पूर्वाग्रह छाडौं, नयाँ नेपाल संभव छ

[यो सामाग्री कमेन्टका रुपमा नियमित पाठक उत्तमबाट प्राप्त भएको हो। कमेन्टमा ज्यादै लामो स्थान लिने भएकोले अलग्गै पोस्टका रुपमा यहाँ राखेको हुँ। समयअभावका कारण मैले तलको हाइलाइटबाहेक भित्रको सामाग्रीमा शुध्दाशुध्दी सच्याउन भ्याएको छैन]

खुलामञ्चमा देखिएका चप्पल लगाएकाहरु झुत्रोझात्रे कपडा लगाएकालाई अनाडी देखेर जसले आफूलाई मात्रै जान्ने देख्छ, स्पष्ट छ उसले वर्तमान नेपाली राजनीति बुझेको छैन वा बुझिबुझी पनि बुझ पचाइरहेको छ र उसले वर्तमान समावेशी प्रजातन्त्रको परिभाषा बुझेको छैन। आगामी दिनहरुमा सुटबुट लगाएकाहरुको भन्दा चप्पल लगाएकाहरुको राजनीतिमा सहभागिता बढ्दै जाने निश्चित छ। अझ मलाई त के लाग्छ भन्दा पीएचडी गरेर डाक्टर भएका तुलसी गिरी र संविधानका अपव्याख्याता गणेशराज शर्मा जस्ताले भन्दा अहिले पनि नेपाली समाजमा गाइने भनेर हेपिने चार-पाँच कक्षा मात्र पास गरेका रुविन गन्धर्व भाइले नेपालको राजनीतिलाई बुझेका छन्। उनीहरुको नेपाली राजनीतिमा महत्व छ र नेपाली जनताले रुबिनहरुलाई बढी माया गर्नेछन्। त्यसकारण मलाई लाग्छ डिग्री लिएको भरमा र अंग्रेजी भाषा जानेको भरमा र देशविदेश घुम्दैमा मात्रै राजनीति बुझ्ने डिग्री नलिएकोले नपढेको नघुमेकोलाई नबुझ्ने भनेर परिभाषित गदै उनीहरुलाई अनाडी भन्दै अवमूल्यन गर्नेहरुले नै द्रुत गतिमा रुपान्तरण भइरहेको नेपालको राजनीतिलाई नबुझेको जस्तो लाग्छ।

यस व्लगको नियमित पाठकको हैसियतले मैले व्लगका न्यूजहरुमात्र होइन त्यसको प्रतिकि्रया स्वरुप पाठकका भ्यूजहरु पनि चाखलाग्दो मानेर पढने गर्छु म । माओवादीको आमसभाको दृष्यहरु नियमित राखेकोले उमेशजीलाई कसैले माओवादीको आरोप लगाए त्यस्तै प्रतिकि्रया United B blog का दिनेश वाग्लेलाई पनि लाग्यो हेर्नुस United B blog। काठमाडौमा माओवादीको अभुतपूर्व जनसभालाई कसैले दबाव दिएर जवरजस्ती ल्याइएका मानिसहरु भने । कसैले अनाडि मानिसहरुको जमघट भनेर प्रतिकि्रया लेखे कसैले प्रचण्ड र बाबुरामलाई दण्डित गनुपर्ने कुरा राखे र कसैले त्यतिका मानिसलाई सभामा ल्याउनको साटो वागमातिको फोहर सफा गर्न लगाएको हुने थियो भनेर सुझाव पठाए त्यसको प्रतिकि्रया स्वरुप मनमा कुराहरु उठीरहे समय अभावको कारण लेख्न मन लाग्दा पनि लेख्न सकिन समयमा नै अहिले केहि समय पाएकोले केहि लेख्न कलम चलाएको छु ।

वास्तवमा के माओवादीको समाचार छाप्दैमा वा उनीहरुको सभामा जादैमा र उनीहरुले दिएको टोपी लगाउदैमा माओवादी भइन्छ र यदि त्यसो हो भने विश्व प्रसिद्ध समाचार संस्था विविसी का दक्षिण एशिया संवाददाता चाल्स्र हेभिल्याण्ड जसले प्रचण्डको प्रत्यक्ष अन्र्तवार्ता लिए अनि नेपालको कान्तिपुर दैनिकका नारायण वाग्ले काठमाडौं पोष्टका प्रतिक प्रधान र नेपाल साप्ताहिकका किशोर नेपालहरु उमेश जी भन्दा धेरै पहिले माओवादी हुनु पर्ने जस्तो मलाई लाग्छ । माओवादीसँग सैदान्तिक विमती राख्नेहरुको जमातमा म पनि पर्छु तर माने पनि नमाने पनि समकालिन तितो यथार्थ के हो भने माओवादीका समाचारहरु सबैभन्दा बढि बिक्छन् समाचारहरुमा खोजिन्छन् त्यसकारण व्यवसायिक समाचार संस्थाका प्रतिनिधीहरु होस वा अरु कुनै पत्रकार जसले पनि उनीहरुको राम्रानराम्रा समाचारहरुको सबैभन्दा चासो बढि राखेको पाइन्छ वर्तमान सन्दर्भमा नेपालहोस वा बिदेशमा । त्यसकारण देशमा शान्ति र लोकतन्त्र हेर्न चाहने उमेशजी जस्तो एउटा पत्रकार जसले काठमाडौमा केन्द्रित रहेर समाचारहरु संप्रेशण गर्ने गर्छ उसलाई आमनेपालका शहरवासीहरुमा जस्तै माओवादी कस्ता होलान उनीहरुले के गर्दा हुन भन्ने चाहना हुनु चाख लाग्नु र उनीहरुको प्रत्येक कि्रयाकलापको समाचार दिनुलाई मैले स्वभावीक लिएको छु । मलाई लाग्छ उमेश जी ले खुलामंचमा जे देख्नु भयो त्यसलाई जस्ताको तस्तै यहाँ राखेर उहाँले आफनो स्वतन्त्र छवीलाई र पेशागत कर्तव्य र मर्यादालाई वचाउनु भएको छ । त्यसकोलागि बधाई उमेशजी ।

अब अर्को कुरा के दवावको भरमा बा प्रचण्डलाई हेर्नको लागि मात्रै आए त मानिसहरु के दबाबको भरमा मात्रै यत्रा मानिसहरु हालको शान्तिवार्ताको स्थीतीमा माओवादीले हतियार थन्काएको अवस्थामा काठमाडाँैमा उतार्न संभव छ अवश्य छैन । दबावको भरमा बा बन्दुकको भरमा यत्रा मानिसहरुलाई जता भने उता लान सकिने भए कमल थापाको कफयुले किन रोक्न सकेन जनआन्दोलन २ का आन्दोलनकारीहरुलाई नेपाली जनताहरु भेडाहरु हुन त होला केहि मानिसहरु दवावमा पनि परे होला कोहि प्रचण्ड आउलान भनेर हेर्न पनि आए होलान कोहि रत्र्नपार्कमा टाइम पास गर्न पनि गए होलान अझ कोहि त भीडभाडमा पाकेटमार्न पनि गए होलान र कति त केटि जिस्काउन पनि गए होलान । अरु पार्टीका नेता कार्यकर्ताहरु उनीहरुका विचार सुन्न पनि गए होलान वा कोहिलाई माओवादी कस्ता हुदो रहेछन भनेर हेर्न पनि गए होलान । वास्तवमा स्वीकार गर्नु पर्ने तितो सत्य के हो भने नेपालको इतिहासमा जन परिचालनको हिसाबले यो सभा अभुतपुर्व छ र उदाहरणिय छ हेर्नुस नेपाल साप्ताहिक आवरण । सभामा अपेक्षा गरिए भन्दा निकै बढि देखिएको अनुशासन र शान्तिपुर्ण वातावरण वास्तवमा अरु दलहरुको लागि पनि उदाहरणनिय र रहरलाग्दो छ । यसले माओवादीहरुको सेनाहरु प्रचण्ड वा बाबुराको नियन्त्रणमा छैन भन्ने कुरालाई मिथ्था सावित गरिदिएको छ । उनीहरुले वास्तवमा सैनिक मंचमा पस्ने जुन सांकेतिक प्रयास गरे त्यो क्षणिक उदण्ड देखिएपनि वास्तवमा त्यसले सैनिक मंचमाथिको राजामहाराजाहरुको एकाधिकारलाई तोडिदिएको छ अधोषित प्रतिवन्ध तोडिदिएको छ । शान्तिपुर्ण रुपमा जतनाले नेपालका जुन कुनै ठाँउमा पनि जान पाउनु पर्छ चाहे त्यो नाराहिटी दरबार नै किन नहोस ।

