अब उपत्यकावासीलाई बेलायती कम्पनीले पानी खुवाउने

सत्तारुढ केही सांसदकै विरोधका बीच हिजो संसदले बहुमतबाट पास गरेको विधेयकपछि अब नेपाल खानेपानी संस्थानले हैन उपत्यकाको खानेपानी सञ्चालन काठमाडौँ उपत्यका खानेपानी लिमिटेडले गर्नेछ। यसको व्यवस्थापनको जिम्मा सेभर्न ट्रेन्ट वाटर इन्टरनेसनल नामक बेलायती कम्पनीले लिएको छ। सुरुमा टेन्डर खोल्दा बेलायती, फ्रान्सेली, जर्मन र बङ्गलादेशका कम्पनीले रुचि देखाए पनि अन्तिम चरणमा सो कम्पनीले बिनाप्रतिस्पर्धा जिम्मेवारी पाएको थियो । अब के परिवर्तन हुन्छ त ? अरु कुरामा परिवर्तन त पर्खनै पर्छ, तर सबैभन्दा पहिले तपाईँको खानेपानीको बिल भने ३० प्रतिशतले बढ्नेछ। मेलम्ची खानेपानी आयोजनाको निर्माणका लागि एसियाली विकास बैंकले खानेपानीको व्पवस्थापन निजी क्षेत्रलाई दिनुपर्ने प्रमुख शर्त राखेको थियो। तर भर्खरै स्थानीय जनताको अवरोधका कारण उपत्यकाको खानेपानीको एक मात्र विकल्प भन्दै उच्च प्राथमिकता दिइएको मेलम्ची खानेपानी आयोजनाको निर्माण कार्य स्थगित भएको छ।

नेपाल सरकारले हालै पारित यस ऐनबमोजिम संस्थानले सञ्चालन तथा व्यवस्थापन गरिरहेको कुनै क्षेत्रको सेवा प्रणालीलाई कुनै संस्थामा हस्तान्तरण गराई खानेपानी तथा ढल निकासको समुचित व्यवस्था गर्न उचित देखेमा त्यस्तो क्षेत्रको सेवा प्रणालीको स्वामित्व अन्य कुनै संस्थामा हस्तान्तरण गर्न सक्ने व्यवस्थाले संस्थानले अब गर्ने भनिएको उपत्यकाबाहिरको व्यवस्थापन पनि खोसिन सक्ने सम्भावना छ ।

खानेपानीजस्तो नागरिकको नैर्सर्गिक अधिकारका विषयमा सरकार आफ्नो दायित्वबाट पन्छिन संस्थान नै विदेशीको जिम्मा लगाउन खोजेको आरोप सांसदहरूको थियो ।

सरकार भने संस्थानको ८० प्रतिशत स्वामित्व अहिले पनि सरकारमै रहेको तथा विदेशी कम्पनीलाई निश्चित र्सतका आधारमा व्यवस्थापन करारमा दिन लागिएको नयाँ व्यवस्थाबाट खानेपानी सेवालाई अझ प्रभावकारी बनाउन सहयोग पुग्ने विश्वासमा रहेको छ ।

खानेपानीजस्तो अत्यावश्यक सेवामूलक संस्थालाई निजीकरण गरी विदेशी ठेकेदारलाई दिन खोजिएको भन्दै खानेपानी संस्थान कर्मचारी सङ्घ र सङ्गठनले चरणबद्ध रूपमा आन्दोलन गरिरहेका छन् ।

काठमाडौँको खानेपानीको जिम्मा लिन लागेको बेलायती कम्पनी कस्तो छ त ? एक पटक यो पढौँ-

Severn Trent Water has been forced to repay GBP 42 million (EUR 60 million) to 3.5 million of its UK customers after water regulator Ofwat found that the company had provided data “that was either deliberately miscalculated or poorly supported”, resulting in inflated water bills. In addition Severn Trent faces a penalty, although the exact sum will not be known until the Serious Fraud Office resolves further allegations of falsified leakage data [स्रोतः आईआरसी/पूरा पढ्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस्]

Thames Water and Severn Trent have been singled out as the worst offenders for water leaks during 2005/06, according to water regulator Ofwat. [स्रोतः बीबीसी/ पूरा पढ्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस्]

