प्रचण्ड र बाबुराम रोएपछि….(ExClUsIvE)

Prachanda and Baburam Weeping करिब चार महिनाअगाडि प्रचण्डको एउटा तस्वीरसँगै यो भिडियोको चर्चा सुरु भएको थियो। कान्तिपुर र त्यसपछि अन्य राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय पत्रकारहरुलाई खुला अन्तर्वार्ता दिनुअघि प्रचण्डको त्यही तस्वीर ‘लेटेस्ट’ बनेको थियो। रोल्पा भ्रमणमा गएका केही पत्रकारहरुलाई यो भिडियो पहिलो पल्ट देखाइएको थियो। त्यही भिडियोबाट त्यो तस्वीर निकालिएको थियो। अनि प्रचण्ड र बाबुराम रोएको त्यो भिडियोको चर्चा पनि उनीहरुले निकै गरेका थिए पत्रिकाहरुमा।

Prachanda and Baburam Weeping
त्यसैताका मलाई यो भिडियो प्राप्त भएको थियो। तर त्यसलाई यो रुपमा प्रस्तुत गर्ने साहस भने गर्न सकिनँ। किनभने तत्कालीन सरकारको नजरमा यो ‘आतंककारी दस्तावेज’ हुन्थ्यो।

अरु त अरु, त्यो भिडियोको सीडी बोकेर हिँड्न पनि डर थियो। त्यति बेला माघ १९ को पहिलो वार्षिकी मनाइँदै थियो क्यारे। त्यसैले सडकमा सैनिकहरु खानतलासी गरिरहेका हुन्थे। मलाई त डर लागेर सडकमा बेच्न राखिएका २० रुपैयाँ खाले सस्ता हिन्दी फिल्मका सीडीसित यसलाई बीचमा घुसाएर घरसम्म पुगेको थिएँ।

आज माहौल फरक भइसकेको छ। माअ‍ोवादीहरुसित समझदारी गरी जनआन्दोलन गर्ने सात दल सत्तामा पुगेको छ। माअ‍ोवादीको आतंककारी बिल्ला र रेड कर्नर नोटिस पनि हटाइएको छ। अनि दीगो शान्तिका लागि वार्तामा बस्ने तयारी पनि भइरहेको छ। माअ‍ोवादीहरुले खुला सभा पनि गरिरहेका छन्।

Prachanda and Baburam Weeping
यो भिडियो असोज महिनामा माअ‍ोवादीको एउटा केन्द्रीय बैठकपछि भएको सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमको हो। भिडियो निकै लामो छ र सबै यहाँ समावेश गर्न संभव पनि हुन्न। त्यसैले मैले १० मिनेटको सानो मुख्य अंशमात्र यहाँ प्रस्तुत गरेको हुँ।

यसमा माअ‍ोवादीको एउटा सांस्कृतिक समूहले ‘युध्दमैदानबाट फर्कँदा’ र ‘शहीदको सम्झनामा’ शीर्षकको अ‍ोपेरा देखाएका हुन्छन्। त्यही हेरेर भावुक भएर नेकपा माअ‍ोवादीका अध्यक्ष प्रचण्ड र अर्का शीर्ष नेता बाबुराम भट्टराई रोएको देखिन्छ।

युध्दमैदानबाट फर्कँदामा युध्दबाट फर्किएपछि घाइतेहरुलाई माअ‍ोवादीहरुले बोकेर लगेको, डोकोमा बोकेको, मृत्यु भएको, लाश गाड्नका लागि खन्दै गर्दा हेलिकप्टरबाट आक्रमण भएपछि लाशै बोकेर भागाभाग भएको, मर्न लागेका माअ‍ोवादीले करुण पुकार गरेको आदि देखाइएको छ। प्रचण्ड यी सब दृश्यमा भावुक भएर बेला-बेलामा रोइरहेको दृश्य भिडियोमा देखिन्छ। साथमा अरु नेताहरु पनि रोइरहेका देखिन्छन्।

Prachanda and Baburam Weeping
प्रचण्डको बायाँ छेउमा उहाँकी धर्मपत्नी देखिनुहुन्छ भने दायाँ छेउमा बाबुराम भट्टराई। बाबुराम भट्टराई पहिलो अ‍ोपेरामा आफूलाई नियन्त्रण गरेर बसिरहेका देखिनुभए पनि शहीदको सम्झनामा शीर्षकको दोस्रो अ‍ोपेरामा शहीदकी पत्नीले दुधे बालकलाई काखी च्यापेर गीत गाउँदै गरेको दृश्यमा भावविह्वल भएर आफूले लगाइरहेको छड्के टोपी नै एकातिर फ्याँकेर रोएको देखिन्छ।

भिडियोमा माअ‍ोवादीका अन्य केन्द्रीय नेताहरु बादल, रवीन्द्र, महरा आदि पनि देखिन्छन्।

यो भिडियो हेरेर अनेकले अनेक थरी विश्लेषण गर्न सक्छन्। कोही भन्लान्- गोहीको आँसू। कोही भन्लान्- माअ‍ोवादी आफ्नो १२ वर्ष लामो जनयुध्दका कारण भएको हत्याहिंसाबाट साँच्चिकै संवेदनशील भएका छन्। उनीहरुले पनि शान्ति चाहेका छन्। हेर्नेको आग्रह, पूर्वाग्रहबाट पनि यसलाई हेरेपछि निस्कने दृष्टिकोण प्रभावित होलान्।

भिडियोमा देखिएको दृश्यमा मेरो विचारमा भने उहाँहरु साँच्चिकै भावुक देखिनुभएको छ। यति लामो द्वन्द्वले धेरै नेपालीका आँखामा यस्तो आँसु बगिसकेको छ। त्यसैले अबको वार्ताले कसैको आँखामा यस्तो आँसु नबग्ने स्थिति ल्याअ‍ोस्- यही कामना !

भिडियो हेर्न तलको प्लेयरको प्ले बटनमा क्लिक गर्नुहोला-


  1. यो त गोही को आसु हो जुन मान्छे ले १२ हजार मान्छे को ज्यान लिदा केहि जस्तो लागेन अनि कसरि रुना सकेको होला??????? लज्पचुवा नर्भाछी हरु.

  2. Dear Concerns,
    Glad to see this video but as you everyone just because of a responsible citizen of Nepal i am not able to stop my tears in my eyes whatever it was now i request you all leaders or readers its a time to save Nepal by all the terms like as economical/financial/technical..resources So don’t stop guys this is not a tea break…No need to show your tears…are you guys tired or what you want to show to the people….??????? Yes off course thanks a lot Umesh i can see this just because of you,

    -Soma Kanta Pokhrel, INDIA

  3. thanks umesh ji
    Really u have done a work that must nepali people were eager to see.Prachanda is not only leader of the maoist . He is the only leader of new nepal. All the credit of new nepal goes to prachanda ,u show all the nepali people that they can be emotional, too in the suffering of the people. it proves that all the blame accused for them is nonsense.
    thank you

  4. Dear,umesh
    I m very happy with your work.i know u r a good man.i hope u can improve more and more like this you can help us.we can see now truth news from u,that is apricited things.i hope. i want say all leaders and all mimisters (don’t play with killing game in our country). this country was peace full befor.but now what happen after start killing game? i know one time mr:prachanda says 12000thousands people die its nothing.12000 its very big thing i want no any one die after now.make peace full our country.

  5. About “Gohi ko aasu”

    Do not take it as politics, tears of crocodile has some scientific explanation!

    The tears of gohi is due to change in the amount of salt in its body, which is assumed as the necessary process of its metabolism.

  6. प्रस्ट रुपमा भन्नु पर्दा जनताले बुझेको कुरो के हो भने र सबैलाई थाहा भएको कुरो पनि के हो भने गोहि र २ क्रान्तिकारी कम्निष्ट नेताहरुमा खासै तात्विक भिन्नता केहि पनि छैन. यदि छ भने त्यो के हो भने गोहिले आफ्नो स्वार्थ पुरा गर्न का लागि कुनै पनि निर्दोश प्राणिहरुलाई पाशविक तरिकाले हत्या गर्दछ र त्यस्को राम्रै तरिकाले भोजन गर्दछ अनि केहि समय पस्चात आफुले गरेको अपराधको बोध र त्यस्को ग्लनीका कारण सिकार भएको प्राणि प्रति क्षणिक सहानुभुति राखि गोहि आँखाबाट बरल बरल्ती बनावटी आँसु बगाउन थाल्दछ…….. तर सबैलाई थाहा भएको कुरो हो भने गोहि कति हिन्स्रक र् पाशविक हुन्छ भने उसले सारा जीबन भर हरेक प्राणिलाई त्यसरी नै पाशविक तरिकाले हत्या गर्दै जान्छ र आँसु पनि बगाउन्दै जान्छ् ……. त्यसै गरि प्रस्ट रुपमा भन्नु पर्दा जनताले बुझेको अर्को कुरो के पनि हो भने क्रान्तिकारी कम्निष्ट नेताहरु पनि आफ्नो स्वार्थ पुरा गर्नका लागि उनिहरुको भाषामा भन्नु पर्दा जनयुदको नाटकगरि शक्ति बन्दुकको नालबाट निस्कन्छ भन्दै सोझा साझा जनताको पाशविक तरिकाले हत्या गरि राज्यसत्ता प्राप्त गर्दछन् जसलाइ उनिहरु जनतको शासन भन्न रुचाउन्छ्न् र राज्यसत्ता प्राप्त गरिसके पछि आफ्नो सारा जीबन सत्तामा टिकाइरहन जनताका दुशमन भन्दै आफ्ना इतर पक्षका जो कोहिलाइ पनि पाशविक तरिकाले हत्या गर्दै जान्छन सत्तामा टिकिरहन्छ……टिकिरहन्छन.( उदाहरण का लागि North Korea & Cuba ) उनिहरुको भाषामा राजतन्त्र भनेको तानाशाही हो. तर जनताले बुझेको अर्को प्रस्ट कुरो के पनि हो भने निश्चित रुपमा जसरी गोहि र २ क्रान्तिकारी कम्निष्ट नेताहरुमा तात्विक भिन्नता छैन. त्यसै गरि राजतन्त्र तानाशाही र् कम्निष्ट तानाशाहीमा पनि खासै तात्विक भिन्नता केहि छैन.