माओवादीको यो जनसभाले स्पष्टसँग के देखाएको छ भने वास्तवमा नेपालको पुरानो राजनैतिक समिकरण classical political equation पुर्ण रुपमा बदलिएको छ । राजनिति हिजोका दिनमा जस्तै ठुला बडाहरुको मात्र गर्ने विषय रहने गरेकोमा आज यसमा आम मानिसको चासो र सहभागीता बढ्न थालेको प्रमाण पनि हो यस्ता जनसभाहरु । र स्वभाविक रुपमा पनि पंचायत कालमा दरवारिया र उनका आसेपासे र वहुदलमा सिहंदरवार वालुवाटार पुल्चोक महाराजगजं र वल्खु दरवारमा मात्र सिमित राजनिति अभ्यासलाई गरिव जनताहरुको झुकि झोपडि बिचमा पर् ुयाउनु र राजनितिमा उनीहरुको सहभागीता नै साचो अर्थमा लोकतन्त्रको पुर्ण अभ्यास हो । त्यसकारण पनि खुलामंचमा देखिएका चप्पल लगाएकाहरु झुत्रो र झात्रे कपडा लगाएकालाई अनाडि देखेर जसले आफुलाई मात्रै जान्ने देख्छ भने स्पष्ट छ उसले नेपाली वर्तमान राजनितिलाई बुझेको छैन वा बुझि बुझि पनि वुझ पचाई रहेको छ र उसले वर्तमान समावेशि प्रजातन्त्रको परिभाषा वुझेको छैन । आगामी दिनहरुमा सुटेवुटलगाएकाहरुको भन्दा चप्पल लगाएकाहरुको राजनितिमा सहभागीता बढदै जाने निश्चीत छ । अझ मलाई त के लाग्छ भन्दा पिएडी गरेर डाक्टर भएका तुलसी गिरी र संवैधाकका अपव्यख्याता गणेशराज शर्मा जस्ताले भन्दा अहिले पनि नेपाली समाजमा गाइने भनेर हेपिने चार पाँच कक्षा मात्र पास गरेका रुविन गन्धर्व भाईले नेपालको राजनितिलाई वुझेका छन् उनीहरु नेपाली राजनितिमा महत्व छ र नेपाली जनताले रुवीनहरुलाई बढि माया गर्नेछन् । त्यसकारण मलाई लाग्छ डिग्री लिएको भरमा र अंग्रेजी भाषा जानेको भरमा र देश विदेश घुम्दैमा मात्रै राजनिति बुझ्ने डिग्री नलिएकोले नपढेको नघुमेकोलाई नबुझ्ने भनेर परिभाषित गदै उनीहरुलाई अनाडि भन्दै अवमुल्यन गर्नेहरुले नै द्रुत गतिमा रुपान्तरण भइ रहेको नेपालको राजनितिलाई नबुझेको जस्तो लाग्छ ।

अनि एक जना पाठकले माओवादीको यत्रो जनमानसलाई त्यसरी थुप्रार्नको सटा मेलाम्चीको पाइपलाइन खन्न वा वागमती सफा गर्न पठाएको भए राम्रो हुने थियो भनेर घन्टा र दरको हिसाब किताब सहित सुझाब पेश गर्नु भएको रहेछ । आहा कति राम्रो विचार ! तर नेपाललाई त्यसरी नै विकाश गरौ भनेर रेडियो नेपालमा हामी केटाकेटी हुदाँ गीतहरु बजाइन्थ्यो एशियाली मापदण्डका सपनाहरु बाडिन्थ्ााे । जनतालाई राजनितिबाट टाढा राखेर कोरा विकासको मात्रै कुरा गरिन्थ्यो तर पनि नेपाल कहिलै एशियाली मापदण्डमा किन पुगेन ? बरु झन झन नेपालीहरु गरीब गरीब भईरहेका होलान त ? प्राकृतिक स्रोतले धनी देश वा विश्वमा नै नाम कमाएका मिहेनतीहरुको देश किन सधै कंगाल ? हामी नेपालीहरु काम नै नगरेर होला त ? तथ्यांक हेर्ने हो भने हामीहरु पनि विश्वमा बढि काम गर्नेहरुमा पछौं । त्यो पनि होइन किन होला ? हामी यति धेरै संख्यामा रोजीरोटीको लागि विदेशीन परेको । यसको सम्पुर्ण जड राजनितिक व्यवस्था होइन र नेपालको हालसम्मको राजनैतिक व्यवस्थाहरुले जतिसुकै विकाश र आर्थिक वुद्धिका कुरा गरे पनि हाम्रो आर्थिकनिती उत्पादनशिल (productive) भन्दा गुजारा (subsitance) गर्ने तिर नै केन्द्रित भयो । कृषि प्रधान देशको नारा वा हरियो बन नेपालको धन भन्ने नाराले औधोगिक गतिलाई मात्र रोकेन अपितु हामीलाई सधै जीवीके नागरिक बनायो औधोगिक विकासलाई रोक्यो वेरोजगारी बढायो । त्यसकारण पनि देश सहि राजनैतिक व्यवस्था भएन भने आर्थिक विकास मात्रै होइन खेलकुद विज्ञान प्रविधी शिक्षा उद्योगकलकारखाना जस्ता सबै क्षेत्र नै अस्तव्यस्त हुदो रहेछ भन्ने कुरा विगत दुई वर्षको राजाको शासनले देखाएन र त्यसकारण साथी वागमति सफा हुन समय लाग्दैन बरु हाम्रो दिमागमा रहेको फोहर सफा हुन समय लाग्दो रहेछ ।

अन्त्यमा माओवादीहरु वास्तवमा नै सवै पाठकवर्गहरुले भनेको झै १३००० नेपालीको ज्यान लिनको लागि र अरवै रुपैयाँ पर्ने भैतिक संरचनाहरु ध्वस्त पार्नको लागि दोषी हो । तर उसले जनयुद्ध गर्नु भन्दा पहिले ४० सुत्रिय माग जुन राखेको थियो जुन अहिले आएर त्यसको औचित्यता प्रमाणित भएको छ । जसमा हाल आएर अन्य राजनैतिक दलले उठाउदै आएको जाती िलंगीय समस्याहरु धर्मनिरेपेक्षता राजाको सम्पती सरकारी करण गर्ने मल्लिक आयोगका दोषीहरुलाई कारवाहि गर्ने आदी जस्ता देशलाई अग्रगमनमा लैजाने मागहरु छन् । त्यसलाई तत्कालिन सरकारले पुरा गर्छु भनेर भनेको भए मात्र पनि जनयुद्धलाई टार्न सकिन्थ्यो वा पछाडि धकेल्न सकिन्थ्यो वा नसकेपनि जनयुद्धको नैतिक धरातललाई ध्वस्त गर्न सकिन्थ्यो । जनयुद्ध शुरु भएदेखि यसलाई बुझ्ने सवालमा सधै हामीहरुमा कमजोरी रहयो । सैनिक समाधान गर्ने भनेर तिन महिनामा यसलाई समाप्त पारिने उदधोषहरु गरिए । उनीहरुले उठाएका जागज मागहरु पुरागर्नको सटा राज्य दमनको बाटो रोजेर हत्या िहंसालाई बढावा दिन उद्यत भएको होइन र त्यसको लागि राज्यप्रमुखहरु कहिल्यै पनि जनयुद्धको उदगम स्थलहरु गएर त्यहुका जनताका समस्याहरु बुझेनन त्यसका कारणहरु खोतलेनन् बरु हतियारका लागि बेल्जियम र अमेरीका धाईरहे ।