Water giant Severn Trent is under criminal investigation by the Serious Fraud Office following accusations of a multi-million pound accounting fudge. [स्रोतः इदि न्युज]

यहाँ हामीले तलको खानेपानीको जिम्मा विदेशीलाई कति ठीक शीर्षकको ब्लगमा सुनिता नामबाट आएको एउटा कमेन्टलाई पनि ध्यान दिनुपर्छ। यो विधेयक संसदमा पारित हुँदा केही सांसदहरुले संशोधन गर्न खोज्दा विदेशीहरुले घरैमा आएर दबाब दिए रे। उनीहरुले संसदमा नै देश सार्वभौम छ कि छैन भन्ने प्रश्न राखेछन्। अनि यो विधेयक पास भएको भोलिपल्ट कमेन्टमा सुनिताले लेखे जस्तै देशको नम्बर एक पत्रिका कान्तिपुरले समाचार नै ब्ल्याक आउट गरिदियो। किन होला कुन्नि ?


  1. Ok Madav U meant to say that we have to pay more to drinking water,what kinds of person are u.In ktm there is no only like to u who can affort more to drinking water yar.Some points of your is good and that is the real but we should not give to any country to manage water k.We wants in same price and same time for this new goverment should manage this.ok

  2. यदि खानेपानिका भ‍ष्ट कर्मचारीहरुले जनतालाइ पानी खुवउन सकदैन् र कोहि अरुले पानी खुवउन सक्छु भनेर आउछ भने ठिकै छ कमसे कम पैसा तिरेर पानी त खानपाइन्छ अहिले त पैसा तिरेर पनि पानी खानपाइराखेको छैन।

  3. वा! वा!! उपत्यका बासी अब बसी बसी बेलायति मिनेरल् वाट्-र खान पाउने भयौ । बधाई छ बधाई । क्या गज्जब को लोक्तान्त्रीक भनिटोपल्दो श्री ५ को ७ नेपाल सरकार ले बेलायति मिनेरल वाटर उपत्यका बासिलाई ख्याउने भयो । धन्याबत छ श्री ५,७ को नेपाल सरकार लाई । श्री ५ को सरकार मात्र हुँदा गुं मुत् मिसियको पनि ख्याउदथ्यो अहिले श्री ५ को नेपाल सरकार ले बेलायति सुद्द मिनेरल वाटर ख्याउने भयो । वा वा बधाई छ । धन्न को श्री ५ को नेपाल सरकार र धन्नको नेपाली जनता । महान् छन सबै । जय होस् ।

  4. आफ्नो घरको छानो छाउन दिएको पैसा छोराले पटक पटक दुरुपयोग गरी उक्त काम सम्पन्न गर्न सक्दैन भने बाध्य भएर उसैकी आमाले उसको भर नपरी अरुलाई नै त्यो काम जिम्मा दिन्छीन । के यो नै पर्याप्त उदाहरण होइन र ?

  5. i guess even the worst is better than the present Khane Pani Sasthan. when has Khane pani sasthan distributed clean water in kathmandu??

  6. यो देश को होइन हाम्रो देश चलाऊने नेताहरु र तीनइहरुको दरिद्र बिचारको उपज् हो । यो हामी नेपालीहरुको बैचारिक र नेत्रीत्तो छनौट को दरिद्रता हो । मलाई धेरै द्दुबिदा छ कस्लाई दोश् दिने, र म भन्छु यो तपाईं हामी को नेतृत्तो छनोट प्रतिको बैचारिक दरिद्रता को प्रतिफल हो । हामी कहाँ फूल् र सुगन्ध् हुँदा हुँदै अन्धो भएर गुं र गन्ध रोज्छोउ भने अहिले पछुतयार रोयर के फाईदा । एक पटक आँखा चिम्लेर सुद्द्मन् ले बिचार गरौ कस्ले हाम्रो र देश को नेतृत्तो गरिरहेको छ र ति निहरुको हैसियत के हो र कहाँसम्म हो । जब् हामी आफ्नो पालोमा नै गल्ती गर्छौ भने अब अरुलाई दोश् देयर व रोयर फाईदानै के छ ।
    यो सब् हाम्रो आफ्नै गल्ती हो र यौ दोहोरिरहेकोछ । जब् गल्ती पट्क पट्क गल्ती दोहोरिन्छ त्यो गल्ती हुँदैन्, त्यो पगलपना हुन्छ तसैले हामी लेपली पागल् हरु हौ । बिचार र सोच् नभयको पगल हरु हौ । जसमाथि माहामुर्ख ह रुले राजाइ गरी राखेको छ तर पनि हाम्रो आँखा खोलिदैन । यि सबै कुराको लागि तपाईंलाई बधाई छ । जीवन भरि बैचारइक अन्धो भाई राखोस् ।