  7. violence and killing ko justfy gardai hidne yesko aabasakta ko justify gardai hinde harulai tesko partiphal ..”Dead of thousands innoncent and poor Nepali” lai uni harulai samanya lagnu parne ho..kina ki uni haru lay gauma raheka manish haruko killings lai justify gardai hidthiye…Samanta baad ko aanta bhantheye..tara uni haru ko hinsa ko raajniti lay desh ma sachha corrupted politician, administerators haru lai yek chhueu pani chhoyeko chhina. Khali gau ka tallo taha ka uni haru ka birodhi rajnitik karyakarta, teachers , tallo taha ka government employee ra gau ka sadharad manish haru mareka chhan ..Malai personally uni haruko ruwai lay kunia parbhav parena. Tara aba shanti purbak , democratic plateform rahera raajniti gare tai thulo mannechhu…uni haru bata

  8. Thanks to Maoist Jana Saskritik Group. I think they played a vital role to make the leaders to realize that the war is not solution.

  9. Namaste to everybody,
    Lets hope the WAR is over , who will start nepali ama
    will never give excuse .Nepali people will never give
    excuse .
    Where is a wish there is a way .
    To make peaceful nepal we dont need wepons (power)
    we need wisdom .
    It is time to see who has wisdom to handle the nepal .

  10. Namaste to everybody,
    WAR is how much hard and painful ?????????………………………………
    It is painful for everybody as we are HUMAN .
    Heither from maobadi people suffer or anyparty people
    suffer . Anyway we are Nepali people and we suffer .
    I hope slowely people will not belive on arm,wepons .
    We know what is this ? Just to distroy .
    Lets Hope its over now .

    Prachanda and Babu Ram Ji, it is enougf ???

  11. Common Nepali people will never forget the blood that have been spilled over their land. They may forgive BUT NEVER forget the wound it has caused. Please get-re-united and help Nepal to be on track.

    Always begin the right work with right mindset. It’s rather better NOT to do anything than to start with wrong thing. We are in negetive now and we all need to help each other to forgive the past. The fight will never end otherwise. Let’s encourage each other to build the nation with right mindset. Take every possible help from the world, UN, EU, US, China, India – but don’t forget that help will always be temporary – WE have to build our nation – all over again – on our own! Good luck, specially maobadis – live up with the standards, keep up your promises that you made and show the new Nepal spirit ! People are counting on you at this time – don’t show your back to them. Lead them and prove them that what compassion means, end of corruption menas and what construction means. Even monkey can destroy a house – to build it – you need integrity, team work, dedication and right but open mind set ! Good luck common Nepalis – it’s also in your hand who you trusts the most and believe your conscience ! Love, Laws and Laugh are 3 basic quality of a human being apart from animals. Be a human !

  12. hatyara harule gohiko aasu dekahyeka hun yo ta. hajjarau jana sadharanko hatya maobadile garyo. tiniharuka parivar ko kasto bijog biwhal droshya thiyo hole. khoi mero sansarle chhapeko dekhayeko? yesto khali maobadiko dhole tokera jantalai bhram ma parnu pani yeuta apradha nai ho.

  13. Whoever die, tha pain is the same. The language of tears is same for the rich and poor, big and small. it is the powerful weapons in the world. That can defeat anyone and anywhere.

    So no one should cry because of our activities. Lets hope no one should be enforced to cry. No mother may cry in memory of her son, no bride has to cry at the loss of her groom.

    Lets hope with their cry, the peace process of nepal go ahead and flourish.

  14. Make it possible to download the vedio clip and other photos, so that these things can be seen without paying the telephone bills

  15. This is by far the best blog site I have found for Nepal. Keep it up your good work. Let me know if how we can support you. I will pass this blog to my friends and colleagues in the US. Reminds me of the sufferings that I left behind.

  16. com. prachanda ani com.baburam pani aak tapain hami jastai manab ho uha haru ko pani man cha mutu cha.yo natak sachaikai histircial cha ani samaya sandharvik cha .ladai,yudda prachanda baburam ko RAHAR hoina yo ta SAMAYA KO MAG HO.ani teys ma camanding garne kam matra uha haru le garnu bhayako ho yo kura sabai nepali haru le bujhnu parcha.

  17. umesh ji thks so much…
    i really fell down on this play ,i have too hurt like those person who has lost their relatives my self also lost my loving papa on this battle field who was the dc of bajura district ,named “com.jwala”.i realised his absence in my family & my society but understand his feeling for his society & nation . i salute to his manifesto & his secrifies…& salute those red warriors who give his soul to this nation…lastly advising to the people of nation like the poet of “sahid” saying his statement”hudaina bihani mirmire ma tara jharera na gaya , bandaina desh dui char saputa marera na gaya…” dear people we should remember our past and digging ways for future.we never forget deceive to us we be sencefull.saying uuuuu friend in need is a friend in deed…we should co-operate each other like this alive struggle againest the monarchy & his co-operation.we should give the example that people can do everything like this…
    comment by:prerit

  18. umes ji derei dhanebad for doc.khushi laagyo janaudha ko lagi sahayog garnu bhaya ko ma aa sha cha feri pani yastei doc upalabdha gar nu hola bhane

  19. umeshjee
    dherai ramro lagyo, maobadi ko pani man ra mutu ko athartha dekhina paiyo, aba sayad yasto hudaina hola nahos bhanne kamana gardachhu, tapai ko kala ma pargadi ko kamana

  20. Hi Umesh jee,
    Thanks for your blog and every effort.

    The video touches heart, brings tears, and creates a type of knowledge. Perhaps, the background you gave is enough so I don’t think I have to say more about the awesome video (not from the point of view of pleasure but pain and knowledge). My hinting of “knowledge” is every thing begins from knowledge then “discourse,” human interpretation begins, and finally “power.” This constructs our identity. Nobody knows his or her really identity as it is socially and culturally constructed. Therefore, the poor, homeless, and helpless people have been made made to fight I do not know if it is for their rights and liberty or to create power of somebody else who has creted a false identity of all freedom fighters. Now it is the perfect time to observe how the Maoist leaders act and react. Not only Prachanda and Baburam must be responsible to shape the identity of people but all the political leaders must know that people have sacrificed their lives for the people’s liberation. So, in the process of liberation, the leaders must make sure that no poor, homeless, women, children, untouchables, and indigenous people are left behind.

    The leaders must make sure that they deconstruct all the traditional conventions and create the new community/nation where Millions of Prachanda and Baburam’s tears should not shower.

  21. Thank you for your excellent way that you have thought.Regarding vedio clip it took very long time to download.

  22. Thanks for sharing the video
    That dam pranchada and Baburam they are just sitteting there and watching ,if they are really for people of nepal they should not be sitting there and watching people suffering they should be helping ,they all are same like panchas and netas, always people has to suffer.let other do the work and they watcha.

  23. Dear
    Parachanda Jee,
    BabuRam Jee,

    Tapai Haruko Video clip Here ra Malai Yekdamai Nirash Lagyoo. Teshari Tapai haru udhdha le Nepal Aama ka shaput haru mareka chha tesma tapai haru lai alikai des bidroha tagnu parchha bhanne man lagdaina. k udhdha ma mareka shahid haru tapai hamra janata hoinan ra. Bholi tapai lai shatta hastantaran bhaye pani tinai Janata ko awasekta pardaina ra. Mero bichar ma yoo Hattya Hinsha Atanka Chhoder Shanti Udhdha ko bato ma janda kaso hola.as soon as possible plz raply me i am wait your for reply.
    Ganesh Basnet

  24. Real tears or not they know that they are hurting their own people as well as every other Nepali. If from the start a) their intentions were true and their motivation was to improve the Nepali society by rooting out feudalism and inequality, or b) they couldn’t see themselves able to gain power/popularity by contesting parliamentary elections back then, I think they have achieved what they set out to do. Nepal will never be the same again. Now the poor are more imformed of their rights and people will stand up if exploited by rich landlords. And maoists are a political force to be reckoned with and gather more influence than even the major parties. Now for the maoist leaders, the acts that have been carried out for your cause are as low as it can get. you have brainwashed minors and the under previelaged to carry out unspeakable inhumane acts to acheive your goals. you have caused suffering of unmeasurable scale to hundreds of thousands of innocents in the name of justice, it is time to give up all that and face the people with your agenda. If the majority of people agree with you, you will get all that you want and that is the beauty of democracy. The nepali people have given their lives as a result of which the future of the nation is at your hands, now tread very carefully lest the fury of the brave Nepali people turn against you!

  25. dear Umesh Ji,

    i really appriciate your great work.

    could you please upload the complete songs or atleast the lyrics, its seems very inspiring. More than the comrades crying….

