राजदरबार हत्याकाण्डको पोस्टमार्टम

-डा. अरुण सायमी-

बुद्धको जन्मभूमि शान्तिप्रिय देश नेपाल जेठ १९ गते राजदरबारभित्र भएको विभत्स रक्तपातले आज विश्व मानचित्रमा रातो रगतले रंगिएको छ। नेपाललाई शान्तिक्षेत्र घोषणा गर्ने एउटा शान्तिप्रिय राजाको रगतले आज सारा नेपाल रक्ताम्य भएको छ। अत्यन्तै लोकप्रिय तत्कालीन युवराजाधिराज (पछि महाराजाधिराज) श्री ५ दीपेन्द्रबाट यो हत्या भएको आरोप लागिराखेको भए पनि अधिकांश नेपाली जनताको हृदयले यसलाई स्वीकार्न सकेको छैन। गएको एक सातादेखि सारा नेपालीको मन र मस्तिष्कमा यही कुरा खेलिराखेको छ।

एउटा डाक्टरको रूपमा मेरो मन र मस्तिष्कमा पनि यही दुःखद् घटना दिनरात उठिराखेको छ। विशेष गरी यो घटनाका ‘मेडिकल’ पक्षहरूमा मेरो ध्यान केन्द्रित भएको छ।

कुनै पनि दुर्घटनामा प्राथमिकता र मुख्य लक्ष्य दुर्घटनामा परेकाहरूको नजिकैको र सबभन्दा सुविधा भएको अस्पतालमा लगेर उपचार गर्ने हुन्छ। जेठ १९ गतेको राजदरबारमा भएको दुर्घटनापछि सबैलाई वीरेन्द्र सैनिक अस्पताल छाउनीमा लगियो। वीरेन्द्र सैनिक अस्पतालभन्दा नारायणहिटी राजदरबार नजिकैको शिक्षण अस्पताल र वीर अस्पताल बढी सुविधायुक्त भए पनि सबैलाई सैनिक अस्पतालमा लगियो। यस्तो दुर्घटना हुँदा एक-एक मिनेटको पनि महत्त्व हुन्छ। सम्बन्धित चिकित्सकहरूका अनुसार वीरेन्द्र सैनिक अस्पतालमा ‘अपरेसन थिएटर’ र उपकरणहरूको कमी थियो। धेरै सामानहरू शिक्षण अस्पतालबाट मगाउनुपरेको थियो। राजपरिवारका सदस्यहरूको ‘ट्रली’ मा राखेर अस्पतालको खुला लवीसम्म अपरेसन गर्नुपरेको थियो।

यसरी यस घटनामा बिरामीहरूको स्वास्थ्यभन्दा सुरक्षा र गोपनीयतालाई नै बढी महत्त्व दिएको देखियो। शिक्षण अस्पतालको अपरेसन थिएटर र डाक्टरहरूलाई तम्तयार राखेर पनि त्यहाँ बिरामीहरू लगिएनन्, किन ?

