हामी नेतालाई गाली मात्रै गर्ने कि आफै नेता पनि बन्ने ?

नेताहरूलाई जति गाली गरे पनि कम होला तर यसको अर्को पाटो पनि उत्तिकै गम्भीर छ। के तपाईं हामी नेता बन्न तयार छौं ? नेताहरूलाई गाली गर्दै हिड्ने हामीहरू मध्येकै कोही नेता बन्न तयार छ? हामीले क्यारीयर , जागिर, अमेरिका, वेलायत, स्वास्नी, सानो घर अनि शान्ति भन्दै हिड्ने बाहेक अन्य कुन जिम्मेवारी पुरा गर्न सकेका छौं? हामीलाई भने राम्रो जागीर चाहिने, पढ्नु पर्ने, क्यारीयर बनाउनु पर्ने। नेताहरूले भने ढुङ्गा हान्नु पर्ने तथा खानु पर्ने, जेल जानु पर्ने, पिटाइ खानु पर्ने र हामीहरूको राम्रोका लागि सोचिदिनु पर्ने। के उनीहरूको जीवन छैन? के उनीहरूको परिवार छैन। के उनीहरूले क्यारीयर नसोच्ने ? के उनीहरूले पढ्न नपाउने? भएन भनेर नेताहरूले राम्रो कपडा पनि लगाउन नहुने, उनीहरूका छोराछोरीहरूले राम्रो स्कूलमा पनि पढ्न नहुने, सानो तिनो गाडीमा हिड्न नहुने, घर बनाउन नहुने। वास्तवमा हामीहरूले के चाहेको? हो मैले बुझ्न सकेको छैन। बाजेहरूले लुटेको पैसाले नाति-पनातिहरूले मस्ति गरेको चाहिं हामीहरूले नदेख्‍ने तर केही नेताहरूले गरेको वदमासीले सारा नेताहरूलाई गाली गरेको र सारा प्रजातान्त्रिक पद्दतीलाई नै खतम पारेको कुरालाई भने आनन्दसँग स्वीकार गर्ने?

[साथी दीपक अर्यालले व्यक्तिगत इमेलमा लेख्नुभएका यी विचारलाई उनको अनुमति लिएर यहाँ प्रस्तुत गरेको हुँ। एकोहोरो नेताहरुलाई गालीमात्र गर्ने कमेन्ट यो ब्लगमा पनि थुप्रै आउने गर्छ, सर्वसाधारणले पनि यस्तै सोच्छन्। उनीहरुलाई सानो जवाफ हुनसक्छ दीपकको विचार] बाँकी भित्र

मलाई राजनीति त्यति धेरै थाहा नभएपनि राजनीति प्रति चाख राख्‍छु। मेरो शुरूदेखि नै के मान्यता थियो भने राजनीतिक दलहरूले आन्दोलन गर्न सक्दैनन् र गरेका पनि छैनन्। खास गरी केदार सरले कहिलेकाहि मलाई राजनीतिमा यति धेरै रूचि भएको मान्छे पनि किन निराश भनेर सोध्नुहुन्थ्यो, मेरो जवाफ एकै हुने गर्दथ्यो। यो आन्दोलनको उद्देश्य छैन। खाली राजालाई कमजोर बनाउने वा राजाका हातबाट अलिकत शक्ति कम गर्नुले आन्दोलनको उद्देश्य पुरा हुन सक्दैन। जस्तै – म जस्तो सामान्य मान्छेलाई वर्तमान राजाको सरकार र आगामी लोकतान्त्रिक पद्दतीका आधारमा बन्ने सरकारमा के भिन्नता हुनेछ भनेर बुझाउन जरूरी हुन्छ, जुन कुरा पार्टीहरूले गर्दैनन् वा गर्न चाहेका छैनन्। वास्तवमा यसपछि के गर्ने भन्‍ने विषयमा पार्टीहरूसँग प्रष्ट नीति छैन। दुर्भाग्य भनौं वा सौभाग्य माओवादी र राजावादी भन्दा काम लाग्ने र असल प्रकृतिका विचार बोकेर पनि लोकतान्त्रिक पार्टीहरू यी दुवै (उग्रवादी) भन्दा कमजोर देखिन पुगेका छन्। यसो किन हुन पुग्यो भन्ने विश्लेषण हुन जरूरी छ। यसका धेरै कारणहरू छन्।

