सेना प्रचण्डको आरोपले रिसायो

माअ‍ोवादीका अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले अस्ति बालुवाटारमा भएको शिखर वार्तापछि प्रेस सम्मेलनका क्रममा नेपाली सेनामाथि लगाएको आरोपका कारण सेना रिसाएको छ। बिहीबार एक विज्ञप्ति जारी गर्दै नेपाली सेनाले अ‍ौपचारिक रुपमा नै आपत्ति जनाएको हो। सेनाको विज्ञप्तिलाई आधार मानेर सरकारी समाचार एजेन्सी राससले दिएको समाचार यस्तो छ-

विगतदेखि हालसम्म नेपाली सेना देशमा विद्यमान संवैधानिक सरकारको प्रत्यक्ष निर्देशनमा देशको सार्वभौमिकता तथा अखण्डताको रक्षार्थ र नेपाली तथा नेपाली जनताको इज्जत उच्च राख्ने कार्यमा सदैव समर्पित रहिआएको र रहिरहने नेपाली सेनाले स्पष्ट गरेको छ ।

सैनिक जनसम्पर्क निर्देशनालयले आज एक विज्ञप्ति प्रकाशित गरी हालै उच्च राजनीतिक नेतृत्वहरूको उपस्थितिमा अति महत्वपूर्ण स्थलमा आयोजित विशेष सरकारी औपचारिक कार्यक्रममा राष्ट्रिय अखण्डताको संरक्षण तथा नेपाली जनताको सुरक्षामा सदैव निस्वार्थताका साथ प्राण उर्त्र्सग गरी सवा दुई सय वर्षन्दा बढीको गौरवमय राष्ट्रभक्तिको परम्परा भएको नेपाल राज्यको नेपाली सेनालाई लक्षित गरी नेकपा माओवादीका अध्यक्षबाट व्यक्त टिप्पणी र आरोप आपत्तिजनक भएको जनाएको छ। रासस

त्यो दिन प्रचण्डले नेपाली सेनाका बारेमा सुगौली सन्धि यता सेनाले नेपाली दाजुभाइलाई मार्ने र चेलिबेटीलाई बलात्कार गर्ने बाहेक कुन चाहिँ बहादुरीको काम गरेको छ भन्दै सेनाको संख्या घटाउनु पर्छ भनी निकै कडा अभिव्यक्ति दिनुभएको थियो। त्यसलाई यहाँ गएर सुन्न सकिन्छ।

आफूमाथि त्यस्तो गम्भीर आरोप लाग्दा रिस उठ्नु त स्वभाविकै हो। तर यो अ‍ौपचारिक विरोध चाहिँ किन यति ढिला भएको हो कुन्नि, बुझ्नै सकिएन। अनि यो विरोध सरकारको पनि हो कि सेनाको मात्र हो, त्यो पनि बुझ्न गार्‍हो भयो। सेना अहिले संसदको मातहतमा छ। रक्षामन्त्री कोइराला उपचारका लागि बैंककमा हुनुभएकोले कार्यवाहक रक्षामन्त्री अमिक शेरचन हुनुहुन्छ। उहाँलाई थाहा दिएर यो वक्तव्य आएको हो त ?

सेनाले कसको मातहतमा हो ? रक्षामन्त्री मार्फत् संसदको कि अर्कै ठाउँको ? सेनाले यसरी छुट्टै संस्थाका रुपमा वक्तव्य निकाल्न मिल्छ होला त ? भरे प्रचण्डले पुलिसहरु पनि खत्तम छन् भन्लान्, पुलिसले पनि यसरी नै वक्तव्य निकाल्छ होला ? उही सेनालाई चलाउने भनिएका प्रधानमन्त्री तथा रक्षामन्त्री त्यस्तो “आपत्तिजनक” अभिव्यक्ति दिने व्यक्तिसँग आफ्नै निवासमा डेढ घण्टा गोप्य वार्ता गर्छन्। सेनालाई त्यस्तोसँग भन्दा पनि त्यहाँ उपस्थित सात दलका नेतादेखि लिएर कसैले चुँसम्म गरेनन्। कसैले आफ्नो पक्षमा नबोलिदिएपछि सेनाले आफ्नो प्रतिरक्षा त गर्नै पर्‍यो, त्यसैले म त जायजै मान्छु सेनाको यो वक्तव्यलाई ! कि कसो ?

१८ पटक सर्वोच्चले आदेश दिँदा पनि शान्ति सेनासम्बन्धी सम्झौताका कागजात अदालतमा पेश नगरिएको र बुधबारको कान्तिपुरको पाठक पत्रमा जर्साब र कर्साबहरुको घरमा दास बनाएर जवानहरुलाई राखेको आरोप पढ्दा चाहिँ मलाई जायज लागेन।


  1. kina nepal army ko matra example dine ra prachande aafai pani samlagna cha hatya, himsa ra balatkar ma .

  2. I strongly condems prachanda speak….If Nepal army is load for country then what he is.
    He is responsible for Killing teachers ,post man,rape gals , innocense school student are kidnapped ,ransom people for money,distory historical place ,temple ,bridge ,telephone,tv station ,put bomb where ever he likes ,bomb blast on bus everywhere in village,cities and he kill,cut head of rebels too if they are injured in war time .
    In this past 10 yrs lot of Nepalese has lost their parent and house.
    Everytime Julos Nepal banda ,school ,college close.

    If Nepal army is bullshit can’t fight with india ,china then does maoist rebel can fight ?

    He is also responsable for pushing country 300 yrs back.
    If he think Army is bull shit then he’s garbage.

    Stop playing dirty game in the country.

    This is not Victory this is distruction.

    Save Nepal.

  3. Prachanda and Nepal army both should forget what each did in the past. We want to see waht you will do in the future!

  4. Jo chor usko jhan thulo swor.

    I like to see “Military coup” in Nepal. I better trust Military than the ragtag Prachanda and his Doke gangs.
    Prachanda challenged the system by using Military power he had in his disposal so Military has to come to the power and prachanda has to answer in Military tribunal for the atrocities he and his Dokes’ has caused.

  5. Dear Umesh Ji,
    I am a service man of Nepal Army. I agree 100% to the comment about Nepal Army. It is reality he is right. Nepal Army should be liberalize. If not, I would like to kill to the army officers at first. He has to lead the nation with vision. Others can not lead to develop Nepal.

