कमल थापा 'प्रशिक्षण' दिँदै

जनआन्दोलन भाग २ को अगाडि राजाले घुँडा टेकेपछि भोलिपल्टको विजय जुलुसमा नारा लगाइएका थिए- ‘जालास् कमल हेटौडा, तेरो घाँटी रेटौंला’ वैशाख १२ गतेको घटना त हो त्यो। तर अहिले समय धेरै बदलिसकेछ। अहिले त कमल थापा आफ्नो पक्षका विद्यार्थीहरुलाई प्रशिक्षण दिँदै हिँड्न थालेछन्। सरकारी समाचार एजेन्सी राससको समाचारमा कमल थापाको समाचार हेर्दा म त छक्कै परेँ। समाचार यस्तो थियो

प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम

ललितपुर, ८ साउन । राष्ट्रिय प्रजातन्त्र पार्टी (थापा) का अध्यक्ष कमल थापाले मुलुकको परिवर्तित राजनीतिक घटनाक्रमलाई आफ्नो पार्टीले सहजरूपमा स्वीकारेको बताउनुभएको छ ।

[हो, तिम्रो काम जे पनि सहज रुपमा स्वीकार्ने त हो। पञ्चायत कालमा तिमीले नै मोज गर्‍यौ। ४६ सालको आन्दोलनले ल्याएको परिवर्तनलाई पनि तिमीले सहजै स्वीकार्‍यौ। अझ पटक-पटक सरकारमा गयौ। कहिले एउटा सरकारलाई ढाल्न एउटा पक्षमा, कहिले अर्को सरकारलाई ढाल्न अर्को पक्षमा जाने तिमी नै हो। यसै कारण तिमीले मुसा प्रवृत्तिको उपमा पायौ। अनि त्यो बहुदललाई कू गरी राजाले शासन हातमा लिएको पनि तिमीले सहजै स्वीकार्‍यौ। गृहमन्त्री बनेर के-के गर्‍यौ, सबैलाई थाहा छ। अब हुँदाहुँदा यो परिवर्तनलाई पनि सहजै स्वीकार्ने ? जनता त्यति मूर्ख छन् र भन्या ?]

राष्ट्रिय प्रजातान्त्रिक विद्यार्थी सङ्गठनद्वारा आज यहाँ आयोजित उपत्यकाव्यापी प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रममा उहाँले लोकतन्त्रमा सबै समुदायको भावनालाई आत्मसात गरी अगाडि बढ्नुपर्नेमा जोड दिनुभयो ।

[हैन यो प्रशिक्षण चाहिँ के को हो ? शंका लाग्यो है मलाई त। अनि त्यो मुखले लोकतन्त्रको कुरा गरेको कत्ति नसुहाएको छ्या, छ्या छ्या। तिमीले ख्यालख्यालको र साँच्चिकै कर्फ्यु लगाएर दबाएर दब्न नसकेको आन्दोलनबाट आएको लोकतन्त्र हो यो।]

अध्यक्ष थापाले सरकारले विद्यार्थीका लागि आवश्यक नीति तयार गरी र्सवसुलभ र आम समुदायको पहुँच बृद्धि गर्नुपर्ने बताउनुभयो ।

[ए, तिमी सरकारमा रहँदा चाहिँ नीति बनाएनौ ? के गरेर बस्यौ नि सरकारमा हुँदा ? ]

विद्यार्थी सङ्गठनका संयोजक हेमजङ्ग गुरूङले आगामी दिनमा यस्ता कार्यक्रमलाई निरन्तरता दिइने प्रतिबद्धता व्यक्त गर्नुभयो ।
कार्यक्रममा सङ्गठनका उपाध्यक्ष राजाराम बर्तौला, विद्यार्थी नेता गोपाल दाहाल, भूपाल वस्नेतलगायतले पनि बोल्नु भएको थियो।
कार्यक्रममा अध्यक्ष थापाले वर्तमान राजनीतिक परिस्थिति, गोविन्द खनियाले सङ्गठन सुदृढीकरण र भूवन पाठकले परराष्ट्र नीतिका बारेमा प्रशिक्षण दिनुभएको थियो ।

[ए, ए, वर्तमान राजनीतिक परिस्थितिका बारेमा पो प्रशिक्षण दिएको ? हैन कस्तो प्रशिक्षण दिएछ हो ? सबैले अनुमान गर्न सक्ने कुरा हो। ]

कार्यक्रममा उपत्यकाका करिब तीनसय विद्यार्थीको सहभागिता थियो ।

[तीन सय ? मण्डलेको संख्या यतिमात्रै हो उपत्यकामा ? ]


[ल बधाई छ, राससले तिमीहरुको न्युज क्यारी गरिदिएछ। तिम्रै पालामा नियुक्त कसैले बनाएको होला यो न्युज। भोलि हेरौंला कुन पत्रिकाले छाप्दो रहेछ यो समाचार]


  1. Baru bhagawan ko name liye swarga puginchha ki? Kati Kamal Thapa ko name matra yo prajatantrik Nepal maa.

  2. Jai Nepali,

    I agree that you care about country. However, Maoist attrocity can’t be superceded.Read Dalitsarki comments above too. Nepali Army may have killed innocent thinking if they are Maoist. But Maoist killed every one who dare to object their ideology like Yadu Gautam, MP UML.If you are the follower of Maoist it is defferent matter, for a general public Maoist did harm people more than Army.
    I am a left supporter NOT a Maoist. I do not believe in Prachanda Path. Prachanda Path is another kind of Autocracy. Now people started saying that Nepal unification is wrong, they want Gurung , Tamang etc Rajya as a sign of mistrust between communities and create groupism which not good for a country.We are creatting a war lord situation like in Afaganisthan.Country should not be divided by race or languages. I hope you agree this time.

