सिद्धिए सद्दाम !

Saddam Hanged
आज बिहान सद्दाम हुसेनलाई फाँसी दिनका लागि घाँटीमा डोरी बाँधिदै। अपडेटः फाँसीको भिडियो भित्र छ।

अन्ततः गरिब परिवारमा जन्मिएका सद्दाम हुसेन, तानाशाहीका सबै हद पार गरी विलासी जीवन जिउने सद्दाम हुसेन, अमेरिकी आक्रमणपछि माकुरे दुलामा लुकेर बस्न बाध्य भएका सद्दाम हुसेन र केही महिनादेखि शत्रुको फन्दामा जिउँदो लाश बनिरहेका सद्दाम हुसेन जीवनबाट मुक्त भएका छन्। आज बिहान नेपाली समय अनुसार पौने ९ बजे उनलाई फाँसी दिइएको छ। अस्ति भर्खरै मात्र इराकी अदालतले सद्दामलाई फाँसीको फैसलालाई सदर गर्दै ३० दिनभित्र फाँसी दिने निर्णय सुनाएको थियो। तर कसैले पनि आजै उनलाई फाँसी दिइन्छ भन्ने भेउ पाउन सकेका थिएनन्।

सद्दाम हुसेनलाई फाँसी दिइएपछि विश्वभर विभिन्न प्रतिक्रिया आइरहेका छन्। अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति जर्ज बुसदेखि लिएर नेपालका माअ‍ोवादी प्रवक्ता महरासम्मका वक्तव्य आइरहेका छन्। एउटा कुरा चाहिँ के प्रष्ट हो भने इराक युध्द सही हो कि हैन भन्ने विषयमा विश्व विभाजित भए भन्दा पनि बढी विभाजित मत यो मृत्युदण्डका कुरालाई लिएर भएका थिए। युध्दका बेला अमेरिकाको काँधमा काँध थाप्ने टोनी ब्लेयरले समेत सद्दामलाई मात्र हैन, कसैलाई पनि मृत्युदण्ड दिने कुराको विरोध गर्ने बताएका थिए। अहिले फाँसीको समाचारपछि पनि त्यस्तै प्रतिक्रिया बेलायतबाट आएको छ।

कुरा सुनिएको थियो, अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपतीय निर्वाचनसम्म सद्दामलाई मृत्युदण्ड दिइने छैन। तर विश्वभर विवाद बढ्दै गएको बेला ढिला नगरी मृत्युदण्ड दिने रणनीति पो अख्तियार गरिएको हो कि !

सन् २००३ मा सद्दामको शालिक ढालिँदै, माकुरे दुलाबाट सद्दामलाई पक्रँदै अमेरिकी सैनिक।

अमेरिकाले नै इतिहासको एक कुनामा सद्दाम हुसेनको विद्रोहलाई सल्काउन सहयोग गरेको, हुँदै नभएको आम विनाशकारी हतियारको निहुँमा युएनलाई समेत वास्ता नगरी आक्रमण थालेको, कयौँ निर्दोष इराकीहरु मारिएको, इराकी सरकार र अदालत अमेरिकी कठपुतली रहेको जस्ता कुराहरुलाई सम्झँदा सद्दाम हुसेनप्रति दया जाग्न सक्छ। तर, वास्तवमा सद्दाम त्यति दया गर्न लायक भने पक्कै हैनन्। हो, प्रक्रिया गलत भएको होला र सजाय पनि फाँसी दिनु विवादको विषय हुनसक्ला, [म भने फाँसीको सजायको सिद्धान्ततः विरोधी हुँ] तर सद्दामले अत्याचारको हद भने आफ्नो शासनकालमा पक्कै पार गरेका थिए। उनी तानाशाह नै थिए। मानवताविरुध्द गरेको अपराधका लागि उनले कडा भन्दा कडा सजाय पाउनु नै पर्थ्यो। तर त्यो सजाय अमेरिकी कठपुतली बनेको इराकी सरकार र अदालतले दियो, यो मात्र गलत भयो। एउटा तानाशाहलाई सत्ताच्युत गरी सजाय दिन अर्को तानाशाही प्रक्रिया अपनाइयो, यो मात्र गलत भयो।

त्यसबाहेक इराकमा यो फाँसीपछि इस्लामिक चरमपन्थीहरुले अझ विद्रोह फैलाउन सक्ने खतरा बढेको छ। इस्लामिक चरमपन्थीहरुले अमेरिकी निशानामा पनि हमला गर्ने खतरा बढेको छ। सद्दामलाई दिइएको सजायले विश्वमा शान्ति नखल्बलियोस् भन्ने कामना गरौँ।

शान्ति खल्बलिएला भन्ने डरले नै होला, अहिलेसम्म सद्दाम हुसेनलाई कहाँ फाँसी दिइएको भन्ने बताइएको छैन। उनको शवलाई पनि गोप्य स्थानमा गाडिने भएको छ। अहिलेसम्म सद्दाम हुसेनको घाँटीमा डोरी कस्दै गरेको एउटा भिडियो मात्र इराकी अधिकारीहरुले सार्वजनिक गरेका छन्। बाँकी केही पनि सार्वजनिक गरिएको छैन। त्यो भिडियो मैले इन्टरनेटमा खोजेको थिएँ। अहिलेलाई यो मात्रै भेट्टाएँ। यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस्।

नेपालको पनि विरोधः
प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाले फाँसीको सजाय मानव सभ्यताको विरोधी रहेको भन्दै सद्दामलाई दिइएको फाँसीको विरोध गर्नुभएको छ। उपप्रधानमन्त्री तथा परराष्ट्रमन्त्री केपी अ‍ोलीले पनि फाँसीको विरोध गर्नुभएको छ। माअ‍ोवादीका तर्फबाट प्रवक्ता महराले पनि विरोध वक्तव्यन निकाल्नुभएको छ। त्यसैगरी जनमोर्चा र एमालेका भ्रातृ संगठनहरुले भोटाहिटी, रत्नपार्क र बागबजारमा फाँसीको विरोधमा प्रदर्शन गरेका छन्।

सद्दामलाई फाँसी किन दिइएको त ?

