यो राजनीति मात्र होइन नेपाली सेना र थाइ सेनामा पनि काठमाडौ एअरपोर्ट र बैंकक एअरपोर्ट अथवा RNAC र Thai Air जतिकै फासला रहेछ ।

    ४) माथि कता कता हिन्दि वर्ड धेरै मिसियो जस्तो लाग्यो, हिन्दि फिल्मको बरदान, हे हे हे ।

  17. I really appreciate the fact that comments posted in this blog are becoming a way to express peoples differing views which gives better insight to Nepali Politics, rather than Complete Galis as I have seen in some other blogs.

    If you keep it up, then this blog would really be nice forum for Nepali people to express their ideas.

    Keep up the good work !!

  18. Comments posted by Cecal seems 100% true.

    Its high time for Maoists to think whether they want to join mainstream politics or face isolation from entire world.

    SPA should also start using some of their good netas instead of using their bad netas only. SPA has got prime responsibility as they are in power right now.

    If SPA and Maoists still continue to work for the interest of limited number of their leaders, their wife and their daughters, then not only Army Coup, but grave disaster for the country can be hearalded.

    We should realize that Girija Prasad is the same person who had to resign as PM as Army Generals refused to obey his orders. Girija Prasad is a total failure when it comes to diplomacy and governance. Is it any different now? I am surprised that he chose to Support this Katuwal instead of sacking him.

    In order to develop the country and in order to prevent future coup, it might be necesssary to sack all current generals, including Katuwal for their Crimes against Humanity during Janandolan. It will also be necessary to arrest all the Police Personnel and Armed Personnel who were involved in arresting the Democratically Elected Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, as well as those who arrested him in the middle of the night again.

    Unless SPA leaders including this totally Stupid Hawaldar Girija Prasad, Sher Bahadur, Makune are able to use their brains and differentiate between the people who arrested them yesterday and the general people who brought them to power, such coup is just a matter of time. However, if they fail today, there wont be any people to support them tomorrow, not even their party’s activists.

    We need total transformation in Nepal Army. Government had stated that they will not differentiate poeple on the basis of cast. They should try to prove it. I am shocked that in the entire history of Nepal army there has never been a Newar Commander in Chief, or Tamang Commander in Chief or Magar Commander in Chief. Hell, I dont think they have ever had a Newar, Magar or Tamang, Madhesi General. Shame on Nepalese Army.
    SHAME REALLY ……Nepal army is the perfect example of racism.


    So why am I commenting then?
    The problem is that if they fail, the country might go into whirlpool of violence. I just hope that Lord Swambunath would bless them with some brains of virtue and hope that they will listen to their inner soul rather than listening to their daughter or wife.

    Far from Switzerland, it might be totally war-torn like Somalia, or totally brutalized like Rwanda.

    Let us make Nepal a peaceful Nepal, the land of Lord Budha and the country of 33 crore gods and goddess. We dont want cheap promises to make it Switzerland, we just want a Peaceful, Prosperous and Democratic Nepal.

  19. I think the situation in Thailand and Nepal during King’s coup is totally different. People of Thailand have emmense respect for the King. Whereas we did not have that level of respect tour King at that also.Thai people are ready to be under the King’s rule for sometime than the corrupt ruler like Thaksin.Whereas Nepalese were fed up with political leaders, thay did not like the king’s rule and they were searching for the new leaders which Jana Andolan II could not give them. Again they are frustrated because again we are seeing Budho Girija. It is like Budho sande le Koreli Gai ogateko jasto.AgaiN Nepalese are already frustrated within five months.All these leaders could not move forward with a good agreement with the maoists.
    But Nahune mama bhanda Kano mama niko. We have great expectation on the forthcoming Summit.

  20. भिन्नाभिन्नै समाजमा प्रजातन्त्रका मूल्य आदर्शलाई पश्चिमी चश्माबाट मात्रै हेर्न मिल्दैन । पुस्तकहरुमा राम्रा देखिएता पनि सर्वसाधारण जनताहरुलाई प्रजातन्त्रभन्दा दुई छाक हातमुख जोड्ने पाउने शान्त वातावरणको चाहना हुनु अत्यन्त स्वभाविक कुरो हो। धेरैजसा मुलुकहरुमा कू गर्नेहरुले दिने कारण र त्यो कू लाई स्विकार गर्ने अंतराष्ट्रिय समाजहरुले पनि यस्तै तर्कहरु अघि सारेको हामीले सुनेका नै छौ।