  3. हेमजङ गुरुङ को रहेछ भन्ने कुरा पनि पत्ता लाग्यो थ्यांक्स् ल ब्रो गुर्खस् ।
    अब मैले जनेकोछु त्एस्लाई के गर्नु पर्छ भनेर, अब तमुवन प्रदेशमा हेमजङ्लाई बन्देज लगाउनेछ ।


  5. I found this piece in SAJHA, probably written by one of the Nepalese students in US. Probably the lower middle mental class people like..Aveeral yatri or Belgium, Norwegian so called refugee people, who dont want the situation in Nepal to be better, otherwise they can live there no more as “refugee”, may disagree, but the fact is fact. Please learn to be civilized, respect right of all citizen, either its Kamale, or Oli, or Makune, or Prachanda or any one. Always dare to oppose the bad things done by all. Dont try to be bonded slave of any party…Just think for the betterment of country.

    Read this:
    “When I was studying in Delhi, one of friends had a very old motorbike that was always breaking down. One day he came to college in a brand new shiny motorcycle and we were like wow! Nice bike. He said he had painted the bike, put new seats etc. Basically all the accessories on this bike was new but next day the bike had a break down that is when another Indian friend of mine said “Budi ghodi lal lagaam” (old horse, new clothes). I looked at him and he said “bro, what runs a bike is the engine and not the accessories, he prettied the bike up but the primary part of the bike was still them same”. Why this entire story you ask?

    I look at Nepal and the situation reminds of that phrase my Indian friend had used “Budi ghodi lal lagaam”. With the new developments going on in Nepal all of us are excited and we are thinking this time is different. Girja announced to change everything national anthem, army’s name etc. Good right. Well I don’t think so. What makes democracy is the people not anthems or names. They are the engines, so leaving people like Girja, MaKuNe, Baburam, Prachande et al. who are either looters or murders, in the picture to run the country means nothing has changed. “Just a bhudi ghodi lal lagaam”

    We need people who think about jobs, infrastructures, development, and industrialization, not people who think changing the national anthem, saying Nepal is no more a hindu country, changing the Nepal army’s name etc is bringing big changes to Nepal.”

  6. hi umeshji namasker
    kamale, that’s the mass murderer name..and every nepalese knows about this. he pay all the debt what he did in before sooner or later.. if i’ll be free for one muder ,definatly i kill that bastered..son of bin laden…kamale. he nepal ka mantri ani sansad ho , yadi timi harule kamale,saccchite., shrishe, niranjane, ani tyo bank ko loan natirne ex mantri naam birse, paras lai keti supply garne ram prasad khanal(nispakshya saptahik,ex lok dohari) haru lai karvahi garenau bhane hami nepal aayara timi haru lai karvahi garchhau…ani timiharulai sahid ko ragat le polne cha nata sutna nai sakchau na ta mutna.. kawadi sansad ho khabardar..

  7. s nepal ,
    u really need to study the hidden history of nepal then u will understand why USA is interested in nepal.moriarty’s threatening to political parties before 12 points agreement , boucher visit are some examples. yes india supports USA. i have written enuf for now in the above comment. this is politics, everyone can have different view but science(fact) is one for one concern.

    some reasons here.
    USA believes if the comunism becomes successful in nepal which has support of RIM, it might spread in the rest of the world and again that the threat of capitalism.

    another reason is if u understand the economic groth and the population( number of army too) of china always threat for USA. i want to remind u, few year back, wen the USA detective plane was dropped by chinese security forces, after that USA is quiet about china but USA wants china not to be stronger than USA. in this reason, nepal can be useful for their purpose. dont forget the controversial issue about the USA army inside RNA.

    nepal in the middle of two stones.
    little burger between two big buns.

  8. Actually everbody has right to speak according to international law . If somebody involved in crime, if some body violate human rights and then responsibility goes to Government to punish him or her. But here in nepal no punishment and every where impunity. Like same in case of kamal thapa and others thapa? are you people agree with me?

  9. अरु केही होईन कमले गुन्डो लाइ काल ले कुत कुत्याएको हो! ज्ञानेन्द्र लाइ अदालतमा न घिसारी कुनै कुरा हल हुने वाला छैन। उता हाम्रा माओवादी हरु देश लाइ झन झन गहिरो खाडल मा धकेल्दै छन्; निर्ममता को पराकास्ठा; यो तपाईं को दिदी भिनाजु वा आँफैलाई परेको भए कस्तो हुन्थ्यो, तल को समाचार पढौ, आजै को हो!

