हाँडिगाउँमा अन्तरिक्ष यान (युएफअ‍ो) उत्रियो

काठमाडौँको हाँडिगाउँमा अहिले केही बेरअघि अचम्मको अन्तरिक्ष मानव र यान उत्रिएको प्रत्यक्षदर्शीहरुले बताएका छन्। घटनास्थलमा तमाशेहरुको भीड लागे पनि नेपाल विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठानका वैज्ञानिक र अमेरिकी राजदूत जेम्स एफ मोरियार्टीको प्रत्यक्ष निगरानीमा नेपाल सेनाले त्यस यान र अन्तरिक्ष मानवलाई विशेष किसिमको सैनिक वाहनमा राखी अज्ञात स्थलमा लगिएको छ। घटनास्थलमा पुगेका मेरा मित्र इटलीको पत्रिका ला स्पेकुलाका संवाददाता लिर्पा लुफबाट पढौँ थप जानकारी।

एउटा अचम्मको चम्किलो वस्तु सम्साँझैदेखि काठमाडौँको आकाशमा चम्किरहेको देखेपछि काठमाडौँ अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलका प्राविधिज्ञहरुले राडारमा समेत नदेखिएको उक्त अज्ञात वस्तुका बारेमा सेनालाई सूचना दिएको थियो।

सेनाले आठ दलको सरकार बनाउने बैठकमा व्यस्त रहनुभएका प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई यस बारेमा खबर दिएको थियो। प्रधानमन्त्रीसितको सल्लाहपछि सेनाले भारतीय सेनासित सम्पर्क गरेको थियो। भारतले पनि आफ्ना कुनै यान नेपाली आकाशमा नरहेको जानकारी दिएपछि सेना अलर्ट भएको थियो।

साँझ ७ बजे काठमाडौँको हाँडिगाउँनजिकै उक्त यान अनियन्त्रित भई झरेको थियो। यान झरेको ठाउँमा चम्किलो प्रकाश देखिएको थियो। घटनास्थलमा दुई घण्टापछि बल्ल सुरक्षाकर्मी पुगेको थियो। त्यतिञ्जेल छेउछाउका सयौँ बासिन्दाहरु त्यो अलौकिक दृश्य हेर्न त्यहाँ पुगिसकेका थिए।

एक स्थानीय व्यक्तिले खबर दिएपछि म आधा घण्टापछि त्यहाँ पुगेको थिएँ। मैले देखेँ-
३ फिटका ४ जना अचम्मका प्राणी (अन्तरिक्ष मानव) त्यहाँ थिए। जसमध्ये तीन जना भूइँमा पसारिएका थिए भने एक जना यानबाट भित्र बाहिर गरिरहेका थिए। घटनास्थलको ४०० मिटरसम्मको घेरामा प्रवेश गर्न खोज्दा करेन्टको झट्का जस्तो लाग्ने गरेको प्रत्यक्षदर्शीहरुले बताए। सामान्यतया अँध्यारो हुने त्यो ठाउँ फ्लडलाइट बल्दा जस्तै उज्यालो तर आँखा नबिझाउने किसिमको उज्यालो थियो।

अन्तरिक्ष मानवहरुले केही बोलिरहेको जस्तो देखिए पनि आवाज भने सुनिएको थिएन। मैले आफ्नो पत्रिकाका लागि धमाधम फोटो र भिडियो खिच्न थालेँ। हिमाल आरोहणको रिपोर्टिङ गर्न आएको मलाई यस्तो अनौठो स्कूप समाचारको रिपोर्टिङ गर्न पाउँला भन्ने कहिल्यै लागेको थिएन।

करिब ९ बजे प्रहरीले घटनास्थललाई बाहिरबाट घेरा हाली सयौँ तमासेहरुलाई फर्काएका थिए। त्यसपछि सेना, वैज्ञानिक र अमेरिकी राजदूतको टोलीले यान र अन्तरिक्ष मानवलाई त्यहाँबाट लगेको थियो।