मेरो मनमा उठिराखेको दोस्रो कुरा वीरेन्द्र सैनिक अस्पतालमा श्री ५ दीपेन्द्रलाई पुर्याउँदा उहाँको स्वास्थ्यस्थिति कस्तो थियो ? यस घटनाका प्रत्यक्षदर्शी डा. राजीव शाहीले आफ्नो अन्तरवार्तामा भन्नुभएको छ- श्री ५ दीपेन्द्रको अवस्था ‘क्लिनिकल्ली डेड’ थियो। वीरेन्द्र सैनिक अस्पतालमा गएका दुई चिकित्सकहरूले पनि श्री ५ दीपेन्द्र त्यहाँ ल्याउँदा ‘पुपिल्स फिक्स्ड एन्ड डायलेटेड’ थियो भनेका छन्। जसको मतलब ‘ब्रेन डेथ’ थियो भन्ने हुन्छ। कृत्रिम श्वासप्रणालीमा राखेरमात्र मुटु चलिराखेको थियो भनिन्छ। यतिबेला मलाई तत्कालीन प्रधानमन्त्री मनमोहन अधिकारीलाई जीवनको अन्तिम क्षणमा शिक्षण अस्पताल ल्याउँदाको उहाँको स्थितिको सम्झना भइरहेको छ। उहाँको पनि ‘पुपिल्स फिक्स्ड एन्ड डायलेटेड’ थियो। कृत्रिम श्वासप्रणालीमा राखिएको थियो तर मुटु चलिराखेको थियो र ब्लडप्रेसर पनि थियो। उहाँको परिवारको इच्छाअनुसार मुटु चलेसम्म मैले उपचार चलाइराखें। त्यतिबेला मैले धेरै आलोचनाहरू सुन्नुपर्यो। मरिसकेको मनमोहनलाई डाक्टर अरूण सायमीले चुनावसम्म बचाउन कोसिस गर्यो भनेर मलाई आरोप लगाइयो। उपचार टोलीमा संलग्न डा. उपेन्द्र देवकोटालेसम्म मनमोहन ‘क्लिनिकल्ली डेड’ भनेर अन्तरवार्ता दिनुभयो। अहिले म सम्बन्धित चिकित्सकहरूसँग प्रश्न गर्न चाहन्छु- त्यतिबेला मनमोहन अधिकारीको र अहिलेको श्री ५ दीपेन्द्रको ‘न्युरोलोजिकल स्टाटस’ मा के फरक थियो – के श्री ५ दीपेन्द्रको ‘ब्रेन डेथ’ भएको छ कि छैन भनेर निश्चय गर्न ‘क्यालोरी टेस्ट र एपनिया टेस्ट’ गरिएको थियो ?

मेरो मनमा उठिराखेको तेस्रो प्रश्न म शाही हृदय चिकित्सक डा. मृगेन्द्रराज पाण्डेसँग राख्न चाहन्छु। शाही हृदय चिकित्सक डा. मृगेन्द्रराज पाण्डेको यस प्रसंगमा विशेष महत्त्व छ। उहाँ शाही चिकित्सक मात्र नभएर राजपरिषद्को सदस्य पनि हुनुहुन्छ। सुन्दछु, घाइतेहरूले वीरेन्द्र सैनिक अस्पतालमा ल्याउनासाथ यो हत्या कसले गरेको भनेर चिकित्सकहरूलाई बताइसकेका थिए। जुन बिरामी जीवन र मरणको दोसाँधमा हुन्छ उसले झुटो कुरा कहिल्यै बोल्दैन। एउटा चिकित्सकका अनुसार सायद डाक्टर मृगेन्द्रराज पाण्डेले पनि हत्या कसले गरेको भनेर सुरुमै थाहा पाइसक्नुभएको थियो। यदि हत्या श्री ५ दीपेन्द्रले गरेको भए राजपरिषद्ले हत्यारालाई किन राजा घोषणा गर्नुपर्यो ? चिकित्सक टोलीमा पनि सम्मिलित र राजपरिषद्का पनि सदस्य डा. पाण्डेले हत्यारालाई राजा बनाउँदा किन विरोध गर्नुभएन ?

हेर्दाखेरि सामान्य कुरा भए पनि यस घटनाले इतिहासको कालखण्डमा हामीलाई धिक्कार्नेछ। अनन्त कालसम्म सारा नेपालीले एउटा प्रश्न गरिरहनेछन् श्री ५ दीपेन्द्रले राजपरिवारको हत्या गरेको भए किन हत्यारालाई नेपाल अधिराज्यको राजा बनाइयो ?

एउटा डाक्टरको नाताले मेरो मनमा खेलिराखेको चौथो कुरा ‘पोस्टमार्टम’ सम्बन्धी हो। सुन्नमा आएको छ, घटनामा परी देहावसान हुने कसैको पनि ‘पोस्टमार्टम’ गरिएन। शिक्षण अस्पतालमा ‘फोरेन्सिक एक्र्सपर्ट’ हरूलाई बोलाएर पनि त्यसै फर्काइयो। बेलायतमा राजकुमारी डायनाको कार दुर्घटनामा देहान्त हुँदा ‘पोस्टमार्टम’ गरियो। सञ्चारमाध्यमलाई सबै कुरा तुरुन्त बताइयो। तर, नेपालमा मात्र किन सबै कुरा गोप्य राख्न खोजियो। हत्यारा को हो भनेर सत्य र तथ्य जान्नका लागि श्री ५ महाराजाधिराज ज्ञानेन्द्रबाट उच्चस्तरीय समिति गठन गरिबक्सेको छ। तर ‘पोस्टमार्टम’ नै नभएकाले सबै अनुसन्धान अधुरो हुनेछ। देशमा अनेक हल्लाहरू फैलिराखेका छन्- श्री ५ दीपेन्द्रको शरीरको पछाडि पनि गोली लागेको थियो रे – उहाँलाई अरू कसैले गोली हानेको छ रे – ‘पोस्टमार्टम’ भएको भए सबै नेपाली जनताले यसको सही र चित्तबुझ्दो जवाफ पाउने थिए होला।