सद्दाम हुसेनलाई किन फाँसीको सजायँ दिइएको हो त ? उनलाई इराकको विशेष अदालतले सन् १९८२ मा दुजेलमा गरेको मानवताविरोधी अपराधको अभियोगमा त्यो सजायँ सुनाएको हो। के भएको थियो त दुजेलमा ? आउनुस्, एकचोटी बुझौँ-

भएछ के भने सन् १९८२ को जुलाई ८ तारिखमा तत्कालीन राष्ट्रपति सद्दाम हुसेनमाथि आक्रमण भएछ यही दुजेलमा। झण्डै मरेका सद्दाम। सद्दाम र उनको इरानसित युध्द गर्ने नीतिको विरोध गर्नेहरुको बाहुल्य भएको ठाउँ थियो यो। सद्दाम त्यहाँ इरानसितको युध्दका क्रममा इराकका तर्फबाट लड्ने बहादुरहरुको प्रशंसा गर्दै भाषण दिन त्यहाँ पुगेका थिए। तर उनले पाए आक्रमणको स्वागत। तीन घण्टासम्म भिडन्त भयो तर सद्दामलाई केही भएन।

त्यसपछि त सद्दामलाई के चाहियो र ? ए, मलाई मार्न खोज्ने हैन तिमीहरु ! भन्दै उनले त्यो नगरमा आक्रमण गर्न लगाए। उनको आदेशको पालना भयो। त्यो नगरका १५० जना पुरुषलाई मारियो। मारिने मध्ये केही त भर्खर १३ वर्षका थिए। १५ सयलाई यातना दिइयो। महिला र बालबालिकाहरुलाई मरुभूमिको क्याम्पमा पठाइयो। पूरै नगरलाई सद्दाम हुसेनले ध्वस्त पारे। १ हजार वर्गकिलोमिटर खेत पनि ध्वंशमा पर्‍यो। १० वर्षपछि मात्र त्यहाँ केही रोप्न अनुमति दिइएको थियो।

सद्दाम हुसेनलाई दिइएको फाँसीको मात्र विरोध नगरी आज काठमाडौँमा भएको विरोध प्रदर्शनमा ‘सद्दाम हुसेन अमर रहून्’ जस्ता नारा पनि लगाइएका थिए। पोखरामा त केही समय चक्काजाम पनि भयो रे। सद्दामलाई अमर रहून् भन्नेहरुले भावनामा बगेर मात्र त्यस्तो भनेका हुन् कि नरसंहारको दोषी भएको कुरालाई बिर्सेको हो। फेरि भन्छु- सद्दाम हुसेनलाई फाँसी दिइएको घटनाको म पनि विरोध गर्छु। तर तानाशाहलाई अमर रहून् भनी नारा लगाउनु त हाम्रो राजालाई अमर रहून् भनी लगाइने नाराभन्दा पनि अन्यायपूर्ण नारा हो।

यो पनि हेर्नुस्:

Exclusive: सद्दाम हुसेनको फाँसीको दृश्य खिच्ने भिडियोग्राफर

सञ्चारमाध्यम दोधारमाः फाँसीको दृश्य प्रसारण गर्ने कि नगर्ने ?

सद्दाम हुसेनको अत्याचारः फोटो फिचर

सद्दामको जीवनः फोटो फिचर

सद्दाम हुसेनलाई दिइएको फाँसीको भिडियो-


  1. chahe jo sukai hos fansi dinu thulo aparadha ho. machhele manchhe lai. yedi tyo manchhe galti thaharema jiban kaid dinu taki uslai maile galti gareko rahechha bhanne bhan aafailai hos.I think yo khalko sajay rish ebik leyeko hoki? yesto hune ho bhane ak din oppositionko palo aauna sakinchha ra tyo khalo prakriya dohorina sakinchha.that means there are no body perfect around the world. aaphu power ma chha bhanera kasaile hurki nalagaye hunchha even hamro desh nepalma pani

  2. ummm..bichara lai kina mareko hola..he commited lots of crimes but it doesnt mean that he should be given punishment of death…bichara baje lai kina testo saro satako hola…init??
    ani americans haru leh ni kati crime gareko chaan tara khai ta uhnaharu lai fasi deko??its all against human right1

  3. this comment goes to naresh man adhikari,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    as u found that the cause of restoration is due to the international pressure, which international pressure u talking about? bush international? u are really child in geopolitics. u are totally AALU. why not restoration of democracy in burma? why not in banbladesh ? why not in pakistan? do u have answer? no no u sud have never heard about these problems.

    this achievement is totally due to nepali people, civil society , the 12 points agreement between maoists and SPA. u sud know about the 5 parties movements during 2004/05, which was super flop, why? after that king knew that parties were no more popular among people. after that king started to arrest leaders and kept them in jail or house arrest. if there was no 12 points agreement girija would be in house arrest and madav nepal was in kakani barrack. they might have dead this time not in prime minister’s post or bla bla.

    another thing girija sud remember that he is not the prime minister due to his party, its given by the people for a project work, constitutional assembly election. he doesnt deserve his judgement to impose.

    maoist are not opponents of this govenment , civil societies are not opponent but due to them they became prime minister , ministers and MPs.

    respect the parties who contributed in mass momeemnt 2.

    dont be categorised as ” the more things changes the more they remain the same” open ur eyes.

  4. l sadam ko mritudanda le manabta bridudhha ko kalank thape ko chha ra manab adhikar ko kura garne America ko niti spasta bhaye ko chha. sadam ko mritudanda ninda niya chha


  5. My this comment is on the press release of Maiost. I as a human being also donot prefere execution in any case. But when I found the press release of Maoist it made me laugh. Since they have killed many neaplese brutally , it was even brutal thean Saddam could have done.But how they are opposing this killingn I donot know

  6. हा हा हाहा हाहाहा माओवादीको प्रबक्ता कृष्ण बहादुर महरको ईराकका राष्टृपति सदाम हुसेनको बारेमा लेखिएको प्रेस बिज्ञप्ती हेर्दा खुशी र अच्म्म लाग्यो खुशी यो मानेमा लग्यो कि गाउँ गाँउमा किशानहरुलाइ एकछाक खनाको लागि घाँटि रेट्दै हिड्ने माओबादिहरुले पनि फासिको सँजाएको बिरुद्द आवाज उठाउँनु वास्तवमै खुशिको कुरो हो……

  7. जे भए पनि मान्छे भनेको मान्छे हो,स्रद्दाम लाइ झुन्ड्याउनु नै पर्थ्यो र! आजीवन काराबास को सजाय गरेको भए भइ हाल्थ्यो नि! बुश ले उसको जीवनको सबभन्दा ठूलो गल्ती गर्यो.एउटा स्रद्दाम लाइ मारेर दस अरु स्रद्दाम जन्मायो,जन्माइसक्यो…भिडियो हेर्दा त फिल्म हेरे झै लाग्यो अनि रिस उठ्यो बुश सँग तर के गर्नु र आफु भैयो लाम्खुट्टे बुश भयो हाती.यस्तै रहेछ.

  8. Prachanda and Baburam are now DAMN AFRAIF. FEAR is gripping them for the crime they did. They know nothing gonna change after all their revolution, because they themselves know that revolution is fake one, just for them to reach the power. People do understand this. That’s why these thugs are turning blue now. I suggest the children of these Maoists leaders never to come back to Nepal… your lives has been ruined by your crazy leaders.

