फेरि फहरायो विश्वकपको मैदानमा नेपाली झण्डा

Fwd: worldcup 2006 photos
फेरि विश्वकपको मैदानमा हामीले नेपाली झण्डा देख्न पाएका छौं। जर्मनीको के-टाउनमा सम्पन्न स्पेन र साउदी अरेबियाबीचको खेलमा स्पेनको झण्डासँगै नेपालको झण्डा फहराउनेहरु हुन्- विकास प्रधान र राजेश बास्कोटा। राजेश बास्कोटाबाट प्राप्त थप फोटोहरु भित्र-

Fwd: worldcup 2006 photos
नेपालको झण्डा देखेपछि विदेशीहरुलाई पनि फोटो खिचाउने रहर जाग्यो।

Fwd: worldcup 2006 photos
४६००० दर्शकले भरिएको फ्रीच वाल्टर स्टेडियम।


  1. नेपाली राष्ट्रियाझंदाको दुरुपयोग भयो ! नेपाली टिमले भाग लियाको भयो अझ क गर्थ्यो होला ;
    काम नापायाको बूढी कुन्नी क भन्थे ,तेस्त्य क्या ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  2. oh saroj,
    kata harayeko, timro no. pani nepal jada gumayechhu.mail garnu la..(krishna)C.M.S.
    from barcelona

  3. hello bikas
    nepal ra spain ko jhanda liyer world cup hernu bhayeko dherai khusi lagyo.ra fon ko lagi pani dherai thanks.

  4. yaha haru le jun photo pardasna garnu bhayo tesoko lagi mero thrfa bat badai cna . jun photo herda garba garnu parcha aba nepaliharu pani chu chaina ek din jasari aru des sahabagi huna sakeko cha tesari nai nepali pani pugne cha ma thanks dinchu bikas pardan lai. bhada majer eurole mateko bhanne sabda ali suhayana jasato lacha malai. 21cenchurima ayarapani mehanat bhane sabda nai bhuleko cha nepali samaj le kina ho.yaha biswo ko janjati ayar mihenat gare ko cha. ra des bikas bhayo cha. nepali haru kahi pani mildana . na afule garna sakcha na arule garko nai dekha na sakcha

  5. i have no problem with the nepalese man attending world cup match.
    but nepalese flag makes no sense there,……..no meaning at all. if anyone says that’s patriotic, it means that’s completely weird.

  6. govinda jee,
    afule afulai nai mula banayera kun hilo ma gadina khojnu bhayeko. afu nepali bhayera aru nepali lai respect nagarnu, nepali dajubhai ka bichar lai anartha lagayera afule afulai k bhanna khojnu bhayeko? kati chha tapai ko khubi? ahile samma k k kaam garnu bhayo? matri-bhumi lai parichit banauna tapai le k garnu bhayeko chha? ani keshubhai ra aleks ra yesta comment garne sathi haru, jaha nepali pugeka chhan teha nepal pugeko chha bhanne sochnu. k teha nepali kheladi puge flags faharaune tara nepali darsak puge flags nafahraune kunai karan chha?? nepal lai aru le suport gare tapaiharu khusi hune tara nepali le aru lai suport garda kina tauko dukhaune?

    umesh jee tapai ko kaam ko bayan jati gare pani thorai hunchha.mysansar ko suru dekhi antim samma ko kunai word pani chhutaudina ma.
    from spain

  7. teha samma jada pani aafno ganda sagi liyara jane sahas garnu vo tesko lagi muri muri dandebad …

  8. Discourage? There’s nothing to encourage or discourage. If this is a public forum (semi, actually) then there’ll be various views! if you like it, say so – if u don’t then say u don’t. why bother on commenting on other’s view deviating completely from the original topic??

    If Nepal was playing against, say, Spain, I’d rather love to see a foreigner (maybe dressed to show where he/she’s from) and waving Nepal’s flag in a show of support for Nepal – not the other way around.

  9. Dear comentators,
    This is very disgusting that you are being very negative to those who are trying us to provide some good informations. They are enjoying us too. So why discourage them. Try being very generous and positive. Positive thinkers are always in benefits.
    OK guys in Germany, keep up sending world cup photographs. You know good jobs are always rewarded, just keep passion.

  10. these “tradionalist” wants to keep our national flag within our country.

    I imagine what type of reaction they will deliver if they see our flag in bikinis and bras, just like Brazillian fans…..

    learn to …what should I say….they are just sick !

  11. मुला नेपालीहरु
    आफू नि गर्न सक्दैनन्, अरुले गरेकोमा पनि डाहाले भुतुक्कै हुन्छन्
    मण्डलेहरुले झण्डा बोकेर गुण्डागर्दी गर्दा यी बजियाहरु विदेशमा बसेर डलर खाइरहेका थिए वा भाँडा माझिरहेका थिए विश्वकपमा नेपापलको मात्र हैन, अरु भाग नलिने देशका पनि झण्डा फहराएका छन् । नपत्याए हेर्न जानुस् । विश्वकप भनेको विश्वभरका लागि यौटा मेला हो । त्यसमा नेपाली झण्डा फहराएर उनीहरुले गौरव लाग्ने काम गरेका छन्। कसैलाई चित्त नबुझे चुप लागेर बस्नु । अरुले गरेको कामलाई डिस्करेज नगरौ ।
    त्यसो त विदेशी डलर र युरोमा मात्तिएका र भाँडा माझेर थाकेका अ‍ौंलाहरुबाट कीबोर्डमा यो भन्दा नांगो नाच अरु के देख्न सकिन्छ र ?

  12. I agree partially to keshubhai. I don’t see any point in going to a match where Nepal isn’t involved in any way, and supposed to be supporting Spain. Find it quite wierd. BUT, if such ‘football fans’ would be willing to spend even half of what it costs to watch the world cup on Nepalese football (league), maybe we’d be seeing much better development back home!

  13. oho, ramailo lagyo photo haru. Bikash pradhan le khabar nagarera ni natra ma pani jane thiye, oh Bikash jee arko patak khabar garnu la chintamani lai.
    huna ta nepal ko jhanda ko artha nai chhaina teha, tara pani sathi haru teha pugera atera khichi pathayeko photo herda bhane nepali pani sabai thau ma pugchhan bhanne thaha lagchha.
    from spain

  14. I agree with Keshubhai. The world knows that Nepal is an independent country and has a flag. What do they like to show there with the flag? Seems a childish way to show themselves to media.Wonder how this media (mysansar)is thinking on it.
    Let our football team come with our flag to the ground.

  15. Since Nepal is not playing World Cup Tournament, it is not wise to show Nepalese flag in the stadium during tournament. What do our fellow country men want to do showing our flag during the World Cup Finals? So, let the Nepalese team play the World Cup Finals and support wour team with the flags.

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