  26. This is called an exploitation of innocent but emotional human mind not the intelectual.No matter what you do, the universal goal of human being is to have mutual prosperity and happiness that is to be acquired by the strong law system that involves educators, intelecutal,spiritual and responsible man and woman who value the life. Prachand path is the path of gun and terror which is not compatible to the soil of Sidharth Gautam. Your path is just a prachanda path(ambition only not the vision) but not neccesarily the people path and the peoples are not your personal looted property that you use to take over the monarchy. Yes we don’t want monarchy that does not mean that your path is the only way to share your corcodile tears through stupid vedio. You are another dictator beside the king. I promise you we have enough counter reaction to your action. This king is not responsible for the ageold monarchy likewise prachanda and baburam not responsible for the 13000 peoples. Now the question who should be blamed for what? ok king blames for the monarchy and you blame for the prachanda mao anarchy path.King’s forfather took the wrong choice and you did the same. you don’t realize now because you both can scare and kill anybody in nepal but history will prove that not only the human agent king but you also became the victim of wrong choice. you both are the dark cruel, stupid agent of the bad system who confiscate and institutionlaize the people(illetrate farmer) power and skillfully shades the corcodile tears over planned killing. The monarchy is not the politics so is the prachanda path which is maoanarchy both are supported by the massive naked exploitation of the innocent people where one wants to protect the wrong choice of the forefather which is monarchy and another wants to establish mao-anarchy terrorizing people to accepet the same wrong choice.What is the difference, kami kale or kale kami. An ambition is one thing but the vison is the great thing.
    Khabardar, do not kill anymore!!! I will be back

  27. umesh ji,
    what a problem with your player. prachanda and baburam weeping not playing properly. haven’t u managed video streaming?? its not playing properly.

    try to make it smooth, like BBC

  28. umesh jee,
    very very much thanks for the vedio clip and i salute for your brave and courage. keep on man, and let’s hope for the peace and prosperity of the nation.

  29. Chronology… is messed up.

    which one is Climax? sound of helicopter, a guy stumbling with rifle.. or Steadiness of both leaders during and after the helicopter attack.

    I am sorry… this movie.. or even say documentary will be a superflop one… will not last more than hour in box office.

  30. lal salam kamred
    ati ramro chha tara yeuta kura yo ruheko kura malai chitta bujena kinaki ruyera des banne chhaina ra tes ma mahan yo des ka neta haru le sarbajanik thau ma. yo vel ra yo dirse le emotion parnu swavabik nai ho tai pani.
    arko sachet nagarik haisiyet le hanga ma nawaljee mul hanga ma chalne sujhab sath ra tatkal ko jo andolan pachhi ko aantarim sarkar ko tyoyi chal pani ma pani ma chitta nabujiraheko ra yaha ko vumika ko mahasus sath ma jod dine sabda lekhdai bida

  31. hajur camred haru lalasalam chha
    khas kura vaneko ruyera haina khas kura garera dekhaune ho.
    ki dhukha ki sukha ma aashu aaunu savabikai ho tara yo vandai ma yesary sarbajanik thau ma tapai haru jastya yo satabdi ka sakchham nepali camrd neta haru ko yo tal kina kina malai chitta bujheko chhaina hai camred haru
    next ma sanatina badala ko vawana vanda pani mul haga ko ma chai bichar puraune chha vanee mero vanai lagayet antarim aaj ka rastrya neta ko khel tyohi bujhiyeko le yeha matra yes kura ma lekhi rahe ko chhu
    lalasalam rihang kirat

  32. ए निर्माण किन आफुलाई त आउदो रहेनछ अरुलाई केको खिल्ली गर्छस् ?

  33. Yes i am fully agree with Nepalimacha and oppose Komal Poudyals comment.I think komal Poudyal is not aware of maoist activities in the village area in Nepal.He is just hiding some where in India with his wife and childrens.

  34. Prachanda and Baburam!!!

    This was just a drama and probably you were also pretending to cry, just to fool Nepalese people. I cannot imagine people like you, who killed thousands of innocent Nepalis, including children and woman. Many children has become orphan just because of you. You don’t know the value of human life and meaning of crying for the loved one. Just imagine your children and family being shot, burned and murdered in front of you, the way you orderd to kill your fellow Nepalese, and you will cry for real. Shame on you. The future will guide the way and your fate.

  35. Komal Paudel!!

    १) इतिहासमा अमर हुने भाषण त सुनायौ, लौ न त भन्देउ तिमि आफै २-४ पैसा कमाउन छोडेर स्वास्नी छोरा छोरी जन्माउन छोडेर मर्न तयार भएका छौ? आन्दोलनको बेला चक्रपथमा आर्मीको अगाडि छाती थाप्ने बेला भागेर बिदेश किन गएको? अरुलाइ मरेर महान हुने अर्ति दिन सजिलो छ, आफै मरेर देखाउन गाह्रो छ, साथी ।
    २) राजाको तमाम नराम्रा कुराहरुको बखान छाँटेर माओबादीका गलतीहरु ढाकछोप हुदैन । राजसंस्था पराजीत गर्न गाह्रो अवश्य छ, तर हामी सर्वसाधारण जनतालाइ अनाबश्यक दुखकष्ट नदिइ पराजीत गर्नेछौ, माओबादीले जस्तो निर्दोषलाइ रुवाउने, अनि आफु नि रोएको नाटक गर्ने हैन ।
    ३) १४००० मर्नु भनेको थोरै रे? थुइक्क तेरो विवेक । मान्छे मर्ने जस्तो कुरो पनि कहि दाँज्न मिल्ने कुरो हो? १ जना मात्र मर्नु भनेको पनि एउटा सिंगो जीवन खेर जानु हो, थाहा छ तँलाइ एउटा बच्चा जन्मेदेखी हुर्काएर माओबादीको शिकार हुन योग्य बनुन्जेल कति मेहनत पसिना खर्च भएको हुन्छ?
    ४) तिमि भनौला राजाको सेनाले नि मारेका छन् तर यो नभुल राजाको सेनालाइ जल्लाद बनाउन उक्साउने माओबादि नै हो, कसले बिर्सेको छ र? माओबादी नेताको त्यो भाषण – सेनालाइ युध्दमा नतानुन्जेल जनयुध्दले उचाइ हासील गर्ने छैन, माओबादीले पहिला पुलिस, त्यसपछी सेना, त्यसपछी भारतीय सेना र अन्त्यमा अमेरिकी सेना सित लड्नु पर्ने छ — भनेको।
    ५) माओबादी उसको कर्तब्यमा सफल छ भनेर दुनियाँलाइ नहँसाउ साथी । जसले आफ्नो कार्यकर्ताको जीवन बचाउन सक्दैन, जसले आफुप्रति आश्रीत कार्यकर्ता र तीनका परीवारलाइ खुवाउन सक्दैन र सर्वसाधारण जनतासित लुटेर खान बाध्य बनाउछ, गाँस बास कपास शिछ्या, स्वास्थ्य, सुरछ्या, न्याय जस्ता तमाम आधारभुत कुराहरु केहि नि दिनसक्दैन, अनि भुत्राको कर्तब्यमा सफल? जाबो दशै एउटा मनाउन समेत राजाको सेना र पार्टी को दयामा युध्दबिराम गरेर मात्रै त हो पाएका ,,,, यत्रो जीवन बर्बाद गरिकन जे ल्याइयो भनेका छन् त्यो तात्वीक रुपमा २०४६ सालको परिस्थिति भन्दा खास फरक छैन, एउटा सबिधान सभा बाहेक। अब, संबिधान सभाको लागि यो सबै त्याग हो भन्छौ भने ठीकै छ। त्यसमाथी संबिधानसभा त यस्तो लड्डु हो – जो नहिखाया वो पछुताया जो खाया वो भि पछुताया ।
    ६) तिम्रा कुराले तिम्रा आलाकाँचा सोचाइ बुझियो, जसको मनमा बालबच्चा हुर्काउनु जस्तो कठीन कामप्रति कुनै आदर छैन, त्यस्ताले न त आफ्नो बाबुआमाले आफुप्रति गरेको त्यागको गहिराइ बुझ्छ, न त आफै त्यस्तो त्याग गर्ने हिम्मत नै राख्छ। आदर्शका कुरा उपदेश दिने मौका पाएको बेला जति नै फलाके नि यस्ता मान्छेहरु निकृष्ट स्वार्थी हुन्छन । जो आफ्नो छुद्र स्वार्थबाट माथी उठ्न सक्दैन, ऊ नै अरुलाइ मरेर महान हुने गुड्डी हाँक्छ ॥

  36. Video ko lagi Umeshjee “Dhanyabad ko Patra” hunuhunchha.

    Rahyo kura video lai kasari bujhne ra line bhanne.

    Yadi Prachanda ra Baburam ani woha haruka karyakarta video ma dekhaiyeko jasto manabiya sambedana parti sanchi kai sachet ra bhabbiwhal chhan bhane yadi uni haru ko mutu bhitra katai kuna ma bhabanatmak komalata chha bhane………..yadi tapai haru pani Nepal ama ra Nepali janata ko lagi ladnu bhayeko ho bhane………….

    Bela sahi ayeko chha. Nepal ama yeti khera maobadi haru lukera hoina khulera afno kakhma kheleko herna chahanchhin. Khula rajniti ma auna ko lagi Nepali janata arko balidan dina sayadai tayar holan.

    Asha garau video ma dekhiyeko chhachalkiyeko ansu lai aru kasaile GOHI ko ansu bhanne abastha nawos.



  37. Pranchand and Baburam wept their eyes in a very sentimental way in this video. But their drops of tears seem to be for the Maobadi party, their goal and their people only. I did not see they shed tears for the people on the other side, by the way who are also Nepali and do not shed their Maobadi ideals.

    I see their tears as someone crying for their family, but not for the whole country.

    My 2 paisa worth of the comment.

  38. thanks for your videoclip. this scene is all fake because thousands of people were killed by them so badly .it is too clear that they don’t have a human heart and feelings. they only are showing off.