पहिलो र द्रोश्रो वार्ताकालमा पनि उनीहरुले मागेको निसर्त संविधानसभाको चुनाव गरिदिने प्रतिवद्धता पेश गरिएको भए जुन अहिले (अन्तन्त्वगत्वा सवै राजनैतिक दल र नागरिक समाजले एक मतले मानेका छन् र देश त्यहि दिशा तिर जान लागेको छ )त्यतिवेला नै पुरा गरिदिइएको यतिका नेपालीहरु थप मर्नबाट जोगिन्थ्ये । मर्न मार्नबाट बचाउनको लागि हामीले उनीहरुले राखेका कतिपय जायज मागलाई समयमा नै पुरा गर्न छोडेर किन यतिका समय खर्चियौ त फेरी उनीहरुले अनुचीत माग राखेको भए किन हामी त्यहि मागलाई पुरा गर्न लाग्यांै त ? त्यसकारण हामी चाहि पानीमाथिको ओभानो बनेर माओबादीलाई मात्रै एकलौटी दोषदिन मिल्छ ? अर्को कुरा मार्ने काम त माओवादीले हतियार उठाउनु भन्दा पहिल्लै देखि भएको होइन ।

७ वर्षिय अनिश शाक्यलाई कसले मार् यो २०४८ ? सालमा माओवादीले हतियार उठाउनु भन्दा पहिले रोल्पामा कसले गर् यो किलो सेरा टु अपरेशन ? त्यसकारण प्रचण्ड र बाबुराम मात्रै होइन दोषी सजाय दिने नै हो भने गिरीजा र शेरबहादुर अझै ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई र उनीहरुको आसेपासेलाई पनि दिनु पर्छ । मैले माओबादी हत्यािहंसालाई जायज बनाउन खोजेको होइन बरु के मात्रै भन्न खोजेको भने दोषी प्रचण्ड र बाबुराममात्र होइन हामी सबै दोषी छौ भन्न खोजेको मात्रै हो । हो सैदान्तिक र व्यवहारीक रुपमा माओवादीहरुले चाहेको कम्यूनिष्ठ व्यवस्था नेपालमा मात्रै होइन संसारमा कतै पनि अहिलेलाई संभव छैन तर उनीहरुले उठाएका जायज माग प्रति पुर्वाग्रह राखेर अहिले पनि त्यसलाई पुरा गर्न अग्रसर भइएन भने निश्चित छ नेपालमा अझै झन ठुलो रक्तपात हुनेछ । हामीहरुले फेरी लाशका टाउकाहरु गन्नु पर्नेछ । त्यसकारण यो समय गल्ति औल्याउने मात्र नभई आफुले गरेका गल्तिहरुको समिक्षा पनि गर्ने र प्रयाश्चित गर्ने पनि समय हो । हामीले नयु शान्त र विकसित नेपालको सपना देख्छैा भने पुर्वाग्रह छोडौं । माओवादीलाई वर्तमान मुल राजनितिमा प्रवेश गराउन सके मात्रै नयु नेपालको संभव छ ।

जवसम्म जनतालाई अवसरबाट वन्चित गराइन्छ जनताका मनकाकुराहरु निति निमार्णको तहमा जबसम्म सुनिदैन वा उनीहरुलाई त्यसमा सामेल गराइदैन कर्णालिका कुरालाई काठमाडौले कानमा तेलहालेर वस्छ जातीय लििगंय र अन्य किसिमका भेदभाव समाजबाट हटदैनन् त्यतिबेला सम्म फेरी अर्को प्रचण्ड वाबुराम र माओवादीहरु जन्मीरहने छन् । अनि हामी कति वेलासम्म र कतिबटा प्रचण्ड र बाबुरामहरुलाई गाली गरिरहने । अहिलेको नेपाली समाज भनेको मुख्य रुपमा सामन्तवादको अवशेष अझै रहेको पुजीवादको पनि पुर्ण विकास नभएको समाज हो । अमेरीका वेलायत र जापान जस्तो पुजीबादको विकास भएको समाज होइन अहिले नेपाललाई हामीले १०० वर्ष अगाडिको अमेरीका वेलायत र जापान जस्तो जर्जर समाजसँग तुलना गर्न सकिन्छ । अमेरीका वेलायत र जापान बस्ने नेपालीहरुले पनि अहिलेको नेपाललाई अमेरिकासग तुलना गर्नुको कुनै औचित्य छैन । अरुका वर्तमान मात्र देखेर होइन इतिहास पनि पल्टाएर समिक्षा गरौ । आउनुहोस हामी सबै मिलेर पुर्वाग्रह त्यागांै माओबादीलाई बर्तमान राजनितिको मुलधारमा ल्याउन दबाद सिर्जना गरौ नया शान्त र विकसित नेपाल संभव छ।

[यो सामाग्री कमेन्टका रुपमा नियमित पाठक उत्तमबाट प्राप्त भएको हो। कमेन्टमा ज्यादै लामो स्थान लिने भएकोले अलग्गै पोस्टका रुपमा यहाँ राखेको हुँ। समयअभावका कारण मैले माथिको हाइलाइटबाहेक भित्रको सामाग्रीमा शुध्दाशुध्दी सच्याउन भ्याएको छैन]


  1. Dear All,
    In my opinion, English is just a medium for acquiring knowledge. Had there been good books in Nepalese language, who’d care to learn this foreign language? Definately,one way or the other, one has to get contemporary education and knowledges to remain competitive in this modern society.
    Examples, the siblings of the so called big leaders including Maoist, who are well taken care in these matters. They are not there in Rukum and Rolpa but somewhere where mostly English language is the medium. So, i guess the toppers( leaders) are really smart in this matter at least.The young lads ( the chappal gang) could be having wonderful knowledge about politics but think seriously, does that really help for the fulfillment of basic needs in Nepal? Well, they have definately taken care of vandalism, destruction and in scaring the civil society.Now the generation has developed a new culture in Nepal, i.e. not to have patience for anything, just fight and grab it. Now my question is, is that how the most developed countries in the world have reached to this current state?
    This country never asked for the bloodshed, but it requires some productive sweat. Thats all.
    Besides, the fundamental problem in Nepal is not monarchy, samantibaad or whatever, but its root causes. The root cause is the social set-up. And i think, its the caste descrimination. This descrimination germinates lots of samantis in future as well, let alone king Gyanendra and Paras.There were already thousands of Samantis earlier, thousands of Samantis today and will be thousands in future too. And, let me tell you, the caste descriminators are among us some wearing chappals, some reeboikmand adidas, and some having knowlegde of politics some not at all.

  2. uttam ji it is very nice article i heartly appreciate it and hoping to get frequently this type of article.

  3. Thanks to Uttamji for the Excellent blog which is absolutely realistic at the present context of Nepalese Politics. We must be aware that peace and prosperity is impossible unless maoist, civil society, and indigenous peoples included in the politics.

  4. Differnt people are analising differently. somebody said – Maoist is the best and somebody – Maoist is the worse. No one is wrong, because -“फूल को आँखामा फूलाई संसार , काँडाको आँखामा काँडाइ संसार ।”

  5. प्रिय मित्रहरु,
    मेरा विचारहरु कसैलाई मन पर्लान नपर्लान, त्यो तपाईँ स्वयं के विचार राख्नुहुन्छ भन्नेकुराले तय गर्ने हो र मलाई “मण्डले” भनेर माथि कसैले गाली गरको छ र त्यो कुरा उसको सोचको मापन मात्र हो र यो कुरालाई मैले “झींगाको गालीले डिंगा मर्दैन” को रुपमा बुझेको छु । धन्यवाद धेरै साथीहरुलाई ॥ म मेरै नाममा कमेण्ट लेख्छु , ढुक्क हुनुस। हो BK UK जी म नेपालको निकट भविष्यको बारेमा एकदमै pessimistic छु तपाईँले मलाई बुझेर टिप्पणी गरे जस्तै। किनभने कमसेकम वर्तमानका लक्षणहरु त मैले त्यस्तो बुझिरहेको छैन।