  6. सिङ्गो देश को लागि कति सेना छ? र दरबार को लागि कति सेना छ ? भनेर हेरौ भने थाहा हुन्छ सेना जनताको हो कि चोर राजा को ।

  7. prachanda

    first look at urself n ur army. wht they did and wht they r doing now???? its very easy n simple to accuse anyone. first check ur color.

    if nepali army wanted they could hv done and can do lot of things but its their commitment to the country that they r helping at everymoment and on every situation of country.

    rape n killing by army is common in every country. wht we sud make sure is we sud punish the guilty and the process sud be transparent.

    prachanda you sud not act as if u r the god. nepali people know wht u can do n wht u r. people r only silent bcoz they hv right now given mended to political parties. if they fails then u will see wht nepali people can do n cause to u.

    be prepared!!!!!

  8. both nepali army and prachanda’s army are responsible for rape and murder. disband both armies. small country like nepal do not need army at all. if anybody dreaming about fight with India or China, then he must be a crazy. no matter how best the gurkha fighters are–with khukuri–you are not going to harm anything with the nuked countries like India and China. come on guys this is not the age of khukuris and gurkhas–its age of high flying war with Nukes. by the way how many of you guys know what the Nuke can do?

    about the press release by gurkha army–NA, Pyar Jung is just trying a shot with a gurkha appeal that might work with some idiot arrogant gurkhas, but will not go down well among the common nepali people.

  9. Mr. Prachanda should be the Nepal first President, because he is very unique, I really like his argument and logics.There is no use of Army in Nepal, they are just lie Ghost for the people and nation.

  10. प्रचण्ड फेरी भुके अनि मन्त्री पनि भुकै है ।।।। प्यारजङ मन्त्री भट्न गाका छन हेरुम अब के हुन्छ ।।।

  11. शुद्धिकरण — उमेशजी, एक्छिन अघि मैले यो धागोमा एउटा टिप्पणी प्रेषण गरेको थिएं, त्यसमा मैले सेनाबिहीन् मुलुकको सिलसिलामा कोस्टा रीका भन्नु पर्नेमा झुक्केर आइभोरी कोष्ट भनेछु, कृपया सच्याई पढनुहोला।

  12. उमेशजी– तपाईंको साभार् मैले मेरोसन्सारमा प्रचण्डको बालुवाटार् अभिब्यक्ति सुनें। निस्पक्ष रुपमा भन्ने हो भने, प्रचण्डले सेनाबारे सिर्फ् आफ्नो मन्तव्य प्रकट गरेको थियो, सभ्य किसिमले। उसले सेनालाई कुनै आरोप् लगाएको थिएन। प्रचण्ड सरकारमा छैन, उ कुनै ओहदामा छैन। अन्य कुनै नेपालीलाई जस्तै उसलाई पनि आफ्नो बिचार् प्रकटगर्ने हक् छ।

    सेनाले उसलाई आरोप लगायो भनेर आरोप लगाउने आधार छैन। सेनाले निहुं निकाल्न खोजेको हुनसक्छ, त्यो उनिहरु नै जानुन्। चोरको खुट्टा काट् भन्दा चोरले खुट्टा तानेको स्पष्ट छ। प्रचण्डले सेनाको सम्बन्धमा भनेको कुरा बिल्कुलै जायज् छ। एउटा नेपाली नागरिकको हैसियतले मैले पनि बिल्कुलै त्यही कुरा मेरोसन्सारमा केहि हप्ता अघि मात्रै टिप्पणी गरेको थिएं।

    बास्तवमा सेनाले प्रचण्डको तथाकथित् “आरोप” खण्डन गर्नको लागि दुइ-तीनवटा ठोस् उदाहरण दिए भैहाल्ने थियो। अर्थात्, सेनाले नेपालको सार्बभौमिक् सत्ताको रक्षा गरेको र नेपाल माथिको बिदेशी आक्रमणलाई परास्त पारेको, नेपाली जनताको रक्षा गरेको जस्ता उदाहरणहरु। अर्को कुरा, सेनाका बिभिन्न तहका ब्यक्तिहरुले समय-समयमा नेपाली नारीहरु माथि गरेको बलात्कारका समाचारहरु सबै झूठा र काल्पनिक् थिये भनेर पनि सप्रमाण् खण्डन् गर्नु पर्यो। अनि त प्रचण्ड र उ जस्ता सबैलाई चुपलाग्न करै लाग्छ।

    नेपालको सेनाको काम् राजपरिवारको रक्षा गर्ने र नेपालीहरुलाई मार्ने सताउने बाहेक् अरु के भएको छ र? नेपालको लागि सेना आबश्यक् छैन। यो स्वत:सिद्ध कुरा छ। नेपालको लागि प्रहरी काफी छन्। सेना नभएका आइभोरी कोस्ट् लगायत् कतिपय मुलुकहरु सुरक्षित् नै छन्। नेपालमा सेना आबश्यक् छ कि छैन भनेर बादबिबाद् गर्नुपनि समय बर्बादगर्नु मात्रै हो, किनकि यो स्वयमसिद्ध यथार्थ छ। नेपालले हातहथियारमा पैसा खर्चगर्नु पनि महामूर्खता मात्र हो। सेना अनि हातहथियार् केको लागि?

    संसद् र सरकारको घोषणा अनुसार् नेपालको सेना नेपाली सेना भैसकेको छ अथवा छैन भन्ने प्रश्न त छंदै छ। सेनाको भक्ति कहां छ भन्ने प्रश्न पनि जिउंदै छ। सेनाले आफू नेपाल् सरकारदेखि स्वतन्त्र रहेको जस्तो ब्यबहार गरिरहेकै छ। नेपालजस्तो गरीब् मुलुकले एउटा परिवारको रक्षाकोलागि ९०,००० को सेना र त्यो बिधिको हाथथियार् राखनु पागलपन् मात्र हैन जनताबिरुद्धको महा-अपराध हो। ती ९०,००० नेपालीलाई मार्नेकाट्ने तालीमको सट्टा अनेक पेशा-सीपको तालीम् दिएर देशनिर्माणका बिभिन्न रचनात्मक् र अर्थपूर्ण कार्यहरुमा लगाउनु पर्छ। हातहथियारहरु किन्ने पैसा देशनिर्माणमा लगाउनु पर्छ।

    सत्तारुढ कांग्रेसी नेताहरु (गिरिजा, देउबा आदि) राजातन्त्रबादी भएका र स्वभावले तानाशाही भएकाले पनि सेनालाई यथावत् राख्न चाहन्छन्, राजालाई सेनाध्यक्ष बनाइराख्न चाहन्छन्, अनि उनिहरु सेनालाई पूर्णतया सरकारको नियन्त्रणमा ल्याउन पनि चाहांदैनन्। मेरो बिचरमा ठाडो रुपमा भन्ने हो भने शायद् उनिहरु नेपाललाई आन्दोलनपूर्बको स्थितिमा फिर्ता लैजान चाहान्छन्। उनिहरु अझै निजी स्वार्थमा जकडिएका छन्। दुर्भाग्यको कुरा त्यही छ। तर यो युग जनताको हो र अन्त्यमा जनताको जीत् हुने निश्चित् छ। सामन्ती, शोषक्, तानाशाही शाषक् तथा अधिनायकबादहरुको टिकट् कटिसकेको छ।

  13. The words given by Prachanda was so perfect. why do we need more military personal? they were with tank during our second janandolan. Were they made to work against Nepali people, of course not. but who cares people can say what they think. we are not expert at all in that area.

