आउँदैछ- प्रचण्डको प्रत्यक्ष अन्तर्वार्ता

अपडेट (1012): एडिटिङ सकिसकेको अवस्थामा बत्ती गएकोले सबै मेहनत खेर गयो। अहिले फेरि एडिटिङ सकाएर अपलोड गर्दैछु। अबको १५ मिनेटमा तपाईँले अन्तर्वार्ता सुन्न पाउनु हुनेछ।

नेपाल कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी (माअ‍ोवादी) का अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डसित गरिएको प्रत्यक्ष टेलिफोन अन्तर्वार्ता Exclusive रुपमा मेरो संसारमा अहिले केही घण्टापछि प्रस्तुत हुँदैछ। कृपया प्रतीक्षा गर्नुहोला। केही घण्टामा नै अन्तर्वार्ताको अडियो ब्लग र पहिले अप्रकाशित केही तस्वीरहरुका साथ प्रस्तुत हुनेछ। अन्तर्वार्तामा समसामयिक राजनीतिका विषयमा र आफू सार्वजनिक हुने भनी हाल भइरहेको चर्चाका विषयमा उहाँले स्पष्ट पार्नुभएको छ।


  1. Parchanda ko jabaf chahhiyo,Ti Nirdos jo timro janasana lay matra ris ibi sadhhna personal dusmani nikalna manchay marya tinko pariwar laee kay bhanera mafi magney.At lasst good luck for naya Nepal.Pls stop Byakti Hatya and Hinsa pls come aahinsabad and come to rule New nepal with people vote you are welcome hartly to develop our country as 21 century .

  2. thanks many more umeshji
    Actually , i had waited that day , which day is coming very soon. so i am really glad now.and also i would like to welcome Mr prachanda.
    From Japan

  3. Thankyou umeshji
    Glad to see the news. IN fact,it was need((interview of prachanda) to know about facts. I m fond of listening the interview.

    From JAPAN

  4. thankyou very much umeshji
    Actually , i had waited for listning the Prachanda`s Interview, As a result ,It is going to be success very soon. so i am really glad now.

  5. महरा जि को बिग्यप्ति पढ्दा खुशी लाग्यो तर अब आफ्नो भन्दा फरक बिचार राख्दा र आलोचना गर्दा पनि कारबही नगर्ने पर्तिबदत्ता गर्नु पर्‍यो । माओवादी को सबै भन्दा नराम्रो पक्ष आफ्नो बिचार मा आशाहमत हुनेहरु लाई मार्नु हो अब पनि यो परकृया नरोक्ने हो भनि जनता माझ उनिहरु अबश्य् पनि उनिहरु अलोकप्रिय हुन्छन र जनता बाट नगिन्दै जान्छन । यो जनता को अबाज हो समय मै चेत्नु जरुरी छ ।

  6. i am desperately waiting of interview of comrade prachnda.

    हे भगवान ! यो कमेन्ट गर्नेहरुले जिस्केको कि साँच्चै थाहा नपाएको ? कतिवटा यस्ता कमेन्ट डिलिट गरिसकेँ। तर पनि आएको आयै। ए बाबा, इन्टरभ्यु अपलोड गरेको २४ घण्टाभन्दा बढी भइसक्दा पनि ….. इन्टरभ्यु यो भन्दा माथिको अर्कै ब्लग पोस्टमा अपलोड भइसकेको छ। यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस्।

  7. Salute to those who devoted their lives to get nepali freedom from 2-century feudal-Looter SHAHa Dynasty.Its the parliamentarian parties who are also responsible besides the Killer KING to make this peoples freedom delayed. They were remained reluctant to accept the people’s aspiration “the constituent assembly” simply lamenting it was the Moaist agenda. However, at last all parties have realized the common peoples aspiartion.
    Great Party CPNM MAOSIT has done much more to reach at this point of political achievment.Everybody should understand those killed within last 10 years are about 80% are by Roal Army.JANATA KO TAX RA COUNTRY KO LOAN MA BANCHEKO ARMYLIA POEPLE PARTI ACCOUNTABLE BANAUNE BELA AYAKO CHHA.