वास्तवमा यिनीहरूको प्रष्ट राजनैतिक अडान, माग वा प्रतिवद्धता छैन।जनताहरू लोकतान्त्रिक पद्दती स्थापना गर्नका लागि मात्र आन्दोलन गर्दैनन्। उनीहरूले त्यसपछि के हुन्छ भन्ने कुरा पनि प्रष्टसँग जान्न चाहेका छन्। राज्यको पुनर्संरचना कसरी हुन्छ कसले राज्य गर्छ कसले प्रतिनिधित्व गर्छ र उक्त प्रतिनिधित्व कसरी हुन्छ जान्न चाहेका छन्। ०४६ सालको परिस्थिति र अहिलेको परिस्थिति निकै फरकछ। त्यतिखेर स्वतन्त्रताको कुरा नै प्रमुख हुन सक्थ्यो तर अव स्वतन्त्रतासँगै बाच्न पाउने हकको ग्यारेन्टी हुनु पर्छ। त्यसका अतिरिक्त राजा फाल्ने वा राख्ने के हो प्रष्ट छैन वा राजा राख्‍दा के हुन्छ र फाल्दा के हुन्छ भन्‍ने व्यापक छलफल पार्टी भित्र र जनताका विच चलाउन जरूरी छ। ७ पार्टीको ७ थरी कुराले जनतालाई अल्मल्याउने काम बाहेक अन्य केही गरे जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैन।

अर्कोतर्फ यिनीहरूलाई लागेको आरोपको कडा प्रतिवाद गर्न पनि यिनीहरूले सकिरहेको देखिदैन। जस्तै १२ वर्षसम्म यिनीहरूले भ्रष्टाचार गरे, राम्रो काम गरेनन् , ठूला ठूला घर किने, पजेर किने, देशलाई लुटे, माओवादी समस्या बढाए आदि आदि।

के यी कामहरू राजनीतिक पार्टीका मान्छेहरूले मात्र गरेको हो, यी सबै प्रश्नहरू सोध्ने तथा आरोप लगाउने जर साहेब, केही सामन्ती परिवारका सदस्यहरूलाई यिनीहरूले प्रश्न गर्न सक्नु पर्छ कि तिमीहरूका बाजेहरूले त्यति धेरै सम्पत्तीहरू कसरी कमाए जुन आजसम्म पनि तिमीहरूले खर्च गर्न र हामीलाई गाली गर्न वा हामीहरूको बदनाम गर्नका लागि आयोजित हुने कार्यक्रमहरू सञ्चालन गर्नका लागि खर्चिरहेका छौ। यिनीहरूले भन्न सक्नु पर्छ, ‘हामीहरूको सरकार बन्यो भने हामीहरूले गरेको भ्रष्टाचार मात्र होइन हामीहरूका बावु-बाजे ले गरेको भ्रष्टाचारहरूको पनि छानविन गरिनेछ र कारवाही गरिनेछ यसभित्र तिमीहरूका वाबु-वाजेका करतुतहरू पनि उदाङ्गो पारिनेछ। के नेताहरूले यी कुरा भन्न सक्छन्, यो भन्नासाथ जनताहरूले उनीहरूलाई साथ दिन्छन् किनभने यहाँका केही परिवारहरूमध्ये एक परिवार (जसले आज राज्य गरिरहेको छ वा तानाशाही व्यवस्थाका निम्ति वकालत गरेको छ) ले उति वेला लुटेको पैसा भन्दा सारा नेताहरूले खाएको पैसा वा सम्पत्ति कम हुन आउँछ। अन्य परिवारहरूले कमाएको पैसाको कुरा त अझ बाँकी नै छ। यसरी हेर्दा के देखिन्छ भने हिजो बावुबाजेले देश लुटेर सम्पत्ती कमाउनेहरूका शाखा सन्तानहरूले नै बढिजसो तानाशाही राज्यको वकालत गरिरहेका छ न्। यदि ती लुटेराहरूलाई पनि कार्वाही गर्छौ र हामीहरूले पनि यदि गल्ति गरेको भए गल्ति गर्नेहरूलाई कार्वाही गर्छौ भनेर घोषणा गर्ने हो भने जनताहरू आन्दोलनमा पक्कै आउँछन्। (यहाँले रिसर्च गरे पनि हुन्छ: नेताहरूले कति खाएका छन् र अन्य (प्रहरी, प्रशासन, आर्मी तथा केही परिवार जस्तै राणा, थापा, शाह वा वस्नेतहरूले कति सम्पत्ति कमाए, भ्रष्टाचार गरे वा लुटेर राखे)