    Military are most undiscipline people in our country and police too. I should mention one thing here not all police or military personals are bad. We have good ones as well. But good ones are in small number so their voice is too small so no one listens.

    jai nepal and king should be kicked out from Nepal.

  14. Barbarism welcomes barbarism.
    Barbarism is tasted only by the barbarism.
    The prachand is blind ruthless killer.
    The Sahi Senas are the loyal to SAHA means they are aristocratic and filthy corrupted.
    Judging by appearence is misleading. Yesterday they were under monarchy and now they were under parliament. just like SHRR PANCH KO SARKAR is removed the royal military label also removed.
    If prachnda is blaming the slave then he is no more then the mental crack and if prachanda is blaming the MASTER who did not utilize the SENAS creatively then he has the point.
    The enemy of any dictator is the dissenter who criticize and fight against them. Maoist leader do not like any kind of public resistance. you follow or be ready to die.
    Our military also needs education based on national defence and pride. yes we need SENAS not only to fight against the illigal intervention from another country or terrorist but also to relief the country in times of domestic natural or human catastrophy where police can not provide such ob.
    When prachand remarked to that of China and India, He is trying to spread the unneccessary propoganda to the uneducated masses about their patrotism.
    This kind of patroitism will brain wash the country to make the simple brainwasher to the status of Dictator.
    Hitler tried, stalin tried,british tried, did not proved that was simply the master evil plan to wipe out the certain class of people.British withdrew from colony, hitler killed as many as he wanted, stalin perfected it in the name of people war and fake nationality.
    What was the problem in their mind to commit such cruelty?
    Disguise, deception, lack of understanding, blind faith in gun power etc
    Democracy is not compatible in any kind of communism
    Republic is just the idea of running the government based on talents and abilities from the qualified partcipation but the republic to Prachanda is just the idea of spreading the conflict in the name of people’s struggle and taking advantage of the oporunities to take over the power to systamize the system of terror.
    Welcome to the sinking Nepal under the Prachanda path.

  15. हाम्रा नेताहरुको कमजोरी यही छ।सेनाका उच्च तहका केही बाहेक तल्ला तहका सबै हाम्रै दाजुभाइहरु हुन्। उनीहरुलाई हाम्रो पक्षमा ल्याउनुको सट्टा सबै सेनालाई भडकाउने वक्तव्यको न रक्षामन्त्री हैसियतले खण्डन गर्‍यो न सात दलका न नागरिक समाजका कसैले।

    भरे पार्टी अध्यक्ष पनि अनि उनीहरुको सेनाको सुप्रिम कमाण्डर पनि उही भएका प्रचण्डले तानाशाही लादन खोज्यो भने हाम्रो रक्षा गर्ने भनेको यही सेना नै हो। त्यसैले सेनामा आमूल परिवर्तन गरी वास्तवमा नेपालली सेना बनाउनु पर्छ। एकअर्कालाई भडकाउने वक्तव्य दिन आचार संहिताले पनि मिल्दैन मिल्छ र ?

  16. prachanda jile bichaar nagarikana bolnu bhayeko hola tesaile maaf dinu parchha. aaayenda prachanda jile sochbichar garera matra bolnu hunchha hola bhanne biswas garau..

  17. मलाई पनि अचम्म लाग्छ, प्रचन्द्र ले अरु बोलेको कुरा सबै राम्रो छ । बोलेको जस्तो भयो भने देश को बिकास हुन्छ । तर तीनीहरु ले मात्र कुन चाही पुन्याको कम गरेको छ र, जनता मर्ने, लुट्ने, वालात्कर गरेको धेरै उदाहरन छन । त्यो कुरा को हिसाब किताब रख्ने हो भने छोटो समयमा माओवादी ले नै एस्त कम हरु धेरै गरेको छ होला । यो मलाई लगेको कुरा मात्र हो । सत्त्य न हुन पनि सक्छ ।
    तर जे भए पनि दुबै पक्छय मिलेर समस्या समाधान गरेर देशमा शान्ति ल्याउनु पर्छ । नेपाली जनता लाई सुख सँग बाँच्न दिनु पर्छ ।

  18. What a cheap remark my PRACHANDA.

    THere should be 10 to 20 thousands armies in the country so that any rebel group, if can not win by election, go to jungle and take over the country ????

    IF there were 10/20 tohusands neplese army, nepal wouldnt exist after maoists start thier murders. Past shows that Armies have done mistakes. But they have always run under the order. It was the past constitution who made work them under the direct order of king.

    Chellange should be faced, not to be escaped. We should better reform our army, make them work for nepalis. We can better use them in recostruction of our country that maoist distructed. At least there is still descipline in nepali army.

  19. i think prachanda who went to speak too far against NA, but kept quiet about the atrocitites committed by himself (his party). such a misleading (and partial) statement from prachanda can have detrimental effect- why aren’t people speaking against such a statement of prachanda. well, an observer knows how much atrocities have been committed by both the parties. what has prachanda’s sena done other than brutal torture, killings, …….etc etc. it applies to his sena too.

  20. मेरो गोरा साथिले यो लिंक पठाएको थियो, कसरि गोर्खालि सेना (बृटेनमा कार्यरत)लाई इराकमा पठाउदा अमेरिकि सेनामा कार्यरत मान्छे र तिनका परिवार हर्षित भए भनेर।


    हाम्रो सेना बिर छ भन्ने जम्मैले सोच्छन। सेना मात्र नभएर सबै गोर्खालि हरु बिर हुन्छन भन्ने सोचाइ छ दुनियामा। यो इमेज बचाउन दुबै पच्छे लाग्नु पर्छ। रेप गर्दै हिडेको कुरो सहि हो, तर तेसो भन्दैमा एसले लड्न सक्छ धोति र भोटे सँग भन्नु राम्रो हैन? परे हाम्रो देश जोगाउन यि पहाडमा हामि सबै लड्ने छौ। हाम्रा पुर्खा पनि लडेका हुन। कसैले माया गरेर हाम्रो देश स्वतन्त्र भएको हैन। सुगौलि सन्धि हुनु अगाडि चार वटा लडाइ हामिले जितेका थियौ, खालि अन्तमा मात्र एउटा हारेको हो, हार्ने बित्तिकै गोरा हरु पनि सन्धि गर्न तयार भए, हारेको पनि अहिलेक् भारतमा पर्ने जैथक र मलाउको किल्लामा हो, हाम्रो आफ्नै देश भित्र हैन, र त्यो बेला राजा पनि सानै भएकोले दरबारले पनि सम्झौता गरिहाल्यो, अमर सिं थापाले नाइ नाइ भन्दा भन्दै।

