उही कुमार लामाका दुई कार्टुन

उही कुमार लामाले मेरो संसारका लागि दुई वटा कार्टुन बनाउनु भएको छ। कार्टुन देव्यानी सिंह राणाको बिहे भोजका तस्वीरमा आधारित भएर बनाइएको छ। देव्यानीको बिहे भोज पनि सकियो। प्रचण्डदेखि ज्ञानेन्द्रसम्म आमन्त्रित थिए भोजमा। आफ्ना प्रेमीको अकल्पनीय घटनामा मृत्युपछि नयाँ जीवन सुरु गर्न लागेकी छिन् देव्यानी। शायद उनले पुराना सबै कुरा बिर्सिसकेकी छिन्। तर हामीले भुल्न सक्छौँ ? आखिर के भएको थियो होला त्यो रात ? जेठ १९ को त्यो कालो शुक्रबार। पुराना सभामुख तारानाथ रानाभाटले त दरबार हत्याकाण्डको प्रतिवेदन सार्वजनिक गर्ने क्रममा दीपेन्द्रले नै भटट गरी सबैलाई मारेको भन्दै पत्रकारमाथि नै बन्दूक तेर्स्याएर हान्दिउँ ? भनी जिस्केको म कहिले बिर्सिन्न। तपाईँले सम्झनुभएको छ रानाभाटको त्यो कुरा ? पछि प्रतिनिधि सभाले राजालाई सबै अधिकारबाट हटाएको घोषणा हुँदा उनलाई हर्ट अट्याक भएको थियो।

देव्यानीले हत्याकान्ड उच्चस्तरीय छानबिन आयोगलाई सानो अन्तर्वार्ता फोनमा भारतबाटै दिएकी थिइन्। त्यसमा उनले रुँदै बोलेकी भनिएको छ। खास कुरा केही बोलेकी छैनन्। उनलाई केही त पक्कै थाहा होला। तर नयाँ जीवनको सुरुवातसँगै यो कुरा पनि बिलाउने भयो। भविष्यमा कुनै दिन उनले आत्मकथा लेखिन् भन्ने सुन्न पाइन्छ होला आखिर के भएको थियो दरबार हत्याकाण्डका दिन ?


  1. I support to mr.subash chandra nembang. Kumar ji you did good by presenting views of shabhamukh and pm through cartoon.

  2. kumar ji ( ji ta, bhannai paryo mann nalagepani),

    ke ho kasaiko private function ko picture lai majak banayera publish garidine. ani cartoon bhanera bhanne.
    haat ma power bhayeko tatkalin PM girija le chhanbin nagari durbar ko agadi sir jhukayera gyanendra lai hatyakanda ko chhanbin ko jimma dine. ani ahile tehi girija le PM ko post ma huda garna nasakeko kaam lai nai afno so called cartoon ma rakhera ke garna khojeko?

  3. Great comment from Pahadi ji. That is true and reality too. I agree that we should not disturb the personal life of anybody and ofcourse, there should not be any involvem,ent oif Dibyani in Royal Massacre, but we must expose all criminal acts of Gyane and his lad Paras. No problem,whosoever feels uneasy!!!

  4. I liked Pahadi’s reaction. Very well said. I don’t know why these pathetic people see violation of personal secrecy in a cartoon that raises a valid point. These royalist buggers and byproducts of feudal autocracy are so hateful. I feel I…

    Kumar Lama jee, you should come up with more hard-hitting and elaborate stuff next.

  5. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>-कुमारजी आज्ञा गर्नुहुन्छ-

  6. Hey Kumar!

    This is really a unacceptable thing you did.Don’t think that you can do what ever you wish.You can not interfere others personal life.I think you are not aware about the term “privacy”.This blog is not your dust bin.

  7. umesh jee
    i dont mind if you dont like or post my comment
    but this sort of nonsense by kumar lama is not good.

  8. Kumar jee

    It is really nonsense things!! do not disturbe to others personal life. You should apologige… We really disappointed when see your own cartoon!!! Why are you trying to disturbe on other’s personal life….You really crazy man!!!

  9. joke is one thing ..but interfering somebody life is not good..may be kumar ji will consider abt it in future…

  10. कुमार लामा जी,
    तँपाइ लाइ साथ दिन सुन्या भन्ने रहेछ नि, यती दु ख गरेर कार्टुन बनाउनु भयो साथमा आयो सुन्या

    So SORRY…!

  11. This is utterly unacceptable to make fun of somebody’s real picture. In our country, there is not law for copyright or other media right, if there is, then only in pepper. Otherwise it is not good act to publish in the way which real picture does not mean. This not good practice of any media means.Don’t forget, last year,in similar case ‘Hello’ mag. had to pay million dollar coz of such breach.