  39. Umesh ji namaste,
    jati sukai jasle jasto comment gare pani tara tyo uniharule gareko bhogeko waastabik ra satya kura dekhaiyeko chha pratek nepaliko man chhunchhanai.ani jun tapaile gareko shahasik kam ko lagi muri muri thannyabat.yasarinai yasta kura sabai samu puraudai janosh ahi chha shuva kamana mero.

  40. Nepali hunu ko peeda yei ta ho ni, yo vedio herne man huda pani herna paiyena, Internet slow bhayera.


  41. प्रचन्ड र बाबुरामको उद्देश्यलाई सकारात्मक वा नकारात्मक जे रुपम लिनुहोस् यो तपाईंको बिचार हो तर हामी जस्तो सामान्य जीवन बिताउने दुई चार पैसा कमाउने स्वास्नी छोरा छोरी जन्माउने र मर्ने कुरालाई नै सबै भन्दा गाह्रो काम ठान्नेहरुले सारा विश्वको ध्यान जित्न र देश्को सम्पूर्ण प्राणालीलाई नै आफ्नो बाटोमा ल्याउन, देशको मुटुमा ५० औं हजार आधुनिक हतियार युक्त सैनिकद्वारा घेरा हालिएर आफूलाई भगवानको अबतार कहलाएर मोज-मस्तीको जीवन जिऊने, जनताको घाउमा महलम् लगाउने निउमा करोडौँको राजश्व खर्च गर्ने, देश् कङाल भैसक्दा पनि आफ्नो भत्ता दोब्बर बढाउने, परिस्थिती बस् राजा बनाइएका राष्ट्रिय घुसखोर, अपराधको जनक र सम्रक्षक वर्तमान राजसंस्थालाई परास्त गर्ने अति कठिन कार्यलाई आफ्नो जीवनको लक्ष्य बनाएर अगि बढ्ने ब्यक्ति इतिहाँसमा अ्मर हुन्छ । १४००० निर्दोस् नागरिकको मृत्यु एक सम्वेदनशील कुरा हो, मान्छु, तर तुलनात्मक रुपमा हेर्दा विश्व्को इतिहाँसमा यो त्यति क्रुर घटना होइन । अनि त्यो मृत्यु आकस्मिक रुपमा वा उनिहरुको लापर्वाहिले भएको नभएर सामान्य रणनिती अनुसार नै भएको देखिन्छ । उनिहरु आफ्नो कर्तव्य र मार्गमा ब्यापक सफल छन् । सफलताको त्यो घडीमा आफूले हिंडेर आएको बाटो हेर्दा आँशु चुहिन्छ । त्यो असामान्य लक्ष्य भएका मान्छेमा पनि मुटु हुन्छ भन्ने कुराको प्रमाण हो । साथी हो निस्पक्ष भएर हेर्नुहोस् ।
    ऊनिहरुको लक्ष्यलाई राष्टृय स्वार्थ मान्न सकिँदैन भने वा ऊनिहरुको कृयाकलापलाई राजनीति मान्न सकिँदैन भने त्यो अपराध हुन्छ जसलाई मुद्दा हाली अदालतबाट सजाय दिनु पर्छ ।

  42. ए साथी अरु क्लिप जस्तै यो भिडियो क्लिप पनि डाउनलोड गर्न मिल्ने बनाउनुस् न ।


    UMESH DAI PLEASE YO VIDEO LAI “save as target” garne gari rakhnus na please. I think u need not worry now because they are no more terrorist now, they are only maoist. Yesari ta herna dikka lagdo raicha ekchin continue huncha pheri stop,pheri continue. its time consuming also.

    please dai rakhnu hai maile ta herekai chaina….

  44. Umeshjee, this video clip should be seen by as many Nepalese as possible. Please work for this.

  45. Most powerful and evocative. Now this is the time to bring Gyanendra to the people’s court and hang him before Nepali people. May Maoists too come to the political mainstream after imprisoning Gyanendra. May my country grow in peace!

  46. Movie/natak herera manchhe royo bhandai ma tyo machhe ek dam change bhayako bhanna mildaina. Maoist haru le yati manchhe lai mari sake. Yas ko prayaschhit garna ta tyo ruwai Maobadi le mareka manchheharuko pariwar ko agadi gayera dekhaunu parchha. Tyas pachhi tyo maobadi ko victim pariwar le maaf gare tyo ruwai ko kehi value hunchha. Natra bhaya jindagi bhar yi maobadi neta haru lai natakai matra dekhayara bhaya pani ruwai matra rakhnu parchha.

  47. umesh ji maobadi sanga pani human nature hudo rahecha aba chai kehi buddi phire ko ho ki jasto cha tara 10 minutes ko video rakhnu bhayecha khusi lageko cha. shambhav cha bhani full video nai rakhidinus na hai

  48. propaganda
    otherwise why only release only this video???
    if u cry for neplease lives why take it in first place. these two drops of tears are not the answer for all the lives lost(does not matter if its real or not). gyanendra and prachanda both should be tried in court.
    how could all of us forget all the innocent live lost due to them. Dosen’t their soul ask for justice?

    If these people come to power it will be the greatest tragedy for Nepal.

  49. Umesh ji,
    Really,this clip is very sentimental n it touches my heart.Friend, u have done very good job beyond my immagination. keep it up…..

  50. Thanks a lot Umeshji…as the caption read. We must strive towards making Nepal a country where no one will cry for justice, where every life will be respected, every will will be respected no one will run after the power, miscreants will be punished and happiness/peace will dwell for ever.

  51. video ko lagi tapailai dherai dherai dhanyabad …….. baru yo video purai nai euta torrent sitema rakhera tesko link yaha rakhnubhayera download garna milne garnu bhaye hami jasta bideshma basekaharulai ali sajilo hune thiyo .. yo sano anurodh matra baki tapaiko iksha .. antama feri pani tapailai dhanyabad dina chahanchhu ….
    chengdu, china

  52. Umesh jee,

    thanks for this video clim.Maoist leader are very cleaver even than King Gynendra that they know the way of doing. If I was the leader I should have done that what Prachanda and Baburam are doing– . They are not weaping because of being sentimental but would like to show the people and cader.

    they ve already killed so may people just dragging from the bed, from the classrom, from the farm etc. why they did that if the y are such kind to the human life.

    ‘Yo ta abbal darja ko gohai ko aansu ho’

    It is the fact that what they say they never do and whay they always do that they never say. so it is what they are doing that they never translate in practice.

    Nepali janta !

  53. Dear Umesh ji
    I couldn’t found any words to thankyou from my deep heart other than Thank you so much” u r wonderful.

  54. हुनत इ नेता हरु कार्यकर्ताको एस्तो भाबना युक्त नाटकमा कसरी हास्नु् रुनै पर्यो। म मान्छु नेता हरु तेती कम्जोर त पटक्कै छैनन् कि यो नाटक मा रोउन्। यो त कार्यकर्ताको भाबना को सम्मान गर्दै रुनु आबस्यक पनि देखीन्छ। तेसैले यो रोएर राम्रै गरेका छन।
    यो सत प्रतिसत सहि हो कि यो रोआइ सक्कली होइन तर मैल एउटा कुरा भने देखै कि नता हरुलाइ पनि थहा छ कि यो रुन योग्ग बिषय हो र यस्को मुल्य छ। त्यसैलाइनै सायद मनन् गर्दै शान्ती बार्तामा आएका हुन र आषा गरै हाम्रा नेता हरु र यी नेता हरु मिलेर देशमा शान्ती पुर्ण क्रान्ती ल्याउन।

    नपाल को उत्तर उत्तर प्रगती होस्।

  55. यो रुवाईमा स्वार्थ र गोहिको आशुको सिवाय केहि पनि देखिन्न यसरी मंचन गरीएको नाटक भन्दा वास्थबीक आशु त जनता ले १२ वर्ष देखि हर दिन रोहिरहेका छन निर्दोस जनता माथि माओबादीले गरेको अत्याचारले गर्दा लाखौ नेपाली हाल् कस्तो अवश्थामा छन यस बारेमा यि टाउके भनाउदहरुको आखाँबाट कहिले आशुँको थोपा झर्ला?????????????????????????

  56. umesh bhai
    thank you very much for this video clip but if it is possible could you please put whole video for us it will be great
    thank you
    bikram bhattarai

  57. Thank you Umesh ji,
    I appreciate your effort. Hopefully you can keep such rare video in your website. God bless you.

  58. This clip is very touching to all of us being a Nepali. No matter who performs the act, we definetly agree that we do not want to see another Nepali suffer again. I believe the new wave of change in our country should not be polluted again. We have see the same face that we have been seeing before but now they vow to bring a wave that we are waiting for. I hope that comes true and also wish Prachanda or Baburam atleast one of them to come ahead and actually present their views and maps of development so we as a Nepali can be clear of all the doubts. We will and have been providing our lives to those that will work like Mahatma Gandi for Nepal.

  59. Shikhar!!

    *ले *धा, तेरो आफ्नो मान्छेलाइ भुँडि फोरेर, घुँडामा आइकरले प्वाल पारेर, छाला तासेर मारेर रुखमा बाँधेर, अझ “यो लाश जसले उठाउछ त्यसको पनि यहि हबिगत हुन्छ” भनेर माओबादिले पर्चा टाँसेर छोडेको भए थाहा पाउथिस् । सेना पुलिससित माओबादि कहिले पो भिड्या छ र? उहि झुक्काएर अलि अलि हानेको मात्र त हो । ज्ञानेलाइ धुलो चटाएको त हामीजस्ता निहत्था जनताले हो, माओबादीले होइन, यो कुरो जगजाहेर छ, अहिले माओबादिले ह्यानत्यान गर्यो भनेर फुर्ति लाउन जरुरी छैन । २ लाख आर्मीलाइ हामी जनताले एउटा गोली पनि नहानी पराजीत गरेको हो कि होइन?

