माअ‍ोवादीद्वारा वार्तामा बस्ने निर्णय

माअ‍ोवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले आज एक विज्ञप्ति जारी गर्दै सरकारसित वार्तामा बस्ने निर्णय गरेको छ। वार्ता टोलीको घोषणा त गरिएको छैन, तर वार्ता अवधिभर दुवै पक्षले पालना गर्नुपर्ने आचारसंहिताको प्रारुप सरकारलाई बुझासकेको र त्यसको इमान्दारीतापूर्वक कार्यान्वयन हुने विश्वास व्यक्त गरिएको छ ।

सरकारले हिजो माअ‍ोवादीलाई लगाइएको आतंककारी बिल्ला र रेड कर्नर नोटिस हटाउने अनि वार्ताका लागि आह्वान गर्ने निर्णय गरेको थियो। बन्दीहरुलाई पनि आजै छाड्ने प्रक्रिया सुरु गरेको भए पनि बिहानैतिर आउने आशा गरिएको माअ‍ोवादीको वक्तव्य दिउँसो अबेरसम्म नआउँदा सरकारलाई अप्ठेरो परेको थियो। माअ‍ोवादीको वक्तव्य साँझमात्र आएको हो।

वक्तव्यमा वार्ताको प्रारम्भिक चरणपश्चात् विद्यमान संसद, संविधान र सरकार विघटन र खारेज भई जनताको आकांक्षा अनुसार अन्तरिम विधान र अन्तरिम सरकार गठन हुनुपर्ने र त्यसले निशर्त संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनको सम्पूर्ण प्रक्रियालाई नेतृत्व गर्नुपर्न माग माअ‍ोवादीको रहेको छ।

माअ‍ोवादीको वक्तव्यको पूर्ण अंश भित्र छ-

नेपाल कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी (माओवादी)
Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
Central Committee
केन्द्रीय समिति

प्रेस वक्तव्य

सात संसदवादी राजनैतिक दलको सरकारद्धारा हिंजो गरेको युद्धविरामको घोषणाका साथै हाम्रो पार्टी तथा यसका नेताहरुमाथि लगाइएका झुट्टा आरोपहरु खारेज गरी वार्ताका निम्ति गरिएको आह्वानलाई हामी जनताको लोकतन्त्र, शान्ति र अग्रगमनको आकांक्षा परिपूर्तिका दिशामा लिइएको एक सकारात्मक कदमका रुपमा स्वागत गर्दछौं । हाम्रो पार्टीागामी दिनमा १२-बु“दे समझदारी र ऐतिहासिक जनसंर्घषको मर्म र भावनाअनुसार वार्ताको माध्यमबाट शान्तिपूर्ण ढंगले देशलाई नया“ गणतान्त्रिक युगमा प्रवेश गराइने विश्वास गर्दै र आफ्ना तर्फाट त्यसका लागि अधिकतम प्रयत्न गर्ने विश्वास दिलाउं“दै सरकारस“ग वार्तामा बस्ने निर्ण्र्ाागर्दछ । वार्ता अवधिभर दुबै पक्षले पालन गर्नु पर्ने आचारसंहिताको प्रारुप हामीले सरकारलाई बुझाई सकेका छौं र आशा छ त्यसको इमान्दारीतापर्ूवक कार्यान्वयन हुने छ ।

अहिले देश गणतन्त्रउन्मुख संक्रमणकालमा छ । जनसंर्घषमार्फत् अभिव्यक्त जनादेश, निशर्त संविधानसभा हु“दै लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रमा प्रवेश गर्नु हो भन्ने कुरा दिनको घामझैं र्छलङ्ग छ । यो स्थितिमा ०७ सालदेखि नेपाली जनताका विरुद्ध भ्रम, षडयन्त्र र धोखाको निकृष्ट खेल खेल्दै आएका सामन्ती तत्वहरुले फेरि इतिहासको पुनरावृत्ति गर्न नपाउन भन्नका लागि र्सवाधिक दृढता र तदारुकताका साथ कदम चाल्नु पर्ने क्षेत्र भनेको सेनालाई जनताको नियन्त्रणमा ल्याउने तथा त्यसको लोकतान्त्रीकरण गर्ने क्षेत्र हो । यसका लागि सामन्ती अभिजात वर्गीय निरंकुश राजतन्त्रको बचाउका लागि जनतामाथि दमन, हत्या र आतंक मच्चाउन निर्देशन गर्ने कमाण्डरहरुलाई कार्यवाहीको प्रक्रियाबाट अगाडि बढ्नु हामी त्यो दिशाको अनिवार्य पर्ूव र्सत ठान्दछौं । यदि निरंकुशतन्त्रका मतियार प्रमुख अपराधीहरु दण्डहीन अवस्थामा यथावत राखियो भने त्यो सा“पलाई दूध पिलाउनु जस्तो मात्र हुने छ, जसले अन्ततः डसी छाड्ने छ र इतिहासको पुनरावृत्ति गरी छाड्ने छ । हामी आफ्नो नेतृत्वमा रहेको जनमुक्ति सेनालाई जनताको लोकतान्त्रिक आकांक्षा अनुसार नया“ राष्ट्रिय सेनामा शान्तिपूर्ण ढंगले पुनर्संगठित र संयोजित गर्न तयार रहेको कुरा पुनःस्पष्ट गर्दै कथित शाही सेनालाई नया“ राष्ट्रिय सेनामा रुपान्तरण गर्न ठोस कदमका निम्ति अपिल गर्दछौं ।