    So let’s not make any fun of anybody’s private events.

  12. Dear UMESH JEE

    Some crazy men said Mr Kumar Lama not good !!
    Why they said that ?? Who said Mr Kumra Lama not good those are not good.
    Mr Lama wrote real and truth abt MISS RANA.


  13. निश्छल कार्की, झ्याउकुरी, शिबराम भर्ुर्तेल, भुण्टे, सिटिजन अफ नेपाल भन्नेहरु ज्ञानेन्द्रका इमान्दार कुकुरका छाउराछाउरी तर अहिले विदेशमा शरणार्थी भएर बस्ने भगुवाहरु हुन्। संसारै स्तब्ध हुने हत्याकाण्डको पर्दा पछाडी अरु कोही नभएर ज्ञानेन्द्र नै बसेका छन्। सो हत्याकाण्डमा देवयानीको हात नभए पनि ज्ञानेन्द्रले उनलाई प्रमुख पात्रका रुपमा मुछेकाले उनी सो घटनाकी पात्र भएकी छन्। उही कुमारजीबाट भविष्यमा पनि यस्तै चोटिला व्यंग्यको आशा गरौं। ज्ञानेका २-४ वटा कुकुरहरु भुकेर केही फरक पर्दैन। आम नेपाली सत्यको पक्षमा छौं।

  14. Isn’t this low grade dispaly of the people’s mentality by such cheap kind of cartoon? People always love conspiracy so everytime people want to see Gyanendra as the killer. If he was real killer then he would not mind killing all those people coming for demonstration. In his rule he killed less then what present government killed in same period. If the present government is people’s government then why is it killing people.

    So stop these cheap things and do something very creative. Stop polluting people’s mind. One rotten potatoes affects all so people Like Kuamarji are sick people in my perpectives and you can call me anything for writing such comment.

  15. यो झ्याउकुरी भन्ने चाहिं देवयानी नै हो कि क्याहो ? त्यत्रो घटनाकी केन्द्रिय नायिकालाई (भलै देवयानीको गल्ती छैन) पनि सामान्य केटीजस्तो सोचेर उसको पारिवारिक जीवनको चासो लिन्छे यार । फेरि कुमार जी लाई यस्ता कार्टुन मिडियामा राख्न उसको अनुमति लिनुपर्ने रे । साला झारपात, झ्याउ…. कुरी …

    – Kumar Ji, Don’t be hopeless. I’m here to support you.
    -Your well wisher.
    झ्याउंकुरी जस्ताले तपाईंको प्रगति देख्न नसकेको मात्रै हो ।


  16. yo lama ta pagal khana bata niskera ayeko manche ho ki kya ho….na chahine kura lai issue banaucha…

  17. Good Job Kumar bro…yaha ajhai pani shahi aire gaire haru ko comment dekhine rahecha fatta futta…jo tini haru ko kaka, mama, sasura ko kura garya ruchaudainan!

  18. There is a saying which goes like ” रुख चढ्नेलाइ केहि भाछैन, तल बस्नेलाइ रिङ्गटा लागिराख्याछ|”
    This is exactly what is happening in Nepal.Almost all the close friends of Dipendra, Royal family members, senior leaders(NC,UML, Maoist,etc), army officers and expats are quite sure that Divyani was the centre of whole incident.And it was none other than frustrated Romeo who did it all.

    Has any good journalist has ever dared to sincerely probe any senior leader about the massacre so far? Even if it was done, had the public shown any faith on such investigation? This is the problem.We can’t do anything good on our own and we don’t trust others as well.
    गिरिजा लगायत अरुहरु त्यो दरबार काण्डबाट शुसुचित छन तर Granddesign को हवाला दिएर फाइदा कति भयो या भएन तर जनता स्पष्टरुपले convinced अझ सम्म हुन सकेको छैन्|यस्तो किसिमको गैर जिम्मेवारीलाइ इतिहासले माफ दिदैन|
    I might fall under 1% or less category to believe its the dipendra who was responsible for the killings but i don’t give a damn.
    And i don’t get surprised to see people disbelieve such incidents although there are so many homicidal incidents gone unnoticed in Nepal just because prince was not involved there.

    Any way thanks kumarji for your effort to entertain the viewers as usual.