    बरु माओबादीले चाहिने नचाहिने कुरामा बन्द र नाकाबन्दी गरेर, बेफ्वाँकमा मान्छे मारेर, वाहियात तरीकाले चन्दा असुलेर, हाम्रा सन्तानलाइ ख्वाउन राखेको भात र दुख गरी गरी पालेको कुखुरा, बोका खाइदिएर हामीजस्ता साधारण जनतालाइ कति दुख दिए दिए । शोषक सामन्त र १ नम्बरी भ्रष्टाचारीसित चन्दा असुलेर मित्रता गाँस्दै निरिह जनतालाइ मात्रै पेल्नु पेले । अब बिस्तारै त्यो एक एक बाहिर आउँछ नि । अनि त्यो कुरो सबै बिर्सिएर, यस्तो नौटन्की रुवाइ हेरेर बिश्वास गरी दिनु पर्ने ? कसरी विश्वास लाग्छ? जसले जे भने नि मलाइ त एकथोपा नि बिश्वास लागेन, कि कसो साथीहरु?

    Nepalimacha (or Nepali) from Lamjung, now in USA

  60. what’s the differenct bet’n two Anndolan-1 and Andolan-2

    To my knowledge, these are

    1. Pahila ( 16 years ago ), no body could speak out against king, this time it was easy and everyone did.
    2. Pahila very less woman involve, this time more.
    3. pahila bahudal ko laago. ahile gyane chor ra ganantantra ko lagi.
    4. pahila most of big city mass involve, this time every corner of nepal and villager’s were involve.
    5. pahila, it was not peace rally, this time peace rally.
    6. pahila, mass rally inside the city limits, now outside the city limit, remember Gogambu, and kalanki..
    7. pahila, very very few international media and news were involve but now live all over the world by television and radio and web site.
    8. pahila king was not scared but this time king ko chhak bata hawa niskiyo!!
    9. pahila dipendra sano thiyo tara bhaladami thiyo, ahile paras afno paali wait gari raheko chha!!
    10. pahile news ma bhanna sabai darauthe ahile news media le king ko barema jane khusi lekhachan.

    please add more if you know..

  61. Good caption !

    Let’s hope that this peace will last forever, and no Nepali has to cry again.

  62. Prachanda and Baburam (two talent minds) without question have fought for equity and justice. I do not appreciate their approach of violence, but they certainly have contributed a lot to generate nationwide consciousness regarding the injustice and inequities. I am impressed to see the photos of Maoist women who reveal full confidence in their expression. Our Nepali society engraved in Hinduism dictated patriarchy has not been able to create confidence in women. We Nepali women for years have accepted a behind the scene roles. Look that photo of Maoist woman playing guitar and yet another photo of Maoist woman dancing in her uniform. Cultural and musical programs of Maoists indicate that they believe in creativity and they know the value of human sentiments. Maoists taught the language of gun to our young generation. But they also taught the language of creativity.

  63. kamred prachand ani baburam ju
    jay nepal

    maile ta maobadi haru aba sahi track ma aaye bhanne socheko thiye tara ahile uddhabiram
    ko bela ma pani dui janalai sarbajanik samarohama krurta purbak marnule tapai haru ko uddhabiram katai dhoka hune ta hoina?

    kura garau tyo video blug ma tapai haru royeko drisye barema

    biteka dus barsama janauddha ka nama ma tapai haru bata hajarau bivhinna rajnitik party ka nirdosh karye karta marida kati asu bhage holan.kati ka asu ajhai abiral bagiraheka chan .tyti bela tapai haru ko hirdaye hasehola.kasai lai farak rajnitik bichar rakheka karan kasai lai suraki ko jhutta aarop ma jynai line kasto kranti ho tapai haru ko ?

    tyesai le tyo drisye ma tapai haru royeko hoina kebal abhinaye gare jasto lagcha malai.pathher dil bhayeka manchey haru pani runa sakchan?umes ji tapai socher bhannus ke uniharu sachhikai roye holan?jasale arka ko bhawona marma pida bujcha tyo bhabuk huncha ra runcha pani.

    tapai haru janauddha ka nam ma dus bara barsha ka sojha sckole bachha haru lai padhane lekhane uniharu ko adikar bata banchit garai marne marne kam garai rakhnu bhayeko cha tara afna chora chori haru lai bidesh ka subidha sampanna school ma lakhau kharcha gari padhau bhaye hola .yehi ho sachha kranti? kaha gayo manabadhikar?

    tes karan aba ka din ma nakkali asu jhari afai puchnu bhanda janata ka akha bata jhareka asu lai puchne kam garnus yehi bata janata ko man jitna saknuhunecha.des ra janata ko sunaulo bhabisye nirman garna biswas ra samajdari ka sath karye gardai agadi badnus hamro des yek din sundar santa yebam samriddha nepal bhanera biswo ma parichita hune cha .sahas pratibadhata lagansilta ra imandarita sath karma garnu parcha asambhab bhanne kehi hudaina.
    haos ta

    dhannebad jay nepal

    yekendra shrestha
    myagdi beni
    hal antwerpen belgium

  64. Dear Blogger,
    I appreciate your effort,
    I am an active democrat and i have strong belief in peaceful democratic practice and culture. This has been evident in our recent popular movement against the despotic attempts of king Gyanendra supported by his henchmen.
    Yes ,Birat ji I agree 100% with you. Those who compel the whole nation to cry and force it irreparable misery, have just put up a show to exploit people’s sensitivity.
    These people who claim to be leading a ‘people’s war’ have actually bombarded the whole nation and ruined the lives and livlihood of the ill fated countrymen.
    They have always targetted ordinary low or lower middle class village teachers, political party supporters in villages, ordinary peasants,farmers, small shopkeepers and people the like in their communist revolution. They have never targetted a supporter of the palace or Gyanendra’s autocracy . Rather they have kidnapped and killed those ordinary policemen and soldiers who have joined this lowest strata of job to feed and support their poor familiy members and dependents.
    The maoists have accepted donation from all the corrupt politicians and Mafia businessmen. For them, they are acceptable.
    I feel for those poor young people of Rukum,Rolpa and all across Nepal who have been brainwashed and inducted in this savage war to kill one’s own kiths and kins within the nation by the Maoist ideologues and political stratagists. In this war only the lowest class of people from both sides have lost lives and homes whereas the the top brass is safe and sound .Nor their privileges are questioned.
    Atrocities were caused by police and security forces in Rukum and Rolpa in the early years of insurgencey and later,but who started all this and brought this misfortune on the already impoverished people of Rapti,Bheri and karnali region?
    Enough blood has already been shed due to the maoist caused violence in the nation.You can always put blame on every other person but this time the whole nation has lagged behind by at least by a hundred years because of the Maoists. We are fighting a war which other parts of the world might have been figting till the beginning of the 20th century only. The African nations like Sudan and DR Congo are fighting this now like us. So if you have any love for the nation, rise above the narrowminded cells and be a part of reconciliatory politics for the future. This is the call of time .Otherwise , people who did not get frightened by Gyanendra’s army will not be terrorized by you forever. You will also have to see your doomsday.
    There may be some siver lining even in the darkest clouds of your yesteryears.

  65. उमेश जी,
    सब भन्दा पहिला भिडियोको लागि धन्यवाद ।
    पाठक हरुले बिभिन्न मत अथवा कमेन्ट हरु लेख्छन स्वभाभिक हो ।
    के माओवादी नेताहरुले यो भिडियो हेरेर आबको दिनमा आत्मलोचना गर्न सक्ला ?
    आखिर जो मरे पनि नेपाली मरेको छ र यो मर्ने र मार्ने काम अब बन्द होस् ।
    खुशीको आसु बाहेक दुखको आसु कसैले पोखाउन नपरोस् यही कामना गरौ ।

  66. को हो यो विराट भन्ने *जी ? नेपालीमा त लेख्न आउँदैन रैछ लाहुरेले जस्तो रोमनमा लेख्दो रैछ, तैँले लेखेको कसैले पनि पढ्दैन, पहिला नेपालीमा लेख अनि बल्ल उपदेश छाँटन आइज