  9. Why Prachanda is asking Mahara to put Mahara’s name in the statement… Why can’t Prachanda put his name????? Prachanda could give statements for that 14 ambassoados nomination episode, but why can’t in tis case? What is he afraid of? Why Baburam Bhattarai is hiding inside? HOw about the capital punishments Maoists gave to Nepalese without fair trial?? These Maoists are bunch of thugs, nothing else.

  10. quit heart touching video but what to do,pap dhuri bata karaun cha bhanchan tyahi bhaya ko hola………

  11. I really appreciate wat happen to him. Its good to give a person death penalty rather than giving him life long prison. Life long prison kinda tourture to a person.

    lets hope none in this world have to face a person like SADDAM again n anymore.

  12. उमेशजीको लेख राम्रै लाग्यो । धेरै जसो साथीहरूले नेपालमा मान्छे मार्नेकाम खाली माओवादिले मात्रै गरेको हो कि जस्तो ठानेका रहेछन् तर त्यो गलत हो । नेपालमा जनता मार्ने काम पृथ्वी नारायण शाह देखि ज्ञाने माइलो सम्म, बिपी देखि जिपी सम्मले गरेका छन् । पृथ्वी नारायणले किर्तिपुरेहरु र अरू जनाजातिहरुको, राणाहरूले लखानथापा र ४ जना शाहीदहरुको, महेन्द्रले राम लक्ष्मण,यग्यहरुको, बि पिले चिनियाकजीको, गिरिजाले अनिश शाक्य जस्ता ७ वर्षे बालक सहित २१ जनाको, शेरेले किलो शेरा टु मा थुप्रै नेपालीको र ग्यानेले त आफ्नै दाईको खलक र थुप्रै नेपालीलाई मारेका छन् । तर सबैले आफूलाई सबै भन्दा ठुलो मानवतावादी र प्रजातन्त्रवादी भनि टोपल्छन् । वास्तबमै यी सबै जनतामारा तानाशाहहरु हुन्। सबै साथीहरुलाई इतिहास राम्ररी पढ्न अनुरोध गर्दछु।

  13. Sathi haru le tesai mao badi lai gali gare jasto lagio, yo sansar ma darbin ko survival of the fittest je ma pani lagu huncha. Mao badi le tehi darbin ko sidhanta anusar saddam ko birodh gareko ho.
    Mao badi le birodh garnu ko karad haru
    -Chore ko sathi chore bhane jhai tanasaha ko sathi tana saha nai huncha
    -Yedi kasai lai mardai ma, mritudanda dina thalio bhane prachanda, baburam, mahara sabai ko palo aucha, ani birodh garnu pardaina.
    – Umesh ji, jastia patrakar, maile name birshe, sindhu palchowk ma mao badile ghati retera aeko thio, ani madi ko bus kanda, ani bus ma judai jalaeki abodh balika, ani ghati reterea marera rukh ma badi jesus christ jastai banaeka teacher,sabai samjida prachanda lai pani dar lagera aeo hola, aba mero palo pani auna sakcha, yedi nepali kehi budhiman bhaema, tesaile kurli kurli karaudaichan saddam hussain jindabad!
    – Mero bichar ma saddam hussain jidabad ko matlab bastab ma saddam jindabad bhaneko hoina, manche marne hameru haru le future ma unmukti paunu parcha bhaneko ho, bachna ko lagi prachanda le gareko chori kaida ho

  14. Mahar jee,
    Sadam lai marda tapai lai tetro chinta.

    Lamjung ko school master ra rupandehi ko debi gurung jasta nirdosh lai tapai ko parti le bina kunai nayik system suraki ko billa lagayera mareko birsanu bho. gohi ko aasu chuhaunu pardaina.samaye aaucha tapai haru lai pani jhundaune.Pale mailo

  15. *********It’s for those who dares reality***********

    OK I agree that he is brutal dictator and killed so-called #s of people BUT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Who killed million of Afgans and Iraqis….n…..destroyed their country completely….the reason for what…….??????

    What is Human Right Don’t ask me….Anyone can ask and be trained from the most humanatarian country America….

    Do anyone have answer where their Human Right does when they are destroying Afgan and Irag and now….

    Where gonna Human Right? Where gonna judgment??? when millions of completely innocent Afgan and Iraqis were killed?????

    Ok If he is responsible for killing of 148 innocent, who is responsible for death of 6 lakhs civilian in Iraq over the fast few years….Let consider dreadest punishment that world find for 148 is execution but what for millions and billion innocents….Any idea???

    Who wanted Iraqi oil reserves and projected Hussein as a villian?

    Does any one know that he was a good administrator as well? He made education compulsory for all boys and girls to fight illiteracy among muslims..

    Everybody know who tell us the only one side of the story??

    In which era did Iraqi woemn wore skirts and work in office and men freely drank in bars?????

    Who backed Hussien in his 8-year-old war against Iran?

    Who is still having backed by many so-called brutal dictator??? Who normally made so-called dictator for whose purpose and finally declared terrorist after completion of one’s benefit???? who who??? anyone???

    And at last but not least why the holy day(Bakri-Eid) was chosen???n what if the same for Bush chosen in X-mass….

    If any one have any answer please response me at [email protected]

  16. Back to Safal:-
    Sorry I thought due to people’s effort and international pressure, democracy was restored in the nation. My little knowledge thought that how on a earth maoist could topple Gayne within a week as they even could not move “Gayne’s” hair having killed 13k lives,damaged infrastrcture worth millions, displaced thousands and so on. Your views are appreciated as per of democratic adhere but not complusion to believe as per of dictorship.


  17. उमेश जी अति ब्यस्तताको कारण मैले अरुको कमेन्ट पड्न पाईन दुख लागेको छ। अरुको कमेन्टमा जे कुरा भए पनि सदाम आफै अपराधिनै हो। तर कुनै अपराधी लाई सजाया दिन फेरि जघन्य अपराध गर्नु जायज काम होइन सदाम लाई फासीदिने पक्षपनि बिस्वको लागी सदाम भन्दा बडि हानिकारक ताना साही नर भक्षक हो।

  18. diplorable act! human right violation!! nothing more than revenge by Bush jr.
    look at the recent history.Milosovic was tried in international court for war crimes and crimes against humanity carried out in his own country same way as Saddam did.question is why saddam did not get the same treatment as did milosovic.? The answer is crystal clear as water and abviuosly its Bishism shiitism and flawd justis system of new shiity dominated Iraq handled by paranoid bush administration.ultimately bush will pay a very heavy price for this.very soon 3000 more pairs of shoes will return to washington for his proposed inducting of 3000 more marines to Iraq.lets wait and see.

