मैले जितेँ 'स्कूप अफ दि मन्थ' अवार्ड

२०६३ वैशाख २१, बिहीबार
आज तपाईँहरुलाई म एउटा खुसीको कुरा सुनाउँदैछु। जनआन्दोलन चरमोत्कर्षमा पुगेको बेला मैले खिचेको एउटा भिडियो दृश्यले कोरियाको प्रख्यात नागरिक पत्रकारिता सम्बन्धी साइट ओहमाइन्युजको स्कूप अफ दि मन्थ अवार्ड जितेको छ। तपाईँलाई याद छ होला त्यो दृश्य- वैशाख ९ गते तत्कालीन निरंकुश सरकारले लगाएको कर्फ्युलाई हाँसोमा उडाउँदै हजारौंको जुलुस कलंकीबाट राजदरबारतर्फ अगाडि बढेको। आधालाई कलंकीमा नै रोकेर गोली र लाठी बर्साइएको थियो भने बाँकी अगाडि बढेका थिए। उनीहरुलाई सुरुमा अगाडि नबढ्न सेनाले अनुरोध गरेको थियो, हात जोडेको थियो। तर रक्तपातको स्थितिबाट बच्न सेनाले शान्तिपूर्वक छेउ लागेर प्रदर्शनकारीहरुलाई बाटो खुला गरिदिएको थियो। त्यही भिडियोले कोरियाली सञ्चार संस्था अ‍ोह माई न्युजको स्कूप अफ दि मन्थ अवार्ड जितेको हो। यससम्बन्धी जानकारी आज इमेलमा त्यसका सम्पादक टडले मलाई दिएका हुन्। पुरस्कारको राशी १ सय अमेरिकी डलर बराबरको रहेको जानकारी त्यसमा दिइएको छ।

८० देशका १ हजारभन्दा बढी नागरिक पत्रकारहरु कार्यरत ओह माइ न्युज कोरियाको एउटा प्रमुख सञ्चार संस्था हो । उक्त संस्थाले सबै नागरिक पत्रकारको अवधारणा अगाडि ल्याएको छ।

अ‍ोहमाइन्युजको अंग्रेजी संस्करणमा पनि यो सम्बन्धी मैले लेखेको रिपोर्ट प्रकाशित भएको छ। तर अवार्ड भने कोरियाली संस्करणमा राखिएको भिडियोका लागि प्राप्त भएको हो।

उक्त भिडियोलाई सबैभन्दा पहिला मेरो संसारमा नै सार्वजनिक गरिएको थियो। त्यही भिडियो राखिएको पोस्टमा नै अहिलेसम्मकै सबैभन्दा बढी ४४१ वटा कमेन्ट पाठकहरुबाट प्राप्त भएको थियो।

भिडियोका प्रमुख अंशहरु हेर्न यहाँ जानुस्।

पूर्ण अंश पहिलो भाग, दोस्रो भाग र तेस्रो भाग हेर्न यहाँ जानुस्।

अनि अर्को एउटा पनि खुशीको खबर- आजको प्रतिनिधि सभाको बैठकले सांसदहरुले विगतको पारिश्रमिक, भत्ता र सुविधा नलिने प्रस्ताव पारित गरेका छन्। अनि हालको बैठकको भत्ता पनि जनआन्दोलन घाइते उपचार कोषलाई दिने प्रस्ताव पारित गरेका छन्। यो नेपाली जनताको खबरदारीको परिणाम हो। नत्र यिनीहरुला लगाम नलगाएको भए फेरि पनि पजेरो संस्कृति दोहोरिन सक्थ्यो। हामीले अझै खबरदारी गरिरहनु जरुरी छ तर संयमताका साथ।


  1. Umesh ji,
    syabash ,jiteu puraskar thoolo, nam kamaudai janu,
    aandolan ko lagi timi bane kathiyou achanu.
    luki chori nadarai khabar batuli pura,
    gareu pura jati thiya samachar ti adhura,
    I wish all the best,

  2. ल धेरै बधाई छ उमेशजी। तपाईले गर्नुभएको कामको सही कदर भएको छ र भविष्यमा अझै सफलता मिलोस् भन्ने कामना गर्छु।

  3. la dherai badhai chha umesh jee!
    Aakhirima parissram ko fal mitho hunchha bhanne kura charitartha bho……

  4. Umesh jee
    Congratulation ! You deserve it and this is just a start. Keep up your good work for the democracy in nepal, you will have uncountable awards in your life time. USD 100 worth more than a million dollars in your resume.