    Haina Prachanda ra Baburam runu bhayo re, tatto na chharo. Rune manchhe man ma runchha, janata lai dekhauna, video khicheko belama topi fali fali pani koi runchha, hajaraun janata lai Krishna ji le bhanya jastai ghan le haad futayera, hansiya le chhala retera, ghar ago lagayera, bomb padkayera, nihatya police ra bidama ghar farkiraheka sipahi lai marera hajaraun nepali balbalika haru lai tuhura ra hajaraun nepali didi bahini lai bidhawa banaune yinai Baburam ra Prachanda ta hun. Tyasari runu nai chha bhane, Tundikhel ma ayera himsha ra hatya gari hajaraun nepali lai kranti ma homne haru le nepali janata sanga mafi magnu parchha, ani balla tyo anshu ko kehi meaning hola, haina bhane tyo maobadi red army lai hami timi haru prati sahanobhuti rakhchham hai bhanne prachar baji re emotional propaganda matra ho.
    Uniharu le jun sabal haru uthayeka chhan, tyasma sayad nai kohi nepali holan jasle samarthan nagarlan tara jun kisim ko Talebani shaili uniharu le apanayeka chhan, tyo hamlai chahinna, Nepali janata lai tyo chahinna.
    Prachanda ra Baburam bich ma ko kattarpanthi, ko badhi communist, ko badhi krantikari ra kasle badhi manchhe marna sakchha bhanne ego problem le aja Nepal le 13,000 bhanda badhi karmath janasakti gumaunu pareko chha. Bus ma bomb padkaune, SLC ko exam bhako belama school ma golabari garne, dhunga hanera sajaya dine, jiundai purne yasta yasta kaam haru garna garauna fatwah jari garne belama Baburam ra Prachanda royeka thiye re Umesh ji? Tapain sanga Uniharuko Europe tour ko video chahin chhaina? Janatako chhora chhori lai desh ko lagi hamle dherai ragat bagaunu parchha, jyan ko baji thapnu parchha bhanera brainwash garne haru afna chhora chhori lai kina Kranti ma agadi badhaunadainan? Umeshji uniharuko chhora chhori pani maobadi kranti ma agadi badheko video pani chha hola ni tapain sanga, herum na hami pani, kaso Krishna ji?
    Topi falera ghwan ghwan royeko ra, sundai rish uthne.
    Gaun ko school ma masteri garera jibikoparjan garne, habaldar jagir khayera chhora chhori ko babisya bananuchhu bhanne sapana dekhne garib nepali lai ta mareko chha ni yi Prachanda ra Baburam le, marne nai ho bhane saknu paryo ni Panchayat kal ka deshdrohi haru lai, gushyaha haru lai, tara uni haru lai ta kasari marna milyo ra, uniharu chanda nadiye party kasari chalne?
    21st century ma Nepal bhanda dayaniya abashtha ka desh haru kahan bata kahan pugi sake, 50 barsa agadi ko mao bhanne yeuta chiniya bahulale yasto gareko thyo, hamle ni tyasatai garnu parchha bhanera bhanne haru bata Desh ko babhisya ma yogdan hunchha bhanne aash chahin chhaina tara yati matra ho ki yini haru ko dar le garda aru le kharab kam garna ali hichkichaunchhan.
    Prachanda ko desh banaune vision: collective farming re. Sansar ko kun chahin desh ma communism le desh ko arthik yebam samajik bikash bhako chha? China ke ta bhannu hola, China ko bikash free economy le garda bhako ho, tyo pani 3,4 wata sahar ma matra ho, banki china gayagujrekai chha, karodaun janata bhokai chhan China ma, kina ajhai pani collective farming garnu parne badhyata chha uniharu lai.
    Ali kati farak bichar ra afno alochana pachauna nasakne kamjor manasikta ko upaj nai Baburam ra Prachanda haru le diyeko yogdan ho, samsya kotyayeka chhan tara yini haru sanga desh lai agadi lane vision chhaina, aja ko nepali samaj ra janata le prajatantra ko mahatto bujhi sakeka chhan, hamlai na ta Raja ko adhinayak badi rajya shaili manya chha na harek kura ko samadhan ragat khola bagaunu parchha bhanne Prachanda path nai.
    Tyasaile sathi haru ra yo bolg chalaune Umesh ji, hamle yi banduk dhari haru lai ahile nai chahine bhanda badhi biswas gari halne sthiti chhaina, jasko hatma banduk chha ra jo marna maarna tayar hunchha harek kurama, tyasta ko turuntai biswas garna sakindaina ra Umesh ji baburam ra prachanda roye bhanera tapainko chitta dukhnu parne wa kamalo man yati chandai paglina parne kehi abasyak chha jasto lagdaina malai, kaso Krishna ji?
    Pahila hatiyar bujhayera janatako ghar ghar ma ayera hat jod dai hamlai bhot dinus, hami desh ra janata ko lagi yasta program haru liyera ayeka chham bhanne himmat chha tyo baburam ra prachanda ma?
    harek samastya ko samadhan banduk ra barud ani golabari garne bani pari sakeka le ke janata ko vote ko kadar sajilai garlan? Umesh ji ke bhannu hunchha, runata uniharu roye chhan photo ma tara ke mero prashna uttar chha tini haru sanga?
    Sathi haru, ahile nai hamle maobadi lai 100% biswas garne sthiti chhaina, tyasaile sajag ra sachet rahaun.
    La ta sathi haru banki pachhi hai ta.

  68. Dear Prachandra and Dr. Baburam Bhattarai

    When you (Prachandra) were teaching at Aarughat Bazar, Gorkha for a few years. You were very nice, generous and gentle person what I felt at past. With Baburam Bhattarai I met him in Western Regional Engineering Campus in Pokhara when he was invited by Akhil 6th annual ceremony. His speach was really sound and threatening the government and favour to real communist. Really, I did not have word to use for appreciat to both of them and was so impressed by their attitudes during your (Prachandra) teaching professional however I never being tried to follow your philosophy because that (Communist)is very tough to apply in our country Nepal.

    You may be right but have to have quick glanced about geo-politics. For example Great country China, India and US. India is the socond largest contry on the world and have a 50 years good democratic practiced and other hand the country China is the first largest country on the world and have been standing for free economic and tendering the fundamental democratic norms under the Maoist philosophy. Third the country US is the world largest powerfull country who is umpiring the world to the democracy.

    If you are really favoured to communism country you should think about China (our good Neighbour) which will be affected through our country by external forces to the China into destabilisation like USSR (Russia). If it is happened in the coming future we would realise you both are doing good job by fertilising to them to access the country Nepal to vandalised the contry China.

    Now this is a time to say those things to you because of the external forces have got a safe way out to access the China and India from a single place to two big largest countries through Nepal. The periphery country of China, the external (American) Forces have been already seltered there except in Nepal, India and Mangolia.

    You both are very talented and have a good vision to develop the country Nepal so, I heartily request you through this electronic media specially Merosansar to join the interim governmnet for the national development.

    I had been seen both of your pictures in video block which is provided by merosansar which influenced us towards the peace of the country.

    Hope peace in Nepal very soon.

    S Shreshta

  69. umesh you must be maobadi agent. noone who is sane will be able to see their sapana … haha it’s a modern world and we do not believe in communism. But we believe that each of us should have the right for life, liberty and property. These stupid rascals’ dream will never come true. We want them to cry lie that before they are given death sentences in front of all the people whom they have shown their atrocities to.

  70. Its a bullshit drama. In the picture the people behind these killers are ok. Just this serial killer are weeping. Its a regular part of maoist drama. This pic, they were in a sympathetic drama. Now they are in a loktantra drama. Seven parties are acting good. Poor leaders may/maynot know the real story ends at communism via loktantra and ganantra. If they come to public, let us hope someone will bring them to court to convict.

  71. What’s happening in Kathmandu. Why there was such a huge celebration Ghada/Kalash/Gates on Gyane’s way to DakshinKali? I am deeply disturbed when I read this in another news site. Couple weeks ago entire KTM was against Gyane, and in such a short time we are back to welcoming him! Ok, I understand G.P. Koirala to some extent favors monarchy, but, someone should put foot down on GP so that this type of symbolic acceptance of king won’t happen again.

  72. a whole generation and the whole country is crying due to one man’s ego and madness. ani ahile aayera rudo raichha nautanki !!

  73. umesh ji namaskar
    umesh ji yo mero bhanai lai samachar ma prastut garna bises agraha gardachhu.
    maranasanna raj darbar le hamra ganatantra premi netaharu lai sadayantra mulak hamala garna sakchha.bises garera rajtantra badharera fakneiparchha bhanne neta haru lai bhigilante dwara hamala huna sakchha tesaile hamra ganatantra badi neta haru le dherai hosiyari purbak hid dul garnu parchha ra bises suraksha ka sath hidnu parchha. bises garera mao badi neta haru khulla bhai hidda bises surekchha ka sath hidnu parchha. kina ki raja sadayantra kari raja ho us ko 257 barsa ko etihas metidaichha ra u janta saraha hudai chha tesaile us le kehi neta haru lai hamala garna sakchha. ganatantra badi netaharu lai satarka rahana ma asai comment marfat bises agraha gardachhu.ra umesh ji yo khabar lai samachhar ma rakhidinu hola bhanne tapai lai pani bises agraha gardachhu.
    Rom Prasad
    new delhi bata

  74. To:
    Krishna, Nepali, Kamale, Kheerose, Prahar, Sameer, Rajaram and like others (read these names above in the comments under this news).

    Why few people like you guys are against the centiment of cpn (m) leaders? I did not understand. Are you really bias to them? The war for cpn (m) was not a wish, it was a compulsion made by the royal regime. Do you know the facts?

    No matter, either in “Bahudal” time or later, the police before and later the royal army was the main killer to the nepalese people in Rolpa, Rukum and elsewhere in the country. In 1996, before the peoples war was started, people in Rolpa, Rukum could not tolerate the brutal acts of police and started to retaliate and fight against them aiming to establish people’s oriented republic system in Nepal destroying the nearly 250 years old system (monarchy).

    Dear comentators!
    I have also the symphathy towrds those who lost their lives in between cross fire, by mistakes of cpn (m) while targeting to the Royal Regime (enimy). In such circumstances, they have also expreesed deep sorrow and have shown extreme sympathy towrds the big loss, for example the Chitawan bus accident. Do you know? They are the one who strongly followed the well-known Geneva Convention while leaving the solders as war prisioners.

    If you look at the other side, the royal regime who has signed in the GC and has commited to follow it (the convention is related to how to treat the pisioners in a war). The “Bhat Shahi Sena” was killing the arrested people in the night, they were shooting here and there, for example Krishna Sen, who was writing and makinge aware of the situation in the country. There are several people who have been disappeared by the regime. If you ask this to many human right organisations, they will provide you real fact and you will believe me what I am saying here.

    It is really the shame for those who closed and are still closing their eyes for such brutal acts of RNA. The RNA is meant to protect the country from external attacks, but it should be used to kill own people, like late king birendra was reluctant to use army in the country.