नेपाल सेनासँग मैले यस बारेमा प्रतिक्रिया लिन खोज्दा सैनिक जनसम्पर्क निर्देशनालयले सुरुमा केही बताउन नमिल्ने बताए। पछि आजै एक वक्तव्य प्रकाशित गरी आज भेटिएको अज्ञात वस्तुका बारेमा वैज्ञानिकहरुको अनुसन्धान जारी रहेको र यसै प्रयोजनका लागि भोलि अमेरिकाबाट विशेषज्ञहरुको टोली आउने जानकारी दिएको छ।

घटनास्थलमा लिर्पाले खिचेको भिडियो तलको प्लेयरको प्ले बटनमा क्लिक गरी हेर्न सक्नुहुन्छ- भिडियो सौजन्य लिर्पा लुफ/ला स्पेकुला http://www.laspecula.com/

यदि तपाईँले भिडियो हेर्न सक्नुभएन भने फोटो हेर्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस्


  1. यार म त अप्रिल फूल त होइन अप्रिल six मा पो पुगेछु. ग्रेट जोक,धन्यबाद्

  2. Hahahaha! what a great fun!!!!!!
    Ma sutna lageko thia almost 11:30 thio rati ko,yoso sathilai phone garea sutyo bhaneko ta,sathile ta malai mero sansar hernu,aachamma kko kura cha bhanyo,suteko manche pani light turned garera hereko ta .Hadi gau ma Angarisha yan subjet padeko suru ma chakh lagyo feri pachi at last ma ta…..haahhahahh.

  3. Got me as well……..but then I was wondering why didn’t my DAD tell me anything about it when I called home last night………anyways, good joke and I am sure many others will also be bluffed….

  4. नेपालमा कहिले के हुन्छ, कहिल् के। अब फेरी के भएछ भनी Video मा Click गरेको त … उही नेपली नेता हरु को “भासन्” जस्तै … ‘कुरा मीलाउन जान्ने तर सबै empty’ — Total Empty …

    उमेश् जी ले पनि नेपाली नेता हरुको Copy गर्दै तस् April Fool् मनाये जस्तो छ !
    ma pan jilla pare bhanya!

  5. oopps, i became totally fool.
    actually, by reading article, i was about to call nepal to know more abt this…….but after watching that movie ……..i became fool….It’s really nice article to make people fool…….grt.

  6. why did you choose this? It was a great fun too.

    Does anyone know in our calander is there anything like April fool day?


  7. uff.. where did you get this wild idea…?
    i was really fooled.. first time today..(when only 2 hours remain for this day to end..)

  8. Hahahahah this is funny, i was reading with keen interest and when i came to the video part i went ah darn it he got me!! hahahhahhahha thank you so much i will be careful next year on April Fools Day! Nice humor.

    To the person who was reading this news from Manchester, England. Godddddddd where is your sense of humor and on what text it says that journalist always have to be serious?? I think you seriously need to wake up and smell the coffee Sir/ Madam!

    For all those people who thought April Fool was not funny well i guess you guys are either too uptight or have NO SENSE OF HUMOR!!

    Have a wonderful weekday ahead everyone.


  9. hahahaha its was really a good idea to celebrate April fool but a wrong way to do it. your are someone from a group of media and communication. your blog is one of the most visting blog of nepal and if post such a fool news to the reader, obviously the impression is bad and undesirable. when i found that it was somekind of prank of celebration, i was angry from inside. i was really keen about the news to see the UFO that fell here in our couuntry but i was dissapointed.
    but whatever this message will be somekind of comments for you. finally Happy April Food Day to you.

  10. उमेश जि ,पुर्ण लिम्बु को कमेण्ट बिना त तपाइ को ब्लग मान्छे बिना को यान जस्तो भै गयो नि हैन र?

  11. Umeshji,
    I think it’s not interesting to those poor Nepali Janta who are fooling all the time by those bloody plotical leaders, anyway thank for your try.


  12. Very Impressed.

    Brilliant plot!!!!!!!!!!
    Hats off , man!!!

    Just shows u can be a science fiction writer as well.