तर विडम्बना के भयो भने नेताहरूले न त आफ्नो कमी कमजोरीहरूको विश्लेषण गरे नत आफूहरूमाथि लगाइएको आरोपको नै सही खण्डन गरे। कर्मचारीहरूलाई आन्दोलनमा उतार्न जागिर खोसिएमा जागिर फिर्ता दिने वचन दिन्छन् यिनीहरू। यो भन्दा गैरराजनीतिक आन्दोलन वा आव्हान के हुन सक्छ, के राजनीति भोलि फेरी कर्मचारी बन्छु भनेर गर्ने हो के आन्दोलनमा साथ दिदा मेरो जागीर जान्छ तर भोलि अर्को सरकार आएमा जागीर पाइन्छ भनेर आन्दोलन गर्ने हो? के हिजो मोहनचन्द्र अधिकारी ले १९ वर्ष जेल जाने बेलामा भोलि हामीहरूको सरकार आउँछ म मन्त्री बन्न पाउँछु भनेर राजनीति गरेको हो? के गणेशमानको इच्छा त्यही थियो? वास्तवमा राजनीतिलाई राजनीतिज्ञ स्वयंले र हामीहरू जस्ता नयाँ पुस्ताले वदनाम गराएका छौ जसका कारण पार्टीका कार्यकर्ता बाहेक अन्य सर्वसाधारणले आन्दोलनमा सक्रिय भाग लिन चाहिरहेका छैनन्।

नेताहरूलाई जति गाली गरे पनि कम होला तर यसको अर्को पाटो पनि उत्तिकै गम्भीर छ। के तपाईं हामी नेता बन्न तयार छौं ? नेताहरूलाई गाली गर्दै हिड्ने हामीहरू मध्येकै कोही नेता बन्न तयार छ? हामीले क्यारीयर , जागिर, अमेरिका, वेलायत, स्वास्नी, सानो घर अनि शान्ति भन्दै हिड्ने बाहेक अन्य कुन जिम्मेवारी पुरा गर्न सकेका छौं? हामीलाई भने राम्रो जागीर चाहिने, पढ्नु पर्ने, क्यारीयर बनाउनु पर्ने। नेताहरूले भने ढुङ्गा हान्नु पर्ने तथा खानु पर्ने, जेल जानु पर्ने, पिटाइ खानु पर्ने र हामीहरूको राम्रोका लागि सोचिदिनु पर्ने। के उनीहरूको जीवन छैन? के उनीहरूको परिवार छैन। के उनीहरूले क्यारीयर नसोच्ने ? के उनीहरूले पढ्न नपाउने? भएन भनेर नेताहरूले राम्रो कपडा पनि लगाउन नहुने, उनीहरूका छोराछोरीहरूले राम्रो स्कूलमा पनि पढ्न नहुने, सानो तिनो गाडीमा हिड्न नहुने, घर बनाउन नहुने। वास्तवमा हामीहरूले के चाहेको? हो मैले बुझ्न सकेको छैन। बाजेहरूले लुटेको पैसाले नाति-पनातिहरूले मस्ति गरेको चाहिं हामीहरूले नदेख्‍ने तर केही नेताहरूले गरेको वदमासीले सारा नेताहरूलाई गाली गरेको र सारा प्रजातान्त्रिक पद्दतीलाई नै खतम पारेको कुरालाई भने आनन्दसँग स्वीकार गर्ने?

त्यसैले मेरो विचारमा नयाँ खाले भावना वा विचार नआइकन यस्तो आन्दोलनले केही हुँदैन। यहाँ नेताहरू मात्र खराव होइन हामीहरू पनि उत्तिकै खराव छौं। जसले राजनीतिसँग मेरो मतलव छैन भन्छ उसैले नेताहरूलाई गाली गरिरहेको हुन्छ। राजनीतिसँग मतलव नहुनेले राजनीतिकर्मीलाई गाली गर्ने अधिकार पनि हुँदैन। राजनीति त्यो शक्ति हो जुन शक्तिले सारा समाज र राष्ट्रलाई परिवर्तन गर्न सकिन्छ। तर राजनीति कसरी गर्ने, केका निम्ति र कसका निम्ति गर्ने भन्‍ने कुरा नै प्रमुख हो। मेरो विचारमा परिवर्तन त आउँछ तर यो पुस्ताले परिवर्तन ल्याउन सक्ला जस्तो लाग्दैन। परिवर्तनका लागि ठूलै नेतृत्व र ठूलै विचार आवश्यक छ। अहिले हेर्ने हो भने तीनवटा कुराहरू प्रष्ट छ न्। गिरीजा प्रसाद कोइराला एक मात्र नेता हुन् तर विचारक होइनन्। माओवादी र राजावादी आफ्नो उद्देश्यमा प्रष्ट छन् तर देशको जरूरत प्रजातान्त्रिक व्यवस्था हो।


  1. I agree with Deepak jee. I am also thinking the same thing that you expressed though I have not change this willingness to the reality yet. This could be my mistake. Contextually, most of the political leaders of Nepal are back-benchers and the front-benchers are always honest, industrious and talent (may not be obvious in some cases) and thus never get involved in politics. They intends to have a precious job, family so on. Most of the Engineers, Doctors, technical experts, scientists and all scholar persons have involved in some kind of job with limited scope to implement their visions in broad context and thus, they pour their mere frustration, criticism over the dirty politics. Indeed, this is not a solution. Therefore, this is time to think about the present situation of Nepal and get involved in politics for the development of nation rather to be a ‘Hanuman’ of any partis. Political partis should have developmental vision and agendas for the nation not for their parties and followers. In sum, we also responsible for the present political scenario of Nepal to some extent.