  7. राम्रो समीक्षा, तर कतिपय कुरा म भिन्न मत राख्छु।
    पहिलो पढेर भन्दा परेर जानिन्छ भन्नछन्, मेरो विचारमा पढेको मान्छे परेको पनि छ भन्ने सबैभन्दा उत्तम हुन्छ। नपढेको मान्छेले बुझ्दैन भनेको होइन तर स-सानो काम देखि देश चलाउन सम्म पढेको(यहां पढेको भन्नाले खालि डिग्री भएका होइनन्, केहि पढे-जानेकाहरु हुन्) मान्छेले नपढेकोभन्दा नै बढी गर्न सक्छ।
    अनि प्रजातन्त्र् वा लोकतन्त्र होस्, विचारको द्वन्द हुन दिनुपर्छ त्यसबाट मात्र एउटा समस्याको राम्रो निकास निकाल्न सकिन्छ। त्यसैले आफ्नो विचार पोख्दै मा मण्डले, माओवादि, फलानो-फलानो भन्ने प्रव्रति हटाउन जरुरी छ। आफुलाई लागेको विचार तर्कसहित प्रस्तुत गर्ने हो, हुनसक्छ कोहि सहमत होलान् कोहि फरक मत राख्लान्। तर फरक मत छ, भन्ने तर्कपुर्ण तरिका ले विरोध गर्नुपर्छ।
    अनि माओवादिहरु पनि मूल बहुदलिय राजनितिक अभ्यासमा आउनुपर्छ भन्ने मेरो मान्यता हो, जनता नै सबै खाले विचारधाराहरुको कसी हुनुपर्छ। जनताको रुचाइ अनुसार देश-शासन चलिनुपर्छ।

  8. Yes friends , you can like me or dislike me that is upto you. I am a 100% democrat and have only voted for NC and UML in the past and Akhil and NSU in student life .I don’t need to get your certificate to prove how true democrat I am. I am not a party cadre and I uphold the view that people should judge the political parties and their performances and then only vote them . So , if you vote for NC and it does not work to your expectation , you can change your mind to vote for others the next time .This is the spirit of Democracy.
    Please don’t advise me what a democracy is and how it should function. I have studied sufficiently about this and don’t need to be reminded by aggressive minded party cadres at least. Sauve and gentlemanly criticisms are always welcome.
    However, I don’t ask you to accept my views neither do I have any grudge against those die hard critics.
    I have posted my real name and don’t accuse anybody else for the comments I have made above and somewhere else in Umeshji’s blog pages. You can read all the comments posted there under the same name.
    Like some of the concerns made by some of the above blogmates, I am not a ‘Mandale ‘and assure you that no intention of appeasing any pro king Mandale has been my priority. I criticized king and his cronies during the Aandolan days because they were in power and carrying out attrocities those days . I am criticizing Maoists because despite the amount of political awareness they have aroused among the oppressed masses ,theirs has been violent ,intolerant and irresponsible politics. They have not given any place to other political ideologies to come up in the areas which have been under their seize. We have to criticize any political force which tries to behave as the sole and only owner of the nation because it is the country of 27 million Nepalese and every single citizen or dweller has the right to claim it as ‘our’.
    I need to be apologetic to Umeshji because I have been critical to him at one place. Sorry Umeshji, You have space enough in your heart to forgive me.
    Carry on your good work , I salute your selfless effort ! Kudos!!!

  9. Uttamji,
    Of course your comment/article is very good but rather incomplete. It has clearly explained some facts, however, most importantly, you have not shed lights on some of the main points that needed to be mentioned. Yes I agreed that Robin Gandharbha has been acquainted with the politics and at the same time sahinlo, mahinlo, sete, kale, late all..When I was young, I used to support those communists because they give very very nice bhasan. They used to say we are sarbahara, and casting aspersions against India and America. Supporting China, Cuba, North Korea, Russia. I used to think “Communism is the superb system’’. This was because they never told me about the mass killings (millions millions!) committed by Mao, Stalin and many more. However, despite the sacrifice of those millions of peoples, the system became decayed within few decades. They did good for the people? Of course not! Statue of Buddha was rebuilt! Tell the history of those Mao, Stalin, Lenin,….to Rabin and ask him “ what is politics” Prachanda wants to become the president of Nepal and wants to kill millions of Nepali in the similar manner that done by Mao. And, there will be no Rabin, no sahilo, no mahilo, no kale, no sete, no rame and everywhere Prachanda alone!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. nice artical uttam jee.
    ma hajur ko bichar sangha sahamat chu
    we pay the tax for the government not for the king family why we pay our money for king? who is he? what he did for nepal he only took salary from people and relax…….ALSO HE IS THE MOST PAY PERSON ALL OVER THE WORLD(search in google with “sarary of nepali king”)
    at this condition maoist have to come to power and make a new nepal it’s possible
    let’s help the maoist
    and maoist revolution it’s for u and us and our country.it’s for all of u poor people it’s for the all u.


    I hope to read again his comments on the comments on his write up ( article ) published in this blog. Thanks to Umesh ji for giving him an opportunity by publishing his article.

    It seems many commenters still do not realise the truth, that is what is the difficult most to change a person. If I say them biased, they can also say me biased. But I really appeal the people to read Uttam’s article very seriously once again. Don’t try to pull him by showing his negligible mistakes like Phd for MBBS.

    I once again request Uttam ji tocomment on the comments.


    South Africa

  12. Yes ,In my view we most favour `Rule of law` But sometimes there are high velue of Rule of Nature and rule of ethnical sentiment.In this sence that mentioning thought are 100 percent right…Ram in Narvik

  13. Uttam,

    I was already impressed when you shared the thoughts with me the other day. Now, it’s great to see so many positive comments from the readers.

    Great job! Keep it up dude.

    –Pashupati, Boston, USA

  14. wonder ful article.highly analytical,impressive and fact based.
    well done umesh.
    keep on writing and throw the intellectual light to aware the people who are still sleeping.

  15. म उत्तम जि को बिचारसँग म पूर्ण सहमत छु ।

    हाल जापान

  16. special request to krishna paudel jee,

    i know ur are not mandale. …….. if so …..u should be pessimistic man…. i have been reading ur comments in this blog for long time. i really cant be sure what is ur view but truth is that ur comments facilitated mandale. is this ur objective? if ur objective is not exactly to facilitate mandale, u are cutting ur feet urself. i found after reading ur commnets mandale can say YES this is the man for us. are u for them?

    u talk about madi accident, u never do talk about “jogimara ka jiuda haru” in kalikot airport construction. just have a look 17 peoples were killed by sahi army by lining up and more were disappeared in total 36. u never talk about khara where 90 houses and cattles were burned by police.
    u never talk about nuwakot, kaule accident were 5 innocent yubs were killed with no reason. and……. there are alots of examples from those side…….

    i think this is the time to reassess ur ideology otherwise waste of time…………..

  17. so nice article.

    i really appriciate, obviously this is political thing, all people cant accept the ideology of one person. this is obvious thing. everyone got rights to support and disagree but one thing is true we are here in difficult condition and any twist can happen in near future. that can be dark or bright for nepali people. if someone tends to take our future towards dark, we dont let them do it. people who doesnot support uttam jee, u have rights. i have one request if u are not mandale or royalist dont write those kind of comments which will take us towards dark. even who writes comments to disturb peace talk knowingly or unknowingly, please be patient. tulsi giri’s time gone in the country now.

    lets talk for new sun shine in the country.

  18. This is my request, concern and question to the Maoist Leaders, supporters and symphtheizers —

    1. First of all – why the name Maoist? Can they not change their name to ‘Nepal Suhanudo Name?’. Why do they need to import the name – or is it only a propoganda to bring South Asian like mided group together?
    2. What are the job codes with the party? How ‘NeKaPa-Maoibadi’ recruiting works? It should NOT be a forceful process. How do they select the speakers, representatives, all job codes, are they all transparent within party members?? Is it visible to the public??
    3. What are their long term – objectives, what makes them stop this people’s war completely?? What are their main objectives- if empowering people is the objective – then constructive policies should be the primary focus. How can we avoid other looters who are taking advantage of anarchy in the nation?? How to know who is a good-party member or a hoax?? Such as the person who looted the bank??

  19. Dear Uttam jee,

    You are wonderful political analysit. I am not telling this because you are favoring Maoists. I am telling this because you have tremendous ability in presenting the facts. Honesty to the subject matter is always an important attribute. Biased judgement always spoil writer.

    Congratulations. Keep it up.
    Nagarik, NM, USA

  20. Pardeshi jee,
    tapai euta kura nabirsanus ki ahile samma nepal maa kaanun ko saasan chha, maobadi ko satta aaisakeko chhaina.
    Yo mero comment tapai le krishna paudel ko comment prati garnu bhayeko comment prati lakshit chha.
    tapai le shai mantri haru ko biruddha maa dinu bhaye ko pramaan Rajnaitik ho. Tapai lai thaha hunu parchha adalat le rajnaitik rup le phaisala gardaina kanuni rup le garchha.
    19 din ko aandolan maa 21 jana ko jyan line shahi mantri lai karbahi garne kura garnu hunchha, tara 12 barsa maa hajaarao ko jyan line maobadi lai chaahi kina karbaahi nagarne ?