  13. Well as soon as I read the topic I didnt read it because it was clear that it was a hoax. From next year write something believable so that many people do get fooled.

  14. तपाइ को ब्लग हेर्न थाले को पनि एक बर्श भन्दा बदि भय्छ. अस्ति को बर्स करिश्मा को बारे मा अप्रिल फूल बनाउनु भयो अनि येस बर्श चाहिन झन मजा ले हामी लै ठुलो फूल ब्नाउनु भो….. क्या मजा भो नि

  15. अप्रिल फुलको बिहानि पखको सपनामा । काठमाडौंमा भुकम्प लागेर ७० हजारको देहान्त । यसको सबै दोस् काठमाडौं महानगरपालिका र वडाहरुलाई । अन्तररास्तिय रेडक्रस्स्, कसैले उद्दार गर्ने नसकेको । थुप्रै हताहत् भयेको कारण सुरछित् बच्ने थाउ नभयेकोले। अन्तररास्तियबात् नेपाललाइ घोर् भत्सन्ना दोश् कारण काठमान्डौमा बिना नक्सा बनायेको घरहरुले गर्दा बाटो सागुरो । काठमाडौं महानगरपलिका, वडाले बिना नक्सा बनायेको घरुलाइ नभत्काइ झन तीनिहरु सँग घुस् खायेर तेवा दियेको । रिसले उत्रके पिडितहरुले वडा अध्यछ् महानगरको नक्सा मुदा कार्यालयको कर्मचारीहरुलाइ पितेर् जुत्ताको माला । sapana biunjhe . heTarikaa kasto naraamro sapanaa .

  16. I was so shocked to get this news. finally I am laughing. u really made me fool anyway.

  17. Seems funny, with this mysanasr.com, so many are eager to know was it real or not, but student who are studying abroad,like me went fool, april fool, i know mysansar.com is also fool as they post fool to make it all fool. I hope they will not do it again and try not to put in front of webpage list, its really harshing blog.

  18. haadi gau ma hainaa holaaa ho tyoo ta baneshwor ma po jharekoo thiyoo ta ajaa..hyaa j payoo tehii bhane ho????

  19. I really did not expect such a stupid, foolishness and kiddish activities from good journalist like umesh jee. plz don’t make fun on the ethic of JOURNALSIM. dear umesh jeee plz use ur valuable time on covering constractive news. i really don’t count this as any sense of humour. this kindda kiddsih activities decrease the value of ur such a lovely blog. i am a regualr visitor of your blog and i really appereciate the news u cover on it, but now onwards i will think twice to read ur headlines. plz take a journalism as a profession not like a stupid student of kid kindergarden. sorry for expressing all these frustration on this topic but i could not stop jotting down mysefl. ACTUALLY WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO FLLOWING THIS STUPID TRADITION OF western. me kindda person living such a miles away from home longin to know the latest news of nepal but you try to make fun to your own blog this way does not make any interesting either for reader or ur blog itself, time is really valuable for everybody sir, we visit your blog to know the news of nepal not to be FOOLED and west time.



  20. ल उमेस जि मलाइ त सहि उल्लु बनौनु भो नि त तपाई ले..
    ल बधाई छ. अप्रिल फूल को दिन सब लाइ उल्लु बनाउनु भयो.

  21. aaaa teyo…. tesma ma ta SKY bhata hamro King shree 5 Birendara ahunu bhaya ko hamro dhes ma new Sarkar bhane ko herna tara depnda sarkar chai kaam lae gharda bhaune bhayna raya chha.

  22. so it land in nepal ,where is nepal?,that space craft was sent by me.,i send it to another country but it is mistake .any way that country was lucky ,i advice prime minister of nepal to sell it and make their country heaven.

  23. त्यो यानको ड्राइभरलाई यहाँ नेपालमा डिजेलको संकट छ भन्ने थाहा छैन र छ कि के हो ? अब के हालेर उड्ने हो फेरी ? अनि उमेश जी लाई पनि साथैमा लगिदिए त आनन्दै हुन्थ्यो ।

  24. This is excellent news, lets forget to kukur politicians we have to laugh we to come together. I really enjoyed your news finally.