  19. बिश्व २१औँ शताब्दिमा पुगेको बेला १६औँ शताब्दिमा जस्तो सद्दामलाइ फाँसीको सजाय दिनु भनेको मानबअधिकारको घाँटी निमोठ्नु हो । होला ! सद्दामले आफु सत्तामा हुँदा आफ्ना बिरोधिहरुलाई फाँसी दिएका थिए । म यसलाइ एउटा नेपालि उखानसंग तुलना गर्न चाहन्छु “कुनै पनि कुकुरले आफुलाइ टोक्यो भने कुकुरलाइ टोक्नु हुन्न ”
    यस उखानलाई सद्दामसंग तुलना गर्दा,
    यदि सद्दाम कुकुर थिए र उनले जनतामाथि शोषण गरेका थिए भने सद्दामलाइ फाँसिमा चढाउने कस्ता होलान् त ???
    हुन त हामिले यो ब्लग मार्फत जति जे सुकै लेखेपनि सद्दाम हुसेन यो संसारमा त अब रहेनन् तर संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघ जस्तो मानबअधिकारको रक्षा गर्ने संघले यस बारे किन यति समय सम्म आवाज उठेन ???
    यस्मा कतै सयुक्त राष्ट्र संघको हात त छैन ??
    किन सयुक्त राष्ट्र संघले यस बारे चासो देखाएन ???

  20. Ha Ha Ha ……………… Chhi Chhi .
    Chhya Chhya Kati na suhaudo yar yo ta ati bhayo. any kahile bata ho yesto mood change bhayeko I think satta ma aaune bela bhayera jasto chha. ani Mahara ji tapae ko yo kura ajha gau gau ma phailaune parne ho. jaha tapai le kasai ko pani ghati retnu bhayena. ghar bata ti nirdosh lai jhukayera lagi nirmam ta purbak hattya garnu bhayena. ani ti nirdosh haru lai yembush ma parera marnu bhayena. J ho tapai ko yo kura bata ma jyadai khusi chhu tapai ko yo fan ko lagi bhaye pani plz gau gau samma yo kura puraunu bhaye besh hunthyo. la haita pheri yestai joke garahanu ma tapai ko parsnasa gari rahnu chhu la. may god tapai haru lai k hi aru din pani bachna diyos taki yestai khabar sunna pau la ta

  21. maoist also talking abt human rights, good joke. maoist also hav killed lots of people by kidnapping… if they hav killed in the war then it wouldnot hav been a great problem but kidnapping and killing….. very bad. where was there human right at that time??? maoist dont make a joke of humanright.

    we should not forget that saddam had done very cruel works and he got punished for that. giving fasi to saddam is the answer of doing cruel works….
    only bad thing is it was given under the pressure of usa, if iraq had given fasi with their own wish then its would hav been to much better.
    tit for tat

  22. पृथ्वीनारायन शाहले पनि भक्तपुर जिति सके पछि आफनो सबै बिरोधि मत्र हैन आफनो सबै सहयोगि नेवारहरुलाई एकै ठाउमा भेला पारेर सबैलाई मारेको थियो अनि बाँकि नेवारको नाक कातेर ७ (सात) धार्नी बनाएको थियो

  23. Mr/Ms or non Jyotshana,

    How can you give credit to Maoist for bringing the democracy? It was the pressure of the International community to restore full democracy in the country. How dare you can say that? One should thank to International community and people of the nation. You can see now, People are not benefited but Maoist politicians are getting benifit. Having facility to stay at top hotel, comreds are still extorting money from innocent people and government have not been able to stop that. How dare you can forget all those. They are the ones who slit the throat of innocent people, some teachers were hanged, bitten to death. Dead ones were not rajabaid, rather some of them were Congress and AMALE. How can you forget all those. They killed not others than our & theri own brothers and sisters. They came to political main stream, do you know why, to play and enjy the power. If they really care about the safety of the peopel, why are not allowing the security (Police) post to deploy in the remote village areas? because they still want to torture the innocent people, threten them, not yet satisfied drinking the blood of the innocent. WHere are they are freely allowed to extort the money even in valley yet, kill and and brutally bit the innocent but police are not doing anything cause they are maoist. You can just imagine how big space they are having from government and people. If you don’ know all these, you are real bullshit.

    THanks Umesh hi
    Naresh (true nepali)

  24. उमेश्जी
    सद्दाम को हत्या ईरान को अहमदिनिजाद लाइ तर्साउन गरिएको हो जस्तो लाग्छ ।तपाईं लाई के लाग्छ ?



  26. ** Maoists raising Human Rights issues? **

    It is very nice to hear that the Maoist leaders are talking about the Human Rights issues from the execution of Saddam Hussein. An event in Iraq seems to have brought a great leap forward in Maoists attitudes. The Maoist party with the bankrupt communist ideology wants to stride its commitment in peaceful revolution. No wonder why Maoists are becoming so popular. They have been able to present their agendas as the reflection of people’s aspirations.

    We can keep our peace and freedom only when Maoists respect “Ballots” but not worship “Guns”.

  27. साथी हो,
    खुकुरीको चोट अचानोले बेर्सन सक्दैन!
    १२ जना नेपालीलाइ इराकमा मारेको पिडा नबिर्सनु होला,
    उतिबेला नेपालीले सदामका मान्छेलाइ पाए झुन्डाएर मार्थे ।
    तेसैले किन जल्लादको देशमा जल्लादलाइ मार्दा नेपालिले बिरोध गर्नु? जे भयो ठिक भयो, हाम्रा १२ जना मृतक साथिको आत्माले सद्दामको execution लाइ हेरेर सान्ति पाओस् ।

  28. Aba gyane ra parasko palo aayako jasto chha.uniharulai pani yesigari phasi ma rakhama matra nepal ra nepali haruko aatma le santi paula.
    Jaya pashupatinath

  29. american ko gunda gardi ho….american talks about human rights, animal rights hey where are they now? listen you won the battle but you lost the war….

  30. Response to DK:

    Janaandolan II was a concept of Maoists and was framed by Maoists. Seven Political Parties were so reluctant to organise the movement. But, Maoists forced them to start the movement right from Chaitra 24, and peoples from all sectors of lives joined in the movement enthusiastically.

    So, Maoists played the most effective role amongst the eitht political parties, and but it was the civil society and ordinary people who helped political parties in achieving the goal.

  31. Why Saddam was hanged?

    Saddam was definitely a tyrant, who killed thousands of innocent people including those 152 in Dujjal. But, I have different theory–I thin this is not the reason why he was hanged now.