    “अपहरणपछि निर्मम कुटपिट-कान्तिपुर समाचारदाता”
    ताप्लेजुङ, साउन ८ – माओवादीले ढुङ्गेसाँघु-१ का रामप्रसाद ढुंगेललाई अपहरण गरी मरणासन्न पारेका छन् । सोमबार बिहान कमल तामाङ नामका माओवादी कार्यकर्ताको नेतृत्वमा आएका तीन जनाको समूहले ‘पार्टीर्को माथिल्लो निर्देशन’ भन्दै ढुंगेललाई घरबाट लछारपछार गर्दै लगेका थिए ।
    पार्टी कार्यालयमा पुर्‍याई निर्मम कुटेर हात नचल्ने बनाएको साथै दाँतसमेत झारिदिएको सदरमकाम आएका प्रत्यक्षदर्शी गाउँलेले बताए । उनको रिहाइका लागि अधिकारवादी तथा उनकी पत्नीले अपिल गरेका छन् । ढुंगेललाई बाँधेर गाउँस्थित पार्टी कार्यालयमा राखिएको छ । उनकी पत्नी पनि सोही कार्यालयमा बसिरहेकी गाउँलेले बताए ।
    Posted on: 2006-07-24 21:47:15

  10. BK UK ji you are dreaming. Sapana dekhera tyai lekhirani bhako chha. USA lai sansar ko sab desh chodera nepal kina aaunu paryo bhanya? Alikati sochera kehi lekhnus na…Gyanendra ko sarkar lai pani bhitra bata thikka parne ani maobadi lai pani saran dine ra party ra maobadi bich 8 bude samjhauta pani garaune Bharat ko po hami lai badhi dar chha. nachaine kura garera kaan nepal ma USA le attack garchha re? K bhanthannu bhachha aafno desh lai tapain le? Sab lai attack garne bha bhae ta uilyai america le Cuba, albania ra ahile bolivia jasta desh attack garissakthyo….tapain ko bichar sunera chain malai has matrai uthena tapain mathi daya pani aayo…khair aa-aafno bichar ho…dekhdai garnus sapana…all the best.

  11. yo sappai ..kaaju kancha, pesta mail, badam jetha ..
    ke lekhne yaar..feri maobadi lai jungle ma pathaune kasrat ho ..u jungle gayeshi ….aru sappailai dhukka huncha kina ki america le sappailai agree garcha tara mao lai gardaina ..mero bichar ma aba prachanda pani jungle pasdaina hola ..aba maobadi jungle gayepani prachanda president hune yogyeta gumai sakeko hunecha ..karan usko prachanda patha fail bhaisakeko hunecha ..yo nai sappaiko lagi antim exam ho …daraunu pradaina yedi gyanele feri sashan chalayepani ..janaandolan 3 bhag doharidaina, kina ki abako janaandolan 3 tatha antim bhag bhandaina koiaudaina ..jana andolan 2bhag HIT bhayepani 3 bhag super flope hune pakka cha..tara antama yeuta kura ..
    yo andolan bhanda ..betodko huri batash aune cha jun gola barudi ..jhandai 60/70 hajar jana nepali ko jyan line cha abako tyo huri batash rajnaitik huribatash. tespachi naya youg stapana hunecha nitanta ..ahileko sampurna natak haru lai kahilai nadoharine gari tyo huri batash le lane cha ..yo druba satte ho.
    manandhar JPN

  12. It is really difficult to understand nepal’s politics and nepalese politicians including nepalese people.
    What kind democracy are they really talking about???? So does this mean that anybody who is in the past government has no right to speak???? What about more than 50% people who are not very active in politics?? Has anybody thought of them. Is Nepal only for those seven party leaders and MAOIST. Can they make decision on behalf of rest of the people in the contry. Why cann’t we do referandum for the major decisions??? If maoist and seven party thinks that they are the suprim power and they can do everything then they are doing major mistake. They all are gready about power and post rather than thinking about own nation and development of nepal. it is very very sad. ke garneho kunni


  13. dear grung bro, this hemjung gurung is, lamjung ko man ho, he is a contactor of road consturction , he had contact of road from bheshihsar to bulubuley lamjung ma but he took his labour people and bet local young people, he must be punished by maoist

  14. मलाई लाग्छ की कमल थापा त पुर्नरुप्मा डाँका हो। यो सबै प्रजातन्त्र मास्ने सद्यन्त्रा हुनुपर्छ ।
    त्यो को हो रासस को मान्छे तेस्ले यस्तो समाचार बनायो तेस्लाई संचार मन्त्रालयले स्पष्टिकरण सोध्नु पर्छ । अनि कमल थापा लाई मृतुडान्दडा हुनु पर्छ ।

  15. why they are there, why they are doing such activities, like kamal and hemjung , that is because of this government. i am sure that this government is a part of old regime so it is better to give the power to maoist. cheer

  16. dear frens ,
    we need to understand that the royal regime is still alive. no one has restructured the formation of (royal)nepal army, since there is same structure of RNA nothing we can expect. its clear that this government couldnt suspend the army chief. it shows that army is still untouchable. the oath of army chief in parliament is just drama and the sign of another betrayal against nepali people.

    if this continues, one day gynendra will speak out to take back his power. he is waiting for time. it is his grand design. frens , we need to understand the ground reality of nepal. can anyone tell me why birendra and his family were killed? the group is still busy in conspiracy. anyone who will work towards the peaceful nepal, he/she will be the enemy of that group. be careful nepali people. we lost welknown people and we have lost also some great people who didnot come in publicity. who are behind this killings? we are over deadly mud. we people can sink anytime in that mud. i dont think we won fight against that group.

    wen girija was in house arrest. madav nepal was arrested. the royal regime was comfortably rulling government. they didnt have fear from those people so called SPA.
    the main threat of those people was moist army. now they are dreaming and waiting to be disarm the PLA. if that happened, no doubt gyandra will speak out another day to take his power back. he has back force of USA, moriarty. we have seen several attack in independent countries from USA. they have put moist as terorist. why so? coz they want to come to nepal wen time is favouralbe for them to attack.

    i request not to help that group unknowingly who are planning to puss us back 100s of years back. we really need to study the situation so that we dont need to regret in the future.

    the group has collusion with top level of nepal army.
    obviously we need to be awere with USA activities and its statement.
    gyandra is always there as a chief.

