सरकारको पनि युध्दविराम, आतंककfरी बिल्ला हटाइयो

अडियो ब्लगः मन्त्रिपरिषद्को निर्णयका बारेमा जानकारी दिँदै उपप्रम केपी अ‍ोली र मन्त्री गोपालमान श्रेष्ठ। सुन्नुस्। डाउनलोड गर्नुस्।

अडियो ब्लगः मन्त्री प्रभुनारायण चौधरी निर्णयका बारेमा जानकारी गराउँदै। सुन्नुस्। डाउनलोड गर्नुस्।

अडियो ब्लगः मन्त्री महन्थ ठाकुर र रामशरण महत के भन्नुहुन्छ ? सुन्नुस्। डाउनलोड गर्नुस्।
[अडियोका लागि साथी मणि दाहाललाई धन्यवाद]

अपडेट (साँझ ६५०): मन्त्रिपरिषद्को अहिले भर्खर सकिएको बैठकले युध्दविरामको घोषणा गर्दै वार्तामा आउन माअ‍ोवादीलाई आह्वान गरेको छ। त्यसैगरी सरकारले माअ‍ोवादीमाथि लगाइँदै आएको आतंककारी बिल्ला र रेडकर्नर नोटिस पनि हटाउने निर्णय गरेको छ। वार्ता टोली चाहिँ गठन भइसकेको छैन। त्यसैगरी, सरकारले निरंकुश सरकारले गरेका सबै राजनीतिक नियुक्तिहरु पनि खारेज गरेको छ। स्थानीय निकायको निर्वाचनदेखि लिएर क्षेत्रीय र अञ्चल प्रशासकहरुको नियुक्ति पनि खारेज गरेको छ। शहीदको परिवारलाई १० लाख रुपैयाँ दिने पनि निर्णय पनि भएको छ।

यसअघिका युध्दविराम:

पहिलो युध्दविराम
२०५८ साउन ८ – प्रधानमन्त्री शेरबहादुर देउवा

भंग भएको
२०५८ मंसिर ११ गते माअ‍ोवादीद्वारा दाङमा आक्रमणपछि

दोस्रो युध्दविराम
२०५९ माघ १५ गते प्रधानमन्त्री लोकेन्द्रबहादुर चन्द

भंग भएको
२०६० भदौ १० (दोरम्बा हत्याकाण्डको विरोध गर्दै माअ‍ोवादीद्वारा युध्दविराम भंग)

तेस्रो युध्दविराम

भदौ १८, २०६२ (माअ‍ोवादीको एकपक्षीय) प्रधानमन्त्री छैन- राजा मन्त्रिपरिषदका अध्यक्ष

पुस १८, २०६२

चौथो युध्दविराम (माअ‍ोवादीको एकतर्फी तीन महिनाका लागि)
वैशाख १३, २०६३

सरकारका तर्फबाट युध्दविराम
आज अर्थात् वैशाख २०, २०६३

कहिले नहोस्, नेपाल सँधै शान्तिको बाटोमा लम्कोस्…..!!!

यो पनि हेर्नुस्
इन्टरपोलको रेडकर्नर नोटिस(तपाईँले माथिको लिङ्कमा क्लिक गर्दासम्म यो नोटिस हट्न सक्छ)


  1. I am really really sorry to say that.It is a good news for all nepalis.i hope that it will be happen or not but i am very sure nothing will be change in nepal because why i think that i dont have to give any comment about our government we know them very well and they all are same as they are so nothing will bechanges and no thing will be happen. Yes we are happy to hear that some is changed .Did you find any things new in our poltics.They are fighting for chers.so what you think did they will be changed or not i dont think so .
    In my opnion we need young generation to leed the government and republice nepal. Then we ccan some thing is changed.
    thanks (saroj)




  3. Yes Mr. Chalise,

    You have the right to disagree with me and I have the right to hate Maoists and their evil deeds till now. That is democracy for me and my freedom and everybody’s freedom are dearest for me because I am a democrat. I want that system where you can live and pupularize your views and I can do mine . It is stupid to cry for rights if you are not ready to let those things enjoyed by the people you disagree with you . I want that democracy where you and me can live our independent lives with our independent ideas and ideals not controlled gunslinging stupid hooligans in the name of a republic. If ,in your view, guns can decide everything why did you have to cling to the peaceful political parties to verify your slogan and why did not you go to the Maoists weapons carriers or the Royal Nepalese army soldiers to get enduring justice.
    If the Maoists truly believe in people’s power, ask them to come to election surrendering their weapons otherwise it will be fair to fight an election with a separate army for each of the political parties. Why do you fear to be fair? A competition is fought with a set of rules that get applied to all ,is not it?
    I am a citizen of Nepal and I have the right to say what I feel and what i view as true in my conscience. I respect disagreening views since this is the notion of democracy in practice for me.

  4. Dear Krishna jee,

    I read your comments which seem really truthful. I am afraid of Maoists rule in Nepal. They are really autocratic nature. My understanding shows that they fall on first rank than King Gyanendra. I don’t want to see the rule of King Gyanendra but I really hate Maoists behaviour too. They are really autocrat in Nepal. Now, they are planning to collect powers. It is just their trick to negotiate with Government. They never negotiate with any political parties of Nepal nor they come to peaceful talks. If they do so, why do they contine fighting during 10 years? Are they same as CPN-UML? If so, why should we follow up the principles of Maoists?

    Next, they are planning to get rid of all political parties from Nepal. They never believe in Democracy. So, I warn all leaders to make a high attention on Maoists.

  5. yespali pani yuddha biram bhanga bhayo bhane dhikkarnecha janata le yo neta ani maobadi sabai lai.

  6. Umesh ji
    thank u very ….very much
    aba deshmama kehi hola ki jasto chha hami lai shanti bhaye kehi chahidainathyo ….