    Some places, the mistakes and revenges from the local supporters of cpnm had occured. This is worth to criticise and comment on it. They have also admitted the mistakes and rectified it. However, it has been neither the party policy nor the instruction from the leadership.

    Nevertheless, peace process has been proposed by cpn (m) now. It is a very good forward looking proposal. Let us all support for this and make Nepal fri from the feudal structure. We all should work to build a constructive environment from now and establish the peoples achievemnet made so far. We hope the leaders from all side and civil society will come with high commitment and honesty to build a prosporous Nepal.

    Try to understand, do not go behind the old monarchy, Gyane and Parase: They are the most hated persons by most of the nepalese people. Only his “Ase Pase”, like Kamale, Sachite, Gire, Tanke, Pyare, Rame, Shyame etc are his malami in the days near future.

    Do not follow them, they are really the bad people !!


  75. Firstly yo Kamale, Krishna, and Rajaram are all the dalal of some hidden power. At the time of peoples movement too i read their bad attitude towards the peoples movement and leaders now also they are doing the same. This is the time to change oneself and be dedicated to the wants of people. Just forget the past and plan for the bright future of our beloved country.
    Past kai kura garne ho bhane tha first ma Rana haru lai, tyas pacchi Shah bansiye raja harulai, Congress lai and CPN UML sabai le past ma bhayankar bhayankar galti gareka chhan. Aba sabai kura birsera Shanta, sukhi re bikasit nepal ko parikalpana garera tyasma pratibaddha huna sabailai aagraha garna chahanchhu.
    Dhanya baad
    Jaya Nepali
    Jaya Nepal

  76. उमेश दाजु सर्बप्रथम त नमस्कार
    हाम्रो देशमा शिघ्र शान्ति छाओस् यही मेरो पनि कामना छ अनि दाजु हजुरले बाबुराम र प्रचण्डको भिडियो अपलोड गर्नु भएको रहेछ खै किन हो मैले धेरै बेर त्यो हजुरले भनेको प्ले बटनमा प्ले गरेर कुरें तर आएन खै किन हो सल्लाह अनि सुझाब दिनु भएमा आभारी हुने थिएं
    Kandel Narayan
    Now from Belgium

  77. HEY
    its really so sad and bad thing happening ,
    “the video is just gohi ko aanshu”
    if they are really so sensetive they never start the home war and situation of “nagi and phashibaad”
    if they are really sensitive they never start the so called war ” pahile yudha pachhi saanti”
    if they are as shown in video they never give permission to kill a5 mont child , people in bus,ans killing some ones husband near her and make pay money of the bullet that had just shooted to her husband
    if they are really sensetive they never make their
    chids study at good student and put lakhs of student of nepal in trouble and fought with each other for their
    post and thrie “something natabaad as came out ust some month ago”
    and never never make …….aolts of mistake
    “if i was there i will also kill baaburam and give some maphi baaktabya like they do”

  78. रुनु पर्ने त्यस्तो केही देखिएन । नचाँहीने प्रोग्राम बनएर रुदो रहेछन । दुनियाँ लाई रुवाएर गोही को आशु, यो सबै देखावटी हो ।

  79. A great Video. Folks try to understand, Maobadi are also nepali but not all Nepali are Maobadi and they have heart like Gyane and Parase. RNA (Gyane’s gang) have killed more people thank PLA.

  80. Umeshji
    Video khuldaina ni ta. I have tried since last half an hour and am not able to open it. Play buttom nai dekhidaina. Please make it easier to play.
    Sanjeeb, London

  81. Thanks for video
    This scene shows that they r serious and emotional but their activities dont look like that, recently they killed two youths in bara cruelly. since they started the peopls war in nepal, thousands of innocent people are killed. Probably they have realised now and want to come in peace process. there is no posibility of peace unless maoists come into mainstream. so nobody has to say me, my and my party and my policy all should work together forgetting all the differences between them. when we make the people are strong, when the economics of the contry is strong, then we can start fair competition between parties, but right now we should work together to fight against poverty

  82. Thank you very much you published this news.Neplease must think over this news.This time maoist also realised so i think this tear is not a artificial.this time they also want to stop a conflit and we are also want same.we think this revolution becomes a solution.We request,Puspa Kamal dai and Babu Ram dai please donot break a ceasefire.Please slove the problem with tabletalk.thank you

  83. अब उमेश जी बितेका कुरा लाई भन्दा पनि भविष्यमा अब नेपाल को राजनितिले कस्तो मोड लिने हो त्यस बिषय मा बहस गर्नु राम्रो होला कि? प्राय कल्पना र चिन्ता मा नै हाम्रो समय बित्ने भएको छ। अरुको बिचार पढ्दा पनि खुशी लाग्छ।

  84. I dont agree with this guy Kamale?? At this stage when the whole country is heading towards peace this can actually help all others to understand Prachanda and Baburam are also normal human beings like us and they do have their emotions. I appreciate your work Umesh ji. Whatever a bunch of people say please keep going. I wish our other medieas had been as efficient as you to give us the fresh news and updates. At least for we people abroad this has been a real resource. Your work is highly appreciated. May god help us bring peace in our country again. Good luck and lots of best wishes for the days to come.

  85. मलाइ त प्रचण्ड र बाबुराम रोएको एकथोपा नि बिश्वास लागेन । भिडियो खिच्नको लागि नाटक गरेर रोएको मात्र हो । एक त नेपाली केटा मान्छे हत्तपत्त रुदै रुदैन, त्यसमाथी सयौ हजारौ निर्दोषहरुको ज्यान लिन नहिच्किचाउने ज्यानमाराहरुलाइ यस्तो नाटक हेरेर रुन मन लाग्ला त? कसरी बिश्वास गर्ने? वास्तबमै रुने सँबेदना यदि भएको भए माओबादिले यस्तो नीच र निर्दयी हर्कत गर्दै गर्दैनथ्यो । हो कि होइन ?

  86. धेरैलाई धेरै रुवाएर अलिकति रोएका कामरेडहरुको कुबुद्दिमा सुबुद्दि पलओस् ।

  87. great job umesh ji.

    I hope this is a true event and the people so called maoist are also crying cause what ever happens and who ever die in the battle field that is nepali.
    Hoina ra??

  88. Sala natakbaaz haru. Testai pir bhaako bhae yo din aaudai aaudaina thyo ni. bahula, paagal haru lai ke support garna maan laageko hola. yo site ko blogger maubaadi ta haina?

  89. I think Prachanda is drasticly changed in this one year time. Once he told to BBC Nepali Radio that he does not want to see tears on Nepalese People and want to see peace in the country himself.

    Prachanda is almost 20-25 years underground.And he is now around 50’s. So may be he is being more sentimental these days.

    I thinks its because of Prachanda, all the peace talks and every other steps are going on.

    Prachanda Jee , I can see you crying in this video. But just imagine how many people u have made to cry during this 10-11 years war.

    Hope this time peace time will not be waste as u have stated in your press statement.


  90. MAOBADI KA NETA HARU LAI SABAILA GALI GARTHE.KINE GALIGARNE ????? eniharu nai nepali jantaka neta hun .ganatantra lyaunuma eniharuko thulo hat chha .aakhir prachanda ra baburam garib janataka neta hun .aesma 2 mat chhaina .sachcha netale sachchaiko samarthan gardachha .tyasaile royaka holan netaharu

  91. Umesh G,
    you are doing an appreciable job by updating current news from your sansar. Just keep it up!!!

    S. Korea

  92. thanks for video
    kehi kura janne mauka milyo.ani prachanda ra baburam jee harulai pani dekhe keyo record gara ya ko ho ki yestai real ho?bafre bafre…………kasto….yati aagadi pugi sake chha ni hamro jan yudda?sabai lai ma thanks bhanna chha hanchhu

  93. Umesh ji
    Thanks again
    If possible please send me a full version of video in my email address.
    from: Bangladesh, Dhaka

  94. Hey……i am afraid your blogs gonna be site of maiost…….lok tantra ko nam ma tapaile dherai kam gare jasto lageko thiyo…….now i am disappointed……..why dont give news about killing of two people in bara………aba gane pachi maoist ko palo ho patan hune yestai garyo bhane……….


  95. Umesh ji Namaskar!
    It’s good job.Every day I sow your website.I sow maoiset video.Very ….. thanks to u.How to get this video? Well done.
    Hong Kong

  96. उमेश जी बाबुराम प्रचन्ड हिसिला यमी बादल महरा अनि सबै माओवादी हरु पनि त मान्छे नै हुन उनिहरुका पनि त दिल छ नि ।
    उनि हरु पनि त भगवान का देन हुन ।उनिहरु को पनि त मुटु साधारण आम नेपालीहरू को जस्तै त छ नि ।है न र???????
    मानिस् भएर मानिस् को लागि केही गर्नु नै जीवन को एउटा प्रमुख उदेस्य हो ।है न र????????
    हामी सबैले कामना गरेमा नै यो देश को भलो हुनेछ ।
    अब हुने बार्ता को लागि पनि हामी सबैले मिलेर आ-आफ्नो छेत्र बाट सक्दो सहयोग गर्ने प्राणा गरौ । । । ।
    अब पनि कुनै आम नेपाली नगरिक देखि ठुला ठुला कुनै पनि नेता हरु यसरी रुन नपरोस् ।
    श्री पशुपतिनाथ ले हामी सबै को कल्यान गरुन ।

  97. Dear Umesh Jee,

    Thanks for vedio…..But we should not forget what they done to innocent people who just did not follow them or have difference on their idology. Nepali people just want peace and democracy…..do you think you wont get threatening if you started giving news about -ve part of maoist. I think they have more -ve part than +ve part. They don’t accept existance of those who have differences on them. What about recent news of killing two people in taliban way.