लामो समयदेखि हिन्दु उच्च जातीय अहंकारवाद -व्राहमणवाद) मा आधारित सामन्ती सत्ताद्वारा नेपाली जनता वर्गीय, जातीय, क्षेत्रीय र लिङ्गीय भेदभाव, शोषण र उत्पीडनको शिकार भई आएका छन् । यो अवस्थामा नेपाली जनतालाई सामन्ती शोषणबाट मुक्त गर्न धर्म निरपेक्ष राज्य, जातीय-क्षेत्रीय स्वशासन, लिङ्गीय समानता, जनपक्षीय आर्थिक सुधार तथा गणतान्त्रिक राज्यसंरचनाको पक्षपोषण गर्ने राजनैतिक दलहरु, नागरिक समाज, जातीय संघ, संस्था तथा बौद्धिक व्यक्तित्वहरुका बीचमा वृहद् गणतान्त्रिक मोर्चा बन्नु हामी अनिवार्य ठान्दछौं । जनताका आधारभूत समस्या हल गर्ने कुरालाई सुनिश्चित गर्न तथा सामन्ती षडयन्त्रका खतरालाई चकनाचुर पार्न समेत त्यसप्रकारको गणतान्त्रिक मोर्चामार्फ् आन्दोलनकै रुपमा संविधानसभामा जाने कुराको महत्वलाई आत्मसात गर्दै हामी त्यसका लागि आवश्यक बहस र पहलका निमित्त सम्बन्धित सबैस“ग विशेष अनुरोध समेत गर्न चाहन्छौ ।

नेपालमा विद्यमान समस्याको लोकतान्त्रिक, शान्तिपूर्ण र अग्रगामी समाधानमा संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाले हमेसा व्यवधान खडा गर्ने साम्राज्यवादी दादागिरीको प्रदर्शन गर्दै आएको छ । दोस्रो वार्ता कालमा कथित शाही सेनालाई दोरम्बा हत्याकाण्ड मच्चाउन उक्साउने भूमिकादेखि १२-बुंदे समझदारीका विरुद्ध निरन्तर विषवमन गर्नेसम्म र अहिले अर्को वार्ताको ठीक पर्ूवसन्ध्यामा रिचर्ड वाउचर आएर “शाही” सैनिक हेडक्वार्टरमा मन्त्रणा गरी त्यसको प्रशंसा गर्ने र हामीलाई धम्क्याउने काम गरेर संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाले नेपालमा लोकतन्त्र र शान्ति होइन आफ्नो साम्राज्यवादी स्वार्थपूर्ति गर्न विशाल चीन र भारतका बीचको नेपालमा निरन्तर युद्ध र अशान्ति चाहेको कुरा पुष्टि गरेको छ । यो स्थितिमा नेपालमा लोकतन्त्र र शान्तिका लागि अमेरिकी हस्तक्षेप र दादगिरीका विरुद्ध आवाज उठाउन पनि हामी देशभक्त र स्वाभिमानी सबै राजनैतिक शक्ति र आम जनतास“ग विशेष अपिल गर्दछौं ।