  7. एकदम सकरात्मक हो तर माओवादी हरु ले संबिधान सभा को प्रकृया मा समाहित् हुन्छन् र हतियार् बिसाउछन् भन्ने दिवा स्वोप्न कसैले पनि नदेखे हुन्छ,यो शक्ति मानवता को सबै भन्दा ठुलो बिनाशक हो र येति मात्र मानव क्षेति बाट उनिहरु को चित्त बुझ्ने वाला छैन।

  8. Perpetuating our nation as “Hindu Nation” also means perpetuation of patriarchy and cast system. That way we will never be able to establish equity and justice in our society. Religion is the luxury of the rich and an obligation of the poor.

  9. I do not think we should be trapped into religious illusion of any kind. One of the feature of democratic state is freedom of choice of religion. Advocating any specific religion creates antagonistic sentiments against other religions.

  10. Umesh ji Namaskar
    u are doing very good for dissiminating reliable news.

    please try to cover whole story about reliable news.

    Nepal Ama

  11. http://ganatantranepal.org/

    अन्तरिम संविधानको खाँचो
    मदन आत्रेय, १८ बैशाख २०६३, काठमाडौं

    ०४६ को संविधानमार्फत् अघि बढ्ने हो भने भोली संविधानसभाका लागि गरिएको निर्णय लाहाछाप लगाउन ज्ञानेन्द्रकहाँ नै पठाउनुपर्ने हुनसक्छ। त्यो बेला आफ्नो मृत्यु पत्रमा ज्ञानेन्द्रले हस्ताक्षर गर्लान्?

    आम नेपालीको दिलबाट मरिसकेको नेपालको राजतन्त्र फेरि एक पटक मृत्यु शैय्याबाट फिर्ता भएको छ। तर ऊ यति अशक्त भैसकेको छ, जस्तोसुकै उपचार र भगवानको दयाले पनि लामो समय बाँच्ने अवस्थामा छैन। तापनि उसमा अझै पनि बाँच्ने आशा भने हराएको छैन। तदअनुरुप ज्ञानेन्द्रले जीवनरक्षाका लागि अनेक षडयन्त्र त गर्ने नै छन्, अन्त्यमा जिवनदानको याचना गर्ने संभावना छ, सात दलसँग। बैशाख ११ को मध्यरातमा सात दलको माग बमोजिम प्रतिनिधिसभा पुनःर्स्थापना नगरेको भए संभवत अर्को रात देख्न पाउने थिएन राजतन्त्रले।

    यसपटक पनि संसदीय दलहरू राजाको रक्षाकवचका रुपमा अगाडि आएर उसलाई मृत्युको मुखबाट जोगाएका छन्। यो नेपाली जनताको चाहनाअनुसार थिएन र छैन, न त नेपालको हित अनुकुल नै छ। तत्कालका लागि जनताले दलहरूप्रति भरोसा देखाएका छन्, एउटा विधिसम्मत ढंगबाट नै राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य गर्ने मामिलामा। तर संविधानसभामा जाँदा कुनै पनि विशेषणको राजतन्त्र जोगाइराख्ने शर्तमा सात दल फसे भने वा षडयन्त्रका गोटी बने भने त्यो दिन नेपालबाट राजतन्त्र पुच्छर बन्न चाहने दलहरूसमेत राजतन्त्रसँगै खरानी हुनेछन्। जनताको चाहना नेपालमा कुनै पनि सामान्तबादको तत्व अब बाँकी नरहोस् भन्ने स्पष्ट छ। गणतन्त्र नेपालको स्थापना जनताको एकमात्र लक्ष्य हो। योभन्दा तलका कुनै पनि नौटंकीहरूको कुनै अस्तित्व रहने छैन।

    गणतन्त्र नेपालको स्थापना गर्ने मामिलामा अहिले नै जनआन्दोलनका सहयात्री सात दललाई शंका गरिहाल्नु उचित नहोला। तर राजनीतिक व्यवस्थापन चिन्तनले मात्रै पनि गर्न सकिंदैन। त्यसका लागि ठीक समयमा ठीक निर्णय लिन सक्नु पर्छ। राजनीतिक रुपमा विजय हासिल गरेर पनि व्यवस्थापकीय कमजोरीका कारण जनताको सत्ता खोसिएका कैयन इतिहासहरू हाम्रा सामु साक्षी छन्। त्यही प्रकारको प्रक्रीयागत गल्ती सात दलले गरिसकेका छन्। र, यसमा होस पुर्‍याउनु जरुरी छ।

    राजतन्त्रप्रति अझै पनि संसदमा रहेका दल र सांसदहरू उदार नै देखिएका छन्। राजतन्त्रलाई स्वेच्छाचारी व्यबहार जारी राख्न उनीहरूले हौसाएका पनि छन्, संसद शुरु भएको एक साता नबित्दै। चावहिलमा जन्तीको गाडिमा ठक्कर दिने अपराधी पारसलाई हैन, विचरा तिनै जन्तीलाई रातभर खोरमा राखियो। तर यस्तो गैरकानूनी व्यवहारविरुद्ध संसदका किन आवाज उठेन? यसअघि दर्जनौं पटक यस्ता व्यवहार दोहोर्‍याएका मात्रै हैन, प्रसिद्ध लोकगायक प्रविण गुरुङ् लगायतका ब्यक्तिहरूको हत्या गर्ने अपराधी पारसलाई किन कार्वाही गर्ने आँट देखाउँदैन यो सरकार? यसको अर्थ हो, अझै पनि नेपालको राजतन्त्र हिजो कै हैसियतमा छ, उसका अपराधहरू हाम्रा दल र नेताहरू निरिहता पूर्वक हेरिरहेका छन्। अहिलेको संसदले पारसमाथि कार्वाही गर्न सक्नेमात्रै होइन, सिधै राजतन्त्र समाप्त भएको घोषणा गर्ने हैसियत राख्छ र त्यो अधिकार दिएर पठाएका छन् जनताले। तर राजपरिवारका सदस्य भन्दैमा अपराधीहरूलाई यसैगरी बचाउँदै जाँदा संविधानसभामा पुग्ने दिनसम्ममा दलहरूले राजालाई फेरि बचाउने प्रयास नगर्लान् भनेर कसरी विश्वास गर्ने?