    I again like to congratulate you for playing a wonderful job during the crucial time in Nepal.

    We like to see people like you decorated with lot of awards. Of course, you guys will have those awards in future. Keep up the good job !!

    Take care.

  5. bhadhai cha umesha ji, tapai ko vdo le award paunda hamilai pani yek dum khushi lageko cha
    . bhadahai cha hai

  6. la la umehs dai badhai chha hai hajurlai. ajha dhari awards haru hata parnu la ani sunu ramro kam gardai janu loktantrako lagi if not ye neta haru chiplana sakchan ne

  7. blog नेपाली भएको र प्रतिक्रिया धेरै भएकोले होला, हामी विदेशमा बस्ने लाई नेपाली मा नै लेखेको प्रतिक्रिया पढ्न मन पर्छ। भरसक छोटो मिठो र नेपाली मा नै लेखेको प्रतिक्रिया पढ्न पाए हुन्थ्यो। उमेश जी, सबैलाई युनिकोड प्रयोग गर्न सल्लाह दिनु पर्यो। सजिलो नै छ। यसरी भाषा को पनि बिकास हुन्थ्यो ,कि कसो?

  8. Umesh jee,
    Well done and congratulations! Keep it up man! And wish a all the best all in your walks!

  9. Many Many Many conguratulation Umesh Ji for this award keep walking in ur’s path u will be again successful …………… keep going on

    Krishna Panthi

  10. Umesh Ji Congratulation…. we know that u r 4 tha award… u have done well job…. head it up….

  11. उमेशजी,
    बधाइ छ। देखेका कुरा टिपेर तत्सम् रुपमा राख्ने कुरा तपाईंको विशेषता हो। तपाईंले धेरै युवाहरुको भावनाको प्रतिनिधित्व पनि गर्नुभएको छ।
    No wonder you have turned yourself to a new kind of journalist.
    I hope your efforts will continue…

  12. Umesh jee, congratulation for awarding a Internationla level award. I wish you a good luck for your future career.
    I appreciate your efforts what you have done really a great for us.

  13. La badhai chha… Ramro kuro puraskrit hunchha dhilo chado…Tapai ko niswartha mehanat ko phal ho…rasi mahatwopurna hoina paisa ta ke gyane sanga kam chha ra…la great job keep it up

  14. Congratulation!

    I am happy that your contribution for the Janaandolan is finally recognized internationally. I believe that this is just the beginning.

    While we have achieved a great victory in this Janaandolan we are still far from our goal – Republic of Nepal and prosperous society.

    This is my first comment in your blog though I have been visiting your blog site daily for a while.


  15. स्कुप अफ द मन्थ अवार्ड को मा धेरै धेरै बधाइ छ,
    राज द कोरिया

  16. उमेशजी !!!!!
    बधाई छ !!!!
    “थक कर रुक जाना जिन्हे पसन्द नही है ,
    उनके लिए कोइ हि भि मन्जिल दुर नही है “

  17. ल हेनुँहोस हालका मन्‍त्री मण्‍डल मा गोपालमानश्रेष्‍ठ वाहेक सवै मन्‍त्री हरू वाहुन-क्षेत्री छन
    प्रधानमन्त्री, रक्षा, सञ्चार लगायत अन्य मन्त्रालय- गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइराला (नेपाली काँग्रेस)

    उपप्रधानमन्त्री तथा परराष्ट्र मन्त्री- केपी अ‍ोली (एमाले)

    भौतिक योजना तथा निर्माण मन्त्री- गोपालमान श्रेष्ठ (नेपाली काँग्रेस प्रजातान्त्रिक)

    अर्थमन्त्री- डा रामशरण महत (नेपाली काँग्रेस)

    कृषि तथा सहकारी मन्त्री- महन्थ ठाकुर (नेपाली काँग्रेस)

    गृहमन्त्री- कृष्णप्रसाद सिटौला (नेपाली काँग्रेस)