अन्तमा, जनताको लोकतन्त्र र शान्तिको आकांक्षाप्रति गहिरो जिम्मेवारीबोधका साथ १२-बुंदे समझदारीप्रति प्रतिबद्ध हुंदै हामी वार्तामा प्रवेश गर्दैछौं । हाम्रो यो जिम्मेवारीबोधलाई “युद्धबाट थाकेको” वा “खुल्ला राजनीतिमा आउने हतारो” भनेर कमजोरीका रुपमा कसैले बुझ्छ भने उसले हाम्रो विचार र भावनालाई रत्तिभर बुझ्न नसकेको मात्र ठहरिने छ । नेपाल र नेपालीका निमित्त संर्घष्ाका कुनै पनि मोर्चामा अन्तसम्म लड्न हामी तयार छौं । तर, यसपटकको वार्ताको मोर्चा पहिलाका २ वार्ता जस्तो असफल हुने छैन भन्ने कुरामा हामी आशावादी छौं किनकि यसका पछाडि ऐतिहासिक जनसंर्घष्ाको शक्ति र निशर्त संविधानसभाको सहमति अन्तर्निहित रहेको छ । वार्ताको प्रारम्भिक चरणपश्चात् विद्यमान संसद, संविधान र सरकार विघटन र खारेज भई जनताको आकांक्षा अनुसार अन्तरिम विधान र अन्तरिम सरकार गठन हुनेछ र त्यसले निशर्त संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनको सम्पूर्ण प्रक्रियालाई नेतृत्व गर्ने छ भन्ने विश्वास हामीले लिएका छौं । अन्ततः यो प्रक्रियाको सफल अवतरणका लागि महान् नेपाली जनताको राजनैतिक चेतना र निरन्तर आन्दोलनले निर्णायक भूमिका खेल्नेछ । हाम्रो पार्टी जनताको त्यो भूमिकामा विश्वस्त छ ।

मितिः- २१ वैशाख २०६३


प्रचण्डको वक्तव्यको एउटा वाक्यले मेरो ध्यान सबैभन्दा बढी आकर्षित गरेको छ- यसपटकको वार्ताको मोर्चा पहिलाका २ वार्ता जस्तो असफल हुने छैन भन्ने कुरामा हामी आशावादी छौं किनकि यसका पछाडि ऐतिहासिक जनसंघर्षको शक्ति र निशर्त संविधानसभाको सहमति अन्तर्निहित रहेको छ ।

माअ‍ोवादीको मात्र हैन, तपाईँ- हामी र सारा नेपालीको पनि यही आशा रहेको छ- वार्ताका नाममा वार्ता नहोस्। पहिलेका दुई वार्ता जस्तो यस पटकको वार्ता असफल नहोस्। यदि यसो भयो भने नेपाल अब बन्ने नसक्ने गरी बिग्रनेछ।


  1. It is a very good news and we hope that this peace negotiation will end up with a conclusion.
    No more blood shed , we want peace in Nepal.

    Jai nepal, Jai peace !


  3. Dear readers !
    We must thank Umesh who is doing really a good job. I suggest him not to give any room for those comments that are posted from ill-thinking and motivated from destroying the new born relationship among the peoples force.

    USA has been a villen since long (like in Indian films) and has very bad ideas. Why USA wants to protect monarchy in Nepal? Why the nepalese people should follow US policy? Do we have not our decision making power? In fact, USA should support to the people’s aspiration, but not a autocratic feudal monarchy. Let our leaders give full power and opportunity to play from now and onwards in favour Nepal and Nepalese people.



    Let us make success what cpn (m) has proposed in the statement. It is really a FORWARD LOOKING VISIONARY statement. This is the only way to enter into GANTANTRA and RESCUE the country. Let them work to the final victory.



    from Norway.

  4. Lets hope both parties will come to the negotion table with sincerity and commitment to solve the present political crisis in order to bring peace and harmony in the country.
    Commets by DK Prasad

  5. ‘Maoist is not a problem, but a solution’-they are proving it day by day. They are far sighted, done a correct diagnosis, energetic & thus, really a panacea to to the Nepali ailments. Bravo & cheers to them !! Only thing that they should continue the ‘ most glorious revolution’ until the REPUBLIC set up & abolishment of all MANDALES & THEIR MASTERS alongwith all the HENCHMEN inclusive of TIKE MANTRIS & PRADHAN MANTRIS…

    Janapriya Ganatantra -hi, hi
    Kuhiyeko Rajtantra- bye, bye.

  6. its good news from now if any nepalese party losses the election just go to jungle mind wash some of the frustrate people give them weapons finally you will get your share in power.

    Now-on-wards its good lesson for the nepalese people if your voice isnt heard tell them by weapons you will get enough fighter even without any vision.


  7. I wish i could be at home to celebrate this moment.i would like to thank all the people who participated in the movement contineously for this day without any fear in their mind.
    i also would like to salute all the martyr at this moment.i also hope that this time the shedded blood will not go to trash.

    hey,umesh when u gonna share news about kamal thapa and others matiyar arrest.

  8. yas pali ko barta safal hos hami sabilai shree passupatinath sanga yahi magnu parcha desh ko lagi


  9. it’s a good news.