  7. In those reports presented here are there any quality or disability issues? I think no…Yes in Europe big companies try to cheat you in legal way…most of the companies…So thats the overcharging…consumers were aware..they raised the issue…authority checked it..asked to return the money…many times we see such events…even telecoms, electricity takes more money from the account and we have to ask them to get it back…thats why consumer and authority should aware…if anyone is cheating you…its you that who should realise to get cheated and should approach the authority….

    All these issues are not related to the efficiency but manipulation which can be avoided if consumers are aware and that happened too.

    I understand how the poor government was trapped by not getting any extra company than Severn Trent finally to agree to take the project…was there any other way? I dont think that that British company would get million dollar profit from it…but of course will get a vast challenge to establish distribution network, reservoirs and pressure maintainance in such uneven landscape and congested areas..

    Anyway I guest this company will regret in future for taking the management of Nepal!!

  8. First i would like to Congratulate to the British Company just dealt with this concern matter. It is very important issued for all of us at least we all Nepalese(People of Kathmandu) can drink pure water very soon. But i would like to request to all Nepalese Political Parties Please do not make any issued and give full support of the New British Company. Thank you so much.

  9. Posted on: 2006-09-14 21:35:42 (Server Time)

    Discredited company taking over Valley’s water mgmt


    KATHMANDU, Sept 15 – A British water company, penalized by British authorities for over-charging customers, and discredited in at least three countries – Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and Tanzania – for poor performance, is on the verge of being awarded the contract for Kathmandu Valley’s water supply management.

    Despite having a poor track record and a case pending at Britian’s Serious Fraud Office that could result in more penalties, Severn Trent Water (STW) is getting the Kathmandu contract by virtue of being the sole bidder for management of Kathmandu Valley’s water supply after three other pre-qualified companies – Germany’s Gelsenwasser AG, French company SAUR and another British company Biwater International – withdrew their bids.

    Minister for Physical Planning and Works Gopal Man Shrestha said that only some formalities remain before STW becomes Kathmandu Valley’s water management contractor. “We cannot delay this any further. The company is the only bidder left. Inviting another set of bidding proposals means further delaying the Melamchi project,” he said.

    Appointment of a management contractor for Kathmandu Valley’s water supply is a condition set by donors, principally the Asian Development Bank (ADB), before the commencement of construction of a diversion tunnel from Sindhupalchowk district to Sundarijal to pump water from Melamchi River to Kathmandu.

    The urgency to appoint a management contractor notwithstanding, senior officials at Nepal Water Supply Corporation (NWSC), as well as non-governmental watchdogs are questioning whether appointment of “any management contractor” instead of a “good management contractor” is a good idea. They have put STW in the first category given its poor track record.

    Fined 40m pounds in Britain for overpricing

    In March 2006, STW was forced by British authorities to repay 40 million pounds to 3.5 million British customers after OFWAT, the British government’s economic regulator for the water and sewerage industry in England and Wales, found that the company had provided data “that was either deliberately miscalculated or poorly supported”, resulting in inflated water bills. The report can be accessed at http://www.ofwat.gov.uk.

    UK’s worst offender for water leaks

    The company is to face additional penalty from Britain’s Serious Fraud Office after being singled out by OFWAT in July 2006 as the worst offender for water leaks during 2005/06, BBC reported.

    Ironically, as management contractor of Kathmandu Valley’s water supply, one of the major challenges for STW will be to cut down water leakage, which stands at 40 percent, according to NWSC data.

    In a special briefing at the World Water Forum 2006 in Mexico, Severn Trent and two other British water companies were categorized in the “UK Hall of Shame” for their dismal performance records (see http://www.wdm.org.uk/wwf/wwfbriefing). Such categorization was not without reason.