  17. kamal thapa jasta andolan dabaune naam ma andolan kari ko janline lai karbhai garn dhila bhayako partiphal ho bhanne lagthechha.southkorea.

  18. In democracy every one should have right to express own view in peaceful manner including Kamal Thapa or Maoist or any one in the society.Otherwise, what would be a difference between Kings autcratic rule or Maoist forcefull denial of other party activities or current democratic government.If the current Government thinks itself a more democratic than previous one then it should allow to express personal views and have courage to listen others. Every one should be allowed to speak but not allowed to take arm or impose own principal forcefully- this is a meaning of democracy. Many people target Kamal Thapa who killed 21 people, what about 13,000 people killed by Prachanda? Both should allowed tell the truth to the people.


    Do you think prachanda killed 13,000 people alone? Thats absolutely wrong, most of them were killed by NEPAL ARMY. Truth should come out in democracy not the fabricated matters. In your saying you contradict yourself? read carefully before you launch in front of the public.

    jai nepal

  19. This is the politics and the true picture of the day to day life. You have to accept it. Never believe in politicians and politics!!!

  20. Kamal thapa afnoswathako lagi jepani garnasakne bytiho panchayat kalma madale ra halasammako thapako sabai kriyakalab herda lachha kamakl thapa Nepal desko lagi thulo bhairasnaiho ra ajhai pani tesle bigarna sakchha asto bwasolai ahileko sarkar le chan figaire kabahi garnu par chha asta byatile deslai agadi badaune kamama badhak huchhan . Nepal griyamantre huda sabarakam bharatma lagera laganigareko chha Kamal thapa dakaho .
    Lekhak hal macau.

  21. नेपालमा जस्तो प्रजातन्त्र कहि पनि देख्न्न सकिदैन । जस्ले जे गरे पनि भयो,जे बोले पनि भयो । सतिले सरापेकोको देश । गरिबी र अशिक्षा रहे सम्म यस्तो समस्या रहिरहन्छ ।

    मानिसहरु सोभावले नै लोभि हुन्छन । हाम्रो जस्तो गरीब देशमा मानिसहरु कमल थापा र ज्ञानेको पछी लाग्नु त्यस्तो अचम्म को कुरो होईन । हामी काम भन्दा कुरो बढी गर्छौ । एउटा राम्रो जागिर पाउनको लागि नेताको चाकडि गर्छौ । अहिले पनि कति जना मानिसहरु केही पाइन्छ कि भनेर माओवादीको पछाडि लगे होलान्, कति जना गिरिजको चाकडि गर्दै होलान।

    कमल थापा जस्ता मण्डलेलाई बहिस्कृत गर्नेको लागि सबैभन्दा पहिले जनता लाई चेतना जगौउनु पर्‍यो, यस्को लागि शिक्षाको जरुरत छ । ९०% जनतालाई गरिबी मुक्त गर्नु पर्‍यो अनि मात्र मण्डलेहरुले टाउको उठाउँन पौउदैनन ।

    सोझो अर्थमा भन्दा माओवादीले किन सफलता पाए भन्दा नेपालमा भएको गरीबी र अशिक्षा हो । उनिहरुले अहिले जनतालाई आशा देखाएका छन र नेपालीहरु तेसैमा रमाएका छन । नेता र माओवादी हरु अहिले शक्ती बाड्ँफाडमा नै ब्यस्त छन्ं । कस्को मान्छे केहा पठाउने भन्ने कुरामा ब्यस्त छन्ं । देश बिकासको लागि कुनै राम्रो निती छैन्ं ।

    लोभि र अबसरबादी मान्छेहरु जुनसुकै समाजमा पनि हुन्छन । यस्ता मनिस रहीरहे सम्म केही हुने वाला छन्न । प्रजातन्त्र भन्नेको राम्रो शासन हो । तर नेपालीहरु अझै पनि प्रजातन्त्रको अभ्यास गर्दै छन । आन्दोलन गरे जे पनि हुन्छ भन्ने बानी परी सकेको छ ।

    सन्देह चीन

  22. I totally agree with lot of the comments and one that is in democracy everybody has his personal right to exercise their right and live the way they like and speak their mind. So Kamal thapa can start his way for survival for his cunning political game. Now question remains with the people who judge him and those who follow him. When we are talking about someone like Kamal Thapa, Surya Bahadur Thapa and lot of other politician of minister of Gyanendra including Gyanendra and Paras we are not talking about respectful human being we are talking about “luchha, phataha, gunda, opportunist, corrupts, murderous, swindlers, inhuman, narapisach probably none of these adjectives can well describe their motives and characters. Now we have look inside us. What value we hold for ourselves, what aspiration of life you or I want to have, which group of the society’s leader we want to follow the good one or the devils.So we all have to make the choice based on our own moral values. What you think those who follow those character, first they themselves may not be able to define themselves as normal human being. So you have to degrade yourselves to the meanest animal before you want to follow them. Hope those young kids know well where they stand and who do they want to follow as their leader. If some one is criminal minded and he sees the criminal activities are the only way to suceed in life what you can do those moral bankcrupt individuals. If they are following due to the ignorance, immaturity they will find out soon when they become laughing stuffs for everybody else and they get guided by their moral concience they leave those criminal behind. So being informed and having positive eduacation and concinecious is the most important thing to not to align with the rotten garbage because it stinks.