  25. dhanyabad cha,
    tyomanis ta hami jastai rahecha tar tauko kati thulo ho? basketball bhanda thulo rahecha

  26. kasto badmas yan rachyacha sayad thaa tieia hola rolpama land gara umeshjii lai news lakhana dhila huncha bhanayara hadi gau ma land garacha.international t.v channel ma vedio pathayara kina paisa nkamanuna tteso bhayo bhana blog ko lagi donation magi rackhana parchaidna soo be quick and catch

  27. hi,
    uff you too ??!! you 1st i was shocked and i called one of my nepali colleague and said about this. then both of us called our all office staff , actually we are working in travel agency here in doha, all the office staff were behind me to see video , when i opened it we nepali guys came to know but they were still asking where? where>? and at last when they saw Aptilfool,they started ……at me not on you blog ,uuuuff , brother you nearly killed me.
    Many Thanks Pradeep/Alshamel

  28. ओ उमेशजी, कस्तो जोक गरेको । मैले त रेअली पत्याएको र झन्डाइ हादिगाउँ कुदेको । न्युज पढदै गएपछी मात्रै थाहा पाए, today is April 1st bhaner. anyway interesting way to make man fool.

  29. Umesh ji,

    It’s a nice piece to full viewers on the occasion of April First.

    Ha Ha Ha Ha ………..

    congrats to those who really believed on the piect.


  30. umesh jee,
    u really made me curious. u gave me a great laughter.
    we all fren laughed. appriciated job bro

  31. १ वर्स अगाडी तपाइले मनाएकाे फुल बाटनै मैले थाहा पाइसकेकाे िथए । मलाइ त पहीलानै थाहा थीयाे । हा हा हा । । । ।

  32. oi bebakuf banaune. April fool bhanne hamlai thaha chhaina kya. You are foooooooool.

  33. Good news composing. Appreciate that. But surprising – how come it takes around 2 hours for Army to reach Handigaun? Army headquarter is at Naxal, which is near Handigaun.. just tens mins drive.. Something not taken care of when composing the news.. Whatever.. good effort Umesh bro. Happy april fool to you.

  34. when i read this news , man ,iwas like,what?
    and i called my friends , they were shock.
    they didnt trust.and i told them that u going to see
    at cnn, bcc in a hours . after that u will trust,
    and now, man, u make me fool, u know what, now here is 11:30 pm(usa) , after 30 mintes i am ganna call them to made u fool, cause this is april full
    thanks for made me fool

  35. hoina maile ta hijo raatinai CNN ma pani tyehi sune. But they were also not sure- because they don’t have this video shot as yet. Mail garnus na CNNlai- kya scoop cha.
    Kudos to the cameramaan- and you for posting this great post.

  36. aja april fool majale manaune bichar cha ki kya ho???
    huna ta maile pani tyo bastu etatira udirako dekhethe tara tyo nepal chahi kasari pugyo cha yaar???????/

  37. Dear, bro Umesh It’s great joke & also “Happy April Ful Day”

    Krishna Panthi

  38. ल ल उमेश जी april fool मनाउने तरिका गज्जव छ ।

  39. oh yes i verified it with Hon. Moriyarty he told that its a top secret that it was Osma Bin Laden. he is being kept in the captivity of CIA prison in ktm.

    now Nepal is a new partner of USA in its war in terrorism. COngrats the funds worth $90 billion are on the way for this achievement.

  40. Oho, bhanesi kuro ta nikai gam khanu parne dekhiyo. Yo nepal mai jharnu parne kina hola? pakkai yo Maobadi lai sarkar ma jana nadine Ameriki ya Durbar ko sadyantra hunu parchha. Paras ko po hat chha ki saathi ho? Ki tyo JTMM wala ko chamatkaar ho? J hos April 1 ma nepal ma ramrai bhayeko sunna paiyo.

  41. umesh ji,
    when i read your such kind of news, i already guessed that you must be foolong us in the occassion of April fool.