    ज्ञानेन्द्रको चाहना नेपाल अधिराज्यको संविधान २०४७ अनुसार संबैधानिक प्रमुखको हैसियतमा कायम रहने छ। त्यसलाई सुस्त गतिमा कार्यान्वयन गर्दै जाने प्रक्रीया उनले शुरु गरिसकेका छन्। तर सात दलले ज्ञानेन्द्रका षडयन्त्रलाई चिर्न सकेका छैनन्, बरु उल्टै उनीहरू पनि त्यही संविधान अर्न्तगतको प्रक्रीयामा सामेल भएर ज्ञानेन्द्रको षडयन्त्रलाई बल पुर्‍याइरहेका छन्।

    जनआन्दोलनको बलमा स्थापित भएको संसदले जे निर्णय गर्छ, अबका दिनमा मुलुक चलाउने प्रक्रीया त्यहि नै हो। तर २०४७ सालको संविधानको दायरामा दलहरू फस्न थालेको आभास भइरहेको छ, जसलाई तुरुन्त सच्याउनु पर्छ। त्यसका लागि तत्काल संसदले आफ्नो कार्यविधि तयार गर्नु उचित हुने छ। दरबारको चाहनाअनुसार सरकार गठनदेखि कार्य सञ्चालनका मामिलामा संविधानको दुहाइ दिने काम तत्कालै बन्द गर्नुपर्छ किनभने जनताले दिएको म्याण्डेट त्यो हुँदै होइन।

    जनआन्दोलनको तागतबाट संसद पुनःर्स्थापित भए पनि अन्ततः त्यसलाई त्यही मरिसकेको संविधान अर्न्तगतको दायराभित्र ल्याउने प्रयासमा दरबारिया संयन्त्र लागिरहेको छ। उक्त संविधानका प्रक्रीयाहरूबाट अगाडि बढ्दै जाँदा अन्ततः संबैधानिक निकायको प्रमुखको हैसियतमा राजा स्थापित हुने र मौका मिल्दा फेरि पखेटा फिँजाउने योजनामा ज्ञानेन्द्र र उनका सहयोगीहरू क्रियाशिल भइसकेका छन्।

    यस्तो अवस्थामा सात दलको पहिलो काम निःशर्त संविधानसभाको घोषणा हो भने दोस्रो काम बर्तमान संविधानको खारेजी। ०४६ सालभन्दा अहिलेको जनआन्दोलनमा के भिन्नता छ भने अहिलेको आन्दोलन पूरै लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र स्थापनाका लागि भएको हो। तर ०४६ को संविधान पनि प्रजातान्त्रिक संविधान नै भएकोले सोहीअनुरुप काम गर्न सकिने केही राष्ट्रिय तथा अर्न्तराष्ट्रिय समुदायको विश्लेषण छ। वास्तवमा यो तर्कको कुनै तुक छैन। किनभने अहिलेको आन्दोलन यही संबैधानिक प्रक्रीयामा फर्किनका लागि भएको होइन। त्यसैले यी स्वदेशी तथा विदेशी तर्कशास्त्रीहरूको तर्कमा षडयन्त्रको गन्ध छ।

    खासगरी मरिसकेको राजतन्त्रको भविष्यप्रति चिन्ता ब्यक्त गरिरहने नेकपा एमालेका खड्क ओली र नेपाली कांग्रेसबाट सरकारमा पठाउन लागेका रामशरण महतहरू पनि राजाले यही संविधानको पालना गर्छन् भने ठिकै छ भन्ने मानसिकतामा देखिन्छन्।

    त्यसैले जनताको म्याण्डेटअनुसार अविलम्ब यो संविधानको खारेजी गर्नुपर्छ र संसदले जे निर्णय गर्छ त्यही कानून हुने प्रावधान लागू गर्नु पर्छ। अहिलेको संसदले गर्ने निर्णय लालमोहर लगाउन दरबार पठाउनु पर्ने कुनै जरुरी छैन। र, सरकारका निर्णय जाँच्ने एकमात्र निकाय संसद हुनु पर्छ। आवश्यकता महसूस गरिएमा आन्तरिम संविधान जारी गर्नु अर्को विकल्प हो। तर यी मामिलामा दलहरूले होश पुर्‍याएका छैनन्।

    आज जसरी ०४६ सालको संविधानअनुसार प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाले जनता मारेर रगत पखाल्न पनि नभ्याएका ज्ञानेन्द्रका सामु उभिएर सपथ खानु पर्‍यो, भोलीका दिनहरूमा संसद वा सरकारका सबै निर्णयहरू स्विकृत गर्ने अधिकारी पनि यिनै हुने छन्। ०४६ को संविधानमार्फत् अघि बढ्ने हो भने भोली संविधानसभाका लागि गरिएको निर्णय लाहाछाप लगाउन ज्ञानेन्द्रकहाँ नै पठाउनुपर्ने हुनसक्छ। त्यो बेला आफ्नो मृत्यु पत्रमा ज्ञानेन्द्रले हस्ताक्षर गर्लान्? त्यसैले हिजोका परम्पराहरू तोड्नै पर्छ र संबैधानिक प्रक्रीयाका नाममा जनताको अभिमतअनुसार ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई राष्ट्र प्रमुखको हैसियतबाट समाप्त पारिनु पर्छ।