    But people should put great deal of pressure on these SPA, Maoists and whoever supporting the remnant of King. IF they are ready to sit for peace talk… we, the people, should bring out damn BIG demonstrations urging them to strike a deal giving up their useless shitty interests.

    Please, merosansar jyu, let’s campaign for this BIGGEST RALLY, let’s urge the civic societies to organize the BIGGEST Rally ever demanding PEACE for NEpalese poeple. Enough has been tolerated by the people…. So PEOPLE, let’s go and force these netas to bow to our POWER.

  10. Thank you Maobadi chairman and the people.
    Let Nepal become republic through peaceful means and the process has already begun with the passage of resolution to hold the election of constituent assembly.

    Maoists come to the peaceful process and Nepal will be a peaceful democratic republic.

  11. I hope this time both Maoist and Parties will devote themselves for the interest of the Country ,for the People,for the Peace .They must grab this opportunaty to wash their wrong doings in the past.

    They should fulfill the feelings of the people.
    Otherwise no one can tell their Future!!

    This table talk must be the Last one!!!!!!
    Love Nepal.Love Nepali.
    deep s. stha

  12. jana uddhaKO namma 13000.janata ko jyan gayako chha .LAKHAU janata ghar bar bihin bhayaka chhan .jana aandolan ma jyan gumauneharu le 10.00.000rupaiya paune byabastha gariyako chha .tara jana uddhama marneharulai kasle santona dine? MAOBADI NETAHARULE SEF LANDING GARNE HATAR GARE JASTO CHHA .JAUDDHAMA MARNE HARU LAI PANI SAHID GHOSANA GARINU PARCHHA .SAHID KA PARIBARLAI CHHETI PURTI DINU PARCHHA .AES BAREMA KHAI PRACHHA BABURAM BOLEKO ??????????????????????

  13. Really great news ! Now the SPA leaders must be very careful not to listen to USA’s suggestions,rather listen to the aspirations of nepali people. Unfortunately the US policy has failed to connect with the people of Nepal. I know for a fact that alot of Americans are equally angry at Bush adminstration’s Nepal policy. Let peace prevail in nepal and let’s remove everything that blocks our road to peace,including the US if it dares so.
    houston, TX

  14. Thanks Prachanda, Girija babu, and Dr. Devendra and other Nagarik Samaj member along with Students involved in the Khabardar Julus, except the incidence happened to MP Gayanwali. The activities, and the decision made during these few days are quite encouraging. Please move a head with this pace, and implement all these as quickly as possible. The election for constitutional assembly be completed within one year.


  15. aasha garau deshma chadai santi aaos,tara aba desh janata ley chalaaunu parchha,kunai saamantabaad sasakley hoina,ra bhawishyama kahiley pani bhrastachar ko abhiyog laageka netaharuley satta chalaauney mauka paaunu hunna,ra arko kura aba nepalko nayaa aauney sambidhan ma euta buda k chahi thapnu parchha bhaney bhrastaari ra jyanmara harulaai chahi faasi ko sajaaya hunu parchha ani maatra desh ley bikash ko gati lina sakchha,feri pani ekpatak ma bhanchhu ki janataa ho hosh gara,neta haruley desh feri bechlaan,saamanti ko adhin ma basnu parlaa hai,ganatantra jindabaad….SAGAR BHARDWOJ LONDON

  16. खै के भनौ,

    खै बार्ता सफल हुन्छ कि सक्दैन भन्न गारो छ । हामिलाइ पो सान्ति चाहिया हो, अरुलाइ त मलाइ सङ्का लाग्छ है । त्री-ध्रुबिय शक्ति को तिन तिर तानातान गर्दा जनता कतातिर पुगिने हो थाहा छैन ।

    सात दलको काम गर्ने स्टाइल हेर्दा सारै बिरक्त लाग्छ, माओबादिको बिगत हेर्दा कहालि लाग्छ, राजाको बिगत-बर्तमान हेर्दा निराशा लाग्छ । खै राजाको त अब जनता बाट स्थान पाउला जस्तो त कुनै सन्केत पनि देख्तिन । अब कस्ले काध थाप्ला राजाको स्थानलाइ, जस्ले थाप्यो त्येस्को भबिस्य गयो भन्ने स्थिति छ ।

    राजा त अबस्य जान्छ तर माओबादिले भरोशा दिलाउन सकेमात्र, बिगत हेर्दा त मलाइ चाहि माओबादिको चरित्र डर लाग्दो लाग्छ ।

  17. Wecome ,
    welcome ,
    most welcome.
    Peace be with us.
    Let’s repent.
    Let’s forgive.
    Let’s Love.
    Let’s make perfect Peace.
    I pray “Lord Jesus Christ, Give the spiritual strength and wisdom to our Political leaders to construct the peaceful and prosperous Nepal.”
    Nepali Paul, From Korea

  18. Prachanda G you did a great job in right time but still to see how sincerely the new government will act it.As in your statement if somebody especially government take it as a result of tired mind and kind of power restoration then it would be unfortunate again for government as well as peace loving people.But this time it seems to be feeble because the people are behind the unconditional constitutional assembly and total democracy. We are glad seeing your sincereness and motivation.