    “Mere criticism never ends into solution”

  2. if u dare to come and lead then i will be with you.
    but i doubt u will are , really…..!

    In the same time, when u are in battle field with the multiparty democracy, there are several theries been proved very practically several times that you will be frustrated by your people , your views and your opponents whenevr you arent sucessfull in your project.But here will you have patience to fight long with these unseen foes for long ..?
    so telling these seem very simple and doig it is hard like making histories but i appreciate your view that the histories are really to be made.

    i am sure if peoplelike us think these and create a groupt for the better objectives then it is really possible
    God bless you if you really dare and i committ you to be with you whenver i live

  3. hello mitraharu kina vram ma parnu va ko , raja vagne haina ,rajabadi vagne vaneko chha tyha. tyo kun naulo kura hora. pahila pani rajabadi ta vagekai hun ni.

  4. teso vanera kaha huncha sathi dipak. hami janata harule
    rat din khati khati paisa kamaune. ani hamro netajiu haru le chahi dhunga hanya var ma jail gayeji var na karodau kamaune. harek ko limit huncha k. ho khanu parcha tara limit ma k sathi. k kaso?

  5. Well,..i do agree with article but there are some views which i don’t,.. like,.. why are you only blaming nataharu,.. can you be the one and lead this nation,..of course i can,.. the important thing is i have to be given a chance,..till the time these chor natuharu in nepal,.. they will never let the other youngsters come above or near them,..and the next thing is if they becomes neta to be economically rich,.. he is not a leader,.. he’s just a damn blackmailer,.. ani aru kura kohi aru neta chaina bhandaima desh luteko lutei garna payincha?now,bhrasta.netaharu. the only thing to regain your status is go in the front of aandolan and don’t hesitate to take bullets,.. if u be the example to the nepalese people,..but if you still let he other innocent nepalese people die and imagine to be the president later on then we all nepalese people will burn you alive on the main street of ktm,…..students,..BOSTON,..USA

  6. Words don’t comes so easy ” Politic is a BAD GAME”… Tara nepal ka neta haru lai gaali garnu parne sthiti tinai neta haru le gareko bidwansa le ho… Biteka barsa ma tiniharu le aafoolai raamro neta ko roop ma dekhaeko vae saayed uniharu lai gali garne thienan hola.. Mukhle eeuta ra bebhaar le eeuta garne neta haru lai Vrasta chaar garera desh ko sampati lootne neta haru lai ani gunda giri garne neta haru lai.. gali nagarera ke pooja garne ta??? Tini neta haru lai ta sara janta ka aghadi jhundyaaunu parcha.. ra testo vrasta ra lutuwa prabidi aru neta huna chahane ra neta haru ma nahun… Kina ki raajniti ma sabai gaasieko huncha desh basi… eeuta neta ko budhhi le desh ko baato badlincha ra tehi bato ma hindu badya hunchan desh basi… Tesaile neta khali vaasan le hune hoina.. bichar ra raamro aaguwai ani doordarsi pani hunu parcha …. Ra sabai maanche neta huna pani sakdainan,.. ra jo hunchan yi gun haru tin ma hunu parcha ..tara Nepal ka neta haru praaye… khali andolan garera dunga haneka varma.. jail gaeka varma ra sojha sajha lai fakaeka var ma ra gunda gardi ko varma baneka Neta haru chan… malai raamro sanga thaha cha Sher Bahadur Deuba le gunda parichalan gareko…. Testai aru le pani gare holan.. Gunda ko var ma rajniti garne lai, ke neta vanne ra???? Teso vae nepal ko rajniti ma voli ka din ma gunda matrai hune chan.. sangat guna ko fal vanne tehi ta ho ni… Gunda ko saath rajniti ka neta sanga chan vane voli ti gunda nai neta banne vae…Ki kaso??? pahila ko (RANA, SHAHA, THAPA ETC) le lute vandai ma aba neta le lute ke vo vanne mansikta hunu vaena… Tyo bela ma lute tini haru le, tes bela uniharulai gaali garenan vandaima ahile samaye ferieko cha.. jo sukai le lute pani aba Nepali janta chup basne wala chainan… Paar-darsi ko jamana cha,.. yesbela.. vrasta neta lai gaali ta garnai paryo ni.. Gaali nagare ta ajha badi vrastachaar garchan.. Neta bannu garo cha tara.. Neta vanekai Desh ra janta ko laagi ho.. Aafno swatantra jiwan neta ma hudaina ra yedi swatantra khojchan vane testo manche neta navae kai jaati.. Jun vrastachaar garera neta le kamaeka chan ti sabai firta gari swaachhwa chabi ra adarsa neta banna ahile ka neta haru lai ma agraha garchu…. ajhai pani nepali neta haru ma buddhi palaena vane tini haru lai pakkai danda kataunu parcha ra testa neta ko thau ma yuba nepali neta haru aaune chan abasya…. Ra Dipak ji le vannu vaeko kehi bichaar raamro cha tara sabai thik vannu mildaina…. Neta ko chora chori lai bidesh mai padahaunu parcha vanne pani kehi chaina, ra Pajero mai chadnu parcha vanne pani kehi chaina.. “Simple living high thinkin” bichardhara ko neta haru ko aawasekta cha nepal ma ahile.. Neta haru raamro vae sabai chetra ma raamro hune ho.. Neta haru kamjor ra vrasta vae sabai vrasta hune hun.. yo kura sabailai chetna vaya…. Nepali janta ra Nepal jinda-baad….

