यात्रा अपडेट

३० जुन, २००७/गिम्पो
खाना राम्रोसित नखाएको र निद्रा राम्रोसँग नलागेको हुनाले त्यति स्वस्थ अनुभव गर्न पाइरहेको छैन। यस्तो अवस्थामा धेरै लेख्न सकिने स्थिति नहुने रहेछ। होटलमा महँगो इन्टरनेट भएको हुनाले राम्रोसित इन्टरनेट पनि चलाउन पाइएन। देशविदेशबाट सम्मेलनमा भाग लिन आउने त्यति धेरै साथीहरुसित विदा भइयो। आज सोलको होटल छाडेर गिम्पो आइयो। यो सहरभन्दा टाढा रहेको हुनाले नेपालको जस्तो डाँडा, हरियाली देख्न पाइने ठाउँ रहेछ। यहाँ काम गर्ने आप्रवासी नेपालीहरुसित पनि भेटियो, उनीहरुको दुःख, पीडा बुझियो। यहाँका अनुभवहरु त नेपाल फर्केपछि मात्रै लेख्न सकिन्छ जस्तो लागिरहेको छ। यहाँ त लेख्नै सकिरहेको छैन। बरु केही फोटो भने राख्ने प्रयास गर्दैछु।

नागरिक पत्रकार (सिटिजन रिपोर्टर)हरुको सम्मेलनका लागि भेला भएका विश्वभरका नागरिक पत्रकारहरुलाई सन्देश दिँदै दक्षिण कोरियाली राष्ट्रपति।

कोरियाली नागरिक पत्रकारहरुः बायाँका एक गरीब किसान हुन् भने दायाँका चाहिँ मानवअधिकारवादी कार्यकर्ता।

सम्मेलन स्थल कोरिया प्रेस क्लबमा राखिएका ल्यापटपहरुको अपरेटिङ सिस्टममा कोरियाली भाषाको प्रयोग भएको हुनाले हामी बाहिरबाट आएकाहरुलाई सार्‍है गार्‍हो भएको थियो। इन्टरनेट कनेक्सन चाहिँ एक चोटीमा २१ जनाले मात्र प्रयोग गर्न पाउने भएकोले सबैले एकै पटक इन्टरनेट चलाउन पाएका थिएनन्।

म आफ्नो प्रिजेन्टेसन प्रस्तुत गर्दै। अघिल्लो रात दुई घण्टा पनि नसुतेको हुनाले त्यति फ्रेस अनुभव गरिरहेको थिइनँ। राम्रो निद्रा नलागेको त कति दिन भइसकेको थियो।

मेरो प्रिजेन्टेसनको विषय।

कुनै सहभागीले कोरियाली भाषामा बोल्यो भने यो मेसिनले त्यसलाई अंग्रेजीमा अनुवाद गरिदिन्थ्यो।


  1. Umesh ji,
    Language relation to the technolgy in the developing and developed country are highly increasing.U have experienced that we are far behind on this issue.People across the world are trying to do something on their own language and secondly giving preferences to the second language.So isnt it the time to think about it too? If U got me please try to explore UR experience regarding language and tech. experience as well..

    I heard, In Nepal, Madan pustakalay have accomplished some part of localization…what abt this….?? Lets talk with nepalese people abt this issue haina ra….??


  2. Umeshjee,
    nepal bata tapai eklai gayeko ki aru ko patrakar janu bhyeko?
    ani tapai le nepali pro-democracy movement ko visual ramrai sanga dekhaunu bho ta?

  3. malai ta tyo last ko english converter kasto rahecha…bhanne laagyo. alikati kei bhanum la teshko baaremaa..!!

    ani aafule koon language maa diyeko ho ni speech..? sunnu mann laagyo…!!


  4. Mr. Umesh ji,have a wonderful trip…plz do not aspect good things only while you are in oversease.

  5. hi umesh ji
    please accept my warm congratulation fron england,
    u guys are doing the best and gaining the great achieving from your side,hope u people will be success in your target, keep it up,,, may you have presented the reality and on going situation of nepal in your presentation, thanx,,,,,,,
    reading england

  6. Umesh ji, sorry for giving you hard time, this is nothing compare to Hardship we Neplai facing in general. so you as a representative of Nepal try the best you can offered for the sake of Motherland.
    may be the contribution you give today turned out to be very fruitful in long run.
    well done, keep it up. good luck

  7. Umesh Ji

    Appriciated.Kehi had samma nepal ra nepali ko pahichan dina garnu bhayeko tapain ko yo prayas srahaniye cha.All the best.