  19. Dherai raktapat pachhi aayeko Gantantra lai aba kursi ko tana tani garera hoina Janata ko bhawana anurup ko sarkar banos desh ma santi chhawos ani Janata lai jhuto kura ko lobh dekhayera Bidesh pathaune Dalal haru lai pani 1/1 chhanbin garera karwahi hos bhanne kamana gardachhau.
    Hal Abudhabi bata pawan mishra

  20. Prachandale bhane jastai malai pani sanka lageko thiyo yo america ko chal dekhda…nabhaye, nepal aauna uslai kina yeti hatar??????…dahi = chiure roll gareko chha us le..kahile raja ko samrthan..kahile parti ko? kahile 12 buda thik 6..kahile thik chaina
    malai ta asoj 18, magh 19 sabai us ko advice ma rajale gareka huna..ra ahile aayer biswo ka kunai muluk lai chaso nabhayeko seremonial king ko kura garna hatar pani tehi us lai bhayeko chha…k us le raja bachaune thekka nai liyeko chha kya ho????
    ra arko norway ko pani chala ustai ho ki jasto lagchha malai ta…..nabhaye yeti hatar garer nepal pugnu parne aabasyek nai dekhdina….narwa ko pahal ma bhayeko srilanka ko shanti barta ko gati ta dekhi sakiyo ni…aba feri nepal ma bigarna khojeko ho ki?? je bhaye pani hami nepali ko chahana maobadi ra anya paries harule bujne chhan..tara neta harulai khabardari garna bhane chhodnu hunna hai…natra yini haru le bato biraune chhan…

  21. You are right Umesh, let’s wish and hope the dialouge would be successful to restore the peace and progress of Nepal. And I hope nobody will repeat the mistakes of past.

  22. Let’s be optimistic this time, as from here it looks that all the sides are making genuine effor. HOpe and pray that future will be atleast peaceful , if not prosperous.

  23. Kehi aasha palako cha.. yo aasha pani khera gayo bhane janata le maobadi ra neta haru kasailai pani biswas garne chaina..


  25. उमेश जी तपाईंको र हाम्रो अनि सबै नेपालीको तर्फ देखि अग्रीम शुभकामना
    पशुपतिनाथले हामी सबैको कल्यान गरुन ।
    जय भाबी गणतन्त्र नेपाल । । ।

  26. Everything is going in good progress. We all people are also expecting the incoming negotiation between Maoist and SPA Government will be result oriented and bring the peace in country.

    But One thing I would like to emphasize that the SPA government do not see the face of PALACE and ruin the environment of negotiation as previous governemnt and Both party (maoist and governemnt ) will strongly follow the 12 point agreement and the people’s movemenet II.

    Looking for the good result.

    Jeevan Rokka.

    Monarchism BYE BYE
    Republic Nepal HI Hi HI

  27. Umesh ji Mero bicharma hamile shanka matrai hoina eakk palta biswass garer hernu parchha….
    we want peace not war…..

  28. maoist ko sakaratmak baktabyale malai pani sachai khusi tulyayeko chha hami sabaile kamana garauki barta safal hos ani hami sabaile khusika sath jienu paiyos,
    Mingma Sherpa Riyadh saudi Arebia

  29. tamam nepali jantale santiko kalpana matra nabhayera santiko sas ferna sakincha bhanne yo baktabyale jarigareko ma swagat cha,barta bhanga nahosh hami prabas bata pani yahi kamana cha.

  30. tamam nepali jantale santiko kalpana matra nabhayera santiko sas ferna sakincha bhanne yo baktabyale jarigareko ma swagat cha,barta bhanga nahosh hami prabas bata pani yahi kamana cha.