    अहिले राजनीतिक निर्णयहरू भन्दै प्रक्रीया अगाडि बढाइएको छ। तर दुनियाँका कुनै पनि लोकतान्त्रिक राष्ट्रमा संविधान र कानून विना राजनीतिक निर्णय भन्दै काम गर्न पाइने प्रावधान छैन। सरकारका कामहरू संविधान अनुकूल हुनु पर्छ, अन्यथा अदालतले त्यस्ता राजनीतिक निर्णयहरू गैरकानूनी भएको फैसला दिएर यही संविधान मान्न बाध्य पार्ने छ सरकारलाई। कानूनका ज्ञाताहरूले यसबारे सरकारलाई बेलैमा सचेत बनाएका छन् तर पनि जनताले बलिदान दिएर जगाएका राजनीतिज्ञहरू सचेत देखिएका छैनन्।

    प्रतिक्रया पठाउनुहोसः [email protected]

    फर्किनुस || मुख्यपाना || भण्डार || सिरान

    © गणतन्त्र नेपाल। सर्वाधिकार सुरक्षित। साभार गर्नुपरे सूचना पढ्नुहोस … » »

    पाठक संख्याः-


  13. Umesh jee, Namaste!! bado ramro news dinu vayo.just now i talked with one of my friend in Chez,who is very happy and planning to come back to Nepal.
    Aba maobadisit barta gari Nepal lai purna shanta Nepal banaunu parchha.Yo yuddha biramle nepalma vairaheko ashantiko purna_biram lagaos…yahi mero kamana chha.

  14. At last i do have hope with this cabinet!!
    go on making such Positive decisions!!!!
    Best of luck !!!

    deep s. stha


    Ma Tripti ji le bhannu bhayeko kurama 100% sahamat chhu. Nepal sansar ma nai ek matra hundu rajya ho. Hindu rajya bhaye pani yahan sabai dharma manne haru lai chhut chha tara tyo nai pachhi gayera hamro lagi yeuta bikaral samasya nabanla bhanna sakinna. Malai pani raja Gyanendra sanga kunai moha chhaina. Nepal ma ganatantra nai sthapana bhaye pani Nepal sansar ko ek matra Hindu rajya rahanu parchha.
    Tripti ji le uthaunu bhako kura lai ek patak feri bichar garaun. Pakistan ma bhayeka hindu haru (Neapli haru) le kati trash ra yatana bhognu pareko chha, tyo Tripti ji le matra bujhna saknu hunchha. Sansar ma jahan pani samsya dekhinchha, tyahan kattar badi musalman haru nai involve chhan chahe Kashmir hosh, chahe Sudan.
    Hamro desh lai kattarpanthi musalman haru bata bachaunu chha, natra bholi hami afnai desh ma aanfain darayera hundnu parne sthiti aaunchha. Ahile nai hami dekhna sakchhown Neplagunj ma kati tanab chha.
    Jo musalman haru barsaun dekhi nepal ma basobas gardai yahin ko bhasha ra jiwan sailima ghulmel bhai sake tini haru hami jasati saral nepali haru hun ra tini ahru le nepali recognition paunu parchha tara jun kisim bata taskari garne, atanka failaune, sampradayikta failaune, dharma ko naam ma bhidma bomb padkaune kisim ka sarfira musalman haru dhamadham nepal chiriraheka chhan, tyata tira hamle dhyan dinu parne bela haina abela bhaiskyo. Bholi Iniharu le neplagunj lai chhuttai musalman rajya banaunu parchha bhanchhan, khana launa ra padhauna dina nasake ni barseni fata fata bachcha jhareko jharyai garera hamro samaj ma cancer jhain failinchhan iniharu. mero kura kapolkalpit lagla bharat ko itihash heryo bhane yi atankakari jati haru suru ma arab tira bata saranarthi bhayera ayeka thiye, pachhi bharat ko tyatro hissa Pakistan khoshera lage, ajha Kashmir ma nirdosh hindu haru lai kahile gola bari garne, kahile ghar jalayi dine, kahile ghanti retera marne jasta akalpaniya kaam haru iniharu bata bhayi raheko chha. Nepla iniharu ko lagi sadayantra rachne safe haven bhayeko chha.
    UAE wa Saudi Arab bata kunai yeuta mullah le ek din ko talab diyo bhane Nepal ko rajdhani kai mutu ma ajanga ko masjid khada garnu kunai thulo kurai haina. tyasmathi radical islamism failauna madarsha chalauna ajha shikchhya mantralaya bata chanda sankalan garchhan.
    Yadi musalman ka bachha haru lai ni hami jastai sabai ghulmel hune school ma padhaye ta tini haru ni rationally sochthe hola tara sanai dekhi madarsha ma kuran ko nana thari interpretation garera, mare pachhi 72 jana virgin ko love dekhayera brain wash garne sanskrtiti kamsekam hamro jasto Buddha janma bhumi, janak jasto Gyani ko bhumi ma kadapi hurkina dinu hundaina.
    Afno janasankhya badhayera sansar bhari afno raj chalaune yi atankakari jati ko hidden agenda ho, tyo Nepal ma sambhav chhaina. Khabardar Atankakari jati ho!
    Tripti ji tapainle yo bisayalai dherai nepali haru ma puryanu parchha jasto lagchha, Pakistan ma nepali hindu haru ko astitwa ke chha? Afganistan ma Buddha ko murti haru kina grenade paryog garera futaunu paryo, Hami nepali haru sarai sojha, saral, nirdosh, ra sahisnu chham ra Yi atankakari jati le tyasko fayida lina khjdai chha.
    Ahile Nepal ma Raja ra rajtantra ko birodh byapak bhako chha, ma pani garchhu, tara nepal ko hindutwa astitwa lai Gyanendra sanga jodnu hunna.
    nepal hindu rajya ho jana hindu ra Buddhists nang ra masu jasto milera baseka chhan. Hindu dharma le sansarm akahin katai akraman gareko chhaina, na Buddha dharma le nai. Na Hindu dharma ma hami haru ek arkalai marna marna nai tayar hunchham nata buddha dharma ma nai. Tara nepali daju bhai didi bahini sathi haru yo yeuta gahan bisaya ho. Hamle aja line decision le bholi hamra chhora nati panati le dukha bhognu naparosh, hamro jiwan kal samma ta sabai thikai hola re, tara ti atankari jati sanga hami jasta sojha ra saral jati ko kehi lagdaina, murkha sanga daiba ni daraunchha re. Hamle hamro ghar baliyo rakhnu chha.
    Tripti ji yo kura lai ajha badhi jodtod ka sath pracharprasar garnu jaruri chha, yo Nepal kai astitwa ko kura ho. Sathi haru yas bisaya ma pani bahash jaruri chha. Ahile ganatantra ka charka nara haru lokpriya chhan tara hamro dharmik sahishnuta ra unique pan mathi bideshi jati, atankakari jati ko hastkchhyap wa contamination nahosh.
    Jay Nepal.