    भूमिसुधार तथा व्यवस्था मन्त्री- प्रभुनारायण चौधरी (संयुक्त वाममोर्चा

  18. उमेश ब्रो, ल बधाई छ! साथिले अरु धेरै प्रगति गरेको सुन्न पाउँ । नेपाली घडी राख्नु भएकोमा धन्यवाद । अनि अर्को सानो अनुरोध, तपाईंको लिङ्क खोल्दा अर्को फरक विन्डो भएमा अलिक् बेश हुन्थ्यो कि भन्ने मलाई लागेको छ, विचार अरुम् होइ साथि। तपाईंको होम पेज कतै नजाओस्, नत्र मजै भएन यार ।
    एउटा शुभचिन्तक,

  19. The sheer amount of appreciating that you get shows that you are doing a great job Umesh bro. You should definitely continue your work and keep on applying pressure to these currupt politicians to deliver what the people want.

    I see light at the end of that tunnel and we all wish to see that light get brighter and brigher as days pass.

    The effort that you have put in will certainly hasten change.

  20. Umesh ji,

    Great work on winning the award. Your blog site is top quality. Keep up the great work. Congratulations.

    One question I have for you is that I am not able to get RSS feed updates using RSS readers like (Google Reader for example). Can you look and let me know why?


  21. Umesh!

    Man you are good! Keep working hard you are no less than a dedicated TV news reporter! Keep up the good work. You are our live international reporter. You deserve much more!

    Subhecchuk, USA

  22. hi bro,
    congrats.. u did well above,i can say an excellent. being a foreigner, as u proved that current npl’s situation mirror. thanks. hoped u’ll b the next hearttouchable n perfect videos n news catcher for the future. and make a strong documents for unknown person who r not near with it to prove that was true.
    with great regards;

  23. धेरै बधाई का साथसाथै हार्दिक शुभकामना आउदो दिनहरुमा पनि त्यस्तै सफलता पाओस्।

  24. congratulation! you deserve more success in the future. keep on mor good work! we all support U!.
    Best wishes!

  25. Congrasss!!! Umesh jee.
    Always Believe in the Best, Do ur Best and the Best will come to U.U r doing Excellent job, so it’s a start only.keep ur Fork, the BEST is yet to come!!!!
    gyanendra khaiju
    bhaktapur, now Dubai,uae

  26. ओहो बधाइ!!

    पुरस्कार राशि थोरै भए नि, यसको प्रतिकात्मक अर्थ बिशाल छ । फेरी फेरी पनि यस्तो सफलता पाउदै जाओस ।

  27. Many Many Congratualtion to you. On the occasion of this cheerful moment I hope you to be a reputed formal journalist keeping your blog intact.

  28. Dear Umesh ji
    Congratulation to u for u’r great achievement. u deserve it. and hope u will be always with us like u r in those historic moments. and we r also always with u. u r just an awesome and amazing. Thank you very much.

  29. hey umesh ji
    many congratulation and good luck for future. i am really happy to hear this news coz i like your this way to give news to public. keep it up.
    thanks very much
    bikram bhattarai

  30. Dear umesh ji,
    Many many congratulation for ur prize. You have won so many hearts thorough your tireless efforts that we personally feel that we are awarded through your award. Congrats again……

  31. jaslee maha kat chaa uslee hat panee chatt chaa.
    dhanya bad chaa hai umesh jee.
    alikatee puraskar bhayee nee ayoo,,it is surya ko agadi batee dekhayee jhayee bhayoo hai,,
    pdrgati ko subha kamna cha

  32. Umesh ji,

    Thats beginning. As I wrote already
    in your blog site that THE VIDEO
    you took is great and you deserve the
    VIDEO of the year. Someone out there
    should recommend for PULTIZER PRIZE.
    You were on frontline risking your life
    and it was encouraging to journalists,
    to the people and to the security providers
    what should they do to avoid blodshed.
    That officer should also be given award,
    for his last minute crucial decision to
    save the life of people. His decision will
    inspire others to do in future.

    Gyaen Pokhrel

  33. Congrats! Umesh,

    I also appreciate your great work. And I wish you all the best in the future.

  34. tons of congratulations from dharan. that video is really a masterpiece. i have seen it several times

  35. Umesh jee
    Congratulation for the award. it is the result of your hard working. keep it up. best of luck.

    B M Shrestha

  36. Congratulations! It is important to know that you’re doing a deed worthwhile and the awards help. All the best for the future.