  19. देव्यीयान राणाको व्यक्तिगत जीवन जीउने अधिकारलाई यस्ता सस्ता व्यंगले अनाहकमा विवादीत तुलाउने कोशिस गरेको छ । कुमारजी देव्यीयानले तपाईको कुन कर्कलाको वारी फाँडेको छ हँ । राजदरवार हत्याकाण्डको दोषी भनिएका जनताको नजरमा फलानाहरु र ग्राण्ड डिजाइनको हवाला दिने गिरीजा प्रसाद चांहि सबैको पि्रय हुने र उहाँले चांहि जगतलाई केहि नवताएपनि हुने उहुबाट कसैले उत्तरको अपेक्षा नगर्ने तर सामान्य एउटा महिला माथिको यो व्यंग अलि सुहाएन कि । अनि महत्वपुर्ण भेटघाटमा संन्चो नभएको भन्दै भेट्न इन्कार गर्ने प्रधानमन्त्रीज्यूको यस विवाह प्रतिको यत्रो महत्वलाई चाहि वुझ्न सकिएन । उहाँहरुको सुखद दाम्पत्य जीवनको शुभकामना ।

  20. Debyanilai Badhai Dinu Satta Eti tala jharera coment garnu huncha Bhanne maile sapanama Pani Socheko Thiina.

    I never thought in my dream too, that you coments in such low status Instead of to congratute her. If the block will excuse for this coment that will be great.
    Anyway this is the proof that you were not invited in this reception.Thank you.

    Smriti USA.

  21. kumar lama is a bloody fool. why the hell r u involving Devyani ??????? Duhhhhhhh,…………

  22. I support to jhyaukiri .HYE bullshit gorkhali kin aarkako byaktigat jiwan ma anabasya dakhal dine ? ramro sochhne buddi kahile aaula ?

  23. It is not fair to involve Devyani in Palace Massacre. She is not involved. It is conspiracy of big power of the world. IT IS NOT DIPENDRA AT ALL and his relationship with Devyani.

    Kumar ji, are you intend to blame Dipendra for Palace Massacre ? At least your cartoons show it.

  24. कुमार जि यति निच काम मा पनि लाग्नु हुन्छ भन्ने सोचेको थिइन| किनकि कसैको ब्यक्तिगत जिवन को फोटो र उसको पारिवारिक जिवनलाइ प्रभावपार्ने यो तरिका तपाइको प्रत्रकारिताको कलममा सुधार गर्नुपर्ने देखिन्छ| यो अप्रिल फुलले बोलेको होइन यथार्थ कुरा हो| आइन्दा ब्यक्तिगत जिवनमा प्रभाव पार्ने कुराहरु र फोटोहरु मेडियामा राख्दा अनुमति लिएर लेखिदिनु हुन अनुरोध छ|

  25. Namaste to everybody,
    I am surprise that our PM Girija Prasad Koirala also
    there ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
    She is somebody for congress party or something important person for Nepali politcs???????????????????
    I was thinking she is from rich family and X grilfriend of Dipendra . Then it is not that much
    important that on her wedding party our PM also neeed
    to go ?????????????????????????????????????????????
    I mean I am not against her ,anybody can go on her
    weading party , I just feel this weding party seems
    like a political party and she is very important
    person for nepal because our PM also their .
    Surprise ???????????????????????????????????????????
    Big DUSDUS …………………………………..
    ( I am not against her , just way of DUSDUS for
    SAMANTI SASKAR I dont like .)

  26. tara bhat’s action was really hilarious. but nevertheless bhat lai heart attack bhayeko chai hoina hai. it is true that he had to be hospitalized after the success of andolan, but he didn’t have heart attack.

  27. tyo hatya kanda ko anusandhan aayog ma nabasne madhave ra girija lai samatana timi haru grand design bhandai nikleko tehi girija hoina ani aja saamma pani tyo grand design ko praman tesle lerayoo? tesko bau sanga praman bhaye po lerauncha ta.. satya kura bhayeko tehi ho sathi haru dipendra le nai mareko ho yedi biswas lagdaina bhane 5 talle ghar ma jau jun bhaye pani ani tesko chat ma gayera haam fala ani timi pani marchau ani mathi pugchau ani mathi gayera sodha kasle mareko bhanera tespachi ta satya jawaf aaihalcha ni..

  28. उहि लामा जि
    साचै होत नि!झन्डाइ बिर्सेंको को,बरु माओवादी ले राम्ररी छान बिन को माग गर्ने हो भने चुनाव को पैसा जोगिन्थ्योकी ?
    मलाई त त्यती राम्री जस्तो लागेन्,खै हेर्ने आफ्नो आफ्नो आँखाँ हो ?

  29. King Birendra was killed by no other than his own son Dipendra.
    There are many people who want to make unstability in Nepal by saying that present King Gyanendra killed his own brother.

  30. J payo tehi kartoon
    Kumar lama is a hopeless man
    Aafai kartoon jasto hola tyo
    Afnai photo rakhe bhai halcha ni

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