  16. sounds are good . thanks umesh ji for news we hope for better and peace
    bikram bhattarai

  17. Dhami, Krishna, and so on

    you (we too) people let the Monarchy rulled the country for 237 yrs, and seen the other parties rulled too for 12 yrs or more., too many generations passed but where the Nepal is ? You guys says “PEACE PEACE PEACE” what peace U R talking about ? was not there peace during Panchyan Era ? do U wanna go back to Panchatyat Era then..?? if people vote for them to come into Power after CA then its peoples choice, Why not let CPN(M) rule and see nothing to be scared with. whats wrong with you guys ?

    Gopal Chalise, Riyadh


    Please go to google search and click “Hindu girls in Pakistan” or go to these websites http://fjordman.blogspot.com/2005/11/pakistan-hindu-girls-forced-to-convert.html

    NEPAL IS THE ONLY country in the world and it should be so. DO NOT MAKE IT A SECULAR COUNTRY. Nepal is unique and peaceful because of its being a Hindu country. It is good that you are uprooting the king, he may have been a bad man but do not pull out your unique culture.
    I come from a HINDU FAMILY and live in pakistan. You cannot imagine the life of Hindus here. We girls are the victim of rape and crime in the hands of the Muslim fundamentalists every day. All they want is to CONVERT us TO ISLAM.
    The same is going to happen in NEPAL very soon. I fear nepali people are very ignorant of how Muslim fundamentalists are drastically increasing in nepal. I have heard that there are giant mosques all over in Kathmandu. They must be the hotbed of kashmiri Muslims, the separatist terrorists.
    If Nepal becomes a “secular country” by the new constituent assembly, nepali people will see the HORRIBLE CRIME in their own country. Muslim fundamentalists will be uncontrollable and beyond your reach to fight.
    Hindus can never fight with Muslims because Muslims are easily ready to kill themeselves for their religion even if they are minorities in your country.
    At this time, they may be monorities in nepal, but they will GROW like locusts in the new constitution and start their massive mission of conversion.

    so, keep up with your HINDU IDENTITY, the king had nothing to do with Hindu religion. So, when he is gone, Hindusim should not be gone. If Hinduism is rooted out this way, then your country will be colonized by fundamentalist Muslims because at this time they have money.

  19. Sounds Good!
    Thanks Umesh Jee for all your instant update & nice links.

  20. BEWARE!!!!

    I hate the Royals more than anyone and I am not a political activist. I do not like any of the old leaders either. But please think about the following realitites:

    If Maoists take over power,
    1. MAOIST ARMY WILL LOCK FREEDOM FOR EVER: press-freedom, opposition party, nara-baaji, sabha-juloos and all forms of freedom will be militarily CRUSHED DOWN for ever.
    2. Janatako sarkar (people’s government means AMRY RULE, because all people above 18 years of age MUST join the ARMY and MUST KEEP THE MOUTH SHUT otherwise the system will hang that person) will repress all voices and freedom loving people.
    3. In this course, at least 2-4 lakh Nepali will be massacred
    4. Nepal’s original culture will be totally demolished
    5. There will be no ELECTION for ever
    6. The communist army will do immense corruption but Nobody can write about or voice against CORRUPTION without losing life.

    1. Same leaders might come to power at the worst, but people can ALWAYS VOTE EVERY FIVE YEARS AND THROW THE OLD GOVERNMENT OUT
    2. There will be corruption no matter but we can always organise Birodh pradarshan and publicise their corruption and morally oblige the government to punish them

  21. Further next, Girija will start destroying every thing as during his previous tenures. He will make the dancings as per the directions of the king. He will stand himself totally against the people and other parties, including maiost party. As long as Mr Girija will be in chair, we can not expect any constructive works in the country. It is unfortunate that he refused to give home ministry portfoilio, because Girija wants to protect all corrupt people and people involed in supressing the mass movement-II. It is the hidden reality. Every one has understood his intention that why he has become PM again?

    all cooments are welcome.

  22. आशा छ, यसपलिको बार्तामा देश र जनता पोलिटिक्स र पार्टी माथि रहने छ ।
    आशा छ माओवादीहरु ले राम्ररी बुझुन कि सारा नेपाली जनताहरु ले उनिहरुकै सिद्धान्त अपनाउनुपर्छ भन्ने बिचार गलत छ । हाम्रो लक्ष देशको उन्नती गर्नु हो, शान्त र शुखमय जीवन बिताउनु हो, हामीलाई कुनै सिद्धान्त को रोल मोडल बन्नु छैन । यसपलिको बार्ताले तपाईंहरुको लक्ष देश र जनताको लाभको पक्षमा छ कि केवल आफ्नै सिद्धान्तको लागि मात्र हो भन्ने प्रश्नलाई श्पष्त गर्ने छ ।

    हामी सबै मान्छे हौं, मान्छेको भाषामा कुरा गरौं बन्दुक को भाषामा होईन ।

  23. It is good news for every nepali people and hope it will bring all nepali people’s views in the same point.It also need to camunist rule to add the developmental base of any country at first and then only others.