    त्यसो त जंग बहादुरको पाला मा पनि सेनाले तिब्बेत मा आक्रमण गरेर जितेको हो, बिक्रम सम्बत १९११ मा। प्रचण्डले इतिहास अलि नबुझेको जस्तो देखिन्छ।

    जे होस, भोलि प्रचण्डै राष्ट्रपति भए पनि उहाँ पनि लड्नु हुन्छ भारत ले वा चिनले जल्ले आक्रमण गरेपनि। तेसैले यस्तो आफ्नै देशको लाज जाने कुरो गर्दै हिड्न हुदैन नेता जस्तो मान्छेले।

  21. I had previously expressed my view that the real character of Maoists will be gradually revealed before people. One thing Prachanda must know that he is not milk bathed man. What he did in the past, that is fresh till now. He must think about the people power. It the people become to know about real character of the Maoists and fed up completely, that day there will be no any way for maoists to escape. That is why Prachanda must correct his and his followers in time otherwise it might be too late. Regarding blame towards Nepalese Armay, What Prachanda must know that Maoists were Terrorists and this image will be there for ever in Nepalese mind. Prachanda must know that SPA leaders, civil society………all are silent because they don’t like to disturb peace process. But, Prachanda and maoists always talk with a clue like …….is o.k. but………, if not so …….I will do such and such…like conditional and suspicious saying and this shows their dual character.

  22. नेपाली सेना भित्र सार्है भ्रस्टचार र शोषण छ । मैले आफ्नै आँखा ले देखेको छु । बिचरा सेना का जवानहरुलाइ अफिसरका सन्तान् ले दलाउनु दलाउछन्। बच्चा स्कुल पुर्याउने देखि लिएर कपडा धुने, भाडा माझ्ने, घर सफा गर्ने गराउछन्। यतिले मात्र नपुगेर आफन्तको म गएर काम् गर्दे भन्छन। नेपाली सेना का जवान हरु ले जर्नेल कर्नेल हरु को घर बनाउद इटा बोक्ने डकर्मी को काम् गर्छन्। के यो सेना को बिधान् म लेखेको छ? छ भने बहिस्कार् गर्नु पर्छ। मैले थाहा पये सम्म प्रत्येक कर्नेल् को घर म एक जना घर सफा गर्ने र एक् जना भाडा माझ्ने अर्दली हुन्छ। जर्नेल को घरमा त ३-४ जना हुन्छन। कोहि कोहि कर्नेलको घरमा लाएकको सिपहि सग छोरी को मायाप्रीति बसेकोले सिपाही लाइ खुब दुर्गम् ठाउमा सरुवा गरि दिएको मेरै आखाले देखेको छ। मरि मरि काम गरेर पनि जस पाउदैनन् सिपही हरु। अफिसर का श्रीमती
    हरुले भेटेपिच्छे अपशब्द बोल्छन । किन?
    अर्को कुरा आयो शान्ति सेनामा जाने जवानहरुको ।
    शान्ति सेनामा गए बापत UN ले प्रतिब्यक्ती प्रतिदिन १०० द डलर जती दिन्छ, सबै देसका सिपाहीहरुलाई । अफिसर्ले ८०% भन्दा बढी पाउछन्, सिपहिले १०% मात्र पौछन NEPAL ARMY ले यसरी तलब दिन्छ । बाकी पैसा आर्मी कोष मा राखिन्छ, Military hospital lai आर्मी को परिवार को उपचारको लागि दिइन्छ रे । तर तल्लो तहका सिपाही हरु को परिवार ले उपचार पाउन महिनौ कुर्नु पर्छ। एक ताका मलाई सन्चो नहुदा त्यहि बेला छ जना अफिसर को सन्तान लाई पनि सन्चो नभएको रहेछ । मलाई हटाएर तुरुन्त उसलाई भर्ना लिइयो । तन्दरुस्त भए पछी मलाई हटाइएको बेडमा फेरी मलाई बस्न लगाइयो । मेरो उपचारको लागि मैले दुई हप्ता कुर्नु पर्‍यो । यस्तै हो नेपालमा ।
    जो ठुलो पदमा छ उसको जे पनि चल्छ, जहाँ पनि जे पनि सम्भव छ, हामी जस्ता साधारण जनतालाई त कसैले हेर्दैनन । डक्टर ले समेत हेप्छन्, नर्सले गाली गर्दै यता उता थेचारदै handle गर्छन ।
    मैले भनेको लाग्छ भने त त्यो नेपाली सेनाका अफिसर तहका सबैलाई एक चोटि नाङो पारेर insecticide छर्केर अर्को नयाँ कपडा लगाइ दिनु पर्छ, अनि बल्ल स्वच्छ छरलङ हुन्छ। नत्र जहाँ जे आए पनि आर्मी भित्र कुनै परिवर्तन हुने वाला छैन ।
    They don`t care public. They don`t care police. They think that they are the superpower in a society. There is a huge corruption within the barrack, starting from daily ration supply (thekedaar seleciton), motor vehicle management, officer recruitment, UN peace keeping, marketing, arms purchase, furniture purchase, construction, Military hospital management, etc. Military get privilige in the world, but not so much as Nepalese military are doing?
    In other part of the coutry, girls/ladies are not safe around the barracks. In the cinema hall, soldiers put hands on our chelibeti. If you (brother/relative of the chelibeti) resist, they beat you, instead show pistol to kill you. What a hell.. that is the way prachanda wanted to tell the truth. I have seen all those sceneries by my own eyes. Many nepalese people (daju bhai) have seen this. Some have joined maoist militia because they can take revenge with those scavangers (rude army soldiers)who raped or sexually assaulted their didi-bahini.
    मैले के भनु, एति छ नि भन्ने कुरा हरु । भनि साध्य छैन ।

    Just to share my “Dukhaka kura”

  23. उमेश जि सेना रिसायेर के गर्नु । पर्चन्डको भनाइ हदै सममा साचो हो । बस्तवमा नेपाल मा सेनाको काम के त? बसि बसि खाने।किन चाहियो हाम्रो देश मा ९० हजार सेना? हामि नै हाम्रो देशको सेना हो।आवसकता परे हामि जन ता नै आफनो देशको सेना हो।