  21. उत्तम, अति उत्तम, सर्वोतम !!!

    Good, better, BEST !!! Goodji (Uttam ji)

  22. Umesh ji,
    One comment on your blog: Why cant we see the submitted comments in a real time? Sometimes we get comments that need answer to the commentor. It is simply impossible to follow. Can you make it be pasted in the real-time? If you need to go through each and every comment and moderate, it is different. I have nothing to say.

    Your opinion and cooperation in this regard will be highly appreciated.

  23. Krishna Paudel jee, tapai ko comment pani dherai ramro lagyo. Tara k garnu ahile nepal ko Loktantra(Bhidtantra?) maa aafno bichar swatantra rup le rakhna pani napaine. Loktantra ko kura garne ani aafno bichar rakhane lai mandale ko sangya dine. yo birodhabhash purna bhayena ra ?

  24. यो लेख पढेपछि मेरो मनमा नि ठ्याक्कै कृष्ण (माथिको कमेण्टेटर)को जस्तै बिचार आयो ।

    १ – लेख थोरै त्रुटिपुर्ण छ । धेरैले तुलसी गिरीको बारे लेखिसके । बिगतमा पनि यस्तै भीड जम्मा गरेर कयौ नेताहरुले भाषण गरेकै थिए । त्यतिबेला पनि भीडमा अहिले जम्मा भएकै खालका मानिसहरु त थिए नि ।
    २ – लेख प्रतिगामी छ । प्रगतिशील बिचारधाराले सक्षम जनशक्तीलाइ उचित जिम्मेवारी दिने कुरोको वकालत गर्छ । यो लेखले असक्षम जनशक्तीलाइ पनि निर्णायक तहमा जबर्जस्ती पुर्याउनुपर्ने भावनाको पक्षपोषण गरे जस्तो मलाइ लाग्यो ।
    ३ – अरु पछि

  25. कृष्ण पौडेल जि ले भन्नुभयको एकदम ठीक हो बरु यो परदेशि भन्ने मान्छे नै मलाइ त mandale को छोरा जस्तो लाग्यो।

  26. Uttam jee, namaskar.
    I read your article. I am very very impressed. Dherai ramro bichar. Tara k garnu yaha sabaile tapaile jastai kura matra ramro garchhan, byawahaar ma utardainan.
    Tapai le afno article ko title maa “Purwagra chhadau” bhane jastai aafu bhane purna rup le purwagraha rahit dekhinu bhayena. Kina bhane tapai le Umesh jee ra comment lekhane haru kas kas lai maobadi ko aarop lagyo, tyo ta ullekh garnu bhayo tara comment lekhdaima kas kas lai yaha Mandale, Vigelante ra Rajabadi ko aarop laagyo tyo chaahi ullekha garnu bhayena. Mero bichar ma kasaiko aalochana gardai ma maobadi ra rajabadi ko aarop lagaunu thik hoina.

    Tapai le bhane jasto janasankhya ko thulo hissa garib janta satta ma puge ta kati ramro hune Thiyo tara k garnu tyo hudaina. Jahile pani ti garib haru ko naam ma rajniti garera afno swartha pura garne haru matra satta ma pugchhan.
    Pheri aaja chappal lagaune haru bholi satta ma puge pachhi Pajero chadchhan. Hami le UML ka neta haru ko “Gauthali ko gund” nadekheko hoina kyare.
    jaha samma jabarjasti maanchhe jamma gareko kura chha, ahile gaaun maa yesto situation chha ki maobadi le jabarjasti garnai pardaina, janasabha maa jaane bhanera urdi gare pachhi nai bhanne kasaiko himmat chhaina. Uttam jee kaha basnu hunchha kuni? saayad bidesh athawaa ktm. maa hunu bhayeko bhaye waastabikta thaha nabhayeko hunu parchha. Ma ta 12 mahina maa karib 10 mahina bhanda badi samaya durgam gaau maa basnu parchha.
    Ani Uttam jee le kahilye maobadi lai baadhya bhayera chanda dinu bhayeko chha ? bhayeko bhaye saayad thaha paaunu hune thiyo hola. maile ta dherai patak baadhya bhayera maobadi lai chanda diyeko chhu. Kalo dhanda garera kamaayeko paisa bhaye ta chanda dina kasto pani hadaina hola tara aafno pasina ko kamaai chanda dinu parda ta bado pida hune rahechha. pheri nepal maa nepali ko kamaai kati nai hunchha ra ? tyo pani chanda dinu parne. yo kura bidesh maa basne haru lai k thaha.

    Satya kura k ho bhane, nepal ko itihaas maa ahile samma jati pani sarkaar satta maa aaye kasaile pani garib janta ko heet maa kaam garenan, tyasai ko phaida ahile maobadi le liyeka hun. hune kehi pani hoina. tyo kura Uni haru ko byawahaar maa nadheko ra nabhogeko hoina.Bhid lai herera maobadi lai hero swikaarnu murkhata ho.
    Ma pani byaktigat rup maa maobadi ko siddanta ra maag prati 100% nabhaye pani dherai hadh samma samarthan garchhu tara maobadi lai hero mandina. Uni haru ek number ko Haikambaadi hun.
    Maobadi ko karan le (Uttam jee ko najar maa saayad sarkar ko karan le ?) kati cheli bidhawa bhaye, kati baal baalika tuhura bhaye, kati aama haru ka kaakha ritta bhaye, kati le aafno budheskal ko saharaa gumaye, maobadi lai hero banaune haru lai uni haru ko aansu le awasya sarapne chha.

    Tara je hos Uttam jee ko dherai kura maa ma sahamat chhu.Tara yeso bhandaimaa maobadi ko kukritya lai birsana sakidaina. Saat dal ra Raja baadi haru ko ta jhan kurai nagarau.

  27. I am also 100% agree with Uttam jee,
    Thanks Umesh jee for his article. Let’s go ahead with wisdom of Uttam jee.


  28. यो कृष्ण पौडेल भन्ने मान्छे पुरा मन्डले हो, मैले धेरै पहिले देखि नै उस्को कमेन्ट हेरिराछु, मेरो बिचरमi चितवन डट कम को मन्डले कृष्ण रेग्मी नै उहि हुनु पर्छ्, कहिले कही missoin2nepal भनेर पनि कमेन्ट गर्थ्यो । युरोप म बसेर माओवादी प्रती बिस् बमन गर्नु र शाही शासन को ताबेदरी गर्नु उस्को प्रबृती हो तर बदलइएको परिबेश म autocracy मन्दिन भनेर त भन्छ तर, अहिले तीनऐ शाही मन्त्री छुटेकोमा प्रमाण नपुगेको कुरा गर्छ्, अनि गणेशराज लाई शाही ताबेदरी गर्न छुट हुने कुरा गर्छ्, यो कृष्ण भन्ने को mentality बुज्न गाह्रो पर्दैन,देखिनश प्रमाण लाखौं जनता सडक मा आएको र शाहीद भएका हरुलाई, तेइ भयो नि प्रमाण्, त्यहाँ भन्दा ठुलो प्रमाण के चैयो ?