  7. २०४६सालपछीका नेताहरुलाई देखेपछीपनी कोही नेता बन्न चाहला र?ठुलो प्रश्न हो यो।

  8. Raja vagne bareko web site khojnu bhanda baru raja kata bata vagne ho udera ki gudera tyo bato dhuke ramro hola hai…

  9. I agree with the article. There must be new thought and new generation to lead this movement. But i disagree that girija is the only leader. Girija is the person who is mostly responsible for this situation of nepal.74 and 36 parliament disolution. well may more.

    I did not write for many days cause Intelluct( Ajay shrestha) dont like my views.I am writing today because mr. Aryals view is similar to me.

    but I dont see any change if this movement will gain success. King will leave the country, Maoist will be legalised, new maoist will developed, again partiy leaders will start corruption. I gurrentte they will not take any action against the corrupted people because if they do so fairly almost 90% of the present leadres will have to go jail.No one put bancharo on owns foot.

    I never see any chage with this leadership.

    good luck for the aandolan. May pasupati nath give some sense to people of nepal to think about the corrupt leaders.

  10. darsan ka kura le kehi hudaina. afu lai badalna saknu parchha. nepal ma raja rahe pani gaye pani, janatantra aaye pani, ganatantra vaye pani we must have to change the current system. yeuta neta afno duno sojhauna rajniti garchha, yeuta karmachari ghus khane sapath khanchha, yeuta business man kalo bajari ko namuna banchha, taba desh ma ke hunchha.
    afno santan bidesh ma padhayera garib janata lai deshi edcation ko duhai dine le kina afno santan lai desh ma padhauna na sakne.hijo rana ra shah bansa le lut pat gareko sampati barabar ahileka le kamayeka chainan vanne le aba aune le ahileka le jati kamauna yeso aram garna pani ta nepal ra nepali lai nai lutnu paryo ni hoina ra?
    afno sampati bibaran dina na sakne harule arka ko ke khojne ani paune?
    ahile yo rajnitik jana andolan ko utsarga ma kina neta harule aguwa gari raheka chaina hamile bujhnu parchha, sayad raja le jhain safe landing ta khojeka chainan.
    aba girija , nepal, deuba, bahadur ra rana haru lai biskun banayera sukaye hunchha. agadi bada yuba ho desh timro hat ma chha, samajik, rajnitik, arthik kranti gara hami timro hat ma hat,kandh ma kandh milayera agadi badna tayar chaun.
    jaya hamro desh nepal.

  11. Should we blame Monarchy (? Genuine?), leaders (Pancha, Congress or Communist) or people (educated/un-educated) and so on for current chaos in Nepal? I think all except un-educated people but there is strong relationship in between Monarchy, leaders and educated people.
    Will this over if we have democracy with or without Monarchy? I think no until the bribery and Natabad is over. The bribery (corruption) and Natabad is everywhere in Nepal at every step you move. You might say we all know this and wondering where is the root problem also who is responsible both of these. The root cause is all (we) educated people.

    Imagine you need an official document e.g. citizenship certificate to apply a job; you might go to see your nearest municipality or district office etc. Remember how many days it took, how much extra money you have spent except from govt. charges e.g. some Rs. 100 or tea or cigarette service in order to escalate speed. I am sure most of Nepalese have such kind of experience. If you have these experiences then you are one of the educated people who had contributed bribery (no matter it is tiny or big). I am sure you might have guessed the other guilty person; of course the staff (government officer) is another educated person. You might say paying a small amount if it escalates the speed it acceptable but never forget that drops of water create the river (sea).
    So imagine how a leader become rich in a night once he/she becomes ministers? Who helped the leader to get/manage/conceal the bribe and who gave the bribe? Do you think normal voter or farmers are bribing billions of rupees? A farmer in Nepal can not contribute billions to the political leader; it might be possible in developed country like US, Japan, Britain etc. But in case of Nepal only an educated industrialist or business people contribute and educated top government officer like Sachib, Adhikrit, Subba etc help to get/manage/conceal it for leaders.