  24. maobadi mitra haru

    khusi ko kura sarkar le tapai haru lai bigat ka sarkar ka palama lageka sampurna aarope haru phirta gareko cha .sarkar le pani uddabiram gari tapai haru lai barta ko lagi aabhwan gari sakyo .sarkar le pani barta toli gathan gardai hola tapai haru pani chito bhanda chito barta toli gathan gari bartama basi halnus.

    tapai haru jun lakchye liyera janauddha ma lagnu bhayo janauddha ka biteka dus barsa ma jati utar chadab bhaye ab bholi ka din ma ti anubhab haru lai atama sath gardai afna clear vision ka sath rastriye rajniti ko muldhar ma aaunuhos . tapai haru lai janata le yeuta darilo rajnitik sakti ka rup ma suikari sakeka chan .tapai haru le surakchit abataran garne upaukata abasar ho yo .dhila nagrnus natra nepali rajniti ma dherai pachadi parnu hola

    mero goru ko barai takka bhanne ukhan lai tapai haru tatha sarkar pakchye dubai le angikar garnu hudaina .sundar santa yebam samriddha nepal nirman garna sana tina matved thada vadheta haru lai dubai pakchey le bhulera purna samajdari ka sath agadi badnus.bhai bhai ladera kina ragat ko khola bagaune.

    bijat ma jhai uddabiram ko mauka chopi sakti sanchaye gari biswasghat garne kam nahos yedi yesto bhayema itihas le tapai haru lai maf garne chaina.

    yo mero bhanai ho .dui karod nepali janata ko bhanai ho

    jasari des ko bigriyeko paristhiti le hamilai bidesina badhye banayo bholi hamra dajubhai le yo isthiti bhogna naparos bidesina naparos. yehi kamana ka sath afna bhanai ahile lai anta gardachu

    haos ta

    dhannebad jay nepal

    yekendra shrestha
    myagdi beni
    antwerpen belgium

  25. बिदेशमा बसेर नेपाल हेर्दा उदेक लाग्छ । अब त अफ्रीकी देश हरु ले पनि अब को १० बर्ष मा नेपाल लाई उछिनेर धेरै अगाडि जाने छाँट् देखेको छु मैले । किनकी , उनिहरु को बिकास को प्रकृया सुरु भैसकेको छ भने हामी चै थोत्रा बिचार हरु बोकेर हिडिंरहेका छौं । हामी सबै नेपाली मात्रै हुनै कहिले सकेनौ । देश को लागि शाहीद हुन चै तयार रे अनि जातियता को र क्षेत्रीयता को कुरा चै फाल्न् नसक्नेरे । योग्यमान्छे पो चाहिन्छ त देश बिकास गर्न, यि बुढाहरु ले नयाँ बिचार लेराउँन सक्दैनन । अब को नयाँ समय लाई नयाँ मान्छे ले मात्रै अगाडि लान सक्छन ।
    यि नेता भनाउँदा हरु को भाषण पढदा पो उदेक लागेर आउँछ । यिनै अन्पढ नेता मन्त्री हुने हो भने नेपाल फेरी उहि पुरानो ठाउँ मा पुग्छ । र एउटा तितो एथार्थ के हो भने जतियता र क्षेत्रीयता ले देश बिकास हुँदैन । योग्यता भएको मान्छे ले मात्रै बिकास को मार्गमा देश लान सक्छ्, त्यो योग्य मान्छे जुन सुकै जाती को किन नहोस् । हामीलाई चाँहीएको बिकास उन्नती हो कि कसै लै मन्त्री बनायेमात्रै पुग्ने हो???? भलै तेस्ले सिन्का पनि नभाँचोस् ।।
    यि पुराना अनुहार ले नयाँ कुरा देलान ?????

  26. Dear Nagarik Samaj Workers:

    Please go forming a Committe in each village all over the country, and put pressure on the leaders for republic Nepal, and educate people about the republic Nepal. If the situation favours, go forming a republic political forum that would create able leaders for constitutional assembly, and proposed canmdidates for the election, and later on to govern by the same elected body once the republic Nepal is established.

  27. Krishna ji, tapai ko bichar jyadai nai sarhaniye cha. Tara asha garaun,yesto nahola, jana sakti ko jwolanta udaharan ta sabaile dekhi nai hale. Sasta nara tatha mitha sapana ma biswas garne le jaba samma karma ma biswas garna sakdaina taba samma jati sukai rajnaitik paribartan bhaye pani janata ko jivan star ma paribartan hundaina, samajik star paribartan hundaina ani pheri uhi satta sangharsa, pheri hune chan ath-das sahid. Sahid prati sachha samman chaina bhane sahid hunu ko ke nai mulya rahyo ra.Kunai pani tantra afai ma naramro hundaina, tyo ta ti sarathi hari hun jasle satta rupi rath lai janata ko bal ma hankiraheka chan,jasko karan le nai patak patak Nepali le sahid hunu pari raheko cha.Aba hami lai kasai ko pani jhutho aswasan ra mitha sapana chahindaina. Kebal santi chahiyeko cha,na ki kunai tantra ko nash garera sun phalaune sapana. Jaba samma Nepali le sapana ma biswas garcha, sapana ko kheti garne haru sadhai salbalai rahane chan.
    Tesaile sapana ma hoina karma ma, jhutho ra mitho nara ma haina pasina ma,bigat ra bhabisya ma haina bartaman ma biswas garaun. Tantra ko paribartan haina sochai ko paribartan mulyaban bhayeko cha ahile lai. Janata ko bibek ma nai desh ko bhabisya lekhiyeko cha.
    Jai Nepal.

  28. Dear All Nepalese People:

    Please follow to the Nagarik Samaj activities recently initiated by Dr. Devendra, Krishna Pahadi ….until the republic Nepal is establish. Leaders should always be warned till the result of the constitutional assembly is achieved. Also, the party should express their alignment (i.e.,ceremonial, active kingship, or republic nepal) clearly in thier constitutional election menofesto, and should made abide to implement that after the election. This is 21 century, any one is free to express their views in any either side. But rember that, republic Nepal is the only long lasting peaceful solution in Nepal. No one is allowed to rule nepal by birth rather he should be qualified with his deeds to rule in Nepal. Hence, at this stage any bodoy provocating either side other than republic Nepal should be cautioned strictly and make people aware not to vote such regressive forces in the constitutional assembly who go againist the republic Nepal-the true long lasting peaceful solution of Nepal.