    Disastrous performance in Trinidad and Tobago

    STW got a contract to run water supply system in Trinidad and Tobago in 1994 after promising to make the country’s water utility financially viable in three years. Like the management handover being done in Kathmandu following the condition set by ADB, this was done in Trinidad and Tobago following a condition set by the World Bank (WB) to involve the private sector in water management for releasing a WB loan for infrastructure rehabilitation.

    However, by 1998, the water utility registered US$ 378.5 million in losses and was forced to take loans that would take 25 years to pay back, according to a research conducted by a water sector watchdog based in Kathmandu.

    A chunk of this was contributed by the high salaries drawn by STW staff – Project Director ($ 245,700); Senior Director ($ 212,700); Director ($ 185,100); Senior Manager ($167,100); Middle Manager ($151,200); Technician ($125,700) and Supervisor ($94,500).

    “In 1999, STW’s water supply contract was cancelled in Trinidad and Tobago following poor performance,” the World Water Forum briefing paper says.

    Irregular supply, bills for dry taps in Guyana

    Similarly, in Guyana, STW took over water management in 2002. “In 2004, it was reported that many Guyanese citizens were facing bills for water they had never received and there were regular instances of water being cut off for weeks without explanation,” the World Water Forum paper says.

    “At least, that hasn’t happened in Kathmandu so far,” said one NWSC official, who preferred anonymity. If the contract is awarded, Severn Trent Water will be responsible for managing water supply to 1,40,934 connections in the Valley.

    Initiative in Tanzania collapsed

    In Tanzania, STW was appointed by the government to advice on divestiture of Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Authority (DAWASA). However, the privatization initiative that went ahead with a company called City Water under the guidance of STW collapsed in May 2005.

    “With a history of overpricing, inability to cut down leakage and poor management, can the company fix the water supply system in Kathmandu?” questioned the NWSC official.
    Government initiates probe

    Three months after The Kathmandu Post carried a report in March 2006 about charges of financial misreporting faced by STW in Britain, a cabinet meeting decided to investigate the company’s background through its own channels.

    “Following the cabinet decision, Ministry for Physical Planning and Works asked the Foreign Ministry to furnish details of the company’s records in Britain,” said Narayan Prasad Silwal, secretary of the Ministry of Physical Planning and Works.

    Foreign Ministry has asked the Nepalese Embassy in Britain to do the needful. “We sent a letter to the Embassy a month ago. We are awaiting their report,” said Shanker Bairagi, Assistant Secretary at the ministry.

  10. Story from BBC NEWS:

    Published: 2006/06/08 17:54:38 GMT

    Ofwat warns of Severn Trent fine
    Ofwat is likely to fine Severn Trent Water (STW) over poor customer service.

    The regulator announced its intention to impose a penalty after examining the company’s performance since June 2005.

    It is part of a wider investigation into irregularities at STW, which admitted misreporting service data in April 2006.

    This covers the handling of customer complaints and queries. Ofwat could levy a penalty of up to 10% of turnover which was £2.29bn in 2005/6.

    The regulator will make a decision once experts from accountants Ernst & Young have finished their investigations.

    If customers have been disadvantaged then Severn Trent Water shall reimburse them
    STW spokesman

    A final report is expected in the summer, although Ofwat has told the BBC that investigators will take as much time as necessary.

    Philip Fletcher, Chairman of the Water Services Regulation Authority, said: “It is extremely disappointing that we have had to launch this investigation into an area of Severn Trent Water’s customer service activities, following our earlier investigation into other aspects of its business.

    “From the evidence we have seen it is clear that Severn Trent Water has failed to meet the GSS (Guaranteed Standards Scheme) performance standards.

    “A financial penalty will send a clear message to Severn Trent Water that it must meet its legal obligations to its customers.”

    STW has promised to introduce improvements, which will be monitored by Ofwat.

    A STW spokeswoman said: “We have been, and will continue, to work in full and open cooperation with Ofwat, and if customers have been disadvantaged then Severn Trent Water shall reimburse them.”