    In conclusion I have just discussed on corruption which has strong relation with Natabad, the other countries in the world including our neighbor India and China (of course they have corruption to but their leaders are contributing to develop their country) is too far ahead of us. So educated people in Nepal need to re-think for future generation of Nepalese not only own kid.

  12. DA…I aggree with u…sorry for engaging myself in such a futile discussion….I am not trying to prove anything about myself..but its ungrateful to forget how those Corrupt leaders suffered to give us a voice to speak…..we should not be irresposible for what is happening in our country…..

  13. rakesh ra bibek kina jhagada gareko yar. neta vrasta chhan nepal ma vanne kura sabai nepali lai tha vako kura ho.no more discuss ok.

  14. Bibek and Rakesh,

    Please take comments positively. Try to think positively. Why are you blaming each other and what are you guys trying to prove ? This is debate and it will always remain a debate. We shouldn’t think like what happened in the past .. Now let’s rise for new Nepal. Let’s prove the world that we are capable of doing good things. Blaming each other and poiting fingers to each other is the problem of most nepalese. Why don’t we think like “if I were you” before we speak ? We are not here to show ego. We are here to analyze the situation and act accordingly. Please guys, don’t throw bad words to each other. Afterall we are nepalese. Let’s change our thinking …. let’s change our thoughts.. You cannot say son is dishonest if his father is dishonest.

  15. News about “King can Escape” sounds too good to be true. If that would have been the case, why other news sites have not reported about it, why the king would be callling ex-PMs for consultation, why he would reveal his opinion about constitutional assembly, why Indian special envoys would be scheduled for a visit. I might be wrong to think this way. But I am doubtful. I am trying to google about this news, the only site talking about this is nepal info. Could not verify the authenticity of this information.

  16. Bibek…..I wonder at your definition of competence…..Probably you want to define it for all of us….just like gyanendra define democracy and peacr for us….have u ever thought about how children of so called corrupt and dishonest people survived when elites were grooming their “competent” children with all the black money flowing around….have u looked at your parents and forefathers objectively…Pls don’t take it as…. personal comments….have u ever thought carefully why and how u are enjoying western education and poor people in Nepal are starving even for elementary education…..I don’t support corrupt leaders but you get the leaders what u desrve. Look at yourself……and its not good for a people as competent as u to be so discourteous in your comments…….guessing about my father…..

  17. Not all people wants to be a Political leader, and also do not have the quality as well. I albeit disagree with the above argument. Once some body wants to be a political leader, then he should be ready to sacrifice some family interest. None of the Nepal’s politician have that minimum consideration. This is the reason either educated or uneducated honest or dishonest, theif docoiate, or an ordinary citizen scold to the politician. They desrve for that. If they do not like to hear such scolding then they should either quite the ambition to be a political leader or should try to change their attitudes and behaviour which would easily offend such bad alligation. These days except, Pahadi, Devendra, Sambhu, Nilamber, Mathura, Tanka karki, Balaram Banskota, Gangan, Narahari, Sankar pokharel, Lilamani, Rajendra panday, and a few Moist cadares have shown some quality to be a political leader. I would suggest to street agitators, and puiblics to bring them in the forefront of the struggle, and try them in power after this revolution.

  18. Not all people wants to be a Political leader, and also do not have the quality as well. I albeit disagree with the above argument. Once some body wants to be a political leader, then he should be ready to sacrifice some family interest. None of the Nepal’s politician have that minimum consideration. This is the reason either educated or uneducated honest or dishonest, theif docoiate, or an ordinary citizen scold to the politician. They desrve for that. If they do not like to hear such scolding then they should either quite the ambition to be a political leader or should try to change their attitudes and behaviour which would easily offend such bad alligation. These days except, Pahadi, Devendra, Sambhu, Nilamber, Mathura, Tanka karki, Balaram Banskota, Gangan, Narahari, Sankar pokharel, Rajendra panday, and a few Moist cadares have shown some quality to be a political leader. I would suggest to street agitators, and puiblics to bring them in the forefront of the struggle, and try them in power after this revolution.

  19. Regarding this article, thats the reality what he has vomited his feeling in the context of nepal. We are poor by nature not in terms of physical needs and so. I am still in doubt good things come after the full democracy we get back because as deepak said no planning and no road maps for the future what they (leaders) are going to do. Loktantra is the best system provided if people use it within its norms and values. What I believe disciple is the heart of democracy not the critism. we will have the same leaders who are most corrupted in the past, can we expect they gonna change their way of governing, i have no hope, they never realise their mistakes what they have done in the previous years, never tell the truth to the people. if we could change leaders brain by blood transfusion from someone who is good at leadership that might help.
    we need peace and not the leaders.
    Jai nepal and nepali

  20. what you think about the news? could you tell us the reality?