  24. उमेश जी समाचार को लागि धन्यवाद ।
    सन्क्रमणकालको यस्तो घडीमा सेनाको बिरुध आरोप लगाएर आगोमा घिउ थप्ने काम गरेका छन प्रचन्डले । आफ्नो लाल सेनाले गरेको बलजफती सेना भर्ति,चन्दा आतंक, चोरी, डकैती ,हत्त्या र १३००० जनाको ज्यान गएको जनयुद्धको बारेमा केही बोलेका छैन्नन । सायद प्रचन्डलाइ आफ्नो सेनाले गरेको कामको गर्ब होला । माओवादीहरुले जनता, निशस्त्र व्यक्ति वा प्रतिगमन विरोधी राजनीतिक दलका नेता वा कार्यकर्ताहरु माथि जुन ज्यादतिहरु गरेका छन् वा मानव अधिकारहरुको उल्लघन गरेका छन् तिनीहरुको छानविन र दोषिहरु माथि कारवाही हुनु पर्छ । नत्र उनीहरुलाई जनताको रगतमा होली खेलेर सत्ता जने कुनै अधिकार छैन ।

    जन आन्दोलनमा माओवादीहरुको पनि भूमिका थियो,उनिहरु पनि सत्ताका दाबेदार हुन । तर सत्ता जानु अगाडि आफुले गरेका काम कारबाहीको बारेमा जनतालाई जानकारी हुनु पर्‍यो । जस्तै चितवनमा जुन ६, २००५ मा माओवादी पक्षले गरेको माडी को घटना । जहाँ ३८ जनाको ज्यान गएको थियो र धेरै जना अहिले सम्म पनि अपाङ्ग भएर बस्न वाध्य छन ।

    अहिलेको अवस्थामा सन्सद मात्र एउटा बैधानीक सस्था हो । संविधानविहीनता वा संसदविहीनताको अवस्थामा सरकार कुनै संविधानमा वाधिने छैन र संसदप्रति जिम्मेवार हुने छैन । त्यो अवस्थामा एकातिर सरकारले फासिष्ट दिशा समात्ने सम्भावना हुनेछ भने अर्कातिर त्यो अवस्थाबाट राजाले फाइदा उठाएर प्रतिगामी दिशा समात्ने खतरा हुनेछ ।

    जहाँ सम्म लाग्छ सेना कागतमा मात्र सन्सद्को अधिनमा छ । देशको यस्तो महत्तोपूर्ण अङग सेना बिरुध प्रचन्डले यसरी आपत्ति जनक कुरा गर्दा ,नेपाल सेना हाम्रो अधिनमा छ भन्ने लुटे सरकार किन एक शब्द पनि बोल्न सक्दैन्न ?
    पानी मरुवा सरकारको अधिनमा सेना नरहेको यो स्पष्त प्रमाण हो । अहिले कार्यवाह्क प्रधानमन्त्री अमिक शेरचन जस्ले रक्षा मन्त्रालय सम्हालेका छन उनि त बोल्ने कुरो भएन । किन भन्दा उनि प्रचन्ड र माओवादी लाइनको बिरुध कहिले पनि बोलेका छैनन । जसरी प्रचन्डले बाघ मर्ने र जुङ्घा उखेल्ने कुरा गरेका थिए, अब उनिले अरुको जिउको जुम्रा नहेरेर आफ्नो जिउमा रहेको भैंसी तिप्ने काम गरेमा नेपाली र नेपाल आमाले शान्तिको सास् फेर्न पाउलान्।

    सन्देश, चीन

  25. I don’t buy prachanda’s logic at this point of time. Ahile army prachanda le bhaneko jastai 20,000 bhako bhae uile nai Maobadi le sara desh kabja garisakthe..ki ta ahile nepal communist republic huntyo ki ta bideshi sena “nepali jatata ra prajatantra ko surakshya ko lagi bhanne niu ma” aaera tham tham ma basisakeka hunthe. Aafu chain tunna militia palera (palera pani haina, nepali sarvasadharan lai lutna lagaera) rakhne ani army ko strenght ghataune bhanne?? Ho desh ma unity chha kunai kisim ko problem chaina uttardai sarkar chha bhane lau ghatuan sena ko sankhya ani sab nepali le liun milititary training switzerland, Israel, turkey jasta muluk ma jastai…ahile ko awasta ma sena ghataunu bhaneko…bhyaguta le kuwa bhitra sarpa lyaera aru thula bhyaguta lai khana lagaeko jastai ho. Baru sena lai byawastith gari parliament ma jabafdehi hune kaam chain pukka garnu parne ho..kagaj ma matrai haina.

  26. I agree with Jemanta !
    Royal Nepali Sena (now by name Nepali Sena)is not fight for the nation like they did before sugauli sandhi. This is fact. they have failed to protect the border of the country, which is in fact their duty.
    Neither they have been able to protect the King and queen (1. June 2001). They are failed in both sides.

    Well, they have able to kill nepali people in the nane of terrorist and been able to shoot more than 8000 people, escating in the last 4 years. They have been protecting the feudal structure (Rana and Shah regime)and system since 1816, when the Suagaili treaty was done.

    I agree, the feudal sena must be transformed to new democratic sena for new Nepal.


  27. सर्बप्रथम रिसाउनेहरुसँग रहेका संपुर्ण हतियार फिर्ता गर्नु पर्छ । अनि यसरि रिसाउनेलाई पहाडका भिरहरुमा बाटो खन्न लगाउनु पर्छ। टटबन्ध निर्माणमा लगाउनु पर्छ ।सींचाईं र विद्यूत आयोजना निर्माणको काममा पठाउनुपर्छ । यसरी ९०००० कामदारले हरेक दिन विकास निर्माणको काममा लागेपछि त यो देशको सबै समस्या समाधान भैहाल्छ नी । तर यसरी काम गर्दा कामदारलाई थप भत्ता चाँहीं दिनु हुँदैन नी

  28. Dear all,
    Yes, I also fully agree with the statement given by Prachanda. Existing number of army is useless in our context. It should be reduced. People should understand the role of Nepal Army. They have no any role for the growth, development and security in the country. If there is no army, people feel very secure, otherwise always fearing situation. It is true. Also, most of the productive farm stations and places are occupied by the army, where people could do some research and productive work. Then how could we say that they are doing well? Anyway, the places occupied by the army should be given back to the concerned organization. Hope this situation will also be solved after reducing the number. JAYA KISAN!