    कू सफल हुनका निम्ति आन्तरिक घटनाक्रमहरु भन्दापनि अंतराष्ट्रिय हस्तक्षेपले ठूलो भूमिका खेलेको हुन्छ । मुसर्रफकै कुरो गर्नेहो भने पाकिस्तानमा उनी कतिको पपुलरछन् भन्ने कुरा त उनीमाथि पटक पटक गरिएका ज्यानलेवा हमलाहरुबाट नै प्रष्ट हुन्छ । चाहे भुट्टो र नवाज सरीफका राजनितिक संघटनका मान्छेहरु हुन, या इस्लामिक मुल्लाहरुका पिठलग्गुहरु हुन कोहिपनि मुसर्रफको नाम सुन्न चाहन्नन्। हतियारले सुसज्जित warlord हरुले जतिसुकै कोशिस गरे तापनि उनको ढेग चलाउन सकेकाछैनन्। पाकिस्तानी फोरमहरुमा गएर हेर्ने हो भने, पाकिस्तानी जनसमुदायमा पनि उनि त्यति लोकप्रिय छैनन्। तर पनि उनि टिकिराखेकाछन् अहिलेसम्म, र यसको एकमात्र कारण हो अंतराष्ट्रिय समर्थन। उनलाई फालेर एउटा सनकी मु्ल्लालाई कुर्सीमा बस्ने वातावरण बनाउन कोहिपनि तयार छैनन्।

    थाइल्यान्डको कुरोपनि त्यस्तै हो् । पहेंलो कपडा प्रयोग गरेर सेनाले जतिसुकै राजाको समर्थन गरे तापनि भोलि गएर थाइल्यान्डले अन्तराष्ट्रिय समाजसँग कस्तो संबन्ध राख्ने हो, त्यसले नै कू को भविष्यको निर्णय गर्ने छ। थाइल्यान्डमा अहिले अचाक्लिदैं गएको इस्लामिक गतिविधिलाई पनि प्रमुख मुद्दाहरु बनाइने नै छ । अहिले समाचारहरुमा आइरहेका संचार माध्यमहरुमाथिको प्रतिबन्ध रहिरह्यो, प्रजातन्त्रका सामान्य मुल्य मान्यताहरुलाई पनि लत्याउन खोजियो भने समाजमा राजाको १००% पकड नै किन नरहेको होस्, त्यसले कुनै मतलब राख्दैन। विद्रोह भएर नै छोड्छ र अंतराष्ट्रिय समुदायले पनि त्यसलाई समर्थन गर्ने नै छ।

    नेपालको संदर्भपनि त्यस्तै त थियो । जनता माओवादीहरु र करप्ट नेताहरुबाट पिडित भएको बेलामा ज्ञानेन्द्रले जुवा खेले। शुरुमा त जनताहरु अलि आशावादी भएको त सबैले देखेको नै हो। केहि भएहाल्छ कि अब, शान्ति आइहाल्छ कि भन्ने सोचपनि धेरैले बनाइसकेका थिए। तर ज्ञानेन्द्रको पुरानो रेकर्ड, प्रजातन्त्रमाथिको नांगो बलात्कार, भाइभारदारहरुको जमघट आदि कार्यबाट उनले पनि आफ्नो असलि रुप देखाउन थालिहाले। अंतराष्ट्रिय समाजको खिल्ली उडाउने, प्रजातन्त्रको पक्षमा बोल्यो भन्दैमा शीतल निवासमा नै बोलाएर स्पष्टीकरण माग्ने जस्ता घटनाहरुले राजालाई अंतराष्ट्रिय समाजबाट झन टाढा टाढा बनाउँदै गयो। प्रजातन्त्रलाई सम्मान गर्दै टेलिफोन नकाट्ने, संचार माध्यमहरुमा प्रतिबन्ध नलगाउने र आफ्नो पुरा ध्यान माओवादी समस्या समाधान गर्न तिर लगाएर केही हद सम्म जनताहरुलाई राहत पुर्‍याएका भए के थाहा नेपाल को कू पनि सफल हुन्थो कि ?

  21. Thailand ma bhayeko jastai Nepal ma pani 100% Raja le sainik marphat desh ko sashan hat ma lincha lincha.kinaki yo nai usko last chance ho.pranchanda ra maobadi samaye ma nai hos puryayes.***

  22. I think if this kinda fluid situation persists in nepal (political parties and maoists going on opposite directions) nepal’s case will be like the same within a year and we may have to hear a statement from Rukmangat katuwal “being loyal to king martial law has been secleared in nepal” its high time WE should act to prevent that from happening still we have some time otherwies next year Umesh ji will put this comment of mine and will say that one of his reader had already predicted the case. So if we really want to move towards peace its high time we start the pressure.

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