  11. नेपाल अझ काठ्मान्डुमा अहिलेसम्म खानेपानीको ब्यवस्था छैन भन्दा पनि हुन्छ। एउटा नाम मात्रको खाने पानी सन्स्थान छ जस्को आज सम्मको काम् भनेको धारा जोड्ने र तिर्ने मान्छेको पैसा उठाउने मात्र हो । अझै पनि नेपाल जस्ता आर्थिक तथा व्यवस्थापनमा दरिद्र देशहरुमा प्राचिन रोमन सभ्यतामा बितरित हुने कुलो नहर प्रणालीको जस्तै प्रारुपको ओरालोमा बग्ने सिद्धान्तमा आधारित प्रबिधीबाट पानी को बितरण हुन्छ।

    अहिले European Union ले निर्धारण गरेको को व्याख्या अनुसार water for human consumption भन्ने बित्तिकै मानवले प्रयोग गर्ने (चाहे शौचालय होस्, भान्सा होस् वा स्वीमिङ् पूल) पानीलाइ जनाउछ। यस प्रकारको पानीमा ब्यक्टेरिया वा अन्य जीवाणु, रसायन हरु हुनुहुदैन।
    त्यस को साथै turbidity वा धमीलोपन हुनुहुदैन।

    दैनिक रुपमा एक जना को लागी सरदर १४५ लीटर पानी आवश्यक पर्दछ, विकसित मुलुक को कुरा गर्ने हो भने। यस अर्थमा भन्दा प्रश्न उठ्छ, के नेपालमा खानेपानी व्यवस्था गर्ने निकाय छ त? मेरो बिचारमा छैन। नेपालीले गर्न त सक्लान तर उपभोक्ता देखि सरकारि निकाय सम्मको दरिद्र मनसिकताले गर्दा नेपाली व्यवस्थापन लाई सफल हुन दिन गार्हो पर्छ।

    तसर्थ कुरा आयो के काठ्माडौलाई पानी चाहिएको छ? छ भने कहिले सम्मलाई, कस्तो पानी, कुन रुपमा !! पक्कै पनि पिउन लायक अनि दिर्घकालीन। कुरा आयो व्यवस्थित, अनि दिर्घकालीन। तसर्थ सक्षम व्यवस्थापन चाहियो।

    British, French, German जस्त ख्यातिप्राप्त कम्पनीहरुले चासो देखाए। मेरो बिचारमा फ्रेन्च कम्पनी प्रसिध्द थियो, र त्यो कम्पनी सङ्ग काम गर्ने मेरो अफ्नै सम्भावना पनि थियो। Quality/honesty को हीसाब ले German कम्पनी राम्रो थियो।

    मलाइ बिस्वास् गर्न गार्हो लागिरहेको थियो German/French company नेपालको हिलोमा आफ्नो अनुहार् धमिल्याउन जान्छन् भनेर। मैले German company को निर्देशक लाई सोध्दा हामीले बिभिन्न कारणहरुले गर्दा यसबाट हात झिकेम भन्ने जवाफ आयो। (त्यस कम्पनीको study, estimate, planning को एक कपी म सङ छ।)

    मेरो बिचारमा नेपाल जस्तो देशबाट उनीहरुलाइ प्राप्त हुने भन्दा पनि कहिले काहि गुमाउनु बढि पर्छ। अस्थिरता, हुल् दङा, बन्द, अनावश्यक माग्, धर्ना, उपभोक्ताको मानसिकता आदि सबै कुराहरुले गर्दा नै धेरै कम्पनी हरुले प्रस्ताव लगेनन जबकि उनिहरुले ठुलो धनराशी खर्च गरेर study गरिसकेका थिए।

    धन्य, सेभर्न् ट्रेन्ट वाटरले सम्म नेपालीलाई पत्यायो । यस कम्पनीको बारेमा हल्ला चल्नु स्वभविक नै हो । एक त हामी नेपालीलाइ आफुलाइ जानाकारी नभएको बिषयमा मास्टर बन्नु पर्छ, दोस्रो कम्पनीको बारेमा हल्ला चलिसकेको ! के चाहियो ? तर अर्को पक्ष बाट किन कसैले सोच्न सकेन, किन अरु कम्पनीले हात् झिके भनेर?

