यहाँ पनि ट्राफिक जामले छाडेन

इन्छनबाट सोल हाईवे/जुन २७ (8:15 am)
भर्खरै म इन्छन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलमा अ‍ोर्लिएँ र अब एउटा ट्याक्सीमा बसेर सोलको होटल प्रेसिडेन्टतर्फ जाँदैछु। यो मोरा ट्याक्सी ड्राइभरले ठग्छ कि क्या हो जस्तो लागिरहेको छ। हाम्रो एअरपोर्टमा जस्तो यो मोराले टाँसिएर कता जाने हो भनेर सोध्या छ, सोध्या छ। नाइँ भन्दा पनि नहुने। फेरि कोरियाका साथीहरुलाई केमा जाँदा ठीक होला भनेर नेपाल मै रहँदा सोध्दा पनि कसैले बसै सजिलो हुन्छ, कसैले ट्याक्सी नै सजिलो हुन्छ भनेकोले पनि असमञ्जसमा परेँ। अब यसैले लग्यो, ठगे पनि ठग्छ अब के गर्नु, यसैको देशमा आइया छ। भर्खर यसले २० हजार वन माग्यो। खै केको हो, ट्याक्स हो कि के तिरेको जस्तो छ। आइ डन्ट हायभ मनी, यु हायभ टु पे इट भन्यो अनि के गर्नु।

नेपालका साथीहरुले कोरियाका मान्छेहरु इंग्लिस बुझ्दैनन्, बाटोमा पनि सबै कोरियन मै लेखेको हुन्छ, हराइन्छ भनेकोले पनि बसमा जान डर लाग्यो। यो मान्छे त फेरि बोल्दो रहेछ नि इंग्लिस।

एकछिन कुरा गरेँ। दुई घण्टा जति लाग्छ भनेर भन्छ। एक सय पचास किलोमिटर जति टाढा छ रे भनेर भन्छ। अब पुर्‍याउला नि यसैले।

कोरियन इमिग्रेसनमा पनि खासै गार्‍हो भएन। अ…अ‍ोह माइ न्युज भनेर कोरियन भाषामा के के कुरा गरे उनीहरुको साथी साथीका बीचमा। अनि के के सोध्न थाले। कति दिन बस्ने, के भनेर। प्रोफेसन जर्नलिज्म लेखेकोले कुनै आईडी छ भनेर सोधे। मैले त्यही एटिभीको कार्ड देखाएँ। त्यो बाहेक केही भिजिटिङ कार्ड छ भनेर सोध्यो। तर मसँग कुनै कार्ड थिएन। छ कि भनेर पर्स खोतल्दा उ आफैले क्यान आई सी भनेर लिएर हेर्‍यो। त्यसमा मेरो कलेजको आईडी रहेछ। त्यस बाहेक अमेरिकन कल्चरल सेन्टरमा जाँदा दिएका भिजिटिङ कार्ड पनि थियो। उसले त्यो पनि घोत्लिएर हेर्‍यो र जाने बाटोसम्म डोर्‍यायो। म लाइन बस्न लागेको थिएँ, तर उसले नो, नो अल इज क्लियर भनेर पठायो।

त्यसपछि ब्याग लिएँ र सीधै बाहिर बस हुने ठाउँतर्फ जान लागेको त यही मान्छेले बोलायो। म वास्ता नगरी पैसा साटन तर्फ लागेँ। कोरियाली वन त टन्न हुने रहेछ साट्दा। वनको हिसाब गर्ने हो भने त म लखपति पो भएछु कि क्या हो। १० -१० हजारको त एउटै नोट हुने रहेछ। पर्स त टन्नै भरियो।

प्लेनमा त्यति निद्रा नलागेकोले अब छिट्टै होटल गएर सुत्छु भनेको त यहाँ बाटोमा फेरि ट्राफिक जाम छ। नेपालमा मात्र ट्राफिक जाम भनेको त यहाँ पनि ट्राफिक जामले छाडेन बा। हाम्रोमा त सडक साँघुरो भएकोले ट्राफिक जाम भएको भनिन्ट। यहाँ त चार चार लेनको सडक हुँदा पनि ट्राफिक जाम…उफ ! गर्मी पनि निकै रहेछ। अलि टाउको दुख्न थालेको छ। अब बाँकी अपडेट होटलबाट नै गरौँला।

अपडेट (1400 pm): होटल पुगेर प्रमोदजीलाई फोन गरेको, बढी पैसा तिर्नुभयो, आत्तिनै पर्दैन थियो, बसमा आएको भए सजिलै पुगिन्थ्यो भनेर भन्नुभयो। हुन पनि एक लाख ७० हजार वन पो तिरियो त यहाँसम्म आउनलाई। त्यो भनेको १७० डलर हैन र ? पैसा त खुत्रुक्कै पार्ने भयो। अनि होटलमा इन्टरनेट चलाएको पनि कति महँगो हो। हाम्रो नेपालमा त कोठामा फ्री इन्टरनेटको सुविधा हुन्थ्यो क्यारे। यहाँ त प्रति मिनेट ४५० वन तिर्नुपर्ने रे। तैपनि चलाएँ। के गर्नु आफूलाई इन्टरनेट नभई हुन्न। धन्न प्रमोद जीले एउटा फोन कार्डको नम्बर टिपाइदिनुभएको छ। अब त्यसबाट फोन गर्नुपर्ला नेपालमा। रातभर प्लेनमा त्यति राम्रोसित सुत्न नपाएकोले अघि केही घण्टा सुतेको थिएँ। अब अहिले साँझ रिसेप्सन प्रोग्राम हुँदैछ। त्यसको अपडेट म पछि गर्नेछु।


  1. iheard this is your first visit .every thing would be comfortable.it takes time .every body should face that kind of situation,i mean food smell problam.u think just
    every foreignerwho are visiting nepal,how much bad smel they have been geting .becareful that is beef smell.