  8. Hi Kailaji,
    I could not understand why u r wondering just seeing maiost news in media .There is nothing to be wondering .Have u seen any miracles ?It’s rediculous !

    Another rediculus point i want to point out is that u have opted autocratic regime than Ganatantra .Ha Ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaa…… rediculous . Sufering from communist phobia …………

    I read the comment sent by Mr. Kaila .I strongly disagree Mr. Kaila’s comment .I don’t understand why he is afraiding from communist .I think u r suffering from communist phobia .Should the newspaper and media not flash out the maiost news?I think u have not understood the situation correctly . U should be positive .Just thinking in a negative way and doubting over the others do not make any sense . Be positive .There is hope of turning country into peaceful Nepal .

    As far as your comment regarding the communists are folowing decade old principle of Mao, what i want to say you is that they have not exactly copying but they have modified according to Nepal’s situation .In fact ,they are dynamic and trying to amend according to the circumstances keeping the hardcore principle intact .
    Don’t forget Mr Kailaji, Maiost has played greater role to make this present Jana Andolan a grand success.

    Be positive and positive minded .It’s not good just making bad comments and doubting.

    We people who want peace and progress in our country have ,this time,great hope that we will be able to establish LOK Ganatantra in our country .Charismatic leader, comrade Prachanda will lead the country .

    Loktantra Jindabad!

    All nepalies who wnat peace in the country.

  9. होईन आँखा टट्टाइसके कति बेला अप लोड गर्ने भनेको ?

  10. Gopal ji,
    I doubt that U have understood what peace means. How u define peace thats ur choice but in general peace is the heart of democracy. Take ur time and analyse carefully before u say sth to avoid sth unwanted that can land on ur shoulder.

    We had democracy for almost 14 years but it was only in name not in action. I can see now the same face ruling the country. I don’t know if they have gone blood transfusion before they got on power that might help them to think or act different so far I have not heard anything about that.

    So, hope is very little but should not be hurried time will open its action in the right time. we came from jungle we had no democracy initially. Democractic system is the ideal system in this world if we follow the norms and principles of it otherwise its like barking dog.

    jai nepal and corruption free nepal!

  11. उमेश जी
    प्रचार साच्चै छिटो गर्नु भो ,हाम्रो काम मा नै ब्यबधान
    आउने गरेर

  12. महाराज के पि जि, म २१ शताब्दी को हैन २२ शताब्दी को नेपाल लाइ हेरी रहेको छु, १८ शताब्दी को त कुरै नगरौ
    प्रचन्ड र बाबुराम पनि पावर मा गएपछी बदनाम हुन थाली हाल्छन्, त्यस्मा कुनै शन्का छैन्, किनकी, प्रचन्ड ले मन्त्री वा राष्ट्रपतिजे हुन्क्च तेस्को गाडी चाडन थाले पछी ना ना शन्का उप शन्का गर्दै मान्छे हरु ले घुस् खाएको आफ्न नाता लाइ मात्र उकास्ने भनेर गाली खान थाली हाल्छन
    तर माओ बादी ले भने जस्तो सरकार आयो भने यो पत्रीका सत्री का सब बन्द हुन्छ्, सब मान्छे का मुख मा र चाक मा कहिले नखुल्ने ताल्च लाग्छन्, अनि कम्युनिस्त आर्मी भनेको के रहेच नेपाली जनता ले राम्रो सँग भोग्चन । हुनता नजिकै बर्मा मा वा चाइना मा मात्र हेरेपनी पुग्नु पर्ने हो ।
    तेसैले ब्य क्ति ब दल्दै मा केही हुने होईन, राधाकृष्ण मैनाली हेरे पुगिहाल्च्, कसरी झापा को नक्स्लाइद मान्छे ज्ञानेको चाक डर हुन पुग्यो, यस्तो ब्य
    त्यसैले हाम्रो ब्यबस्था यस्तो हुनु पर्‍यो कि जनता ले भोट हालेर सरकार बनाउन पाउन्, माओवादी को कम्युनिस्त सरकार आयो भने भोट भन्ने शब्द नै रहदैन, सैनिक को बन्दुक ले शाशन गर्च्, नेपाल बिशौ बर्ष को लागि गहिरो खादल मा पर्च्, तेसैले, अब, यो ज्ञाने र एस्को मन्दली लाइ घोक्र्याइ सके पछी पूर्ण बहु दलिएए ब्यबस्था ल्याउनु पर्च र पूर्ण जनता को शाशन मा जानु पर्छ
    जय देस् जय नेपाली जनता
    ज्ञाने चोर, त कताइ न भाग , त सँग जनता को काम छ
    पितर गिरी, कमले गुन्दो, सिरिसे (त लाइ काल आएर जागिर खान गाको ?)
    अर्ध पागल पारसे, टन्के, बद्री मन्दल चोर यि सबै लाइ एउटाइ खाल्ता मा हालेर पुरी दिनु पर्च्, अनि मात्र न्याएए हुन्छ