    सेभर्न् ट्रेन्ट वाटरले बेलायतमा खानेपानीको काम गरिसकेको हुदा तेस्को distribution quality and water quality पक्कै पनि एउटा standard को छ जस्लाइ उस्ले maintain गर्ने कोशिस गर्छ नत्र दुर्भाग्य नेपालको होइन उस्को हुन्छ किनकि जो आए पनि काठ्मान्डौको water supply अहिले को भन्दा राम्रो हुन्छ तर उ आफै बदनाम भएर जान सक्छ। अर्को कुरा अहिलेका European standard का कम्पनीहरुको टार्गेट अनि स्तर २४ घन्टा पाइपमा पानी उपलब्ध गराउने अनि बिना मोटर घरको ७-८ तल्ला सम्म पानी पुर्याउने हुन्छ। तसर्थ कम्पनीले आफ्नू standard अनुसार काम् गर्नेछ भने उपभोक्ताले पैसा बढि तिरे पनि सुबिधा अनि गुणस्तर प्राप्त गर्छन् । तर यस्को लागी पैसा तिर्नु पर्छ। पक्कै पनि कसैले मलाइ धारा चहिदैन भन्यो भने कम्पनीले जबर्जस्ति जोड्दैन होला । तर सफा बस्न चाहने, मानव भएर बस्न चाहनेले पैसा तिरेर सुबिधा लिन गार्हो मान्दैनन्।

    अब जहा सम्म कम्पनी fraud भन्ने कुरा छ यदि येस्तो हुन्थ्यो भने बेलायत् सरकारले उस्लाइ कार्वाहि गर्थ्यो र नेपाल सरकारलाइ पनि सजग् गराउन्थ्यो।

    मेरो बिचारमा यस्ता अनर्गल कुराहरुको पछाडि नलागी सो कम्पनीलाइ नियमले बाधेर अर्थिक अनियमितता गर्न नदिने र उपभोक्ता आफै कानुनी ठगीबाट बच्न सतर्क भएमा र सरकारी सम्यन्त्र इमन्दार भएमा यो आयोजना सफल हुन्छ तरा mafia र भुमिगत गिरोह को चाल् हेर्दा सफल हुन गर्हो छ।

    अन्त्यमा सबैको कल्याण् होस् !!

  12. Itis not necessary that if we handed over to foreign company that we would get better previlege but we must check and balance in their performance then theywould always beware of our activity

  13. कान्तिपुर साचै डरलाग्दो पत्रीका हो ।मलाई लाग्छ यो भारतीय जासुसी संस्था र वाट सन्चालित छ नवए एस्ले पक्कै भारतीय दुतावास् बाट पैसा बुज्छ ।
    एस्को काम नेपाली नेपाली बिच द्वन्द गराउनु,भारतीय गुणगान गाउ नु,र एस्को आन्तिम मिसन नेपाल्लाई भा रत मा मिलौनु ।
    उदाहरण को लागि आज कान्तिपुर मा प्रकाशित(बिचार् बिबेचना) ‘भास्कर गौतम’ को लेख हेर्नुस् ।राष्ट्रिय दैनिक मा यो लेख कत्तिको उप्युक्त छ??




  16. Hello friends….
    1st I like to say, I am RASTRABADI not RAJABADI…Rastrabadi= patriot….
    Decission taken by government on water distribution to give management to foreigner may not sound good for nepali people. But why did Nepal government give the contract to a foreign company? Lets analyse by ourselves. There might be following reasons-
    1) NWSC might be incapable to handle water distribution in ktm. (And that is true in many senses. As friend Sunita has written that there might not be no water in tap after water distribution will be taken over by STW, but SUNITA ji, Did u receive water everyday in your tap in last few years? Some people also paid money without getting water for a month in past.As according to water act, NSWC has to increase certain percentage rise in water tarrif but it was unable to do so. What does that mean?incapable!!!
    2) Before this, nepal government also had given contract to foreigner to handle management of banks. Why didnt people rose question mark during that time and why they are rising now? Answer is simple-People knew that STW is increasing price of water. If STW will decrease water tarrif than nepali wont say anything and wont allow NWSC to manage water distribution of nepal. MONEY DOES MATTER…After foreigner started managing banking sector, its working in efficient way.This might make government to take this step.
    3) In all country of world, it is rule that any road damaged or destroyed by water distributing cooperation, the road must be repaired by the company. Had our NWSC (and also nepal telecom) done that?Instead they wait road to get fixed and start their work in recently mended road. What is the condition of water pipe in KTM now? Since when NWSC hasnt changed that? I think in some places, pipes are older than GRIJA PRASAD KOIRALA.So here in KTM, STW has to do alot of things eg. changing pipes all over ktm, introduction of new pipe lines etc. Do u think NWSC will be capable of doing so? I think it will take one more century for NWSC.I dont think its idea of government but of NWSC to give management of foreigner coz they wanna give hard part to others.
    4)Why people are shouting against STW now? Had anybody noticed that STW had worked in those country with the worst water distribution. And it will take a lot of time n effort to make everything fine. And they couldnt make that fine, that might be reason behind their failure. Do u think NWSC can manage water distribution in KTM in coming days?
    I am not sure if STW can manage to handle management of water distribution of ktm, I am not sure will be able to quench thirst of KTMbasi or not but we have to try new way to solve problem. Its difficult to take decision when u r trying a new thing.As NWSC is not able to manage water distribution efficiently and may not be able to work efficiently so we must have to try this new thing. We all know that the STW has bad fame in past but we cant only judge anybody by its past activities. Daaku might have changed to a holy sage. So lets wait and see if STW will be able to quench thirst of KTMbasi…….