  23. प्रजातान्त्रिक मुलुकमा सबैले आ-आफ्नो बिचार ब्यक्त गर्न पाउनु पर्दछ र पाउंछन् पनि, राजनितिको अभ्यास गर्न पाउनु पर्छ र पाउंछन पनि तर त्यसो भन्दैमा प्रजातन्त्रको घांटि रेट्ने क्रियाकलाप गर्नेहरुलाई कारवाही नगर्ने भने पक्कै हैन। नाजीहरुको चकचकीले बदनाम भयको हिटलरको जर्मनीमा अहिले सम्म पनि नाजी पार्टिले वैधानिक रुपमा पुनर्स्थापना गर्न पायका छैनन र यिनिहरुको क्रियाकलाप पूर्ण रुपले निषेध छ। आमेरिकामा KKK को त्यस्तै हालत छ। प्रजातान्त्रको जननी मुलुकमा भने BNPलाई वैधानिकता दिईयको छ। तर बेलायतको बहुभाषिक, बहुसांस्कृतिक नीतिले गर्दा यो संस्था त्यति प्रभावकारी हुनु सकेको छैन र हुंदैन पनि। तर नेपालमा भने जनभावनाको कदर न हिजो गरियो न त आज नै गरियको छ। प्रजातन्त्रको स्थापना भयो, पुनर्स्थापना भयो तर पूर्ण स्थापना भने हुन सकेन र नेपाली जनताले यस्तो गोता खाईरहनु परेको छ। जब सम्म प्रजातन्त्रको पूर्ण स्थापना हुंदैन तब सम्म यस्ता नारायण हिटि सरकार, काठ्माण्डू सरकार र रुकुम सरकारले जनतालाई आंखामा छारो हान्ने काम गरिनै रहने छन् र चाकडि, चप्लुसिको भरमा यस्ता कमले, सुबथाको अन्त्य हुंदैन।त्यसैले आउनुहोस साथी भाई जन-आन्दोलनको भाग ३ लाई सफल बनाऔं, नेपाल र नेपालीलाई जि, हजुर्, नमस्ते, जदौ, चाकडी, चाप्लुसीको वातावरणबाट मुक्त गराई सबैलाई समान अवसर दिलाउने वातावरण बनाऔं। जय देश्, जय जनता!!!

  24. Hello Mr. Kamal Thapa,

    Note that, you are the main culprit involved in the deaths and injury of all the innocent people involved during the jana-andolan. You totally mis-informed the palace about the nature & size of the people’s movement and directed the heads of all the security agencies to use force & ultimately resulting deaths & injuries. Your entire political career has been inclined towards greed for power and ambition. You threw out your own party president (Rana) & self proclaimed your presidency while in power, which proves your unworthy deeds. Out from power & prison now, you have again opted to brain-wash your dim-wit followers & and now pointing fingers to the palace, shrugging off your responsibities … a typical hypocrite & a loser that you are!

    I hope/wish this message gets relayed to you somehow.

    [email protected]

  25. हैन गिरिजप्रसाद प्रधानमन्त्री भाको बेला देशमा किन एकाएक दुर्घटनाहरु बढेर जान्छ
    सवारी दुर्घटना देखि लिएर प्राकृतिक प्रकोप देखि लिएर सबै ह ? ? ? ? ?
    ६,७ पटक प्रधानमन्त्री भैसक्यो कुनै राम्रो काम गरेको छैन । जहिले देशमा अनिष्ठ मात्रै हुन्छ यो गिरिजा आए पछी त

  26. Dear S.K. Rai,

    Refernce made to your remarks on opportunity. First, I think sweeping statements should not be made. Second, are other politician,s business men, ordinary people like us all not opportunitiest. You may not be one, because you must not have had an opportunity and not that you did not want to be one.
    In Neplai politicis, The Koiralas are the biggest, greediest opportunities. GP Koirala has been responsible for the fall of NC/RPP (his own govt, KP led govt, Deupa led govt, Thapa led govt) lead government 4 times just for him to be Prime Minister. He even ensured the loss of KPB during the election so he becomes the undisputed leader of NC. Sujata who was married and lively happily in Gemrnay, one fine morning surfaces in nepal and made billion of ruppess at the cost of poor nepalese.
    Yes, Kamal Thapa is not only opportunist, but also a conspirator, his own party labelled him as Musa, whereas Suray bdr Thapa, where did you find him in that position of being opportunitist.
    Surya Bdr Thapa has a history, a glory, but unfortunately a leader of that stature is the president of a small party. he is the only vocal and bold leader to challenge the monarchy and its bhardar, even during panchayat period, even BP who could not challenge the monarchy, SBT did by labelling dual govet in 2029, bhai bhadhar in 2040 etc, etc. Even today his voice and principle are consistent.
    Prakash Koirala.