सबै पार्थिव शरीरको शवपरीक्षा (‘पोस्टमार्टम’) किन भएन ? ‘पोस्टमार्टम’ कसको आदेशबाट किन भएन, त्यसको उत्तर जनसमक्ष आउनुपर्दछ।

अन्त्यमा नेपाली जनताले श्री ५ वीरेन्द्र र श्री ५ ऐर्श्वर्यलाई जत्तिकै श्री ५ दीपेन्द्रलाई पनि माया र आदर गर्छन्। आफूले यति माया र आदर गरेको श्री ५ दीपेन्द्रले आफ्नै मातापिता, भाइबहिनीको हत्या गर्लान् भनेर पत्याउन नेपाली जनताको हृदयले कहिल्यै सक्ने देखिँदैन।
यद्यपि असम्भव भन्ने कुरा मूर्खको शब्दकोषमा मात्र हुन्छ भनिन्छ। सत्य र तथ्य जे भए पनि नेपाली जनतालाई श्री ५ दीपेन्द्रले नै यो हत्या गरेको हो भन्ने विश्वास गर्न कठिन हुनेछ। [सौजन्य : त्यतिबेलाको कान्तिपुर]


  1. post mortem can reveal as many fact as one can. this is my only question why was not the post mortem conducted.
    question to Girija Babu: being the executive chief of the country why didnt he muster enough courage to investigate in a transparent way. who stopped his way to tell the truth because he was also among the few people who visited the scence early. hope now moist government with full power can solve this problem and through prachanda light on the incident.

  2. this article had contained the right thing which has to be investigated for the sake of truth and importance for justice .

  3. Thank you doctor sayami for asking those questions. nobody has got the answer for these question except the one who did it. and they are paid not to talk about it. But not a single nepalese believed that dipendra has done it. we all know that dipendra was really nice man. he was killed by these rascals and got a blame too which is not fair for him nor us.

    sarita from sydney

  4. ya ma pani yak jana mitra la vanuvayako cha ki ta ajie pani time cha sayami sar yatartha ka ho janta samchya lyaunu hosh nepali janta tapaie ko sat chan.yati garna saknu vayo vana nepali mato la ra nepali jantala tapaie laie sadaba samman garna cha.natra vaya tapaie laie nepali mato ra nepali janta la kaie la maf jarna chaie na. that’s all.

  5. Thank you Dr Sayami for your questions and your overall doubt about the proper handling of the serious emergency proceedings at the Military Hospital. After all these years, the only questions that come back to our mind are
    a. What were the Royal Security Guards doing while the shooting spree was taking place in the palace ?
    b. Why the Govt of Nepal didn’t form up an independent commission of inquiry to investigate the massacre thoroughly and independently ?
    c. Why the king and the queen of Nepal were not accorded the state funerals and honour, which they so deserved for being the head of the Nation, after they were allegedly killed by their own son ?
    d. Why do we have to blame prince Dipendra for this heinous inhumane crime when the truth of events clearly prove that there were no weapons lying anywhere near where he was found fatally wounded with bullet in his head in an apparent suicide attempt ?
    e. Is prince Dipendra (later declared as the king of Nepal) the real culprit as adjudged by the Royal Commission or merely an escapegoat ? The present government must take appropriate judicial actions to find and establish the facts so that justice is done in this case. After reading the accounts made available to the people, I am convinced that it was not prince Dipendra who was the one involved in that massacre but there were so many other conspirators who were directly responsible for the killings of king Birendra’s family members including Prince Dipendra of course.
    f. Mr Girija Prasad Koirala must tell us about the so called “grand design” now. He was the head of the government then and so is he now and as the head of the government he must know the truth. And he must share the truth with all the people of Nepal unless of course it would be too late for him to do so because I don’t think the neplese people would dismiss this big political issue just like that. I am sure investigation will be opened into this matter again and all culprits will be brought to book sooner or later.” Bhagawan ke ghar der hai per andher nahi !”



