फोटो फिचरः माअ‍ोवादीको ऐतिहासिक आमसभा

२०६३ जेठ १९, शुक्रबार
माअ‍ोवादीहरुले आज गरेको आमसभाको रिपोर्टिङ सकाएर निकै थाकेर भर्खर घर फर्किएको हुँ। मसँग पाँच घण्टा चलेको आमसभाका सबै अडियो र केही भिडियो अनि फोटोहरु पनि छन्। त्यसलाई म यहाँ क्रमशः राख्दै जानेछु। सबैभन्दा पहिला फोटो पत्रकार सागर श्रेष्ठले खिच्नुभएका केही फोटोहरु यहाँ राख्दैछु-
वीर अस्पतालको छतबाट हेर्दा देखिएको आमसभाको विशाल उपस्थिति। यो त खुलामञ्चमा रहेको भीड मात्रै हो। त्यसको पारिपट्टी सैनिक मञ्च, टुँडिखेलमा पनि ठूलो जनसमूहको उपस्थिति देखिन्थ्यो। फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ (भित्र थप फोटोहरु)

सेनच्याङ नामको सांस्कृतिक टोली नृत्य र गीत प्रस्तुत गर्दै। माअ‍ोवादीहरुको सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमका गीत र नृत्य त मानिसहरुलाई जुरुक्क जुरुक्क उचाल्ने खालको जोशिलो पो हुँदो रहेछ गाँठे !

सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत हुँदा दर्शक दीर्घामा पनि ताली र नाच चल्थ्यो। एक महिला सहभागी जोशमा नाच्दै।

एक हातमा झण्डा बोक्दै नाच्दै गरेकी अर्की महिला दर्शक।

अनि यो हो एउटा ऐतिहासिक दृश्य। यो सैनिक मञ्च, टुँडिखेलको दृश्य हो जहाँ सँधै सैनिकहरुका परेड मात्र हुन्थे। फोटोमा देखिएका राता लुगा लगाएकाहरु माअ‍ोवादीका स्वयंसेवकहरु हुन्। सैनिक मञ्चको राजा र अन्य विशिष्ट अतिथि बस्न बनाइएका तीन वटै मञ्च माअ‍ोवादी कार्यकर्ताहरुले कब्जा गरेका थिए। नेपालको इतिहासमा पहिलो पटक यस्तो भएको हो। खुलामञ्चमा सहभागी नअटाएर सैनिक मञ्चसमेत भरिएको पनि यो पहिलो अवसर हो।

माअ‍ोवादीहरु सैनिक मञ्चमा प्रवेश गरेपछि नेपाली सेनाका जवानहरु छेउ लाग्दै। वास्तवमा आज सेना र माअ‍ोवादी नेतृत्व दुवैले एकदमै संयम अपनाएका थिए। त्यसैले त्यत्रो ठूलो मास हुँदा पनि केही पनि अप्रिय घटना हुन पाएन। एउटा सानो झडप मात्र पनि भएन त्यत्रो अवधि भर। माअ‍ोवादी नेताहरुले बारम्बार मञ्चबाट संयम र धैर्य अपनाउन कार्यकर्ताहरुलाई निर्देशन दिइरहे। क्रान्तिकारीका अध्यक्ष लेखनाथ न्यौपानेले हेडक्वार्टरले सैनिक मञ्च कब्जा गर्नु भनेर भनेको छैन भन्दै शान्त रहन आग्रह गरे। देवेन्द्र पौडेलले सैनिक मञ्चमा नारा लगाएर उत्तेजक क्रियाकलाप नगर्न आफ्ना कार्यकर्तालाई र संयम अपनाउन सेनाका जवानलाई आग्रह गरे। त्यसपछि माअ‍ोवादीहरुले राजा बस्ने मञ्च छाडेका थिए। बाँकी दुई मञ्चमा भने उनीहरु यथावत बसिरहेका थिए अन्त्यसम्म।

सेना परेड खेल्ने ठाउँमा माअ‍ोवादी मिलिसिया। त्यहाँ उनीहरु रातो ‘स्वयंसेवक’ लेखिएको टिशर्टमा थिए। स्वयंसेवकहरु अधिकांश माअ‍ोवादी मिलिसिया रहेको एक मित्र बताउँदै थिए।

सैनिक मञ्चमात्र हैन टुँडिखेल पनि सहभागीहरुले भरिएको थियो।

सैनिक मञ्चमा रहेको सेनाको प्रतिकका रुपमा रहेको ‘वीर सैनिक’ शालिकमा माअ‍ोवादीहरुले आफ्नो झण्डा गाडेका थिए।

सैनिक मञ्चमा रहेको अर्को शालिकको अनुहार पनि उनीहरुले आफ्नो झण्डाले छोपिदिए।

अनि एकजना त शालिकमाथि नै चढेको पनि देखियो।

हुँदाहुँदा सेनाको वाहनमात्र प्रवेश गर्ने स्थानमा चना चटपटे व्यापारीसमेत प्रवेश गरी सामान बेच्न थाले।

अनि चना केराउ र आइसक्रिम बेच्नेहरु पनि।

सभालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै वार्ता टोलीका संयोजक तथा माअ‍ोवादीका प्रवक्ता कृष्णबहादुर महरा। उनले १ घण्टा ७ मिनेट लामो ‘रेकर्ड’ भाषण दिएका थिए। त्यत्रो बोल्दा पनि उनको भाषणको मूल सार भने माअ‍ोवादी शान्तिप्रति प्रतिवध्द छ, संसद भं‍ग गर्नुपर्‍यो, राजनीतिक सम्मेलन, अन्तरिम विधान र सरकार बनाउने र संविधान सभामा जानुपर्‍यो भन्ने नै थियो।

घोडाजात्रा र शिवरात्रीमा यो स्थानमा पहिले सैनिक पोशाकमा राजा र राजपरिवारका सदस्य तथा सैनिक पदाधिकारीहरु बस्ने गर्दथे।