  29. सेनाको बक्तब्य ढिलो आयो तर आयो यहि राम्रो भयो । नेपाली सेनाका सम्बन्धमा प्रचण्डको टिप्पणी त्यस पत्रकार सम्मेलनको सबै भन्दा खट्किएको कुरा थियो मेरो लागी । अनि सेनालाई त्यस्तोसँग भन्दा पनि त्यहाँ उपस्थित सात दलका नेतादेखि लिएर कसैले चुँसम्म गरेनन अझ मुक दर्शक भएर हेरेर थपडी मार्दै बसेका नेताहरू देख्दा त्यहाँ भएका सारा नेता थपडीबाज ( हिजडा ) जस्तो लाग्यो मलाई त ।

    सेना घटाउने , थप्ने कुरा परिस्थिति अनुसार हुनु पर्छ त्यसमा दुईमत छैन । तर त्यो दिन प्रचण्डले नेपाली सेनाका बारेमा सुगौली सन्धि यता सेनाले नेपाली दाजुभाइलाई मार्ने र चेलिबेटीलाई बलात्कार गर्ने बाहेक कुन चाहिँ बहादुरीको काम गरेको छ भन्दै सेनाको संख्या घटाउनु पर्छ भनी जुन अभिव्यक्ति दिए त्यसको अर्थ के ? के माओबादीका सेनाले चाही कुनै त्यस्तो पुरुसार्थ गरेर नेपाली भुमीमा एक ईन्च जमिन थपेको छ ? या त थोरी , सुस्ता र कालापानीको सुरक्षामा नै खटिएको छ ? नेपाली सेनालाई लक्षित गरी प्रचण्डबाट व्यक्त टिप्पणी र आरोप त आपत्तिजनक छ नै अनि साढे २ करोड मिलिसिया बनाउने कुरा !!!!!!………. मैले त बुझ्नै सकिन कि यसको अर्थ के हो ? सारा जनतालाई सैनिक तालिम अनिवार्य गर्ने भन्न खोजिएको हो ? साथि हो जसले बुझ्नु भएको छ कृपया मलाई एक पटक बुझाईदिनोस् न …….. म अलि कुरा ढिलो बुझ्छु के !

  30. This is good to cut the budget of Army and their personel.most of the low level Army is used for Heiglevl Army’s House hold servent.But they think they have Very good history what a joke From Army,And why they answer this after 4 days .How they answer from whoes direction.

  31. उमेश जी,
    मेरो बिचार म त प्रचन्ड ले घमन्ड गरेजस्तो लाग्यो । के माओवादी जन सेना ले सधैं राम्रो कम गरेको छ र? म पनि प्रचन्ड को अभिवेक्ती प्रति समर्थन गर्दैन । माओवादी ले जे पायो तेइ आरोप लगाउन पाउदैन । तेत्रो माओवादिको गरीमाको पद म बसेको मान्छे ले आफ्नो आङ म भैंसी नदेखि अर्काको आङ म जुम्रा देख्नु हुँदैन ।

  32. Sugauli treaty is also the proof of Haruwa we lose our land on Sugauli treaty .So Neplese Army never kept his head up after that why they angry whatever Prachanda Say.They kill our persoion not single evil
    they live in Barac Gunagan Gaudaee Raja Rani prince and princes .So this is right to that small army is good for our nation not this much big.Our Country doesnot effort so much our budget in arm and unnecessary things.WE must invest oug buget to develop out undevlope region and Health and education sector not to these Army,

  33. I totally agree with you Umeshji.

    हुनत म नेपालि सेना को अन्ध समर्थक हैन, तर प्रचण्डले त्यसो भन्ने हैसियत छ जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैन। त्यसो त जनसेनाले पनि पत्रकारलाई रुखमा बाधेर घाँटी काट्ने र लुकेर बस जलाउने, गाउगाउमा गएर बच्चा अपहरण गरेर भर्ति गर्न लैजाने, हतियार नलिइ हिडेका काङ्रेसि र एमाले कार्यकर्ता को हातगोडा भाँच्ने बाहेक केनै बहादुरि गरेको छ र?

    हामि शन्तिपुर्ण रुपले बिरोध गर्ने ले चाँहि भन्न पाउँछौ सेनालाइ। सेनाका नाइके हरुको जायजेथा जफत गरेर, घर मा नोकर भनेर जवान हरु राख्ने चलन अन्त गराउनै पर्छ, साला हरु हिजो सम्म आफैलाइ राजा जस्तै गर्दै हिड्थे। हाम्रो बाजेको पालामा चिन र अँग्रेज सँग लडेको सेनाको म इज्जत गर्छु, तर अहिले जनतालाइ दुख दिन पाइदैन त्यो भन्दैमा। हरेक कालखण्डमा आफ्नो औचित्य प्रमाणित गर्नु पर्छ सेनाले। सेनालाई चेतना भया।

  34. In current monopolistic situation enjoyed
    by Maoists, no one could speak against them.
    A. Sherchan became DPM after he requested
    Prachanda to call GPK over telephone and,
    Prachanda threatened GPK if he does not
    appoint A. Sherchan as DPM. What this DPM
    can do against what Prachanda speak or has
    already spoken, when “the” A. Sherchan became
    the DPM from the Telephone Tharkai of Prachanda.
    DPM Sherchan is not stadning on his own leg,
    he is standing on Prachanda’s leg, he does not
    have capacity, nor he is ethically or morally
    able to speak against what Prachanda or Maoists
    are doing after the ceasefire. After the
    ceasefire, so many people have already been
    killed including a student. Makune, not Sherchan
    nor any other communist can speak except
    Lila Mani Pokhrel.

    NA did good job by speaking against bad
    comment. NA fought against Khampa in 1970s,
    lets not forget that. There are some bad
    guys, but most of the young guys they were
    killed by Maoists ruthlessly in the name
    of people’s war. I have not seen any justification
    for the death of 12345 people by Maoists.
    Bhakurna sakchhou bhane bhakura tyo Bange lai.
    Bharat Keshar lai first round ma bhakure ko
    ma I had no objection, but 2nd round (Police ko
    haath bata khosera pitnu chai Police lai
    trust nagarnu ho? Do you want Police let people
    do whatever they want? Then, what is the purpose
    of Police? Thanks god, Mr. Timilsina had
    guts to handcuff BKS and his sons, but the
    People’s Mass discredited his effort. They did
    not honor him, they should have just said
    “Insspector Timilsina Hooray, BKS and his sons
    Murdabad”. Going to SP’s office next day,
    with …FIRTA LE does not work. Because these
    police were inept to protect the people under
    their custody (whether he was guilty or not).
    Police’s job was to protect people whether
    bad or not, and report them to Judge.