    जय देस् जय नेपाली जनता

  13. Dear Mr Umesh ji Sorry ! I always forgot to say thank you. You are doing good.
    I live out of Nepal.I know Nepal’s news time to from mysansar. Thanks a lot.
    I am waiting Mr PARCHANDA’S INTERVIEV- If you can add it fast.
    Thanks once again.

    MR KP

  14. ए हो र जीवनजी, म कहिलेकाही ओसाने जान्थे सोपिङ गर्न । म हाल नेपालमा छु । पढेको चाहि बर्गेन university बाट हो ।

    [email protected]

  15. Dear Mr. Prachanda,

    I’ve a small thought about the people who were suffered from your prachanda Path’s inhumane atrocities. Have you ever thought about those innocent people who were totoured and kiiled by your cadres and also those left behind them. The helpless underage uneducated girls and widowed women who were and are getting raped everday by your filthy cadres.
    Even if your government comes they’ll form a party called an Anti-Maobadi-Group to destroy all current Vicious Killer Maobadis. Plz forward this email to Mr. Prachanda. At last can you please state that your path resembles the same as we Nepalese suffered by so called Gyane or more dreadful than that.

    An honest Nepali

  16. उमेश भाई ,प्रतिकृया को लागि धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद । अब हामी मजाले कुर्छो ।

  17. Umesh ji Its really not good.if u have any technical problems then u should promise us.Anyway we r waiting ur updating news from nepal and breaking news too.
    Umesh ji not me whole world also waiting.
    bye umesh ji!!!!!
    take care!!!!

  18. I was wondering why the Maoists are using the media so hastily to forward their aim. I might be wrong but it looks bizzare. It seems that they are manipulating the media nowadays.
    The media, as always being news-hunger, is after their news. And, the news ranges from a shit to good ones. I smell rat in this strategy. I was browsing through most of the sites, both blog and news, all are filled with news from Maoists. I fear communism would envelop Nepal and make us more worse than the freaking autocrat made us.
    I always doubt communism not because they are undemocratic but because they tend to become undemocratic after getting the lust of power. Watch V for Vendetta (by no means this is a yardstick to doubt the intention of the communists)…
    The Maoists are using an outdated strategy of Mao to further their aims. Look at Baburam and Prachanda’s statements. They say one thing in the national media and another in the foreign media in the same topic. Look at the difference between the interviews given in Kantipur and BBC news. It is ironic that they do not have a unifying theme to argue about. All they have in unity is criticism of the so-called “US imperialism”, which given the international power and politics dynamics is a hypothetical idea, though it has only an iota of truth.
    By watching and listening to these Maoists news lets be aware of their intentions or not, which is yet to be known. Lets not full hearteldy accept their saying, which are mostly propogands. I doubt the Maoists’ leadership intention. And, I feel that everyone should doubt at this moment so that they become more clearer in the days to come. Else, they will take advantage of our doubt (like the autocrat did).