सेनाले राखेको काँडेतारमा अल्झिए केही।

माअ‍ोवादीहरु समय-समयमा मुठ्ठी उचाल्थे। यो उनीहरुको शैलि रहेछ।

एक बूढी आमै जोशमा नाच्दै।

सबै फोटोहरु फोटो पत्रकार सागर श्रेष्ठका हुन्। मैले पनि केही फोटो खिचेको छु। ती फोटोहरु फोटो पत्रकारका झैं व्यवसायिक गुणस्तरका त छैनन्, तैपनि मैले आफूले देखेका केही कुराहरु खिचेको छु। त्यसलाई म अर्को ब्लगमा राख्नेछु। अर्को ब्लगमा सभाका बारेमा पनि केही कुरा लेख्नेछु। त्यसपछि अडियो र भिडियो भने म भोलिमात्रै राख्नेछु होला। किनभने आज पनि बिहान ५ बजे सुतेर १० बजे नै उठेर हिँडेको हुँ। दिनभर त्यही सभामा भोकैप्यासै व्यस्त रहेँ। कम्तिमा सभाका बारेमा एउटा ब्लग भने आजै लेख्ने विचार छ। हेरौ‍…..

……यसो विज्ञापनहरु पनि हेरेर सहयोग गरिदिनु होला है त।


  1. It is such a nice to read the news amout moaist meeting and the very nice photoes of the mass meeting.
    Prakash Bhatta
    scotland UK

  2. sabai ekjut bhayera desh banaunu paryo…ek aarka lai palo nadi…dangdung garera kasari banchha?…

  3. For those who belive the mass as crowd and those who believe these peoples were brought forcefully, I request to read the article by senior Journalist Kishor Nepal in Nepal magazine.
    I am not ready to accept the mass as crowd because crowd can not controlled and desciplined.

  4. Hello Friends,
    Plz appreciate Dipendra…………..Really he has good vision . if u people would like to see nepal as belgium then follow his idea n move towards that …………….
    So i would like to suggest u people to rework on ur comment that u have posted ………….
    My freinds ,
    always see positive …….
    I have heard that maoist rebelian told that “yo pani nepal nai ho re ni ho” after visiting kathmandu. so let them think how much have they destroyed their place within this 10 Yrs.
    N also i would like to tell u people to think Positive n move towards ur success.

  5. Dear Smriti

    Yesterday I had challenged you to start a discussion through this Blog. Really I was expecting a correspondence in my name. Where are you now ? Have you changed your fake name ? Do you have capacity to discuss on a serious issue in a dignified manner ? I still call ( invite ) you for the discussion.

    To Dipendra, Krishna Poudel and so on …!

    You are calculating the money. Please comment about the Pancha, Raj Darbar and their Bharaute, Sahi Sena, Police, Nepali Buorocates, even the Nyayapalica of Nepal and other currupts including yourself. Who says, any intellectual and educated in Nepal are worried about Maoist ? Where is your evidence ? Have you done research on this matter ? I’m a doctor. Am I not educated ? I don’t agree with your comment. Maoist have come openly in front of Nepali people to put their views. They are for the peace which they have proven yesterday. Which of their demand is wrong and why ? Please discuss with evidences. They have saids they are the communist of 21st century, do you know what does that mean ? What is your understanding ? Don’t always calculate the money and thaink that money is everything. If we have a peaceful Nepal and all the illegible Nepali work together including you, we can make Nepal a prosperous. But before we do that we should discuss together everything now to fix the things.

    No body is claiming that yesterday’s mass of two lacs were all Maoists. But whoever were they, came to listen Maoists, because at this moment the only hope for the Nepali are the Maoist because no King and previous so called leaders have done any thing for the country. What you say ?


  6. मावोबादि हरु ले गरेको बिशाल जनशभा ज ति ठुलो प्रचार गरे पनि, आमशभा मा प्रचंड आउने भने र तेति धेरै जनता लाइ झुक्यौने काम भयो / सायद प्रचन्द आयको भय जनता ले पनि उनि बाट धेरै कुरा प्रत्श्छय रूप मा सुन्ने अवशर पाउने थिय /अब देखी तेस्तो काम नहोस्…………

  7. dipendra-ji timile bhariya lai bhariya ..ani sosoka lai sosak banaune sapana ajhai pani tyageko chaina hola..ma timi haru jasto hajaraulai bhari bokayera yo kathmandu shahar ghaumauna sakchu ,,tyo pani paisha diyera ..sakchau ?? fokatma hoina .dinko kati jyala line afai nirdharan gara …

  8. Umesh ji,
    Thank you very much for posting photos of unpresidented mass meeting.With this massive support Maoist can run the country. But they should be very cautious . Managing country is different from doing revolution

  9. most of the nepali living in foreign don’t know the ground realities in nepal, they all r brainwashed by medias, all propogondas of the gov. i hav been to maoist area, seen many positive changes there. people really support them. thats why they r controlling 80% of total land. now there r major changes in whole nepal, this all r part of massive revolution, participated by maoist to general public to political leaders… its all heading towards NEW NEPAL,

  10. umeshji

    how wonderful it was to see all the photos in red raising the firm fist high in the air.if i were in nepal at any cost i would have attended this histrical people’s mass gathering only to listen the maoist view after all. any way thanks for what you have been doing for us living abroad. keep the ball rolling.

  11. are you sure these all are “Maoist” ? i don`t think so.i agree with Dipendra KC.what you think “Umesh ji” ? anyway good job.

    Aanjaan usa(Ga)

  12. Thanks Umesh Ji,
    It’s great that the mass meeting was historic. Parliament should be dissolved soon and parties should have to follow the maoists ideas to bring peace in Nepal. Parties should not undermine the strength of the maoists: respect them, involve them and bring a sustainable peace for all nepalese.
    Thank you.

  13. June 2/2006. A historic day!

    Long live Nepali people!
    Long live CPN(M) and PLA!

    You bring inspiration to an entire planet!