    So, this DPM who got Prachanda’s asirbad won’t
    speak under any situation, even if Prachanda
    uses GALI to DPM himself. I am glad that Army spoke.

    A Nepali Janata who want Nepal be
    run by law, and a Land of Rule. Nepal should
    not be run by these crazy skin heads.

  35. नेपाली सेनाका बारेमा प्रचण्डले गरेको टिप्पणी खास नौलो कुरो होइन । नेपाली सेनालाई जनता मारा र बलत्कारी भनेर लगाएको आरोप केहि हद सम्म सत्य होला तर प्रचण्डले बुझ्नु पर्ने कुरा के छ भने सत्ताको नजिक पुगेको पार्टिको सुप्रिम नेताको बोलि जिम्मेवारपूर्ण हुनु जरुरी छ। प्रचण्ड का आफ्ना सेना कस्ता छन सबै लाई थाहा छ। अहिले नेपाली मेडिया र जनता शान्ति बार्ता खलबलिने डरले माओबादि बिरुद्द टिप्पणी गरेका छैनन। यसको मतलाब यो होईन कि माओबादि सेनाले हिजो गरेको ज्याजति जनताले बिर्सि सके । संबिधान सभाको निर्वाचन मा जादा प्रचण्डलाई जनताले छाढ्ने छैनन।
    नेपालीको छोरा

  36. Democracy means freedom to express. We shouldnot serious what the prachanda said about army or armmy’s reaction. If they both party consider themself on the new democratic environment, both have freedom to express what have felt about. Who are right or wrong decided by people not by themselves. So I dont think its big matter talk more about it. Moreover, army is part of nepalese people. They cannt express their view as people from party.

  37. There is consipiracy going on. King and his cronies are making serious underground plots. I am very sure that Maoists are aware of it and they are ready for it.

    Surya Bahadur Thapa is talking about disarmament of Maoists. He’s one of the biggest conspirators. Now, as per the plot, the Bhoomigat giroha came to decide to issue the note about Prachanda’s statement about the army, which is so true.

  38. I agree with Prachand’s views on reducing the number of army personnels. Why do a small country between two giants needs about 100 thousand armies? In the case of war will it be sufficient to guard against Chinese or Indian Army? Rather we should have mandatory military service of about 12 to 18 months for all the able bodied persons between the age of say 18 to 28 years. And when in need the government can call up all the persons between the age of say 18 to 45 years who had joined the service. In this way we can protect our country when needed. This kind of mandatory service is in practice in many countries such as Austria, Brazil, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, etc.

    But we do not want war, we want peace. However, war is not just due to our wish it also depends upon other countries intention. So it is better to be prepared to protect from others.

    Regarding the defamation of (Royal) Nepal Army, Prachand could have slightly modified his views. It would have been better to segregate the honest and sincere cadres and corrupt and dictatorial army generals. We have not forgotten how the 49 persons have been tortured and disappeared in Bhairabnath Battalion. Should not the (Royal) Nepal Army take the responsibility for this? Why do not they provide the papers related to UN Peace Keeping force when it was asked 18 times so far’by the Supreme Court? Are not the generals mostly from Rana, Thapa and Basnyats who are in some way related to the Palace? Did it take any responsibility when whole of Birendra’s family was murdered? Is not it shame for we Nepalese?

  39. जो चोर उस्को ठुलो स्वर।
    उदाहरण को लागिमात्र:

    भैरब नाथ गण मा को बस्छ? कस्को हो? माफिया हरुको कि सेनाको?
    ‘नमिता, सुमिता लाई बलात्कार गर्न कस्ले सघाएको थियो?
    जनाआन्दोलन २ सफलता को भोलिपल्टै, मोरङमा साना साना बच्चाहरुको आमालाई सुतेको ठाउंबाट ल्याई कस्ले बलात्कार गरेर मारेको हो?

    के सुस्ता, महेशपुरमा हडप्दा सेना के हेरेर बसेको थियो? कुनै बक्तब्य वा योजना बनएको भए जनतालाइ जनकारि किन गराउन सकेको छैन।

    खेम्पा बिद्रोहि हरुलाई पनि मारेकै हो।
    सत्र साल तिर नेपालि काङ्रेस का ‘बिध्रोहि’ हरुलाई मारेको चहि हो।

    भक्ति ‘थापा’

  40. प्रचण्ड मनमा जे आयो त्यही बक्छन् साची सेनाको प्रतिक्रयाचाहीँ ढिलै आएको हो ।। सायद प्रतिक्रया दिन मिल्दैन क् गर्ने भन्ने दोधार हुँदा हुँदै अन्तिमा कसैले नबोले पछि आफ्नो स्वाभिमान लाइ बचाउनै पर्छ भनेर ढिलै भएपनि बोलेको होला।।।।। केही सेना हरुले नराम्रो गरो भन्दैमा पुरै सेना नराम्रोहो यसको काम छैन भन्नु हुँदैन् । गर्खालिसेनाको विरता त साराँ संसारले देखेका छन् र यी उनै गर्खालीका सन्ताहुन ।।।। होला कुनै नराम्रा तर सबै बेकामका छन, भारभाका छन भन्नचाहिँ अलिमिल्दैन्। फेरी महीले पहैलेको ब्लगमाकमेन्ट मा पनि लेखेकै थिएँ कतै यो तपाईको जालसाक्ष त होइन भनेर ।।
    — बाबुरामजी तपाइको यस्तो बिचार सुनेर , त्यतिखेरै हामी लाई षड्यन्त्रको गन्ध आइराखेको थियो हेर्दे जाम ।।।। के के हुने हो देशमा ।।

    **अब त शान्तिको चाहना छ सबैलाइ, सबै वाक्क परिसके षड्यन्त्र,द्वन्ध देखेर *

  41. Prachand is right. We must follow prachand step by step because after all he is the king of kings. Kaso umesh ji?

    How could any one dare to speak against prachanda? You could have your son or daughter kidnapped next evening or you could be picked up and taken to an unknown place where jana adalat can skin you alive or take out your eyes.
    We have been slave to the cruel ruthless shah kings for 237 years (brother killer Gyanendra being the last), why not take up another slavery now?

  42. Dear Umeshjee

    I have not heard Prachanda’s remarks, nor have I any interest to hear him.. Who is he to blame and comment on Nepali Army’s role? Has he ever though of what his ‘so called Jana Sena’ are doing in the villages. They have imposed ‘Jungle raj’ in the peaceful nepali villages. They have turned the beautiful land into a massacre-ground. I advice Prachana first to accept the ‘ill doing’of his people and then only comment on Nepali Army. First he has to accept punishment for burning innocent child inside the bus in Bhandara, killing innocent people in Madi, hanging innocent teacher in Lamjung, killing a innocent journalist in Sindhupalchok….. the list is sooooooo long….The cat can not get salvation from his sin of killing thousands of rats even if he dips in the holy river of Ganga for thousand times!