  19. prachanda ra baburam roeko tasbir dekhna paiyo.yo rune ruwaune haru ko buddi fireko rahechha ki bhaner antarbata kurera basdai chhu. thanks

  20. Jun jogi aaye pani Kanai chireko bhanne ta thahai cha. Prachandale pani kehi garla bhanne asha chaina. Tyatra Nepaliko Jyan line toliko naike bat k asha garnu.

  21. Have patience friends. Take one step at a time.Give credit to Umesh Bhai for bringing up the news instead of rushing him. Umesh Bhai take your time. We all can wait. No problem at all.

  22. “Nepali” on above comment

    Nepali U go back to “Panchayat Era” …was not there peace ?? and people keep blaming CPN(M)..dont you know RNA under king has killed more ..can u count on that ?? out of that 13,000 lives RNA has killed almost 80 percent, they just kill without any ingestigation ..blaming /levelling everyone “Terroist” ..

    Gopal from Riyadh

  23. पर्खिन सक्ने स्थिती पनि छैन अब । उमेश भाई किन बिहान न्युज सुनाएर बेलुका मात्र upload गर्ने काम गर्या ?

  24. सुतौ साथीहरु !! सबैको अन्तर्वाता उस्तै हो। केहि नया हुनेवाला छैन।

  25. सन्जीवजी
    म फेन्टप होइन ओसाने भन्ने ठाउँमा वस्छ् । म विधार्थी होइन् यहाँ काम गर्दैछ् हाल तपाई कहाँ हुनुहुन्छ ?

    वर्गेन नर्वे

  26. I am not that much excited to listen his interview because he is responsible for killing of thousands of innocent people of our country. They have never touch even a single corrupted leaders from SPA do you know friend why? because his party has been getting donations from them. So I have no faith on these leaders who still fight for powers. In maoist party also we heard struggle for power principle hindering strongly recently.

    Lets see and hope for the better nepal. I don’t care who is ruling Nepal I just want peace.

    jai Nepal and corruption free Nepal!!!

  27. अब उमेशलाइ गाली गर्छु॥

    हगाइ भन्दा पदाई ठूलो ॥ माम्पाखा, अन्तर्वार्ता अपलोड गर्दैछु भनेर किन फुर्ति लाउनु परेको ? “छिटो चाहियो” भन्ने कमेण्ट हेर्ने रहर छ? छ भने भन, म हजारवटा कमेण्ट हाल्दिउँला ।

    खुरुखुरु आफ्नो सूरमा फुर्तिसुर्ति नलाइकन अपडेट गरेकै राम्रो नि ॥ यसैपनि मेरो लागि तिमि त नेपाली ब्लगको बादशाह नै हो, तिमिले दिने ब्रेकिन्ग न्यूज र टपिक्सहरुको सबैले तारीफ गरेकै छन। अनावश्यक रुपमा गाली खाने काम किन गरेको?


    I sew comment by Mr Pujari . What are you saying about Mr PARCHANDA ?
    Mr PUJARI ARE YOU IN 18TH CENTURY ? Dont talk like this crazy style ok.Nepali everybody prying GOD and we know Culture well. Mr Parchanda is not Nepali ? Sure he is 100% Nepali.
    Dont you know ? If Mr Parchanda+Baburam+MAOIST did not DO it. where comes Loktantra-Gadatantra.
    We know well Congress and Uml always out of Ringroad only. King kicked them many times.
    If Maoist did not help 7PARTIES where comes LOKTANTRA-
    I wish you in the future Mr PARCHANDA WILL BE PRESIDENT OF NEPAL.

    MR KP

  29. हेल्लो उमेश् जि
    तपाइले धेरै काम् गर्नु हुन्छ जुन् हमिलाई आरु वेब् बात हेर्न गार्‍हो हुन्थ्यो। ल ल येस्तै काम् हरु गर्दै जानु

  30. Hey Guys
    Umesh bro is editting that enterview audio (phone line disturbance out from the audio). I am online with him on MSN.. and while he was about to finish the Power went off… now hes currently working keep waitting guys .