  31. मलाई जहाँ सम्मलग छ कि अब गिरिजा बाबु लाई अरम को जरुरी छ अब नयाँ पिदी लाई चन्क दिय राम्रो हुने थियो औन्ले नेपाल को लागि अहैले लोक तान्तृक अन्धोलन लाई राजा को सम्म्ने न झुकी अन्धोलन बिस्तार गरे थो चै राम्रो कुरा हो अह्हिले को बर्तमन परिस्थिती मा यहाँ भन्धा पहिला गिरिजा ले नेपाली जनता को रगत न्ह्ब्गएए को होईन तर राम्रो कुरा को सपोत गर्नु पर्द छ अहिले पनि गिरिजा ले रज्ज परस्त्ता न्भै देश र जनता लाई गद्दरी ङरी तनक पुर र महाकाली शन्दी र लौद कन्द्दा लाउद कन्द न खाइ पुरा जहाँज खाने र पुरा नेपाली जनता को बलिदन लाई पनि फ्र्न्ने हो भने गिराजा लाई पर्दन मन्त्री छुन्नु ठीक गरे जस्तो लग धैन यो सभै को साझा फुल बारी हो सबै लाई फुल्ल्न देउ फल्ल्न देउ सबै म एउटा पर्तिव्ह हुन्छ यो देश ले बैकैल्ल्पिक नेता हरु जान्न्मा इ स्के को छ जस् ले दुनियाँ लाई नेपाली जनता को क्रान्ति कारी बलिदनी देश प्रेम र बहादुरि धेखै दियको छ मौन्तेवेरेस्टको तुप्पो म रातो झन्डा फर फर र उने छ बल्ल नेपाली क्रान्ति सफल हुने छ बल्ल पुर्न्ता नेपाली जनवदी नेपाली गनत्रन्त्र नेपाल हुने छ बल्ल देश को पर्गती हुने छ र नेपाली जनता ले खोजे को पनि थै हो जनता को जित अब्श्य्वै हुने छ (टाईप) धरै गल्ती छ सुदर गर्नु होला मित्र हरु saudi Arabia Dammam city muktiram Devkota नेपाल

  32. prakriya alik dhilai bhayepani dubai pakche bata yuddaviram bhayerai chadyo..prachandale bhanejasta yespali ko barta yokurale pani safal hune lakchen chaki abako barta kalma yedi party tatha netaharu ..bharat(india) america(USA)china, (bhalai mukhma bujo halera basne, ajhai bhanum bhane usle gyanendrako prajatanra lai nai asali prajatantra thaneko thiyo) yayot yo 3 saktishali deshle ..hamro netaharuko dimag ma pech kasepani wasta nagari kana ..desh ra janatakolagi mahan lakche ma pugne sochai rakhera barta agadi badayou bhane chitainai dirghakalin shanti ko kiran chaune pakka cha..yesma netaharule aba yokura ma pani daar mannu hunnaki uslai shena ko bhandapani nikkai shakti shali janatale sathdiyeko cha, tesaile neta tatha party haru abako yo shanti barta lai bina kunai rokawot lakche ma puryaune swornim samaye ayeko cha timiharulai karadau nepali harule itihasko kaalkhanda ma shadai amargati prapti hune gari jai jai kaar garne cha, antama yokura thokuwa garauna chahanchu ki abako shanti barta ma gyanendra le chekbar lagauna sakdaina tara ..bhitra bhitra usle barta bitholene harkat garna sakincah ..ata bartaman sharkar ma basen neta tatha bidrohahi maobadi. abako bartakalin andolan ma janatale timiharulai surakcha pradan garne cha tatha ..abako barta lai kunai pani bahana ma chodera feri maha sangram ko bato ma nahidne pran garna sakene safalta safaltamilosh , shafalta ko shikhar ma pugosh yehi ..2karod 50lakh janatale chaheko yeutai lakhche ho,
    sadayentra kari haru dekhi sabadhan,

  33. If We become to avoid the intervene from outsider the dialouge could lead to success.Otherwise, it will be very early for comment.Therefore let us combat together against foreign meddling specially from Indian expansionist and American Imperialist.
    Secondly, The Royal Army must back to barrack and they must not act any that they did in past in Doramba (Ramechhap)and many more palces in country Which provoked Maoist

  34. Of course, this is a good signal to go forward for full liberty of Nepalese people and to establish a peaceful and prosperous republic Nepal. I thank You very much to the chairman of CPN maoist for excellent statement which is focused and cautioned to the government, leaders of the political paries to take a serious step without any hesitation to transform Nepal toward democratic republic as aspiration and demand of Nepalese people today.

  35. तेमीहरो बीगतका २ वटा बात्रा भाडेर जङगल पसेको हो तेसैले कसरी नेपाली जन्ताले बीस्वास लीने अब पनी फेरी बात्रा भाडेर मान्छे मार्न हीडेमा तीमीहरुको जीन्दकी जङगलका बाधरहरु जसतै हो

  36. I find the following article very touchy. I hope you all will like it also.

    “Ever cried for your country?”