  29. hello everybody,

    read the comment of mr krishna ji,
    i strongly support his think now,
    do u?
    be free and write free.
    journalist umesh ji ko kura nagaram, he has to take side, its hids right he can gove blood for any political party, i have no comment.
    but we janata have to be concious.
    otherwise, hijo girija babuko pala ma gharpayek ma jagir khane uml supporter mero bhinaju, jo highschool ko chief hunuhunthyo, uhalai dolpa pathako kura malai yad chha. tyo din aaune chha.
    tesaile journalit ko taraha lekh nalekham hai

  30. hello everybody,

    i strongly support krichna ji,
    he is 100 percent correct.
    he has the great think
    imes bhai ani uttam ji tapai haru ko bichar nikai purbagrahi chha tesa

  31. उत्तम जी, पहिलो कुरा तपाईं को बिचार दोसी नहोला तर आँखा ले देखेको कुरा थ्यक्कै तेहि भन्न मिल्दैन ।किन कि यो राजनितिक मामल हो। राज घुम्न जद को भिद् लै तपै ले कसरि हेर्नुभयो? सयेद् तपै ले भनेको होल, कुनै नय बादर् लै हेर्न को लगि धेरै मन्छे हरु जम्म हुन्छ भन्नुभयो होला, यो मैले कहि पदेको थियो। आज तपै को आख दोसि छ तपैले यो जनता को जमात् लै पुर माओबदि नै थन्नुभयो तेसैले बिचर् पनि दोसि छ।
    हिजो उमेश् जि ले पनि तेसरि नै लेख्नुभको थियो।त्यो के भने कुकुर्तिहर् को कुकुर्को माला भनेर।यो बिचार् को दोस् हो ।
    म मओबदि पनि हैन, र रजा ग्यनेन्द्र रजा हुने घोसन हुदको कुतै खने म हो।म सधै दर्बर् हत्य kanda को बिरोध् गर्छु, त्यो कमजोरि hamra नेतa haruko ho.
    uttam ji, at first urs looking is not correct and secondly urs think also not.
    raja ggyanendra ko des daudaha ko jamat tapaiko najarle dekhyo hola, tyo jamat ghirinale bhariyeko thiyo bhanna saknuhunchha, ani kukur tihar ko mala bhane jastai, byakhya garna saknuhunchha, kina ki bichar jaba swotantra chhaina ani lekh abhibekti pani testai hunchha.
    tapai ko herai dosi chha ani bichar.
    tyo ktm ko bhid ma nepali haru thiyo na ki maobadi.
    13000 nepali ko jyan jane andolan ko leader herna aaka holan ki?

  32. Dear next thing
    Academics is part of life and for nepalease culture it will take decade to understand. How the sucess story in china, India and other parts of other world, that fully dependent on academics. wherever you go in every corner in the world, you will find how chinese, indiand are doing struggle to settel themself. Because, because their main weapon for existence is education in other sense academics. whatever you wrote in your article, is just giving indirect negative influence to nepali people.
    we have university collge every part of country. Does it signifies or fulfill the academics not at all. Politicians, lets say even journalist and orther part of society can me matured only by academics. whaever we say, parts of education system, strucuture of education system is completely incompetetive. Infrastructure and motivation in this sector rathre discouraging whatever and which political part appers in government. Why people are brain drained and trying to escape from the country is their security.

    I am also one guy left Nepal 20 years ago.I have tried to get job but I didnot have any affiliation with any government so called now royalist. I didnot loose anything. But Draining of their own manpower from their country makes country more vulnerable because nepal invest lot of money to preapre one high school graduate. But if we work outside, who will be benifiitted our coutry or others country people.

    How thsi situation comes? Does politician realize that. They never.They have big agenda like Lankesh to make bridge in heaven without have any policy. In policy level, the peoples are always either rom their party realtives so so.

    I bet you one thing the basleine of our politicians is just from their child hood (back bencher in class, having no social responsiveness, making propoganda always for small things to show themeself as celebreties). some groups of nepali peoples are also frustrted because they even donot have enough place to survive and abandoned country forever.

    Same baseline we can seein maoist till now. who can controlled their gun, bullete? because guns and bullet are now homemeade things to some society.This instrument is easy to acess everyone. Does this type of revolution be solvable for alng time. definitely we can get their repercssuion always in means of murder, loot so so. Social life is somehow crashed by maoist revolutionary activieties.

    Now what we have politicians from SPA, they alreday loose trust from people. I will give you some example. Bijaya gachhedar, who studied in Morang now has in vestment of million in dfferent sectotr? how come? One Nepali civil servant cannot earn or dream to be millionner how he become? similar example goes to jay prkash gupta. Govinda raj joshi, chinranjivi wagle. KP oli, jhalnath khanal etc. they are making cash with the people of their effort. How wetrust them? How our planning commsion be suceed. Empty vessel never make country. we need next revoltion too.

    that how come because asimple grdaute officer cannot survive his life with 2 children without corruption. How come?

    That all doenot give us excuse that we donot have enogh money or resources. Of course we hae who is looting thsi? That all goes to politicians, royalist and their nearer and dearer. we are fighting to ake revolotion but ultimately the gheewe are amikng is for them

    Good job
    You wrote how Japan and America develop 100 yeras ago? Its just as logan to see them in 21st century and compare their sitution and taking us back 100 yeras.

    Let me give you somethings.back 100 years, their social structure life was trustful to each other. Their socity was intact not like ours. they have their own traditional system. They industrialoize everthing.Does nepali politician knows ABC of industriliazation except revolution? They can make good sppech with empty vessels.They donot have enoughs acaedemics to folllow industriliazation commercialiazation. They just move what donor is telling them to do
    Lot of question and anti indian slogan are` rasining In nepal. bUt you know the reason, our politrician donot have traning and vsion to discuss with them even in secretraite level. They can deceicve every posistion with swet chockltete to mkae our politician ti sign up.

    How we ingnore. how come up? The baseline always to all of us and very much vulenerable. eithre you accept or not. This is olny possible with socail harmony. But we are so far towestern culture mixed culture. How its possible its question and challege to very one.
    God save our country.
    I will not be back to Nepal. BUt my one suggetion is unless government give any empahsis to academics, university school and their manpower, all sector be vulnerable. Politics donot have any sense to keep in such organization . Otherwise everthing keeps going. peple are draining and Nepal is loosng loosing.

    Every Nepali like to say good word and see his country in good way but how it comes? how are the basic.?
    Well professionalism, everybody can argue withy their demand but how they are raised up to give and get their profession does any body understood? no never. If you ignore long, their is alredy established net work with whom government politics personality are always loosing.

  33. how much knowledge you have i got it Tulasi Giri is MBBs not PHD.Donot try to make fake things

  34. हत्तेरिका ऊमेश जि, हो रैइछ नि । तर लेखक को नाम त अलि देखिने गरी राख्नु पर्छ नि । कहाँ त्यहाँ कोठा भित्र राखेको । मेरो आँखा खोलाई दिनु भएको मा धन्एबद तक्रौन्छु तपाईं लाई र लाल सलाम, जै नेपाल्, र नमस्ते पनि ।

  35. Everybody understand the politics-that is wrong.
    Layman understand the politics in nepal is wrong.
    People are trying to understand the democracy not the politics. Yes there is power in layman to be used by the leader of politcs to bring the timely needed changes in the society and in the country.
    We need judicial and economic revolution to bring every nepalsese people to single rope of unity and thats where you need the people with little education to understand that maoism and communism are not compatible with the real democracy that is freedom,civil right,justice,human dignity and equality in the society.
    If you are true thinker, you don’t have to label yourself in perticular way of politics.
    If we remove the maoist clothing from Prachand and baburam body,will they still be interested in bringing the change in Nepal, If yes then layman also understand the politics that is true human nature and not favoured or sided.
    Sir when killing involves with human body then nothing and nobody can justify it. If you do then try to suecide yourself and then you will see the real life.
    Layman do not need to understand the politics in Nepal but need to understand the economics and spirituality to live and prosper without any kind of hinderance. Politics does not make layman capable person in 21th century will justity the economic burden of nepal.
    I want to see the real Nepali prachanda but not as maoist prachanda. So many people live outside of the country doesnot mean that we ignore the layman but infact go study the national level economy. The whole country is suffering from nonskilled force without any strong judical protection thatswhere the nepalese politcs starts.
    Again Nepalese laymen are the rawmaterial for the party scheme to gain the power and they have not understood the poitics yet. You also understand that the rawmaterial is one minor component for the final products. Many dynasty of Nepal enjoyed it to gain the power where religon was imported to descipline them in the name of god and nation and now the politics getting imported in the name of democracy.
    People are not comparing Nepal with the developed country like usa or Europe but trying to learn from their terrible mitakes and measures they had to go through the time until now. And they are still learning.

  36. Sailendra ji,

    Maobadi Tal ko shasan le Nepal lai Ramro Garla R? Girija, Makune Khatam hun Tara system Democratically elected gov Chahinchha. Norway huna Maobadi chahio. I don’t agree with you. Please see above comments before your comments that what going to happen in Nepal if we believe in your view.