  98. Dear Dr. Baburam ji and Prachandaji,

    This orchrastrated clip of video shows that there is a tender feeling even inside your stone cold heart.If what is shown here is in fact true and you have also got feelings for other people’s sorrows ( besides your feelings for your cadres who have sacrificed for the glamorous cause of establishing a communist republic in Nepal )then it is time now you really repent for how you have afflicted the nepali statehood and its ill fated dwellers.
    The ranting of ‘people’ and ‘people ‘ and ‘people’s movement’ as you call it nothing but ‘gun’ ,’gun’ ‘killing spree . If you really believe in people’s power, be bold enough to shun and throw away the weapons you are carrying and come to taste the test of people’s power, will you?

  99. माओवादीका विचारमा स्वयं माओवादीहरु जे कुरामा विश्वास गर्छन त्यो कुरामा बाहेक अन्यथा विचार राख्नेहरूको जीवनको कुनै मूल्य छैन । तिनिहरूले विरोधी विचार राख्नेहरू लाई सभ्य मान्छेले कल्पना नै गर्न नसक्ने खालको यातना दिएर वर्वरतापूर्वक:कहीँ छाला तारेर,कहीँ शरीरका अंगहरूलाई पालैपालो काटेर,हात खुट्टालाई घन र वन्चरोले थिचेर , जीउँदो मान्छेको भूँडि फुटालेर, आँखा निकालेर, ढुंगा मुढाले पेलेर, जिउँदै माटोमुनि पुरेर आदि आदि ढंगले नेपाली जीवनले सोच्न नसक्ने शैलिमा हत्या र आतंकको त्रासपूर्ण राज्य कायम राखेका छन नेपाली गाऊँघर भरि ।
    त्यसैले यो रोदनको नाटक एउटा बयानक छल सिवाय केही हैन।

  100. Umesh ji
    thanks for your great job
    yedi sambhav bhaye arko ansha pani halnu hola hai….
    sayed bhavbivhal bhayer nai royeko jasto lagyo.
    aba yo barta jasari bhaye pani safal hos ra deshma digo shanti hos yehi kamana garau.

  101. umesh ji dherai dherai dhanyebad tapai ko mehanat ko jati prasamsa gare pani kamai hunchha..
    jasari bhaye pani hamro deshma aba shanti aaosh yedi bhagawan chhan bhane hamro deshlai herun
    yesto runa kasailai pani naparos.. harek nepali le bachne adhikar paun.

  102. Umeshji,

    Video Clip ko lagi Dhanyabad. Aasha garau feri esari nepali runu naparos. Hami gariv chhau tara shanti le bachn pau.


  103. Thank you very much UMESH ji…..You have been doing an incredible job….I do really appreciate it. We will always be indebted to your effort and information you are providing. As you said, let us hope no Nepali, including Prachanda and baburam dont have to cry again….Enough is enough……life is short and i hope prachanda and baburam too want to see some peace and direciton to thier movement in thier life time.

  104. आमसभामा मृत्युदण्ड

    कलैया, -नेस)।
    बारा जिल्ला गन्जभवानीपुर गाउ“ विकास समितिमा बुधबार बेलुकी ७ बजे माओवादीद्वारा गरिएको आमसभामा माओवादीले १२ दिनअघि कब्जामा राखेका व्यक्तिलाई तालिवानी शैलीमा ढुंगाले प्रहार गरी मृत्युदण्ड दिएको कुरा थाहा भएको छ। माओवादीले यही बैशाख ८ गते बाराको कोल्मीमा कलैया-५ बस्ने विजय राम र भारत घोडासान बस्ने रविकृष्ण पासवानलाई पक्राउ गरी विभिन्न आरोपमा आप्ः्नो कब्जामा राखेकोमा बुधबार भएको आमसभामा मार्ने कि छाड्ने भनी जनसमुदायस“ग सोधेको र मार्ने भनेपछि ती दर्ुइलाई जनसमूहसमक्ष सुम्पिएको बताइन्छ। जनसमूहले ढुंगामूढा, लाठी प्रहार गरी बर्बरतापर्ूवक मारेको बताइएको छ।

  105. Dear Umesh ji

    Thanks a lot for your good and risky job. i salute you so much. Really your this wemsite is making us happy who are in aboard. All of us have to pray that noone has to cry. Now the Ball is in Maoist’s court, if they really want to see the Peace in the country,this is the best oppertunity for them to build the country.Only then after there will be peace in the country and noone has to die for the sake of anykinds of freedom.we just want to stay with our families by using the land and we want to have Deushi
    in the night during the Tihaar. it is only possible in the peace so plz……………………….

  106. UMESH JI,

  107. Mittra Namaskar
    mathiko video ali kati matra download huncha phery play boton dekhaucha ani huna sakdaina. aru aru ta maile heri rakhe ko ho tara yo chai download huna sakena aru khi upaya bhaya bataidinu bhaya abhari hune thiya
    Thank You

  108. you have done a excellent job. Maoist should understand that voilence will always bring pain and sorrow. I request maoist to stop the voilence and do peaceful politics. 21st century Nepali peple can understand the sorrow and pain that many nepalies have gone through during what they called samanti satta.

    I again request maoist leaders ……
    Please please please do the peaceful politics, so no mother,father,wife and childs have to loose their loved one.

  109. माने म वुढो गणेशमान त माने रुदैं छु । माने अव सवै नेपालीको माने वुद्धी आएर माने एक भाइले माने अर्को भाइलाई माने मार्ने र मर्ने माने काम वन्द गर्नु पर्यो माने म यहाँ भन्दा वढी के भनुँ र। गिरिजा माने तिमिले म माथी त षडयन्त्र माने गरेका थियौ माने अव नेपाली जनता को चाहनामा तिमीले पनि अव अरु वढी षडयन्त्र माने नगर । यी माउवादीले पनि माने अव जनताको शान्तीको चाहना मा माने फेरी कुठराघात नगर । माने अरु के भनुँ । राजालाइ माने जे गर्छौ माने जनताको राय अनुसार गर ।


  110. yes , at least we have come to see that the Maoists leaders also shed tears to give a sentimental expression to their cadres. They should learn that if their emotional sentiment gets so melted by watching opera or drama , how would have been the real feelings of the real people who have really lost their ner and dear ones by the violence caused by none other than the Maoists themselves.
    I still feel that it is just a show staged for publicizing the other face of the Maoists who are so clever to exploit people’s sensibility. Otherwise, they would not have deliberately circulated the CD for a wider publicity. Did this Puspa Kamal Dahal(Prachande) and Baburam Bhattarai ever shed tears for the thousands of ordianry village dwelling people ? Did they cry for the innocent Madi ambush victims in Chitwan ? Did they ever cry for the innocent Muslim child with her family of five burnt alive a few years back in a truck? Did they ever cry for the hundreds of thousands of maimed and injured people caused by them ? Did they ever cry for the thousands of displaced and homeless people and their plight across the country and in India? Did they ever feel for the armless policemen and army soldiers returing to their poor households and killed or abducted on the way?
    Did they ever think how cruel they have been against the people who have different views from them?
    I believe if you had really cried as is shown here, there must be either blood flowing down your eyes or yours must have been crocodilian tears.
    Timiharu jasto samavedana sunya Jallad haruko aansule,swyam aansuko beiijyat gareko lagchha mali ta!

  111. I also couldn’t stop crying. Malaai laagyo uni haru pani desh kai laagi ladeko ho. tara dherai jana runu pareko chha. yo aba banda hunu parchha. dherai ragat bagyo. aba samant ko ragat bagnu parchha na ki aaam nepali janata ko. tara samanta haru pani ekdin pakkai bhagchha. let’s hope for the best.

  112. ma aru kehi lekhna sakdina kinaki ma pani roi raheko chu mero pani man thamna gahro bhai raheko cha

  113. Umesh jee !

    Thank you very very much!Thank you very very much!
    Thank you very very much!Thank you very very much!Thank you very very much!Thank you very very much!
    Thank you very very much!Thank you very very much!Thank you very very much!Thank you very very much!
    Thank you very very much!Thank you very very much!

    Could you plz put whole Video.We will be very happy.

    or you can put it part by part.


  114. saaachai… video ko laagi… Dhanyabaad.. Malai laagcha… yo saacho nai ruwaai ho… kina ki yo mao baadi matra nabhai saaraa yudha ma homine jo sukhai ko kahani ho… jo sukai le bhogne pida ho.. tesaile yudha le kasailai raamro gardaina.. samajhdaari maa sabai milera yo yudha bhanne sabda lai sadhai ko laagi nepal bhumi bata hataae.. yo bichaallli kahile aaune chaina.. yo aasu aba kahile nabagos kunai nepali santaan bata….

  115. GREAT JOB… UMESH JEE…. This is really good.

    I like your hard work man.

    Will salute you for the first time i meet you man.

  116. धन्यबाद उमेश जी तपाइको सहयोग ले हामि बिदेश बसेर पनि माओबादी का नेता हरुलाई देख्नु पाएका छौ तपाईको जय होस्

  117. Umesh ji,maobadi haru sanga pani hami sanga jastai man ra mutu hudorahechha ki kya ho??hami le ta yasto asa garna pani sakeka thiyenau,khai afnaharu ko lagi matra ho ki….!
    jati nirdayi kisimle uniharule uniharuka dusman lai marne gareka chan tyo samjada yo jo hamile play heryou sirfa avinaya ho,tara ramro abhinaya garnu hudorahechha wahaharu pani!!

  118. Umesh ji thanks for the clip it is wonderful man, why not the same sentimental they see in other nepali who have lost their lives, see how many people have missed their family and lifes. So hope our dream come true, Peace peace peace nepal! god bless all nepal and give the right way!

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