    Gopal from Riyadh

  31. मान्छेमारा रावणको गफ सुन्न धैर्य गरेको निक्कै भयो नि उमेशजी, हुनत त तपायी शायद एही audio को लागि नै ब्यस्त हुनु हुन्छ होला ।

  32. पाल्ली पाल्ली (कोरीयन भाषा मा चाडो चाडो भनेको)

  33. अझै कति कुर्ने हौ? कोरियामा १२:२८ भईसक्यो। अझै घन्टौ लाग्ने भए सुत्न जाओ भन्नुस बरु। हुनत नेपालबाट अपलोड गर्नपनि समय लाग्छ। कुर्दै छम।।।।।।

  34. Dear Prachnda

    Having seen the performance of SPA in last 14 years, I request you for not trusting these boggers. Yesterday, Deuba was talking about prosperous Nepal after your party come to negotiaiton. But do not forget that Deuba is the one who put bounty on your head. One of his minister Devendra Kandel said that bring Maoist Head and take back 25 lacs. Now these boggers try to pretend helping you. Never trust them. What you have achieved so far is because of your hardwork and commitment. The bright future of Nepal is only depend on your visonary leadership. Your party alone is sufficient to lead Nepal in 21 century. I am fully confident that you will be in power in next one year.
    All the best

  35. hello Umesh ji
    Yo loktantrik andolan ko samaya ma tapai le euta sachet patrakar ko bhanda pani badhi kam garera bidesh ma bhivina kam ra paristhitibas basne nepali haru lai minute minute ma suchana ko prabaha garnu bhko ma at first loktantrik abhivadhan cha
    Malai lagcha sayasd patrkarita ma tapai ko bisesh jod cha ra interst hun sakcha tasarth tapai le aab loktantra ma tapai le afno bhumika bat des la ke contribution din sakincha sochne ki ?
    Aaj IT park ko naam ma mandale ko hali muhali le garda tyo diwasapana bhairaheko cha,Tasaeth mero personnel opnion ma teslai Computer janne haru le ujagar garnu parch
    AAj nepal kantipur publication ko kin Uccha samman ra Mahatawa cha ?Tyo nai useko sabhanda thulo kamai ho.Lagatar democrocy ko line ma Publication le kasai sag compromised gaedain ani sasan lai thik place ma liyena ko lagi kunai bela girija prasad koirala ko katu alochak kantipur nai thio bhane aaj ko girija prasad ko reinstatement of parliament ko abhiyan lai 40% sahog garne pani uhi nai cha.Kantipur ko lokpriyita ra useko line lai aaj sabai nepali le man paryeko chan
    U euta prinicple liyera hideko cha
    Tastai tapai jasto sachet manche haru le pani democracy ko line ma lekhna suru garnu bhako cha ra yeslai nirintarata dinu nai sabhai bhanda mahatawapurna huncha ?Sagsagi tapai ko bhumika le yadi kunai sector ma kehi pani ko thopa le garo bharincha bhane awashya pani tapai pachi hatu hunna bhanne lagcha ra tyo khoji ko surwat garne samaya bhasakeko chaina ra ?

  36. Wow ! Really ? comred prachnda kai ho ? asti bbc ma pani maldaile sagarmatha fm banda gari diyera suunna paiyena….aaja unko tazzzza bichar sunna paine bho!!!
    ajhaaa…. ma ta comred ko caricature sikna hatar ma chhu, but his caricature will be with pssitive attitude.
    sanchi…..ma ta satya yogma nai rahechhu ni….tapainko yetro lokpriya blog ta maile chhutayeko po rahechhu. malai thaha thiyena, USA bata Chirakaji jee le bhanera po thaha lagyo.
    Keep it up.

  37. Interestingly waiting answers from serial killer prachanda. Though he things he can clean some people to bring absolute communism, he can never bring that because power of people is more strength than power of gun.