    We are with you.

    life is a flower
    eternal room
    people are lovely
    soon to bloom

    Ola, Norway

  14. राजाको अभिनन्दन्मा जान पञ्चहरुले कमसेकम पैसा वा आश्वासन त दिन्थे यिनिहरुले त बन्दुक देखाएर पो ल्याउंदा रहेछन मेरी बाबै-पांच लाख ल्याउने हरुको धाक त देखिइहालियो नि – यस्ताहरुले स्वच्छ प्रजातन्त्रको मुलधारमा गएर चुनाव जितौला भन्ने त सपनामा पनि सोच्न सक्दैनन भने यिनिहरुको राजनीति भनेको हात हात्तीयार बाहेक के नै रहेछ त? फेरी कम्युनिष्ट शासनले कुन मुलुकको नै उन्नती भयको छ र? चाइनाको बन्द ढोका नितिले गर्दा पो के के न भा जस्तो देखिन्छ – प्रजातान्त्रीक मुलुकहरु अ मेरिका, बेलायत, भारतले जस्तो ढोका उदांगो गरिदेओस त अनि देख्छ्न यि मोरा माओवादि भनाउंदाहरुले!!!यिनिहरुले तियान्म्यान् स्क्वायर बिर्सेको हो कि क्या अझ अनौठोको कुरा त के भने यिनिहरु यिनै प्रजातन्त्र, प्रजातन्त्रवादि, प्रजातान्तृक मुलुकहरुको बिरोध गर्छन् फेरि यिनिहरुनै स्वतन्त्र भयन, जनताले बोल्न पाउनु पर्छ भनेर सोझा जनतालाई मुर्ख बनाउंछन्-अनि प्रजातन्रको खेदो खन्नेहरु पाय आफै आमेरिका, बेलायत, जर्मन् गयर बस्छन्। बुर्जुवा सिक्षा भनेर भन्ने नेताहरु रामको नामको कलंक बाबु राम् अनि तेर्‍ह हजार लासले डुंगडुंगति गन्हायका पुश्प कमलले चांहि किन आफ्न सन्तानलाई यस्तो सिक्षा पढन दियका होलान? यिनिहरुलाई जनताले राम्ररिनै चिनेका छन।कसैले नचिनेको भय राम्ररि चिनेर मात्र संगत गर्ने नगर्ने बिचार गर्नु होला। यिनिहरुको काम देशमा अशान्ति ल्याउने, भांड भैलो मच्चा उने नेपाली नेपाली बिच फुट ल्याउने हो ।

  15. really i haven’t seen this type of croud before.. it’s like a paddy grown in the big field… thanx umesh ji for all the snap….

  16. Devendra ji
    that’s very interesting article. hope more articles from you near in future.

  17. Hi Dipendraji ,

    Your writing presents the 100% truth about the maoist attrocities and what kind of violent and irresponsible group they are or they can be.

    Any intellectual and educated person in Nepal is worried about the future they are going to bring in the country. The teenage zealots are creating havoc all around the country and all are hushed up because they can do anytrhing but no justice will be available under this situation. The present of nepal has been under the seize of maoist rimes and violence.
    Umeshji , why did you not like to give place to previous comment of mine written in Nepal. My Nepali typing is slo and i had spent 1 hour to type the comment criticizing maoists and perhaps your political leaning did not like this. I am sorry to say so but htis is what i fee due to your behaviour.

  18. Dear Umeshji,

    Congrtulation to your self-interestless efforts. What you are doing alone is very much encouraging to all Nepali. I hope very much hopeful from the youth like you who can change the old bad things and make differnt new progresive Nepal in 21st century.
    The Maoist seems very clear in their view. So suspicion and prejudice to them must stop for the country and people of Nepal. However, people must have rights to critcise and advice them. So far, they seems listening people and representing people voices. May be they say therefore they are the communist of 21st century!
    Thank you very much for your genuine work for the country.. for the world!

  19. Dipendra bro,
    I disagree with your opinion. Although now i am politically inactive, I have been an activist of Nepali Congress for more than 10 yrs in a remote village. You may be surprised! I am son of a martyr, my father was killed by Maoist in Asar, 2055. You r probably commenting surfacely what you know from the mouth of our congress and other leaders and what you read on the newspaper. In fact, the reality was different. I would never be a communist, but strongly support their positive demands. Its sad to say so.;.l because they killed….. But the maoists are stronger because all of us underestimated them in the past. In fact, my father was in the opinion to work and talk with the maoist but after a senior leader of N.k came to my house and told my father to lead the anti-maoist committe and told my father that he would allow give him the candidate( Umedwar..) for next election, my father agreed. I remember, my mum and i strongly disagreed with my father but he told that there is good future ahead although risky. But .;. now we are in pain…. We got 6 thousands rupees at first time and after that we have not got anything from the party as compensation. now, I am suppporter of main N.k by Girija but that leader is now in n.k {democratic). I dont even know their phone number.. All is gone… anyway, with the hurted heart, we should be cooperative because Maoist are working with us in the rural area although i am not sure about their leaders’ intention. Now, among the 18 militia of maoist, 12 of them are my schoolmates. They help me in everything here for renewing my house, harvesting.. and so on…
    What about that leader who ordered my fater to work against maoist? ( i dont want to make that leader feel difficult but he is still a senior leader of N.K )democratic….
    i oppose their bad actions but we think we should not let them go to war. we should support them in talks process becuase all of them are tired and in fact, want to stop the war.
    thank you.///

  20. We have 27 million people in Nepal. Kathmandu is the bad place to show the socalled SAKTI PRADARSAN.
    All are ready to destroy the nation guided by so many unexamed emotion. Maoist must compensate the time those people spent there. People are forgeting their economic value of life. What a free labor and looks like they really need prachanda path just like chinese forced labor. They don’t know maoism yet.
    Eastern Europe tasted it did not like, it was deported to Russia and stolen by China and gased out to smaller country like cuba,north korea,cambodia and finally to Nepal. Why this particular communism is famous? The answer is skillfull use of violence to the slave fighter and the public.
    Instead of doing this traditional ego show off, they could have gathered all capable responsible public political activist. Let people sleep in bed atleast a night without fear and let these political animal leader draft the framework.
    Stop using poor people who even can not support square meal everyday. Am i proud to witness these pictures, NO, I AM WITH FULL OF TEARS AFTER PENITRATING THEIR SITUAION. THOSE ARE NOT KATHMANDU KIDS- NO MORE BRAINWASHING PLEASE.
    TELL PRACHANDA TO AVOID SHUCH SHOW OFF. KILLING CONVERTED TO ABDUCTION TO LOOTING TO LYING AND NOW SHOWING. Nepali people do not want this kind of stupid mass brain washing. People know what the maoist must do and 7 parties. Then do it at any cost as soon as possible. ***********you maoist