    American gov was repeatedly saying that executing Saddam Hussain would not diminish the level of violence, but, feared that it might get even worse. So, it did not actually want to execute him at least for now due to its concern about more costs of American troops’ lives. But, American reluctantly approaved his execution finally as Iraqi gov and Shiites were able to convince them:

    The reality is that Iraqi government thought that the series of violences sponsered by Saddam’s Bath Party would be stopped in a long run (if not immediately) if he was execucted as early as possible. Actually, this may be true if you see the history: if the parties or groups are just the bunch of opportunists, and were run by mob mentalities with no principles and idealogies, and henced mainly organised to fight for persons or posts, then almost all violences organised by such groups or parties were stopped eventually or diminished in the past after the main leaders were ececuted or killed or jailed.

    Saddam’s party is no exception: a bunch of opportunists organized for money and posts during Saddam’s era, and the whole violent activities might be stopped after some time as Saddam is already gone.

    Other reason why he was hanged so soon might be that Muftada-al-Satr might have gave the words to the current Iraqi government that he would help stablize government by stopping it’s violent activities against Sunni Iraqis provided Saddam was execuded.

  32. Jyotsna,

    I am afraid to say that with your kind of bloody philosophy and poor mentality it has costed 13000 lives and hundreds of thousands of
    displacements.Maoist alone won nothing but the title of terrorist so far.
    By the blessings of the peace seekers all around the world you people got opportunity to live a life of normal healthy human being. No wonder you still have the hangover.
    Lady! it took just 19 days to topple monarchy not 10 years of nightmares .
    BTW, don’t you understand Nepalese living outside may have better lives for those nations are much developed politically, socially and of course economically.
    Grow up girl!

  33. फाँसी नै त नदिनु पर्ने हो । धर्मको हिसाले ठिकै हो भन्ने हिन्दुहरुले नेपालमा पनि त्यस्ता अपराधिहरुलाई धनुषबांणले मार्ने नियम बनाए भयो नि हैन र? महाभारतकालमा धनुषबाँण ले बिरोधिहरु मार्ने गर्थे ।

  34. these maoist are trying to convey message to world, sorry i mean to nepali people that they have left killing business and voilence and are peaceful now by demostrating against the execution of saddam hussien, these maoists are a real cheater n moraless clever people, moaists revolution is an example of bhaunbad in nepal, bhaubad gave birth to these maoist so, they started there war with support of janjathi but now they have changed there words n action, so do hell with maoist n its philosophy, maoist polictics is fading away now …

  35. In the rule of Saddam, Iraqis could not speak against Saddam regime because of his brutality. Same is here in Nepal with Maoist. After peace agreement also, Maoist keep on killing people. Killing of ordinary civilian by Maoist is JUSTICE??, Killing of a brutal dictator after a long lawful trial is agaisnt the human right and injustice??? Pls have a shame to support dictator like Saddam…..and to support Maoist brutal killing of the civilians……….

    Pls Maoists and their supporters, this is the right time to change yourselves in the peaceful democracy. Pls don’t think the madness of your weapons always works. The end of such madness is obvious like Saddam.


  36. नमस्कार साथीहरु, उमेसजी को र अरु साथीहरुको कमेन्ट पनि राम्रो लाग्यो र खास् कुरा के भने मैले जहाँ सम्म जाने बुझे अनुसार सडाम हुसेन ले चाँही उस्को शासन कालमा केही नराम्रा काम गरे जुन कि कुर थियो र त्यो एकदम गलत पनि थियो । तेस्को उसले सजाए पाउनु पर्छ देश को राष्ट्रपति जस्तो सम्मनिय बेक्ती भएर त्यस्तो कम गर्नु भनेको ज्यादै नै कुरकाम जो उसले गरेको कुकर्म को फल त पाउनु त पर्‍यो एक न एक दिन उसले सजए पौनु थियो तर ढिलो र चाडओ को कुरा हो आज गएर उसले सजाय पायो कुरा हो फासी र जन्म कैद को हाम्रो परम्परा अनुसार र धर्म मा र कानुनमा फासिको सजाए छैन भनेर मात्र भएन किनकी यो मुसालीम को पर्य देस् मा यस्तै कानुन छ त्यो देश ईराक को कानुन अनुसार उसले सजए पायो हामी नेपाली ले तेसमा कुनै आपति जनौनु पर्ने जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैन । कुरो आयो मानव अधिकारको जसले अरुको मनव अधिकारको ख्याल गर्दैन भने तेसलाई केको मनव अधिकारको कुरा ।पाखान्दी नेपालीहरुले त्यो ईराक मा बिभात्स् तरिकेले ११ जना नेपाली मारेको बिर्सेंकी क्या हो? तीनैहरु कसको मान्छे भन्ने कुरा शायद सदाम अ्मर रहुन भन्नेलाई थाहा छैन होला तेसै हावाको भरम अरुले जे भन्यो तेसैको पछि लाग्ने गलत र सही के हो भन्ने कुरा नबुझी तेसै सदाम अ्मर रहुन भन्ने । एदी तपाईं हाम्रो राजा ज्ञाने र सदम लाई तुलना गर्ने हो भने ज्ञाने दस् गुनाले राम्रो भने पछि ति सडक म उत्रेर सदम अ्मर रहुन भन्ने कतिको पखान्दी र बेकुब त तेसै म भन्छु नेपाली को दिमाग हुँदैन भनेर । बुझनु न सुन्नु तुफानको भर भनेको जस्तै हो । अब कुरा आयो माओ बदिको सचिनै साथीहरुले भने जस्तै माओवादीले मनव अधिकारको कुरा गर्दा मलाई पनि हासो उथेर् आयो ए तीनैहरु पनि मानव अधिकार्को कुरा गर्न थाले र भनेको ए यो केको अच्म सुन्नु परेको मैले । बिर्सें तीनैहरुले मादिमा निर्दोस् जनतलाई एम्बुस् मा पारेर बसमा चडेका ति कौ जनतालाई मारे र कएउ घाइते भए कतिको खुट्टा छैन कसक्ओ के छैन ति गरीब जनताले अझै सम्म केही राहत पाएको छैन । एदी देस् र जनता को लागि लडेको भए किन ति मडिका जनता हरुले केही पनि राहत नपाएको हुनसक्छ त्यो काम अनजानमा भयो अनि किन ति जनता हरुलाई केही पनि राहत नदिएको एदी देस् र जनताको लागि लडेको भए आफुले नखाएर भने पनि ति गरीब र निमुखा जनता लाई दिनु पर्ने होइन ।
    अरु केहीपनि होइन यि पर्च्न्डे बाबुराम रमे हरुले आफु हिरो बन्न ति सोजा साजा नेपालीलाई बेकुब बनएको मात्र हो । मलाई के सन्का लाग्छ भने जसरि सद्दाम अ्मर रहुन भनेर नबुझेका हरु सडकअ मा उत्रे र कराको छन तेसै गरी तिमाओवादी मा लाग्ने हरु पनि त तेसतै होइनन परचन्डे ले र बाबुरमेले जे भन्यो तेही हो भनेर सोच बिचार नगरिकन पछि लागेको ।
    मलाई लाग्क्छ त्यो महरा ले बकताब्य निकालेको ईराकम चाँही मनव अधिकार को उलघन भयो भनेर त्यो चाँही अलि पचेन यतिछिटो किन्की एती छिटो पचाउनको लागि हजमोला खानु पर्ला । एउटा साथीले भने झै मलाई पनि जोक अफ द
    jeewan kumar khadak
    from doha,qatar

  37. Jyotsana Ji,
    Maoist was not the key force to bring the present political situation in Nepal but it found the key time for it’s safe political landing, why we can forget that their people’s war costed 13K lives.