  37. Umesh Ji,



  38. This 21th century with advance knowledge available in any area including how to govern the country. I don’t agree that a lay man can do better than an educated person. I am not saying ph.d holder know every thing. A lay man can put an issue but solutions must seek from the expert. A contitution can not be drafted by a science teacher. Therefore, a B.sc degree holder Prachanda or Ph.D holder Babu Ram can not draft a good constitution for Nepal. Their ideology is the extreem dictetorship oriented undemocratic system. The last Maoist gathering is forcefull, every body knows that.There is no alternatives to DEMOCRACY wether it is like USA, UK or India. They trying to divide country than unite by promoting race and language issues. Is this new Secularism will maintain harmony between all religions. Answer is NO. see India with secular country. Now fight beween 85% Hindu and 2 % Muslim and 8% Budist will errupt soon. Is that we want? Every pocket of community demand seperate governmemnt. If Newar wants own government in Kathmandu than Newar in Narayanghat should move to Kathmandu and other should go back to where? It is ridiculas? So far what had hinder to develop Newar community? Doing a Newri an official in NAGARPALIKA improve the condition of people? I have no answer? This is promoted by Maoist to get cheap support.

    Some community I don’t want to named are more recist than other comunities? Whereever they go including overseas they want to create own community by excluding others. They prefer to have seperate group rather than one Nepali community abroad. Diasphore in every big cites in the world they did not want to assimilate with others. I want that community to discourage that century old consevative thinking. I am sure majority people who read this can guess that community. This proves that the issue is genuine.

  39. Uttam ji,
    I agree with u. there r some persons who hav completely negative attitude towards maoist. they don’t know the core reason why maoist take the weapons. they r fighting for their rights since 10 years.they start from zero, but now they become the hero. Noboby can underestimate Prachanda& Baburam. Thanx to umeshji as well.

  40. ऊमेस् जि, तपाईं पनि कुरा नबुझी किन प्वाक्क बोल्नु हुन्छ । त्यो मूला तुल्सी गिरी ले पिएच्दी गरेको भए नेपाल को यो हा हालत किन हुन्थ्यो । तेस्ले त बिहार को दर्भन्ग बाट एमबिबिएस गर्यa मात्र हो । अरू कुरा मa तपाईं सँग सहम्ती छु । अनि त्यो नेपाल टेलिकोम ले जरिमना मिनहा गर्‍यो त ? होईन भने त्यो दिरेक्तोर को कुर्छी हल्लाई दिनु पर्छ ।

    हन यो चंखे साथीले के भन्छ ? माथि राम्रोसित पढेर हेर्नुस् त- यो मैले लेख्या हैन, उत्तम जीले लेख्नुभाको। साथी पनि हेर्दै नहेरी, पढ्दै नपढी कमेन्ट गरिदसने भन्या ?

  41. I support and appreciate your opinion.Hope our leaders are not going to repeat those mistakes again.
    Lets pray for “SHANTI CHETRA NEPAL” as before.

  42. yo Uttam ji ko pratikriya bata ma sahamat chu,
    afupani bidesh basekole hola..nepal, yo desh jastai(Japan) Nepal pani kahile bikash hola jasto lagcha ..kahile kahi pathak haruko pratikri herda rishuthera k k garum bhanum jasto lagcha ..tara uttam jile bhaneko sappaibhanda manpareko kura k ho bhane ..bagmatiko phohar sapha garna time dherai lagdaina ..naki dimag safa garna time lagne rahecha..tara murkha lai jati sikayepani testai ho..usle bujepani buj pachaucha afu churot khanalai swasni ra chora chori kinna pathayera.. taas kheldai jiban bitaune harule ..bagmati safa garaune sochai rakhnu thulo kura haina ..tesaile murkha dekhi 50 kos tada hunu bhanera chanakye niti ma lekheko jayeja lagcha,

  43. कुनै राजनीतिको स्वयंमा आलोचना गर्नुपर्ने हुँदैन , त्यस्को व्यवहारिक पक्ष र प्रयोगमा ल्याउन खोज्नेहरुको व्यवहारकै कारण सफल वा असफल हुने हो। अर्को कुरा भीडलाई जसले जुन ढंगले उत्साहित बनाएपनि ,शासनमा भोलि पनि तत् तत् पार्टिका ठालूहरु नै हुनेछन, रुविन गन्धर्व हुने छैनन् । आखिर रुविनलाई बोकेर राजनीति गर्ने न हो , माथि जाने त कोईराला, ओली ,बाबुराम र प्रचण्ड नै हो । उदाहरण त हिरालाल विस्वकर्मा, गोल्छे सार्की ,हरिशंकर परियार र नानीमैया दाहालले पनि कायम गरेकै हुन।
    देशले खोजेको व्यवहारमा भोगिने परिवर्तन हो ,भाषणमा देखाइने खालको दावी गरिने परिवर्तन हैन । कति विस्तारवादी भन्दै भारतलाई गाली गर्ने, साम्राज्यवादी भन्दै अमेरिका र युरोपलाई गाली गरिरहने ,गद्दार र देश वेचुवा भन्दै कांग्रेसलाई धारेहात लगाइरहने, विसर्जनवादी कम्युनिष्ट भन्दै एमालेको खेदो खन्ने ? अरु सबैले अन्याय गर्छन र हामीमात्र ‘मसिहा’ भनेर मान्छेका विरुद्द मान्छे जाइलाग्ने उक्साइरहने त नि ?
    मेरो विचारमा गणेसराज शर्मालाई दरवारवादी मन्त्रिको वकालत गर्ने छुट हुनुपर्छ, तुल्सी गिरीलाई ‘राजाले भनेमा म सारी लगाउन तयार छु’ भन्न पाउने छुट पनि हुनुपर्छ र जनतालाई शान्तिपूर्ण तरिकाले मननपरेका शाषकलाई हट्न वाध्य पार्ने छुट पनि हुनु नै पर्छ। यो कस्तो लोकतन्त्र भयो एकातिर कानूनको राज्य पनि चाहिएको छ अर्कोतिर शाहीमन्त्रिलाई विनाप्रमाण शुलिमा चढाउन पनि परेको छ र त्यसो नगरेकोमा अदालतलाई प्रतिगामी बनेको किर्तिमान बोकाउनु पनि परेको छ । लोकतन्त्रले प्रकृयाको निर्वाह त गर्नु पर्ने होला नि । शाही शासनले सबैलाई नजरबन्द गरायो भनेर त्यही काम गर्ने हो भने के फरक रह्यो त नि अहिले र पहिलामा ? कानुनले त प्रमाणित अपराधीलाई दण्ड दिने हो र ‘सय अपराधी छुटून तर एक निरपराध दण्डित नहोस ” भन्ने सिद्दान्तको पालना गर्ने त हो नि। यिनै कुराले गर्दा लोकतन्त्रमा
    काममा ढिलाई हुन्छ अवस्य । निरंकूसतामा झैँ मन लाएको बेला मन नपरेकोलाई ‘सफाया’गर्न र ‘दण्डित’ गर्न पाइन्न विधिको शासनमा ।
    जहाँ लोकतन्त्र हुन्छ विचारमा विविधता र गतिमा सुस्तता हुन्छ नै ।

    यदि यो कुरामा शंका राखेर विचार लेख्नु पुर्वाग्रही नै भएको ठहर्छ भने ,प्रतिगामिको मतियार नै भइन्छ भने खै त्यसको उपचार के होला र । तपाईँले भने जस्तो कसैको आलोचना नगर्दा देश बन्ने निस्चितता छ भने , अब चूप लागेर सबैको जयजयाकार मनाउन पर्ला ।