  21. उमेश जी, तपाईंको बिज्ञापन मा click गर्‍यो भने तपाईंलाइ अलि अलि भए पनि पैसा आउछ ? तेसो भए त हामी बिज्ञापन नहेरे पनि click चै गरिदिन्छौ नि ।

  22. Maile mathi ko picture haro herya. Jadai naramailo laygo. Ke maoists haro nepali haro nai hun ta jasto lagayo. Jun sahid haro ko salik ma manchhe basi raheko dekda malai yesto lagayo ki ti Neplali Haro Nai Hoinan ki baru katai bat nepal ko lagi bhar po ho
    ki jasto lagchha. ani te sahid haro le garada ni ahile aaja hami nepali haro hami nepali bhaner bachhana pai raheko aabasatha ma ysto piture dekda.
    hami jasto bedesh ma raheko harko ko man sarahai nai
    dukeko chha. ma ke bhanna chanchu bhanne yadi mohobadi haro sachhni nai nepali hun bhane ali kati pani rastiyata ko bichar gar ye AATTANKKKARI MOHOBADI HARO… DESH KO MAYA GARNA SIK NA KI DESH LAI BHATAKYAR HOINA, BHANYAR DEKHAU…

  23. hey deependra, I think u can write but the nonsence….. living in Belgium as a fake refugee it doesn’t mean that u can write any think u want. Don’t forget they have sacrifices their life to make aware people. Now the people are politically aware even in a remote area. Only to say they killed people doesn’t gives any sense. What do you say police and army killed more brutally than the Maoist. 100s of people have been disappeared; nobody knows they are alive or not. What do you say about that? To bring new revolution there is more contribution of Maoist then others. So, it’s better don’t write about Maoist if you can’t analyze. Hope u r more intelligent than me and understand more…..

  24. Good Dipendra…
    We need people like you in Nepal. If all Nepalese think like you, than Nepal wont be least developed country in the world. Maoist say that they are for poor people but they are looting those poor people. They give big talk about development in country but what they have done till now in their so called strong hold area Rolpa, Rukum? Do the people there have any modern facilities? Lets not talk about modern facilities, do they even have basic facilities like, road, clean water, electricity? Those poor people even dont have sufficient FOOD to eat….Maoist even havent done any thing for their strong hold, than what they will do for WHOLE country?
    ….I have one feeling for them….
    There is one proverb and I think that will also apply same for maobadi….
    .,…Jun Goru aaye pani kaanai chireko…..

  25. केही साथीहरुले कमेन्ट गरे जस्तै मेरो पनि भनाई त्यहि नै हो। आखिर सत्य त्यहि नै हो कि, खास गरि भिड भाड जम्मा गर्दैमा र अनावश्यक शक्ति प्रदर्शन गर्दैमा हुनेचाहिँ केहि पनि होईन। केहि हुन हामि आफैले नै गरेर देखाउन पर्छ। एकै चोटि ठुलो काम गारेर देखाउन पर्छ भन्ने पनि छैन। आ-आफ्नो क्षेत्रबाट जसरि सकिन्छ, जे गर्न सकिन्छ गरेर देखाउनु पर्यो।

    प्लस अब हवल्दार कान्छो, माकुने र भकभकेको दिन गयो जस्तो छ है साथि हो।

  26. Umesh jee
    Thanks for great job! we are waiting for next picture uploading. hopefully, all the allegation & rumours about cpnm and it’s allies will come into surface and puclic view also change. certainly this is historical gathering of people but let not to be proud in such much because nepal has more than 25 million peple.

  27. सर्बप्रथम् उमेशजी तपाई लाई धेरै धेरै धन्यबाद छ। साच्चै नै धेरैले भाषण गरे धेरैले देश गफ गरे भनौ, धेरै हुल जम्मा गरे, कोहि आफै आए कोहि जबर्जस्ति ल्याईए, तर जे भए पनि अब त हामी नेपालीले आफुखुसि बाच्न त पाउनु पर्छ। खोई देश् बिकास कुरा? कुननेता अथवा कुन दलले देशको बिकाशको बारेमा आफ्नो दृश्टिकोण जनताको सामु राखेर उनिहरुको मन जित्ने कोशिश् गरेका छन्? अझ पनि कुर्चिको लडाई सकिएको छैन। घुषले गनाएर् मोटाएका नेताहरुनै सबै भन्दा अगाडी देखिईसकेका छन्। जब सम्म यस्त खाले नेताहरु देशमा नेता भएर बस्छन् तबसम्म देशले बिकाशको बाटो देख्न पाउने छैनन्।

    -वास्तबमा हामीलाई एउटा शाहसी र असल नेताको खाचो छ।


  28. People offer us (to Maoists)their donations said by Maoist leader Dinanath Sharma is totally funny and misleading. Who was going to donate hundreds of thousands of rupee without their life threatening letter? Can he show us a proof of intentional donations from the people? Otherwise, nobody will agree on his saying.

  29. I think the maoists have really put forward a major step in due path of their revolutionary protest. but i think it is too early to dissolve the parliament and to go into the constitutional assembly directly. imfact naoists should also help in reinstating the local representatives and thus only should focus in the current requirement of the citizens of nepal. During the 20 days continuous protest which took major changes in the political scenario, has put setback in the country as well. so now the time has come that the people of nepal should start to concentrate on only the main needs of the country.