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    राजा कुनैपनि बेला भाग्न सक्छन-जेम्स मोरिआर्टी
    by Nepal Info on Mon 17 Apr 2006 07:13 PM CEST | Permanent Link | Cosmos
    King can escape at any time-US Embassador

    के अब राजा भाग्ने सुरमै हुन त? आमेरिकीराजदूत जेम्स मोरिआर्टीको भनाइले त्यस्तै सङ्केत गरेको छ। सिएन एन का लागि हाल नेपालबाट रिपोर्टिङ गरिरहेका पत्रकार सतिन्द्र बिन्दाले हिजो बेलुका राजदूत मोरिआर्टिलाई राजासङ्गको भेटका बारेमा प्रश्न गर्दा मोरिआर्टीले राजा कुनैपनि बेला हेलिकप्टरबाट भाग्न सक्ने बताए। मोरिआर्टीको यो भनाइले आज राजधानीमा दिनभरि बिभिन्न अड्कलबाजीहरु चलीरहेका छन।
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  21. This is for Rakesh, only probable competent son of the dishonest leader. I should mention here his father as a dishonest leader because I have mentioned in my 1st comment some words,”except few leaders” which I had meant for good leaders. Those who have a family background derived from honesty, of course they must have a good skill and competency. But why Mr. Rakesh, you could not analyse my simple comment in a right way? Is this your competency? If this is so, you have failed already. Let’s not talk more about those currupt leader full of with nepotism.

    So Rakesh, do not feel that you are competent and do not feel proud of your dishonest father.

    Bibek Sharma, Iceland

  22. Its for Bibek…I completely disggree…..that son of those who are in politics are incompetent….I am one of them…..and I bet I am competent…..so you can not generalize it.

  23. dipakji ko bislesan ati gahan chha tara neta haru jaba sthapit hunchha janapriya hunchhan imandarhunchhan taba pujaniya yabam itihas purush pani banchhan ani dobato ma murti bhaera pathya pustak ma path banera bidyarthi ko jibroma bachna pani pauchhan ni hami jastale dukhasukha garera payeko bhanda dherai badhi payera.

  24. Lekh ta thikai ho tara janatale neta lai kina gali gare vanera bujhnu parchha jasto lagchh malai.Neta afai neta hudaina , Neta janata le banauchha .Jaba neta neta banyo usle tehi janata lai dhoka dio. Neta afule sabai sampati lut garyo janatalai dhoka dio.Neta lai ghar chainchha sacho ho. Tara neta lai alisan mahal chaidaina tyo pani tetikai sacho ho.Feri jo alisan mahal banaune asa garchha tesle des ra janata ko bastabik awasthanai bujheko chhaina.Neta lai gadi chainchha thik ho tara netalai mahango pajero gadinai chahinchha tyo chai kati pani nasuhaune kura ho.Neta ka chhora chhori le padnu pani parchha tara neta ka chhora chhorile mahango school ma padna lai janata ko sampati lut garna paidaina. Rajniti kasile bujhos ya nabujhos matlab tyo sanga haina. Mukhya kura tyha lut chha , tyha sara janata ko sampati ma simit manchhe haruko hali muhali chha ra , tyo sampati neta harule nai (ya tiniharuka bivinna nam ka afanata le khaeka chhan).Neta banna garo chhaina, tara janata ko bastabik neta banna teti sajilo haina.Neta haru le neta matra haina bastabik neta bannu parchha.Paisa kamauna lai neta banne pani haina.Sukhi jiban ra pajero ko lagi neta banne pani haina.Sukhi jiban ra paisa chaine ho vane rajniti haina business garnu parchha. Haina vane rajyale neta ko lagi jati chhutyako chha, wa jati chhutyaunu parne ho ( desko awastha herera) teti ma chitta bujhaunu parchha.Janata le neta lai gali gareka hainan tiniharuko khrab charitra le garda sabai barbad huna lagyo vaneka matra hun.Yaha jarnel karnel wa samanta harule pani ta barbad garekai hun ni vanera chitta bujhaunu vaneko feri arko jarnel lai manyata dinu matra ho.Janta neta lai gali garchhn kinaki neta haru le badmasi nagardie hunthyo vanera uniharu chhanchhan. tesaile hamro gali Netalai haina netako vrasta charitra lai ho.Sabai netalai jantale gali gareka chhainan, testalia matra gali gareka chhan jasle sabaikisimka harkat garera sampati jodeka chhan pustau pustalai. Afnai yug ko afnai sathi khna napaera , kam napaera bides ma vari bokna gairaheko chha uta neta afulai matra navaera afna kayou pustalai sampati jamma garera baseko chha.Kalikot ma vok mari parchh neta lai matlab chhaina tara uslai usko nati natini ko chinta chha jo janmekai chhainan.Mitra ho bastabik kura bujhau.Gali netalai haina, netako buddilai gareko ho.kahi maile yo man ma aako kura esai lekhe edit garera padnu hola hai ta. naramro lage eso comment lekhdinu hola.