  37. wonderful job..
    keep it up and many congratulation
    is there any thing we can help, please let us know

  38. Badai chha Umeshji,
    Sadai eakpaila agadi rahanuss hai….akhabarko Duniyama….
    keep going…

  39. उमेस् जि !
    लाख लाख बधाई हजुरलै,राम्रो काम को फल राम्रै मिल्६, अजै राम्रो गर्दै जानुस् अरु सफलता ले हजुर को प्रतिक्षा गरेर बसेको ६,हामी प्रवाशी हरुलाई छिटो छिटो नेपाल को खबर देइ हजुर ले गुन लगाउनु भएको ६ अजै आउँदा दिन हरुमा पनि यस्तै गर्दै जानु हुनेछ भन्ने आशा ६ ।
    ल त फेरी बधाई है,कृष्ण अर्याल ,दुबै

  40. Umesh ji
    dherai dherai badhai chha… bastav ma ni bhanne ho bhane yo matrai hoina nepal ma pani tapai le kunai puraskar paunu parne ho.. kinaki prajatantra punarsthapana garauna tapai ko bhumika pani hamro lagi thulo chha …
    god blesh nepal…aba hamro desh santa bhayeko herna pau…

  41. Umeshjee,
    You have really done a great job as a citizen journalist. You truly desearve this prize.Long Live your contribution! Three cheers you again.
    With Best wishes,

  42. पुरस्कार को लागि हाम्रो धेरै धेरै बधाई छ ।

  43. Umesh Ji,

    Congratulation! You got what you deserve. After all there are people in the world who make a good judegement. I am hopeful that this would encourage you to struggle for free people’s journalism in the days to come.


  44. उमेश जी,
    हार्दिक बधाई छ पुरुस्कारको लागि यसता पुरुस्कारहरु थुप्प्रै पाओस् तर गोदवा चाहि नलिनुहोश् है ।

  45. Umesh ji hernus na ma tapailai badhai dina aja ali pachhadi parechhu. mehanat ani satya kura ko sabai thau ma kadar hunchha. khusi lagyo dherai dherai badhai.

  46. badhaai chha umesh ji ramro kam garne haru sansar mai sobhayaman hunchan .tyesaiko parinam aaja tapai le paunu bhayako chha .agami din haruma tapai ajhai uttarottar pargatiko kamana gardachhu .

  47. Dear Umesh,

    Many many congratualtions!!!

    I couldn’t resist myself to cogratulate you for the award.

    Keep it up.

    With best regards,

  48. उमेश जी धेरै धेरै शुभकामना । अझै एस्ता राम्रा खुशी का खबर हरु हाम्रा कान्हरुमा परुन ।तपाईंको हर खुशी मा हामी पनि साथ दिनेछौ ।
    BEST OF LUCK!!!!
    KEEP IT UP !!!!!

  49. my dear umesh, maile tapailai 1 comment ma bhanekai thiye ni…tapai le gareko mihinet ko fall (result) mitho paunu hunechha bhaner..yaad chha ki?
    anyway yo ta suruwat matra ho tapai herdai janus na..
    ani maile bhaneko 1 kura..MERO SANSAR lai HAMRO SANSAR ..kahile banaune ni?

  50. उमेश जी बधाई छ।
    यो तपाई को मेहनतको सानो फलहो। हामी कोरियामा बस्नेहरुलाई औधी खुशी लागेको छ। कोरिया साथीहरु आन्दोलनमा सरीक छन अनी तपाईको कृतग्यपनि। यो हेर्नुहोला। http://www.sonsik.org.np
    अगाढी बडदै जानुस, हाम्रो शुभकामना छ।

  51. Umesh Ji,

    Hard work always pays you off. You deserve more. We are happy for you and keep it up.



  52. Hare Krishna Umesh Ji,

    Congrats! You deserved it, actually you deserve more ..I wish that your great work must be evaluated also by this new government.You are only best resource for the news of NEPAL as it is.

    good luch for more awards!


  53. Umesh ji.. Yo ta ekdam khusi ko kura ho.. Badhai cha.. Ekdam dherai badhai cha…

  54. Bodhai chha hai Umesh ji and team…..aru pani thupari thuprai award le sammanit hunu hosh …..Nepal sarkar le kahile samman garne ho, koni ? congratulation indeed !