  42. I also saw the antarikcha man and the antarikcha yan…it was very nice to see the historical moment…:-)

  43. hi umesh! really interesting bro….was really excited when started reading and knew something must be wrong while reading halfway…haha…..would like to wish everybody happy april full day….lets all enjoy and have fun atleast today but also would like to request nobody makes misuse of the day intentionally troubling somebody with unbearable lies……..cheers!!!!!!!!!

  44. कही नभाको जात्रा हांडिगाउमा भन्ने उखान लाई मध्यानजर गर्दै फेरी कस्तो अलौकिक घाटन घटेछ भनि बढो उत्सुक्तको साथ न्युज पढें लास्ट्मा भिडियो क्लिक गर्दा त आँफै दाङग हुन त केही मिनट अघी मात्र टोयोटा बाट साथीले फोन गरेर मलाई यस्तै गरी झुक्यएको थियो, तर यो यान सम्बन्धीको अप्रिल फुल चाही बढो अचम्मकै महसुस् गरें । धन्यवाद उमेश जि ।

  45. Umesh,
    Silly ,Silly milera jaun dilli.Not at handigaun yaar they landed at singhadurbar.

  46. A curfew has been imposed in Kathmandu from 7AM to 8 PM, Govt. is concerned about it’s possible impact of radioactive rays,people are adviced to stay inside. Why don’t you update your news umesh jee??

  47. Such a great way of making fool. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT


  48. के के न भयो भनेर मन नै ढुक ढुक गरेर पढेको त|उमेस जी को ब्लग को न्युज बिशवास गर्ने बानी परेको मलाई,बिहान बिहान देखि ढट|

  49. Yeah!! ho po rai cha malai pani asti bhakkar dekha ko ufO Nepal ko Hadigau ma Janchau vandai thayo……….

  50. भिडियो पनि खुलेन|APRIL FIRST मनाएको हो क्या हो, उमेश bro ले!

  51. umesh ji
    hajur ta hari latthak hunu hudo rahecha.
    yesto pani april fool huncha, yota science fool bhyenara.

  52. hellow ,crazy guy …
    go and make your father april fool ,celebrate your greatest festible with your familly …..u crazy ,,…..u have lot of time to do like this …….if u dont have to do anything ,come to me ………..i will give u job….

  53. माओबादिद्वारा ब्लगरको अपहरण
    जानकार सूत्रका अनुसार बिगत केहि हप्ता अघि देखिन यस ब्लगका ब्लगर उमेश श्रेष्ठमाथि विभिन्न धम्कि र इमेलहरु प्राप्त भैरहँदा पनि अटेर गरी माओबादि सम्बन्धि लेखहरु लेख्न कमी नआएको भन्दै माओबादी डिफेन्स भन्ने एक समुहले दिउसै उनको कालिमाटि स्थित घरबाट अपहरण गरेका छन्। केहि घन्टाको हिरासत पछि उनलाई अब आइन्दा त्यो ब्लगमा केहि पनि लेख्ने छैन भन्ने कागज गराई छाडिएको सम्बद्ध सूत्र मार्फत जानकारीमा आएको छ। केहि समयको बिश्राम पछि उनको ब्लगमा अब का दिनहरुमा पाठकबाट प्राप्त लेख रचनाहरु मात्र हेर्न पाइने भनेर प्रकाशकीय आउने बिशेष सूत्रबाट थाहा लागेको छ। अस्तु

  54. उमेस जि के हो त त्यस्तो अचम्म को कुरा ति नि हरु मानिस् नै हुन त !

  55. उमेश जी,य़ो भन्दा अचम्मको कुरा के भयो भने मेरो ९ बर्ष कि छोरिले यो पेज पढेर सुनाउदै गर्दा आधा नपुग्दै यो आप्रिल फुल् हो भनेर चिचयाइ !

  56. Umesh ji

    You better write a fiction story. Indeed you made me “LOOF” but you showed us your another dimension of your talent.

    Cheers…..John-of-Concord (LOOF)

  57. April aauna ajhai 12 hrs baki chha yo sansar ma ke april ho yo. Tyasma pani tyo hadi gauma 400 meter ko radius bhayeko khula thau ka fela parechha kunni? Nepal should utilize that to make a good cricket ground.