  2. If you use tourist SHUTTLE bus (air port to city), it costs only 6000 Won which is equal to 6 USD / 600 Japanese Yen / 400 rupees. If remember it correctly, every one hour they have a SHUTTLE bus.

    Anyway, it is not a bad experience for a first time traveler.

    One thing the first timer traveler should note is that when some one Nepali or Bideshi tries to have friendship with you in transit, becareful. One nepali who said made friend ship in transition in Bangkok Int’l airport, and the “FRIEND” asked him to watch his briefcase while going to TOILET/REST ROOM, and never returned. The SOJHO Nepali (he claims to be sojho) took his briefcase, because the other guy was also going to the same destination. In singapore airport, he was caught. The briefcase had objectionable items. Singapore judge did not like his claim of innocence, and that Nepali (XYZ Shrestha/Pradhan) was hanged in 1990s. So, don’t trust guys in transit or anywhere you meet fresh. Just don’t trust. Don’t take anything is offered. don’t eat anything such transit people “FRIEND” offered.

    Now, Mr. Shrestha while returning to Nepal, will get requests from fellow nepalis in Korea to pass gifts to nepal to their relatives. It is our Nepali character to request to anyone who is heading to nepal. Just say “NO”. If you really want to take, then open it and check so that you don’t get death penalty. If you don’t want to offend that guy, then let that guy leave your room, and then open and see. Later in nepal, tell the person’s relative that Immigration opened your gift box, and I am sorry for that. This is not lie, this is to save yourself. I had seen some nepalis sending Pamphers to nepal, because the other side’s innocence and lack of inability to SAY BIG NO. Travel with dignity. Just so NO, and never ask another person to have similar favor. Be proud.

  3. Umesh Ji,
    Enjoy your days in korea & don’t forget to post some pictures after you return back to Nepal.

  4. Namaskar daju,
    Yeso Saturday samma basnu bhaye mero pani vetne bichhar chha tapai sanga. Kati din basnu hunchha so pani blog ma lekhnu bhaye taha hune thiyo. At last best wishes for ur progress.

  5. Nepal bata aauda dilli ji le sabai kura bhannu bhayo bhanni thaniyo hamile, paisa dherainai tirnu bhayo, aba sathi bhai sanga bhetda paisa tireko jasto nahola, let us hope

  6. i don’t understand that its too hot here in korea…..compare to Nepal its pretty cold here in the evening and morning time ,about the taxi fare and worry of Mr.Umesh ,as far as my experience, i think Korean people,even a taxi driver,are most honest people in the world and they are always eager to help a foreigner in their country.I have been living here quite long time and can say that you will rarely mistreated and cheated by korean people,though,exception is worldwide but compare to other countries its better in korea.Most of the hotel even a motel you can use internet free of cost and in the cyber cafe its just a 1000 won per hour which is very very cheap according to the korean income.So may be you must have some confusion or misunderstanding reagarding it.
    By the way,it would be my great pleasure to help and assit you while your stay in korea(if you wish)
    thanks and take care

  7. Best of Luck!!!

    I would suggest, be vocal and genuine in conference presentation and discussions.

    Enjoy the trip.

  8. Umesh jee Taxi ma chahi alli badhi tirnu bhayo. Taxi ma jana sallah dine sathi haru alli murkhai hun.
    Internet chalauna lai Seoul ma jata tatai cyber cafe haru chhan sasto parchha. Thulo letters ma PC lekheko thau ma janu na. seoul ma chhyas chhyas ti chhan.

  9. Umesh Ji,

    Oh ! you there? have a wonderful journey and thanks for this interesting piece.

  10. hello Umesh ji
    Well come to korea. I am very happy to hera about your arrival in Korea. Even, Our president has given calling card to Nepal. If you have time you are most wellcome to South Part of Korea.We will manage your bus ticket mand living here. Otherwise have nice travel and acievement from seminar.

  11. Umesh ji,
    U should have got any guide book to travel Korea, which directs u correctly to your destination, President Hotel. The either the train or the bus takes u cheaply and correctly Seul, airport taxi-drivers often cheat newcomers. U can get taxi in Seul, without hesitation or bus of correct rout.

    Anyway, you’v got great experience, which will help us knowning today’s S. Korea. Plz update frequently.

    Thanx n best wishes!

  12. Dear Umesh ji

    dherai paisa tirnu bhayechha taxima busma aaunu bhayeko bhaye 8-10000 won matra parne thiyo ani arko chai train pani thiyo ni ahile ko latest ….. j hos ramro sanga aaipugnu bhayechha saturday samma chai basnu huncha hainata ?

  13. Tyastai Bidesi vumi jada kahile kahi badi tirnu parne hun6.

    Intresting lagyo.

    Khas Nepali. 100= kati hune rahe6?

  14. You must ask others how to reach hotel president from incheon airport. It is expesive trip by taxi. Public transport is not much expensive and not that much problem. Best way is to get a mobile phone (on rent-or buy one). All journey will be far easy to you. call anynumbers from the webpage: http://www.sonsik.org.np
    Hope others will follow this instruction.
    welcome once again..

  15. umeshjee, kati kaaamle korea pugnu bhayo kunni ?? tara teha baser pani aaphno work chahi continue nai garnu bhayeko ma derai khusi chhu ra dhanyabad din chahanchu. but umeshijee, pocket ko khyal pani garnu as well as your health.

    take care and all the best.

  16. Go on . I am tracing what is going to happen with you.
    New experience. Taxi fare some how more as i heard by my friends who came back from Korea. God bless you.
    have a sweet good morning/evening.

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