    Maobadi le the monarchi ko baal pani hallan na 12 barsh ko dauraan ma,

    Baru Jan aandolan II maa ta “mauka ma chauka hanyo”.

  38. १. हिन्दु राष्ट्रले “ब्रम्ह-हत्या” को कारणले मृत्युदण्ड कानुनमा समावेश सक्दैन। (तर तेस्को कुनै अर्थ छैन जहां extra-judicial execution हाबि छ)
    २. क्रीश्‍चीयन देशमा मृत्युदण्ड कुनै समस्या होईन किनकी धार्मीक कारणमा कैयुं लाई जिउंदै जलाईएको छ बिगतमा।
    ३. मुसलमान देशमा मृत्युदण्ड धार्मीक कारणले आवश्यक हुन्छ किनकी “कुरान” मा उनीहरुको धर्म नमान्ने (काफीर) लाई मार्नुपर्छ भनेर लेखीएको छ। (अफगानीस्तानमा एक ब्यक्तीलाई इसाई भएको अभियोगमा २००६ मा मृत्युदण्ड सुनाईएको थीयो)।
    मेरो साउदी अरबको साथीले (गर्वका साथ) भन्ने गर्थ्यो, उसको देशमा मृत्युदण्ड सबैले देख्‍ने ठाउंमा तरवारले घांटी काटी दीईन्छ भनेर।
    चोरी गर्यो भने हात काटीन्छ भनेर (मुसलमान कानुन मुताबीक)।
    कती अमानविय…
    तर के गर्ने, पर्यो मुसलमान देश…

  39. Hi dear,
    You fight against the autocrats who killed thousands of people in nepal. Fight with the SUrya bahadur who killed so many political activists, you fight with the buthchers and their sons who killed our great martyr hanging on tree, you fight with those who are inside the wall ordering to kidnap rape and turture the common people, you fight with those who every time raped the soverignity of the people , you fight with those who can kill whole of the family for the vested political interest, then you will be respected and your comments can be readable. Other wise you making jokes staying in some alien land doing menial work , talking against some groups favouring some groups.You may be rame , you may be shyame I am not concerned with those name, I just prays the victory what the people get and I praised those who became the great support in the process .every one has accepted from GIRIJA GYANEndra and GUJARAL that maoist is the key force in the recent political development of the country , I dont know why your little brain in head cant accept it. You may have some kind of sickness of mind to anlyse the facts. Good luck to you.

  40. यो केही होईन अमेरीकाको बिरोध हो। यसरी जायज कुराको समर्थन गर्ने नसक्ने, “Hippocratic” (ठगबादी) कुरा गर्ने माओबादी नेतृत्व कत्तीको चोर छ भन्ने त तेसै देखीन्छ। चित्त नबुझेका मानीसहरुलाई मॄत्युदण्ड दिन कत्तीपनी न हीच्कीचाउने माउबादी खाउबादी जस्तै ठग छैन त?

  41. yo ta atiii bhayo. Fansee Saddam lai bhanda pahila dinu parne manchhe dherai chhan. Saddam le bhanda sansar bata hataunu parne ta bado prajatantrik bhanera sansarma ghamanda garne BUSH gang lai nai jhundaunu parne ho.

    Itihas jitne haru ko ghoda matra hai bartaman pani GUN ra GOLD hune harukai rahecha. Samay kram ma kunai din Bush lai pani itihasko hatyara ko rup ma hamra chhora natii le padhne chhan. Shakti chha bhandaima, oil ko lagee Iraq ma tetro katleam gareko Bush mandalee aba tyaha ko yudhbata nikai chadai bhagera farkane sandarbhama afoo farke pachhi Saddam lai namarlan bhanera Saddam lai eti chadai hatarma jhundaeka hun.

    Arko mahatwapurna ra sambedaseel kur Muslim ko pavitra chad ko agadi jhundaunu yo Paschima haruko Muslim sabhyata pratiko abahelana nai ho.

    Samay le kasailai chhoddaina, Saddam ko bhanda naramro niyati BUSH le behoros. I pray for etrnal peace of departed soul of Saddam.Down with BUSH Gang.

  42. This is an execution given to a much weaker enemy by a strong enemy.If you compare Bush with Saddam,they are almost the same,except Bush is from a very rich,privileged family;while Saddam leveled that summit right from the bottom of proverty.

    Bush was an alcoholic for long time during his youth;I suspect he wouldn’t be the president,if he had not his father president.It is fairly understood Bush is misusing his power(which is evident from American people’s view on war-so he is also a dictator-it is ridiculous thar CNN is covering the news referring Saddam as dictator).It is said he has just taken the revenge of his personal/family feud over Saddam.
    Saddam’s death doesn’t solve the problem-that is what Bush said after he knew Saddam was no more.This statement simply proves he is a stupid.If it doesn’t solve the problem,why he ordered his men to hang him.

    No Iraqi should be happy on Hussein’s death;his death is simply the one brother’s masacre done by another with order of an stranger(alien)–“Bhai fute,Gawar lute”.This latest action will result in the division of Iraq.

  43. This comment is only for “YOKOHO”:-
    I have qeries after reading your comments; you did mention that Maoist leaders hid themself into the jungle to fight for public independance. My friend!! this is the unansered question that Prachanda & Baburam began this revolution for a complete maoism, as per of their saying; that costed nearly 13 thousands of peoples lives . Now have landed back to politics after making such a fuss, damaging, destroying uncountable value. So why they went to jungle if they have to come back to multiparty democracy; so why they have to kill thousands, displace millions. This is not only I am saying all nepali are asking to Prachand now. Maoist have achieved nothing since their war apart from looting, murder, anarchy, violance and anti social behaviours. Now you tell me how they deserve respect from Nepali society???????