  7. Dr.Sayami’s saying is to be considered by all.
    The answers of these questions must be given by gyane and parase!!
    If they have no courage to give this answer, they must leave our country .
    These father and son are the dirty creatures which never allow us to live happy.

  8. Thanx dr.sayami,for ur effort.
    if the present govt has the gut they should bring the real culprits infront of all n shoot them in the very n way king birendra’s familw was shot.dipendra iwas the youth with new vision n thought he cant do such ridiculous activity,we can never ever believe dipendra is a murderer,he was a nice human being and will remain in our heart n soul for ever n always.

  9. Dr Sayami is one of my best columnist in Nepal. He always puts his view innocently .So far as the mater as one of blogist arised: why Sayami did not arised the same questions at that time? Why you ask so , If The only primeminister at that time became a NIRIHA at that time .Although being late , Sayami has became the first to aised sucha questions? Do you know some of medicionist like Upendra who said themself a great , were became a minister at that time.

  10. Thank you Dr. Sayami
    There are billions people seeking about the truth of this kanda. It is a very well known issue around the world. People are watching curiously “what’s going on inside nepal” regarding royal massacre? Scientist & genera people are very upset after listening about the denial of post mortum and other necessary investigation. They also heard about the curfew setup to burn the dead body. They are not curious they are ready to help to go for further investigation. They have deep sympathy for the dead and nepali people who are still waiting for justice.
    Scientist, and medical professionals around the world get surprise with couple of Medical Dr. who were involved in the treatment procedure of the massacred personals. People get confuse with Dr. Upendra’s reply in the news paper at that time. Is this a second Upendra or neurologist?
    This maccacre and its handling procedure showed that”Nepal is a small country there is no scientific norm and value whatever so called powerful criminal try to impliment under the name of governing body it will happen”. This is what it spread around the world. How can government says we apply scientific measure for investigation? Did they follow the universal rule which is applied at any circumstances (like postmortum, crime scenerio, investigation of related people in the crime and their relatives, regulation of international and national criminal investigator medical officers scientists and others. Was it so important to burn dead body under curfew to wipeout all the proof of scars, bullet holes, types of wound and site of wound to proof them they are successful in the crime. It may takes time but criminals gang are not very far from getting caught? We are watching and seeking for justice. Thank you Dr.Sayami bringing this issue.

  11. सायमि सर तपाइले यि प्रश्न हरु सोध्ने आट बल्ल गर्नु भयो.आज सम्म् तपाइ का प्रश्न हरु काहा लुकेका थिए?तपाइ साचैनै भएको भए यि प्रश्न हरु तत्काल गर्नु पर्नेथियो र जनता हरु सगै आएर बिरोध गर्नु पर्थ्यो.अबत जनताले ज्यान बाजि लगायेर राजतन्त्र फाले अबत प्रश्न हरुको खोलो बगाये पनि हुन्च.मरेको बाघ ले के नै गर्च र?सायमि सर अझै पनि समय अझै केहि गर्न सकिन्छ तपाइलाइ पनि इतिहास ले धिक्कार्ने छ । आफ्नो कर्तव्य पुरा गर्न नसकेकोमा.

  12. ** Dipendra was kept alive for legal reason **

    If Dipendra has known to have died before Birendra, the crown would have to pass on to other surviving child or grand child of Birendra. Shurti’s both daughters survived the masscre. Shurti’s eldest daughter should have declared the rightful heir of the throne.

    Dipendra with brain dead was kept alive and declared him the king of Nepal.After his death it was legally possible to transfer heir of the throne to Gyanendra.

    We have a rich king in the poor country. The feudal monarchy institution has no place in 21 century Nepal.