  8. la badai chha tapain lai aba ramro sanga sutnus. Presentation ko chinta le nidra na lage ko bhaya aba lagchha ki ?

  9. we are eagerly waiting for your experience during your visit in korea.please update your site as soon as possible.

  10. hehehehehehheheheheheh…………….
    tyo lastko photo receiver ko ho………… telle afai translate garne hoina, kunai thauma manchhe basera, Korean ma boleko kuralai English ma translate gariraheko hola ani, tyo machinele receive gareko ho………tyo (machinele) translate gareko hoina…………………………………….

  11. umesh ji dhanaya bad taha korea gayara nepalma nauolo yani shiccha ko khabar liyar hami nepali sathi bhai saga baadnu hola yo photo pani ramrochha manchhe ko bhahabahar bhane kasto chh tayo tapailai nai thaaha hola sabth ko aarth lagaune mesin pani dekhiyo

  12. Mr. Shrestha, This is very great. I hope that you had a very great learning experience. N I believe that you helped Nepal and Nepalese blog to be visible in that part of the world as well.

    Keep more news about that. and about food that u have written earlier, that may be just because of different culture n u must respect that.

  13. desh bhaneko desh nai ho.pardesh ma hunu ko pida umesh bro le balla taha paunu bhayo hola.euta kura yaad aayo aafai le lekheko euta kavita thiyo.nepali ho bhandai ma kina garva garu ma.anyway dai ma ni saudi ma thupro bideshi haru sanga bolnu chalnu kaam garnu parcha.sayed ali purano bhayera hola hindi pakistani sanga daraune jamana gayo.net mahango bhayo bhanera aafno kaam ta roknu bhayena ni bro.so bro,doing good is being good bhandai keep on rocking blog word.wishes n regards

  14. Oh hoo umes jee tapi lai ta baram bar MAHANGO Internet la chai chodana nee. Tehako Speed ra nepal ko internet speed lai kaha tulana gana milacha. Nepal ko jasto Khattam speed aru desh ma kaha hola. Ra 64kbps bhandi 32kbps Bachne ISP bhako desh ma kasto hola……………..

    Aru kura yesti hoo jahos tapai la nepal ko pratinaditto s.korea ma garnu bhayako la Shari khushi laga ko chha.

  15. Keep on Umeshji,

    Take easy every thing normal. Don’t feel so and present so odd. Continue your message short interval.
    I am tracing you

  16. ma presentation gardai vannus na…..presentaion prastut gardai…..ali kasto kasto lagyo padha…..

  17. Dear Umesh ji,

    Sammelan ma sahabhagi bhai nepal ko pratinithitwa garne suawasar prapta bhayeko ma yehalai dherai dherai badhai chha. Yestai gari aru deshma hune sammelan haruma pani bhag lidai desh bhitra sarkar pakchha wa anya pakchha bata nagarik mathi bhai raheko atyachhar, daman, shosan ko parda fash gardai antarastriya jagat ma tyo samachar bisudha dhangale prastute garine lai nai swachha patra karita bhanincha jasto lagchha tara……. dekhiyo kati patrakarita yesta pani chhan paisa ma bikne bhannale matlab ko lagi patrakarita. Je hosh ma Mero Sansar dot com ko niyamita pathak huu ra subhechhuk pani. Mero sansar dot com ko uttarotar pragati ra safalta ko lagi subhakamana. Sathai bibinna kathinai ko babjud pani continuity dinu bhai nispachha samachar sampresan gari janata lai suchit gari rahanu bhayeko ma hamro muri muri dhanyabad.

    Ani Umesh ji kehi gari arthik sahayog milema kasari tapai samma pugchha tyo pani bataidinu hola….


    Bishwa Jang Gurung
    Hong Kong

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