  25. how ever you say there is no coment.This is really suation happened in Nepal and overall and this is a talk overall.Think my self we know everthing or we dont anything.We really thinging bout it.

  26. I absolutely support his views. Let’s promise to change ourselves, our thinking and not repeat them in future. Let’s be responsible citizen.

  27. Deepak ji, you are not right in the context of Nepal. Have u ever thought that why these people are using so many bad words to those leaders? Have u ever tried to reach to their previous and recent status? I still remember, when I was studying in class 8, Modanath Prasrit was in our school. He had talked about the politics, communism and the classless society for the development of the country. But Have u seen his house in Kathmandu? Is this house possible for you and me? But how did it become possible to a leader who represents the classless society? How Nepalese leader are becoming so wealthy in the short period, have u ever analysed these? In the context of Nepal, wxcept few leaders, all the leaders are millionaire,which has resulted them being currupt, dishonest, goons and etc. I have never found any sons or daughters of those leaders being competent to any field but they are the first to get the government job inside Nepal. Have u ever thought that why the brain drain rate of Nepal is so high? These are all because of these leaders.

    Bibek Sharma, Iceland

  28. मलाई यो विचार पढेर चित्त ब’झ्यो । ह’नपनि हाम्रो देशका जनता धनी भएर पनि हामी गरिव देशको जनता भनिन’ परेको छ । धेरै सम्पत्ति ह’नेहरुले विदेशमा लगानी गर्छन् अनि नेपालमा चाहिँ विदेशी लगानीकर्ता आउँछ अनि हामीलाई नोकर बनाएर जान्छ । त्यस्तै नेताहरु सबैको प्रतिनिधित्व गरेर सत्तामा प’ग्छ र पछि किन र कसरी त्यहाँ प’गेको भन्ने विर्सर्ेेआफ्ने परिवार र आफन्तलाई मात्र सम्झन प’ग्छ । ह’न पनि यि नेताहरु -सबै पार्टर्ीी) ले हाम्रो सरकार आएपनि तिमीहरुलाई नोकरी दिन्छ′ अनि पहिलेको पार्टर्ीीेलाई निकाल्छौं भन्छन् अनि अन’भवीलाई निकालेर काँचो मान्छे राखेर काम गर्राई हामी प्रजातान्त्रिक अभ्यास गर्दैछौं भन्छ नेता । यत्रो दश बाह्र बर्षसम्म पनि प्रजातन्त्र सानै छ यसले गति लिन सकेको छैन भन्ने बाहनामा आफ्नो कर्’र्सर्ीीताई राखे नेताले । अर्को तर्फआफ्नो परिवेश नस’हाउँदो राजनिति गर्दैछ नेताहरु अन्य म’ल’कका नेताले कसरी सफलता पाए भनेर किताव हेरी हेरी तर हामी क’न धरातलमा छौ र हाम्रो क्षमता के छ र स्रोतको उपलब्धता के छ चाहिँ हर्ेर्ने फर्’सद छैन यिनीहरुलाई । जे होस् सद्ब’द्धि देओस् नेतालाई नयाँ बर्षे ।

  29. Pradip Aryal ji ko sochai aati ramro ho.Safal jiwan banaunu chahane wa swachcha chabi ko Leader hunu chahane le sarba pratham “Gau banaunuko lagi aafno pariwar lai birsanu parcha ra Rastra banaunu ko lagi aafu lai nai birsanu saknu parcha”.Janataharu prati tyag ra balidan dine neta haru lai sarkar le nai uchit mulyankan garera gaas,bas.kapas ko byawastha garema neta haru byaktigat lobh prati alik kom akarsit hunchan.Aau sathiharu ho ‘Pradip ji’ le bhannu bhaye jhai hami aafai pani Rastrako eak honahar neta banne jamarko garuhai…

  30. I appreciate the feelings of Deepakji. But you should know that Democracy is best political system because you have right to citisize. People are in the street, they are ready take bullets for democracy because they have right to criticize-freedom of speech. In the past days people were criticizing GP Koiral, Madhav Nepal but today they(people) are sacrificing on their(leaders)one call. It was prohibited to criticize the king, we knew very little about the corruption of Rana, Shaha (ruling class. But today people are not making any effort to save them rather they are happy to sacrifice on the call of those for whom they were critical. Hence “criticism” is the beauty of demcracy. Finally I appreciate your sentiment.

  31. you are absolutely right…we, the educated young people are morally corrupt as a class…..we never think how children of politicians suffered in panchayat era when our parents were making money by hook or by krook…and moreover it is the educated class who made those politicians corrpt

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