  38. dear umesh ji // khai mata wait garda garda thakinai sake bhanya kati bela auchha prachanda ji ko interview??? plz do fast ..

  39. यो धर्म कर्म नेपाली सन्कृती नमान्ने ले किन टिका लगाको, किन माला पहिरेको ? माओ ले त टिका लगाउनु, फुल को माला पहिरनु भनेका छैनन
    म हत्या हिन्शा को मार्ग को वीरओधी हो, त्यसैले भाइ मारा ज्ञाने र अर्ध पागल पारसे लाइ घृना गर्छु तर माओ बादी का धेरै कुरा ठीक लागे पनि “माओ” शब्द र हिन्शा को मार्ग को वीरओधी हु । अस्ती को १९ दिन ले साबित गरिदियो कि १० बर्षा बर्ष को हिन्शा निरर्थक रहेछ्, अहिन्शा को मार्ग त्यती शक्तिशाली हुँदो रहेछ्, यो कुरो यो प्रचन्ड र बाबुरामले समय मै बुझी दिएर अहिन्शाको मार्ग बात जनता लाइ हात लिएको भए कहिले नै यो ज्ञाने ले आत्म समर्पन गर्नु पर्थ्यो
    यि हाम्रो मन्दिर फुताउदै देस् को सन्कृती नाश गर्दै हिंड्ने लाइ किन फेरी फुल टिका को धोङ चाँहीयो ?
    राजा कुलङार्, जो हिन्दू होईन, जो हिन्दू धर्म नाशअक हो पनि तेसै गर्छ, हाम्रो धर्म मा जे पनि गर्न छुत छ

  40. khai ta bro,
    time dherai lagyo ni.hudai cha ho?
    hope chadai huncha hola.
    ok man. waiting here for prachanda.

  41. What kind of photo of this is? He is the one who killed thousands and thousands of innocent people, most of them in a barbaric way. There is newspaper reports that Maoist dig hole and buried people alive, cut their hands or tongue, or killed parents in front of their children, cut people’s skins and put salt and pepper all in the name of his hollow Maoism.

    Make sure you ask those questions to him and let’s know his answer.
    He is here whole bunch of flower acting like god!

  42. Thanks Umeshji,

    Welcome Comrede Prachanda. The country is really needing your guide.

    Umeshji Launa Thila nagarnus.

  43. We are eagerly waiting for that interview. All the people are waiting for peace so be liberal and think about the future of country and people. So, now let’s stop war …….

  44. thanks you alot for information u
    mesh jii
    i am waiting ……………..

    laxmi from korea

  45. hello bhai
    la na chhitto garnu na hai ? yo antarwarta sunna ma pani nikai hatar ma chhu.
    bikram bhattarai

  46. बिचरा उमेश पनि छिटो गर्नु भनेर त लागेको होला नि । सबै लाइ समचार छिटो चाइन्छ। यसो सहयोग गरौ भन्ने कुरा त छैन । तपाइ हरु पनि सहयोग गर्नुस अवश्य पनि उमेश ले छिटो मात्र होइन धेरै छिटो र धेरै समचार तपाइ समक्ष प्रस्तुत गर्ने छन ।

  47. This guy has a twisted mind with a pre-historic vision of a one- party Communist rule, which will do nothing but destroy Nepal. And, Umesh ji you are giving too much importance to these Maos. Be aware!!

  48. उमेश जी तपाईं को काम साह्रै राम्रो छ । तर ति माओवादी को भार भुरे नेता को अन्तर्वाता र बन्दुक बोकेको फोटो नराख्नु नै सल्लाहा दिन चाहन्चु यस पटक को जन आन्दोलन ले के देखौन्छ भने सशास्त्र आन्दोलन भन्दा शान्ति पूर्ण आन्दोलन नै प्रभावकारी हुन्छ । माओवादी को १० बर्षे हिन्सा पूर्ण आन्दोलन ले गर्न नसकेको काम २० दिन को शान्ति पूर्ण आन्दोलन ले गरेर देखै दियो । यो कुरा माओवादी ले राम्ररी बुझे हुन्छ ।

  49. I hope there is no alternation without peacetalk ……so better to believe people not armed forced……RNA and Gyanendar became failure to use weapons.