    Nepalis complain about the caste system and corrupt officers. They Openly vent their anger against the government. But have they ever thought About Nepal’s real problems? I believe that they have not. I want to say that Nepal’s real problems are lack of patriotism among the people and lack of love for one another. This is the conclusion I have reached during my stay. This summer, I did voluntary work from July 5 to July 30 at FHI Ever Vision School, Matatirtha, Kathmandu.

    Let me first tell you about my country,Korea. This might help you understand my point.  Just after the Korean War, which claimed lives of more than 5 million Koreans, Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world. Without natural resources, Korea had no choice but to desperately struggle for its survival by all means. Under this gloomy situation, Koreans envied other Asian countries like Japan,Taiwan, and Nepal.

    Korean government officials were horribly corrupt. With the dual classes of Yangban (nobles) and angnom(peasants), Korean society was sickening day by day. However, Koreans, having determination to become rich, overcame the unfair social structure and put the country onto the track of development.

    When the former president Park Jung Hee took over the government, there were few factories in Korea. Korea could not attract loans or expect foreign investments. Under these circumstances, President Park ‘exported’ miners and nurses to then West Germany. The salaries that they earned were used to building factories and promoting industrialization of Korea.

    In 1964, when President Park visited then West Germany, the miners and nurses asked the president when the Koreans would become rich. The president replied, crying with the miners and nurses, that
    someday the Koreans would become rich. Many of Korean scientists and engineers, who could just enjoy comfortable lives in the United States, returned to Korea with only one thing in their mind: the determination to make Korea the most powerful and prosperous country in the world. They did their best even though their salaries were much less than what they would have received in other countries.

    The Koreans believed that they have the ability to change their desperate situation and that they must make the country better, not only for themselves but also for the future generations yet to come.

    My parents’ generation sacrificed themselves for their families and the country. They worked 14 hours a day, and risked their lives working under inhumane conditions. The mothers, who went to work in factories, fed their babies while operating machines in dangerous environments. They always tried to teach their children the true value of ‘hard work’.

    Finally, all of these hard works and sacrifices made the prosperous Korea that you see now.

    Nepalis, have you ever cried for your country? I heard that many of Nepali youth do not love their Nepal. I also heard that they want to leave Nepal because they don’t like caste system, or because they want to escape the severe poverty.However, they should be the first ones to voluntarily work for Nepal’s development, not the first ones to complain and speak against their country.

    I have a dream that someday I would be able to free the souls from suffering from the underdeveloped countries, anachronistic customs and the desperate hunger. My belief has become stronger than ever after seeing the reality in Nepal.

    A child with a fatal disease who doesn’t have enough money to buy a pill; a child living in what seems like a pre-historic dwelling and not having the opportunity to receive education; and a student who
    cannot succeed, no matter how hard he studies, just because of the class he comes from.

    A society, in which wives not only take care of children but also work in the fields, while their husbands waste their time doing nothing; a society in which a five-year-old must labor in a brick factory to feed herself.

    Looking at the reality of Nepal, I was despaired, yet this sense of despair strengthened my belief.I already know that many of the Nepalis are devout Hindus. However,nothing happens if you just pray to hundreds of thousands of gods while doing nothing. It is the action that you and Nepal need for the better future.

    For Nepal and yourselves, you have to show your love to your neighbors and country just as you do to Gods. You know that your Gods will be pleased when you work for the development of your country and improvement
    of your lives. Therefore, please, love your neighbors and country.

    Teach your children to love their country. And love the working itself. Who do you think will cry for your Nepal? Who do you think will be able to respect the spirit of Himalayas and to keep the lonely flag representing it?

    You are the ones responsible for leading this beautiful country to a much brighter future. This responsibility lies on you.

    (The writer is a 15 year-old student of Hankuk Academy of Foreign
    Studies,South Kore

  37. namaskar writer jiu.thanx.
    hamile mahobadi ko barta garne aakkyam chha sakaratmak maneu.tara mahobadi ko army sabailai nepali sena mha varti garauda derai afthero hunchha jasto lageyo kina vane mahobadi ko army sabai lai sena mha gafiyo vane kasto darja ko army lai gafincha hola.mahobadi ko sabai army lai sena mha gafda ke janta le feri banduk samaune din aaucha ki.mahobadi ko army lai sena mha gafda janta ko chora le kasari feri army mha ladna pauchan yesko jowaf dinu hola.thank you.