  44. हेल्लो उत्तम जि खुशी लाग्यो धेरै समसामएइक कुरा उठा उनु भो
    हो म सबै कुरा लाई सुइकारछु
    तर के माओवादी ले मल्टि पार्टि सिस्टम लाई सुइकार्छन? (जुन् सदै को लागि ग्रहन गर्नु पर्छ ।जुन् कुरा उनिहरु ले सुइकारेक छैनन्।उनिहरु त यो १२ बुदे समज्दारि केहि समयको लगि मात्र हो भनेक छन् नि।उनिहरु ले नेपाल् मा मओइस्ट् system ( गडतन्त्र)( i support ganatanta ) ल्यौउने कुरा न छोद्ने भनेका छन् नि .they want to have maoist system in nepal which will be nirankus )
    के माओवादीले पनि निरङ्कुस् शासन गर्ने होईन त?
    माओवादी ले सेकेन्ड माहादिबेसन मा पारीत गरेको south asian soviet union को के कुरा हो? (in which they want to include nepal)
    के जसरि अहिले माओवादी को बि रोद गर्नेलाई माअर्छन त्यसरि नै निरन्कुस्ता ले देश चल्छ?
    के उनिहरु को वीरओद गर्नेलाई फाशी र सजय हुन्छ भोली पनि त्यस्ताइ भो भने नि
    माओवादी ले साउथ एसियन माओईस्ट हरु को शेल्टर प्लेस नेपाल बनाउने भनेका छन के त्यस्ताओ कच्चा सोचाईले देस् चल्छ?
    भोली नेपाल सबै माओवादी को शेल्टर देस् बन्यो भने नि?(जुन माओवादी को आदिबेसन को निर्णय हो)

  45. Dear Umesh Jee

    I really appreciate analysis done by Uttam. It is reality and people concern. Many nepalese political leaders are like “Pindh nabhayako lota” or they change their face like frog. I agree with this analysis and maoist should come in main political stream to bring peace and prosperity in the country.

    Khitiz, Norway

  46. उत्तम जी
    तपाईंको लेख साह्रै राम्रो र समसामयिक छ । केही साथीहरुले बिषयको गम्भिरतालाई बुझेर पनि बुझ पचाएर हो वा नबुझेर हो, प्याच जे पायो तेही लेख्ने गर्छन । शायद अब सबैले बुझे पनि होलान्, कमेन्ट लेख्न पनि श्रीजनसिलता, बोउद्धिक सोचाई र बिस्लेशन गर्ने छमता चाँहीदो रहेछ भनेर । उत्तम जी लेख्ने प्रयास् जारी राख्नोस् । तपाईंको लेखन शैली र प्रस्तुती राम्रो छ ।


  47. umesh ji,
    philosophy is one thing and reality is another. I have gone through these 40 points of maoists agenda too. But , out of these 40 points some points were just so rediculous that it is even worthless talking about it.
    Though the present king and his son are the murderer, criminal and somebody who should be hanged, I think baburam and prachanda are too the same. One thing is true that democracy , freedom and human rights should prevail. And if u look at the past present and future of communist party, they have a tendency of ruling the country more autocratically and more violently. We dont need to praise maoist in order to scold the king. King is worst and the maoist are too worst. U beleive me that maoist will never get to rule Nepal. Previosly we had 3 forces i.e king, political party and the maoist and now also we have 3 forces and they are maoist, UML, and NC. Untill and unless maoist are ready to surrender their weapons before constitution assembly , it is worthless doing constitution assembly. I hope the other leaders will never allow it to happen. The only solution to this crisis is to get rid of king first and wipe out maoist. Kill them all.

  48. umesh jee
    sarai ramro kura dinu bhayeko chha.janata Chetanshil hodaichhan.Yo pani punyako kam ho jasto lagchha.dherai dherai suvkamana.

    Om Bikram Ojha [pokhara]

  49. it is really great thought. I really appreciate the thought of writer. Please also try to publish such thought on the local paper which are easily available to those nepalese which are not use to with computer and internet. My sincere thanks to umesh ji for posting such article.

  50. utam ji dhanyabad,
    tapaiko yo lamo comment lekhna kina badhyavayo bhanne kurota katipayaharulai thaha vaisakyo hola jun kuro yaha utam jile lekhnu vayo tyo ati utam chha.

  51. Hey for your information: Tusli Giri is medical Doctor (MBBS). Whatever we want peace and development Nepal whether it is thru Maoist or Monarchy or Politicians. I just don’t understand why they play the game with the nation. It’s all ours and all brothers & sisters.

  52. It is true and good coment. we all prey for peace and prosperious Nepal. Government and MAOUST should go in responsible way for making NEW NEPAL where every Nepali can live with good future. Thanks Uttam jee.

  53. umeshji uttamji ko kurama ma pani sahamati chu kinki maile pani jana aandolanma charko nara lagaudai hidne neta bhanauda 3,4 jana lai sodheko thiye ganatantra,loktantra ra prajatantra bhaneko ke ho bhaner tar yesko jawaf kasai baat pani pauna sakin………….hunata malai pani tyeti thaha ta chaina tar pani aandolanma nagaye 500 tirnu parne badhyetale garda hidiyo 3 din samma………….

  54. Dear Uttam Jee

    Dr. Tulsi Giri is not Ph.D Dr. He is just Bacholer ie MBSS Dr. So,Could you please kindly correct this mis infirmation.

    I am 100% agree with Umesh jee.If We all Neplease donot warned leader again more than 21 BIR SAPUT Should do BALIDANI.

    Mainly, Political leader doing again same,….So I think PRATIGSAMAN will rise their HEAD again.Plz “Sabailayi Chetana Bhaya”


  55. Dr giri PhD garera doctor bhayeko ho ra? hoina hola..he is an MBBS medical doctor. Correct me if I am wrong

  56. Uttam ji,
    I appreciate your comment.Actually, it is Girija and Sher Bahadur who had implanted the seeds of injustice in Rukum-Rolpa which led to the birth of Maoists. Girija and Shere are great chors!!!!

  57. उत्तमजी ! धेरैजना लोकतन्त्रबादिको मनको कुरा भन्नुभयो तपाईं लाई धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद ।
    म तपाईंको कुरामा पूर्ण सहमत छु ।

  58. उत्तम जि को बिचार एकदम ठिक छ । जायज कुरा उठाउनु भएछ। तर तुल्सि गिरि पिएचडि गरेको डाक्टर होइन। यमबिबिएस गरेको डक्टर हो।

  59. wa! Great and logical interpretation from ground reality of Nepal. Well done! I wish all comentators had such a educated and understood vision.

  60. I respect ur views. Yes, this is the main fact of our country. Thanks a lot for ur critical analysis.

  61. Brilliant article and I am sure this will put to shame the self-defined intelligentsia and mostly English-language journalists who never tire of labelling people who are from the margins of society and who are now asserting their rightfull place in society–through their struggles and active participation.

  62. Dear blogger,
    Hitler came to the helm of German politics as a Hero with his firebrand speech and massively arousing the nationalistic sentiments of the masses who did not even wear slippers.
    No problem to accept people’s rule but a state policy founded upon violence and bloodshed will only repeat the smme cycle of revenge motif.

    You have mentioned the participation of masses and therefore tomorrow’s Nepal understandably to be ruled by them . My curiosity is that there were always the poor people in the masses and a few of the poor even got into power but only resulted in only making themselves richer not to the nation.
    The state policy and the people as representatives to implemenmt them are elected by the mass but the mass never collectively gets into power. The plight of ‘Rubin Gandharva’ can never be compared with Dr. Baburam, Prachanda or comrade Sunil. If you want to single out characters and claim that everything will be perfect ,there were characters like ‘Golche Sarki’ and ‘Nani Maiya Dahal’ to cite a few names . Did their inclusion in politics uplift the masses ?
    The problem is that everytime we talk of people’s politics but everytime something is achieved it will be snatched by the elites in the respective fronts.
    Populist and Propangada politics based on mere slogans will gain nothing for the nation and people.
    Similarly, to run the state and lead it to success you will have to have capable minds and personalities who will act honestly for the good of all. The mass is not the government but just the bearer of sentiments and opinions which in most cases is raw and in impure form. True leadership only receives them and filters them to make them implementable.
    The present of Nepal has been held hostage by an aggressive short tempered youths and the government in kathmandu has been sidellined .This is the truth and those who are singing the songs to appease them are only glorified even in the press.
    Sorry,I can not subscribe to this ideology of sentiments and can not surrender to mere optimism , because if you sow violence you will reap the same.

  63. Uttam Ji – Great Analysis.

    “Truth always hurts!”

    The – 2nd last sentence has weights diamond value.

    Yes, we are running behind ‘Crow’ not touching own ‘Ear’.

    Yes, Speaking English & get a certifiacte by ‘knta’ is no worth in real life.

    I can c millions ‘Starving’ African English Speaking and some of them have High level educational Certificate.
    But, Unfortunately most of those countries were occupied sometimes back.

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