  17. अब खानेपानीको भाउँ बढ्यो भने यो सारा नेताहरुलाइ झुन्डाउनु पर्छ । जुन यो बेलायती सेभर्न ट्रेन्ट वाटर इन्टरनेसनल कम्पनी छ मैले थाहाँ पाए अनुशार यो बेलायतमा निकै बदनाम कमाएको कम्पनी हो । यो कम्पनीले अदालतमा मुद्दाँ खेपी रहेको छ ।

  18. See! this is the condition of our Leaders. They jump into the decisions without prior homeworks.”Whites” are regarded godly without a pang of doubt.This is our mindset.I think, nobody from the government spent even a minute for background checks of STW.Some were opposing just for the sake of opposing. Otherwise the points raised by SUNITA are tremendous. One can bring turmoil in the nation if we reckon the consequences well.
    Now, this substabtiate that becoming leaders only with political profiles won’t work. They should be highbrow as well, especially when decisions are to be made on giant projects like this.
    If by chance, they are carrying on with the contract, hope the penalty clauses are strong enough.And an independent body for controlling and monitoring the project may help.

  19. Sunita Jee,

    Thank you for your facts and figure regarding to STW. I am not sure that the person/s who made the contract document and sign that contract on behalf of Nepal (nepal government) be ware of such facts. S/he (or they) may be aware about that so they did (sign contract) for bribe or they didn’t know and did mistake.
    As a citizen it is our reponsibility to aware them if they didn’t know the fact, or they did for Bribe we should make them NAKED.

    Why not we make a pressure group in this reagrds?

    Umesh jee, Can you grab a copy of contract so that we can have a look and analysis?
    Someone need to stand first to bell the cat, Why not you Umesh jee?

  20. Here is some more details of Severn Trent Water (STW)

    Disastrous performance in Trinidad and Tobago

    STW got a contract to run water supply system in Trinidad and Tobago in 1994 after promising to make the country’s water utility financially viable in three years. Like the management handover being done in Kathmandu following the condition set by ADB, this was done in Trinidad and Tobago following a condition set by the World Bank (WB) to involve the private sector in water management for releasing a WB loan for infrastructure rehabilitation.

    However, by 1998, the water utility registered US$ 378.5 million in losses and was forced to take loans that would take 25 years to pay back, according to a research conducted by a water sector watchdog based in Kathmandu.

    A chunk of this was contributed by the high salaries drawn by STW staff – Project Director ($ 245,700); Senior Director ($ 212,700); Director ($ 185,100); Senior Manager ($167,100); Middle Manager ($151,200); Technician ($125,700) and Supervisor ($94,500).

    “In 1999, STW’s water supply contract was cancelled in Trinidad and Tobago following poor performance,” the World Water Forum briefing paper says.

    Irregular supply, bills for dry taps in Guyana

    Similarly, in Guyana, STW took over water management in 2002. “In 2004, it was reported that many Guyanese citizens were facing bills for water they had never received and there were regular instances of water being cut off for weeks without explanation,” the World Water Forum paper says.

    “At least, that hasn’t happened in Kathmandu so far,” said one NWSC official, who preferred anonymity. If the contract is awarded, Severn Trent Water will be responsible for managing water supply to 1,40,934 connections in the Valley.

    Initiative in Tanzania collapsed

    In Tanzania, STW was appointed by the government to advice on divestiture of Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Authority (DAWASA). However, the privatization initiative that went ahead with a company called City Water under the guidance of STW collapsed in May 2005.

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