  30. i read this comment (from DIPENDRA)from belgium.i want to tell him r u refugee there?or what r u doing there? lissen sir may be u r the great person but that is not good view to look the maoist. may be u also told there (in this country”if u r refugee”) i am nepali maoist and i have a problem in nepal with the government…..and so so so and like this. what r u doing there u have to be in nepal men. nepal need u in this condition.i think u r very talant in math u have to do something for ur country not for urself.if u earn 2000 euro there and send to ur family then if nepal government cut ur little bit money for tax u tell with people NO YAR KE TAL KO GOVERNMENT REICHA YETI PAISA PATHAYAKO TAX PO LIYO.(may be).amd lissen sir,u r looking only one side.just think how was nepal 10 yr.before and when maoist start the people war it’s become change.-if somebody work one days he get only almost 40/50rs.and in this money what he have to do for his family.even 1 kg rice cost more than 30 rs…………
    think now…..it’s good salary??? it’s good??? now in nepal peoples r looking for their rightes and 80%people trust to maoist coz they r in the right way
    i am sorry but u r in abord so try to understand the real problem for the nepali citizen they want change they want revolution they want to be free.they want to devlopp they want to eat 2 thimes of days.children want to go school not for work.and more……..
    and it’ll happen when maoist come to government and don’t forget still 80%nepal is their control and they have own government.
    by the way i am sorry for everything just i want to tell u try to understand what is going on and for why going on.
    the great people war in nepal
    long live moist

  31. WHo is this Dipendra in Belgium?

    He is really a idiot=who does not know about politics but talk much about it.

    Can friends in Belgium treat this Mandale. This is a really manchhe ko namma kalanka rahechha hai.


  32. Umeshji
    Thank you very much for posting pictures with brief introdoction.
    Thank you very very much.

  33. great job umesh jee.

    historic mass meeting in capital. i hope we are on the way to win without anymore blood.

    congratulation to those great workers for our freedom.

  34. दशौ हजार नेपाली मर्न र मार्नमा तस्विरमा देखिएका हरेक खुनी नजरका छन । सेनाका जवान र प्रहरीका जवान तथा तिनका परिवारहरुको विभत्स हत्या गर्ने अधिकांशहरु रक्तपिपाशु नै देखिन्छन त्यहा । तर पनि चोरलाई चौतारी र साधुलाई सुलीको विकराल अवस्थाको श्रृजना र यसको विकास निरन्तर हुदै जानु दुखदायी विषय हो । भिजिलान्ते , शोषक , गद्धारी , जनयुद्ध विरोधी तथा प्रतिगामीका संज्ञामा मारिने विसौ हजार नेपालीहरुको रगतमा ढुवेका माओवादीहरु यति सजिलै चोखिन कहा सक्छन र – खुनको वदला खुन अवस्य हुने छ । उ त्यो पल्लो छेउमा हर्ेर्नुस त त्यो निहत्या शिक्षकको हत्यामा संलग्न कमरेड खुला छाती फैलाउदै रंक्ताम्य रातो टिर्सटमा ।।।।।।।उ उ ।।।
    ल आउन अव केही संमिक्षा गरौ ।माओवादीहरुले १० वर्षा देशलाई राजनैतिक परिवर्तनमा केही उथुलपुथल पक्कै गराएका हुन तर देशलाई सयौ वर्षा आर्थिक रुपमा धकेल्ने काम पनि माओवादीवाट भएको छ । विकासका नाममा विनास भएका छन । जनताले प्रयोग गर्ने टेलिफेान टावर ढालेर माओवादी नेताका हातमा सेटेलाइट मोवाइल पुगेको छ । के यसैलाई माओवादी को विकास भन्ने –
    हजारौ मानिस जम्मा हुनुलाई अनौठो म मान्दै मान्दिन किनकी कथित नेपाली राजालाई पनि पुल्चोकवाट पाटन दरवार सम्म जादा वाटोमा भिड ठन्नै थियो । भैरहवा देखी पाल्पा सम्म , काठमाडौ देखी भोजपुर सम्म यी कथित राजा भ्रमणमा जादा पनि मानिसको भिड यस्तै देखिन्थ्यो । असनमा कुनै पकेटमार पक्राउ परयो भने त्यस पकेटमारलाई हर्ेर्नेको भिडमभाड हुने त हामीले देखेकै हो ।कुरा के हो भने मानिसहरु माओवादीले के भन्छन होइन समाजमा हिंसा हत्या र आंतक मच्चाउनेहरुको वास्तविक अनुहार हेर्न गएका हुन । उमेशजीले भने जस्तै हजारौ सातदलका नेता तथा कार्यहरु पनि सो कार्यक्रममा उपस्थित थियो । तापनि सत्यततालाई आत्मसात गर्नु पर्छ त्यो के हो भने माओवादीद्धारा आयोजित सभा लाखौ मानिस थिए । अन्तराष्ट्रिय समाचार माध्यमहरुले करिव २ लाख मानिस भएको अनुमान प्रस्तुत गरे तर कसैले पनि गनेनन । गन्नु आवस्यक पनि भएन त्यो अनुमान हो थिए होलान ।
    अव आउनुस हिसाव गरौ । २ लाख नेता कार्यकर्ताहरु जमघट गर्ने माओवादीहरु यदी अव हिंसा हत्या रआंतक छोडेर देश विकासमा लाग्ने हो भने मेरो सल्लाह माओवादीलाई ।।। देश त्रि्रै हुने छ माओवादीको ।।। जनता सवै त्रि्रै हुने छन माओवादीको मलाई समस्या छैन तर यी माओवादीका २ लाख कार्यकर्तालाई ७५ दिन ७५ जिल्लामा प्रत्येक दिन १० घण्टाका दरले सोझै विकास निर्माणका कार्यमा लगाउन सके । प्रत्येक दिन एक व्यक्तिको १० घण्टाका दरले २ लाख जनताको प्रति दिन २० लाख घण्टा कुनै जिल्लाको विविध विकास निर्माणका लगाउन सकियो भने हाम्रो मुलुक कस्तो हुन्थ्यो होला । ए गांठे । यता तिर हाम्रा सात दल र माओवादीले किन नसोचेका होलान ।।।।।
    ल भयो ७५ रै जिल्लामा अहिले सम्भव छैन । माओवादीका ल २ लाख पनि नभनौ करिव १ लाख नेता कार्यकर्ताहरुले राजधानीमा नै भएको अवस्थामा त्यो प्रदुषित बागमती सफा गर्ने अभियानमा मात्र एक दिनमा मात्र लगाउन सके पनि राजधानीले मुहार फर्ेर्ने थियो गाठे । धम्कीका भरमा चन्दा होइन म जस्ता माओवादीका कट्र विरोधीहरु पनि सोझै सहयोगका लागि तयार हुने थियौ । सकिन्छ यसो गर्न । वा ति कार्यकर्ताहरुलाई राजधानीमा र्सवाधिक चर्चित मेलम्ची खानेपानीको आयोजनामा माटो वोक्ने काममा मात्र लगाउन सके पनि त्यो कोरियन कोनेको कम्पनीले लाने अरौवौ रुपैया ति माओवादीले उपयोग गरे भै हाल्थ्यो नी । खै सोचाइ त्यता तिर ति माओवादी नेताहरुको । हामीलाई ५० प्रतिशत कर चाहियो रे । जनता मारेर , जनताको स्कुल , गाविस , दुरसंचार तथा पार्टर्ीीौवा तोडर विध्वश्वको राजनैतिक पृष्टभूमीमा त्यस्तो भन्ने घृष्टता कसरी गरे माओवादीले ।
    यो कमेण्ट पढ्ने साथीहरु विचार गर्नुस त ।।। १ जना मानिसको प्रति धण्टाको नेपाली १० रुपैया मात्र घाटा भयो ,कमाई भएन, भने पनि २ लाख जनताको १० घण्टाको कति लाख वेमुल्यमा गयो हिसाव गरौ त । २ लाख जनताको एक दिनको २० लाख घण्टा वेमुल्यमा गयो । २० लाख घण्टाको प्रति घण्टा रु १० मात्रले पनि आज एक दिनमा मात्र २ करोडको नोक्शान भयो । त्यतिमात्र होइन २ लाख मानिसहरु काठमाडौमा ओर्सर्ााऔषतमा २० रुपैया खर्च भएको भए पनि ४० लाख खर्च भएको हुनु पर्दछ । त्यस्तै २ लाख मानिसहरुले विना उपलव्धि औषतमा ५ रुपैयाको खाजा खाएका भए पनि १० लाख खतम भएको हुनु पर्दछ । यहा यस्तो आकडा मात्र हामी किन पछि परेका छौ भन्नेकुराको पुष्टि गर्ने प्रयास गरेको हो ।, गरिवी मुक्तीको चर्का आवाज उठाउने माओवादीहरु गरिवलाईनै सफाइ गरेर कुन चाही मुलुकको परिकल्पना गर्न खोजेको वुझ्न कठिन छ ए रात्तै । यो मोटामोटी हिसाव केही समय पहिलो व्लगर उमेश जीले ४ जना प्रहरी आर्मीहरुको मासिक तलव भत्ताको विना उपलव्धि तर्फसंकेत गर्दै गर्नु भए जस्तै त्यसै अभ्रि्रेरित छ ।
    आचार संहीता अर्काले पालना गरे गरेन होइन , कस्ले गर्यौ होइन आफुले के गरीरहेको छु त्यता तर्फध्यान जानु राम्रो होला । विगतका कमिकमजोरीलाई शिक्षाको रुपमा लिएर हिंसा हत्या र आंतक सवै त्याग गरे लोकतान्त्रिक पद्धतिमा रहन र खुला राजनैतिकमा सहअस्त्िथ्वका आधारमा राजैनैतिक प्रत्रिर््रधामा रहन माओवादीलाई आग्रह गरिन्छ । भिडतन्त्रले विकास होइन विनासको शुरुवात गर्छ भन्ने राजनैतिक शास्त्रिको भनाई साथ विकास गतिविधिमा संलग्न रहन हामी सवै आफ्नो आफ्नो स्थानवाट सफल रहौ यही मेरो कामना छ ।
    धन्यवाद उमेशजी तपाईको र्सवपक्षीय व्लग अपडेटको लागि ।
    दीपेन्द्र केसी
    लुभेन वेल्जियम ।