  38. नेपाल अब नयाँ युग मा प्रवेश गर्ने भो । हिजो सम्म जो बाट जे गल्ती भएको थियो, अब त्यो गल्ती फेरी दोहरिदैन होला । नेपाली र नेपाली को धेरै रगत बगी सक्यो । अबको आवश्यक्ता भनेको पूर्ण शान्ति हो । अब को नेपालले फेरी अर्को शहीद देखनु नपरोश र सबै जना मिलेर यस्लाई बिकास गरौ ।

    माओवादी लाई मुल धार मा ल्याइ अबको नेपाल लोक्तान्तृक गणतन्त्र तिर उन्मुख हुनै पर्छ ।जस्मा राज्यको सम्पूर्ण समरचना को निर्क्योल गर्ने काम जनता बाट होस् न कि कुनै ब्यक्ती बिशेष व पार्टी बिशेष बाट ।भ्रष्टाचार् देश् बाट पुर्ण रुपम हटौनु पर्छ।

    अब सम्पुर्ण नेपालि ले जिउ ज्यान् लगाएर देश् उकाशनु पर्छ न कि साना तिना झिना मासिना कुरा मा आफै आफै मा द्वेश लिएर।
    जाउ साथी हो गण्तन्त्र मा। पछी फर्केर नहेरौ । अगाडी बढौ साथी हो ।
    आजै अन्तिम लडाईं गरौ । फेरी भोलिका पुषता ले लडाईं गर्नु नपरोश ।
    नेता हरु खुट्टा नकमाओ । गणतन्त्र नै चाहिन्छ नेपाल को लागि ।
    अरु कुनै ले हुँदैन ।

    म मरे पनि मेरो देश बाचिरहोस् ।

    तर गणतन्त्र भएर ।

    जय नेपाल्, जय गणतन्त्र ।

  39. Maobadi haru shanti ra janta parti kati jimmebar chhan hernu chha. Kehi asha chha tara purai bharosha garna sakinna. Baktabya herda sanchai imandar bhaka hun ki bhanne dekhinchha tara kahi niuh khojne kura haru pani chhan, tesle kichalo lyauna sakchha. Heram k hunchha. Bhagaban le sabai lai sadbudhi duin.
    Ek Nepali

  40. Really a Good news to the general public of Nepal and Nepali all over the world.

    All the leaders including CPN Maoist should think for the economic transformation of the country after the quick settle of political debate.

    I wish a grand success of the political resolution of the leaders.

    Thank you !

  41. Thank you Prachanda Thank you. Now ball is in the government court. Please Giraja and Madhav, we want peace with respect from world community.
    Nepal is not a poor country but some people made us poor. Why we always want some begging help from forein country? How they behave us after gave some so called donation to us. ( Actually that so called donation return there shelves by sending so called experts and technical support as well as equipment.) If you leader people made the suitable environment in the country, we are ready to expence our labour to ‘Mother land’. If you heartly invite the all educated people in the country, I think more than 99% are ready to left their forein home, where almost the are feeling second citizen.
    Thank you Umesh jee for your live update.

  42. Yo barta safal hos, pahila ko barta jasto na tuhiyos.Desh ma feri shanti chhaos ani desh pragati path ma druta gati le lamkos.

  43. Green Signal 🙂

    Aba kehi aasha palayeko jasto lagya chha.

    Barta Safal hosss, Sat parti, Maobadilai shuv kamana.!!!1

  44. it is the good news for nepali people and also thanks for the moist party to go dailouge with government .
    but also next thing this table talk must be go further on loktantrik system not past democraty system . and also make no any more palce to king, mandale , bhrastachri samnti , sosak and jantamara neta haru . it is not only my view it is the allmost 95 % nepalies voice.
    and also one thing must be maoist do that in this perioud no any more active in others thing only to achieve peoples power and how to establised .

  45. It is very good news for all nepalese people.
    I hope it will be bring at nepal peace N estability

  46. Hi umesh ji

    We nepali people really eagar to those days when maoist leader and SPA leaders will seat in golmechsammelan to resolve the countrys political and peace process.
    Nepali people wants to neapl as santi chhetra as announced by Late King Birendra and sociaeconimic development.
    Lets hope Dr Babu ram and Prachanda will paly ministerial role in near future.
    May god bless them to work togther with innocent, poor and peaceloving nepalese.

    Buddhi Sagar ghimire
    Scotlanf UK

  47. Statement sounds really great but maoist should be consistent to thier commitment. Govt should take initiative ASAP. Loktantrik Ganatantra nepal – JINDABAD !

  48. yo belama ramro sanga barta nagare ta k hune ho bhanna sakinna hola.. tara barta hune bhayo tyahi nai sabai bhanda ramro kura ho.

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