  50. well,yo ta ramrai kura ho uha sabai ko agadi visual hune. heru aba nepal ko paresthiti ma kati samma ko sudhar auncha, ra yauta sampana nepal bandacha………………..

  51. hello umesh ji nepali ko 1minute ko matlab kam na bhaya samma bhaneko thaha thiyo,aja tyo sabit bhayo.kurda kurda hongkong ma ta sutne bela pani bhayo.anyway thans a lot for waiting.

    kowloon hongkong(SAR)

  52. Thankyou comrade Umesh. I know you don’t publish my comments but still I can’t stop myself and thankyou for the wonderful job you are doing for the New Nepal. We are eagerly waiting for our great great leader Prachanda to speak on the telephone. This is just the beginning comrade Umesh. We shouldn’t stop until we have a great monuments of comrade Prachanda in Newroad replacing that Juddasamsher. Until then we will not stop the propoganda, and we thankyou from the core of our hearts for helping us in this people’s war. Lal salam !

  53. बर्गेनको जीवनजी,

    तपाई फान्टफ बस्ने हो ? म पनि बर्गेन पढेको नि ।

  54. umesh ji BBC nepali sewa baje pachhi dine ho kya ho…kina dhila gareko ta………chadai garnu paryo ni

  55. Dear Umesh Jee!

    Thank you for your great job but we want to see Vedio Interview if possible. But that Audio also ok.We are waiting it since long time.


  56. Good to know that you are coming with Prachanda’s interview. Did you dare to ask him how does he justify all these inhuman acts of Maoists? We hope that he doesnot become yet another money making machine like Girija, Makune and so many other socalled leaders. We would like to wish him all the best. What about the GENIUS Baburam? Will Nepal one day get good fruit of his great brain.

  57. I think you are giving too much weight to this guy who is committed to destroy this country.

  58. Umesh jee thats certainly a better idea.
    Lets see what are their views .
    Anyway he should come with an end to all the nonsense they are comitting in Nepal.

  59. Welcome to comrade Prachanda for going to be public very soon among general Nepalese ! So far u r the man of mystery for all the genaral people in Nepal and all over the world .We people are eagerly awaiting you to see in public. Hope you will come up with smart mission and vision to make this beautiful Nepal ,the peaceful country of the world .We hope your charismatic and strong leadership will lead you one day in the power through peaceful democratic process.


  60. अस्ति उहाहरु ले बारा मा दोहोरयाउनु भएको तालिबानी शैली को बारबारिज्म र त्येस्तै हज्जारौ नरसम्हार् हरु को बारेमा उहा सङ्ग के स्पष्टिकरण छ? ब्यग्रतापुर्बक पर्खिरहेको छु ।

    इन्द्र क्षेत्री “पकवान्”
    लुवेन ,बेल्जियम ।

  61. Umeshjee,

    If it is taking time to upload, then please could you mind to say approximate time. I am unable to concenetrate on my work, if you give the approximate time, it would be better for me (us?).

    Bergen, Norway

  62. lou ta umesh ji,

    Jhyappa upload gari ahlu.

    Suni halu na ta comrade ko interview.

    Jaya Nepal, Jaya Ganatantra

  63. I am waiting for that interview. Interested to listen his views about current developements in Nepal.

    lekhnath kafle
    taipei, taiwan

  64. Its great to see the leader like prachanda, he is in the way succeding to achieve his goal. I feel great to know that he left home in 2047 to create nawanepal. I hope that he will be unlike the leaders girija and madhav who are always fighting for the chairs.

  65. लौ न नी हो कित वेर पर्खाएको हो उमेशजीले ।


  66. I am very much eager to listen the live interview with Com Prachand( future of Nepal). Pls come soon…….


    from Norway

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