  44. Hello yokoho (who the hell is this?)and Jotshana,
    Aren’t you yet not finished with killing games?What on earth are you people supporting? Is it the butchery bloodshed? Whats wrong with you people? Do you think its because of the only Maoist Nepal has attained this state? Wake up people!In fact its because of the joint effort of all including the effective effort of international pressures.

    FYI, Maoist in Nepal just happened to have a safe landing.Cherish it well!!!

  45. Dear,friends,without thinking please don’t write like this against maoists.ya…they did some kind of mistake but they killed royals politics,n their bastard politician,now we r heading democratic,,,,,loktantra,,,for coming neplease future,,,if maoists didnot fight like that,,,,u nepalese always under the royals sandal n their sackled ….. then before saying bad for maoists please think that,…. maoists…go on till get freedom n peace n progress in our society n country… u r the only one party …. who can lead our country in progress……….

  46. saddam is terrorist because it terrorised its own citizen for own selfishness. There’s no doubt that Saddam has commited a crime against humanity for selfcentered cause. Killing people for such a narrow cause would lead to this kind of deadly consequences. So, its very important to realize and understand that there’s no escape for such kind of crime.

    All the extreme Jihadist should understand this too. The consequence against all extreme Jihadist should also be death. Anything less than that will not be acceptable.


  47. माओबादी हरुले फासीको बिरोध गर्ने ? वाह कस्तो अचम्म् को कुरो !! के यीनिहरु को दिमाग परिवर्तन नै भयको हो त्?
    खास भन्ने हो भने त राजा र माओ बादी दुबै लाई पनि सधम हुसैन लाई झै फासि दिनु पर्ने हो तर हामि हरु ले केहि समय
    कुर्नु पर्ने भयो .

  48. सद्दाम लाई झुन्दाउनु ठीक चै होइन,तानासा ह को अन्त्य यस्तै हुन्छ भन्ने ज्ञाने ले बुज्नु पर्छ,अब ज्ञाने को पालो,न्याय पर्खेने!!!

  49. those who are talking against maoist in these matter donot have little bit of political thought. They just talk. Talking doesnot matter much . Let them talk the rubbish things. After all the dish washer’S talk.
    Good luck.

  50. fasi nai diyeko ma pani birod garchu.. tara harek kura lai lyaera hamro raja lai jodnu teti upaukta nahola ki umesh. hamro raja tanasahi hoinan.

  51. Nepali butchers talking about Human Right!!!!! Mr/Ms Yokoho, talking in favor of Maoist is human right; when talking about the reality, which is always against the Maoist, is against the patriotism???? What a joke??

    But it is true, a butcher always supports another butcher professionally…..

  52. संसार का सम्पूर्ण ७०-७५ वटा मुसल्मान देश हरु मा मृत्युदण्ड भने को दिन दिन को चर्या हो । कुनै नौलो कुरो होइन । छोरी चोरी गरेमा हात काट्ने, आईमाई ले विवाह पूर्व वा विवाह पस्चात पर पुरुष सँग सम्बन्ध गरेमा सार्व जनिक स्थल मा त्यो आइ माइ लाइ जमिन मा शरिर गाढेर ढुङ्गा ले हानेर मार्ने, झुटो बोलेमा जिब्रो काट्ने आदी आदी कानून को दिनहु अभ्यास हुने यि मुसल्मान देश हरु मा हिन्शा मार्फत न्याय दिइने परम्परा रही आएको छ । मुसल्मान कानून भनेको यही हो । नेपाल मा पनि मुसल्मान भाइ हरुले यो कानून को माग गर्नु भएको छ र माओ बादी लाइ हिन्शा मन पर्ने हुना ले आश्वाशन पनि पाएका होलान । हाम्रो गिरिजा बाबु लाइ पनि आफ्नै ज्वाइ हरु मुसल्मान भएका ले कुनै आपत्ति नहोला ।
    तेसैले यो सद्दाम हुसेन मृत्यु दण्ड को नेपाल मा बिरोध गर्नु को केही मत्लब छैन

  53. माओवादी जनयुद्ध गरेर नेपालको अमुल परिवर्तन लिएर हामीलाई शामन्ती शासन बाट मुक्त गर्दै नगरिक बनाउन माओवादी हरुले गरेको योगदान लाई बिर्सियर बोल्नु एतिखेर ठीक छैन । किन् माओवादी हरुमा मानवअधिकार प्रती चेतना छैन जस्तो लाग्छ तपाईंहरुलाई । तपाईंको स्वोतन्त्र र स्वाभिमान नेपाली भन्ने चाहना लाई आफ्नो टाउकोको मुल्य तोकएर दश बर्ष जङल मा बसेर कस्को लागि लडाईं लडिदियो ति कुरा लाई अन्धो र सुस्त मनस्थिती भएको हरुले पनि देख्नेकुरा हो । हो माओवादी हरुको सम्पुर्ण पल हरु र सम्पुर्ण काम कारबाही सर्बाथअ ठीक थिएन तर देश को लागि आबस्यक एउटा जटिल युद्ध लडेको छ उनिहरुले र तेस्लाई हामीहरुले मनन् गरी आत्मसाथ गर्नु धेरै बुद्दिमनी हुनेछ । माओवादीमा आएको परिवर्तन ले उनिहरु आमानबिय र हिन्स्रक होइन भन्नेकुरा देखिस् केकोछ । अब हामीले चिन्नुपर्छ को ठीक र को बेठीक भनेर । माओवादीले गरेक्को मानव अधिकार र न्यायको कुरालाई लिएर उनिहरुको खेदो खन्न हामीले छोड्नुपर्छ । के महर!म1 र माओवादीमा परिवर्तन आउन सक्दैन । उनिहरु त्यस्तो बुद्धिहिन र कएर अनि दरिद्र देख्नु हुन्छ । एउटा संघर्श शिल र देश को लागि ज्यान अर्पेर त्यग गर्ने ब्यक्ती बिरुद्ध बोल्नु ठीक होइन र अझै तरिका यो होइन । तपाईंहरुको जीवनको मुल्य र मन्याता स्थापित गरिदिने मान्छेको बोली र कुरा जोक हुन्छ । तेसो हो भने यो जीवन को सबै भन्दा ठुलो जोक् तपाईंहो भनेर मैले मन्नु पर्ने हुन्छ । तेसैले आग्रह छ सोचेर बोल्नुहोला ।

  54. these iraquies kill others and get themselves killed. it is their tradition, they dont care about human rights, 11 nepalese were killed so brutely in iraq, this is their life, this is their system.

    may saddam’s soul rest in peace (though he didnot do any good in his life)
    i think we have to punish this mahara also, what the hell he talks about human rights.

  55. “अन्तररास्ट्रीय मानवअधिकार ? माओवादी ? महरा ?”