  55. बधाइ छ उमेश जी । अगाडी बढ्दै जानुस तपाइले सफलताकोे शिखर अबश्य चुम्नुहनेछ । जनआन्दोलन 0६२/ 0६३ को मुल्याङकन गर्ने हो भने र उक्त आन्दोलनमा पत्रकार , मानबअधिकारवादी, समाजसेबी , डाक्टर, आदीलाइ यदी आआफ्नो स्थानबाट जनआन्दोलन सफल तुल्याउनलाइ गरेको सहयोगको लागी सम्मान गर्ने हो भने ब्लगर अथवा एकल पत्रकारको रुपमा तपाइलाइ पनि यो सरकारले सम्मान गर्न सक्नर्ुपर्छ तर दुखको कुरो यी नेताहरु फेरी संसदमा छिरेपछी अंशबण्डाको खेलमा भुल्न थालेका छन र जनताको जनआन्दोलन प्रतीको त्यो निष्ठालाइ बेवास्ता गर्न थालेका छन । खै कैले पलाउला यीनीहरुको बुद्धी ? अब पशुपती नाथले हाम्रो हैन यिनै नेताहरुको कल्याण गरोस , ।

  56. Umesh ji,
    Congratulations!!! You really deserve it!
    भविष्यमा पनि यस्तै सफलताका लागि शुभकामना।

  57. Congratulations Umesh ji,
    Malai ta kunai naulo nai laagena. You deserve much bigger award than that one!

  58. Congratulation Umesh Jee.

    Very happy to hear that a decicaded person like you get some award.. I hope, our new government also should appreciate your work and mention it in the media….

  59. hi umesh you deserve it carry on life is awaiting you ahead more things you hAVE TO do in life.
    my wishes is always with u

  60. ya this the sample of courage
    good work done you brave man i respect you
    well done we all are proud of you
    keep it up
    sabin dhakal

  61. बधाई छ उमेश जि ।
    अब यसले तपाईं लाई अझ बढी हौसला देला भने आश गरेको छु ।

    जन आन्दोलन २०६२ २०६३ मा तपाईं को योगदान अनुकरणिय छ ।

    समाजमा तपाईं जस्ता ब्यक्ती भएसम्म निरन्कुशता ले आफ्नो जरो
    गाड्न सक्दैन ।

    अब संबिधान सभा देखि गणतन्त्र न आए सम्म पनि तपाईं यो भन्दा अझ बढी जोशले नगरिक पत्रकारिता चलाऊनु हुन्छ भन्ने मलाई बिश्वास छ ।

    जय नेपाल्, जय गणतन्त्र

  62. Dherai dherai Badhai chha Umesh jee tapain lai. Aru pani dherai safalta ko kamana pani chha.

  63. Umesh,
    Congratulation,Quality and hard work always pays.Keep going,you are doing best.

  64. Umeshi Ji,
    Warm congratulation. I am very happy to hear this good news. You hard work and efforts is now yielding successful fruit. You have done excellent job and you deserve reward. I pray you will receive more award in the future. Wish you good luck in the future.

  65. congratulations!!!
    please visit korea to get the prize, so that i can meet you.
    I feel previlage if i can welcome you in korea.
    go ahead.. this is just a milestone for you and you will get whole lots of awards in the future.
    If I were the authorized person to choose you, I may have choosen you for “Magasese Prize” a nobel like prize from Asia, fonded in the memory of great journolists of Asia , from Philippines.

  66. Tapaile prapta garnu bhayeko puraskar samppurna nepalile payeko taharincha.jana andolan ma hami nepali ra tapai ko samman ho yo!aafno patrakarita babasaya lai nikkhardai lanus,sabai janat ko tali ra hai hai paunu hunecha !!!
    badhai cha umesh ji!!!!

  67. umesh ji talako nirdesan paderai dar lagyo !
    je hos badai chha hai
    nispachhya rupma kam gardai janos hamlai samachar herne padne absar didai janos subhakamana !

    Al khobar saudi arabia

  68. GooD JOb and Congratulations! I am sure you will get more awards and recognition for the type of work you are doing for the global Nepali community.

    Keep it up bro!

    Sunil Pokharel

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