  27. किन कमल थापाको विरोध गरेको । अनौठो लाग्यो मलाइ । ठिकै त गरेको छ नी उसले देश अनुसारको भेष हो । नेपाल जस्तो छ त्यस्तै गर्नु परेन । यहां बांच्न मन छ भने कमल थापाको प्रशिक्षण लिन अनिवार्य छ । के नाम परिवर्तन हुंदैमा सबै समस्या समाधान हुन्छ र । श्री ५ को सरकार वाट नेपाल सरकार बनेपनि ब्यबहार श्री ५ को सरकार नै कायम रहेसम्म समस्या जहांको तही नै हुन्छ नै । अनी कमल थापासंग प्रशिक्षण नलिए के गर्ने त । नेपाल सरकारको कुन मन्त्रालाय अनी कुन मन्त्रि चोखो छ यहां । कमल थापाका चेलाहरु काजुकान्छा र सुजाता कोइरालाको इसारामा चलेको छ यो सरकार । किन सत्ता बाहिर भएको थापाको खोइरो खन्नु । खोइरो नै खन्ने हो भने कमल थापाको प्रबृति बोकेर लोकतन्त्रको खोल ओढेर सरकारलाइ पुन निरंकुशताको पाउमा चढाउन क्रियशिलहरुको पोल खोलौ न ।
    सबैलाइ थाहा छ थापाको चरित्र । सबै सजग छन् थापावाट । उसले लोकतन्त्रको समर्थन मात्र हैन गणतन्त्र जिन्दावाट भन्दा पनि उसको लागि राष्ट्रपतिको उम्मेदरवार ज्ञानेन्द्र नै हुन्छ । त्यसैले देखिएका लोकतन्त्रका शत्रुहरुवाट त सबै जोगिन सक्छन् तर नदेखिएका लोकतन्त्रका शत्रुहरु नै अहिले लोकतन्त्रका दुश्मनहरु हुन् । यिनिहरु जवसम्म क्रियशिल रहिरहन्छन् त्यो बेलासम्म कि कमल थापासंग प्रशिक्षण लिएर नेपालमा बस्न योग्य नागरिक बन्नुपर्‍यो कि पासपोर्ट हातमा लिएर कुनै खाडिको देशमा जान म्यानपावर कम्पनि धाउनुपर्‍यो ।

  28. umesh ji,
    kamal thapa jsta mandle le prachhichhyan diyeko news le ma ta dangpare yar! k ho sarkar kina chup chap chha. aba herdai jane ho bhane ek din kamal thapa le girija babu ko birodh garne prasi chhyan dina thhalchha.manale ko news lekhne rss ka journalist ko ho tyo? teshlai turunta nikali halnu parchha.government should be careful of it…..

  29. It is unfurtunate our Nepalese politicians are allmost opportunistic. It is question of degrees whether it is less or large. We knew this Thapa made bluder mistake. Let us see, behaviour of present parliamentarians. They are afraid of house dissolution. They have already built attachment upon seats of House. They have forgotten the reason why they were reinstated in the House. They are given their seats just for a while to execute peace process with Maoists. We general people must exercise alert towards all the politicians in order to be safe from being exploited by those currupted and demoralized politicians no matter he or she is from old Panchayat or so-called democratic parliamentarians.

  30. This Maila Thapa is a Pure SAVAGE and a BARBAROUS person.
    If possible this kind of people needs to be hanged till death .They r the only trouble maker of the country.Nepali is lagging the world by a century. Who r the dominant cause maker.All this kind of unsocial and non -patriot netas r the prime factors.

    Like in the ancient time this sort of people must be brought in public and hit with pebbles and let them wait till death.

    His political party must be banned and he(peoples of his troop) should be declared un-elegible for any kind of public activities and politics.

    Kamal Thapa ko ta khandan nai testai cha. His younger brother (so called GANESH THAPA)has sticked to the post of ANFA’s president till his death.He sees no alternative for him.This is the main reason for non developement of football in nepal. Where r all the donations going(Nepal ko sara sports bhanda pani dherai ANFA ko Budget hola). There is no free and fair election system in any Sports Organization. CAN(Cricket Association of Nepal) is the other example. Palace ko CHAMCHA MR Jaya Kumar Shah ko alternative na hunu pani is the same cause.

    Mr CAN president lai ta chana khana ra bidesh ko sayar garna ra darbar rijhauna paya pugcha.Cricket is the only game in which nepal can be the top 10 competitor(of the world)with in a decade if they could be some dedicated person for this sports (like Baluwatar ko Mr Upendra …… )

    We youth r in the mind set up of “WAIT N SEE”.
    But MR Thapa kind of people watch out we r not in a sleep.Aba pheri hami chadai nai sadak ma auna Bhadya hudai chou. One generation cannot fight for the right for mutiple times. This is be “NOW OR NEVER”.

  31. बरु म ति राजप्रथामा अन्धो बिश्वास गर्नेहरुलाई आदर गर्छु, यस्ता नपुंसक कलंकको त नाम लिनु नै ब्यर्थ छ ! हो, उनको नाम कमल होईन कलंक थापा हुनुपर्थ्यो !

    Mr. L M Shrestha, the question here is not about his legal rights to voice his opinion but of his moral conscience – after what has happened till date since 2036BS, do you believe that he has moral right to preach democracy??

  32. मण्डलेलाइ कारबाही गर
    नत्र भने पछि सर
    नालायक सरकार पछि सर……………………………………….

  33. Dear Umeshji,

    Could you please write some news about about Narhari acharya and Gagan Thapa and Chandra Bhandari who are the great republican leader.

    Please do not write about GP, sushil, govinda, Khume, Shri 5 Sher bahadur and Sujata because they are the hunger of power, loyal to king and money.

    One of the senior leaders of Nepali Congress, Narahari Acharya has decided to lead a publicity campaign aimed at gaining support for a republican order among masses.

    Acharya’s move came at a time the NC leadership has indicated that they will favour ceremonial monarchy during a election to the constituent assembly.

    Acharya is backed in his drive by intellectuals like Krishna Khanal, student leaders Chandra Bhandari and Gagan Thapa, according to reports.

    They will meet in the third week of every month till the CA election to assess the progress of the campaign.