    अन्तररास्ट्रीय मानवअधिकार ? माओवादी ? महरा ? यो ” “अन्तर रास्ट्रीय मानवअधिकार” नाम भएको चरा को नाम महरा जि ले कसरी थाहा पाउनु भयो ? आज का मिती सम्म नेपाल का निरिह गरीब जनता लाइ घर परीवार कै अघिल्तिर कुटी कुटी मार्ने रगताम्य हात भएका कामरेड हरु लाइ यो अन्तर रास्ट्रीय मानवअधिकार भन्ने शब्द पनि थाहा रहेछ्, अचम्म! बोरु ज्ञानेन्द्र जस्तै एउटा पापी लाइ न्यायले पृथ्वी को भार बाट मुक्त गर्‍यो भन्ने मा समर्थन गर्नु पर्ने होइन र ? हालाकी सच्चा नेपाली हरु मृत्युदन्ड लाइ हाम्रो हिन्दू-बुद्ध परम्परा को मान्यता अनुसार स्विकार गर्दैनन ।
    आफ्नो राजनैतीक धारा सँग मिल्नेले जती अपराध गरे पनि ठीक र राजनैतीक धारा नमिल्ने बित्तीकै उस्ले गरेको सबै कुरा बेठीक भन्ने सोच लाइ “अतिबादी” वा अन्धो उघ्रबादी” भन्छन
    आँफै अन्धा र उघ्रबादी र अन्याय कर्ता भएका कामरेड हरु ले नेपाली लाइ कस्तो मार्ग देलान

    बोरु ईराक मा जस्तै कुनै सक्ती नेपाल आएर सद्दाम हुस्सेइन जस्तै नेपाल को क्रुर शाह राजा लाइ दण्ड दिए राम्रो हुन्थ्यो भन्न सकिदैन ? यो बिरेन्द्र हत्या काण्ड्, मुर्ती र चरेस् काण्ड मा किन कसैले छान बिन गर्न सक्दैन ?
    हो, तेसैका लागि अमेरिका जस्तो सक्ती चाहिएको । माओवादी आँफै ज्ञानेन्द्रे भन्दा दश गुना अपराध गरी हिडछन, बोली को एउटा भर छैन, तिनि हरु ले के न्याय दिन्छन


  57. Maharaji,
    आफ्नो आङ्को भैंसीपनि देख्नु पर्‍योनी ?

  58. Having read Mahara’s statement, this is really a joke. He has constantly been mourning towards bush, why he did not agree/mention Saddam’s crime which is obviuos to all even for blind. It made me sick by reading his statement, now whole iraqi are celebrating the day so why they are mourning aobut US, may be the are scare of themselve if they look Nepal’s situation.

  59. It makes me laugh when Maoist protest the execution of Saddam. How on a earth, even they can think to protest? Internationally it is being protested as stated “Crime Against Humanitarian”. If our Maoi’s sons understand th e Meaning of “Crime Against Humanitarian” then then can not dare to talk of protest. If they have seen the video; he was executed with much more respected manner or within the rul, now maoist should think how they killed the innocents; by slicing, cutting limps, arms, beating to death, shooting from short distance, torturing to death, ambushing and so so so means, all mao leader know this fact (even Prachand), if so how they dare to protest against execution. They should be hang to death alongwith Saddam!!

  60. माअ‍ोवादीले पनि बाँच्न पाउने अधिकारको कुरा गरेछ हेर्नुस् त । यो जोक अफ द डे हो ?

    नेपाल कम्युनिष्ट पार्टर्ीीाओवादी)
    केन्द्रीय समिति
    प्रेस विज्ञप्ति
    अपदस्थ इराकी राष्ट्रपति सद्दाम हुसेनलाई झुण्डयाएर फा“सी दिई मृत्युदण्ड दिइएको घटनाप्रति हाम्रो ध्यान गम्भीर रुपमा आकषिर्त भएको छ । अमेरिकी साम्राज्यवाद एवम् बुस प्रशासनको निर्देशनमा भएको उक्त घटना मानवअधिकारको गम्भीर उल्लंघन मात्र नभई बुस प्रशासनको तथाकथित प्रजातन्त्र र मानवअधिकारको नाङ्गो उपहासको प्रमाण हो । २१ औं शताव्दीको आजको दुनियामा पनि निर्लज्ज्ा ढंगले अर्को देशमाथि नाङ्गो हस्तक्षेप गर्ने, मनोमानी ढंगले प्रायोजित अदालतबाट फैसला गराउने र सोही फैसलाको आधारमा मृत्युदण्ड दिने अमेरिकी कठपुतली इराकी सरकारको सो मानवता विरोधी कार्यको घोर निन्दा एवम् भर्त्सना गर्दछौं । यस्तो कार्य जोसुकैले जोसुकैका विरुद्ध दिएको भए पनि अन्तराष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार मानवीय कानून र मानिसको बा“च्न पाउने हक विपरीतको कार्य हो । यस्ता कामकार्वाहीको निन्दा एवम् भर्त्सना गर्न भविष्यमा यस्ता कार्य नदोहोर्‍याउन संसारभरका शासकहरुलाई चेतावनी दिन चाहन्छौं र यस्ता कार्य विरुद्ध एकजुट भै आवाज बुलन्द गर्न पनि ंससारभरकै मानवअधिकारवादीहरु र आम मेहनतकस जनताहरु समक्ष अपिल पनि गर्दछौं ।
    मिति २०६३-९-१५

    कृष्णबहादुर महरा


  62. Ditto with Prabhat Jee, Maoist should have at least thought one step back, those days in which they were killing (butchering)dozens and dozens our beloved peoples without any charges. Now these Maoists are talking human Rights. I can just laugh at them. Mahara jee, kamse kam laj lagchha yar, nango kura ta nabolnus na.
    Tara khusi lagyo tapai lai ni human Right bhanne kura thaha raichha tara laj rahenachha wa ahile afno sabi kukritya ko lagi mukundo po lagaune ho ki? janata ko agadi ghuda tereka mafi magne po ho ki?

  63. उमेशजीको कुरा मा म सहमत छु तर एउटा कुरा के भने नि – माओवादीले फांसीको विरोध गर्दा आफूले सफाया गरेको कुरा पनि नबिर्सने हो कि?

  64. ल थिकै छ एउटा कहावाट छ नि जस्तो गरो त्यस्तै फल सद्दाम हुसैनलाई अज मुस्लिम हरु को मतोपुणा चाडा कुर्वानि मा हुसैनलाई बलि बनाउनु पर्ने हो फासी भएछ थिकै छ महो नेपल मा पनि दशै को कलिरती को दिन परेर राजा र नेटा हरु लै पनि कतनु पर्ला हो

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