  58. उमेश जी,

    यो त अती भयो / मलाई त तपाई ३६५ दिन नै अप्रिलफुल मनाउनु हुन्छ जस्तो लाग्न थालि सक्यो/

    माधव , अष्ट्रेलिया

  59. i am being such a fool…………… that’s a very different kind of story so i am expect more news from other site …but……………… such a very good story why don’t you write stories.

  60. Umesh Jee,

    Ke garnu..pahila Topic Padhe hai..ani thyakkai tyaspachi Date ma aakha pugyo…Aba pura blog napadhi nai comment lekhna thale.

    Ehhh sachhai, Girija Babu le pani Nepali haru sanga agrim mai April fool manaunu bhako ta hoina???

  61. la umesh ji mata sachai rahecha vaneko ta la aprilfool manaunu vayecha .ok no problem mahile germany time thik 12 baje rat ma kholeko ta la sachi aprilfool banaunu vayecha la malai bor lagyoni .

  62. hahahahaaaa
    i thought it’s really hapened but …..
    bye the way thanks for made me fool
    really i am fool

  63. I just called my mamaghar, which is near Bhimsen than in Handigaon, near ward office and my mama verified it. I don’t know what is going on….

  64. thanks umesh ji, u make us surprisinly fool. it is interesting. april fool 2 u 2.

  65. I like your creative thinking. I remember your April fool stories from last year and the year before too. Quite Funny.

  66. oho
    maile pahila blog ma halchu bhane ko ta timile po halyou .
    maile pani aagi bharkha herera aako . babal po rahe cha ta tyo yar . aagi bhar khar nasa bat ‘sin thies’ haru aai puge tesko anu sandhan garna . yaha bata mori aarati le phon garicha ani 1 ghanta bhitra nai nai us a bata yaha aai pugeko ra na: sa: ka this haru .

  67. अलि बढि नै भयो नि यसपाली जे होस मान्नै पर्छ उमेश जी तपाईंलाई । धन्न मैले त मार्च ३१ कै दिन पढ्न भ्याएं , म fool भएं कि भईनं हँ उमेश जी ?

  68. Sate Bcame first victim of this April Fool yaar.

    Kasto biswas garera padeko………..video herepachi ta satyanash ………God


  69. होइन के भको ह अचेल? मेरो सन्सार त अलिक पाको बिचार लेन देन गर्ने थलो जस्तो लग्थ्यो, तर ……………………………….

  70. उमेश जि
    म नराम्री झुक्किएँ!!
    साथीहरुलाइ तत्काल सुनाएँ,पछि त था भो तपाईं को खेल ?
    बरु गिरिजा बुडा लाइ ति यात्री हरुले लिएर गए भन्दिएको भए यस् ब्लग का कैयौ कमेन्टअर साथीहरु खुशी हुनुहुन्थ्यो!!!!

  71. Kya April fool Banaunu bhayo…..interesting. Ek chhin ta ma pani almaliye…..

  72. oomesh ji
    k gareko yaar
    khaattam parnu vo ni
    yeha khaber sunauna ko laagi maile sabailai dake
    anta ma
    sabai ko kutai pani khaye
    Dhat! badmaas yesto garna hunchha

  73. i hadn’t realised that it already was 1st april.

    though i read the title and it also caught my attention but i somehow considered it not that important and went on to read the ‘cartoon’ first instead of this ‘fascinating, exciting story’. when i came back to this article, and while reading it i had realised that there is something fissy because if it had happened (that too in the afternoon!) it would have been reported in international media, at least in bbc. thats what i was saying to myself.

    however i hadn’t realised till the end that i’d been made a fool.

  74. i think u better put them in another page…make them click two more links like u did for pics. haha….its unbelievable man…i didn’t expect you to make me fool for this news. and even its 31 here in US. anyway perfect april fool gift!

  75. oh god i called all my frens to read this news after reading some lines…u made me fool thanks anyway.

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