  35. hoina yo aryaghat ma pugeko rajsanstha ko jay jay kahile samma ho. Sainik manch ko shree 5 ki jay lai ‘nepali janata ko jay’ ma change garnu paryo. Yo sarkar le ke hehi baseko chha, ki sena le change garna manena!! It’s ridiculous.

  36. maobadiko saasan aayobhanepanita chor dakaitiharu yetikaitaholani bhanera kasaile pani nasoche hunchha kina bhane ahile samma usko hatma desh chalaune palo aayeko chhaina yedi yesto chor fataha gundagardi haru chahi pakkai hatna sakchha kinabhane uniharuko niyam kanunnai arkai hunchha ra testa gunda gardi garne harulai kada bhanda kada sajaye dinchhahola tespachhi pani doriyo bhane mirtudandanai dinchha bhane testogundakam kasle garchhaholara

  37. Umesh ji
    Nice photo blog. Tara aam sava ra public property destroy garera desh bikas huney ho bhaney ta bhai halya but we all know that this is not going to make any improvement regarding poverty, unemployment, health care, overall the condition of our country right now. If the moists claim on what they can do to this country then why don’t they just do it and win peoples heart and approval that they doing it and not saying it. “It is easier said then done”

  38. Hi Keshan paudel JI
    Have you ever study the geo-politics? Have you ever tried to know about the few years back polical situation in afganinstan talibani gaovernment how many days they were ruled over the country.

    Did you forget big conutry in south part of Nepal?

    Do you understand what the american want to see on the world?

    Can Baburam and Prachandra becomes president and stabilise the peace in poor country like Nepal?

    You said you are in UK have you found comunisum in UK? and it is posible here in this country? ever try to tempted to become a comunist caders?

    Unfortunate like you here in this country.

    If Prachandra becomes president I will ruled the oposition what they did and will be followed what they doing now.

    Shree Hari Nepal

  39. Many people still have confusion about maoist. Now the time has come to reevaluate. Does anyone would think that Just threatening would make just a huge mass ?

    They are the only party who always put their political vision very clearly. Although we are little concern that 15,000 people have been killed during the past 12 years, of which many were killed by the state, we most not forget that big change does not just come. History is the testimony that no dictator has handed over power without sacrifice of some lives.