  43. Umesh jee, you made a good issue.
    Whatever Prachanda said that truth, truth always bitter. Lets do analysis of Nepali Army what they did except to protect King. They are not Nepal Army. They are kings army. To make Nepali army, Nepal government must dissolve and make new army. They do not have to right to say they are doing for the well for the public, if they think that is absuletely wrong. Because of this Nepali army Nepal goes back 50 years before.If they have morality the seniors must have to resign to make faithful towards the people.


  44. Although I am not a supporter of the Nepalese Army, I still think it was so irresponsible of Comrade Prachanda to accuse it of just being a gang to rape Nepalese women and kill people. If it is true , what role is the the so called Maoist “Janasena” fulfilling in the nation ? But if we broadly generalise things , every nation’s army is there to defend its territory and national interest and in a way the army is there to kill as well. But having said so we can not attribute all the wrongs on an institution. Although it was true that the Royal palace in Nepal controlled the army as if it were a private army for the most privileged familiy in Nepal, Comrade Prachanda’s remark neither deserves any praise nor it holds or exhibits any responsible conciliatory gesture for the future. If the Royal army was there to kill, of course the so called PLA was there to magnify the killing spree wiping out the dissenting voices from all across the rural Nepal.

  45. hello,
    haina aahile ke dekhiyo bhanda ni sabai le maobadi lai nai support garne,, but maile euta kuro bujheko chaina. tiniharu ma support garna layak ke kuro cha ra? ahile samma sojha sajha janata marne bahek kun chahi bikash ko mul futako chan ra,, feri maobadi dajubhai haru le pani ta sarkari budjet ko 50% chahiyo sena palna bhanera karaudaichan,,, ani bato bato ma toll tax, apaharan,ko silsila siddhine naam nai lidaina. feri tapai bhannu hola mero bolg site ma jasari lekhu, tyo pani gazzab kuro ho.. teikai chitta nabujhera yeso bhaneko matra!!

  46. Prachanda is 100% right. We can not fight India or China with 80,000 armies. If needed all 36 mil. Nepalis can get trained to fight to save our sovernity where no force in earth can stop us. That’s right, our Army hasen’t done anything brave after so call Sugauli Sandhi except serving as a house keeper in rana and shaha and other Tanasaha’s house. We don’t need that many army unless they are afraid of loosing free service in their home. Screw all those rana saha and tanasaha..kill them all!!!

  47. नेपालमा सेनाको काम छैन । सिङ्गापुर ,र स्वीजर्ल्यान्ड मा हेर्नुस्
    त्यहाँ सेना छैन ।
    बरु नेपालले नेपाल शान्ति क्षेत्र देश् भनेर विस्वमा जिनाउने तिर लाग्नु पर्छ र भारतले पनि सो कुरामा हस्तक्षेर् गर्नु पर्छ ,चिनले त गरिसकेकोछ त्यसैले नेपालमा
    सेनाको अबस्याक छैन । अब त जनतानै राजा जनतानै सेना अनि किन चाँहीयो अर्को सेना

  48. the government should have commented on the cmment not the army as the army is under gov. control.

  49. Hamile ramro sanga bichar garne ho bhane Nepali sena ko itihas ramro chhaina, tyo aru kehi nabhujne le pani bujheko kura ho. Aru kehi hoina, sena ka tauke ra darbar le nihu khoji rakheko chha, auta bahana chahiyeko chha tini harulai, tara tyo tini haru ko matra murkhata hunechha yedi sena ko aada ma janata lai pheri pani dabauchhu bhanyo bhane…….tes pachhi uniharu lai dine sajaye uniharu le kalpana pani garna nasakne khalko hunu parchha…samachar pani aayi rakheko nai ta chha, aasti purba ma ekjana cheli lai lagera rape garera maryo, ani pahila dohoro bhidanta bhanera dhak chhop garna khojyo………yes ma dosi ko? chor lai chor bhanda risaya jastai ho aahile ko prakaran…..tara sabai jana testa chhainan sena bhitra pani………sena bhaneko pani nepali chhora haru nai ho, tyaha ko sabai manchhe kharab chhainan, tara tauke haru ko itihas chai ramro mahile kahile dekheko chhaina………

  50. Nepali Army are good for nothing now a days they just increasing the expenditure of nation so i am 100 % agree PRACHANDA statement , he told tito reality, tyasaile Army ko headach bhadeko.

  51. kamred prachand le je bolnu bhayo 100% thik bolnu bhayo tyo ta ajha kam bhayo ti janata ko pasina khayara janata lai nai dukh dine haru(nepal army)

  52. The army may have some pints due to the humilation but the fact can’t be denied. This is the opportunity for the show their loyalty to the sevice of the country and to common public of Nepal if they are geniounly patriotic. Time has changed and it will provide them enough opportunity to prove their claim how they adopt themselves with the norm of democracy and the nature of services required from them.
    How people react are mostly on the historical incidence and who has the rein of this very important force of the country. It is sure without going through strategic needs and socioeconic analysis for the role of army, rest of the arguement will be not only waste of time, but waste of ethics, moral, resources and brain. So lets be compassionate for the whole situation and look for positive future and provoking the issues. We need the courage and honesty to digest the bitter honestry.

  53. I admire Nepali sena for their honesty and disciplines. But the ones i am admring does not include the senior officers of Nepali army, who keep junior army personal at their residence to work for their private stuffs including washihg of panties of their wives. That is your private jon jarsaab, and Nepali people can’t pay tax to provide you helpers at your home. So whatever the rebel leader has said should apply to the senior officers only, who slughter Nepali citizens in and blame them of being the atankakari.

    The press release of this kind may invite another people action like to one that was targeted to Bharat Keshari.

  54. Umesh Ji,

    We Nepali need 100,000 personnels for an organization? India and china are greater than Nepal by 23 and 78 times respectively. If Nepal required 100,000 military personnels India requires 23,00,000 amd china requires 78,00,000 military personnels. Now, in India there are 12,94,000 millitary personnels and 26,00,000 with China. Again any country of the world spent at least 20 percent of the total revenue on security. Thus, certainly it requires reduction of military personnels from Nepal.
    The military of Nepal never fought to protect the border of Nepal after so called Sugauli treaty. It is true.
    We all Nepali have to protect Thori, Susta and Kalapani through demonstrating national unity.


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