  13. Really cool question, unsolved mystery!!!! Thanks for Dr.Sayami -Pratu from Gwangju,S.Korea

  14. dipendra lai kasaile mareko ho . deependrale hatya kanda machayaeko hoina bhnne kura sabai nepali lai thaha chha. tara kura yeha yo aayo ki kantipur, annapurna post ani nepal samachar patra jasta patrika aaja kina chup chhan ?? kasile paisa diyeko chha ki uniharulai nabolnako nimti ?? pakkai yehi hunu parchha natra bhane aaja kina uniharule rajadarbar ko yeti thulo kurako barema kehi bolenan ??

  15. i wasnt in nepal when this incident took place. i was just stunt when i came to know about it from bbc and cnn. here i am not supporting anyone nor against anyone. i am just writing what i thinking today. to tell the truth we all know who is behind this game and whoelse were involved in this game. to tell the truth we will never be able to take action against the culprit. because we are not in that position. i dont think its worth discussing what we cant do. i think its just waste of time and effort. if we really want to do something worthwhile just stop whinging and do something which is under our control or something we can acheive. may someday will come when we will be able to bring the culprit to justice. but at this time specially in such critical condition politically in nepal, its just stupid to repeat the same old story which took place 6 years ago. i am not pestimist about my beloved country. i know we have all those potential in our country that other countries may not have but the main weekness is the decission of our people and leaders. i am not a politician and nothing to do with politics. but i have to admit myself that all potentials all properities of our country is under those culprits such as girija prasad koirala, madhav nepal, sher bahadur deuba, sujata koirala, puspa kamal dahal above all so called king and crown prince (actually i hesitate to pronounce even their names) and list goes on. we are talking about new nepal. thats fair and thats what we need and thats what we want. but why we have same old faces to lead us to new nepal. i dont think 90 years old sick old man can lead or make decission on behalf of better new nepal. this is just an example. as i said earlier this is just my opinion and what i am thinking at this moment. i may be wrong. but i trust myself and even if i am wrong, i am going to change my view about our very very old leaders.

  16. Arun sayami is very best writer and opening to that he want to write main murderer is Gunda Paras and he also threaten to all leaders and government who were handaling to the govern in right time of palace parba and he is also saying that Girija can’t do nothing and nepali people knows about it but who allowed to girija for handaling the goverenment at this situation it girija stay on this position that it will be another accident in the country as royal palace parba even he is unable to handaling that why seven parties watching him as latale papa herejasto .
    hello girija and eight parties government if u want to do something that change to nepal and declair republic on time , kick out Giyandra and his family from royal place and change the name as soon as possible as republic mahal and like this and also kick out Girija also and his varaute also

  17. Thanks Dr. Sayami,
    Your analysis and questions hit the crux of the plot. All those naked secracies underlie the dire conspiracy and grand design.

  18. डा सयामि जी!
    डाक्टर साप् ले कता कता क-कस् लाई प्रस्न सोधिरां भन्या, त्यो उत्तरै नाआ उने ढाउ र मान्छेलाई सोधेर के काम भन्या, तिनिहरुले जवाफै दियपनि काहा सत्य जवाफ दिन्छ र । यात डर् त्रास् या लोभ् लालच् ले र कति त यो सडयन्त्रमा सामेलै होला।
    त्यो भन्दा डाक्टर् साप् यता मलाइ सोध्नुस्न म सिधा ड्यांङै भन्दिन्छु। मैले भनेको नभय देखि नेपालि जनतालाई सोध्नुस। त्यो नकच्चरो हरुलाई सोधेर किन समय र दिमाग फालिरा भन्या डाक्टर साप् पनि।
    त्यो बिर् अस्पताल् नलगि किन सैनिक् अस्पताल् लग्या?, किन दिपेन्द्रलाई मरेपछि पनि ढांटेर राजा बनाउनुपर्‍या आदि आदि।
    मलाई सोध्नुस् डा साप्। फेरि मैले भनि सके पछि ल्या त्यो त मलाइ पनि थाहथियो भन्न चाहि पाइन्न है।

    दिपेन्द्र हत्यारा भय हत्यारालाई किन राजा बनाइयो भनि सोध्नु भयो। यहा
    एउटा कुरा के बुज्नु पर्छ सबैले भने।
    हत्यारा लाई कसैलेपनि र कहिपनि राजा बनाइदैन किनकि हत्यारा हत्यारा आफै राजा बन्छ बुझ्नुभो।