    Many comments I have read in this site also found to have some illusion, as saying PEACE is the only mandate. Then there was no reason for such a historic civil unrest, and sacrifice. First thing is democracy. Peace will be meaningful only with the full democracy. If maoist and SPA leaders fail to adress peoles democratic right, the people’s movement will continue, and grow.

  40. what will nepal gain from this aamsava, for some it was show of their power, for others it was time to do good business, and for few it was a good time pass, but what is there for nepal, nepali, nothing,
    after all these years of distruction by the maoist, a show of force, that is all,
    there are certain thing no matter what happens should never change.
    like the role of army in national defence.
    we are here not to see force but to see peace,
    a peaceful revolution, like that just ended,
    revolution without guns, killings,
    the butchar nature should go from both maoist and amry.
    it is hard to say who made who,
    weather it was army/ police tactics that created the maoist, or maoist created the nepali army nature, or it we the selfish nature of some leaders like baburam and many other, in order to accuire the power that they failed to gain in 2058 general election, went for the revolution so called but within 12 yrs of fighting who has won who lost, u will never know who won but all nepali lost.

  41. Garekai hun, maobadi le.

    haina kati janta rahechhn tiniharu ko sathman, ammay ni! malai ta derpolagyo! tara dar mannu parne k hi chhain, maobadi hamrai party ta hono. ki kaso sathi ho?

    ल ल छ छ मोज गर मोज गर

    मलाइ त माओबादी नेतालाइ यहि भन्न मन लाग्यो । जे होस, यो सबै रुपनारायण र बाबुरामको झगडा हो । पहिला रुपनारायणले बाबुरामलाइ एउटा पोष्टर नि टाँस्न नदिएको, अब १० बर्षपछि टुडिखेलभरी मान्छे ल्याएर देखाइदियो । हगि ।

    तर यो सबैले भोलि चुनावमा माओबादीलाइ भोट हाल्ला त? मेरो बिचारमा त ती नाच्ने दिदिले नि भोट चाहि अन्तै हाल्ला जस्तो लाग्यो । जे होस, जय होस सबैको ।

  43. Dear Smriti ( whoever you are with fake name )

    From your comment on the face of the great leader of Nepal, Prachanda, YOU SEEMS TO BE VERY VERY NICH AND TUCHHA. You are the burden our country without any contribution towards the country. If you have guts, give your real name and address we are ready to come to you and have face to face discussion about the present situation of our beloved country. Do you have that guts. How do you feel now, are you laughing now? If you are a real women ( by the name of Smriti ), do you think you are more beauty than Bollywood actress Aishworya Roy ? Nepali are not looking after beauty but the brain like of Prachanda and Baburam. What you say now ? Let’s discuss now through this Blog.

  44. I am very appprereciate with nepalies brave man and women .we need full democracy ,which one can estabalish congcreate development and powerful people soverginity.

  45. Satdal le hamro matrai andolan bhaneko sunda ra aja maoistko sakti dekhda katakata laaj lagyo. sachhai 50 percent ka hakdar maobadi nai rahechan.SABAILAI CHETANA BHAYA.
    thank you Umesh ji.

  46. नेपालीहरु यस्तै हुल बनाउनमानै मख्ख छन् । देश विकासको वारेमा कहिले सोच्नेहुन कुन्नी ।

  47. Balla KANGRESS ra EMALE ko ghainta ma ghar lagyo hola hagi? Nepali le life ma yeti dherai jamma bhayeko janasabha dekhelo thiyena, MOIEST le garera dekhai diya. Badhai Chha Kamred. Aaba Netako Haina Kam garne Byakti ko Khanchho chha Nepal ma. Jai Kamret.

  48. This is tremendous success of moist’s gathering today eventhough they bring people from far far away. Past days, political parties also had tried to show their strength at Tundikhel by bringing people from differnt part of the country, but it clearly show that they were failed because of Nepali peoples’ being getting frustration towards them. Nepalese people wants really change on the country and looking for someone who could deliver peace and prosperous country. Other parties must be scared now !!! We have to agreed on fact that we can see today’s gatherring. Cheers!

  49. जनता को भावना आत्मसात गरी माओवादी हरु बाट जनता को हित अनुरुप काम हुँदै जाने हो भने तस्वीर मा देखिएको मात्रै होईन सारा नेपाली जनता ले माओवादी लाइ साथ दिने छ ।

    Saurab Karanjit – Antwerp, Belgium

  50. Thanx 4covorage
    2day maoist came to Tudikhel, 2moro they can come to singhdurbar. we people dont have any proble with that.
    As maoist supremo Prachanda has already decleared he wont go back to Jungle, we all hope n wish the same.
    Peace process should be succeed, there is no another way.

  51. Excellent, exceelent excellent many many excellent UMESH jee,

    thanks alot for ur precious contribution. we absoutely apperecitae ur exceelent efforts.

    thanks alot for all photographs

  52. Ba… Ba…. Sankat Kal pachhi khatam hunchhan bhaneko maobadi ta….. ba…. ba….. Dhanya timiharu lai…………………

  53. na hasnu hola hai…tara malai kina kina prachanda ko anuhar aja rawand ko jastai lagyo…haha…ma aafai nai hasdai chu…sorry hai kasaile ris uthecha bhane…anuhar ko resemblane matra bhaneko…

  54. प्रजातन्त्र न हो जे गर्न पनि छुट छ होइन र? तर अर्को कुर के भने धम्काएर अर्काको निजि सवारी साधन प्रयोग गरि सोझा साझा नेपालीहरुलाई काठ्माण्डौ जान बिवश पर्नु कहाँको प्रजातन्त्र हो मित्रहरु ह?