  29. I hope good things come out of this truce between the government and the Maoist. However, if this is just because of 12 point understanding between SPA and Maoist, then it is bad. This might give Maoist more time to collect (forcible) donation and strengthen their force interms of people and fire power, which will eventually lead to more violence after the 3 month of ceasefire by the maoist.

    I think, when poeple are in power, they want to get things done in their way. Just look at what Pradip Nepal said. Now as the SPA is in power, he is concerned for one home ministry position. And look at the comment he made to the same public who helped them to get back into power.

    “Q. What kind of impression do you think this squabbling over ministerial portfolios will have on the people? Some are already taking out “lathi rallies”?


    = Of course, it doesn’t leave a good impression. But again those taking out laathi rallies are not the real public. The real public does not take out rallies brandishing lathis; they stage sit-ins. They do not get drunk and beat up MPs. The government should take action against such anarchists.”

    This shows Neta’s true nature. Only people who supports his thought is real people and who warns them is not real people. Disgusting Pradip Nepal.

    BTW why these people are Nepal = Pradip Nepal, Madhav Nepal – any idea? Do they mean to say they are the country and others who do not concur with them are not Nepali?


  30. Neta haru ko lagi yeuta sughab dina chahanchu Mantri bhayar desh ko khutta tanni prayash naghrnu hola desh ko bikash gharnu hola yahi nai desh ra Janata ko lagi bhalai hunecha.

  31. मेरो देश नेपाल म छिट्टै शान्ति कअ होस् ।

  32. Yeuta ramro suruwat bhayeko chha. Neta haru mantri ko lagi naladao. janta ko eechhya anusar kam gari aphno bigreko chabi sudarne ramro mauka mileko chha. des bikas ma deharai dhila bayeko chha. deharai chunauti haru ko samana garnu chha. DO NOT FIGHT FOR THE POSITION.

  33. Dear All
    I think Nepali people once again shouled complete a Greater Movement againest the Courrpted ‘Leader’?.
    It will Peaceful But forceful at firstly.
    Secondly it will be nessesary to take & use Arms.
    Without it Our Country may not be change.That is the sign of Ministry’s ‘BHAGBANDA’.

    Why is this nessecity for G.P.Koirala to ONLY K.P. Sitaula from N.C. not other Beacuse he is top most internal person & only one faithful Man at this time during from some years like as before ‘KHUM BAHADUR’- ‘GOVINDARAJ’-‘BIJAY GACHHADAR’-‘JAY PRASAD GUPTA’& Where & How is they are?
    Every Parties & Poltician are considering G.P’s past 15 years role as a Primeminister & Leader acctually he is excused for his commitment & efforts for movement not more than & they have faith & handovering Country’s ‘BAGDOR’ to him But he & his ‘Good Group’? are going on same.

    This is not time to Ma, Mero, Mero party, Mero manche Nagik-tadha ‘Ramro Mantralaya’ ‘Neta lai chetawanihos’

    Again’ U ‘Leader’do same as before like
    ‘KAMISAN”DALALI”SAMAJHADARI”MAHAKALI’YOUNG -GENERATION HAVE SEEN ‘ANSA’ FILM(But hindi)If u have not seen see this film one time.
    this is lession for Nepali youth & Leaders.

  34. The Maoists don’t know compromise
    and negotiations, what they know is
    dirty trick. Unfortuantely, this month
    was very bad for them in their attempt to
    alieniate political parties from Nepali
    Politics. They failed, and thanks to Nepali

    Maoists deserve the same Rolpa Jungle, and
    Nepali People should send them back to
    Rolpa. In any case, CA should go and this
    should be done whether Maoists particiapte
    or not, and it was their idea, and they will
    certainly walk away from the CA, because
    they know EXCUSES, and they will find one that
    fits their need. CA is good demand to be
    fulfilled to tell Nepali Public that Maoists
    are not for peaceful settlements. They
    are behind absolute power. Thats not going to
    happen. Meanwhile, the government must change
    the name of government to “Nepal Govt.”
    instead of “HMG of Nepal” and change RNA to
    NA purging the prefix-word “ROYAL” from RNA.
    They should do it immediately. Kickout Lok
    Man Singh Karki, and other gyanendra’s goons
    from the government. Unconditional need of time.


  35. म राजतन्त्रमा विश्वास राख्छु, तर राजा ज्ञानेन्द्र र पारसको उन्मादमा म राजतन्त्रको गरिमा र भविष्य देख्दिन। किनभने मलाई नेपालमा बढ्दो सस्तो कम्युनिस्ट नारा र तिनिहरुले स्थापना गर्न सक्ने कहाली लाग्दो निरंकूशताशंग भयानक डर लाग्छ। तपाईँ अनुमान गर्नुस आफ्ना विरोधीहरुलाई जल्लादहरुको क्रूरता भन्दा बढी निर्ममतासाथ मार्न पछि नपर्ने असहिष्णु माओवादीहरुको आफ्नो शासनमा उनीहरुसंग असहमत स्वरहरुको हविगत के होला ? एउटा माओवादी प्रताडित गणेस चिलुवाल जस्ले प्रचण्डका पु्त्ला जलाउने काम गर्यो र दिनदहाडै काठमाणडुमा मारियो। के तिनिहरु भन्दा ज्ञानेन्द्र चोर मूर्दावाद भन्न पाइने राजाको निरंकूश शासन नै धेरै उदार छैन र ? म जनताको शक्तिमा विश्वास त गर्छु तर नेपालमा जनताको नाममा हरेक खालको विध्वंसका लागि तयार मान्छेहरुको उद्दन्डता देख्दा २१ औँ सदि को सभ्य संसारमा नेपाली हुनुको लज्जावोध भएर आउँछ । के हाम्रो पुरुसार्थ विनास र उद्दनड्ता का लगि मात्रै हो त ?