    Acharya, in a paper made public on Monday, said,“It is wrong to assume that going for a republican set up is the agenda of the Communists. Republican order was reported in ancient Greece. Even we had the republican order, prior to 750 BC.

  34. I just wanna recall Khagendra Sangraula’s word “कुनै दिन कमले टाईपका मखमलेहरु फेरी प्रजातन्त्रको”

  35. hahahahahah hami nepali hamro nepal !!!!
    yeti dayalu chhu ni hami, kalo moso dalera charpate mudnu parne belam am aaja national news agency tesko new banauchha
    kahil hami nepali ko buddhi ferla
    saad buddhi due prabhu

  36. को हो हेम जङ्ग गुरुङ? कमल थापा बाट कत्ती पैसा पाउने गर्छ?
    अलि कत्ती पनि लाज लागेन तिमीलाई? त्यो कमल थापाको पछि लाग्नु?
    को हो तिमी? गुरुङ लेख्न पनि लाज लाग्नु पर्ने हो तिमीलाई भन अझै पनि त्यो कमल थापालाई सहयोग गर्नु पर्ने के कारण पर्‍यो?
    म मान्छु तिमी होला कमल थापाको ज्वुँई , शाहि मन्त्री शेखर गुरुङ्को भतिजा, भुपू शिक्षा मन्त्री के पी गुरुङ्को सालो अथवा लक्ष्य बहादुर गुरुङ्को भर्तेलो छोरोको पनि भर्तेलो छोरो । तर जो भए पनि तिमी त एउटा युवा हो । अहिलेको नेपाली युवाहरुको चाहना , हामी नेपाली भुमी पुत्रहरुको हक अधिकार कस्ले कसरी कहिले देखि खोसिएको छ र किन अहिले सम्म हामी अरुको ओन्डरमा बस्नु परेकोछ? तिमी कमल थापाको विद्यार्थीको संयोजग हुन पायो भनेर मख्खा नपर्नु , होसियार यनिहरुले तिमीलाई हाँसोको पात्र बनाउदैछ ।
    तर तिमी हेम जङ्ग थापा लेख्नुस् म केहि भन्दिन । बांकी आफैं बुझ्नु ।
    म को हो भनेर बुझ्न चाहनु हुन्छ भने मलाई jitmd@yahoo।com मा मेल गर्नु होला
    Jit Gurung

  37. In democracy every one should have right to express own view in peaceful manner including Kamal Thapa or Maoist or any one in the society.Otherwise, what would be a difference between Kings autcratic rule or Maoist forcefull denial of other party activities or current democratic government.If the current Government thinks itself a more democratic than previous one then it should allow to express personal views and have courage to listen others. Every one should be allowed to speak but not allowed to take arm or impose own principal forcefully- this is a meaning of democracy. Many people target Kamal Thapa who killed 21 people, what about 13,000 people killed by Prachanda? Both should allowed tell the truth to the people.

  38. साथीहरु,
    जब सम्सद पुनस्र्थापना भयो, मैले त्यहि दिन सोचेको थिएँ कि अब उहि चक्र दोहोरियो। २० लाख मान्छे आगो सरी ज्यान हत्केलामा राखेर दरबार घेरेको समयमा यो तन्त्रको अन्त्य नगरेर राजाको दयदानमा विजय मनाउने यि नेताहरु कति अदुरदर्शि रहेछन भनेर मलाइ रुन मन लागेको थियो( गफ होइन, कसम!) यदि त्यो वा अर्को एक दिन मात्र आन्दोलन जारी भएको भए सब कायलपट हुन्थ्यो। धिक्कार नेताहरु, धिक्कार !कति मुर्ख, पटमुर्ख।
    उमेशजी, तपाइँलाई कमल थापाले प्रशिक्छण दिएको रासस को समाचारमा अनौठो लागेछ, तर नेपालको सम्झौतापरस्त राजनिति अध्ययन गर्नु भयो भने यो सामान्य हो, हर्नुस समयक्रममा सुबथा या कमल थापाहरु फेरि मन्त्रि हुन्छन, तितो सत्य पचाउन गार्हो होला तर समयक्रमले यो अबश्यभावी छ।

  39. लौ हेर्नुस, मण्डलेहरु चलमलाउन थाले । पार्टिहरुको राजनीतिमा होस्ल्याङ्गे पारा हाबि छ, त्यसलाइ सुधार गरेन भनेर हामीले यो ब्लगमा जति आक्रोश पोखे नि, जति चिन्ता ब्यक्त गरे नि केहि लछारपाटो लाउने छाँटकाँट देखिएन है । हुँदा हुँदा अब यू टर्न पो हुन लाग्यो त । यस्तो किन हुन्छ सधै? मेरो बिचार यस्तो छ:

    हरेक ब्यबस्थापकिय निकाय (जस्तै पार्टि, सरकार, धेरै कर्मचारी भएको कार्यालय) लाइ धेरै रुपले बर्गिकरण गर्न सकिन्छ । म ४ बर्गमा छुट्याउछु । क, ख, ग,र घ । क – माने कछुवा, ख ‍- माने खरायो, ग – माने गधा, घ – माने घण्ट । नेपालको राजनीतिमा यो ठ्याक्कै लागू हुन्छ ।

    घ – घण्टलाइ खाना चाहिदैन, यसको रालो समातेर सानो ठक्कर दिनु पर्छ, होहल्ला गरीहाल्छ, कसैको केहि मतलब हुँदैन तर अर्काले नठोके सम्म आफै बज्न जान्दैन खाली झुन्डिएर बस्छ । उदाहरण – नेपालका बिद्यार्थिहरु, आन्दोलनमा उत्रने बहुमत सर्वसाधारण र ग्रासरुटका कार्यकर्ताहरु ।