  55. आज ने क पा माओबादीले ऐतिहासिक रुपमा दुस्मनको आँगनको अगाडी आफ्नो खुल्ला जनसभा गरिरहेको छ यो एकदमै शाहसिक कार्य हो । तर सम्पुर्ण जनसमुदायहरु नेपाली जनताका मुक्तिको खातिर मुक्ति वा मृत्युको कशम खाएर बर्गयुद्धको भर्टिमा स्पात बनेर बिजयको शिखर सम्म साथदिएर बर्गसंघस्रमा उत्रने सम्पुर्ण जनसेना नेताकार्यकत्तान्यायप्रेमीजनसमुदायहरुमा मेरो न्यानो अभिबादन । कमरेडहरु हिजोकेा शाही नेपाली सेना अहिले नाम मात्र परिर्बतन भएर नेपाली सेना भएको मात्र हो । यो सेनाले जनताको रक्षा गर्ने सम्भाबना म देख्दिन किन भने गधालाई धोयर गाई बन्दैन । त्यसकारण ०६० सालको बार्ताको अवस्थामा घटेको दोरम्बा हत्याकाण्ड अहिले पनि नघटला भन्न सकिदैन त्यसकारण क्रान्तिको बदलिदो परिस्थिति अनुसार परिर्बतन हुन र नेपाली जनताको राज्यसत्ता स्थापना गर्नको लागि सहि समयमा सही निर्णय गर्न म सम्पुर्ण नेतृत्व पंक्तीमा बिशेष अनुरोध गर्न चाहन्छु । साथै सम्पुर्ण न्यायप्रेमी जनसमुदायहरुमा मेरो न्यानो अभिबादन ।
    नारायण प्रसाद कंडेल
    बेल्जियम लुभेन

  56. thats’ the start!!!
    Lets make nepal and Nepali Great!!!
    They are the revolutionaries !
    i trust on them .They will change Nepal and give the New leadership for the New Century Nepal!
    You see!!
    what a wonderful shift from war to peace!!
    Jungle to City heart!!

  57. Dear Friends,
    We don’t want another dictetorship in the expense of one. Let’s hope ‘Maoist’ leadership understand this very fact. And all the parties leaders also should understand the public sentiment. Country should go constituent assembly election as early as possible. They are there to address the critical condition, not for hanging on the chairs. Let’s hope country will go to the republic, and maoist will transform themselves to a peaceful force.

  58. उमेश जी धेरै धन्यवाद ।
    साथिहरु हो,
    माओवादीहरु पनि शान्तिपूर्ण राजनैतिक कृयाकलापमा लागेर आउन चाहेको देखेर खुशी लाग्यो । आशा गरौ देशको समस्या शान्तिपुर्ण तरिकाले नै समधान हुनेछन्। माओवादी पनि नेपाली राजनीतिको एक बलिया शक्ती का रुपमा स्थापित भैसकेको आजको आमशभाले पनि देखाएको छ । तपाईंको मेहनत र प्रयासको लागि फेरी पनि धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद ।

    नेपाल र नेपाली को सधैं जय होस् ।

    लेखनाथ काफ्ले

  59. some more pics pls with a bit more coverage.
    aba ta satdalka netaharuko ni akha khulyo hola bhanne asha cha.do good but don’t underestimate the maoists. the carry a huge mass and that’s true.

  60. ho yo nai aba naya nepalko shuruwat ho aba yahi bela sabai janata milera raja gyanelai phyakne ra gnatantric nepal ko abhiyan ma sath dinu parchha .huna ta hami ahile bidesh chhau ta ra abashyak parema hami pani nepal pharkana tayar chhau
    ok lal salam
    rato rato salam……………….nepali…………lai
    jasko jit sunichit 6………….

  61. I never had seen this type of mass gathering at a time.Looking this we can conclude that Maoist have such power which can lead the nation.


  62. umeshji namaskar.
    first thank u very much for supplying the pictures. we hope now the country will change the situation n we espect always positive. maiost now have learned lots of lesson n trying to come into political mainstream n this is welcomed by all over the country. keep it up n go ahead having peace n prosperous slogan about the nation.. we all want to see our peaceful nepal. we want to pround our nation if our country get off from violence.
    dear comrades now give up violence!!

    nepali janata

  63. maoist are bull shged in this society. they bring lot of bad civilization in society we are going to pay by this robbery group in main political straem

  64. Umesh Jee,Let us know whats the Main theme of that Mass meeting?I mean Thats the conclusion!What you feel after being there for 5 hrs, long mass meeting.They are going to stop bloodshed forever.Are they by heart honest for peace -talk?What you think?But i think mass was the support of their peace effort not the support and lifting of their 10 years long violence and brutal, bloodshed….

  65. अब यदि यि सबै माओबादि हुनभने किन फेरि जगंल जानु पर्‍यो त माओबादि साथिहरु। सान्तिपुण तरिकाबाट चुनाबजितेर आफनो कुरा लगाय हुन्छ नि त। अबको युद्द् ले त फेरि तपाइहरु र देशलाइनै बर्बाद बनाउछ। फेरि स्तानिय स्वाय्तता र जिल्ला स्वाय्तता लाइ कायमराखि बिकाश गरे हुन्छ तर राज्यलाई साना राज्यमा टुक्राउने किसिमको काम नगर्नु बेश।

    काठमान्णैमा नेताले मगां खलग राज्य, पुर्बमा राई राज्य, पस्शिम पोखरामा तमु राज्य, सुदुरपस्शिममा मगर राज्य। यसता राज्य तपाइ हरुको नाराहो यो नारा यस भुमिका लागि दुभाग्य हुनेछ तेसकारण पुरा नेपालाको बिकाशको निमित्त तपाइहरुको आबस्यकता छ तर ध्यान दिनु रामो हुने छ।


  66. Thank you Umeshjee,

    Parewa.com and mysansar.com has really done great job. It is really the matter of great honour that these websites provide news, audio, video instantly than ‘established’ news website. I wish your grand success in future.

    Jeevan Rokka
    Bergen, Norway

  67. I do not become so happy just by seeing the idle crowd of people who are still suffering from hand to mouth problem.
    Maoist has no vision at all, who broke all basic requirements of country like bridge, telephone tower, offices, which they need if they are in favor of good Nepal. They are absolute terroist, they will bring the country back again, they are worse than Gynendra.

    Their so called jana sena will be never in controll of Prachanda when he goes to power. So, they will again start to kill even to their leaders, because they does not know what is constitution…….except looting and killing people.

    Education is most.
    Recruiting educated people in army would be best.

    MT Boston.

  68. Umesh Jee:

    I was just waiting for your posting. I click your blog for 5 times this morning whether you have some latest postings.

    Wonderful job.


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