  36. I appreciate government’s effort. But, I am
    not positive with Maoists. Do you know why?

    They organized a rally in Open Theature, last
    weekend. They organized in KHULA MANCHA, and
    these idiots did not understand the meaning
    of KHULA MANCH and banned anyone trying to
    take picture there. what a non-sense it is.
    They grilled NepalNews.com photo journalist
    Mr. Shrestha and others. That clearly shows
    these Maoists know nothing about freedom and
    free-press. There is no word in their dictionary.
    There is no difference between Gyanendra’s
    rule and maoist’s rule. Gyanendra’s rule would
    not that worst, as compared to the Maoists’
    rule if they ever get chance to rule with their
    arms. Honestly. Both are choice of dillema.

    This ceasefire will be used by them to trasport
    arms to Kathmandu. I want to run a company which
    will pay 10times money if Maoists don’t give up
    this ceasefire, don’t go for killing spree
    and settle the war peacefully. Is there any one
    who want to bait? I will pay 10 times.

    They are simply not trustable. I still don’t trust
    them. I will never trust them.


  37. Hi,It is very good and cool news for the Nepali people,we are so happy to hear from the government that they have announced the cease-fire and pulled out all the terrorist tag to maoist.Hope every things will be solved through the negotiation.And we people want to take action those who have involved in the jana andolan dabauna,uniharulai karbahi garnu parchha yo sarkarle r please we want,do not fight for the post,fight for the peace of country and development of aphno des.Thanks umesh ji.

  38. this goverment doing one by one goood job so everybody have to believe and help this goverment from own place.

  39. Leaders (political) you have already made your mistakes going against peoples wishes.Make sure peoples were not in the street putting their life at risk.Leaders please do not make another mistake intending to make chairs more firm and secure rather than to recognize the values of Jana Andolan i.e, full democracy and unconditional constitutional assembly.We do not excuse any more you guys if gain try to repeat mistakes you made in the past.I wish Lord Pashupatinath will give you wisdom and insite to make peoples life safe and prosporous.

  40. after read this news i have became too happy. i pray wiht god this government bring peace forever in nepal and soon take out all rights which had taken by king.king should not be complement in nepal thanks for government to breave dission to kick out all workers who are asseded by sahi sarkar illegaly.

  41. This is indeed a very good news. May lord Pashupatinath give our leaders and maobadis courage, patience, and compassion so that the upcoming “Barta” becomes a success and people win.

  42. Yo ekdum good news ho Hami Nepali Janata ko lagi
    aaba Yo Sarkar le Maoist haru lai Chhito vanda chhito
    “barta” ma bolaunu parchha

    Shree Pashupati Nath Ko Kripa le Deshko YO samasya chhitttai Solve hos…

  43. jasari yo antarim sarkar le atankari bata rajniti muldhar ma maobadi lai launa sabai billa haru hatayo tesarinai,sunami sarup janadharana lai bujhi,barta toli gathan garna dhilo garnyu hunna.yesai ma samasta despremi,desbhakta ra muluk ko mato prati asta rakhne haru ko abhilasa pura huncha ani balla thai santi ko kamana pura huncha.
    gurung paikilama

  44. Just annuling mandale-manonits is not enough. They should be punished for abusing extralegal authority and emptying treasury. Efforts to assess this damage need to be started.


  45. ahile gareka kura ta thik chhan tara shahi nepali sena lai nepali sena banaune kam kina dhilo gareka hun yi netaharule.Ani sanssadharu lai kina bida chahiyako hola akhir yiniharule ta andolan ma bhag lida thakeka hoinnan.

  46. balla ali ramro faisala gare aba hedei jau kati din samma lai ho. neta ho khabar dar janabhavan biparit kursi ko khel ra mandale ko pichh laggu gareu bhane hosiyar.

  47. आसा छ । अब हाम्रो देस नेपालमा पनी अब पहीलाको जस्तै जब मावोबाधी सुरुहुनु भन्धा पहीलाको जस्तै सान्त अबसतामा फर्कदै छ अब आम नेपाली मीलेर देसबीकासमा जुटौ आम बीदेसीयका नेपालीहरु आफनै देसमा बीकासको लागी देसफर्की देसमानै पसीना बगाउ अर्काको देसको गुलामी भयर आफनु रगत पसीना अरुको लागी होइन आफनै लागे बगाउ

  48. You are the great man who is working for Nepalese peoples, you are taking out reality of incident keep on God may bless you and help you all the time.

    Netra Gurung
    Duhabi-4 Sunsari

  49. it is not sufficient , what about janaandolan dabaune haru bare? what about Mallik Aayog? what about Rastrako dhikuti rityaune bare? there are many many isue we want all isue solve by this govt.

  50. राम्रो समाचार अव छिटै वार्ता प्रकिया थालनी गरी सम्बिधान सभाको चुनाव गर्दै देशमा स्थाई शान्ती ल्याउनु पर्दछ ।

  51. I am happy to read this news. Yo yuddha biram aba isthai shantima parinat hos,Hami bidesiyeka nepali haru afnai deshma farkina sakos.

    Ram kajee Muktan

  52. Very good news in the History of this Peaceful process of political settlement. should keep the spirit to the end of full democratic setup.

  53. This is really good and sincere initiation by goverment.I hope that maoist will also do the same to bring peace, development and prosperity to the country.

  54. maobadi sanga ko barta safal hos yes pali bhanera bhagawan sanga pray gardachhu yes pali minister huna fight nagarna pani neta haru sanga anurodh gardachhu ra desh ma santi ko kamana chado hos bhani dubai pachhya lai request garchhu


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