  19. Whole plot was to destroy the evidence so the fabricated story will spread as news for national and international readers. All the questions must go the person who did want to complete the proper investigaton, destroyed the evidence and treated the dead body with not much respect.
    Why it was that important to say Dipendra was killer everywhere in the hospital even before the doctor started treatment. I donot think doctors would have asked that question straight. They should have only said that they have been hurt by bullets and best and prompt treatment was necessary in the best hospitals. But it was opposit to that there was rush for somebody to prove and assassinate Dipendra’s character even before the investigation and finding of real murderers. I am sure the ambulance people really did not know what happened inside the palace and if it was Dipendra even the oure baure army in the hospital would know he was the killer.
    “Dhanteko kurale kailei ijjad juginna ra pap dhuri bata karauchha” bhaneko sancho ho ra it is showing its result now. By now who does not know Parase and armies are not the killers.

  20. डा सायमी को कुराहरु शतप्रतिशत सही छ। उहाले जति यहाकुरा गर्नु भएको छ , त्यो सबै तत्काल र सुबिधासम्पन्न अस्पताल वीर र शिक्षण अस्पतालमा लगेको भए यो षडयन्त्रको भण्डाफोर त हुनेथियो नै। किनकी यो भनेको गिरिजा ले भनेको ग्याण्ड डिजाईन गरेर रचेको षडयन्त्र थियो। तसर्थ जनताको अस्पतालतिर लगेको भए सबै ले थाहा पाउने भयले सबै गुपचुपतरिकाले काम फत्ते गरेको हो। अनि दिपेन्द्रलाई त सैनिक अस्पतालमै लगेर मारेको जस्तो छ यो अमेरिकन लेखक को भनाई अनुसार त। तर यो कुरा सत्य हुनपनि सक्छ।
    अब षडयन्त्रनै गंभिरतरिकाको छ अनि असफल भयो भने के गर्ने के नगर्ने भनेर पनि सबै प्लान गरिसकेको थियोरहेछ त।

    जय गणतन्त्र नेपाल- जिन्दाबाद

  21. Dr. Sayami
    Thank you for your view. Despite your busy time, you gave time to write somethings without any fear. Several questions you raised are quite genuine.I respect your view and courageness. Unfortunately, the puppet commission lead by then judge and TN Bhat company also did not raise these iussues. And thank to Sojho Nepali commenting about Dr. Pandey and Dr. Devkota. How can Dr. Upendra Devkota come to answer these questions? Because he was rewarded with Ministry of Health. This is known answer of Dr. Devkota. Isn’t it?

  22. The written article is highly appreciated. Trouth is truth and No Nepalise will never accept that Deependra had mass murder only for their family and some of the other relatives except Gyandra’s family. I fully agree with Dr. Arun Saimi

    kk shrestha

  23. pakkai ho, itihasle hamilai dhikarne chha………..
    ma ekjana nepali bahira deshma study gariraheko ho, achel bholi bideshile hamile nepali bhanera chindainan- mero roommate bideshile nepallai yasari chinchhan ” nepalma raja haru rahechhan ajai pani ani kehi barsha matra aghi rajkumarle afnai baba, ama, bhai, didi sabai ko nash gareka thiya” yadi hamile ekdin really dipendrale rajpariwarko sakhap gareka hoinan bhanera patta lagauna sakema hamile sacho kura bhanthyo hola…….. herau yasari nai bistarai sacho kura ta patta lagauna nai parchha ra lagchha pani “pap dhuri bata karauchh” ………….

  24. Hello all

    There is a simple and straight answer but the coward illiterate government does not have balls to say the culprits are Parash and Gyanendra. Gyanendra was the master planner and Parash was the shooter of this incident.

  25. Dr. Sayami,

    Thank you for asking these questions. Never too late. I also had the same questions for a long time ever since the massacre.

    1. Who is responsible for making Dipendra the king in a brain dead situation when it was known (or at least told) to all that Dipendra was the killer. Was it just to create a gap so that it does not appear that Gyanendra was too eager to get into the throne. Knowing well that Dipendra was already brain dead, it only raises a deep suspicion.

    2. Who ordered not to conduct the post mortem? Why? I believe those who ordered are still around. They should be brought to the book.

    Will Dr. Mrigendra Pandy and Dr. Upendra Devkota come out to answer these questions?

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