    ग – गधा केहि खान्छ, मरी मरी काम गर्छ, तर सधै अपजस पाउछ । कहिल्यै मोटाउदैन – मरञ्च्याँसे । अलि लोसे देखिन्छ । मोजमस्ति गरेको यसको मालिकले मन पराउदैन । उदाहरण – पार्टिका इमान्दार तर अवसर नपाएका कार्यकर्ताहरु र जिल्ला स्तरका नेताहरु ।

    ख – यो बुद्रुक बुद्रुक उफ्रिरहने, एकैठाउ बस्नै नसक्ने, जतिखेर नि खाइरहनु पर्ने, हेर्दा राम्रो । कान सँधै ठाडो ठाडो । तौलेर बोल्न खप्पीस । चनाखो तर सिर्जनात्मक काम केहि नगर्नी । खोस्रने, खन्ने र भत्काउने बाटोमात्रै खोज्ने । उदाहरण – उपल्लो स्तरका नेता, पत्रिकाहरुमा सदाबहार छाइरहने, मौकाहरु लुट्न सफल, बेलामौकामा बिदेश नि जाने, एनजिओतिर हात घुसारेर मह नि चाट्नी ।

    क – यो सारै सुस्त, बुढो भएनि जब्बर, कतिबर्ष बाँच्छ था’ छैन । रिटाएर हुनु पर्ने हुदै हुदैन, घिटिघिटि घिटिघिटि । केहि गर्ने जाँगर नि छैन, खरायो र गधालाइ बाटो नि छोड्दैन । मै हुँ भनेर माथि माथि रहनु पर्ने । “तिमेरु जति फुर्ति गर जित्ने त मै हुँ” भन्ने दम्भ पाल्ने । कसैलाइ नटेर्ने । उदाहरण – बयोबृद्ध र अर्धबयोबृद्ध (जो आफुलाइ मौका परे यूवा नेता पनि भनिटोपल्छन्) नेताहरु ।

    हो!!!!! हाल नेपालमा यो क र ख बर्गका नेताहरुले हालिमुहालि गरेको जनआन्दोलनको उपलब्धि पनि गुम्ला कि गुम्ला कि जस्तो हुनथालेको । यिनेरुलाइ सोत्तर पारेर ग-बर्गका नेताहरुलाइ अगाडि ल्याउनु पर्छ । काल पर्खेका बुढाहरु, दुरदृष्टी र योजना नभएका लठ्टु नेताहरु, र भाग खोज्न भन्दा अर्थोक नजान्ने राजनीतिका खेलाडीहरुलाइ अघि अघि लगाएसम्म हामीलाइ निराशामात्रै हात लाग्छ । ६० बर्ष नाघेपछि सल्लाहकारको हैसियतभन्दा धेरै जिम्मेवारी लिएर राजनीति नै गर्न नपाउने स्थिति सिर्जना गर्नु पर्यो । कसैले नेत्तृत्वको लोभ देखाएपनि जनताले “थुइक्क” भनेर पन्छाउन सक्ने वातावरण बनाउनु पर्यो । यति गर्नसके केहि होला कि, नत्र खोइ के सुधार होला र?

  40. हाम्रो सरकारको लुरेपन ले गर्दा नै कमल थापाहरुले फेरी शिर उठाउँदै छन ।सरकारले अझै पनि यस्तै पारा नछोड्ने हो भने, भोली फेरी कमल थापा नै प्रधानमन्त्री हुनेछ, हाम्राइ आँखा अघी; फेरी थुन्ने छ, गिरिजा, माकुने हरुलाई ।
    अझै पनि हाम्रा नेताहरु कुर्सिकै लुछाचुदी म भुल , धिक्कार नेताहरु ।

  41. hi umeshji,kamal thapa and surya bahadur thapa both are stupid politicine in nepali politics,they are selfish and oppurtunist.they are emnies of nepali people.they are loyal cadre of gyanendra.so we have to gain knowledge from the history.becareful, all nepali people do not favore like that politicine.


  43. Laj nabhaya pachhi je gare pani bhayo.haina r? Pagal lai pagalkhana nalagi khula chhade pachhi aru ke hunu chha ra.Ek choti current diye pachhi thik hunthyo ki pagal?


  45. I think he is shameless person…he completely forgotten that what he has done when he was in power Even I could not understand nepalese people also why they did not sclode him out of Nepal…….Crazy Thapa……..

  46. ४६ साल पछि पनि यति छिटै मण्डले हरुले सभा, गोस्टि गर्ने सकेका थियनन्। तर अहिले यिनले नै यति छिटै यस्तो गर्ने आट आएपछि अब के हुन्छ? ज्ञान बहादुर जाहाँको तेहि छ। अब सोच्ने बेला आएको छ। कता गिरिजार ओलिको दुइजिब्रे पारालेत यो लोकतन्त्रको संथागत बिकासलाइ त बाधा पुर्‍याउदैन।

  47. Loktantra ko thado khilli udayeko ho.yaha sabai neta haru napungsak hun.Loktantrik neta haru le aab sari ra chura lagaye hunchh.Mallik aayog jastai yo rayamajhi aayog pani hune 100% sure chha.


    *WHO USED TO DO “Bhatae karbaii” to poor and uneducated people of village and used to bit people with bamboo stick.

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