बागमतीमा बाढी आउँदा पशुपति क्षेत्रमा तनाव

बागमती नदीमा आएको बाढीले छेउछाउका घर बगाउँदै। फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ
हिजोको वर्षाका कारण बागमती नदीमा आज एकाबिहानै आएको बाढीका कारण दिनभर त्यस क्षेत्रको वातावरण तनावग्रस्त बन्यो। बागमती नदीमा बिहान ३ बजेदेखि नै पानीको स्तर बढेको रहेछ। तर बिहान १० बजेसम्म पनि बाँधका ढोकाहरु खुलेका रहेनछन्। त्यसैले बढी क्षति भएको भन्दै पशुपति क्षेत्रमा बस्ने पीडितहरुले आज दिनभर चक्काजाम गरे। पशुपति क्षेत्र विकास कोषका कर्मचारीले लापरवाही गरेको, आफूहरुलाई विस्थापित गर्न लागिपरेको भन्दै उनीहरुले कोषको कार्यालयमा तोडफोड समेत गरे। पछि राति अबेर कोष र पीडितहरुबीच सहमति भएको छ।

बाढीबाट पाँच घरका ५५ परिवार (घरधनी र डेरावाला समेत गरी) विस्थापित भएका छन्। उनीहरुलाई अस्थायी वासस्थानको व्यवस्था सम्झौतामा गरिएको थाहा भएको छ। फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ

बाढीका कारण पशुपतिमा लाश जलाउने कामसमेत रोकिएको थियो। फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ

बाढीमा तीन घर बगाएपछि चिन्तामा डुबेकी मैयाँ श्रेष्ठ। २६ बर्षदेखि बस्दै आएको घर बगाएपछि बिचल्लीमा परेकी मैयाँ श्रेष्ठको आयश्रोत घरभाडा नै रहेको थियो। फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ

उध्दार कार्यमा संलग्न स्थानीय बासिन्दा। फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ

बागमती नदीको पानी बस्तीतिर प्रवेश गरेपछि प्रहरी र सेना सहित स्थानीय बासिन्दाले तटबन्ध बनाएका थिए। फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ

घर बगाएपछि बिचल्लीमा परेकाहरु आफ्नो सरसामान सुरक्षित स्थानतर्फ अ‍ोसार्दै। फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ

आज दिनभर उनीहरुले सामान अ‍ोसारेका थिए। फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ

पछि उनीहरुले त्यही गाडी सडकमा तेर्स्याएर क्षतिपूर्तिको माग राख्दै चक्काजाम गरेका थिए। फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ




  1. Dont have to blame anyone. This is sure this kinda natural disaster happens. so Pepole who made houses at the bank of river should think before they erected the huge house.

  2. यो एकदमै sad nwes नेपल सरकार्ले बिचार पुरौनु पर्ने कुरो हो साथै हामि सबै नेपालि ले पनि बिचार् गर्नु पर्ने कुरो हो kathmandu मा हेर्ने हो भने हजारौ रोपनि जग्गाहरु थिचो मिचो भएको हामिले देखन सक्छौ जुन कि हामिलाई थाह छ त्यो एकदिन खोलाले बगाऊछ भनेर त्यस्तो ठौमा घर जम गरे पछि यस्तै हुन्छ।आफनो काल आफै निम्ताएको हो, एउटा कुरो को आझै मलाई स्मरण छ खोलाबाट ६०मिटर बरि परिको घरहरु सबै छेति पुर्ति दिएर अधिकरन गर्ने भन्दा kathmandu मा धेरै ठुलो हल चल मचिएको थियो यो त्यको एउटा परिणम हो जस्तो लाग्छ।

  3. what Girija ????? there is nothing to do with this incident.This is an accident.our friend Shiva is Blaming girija,This is his STUPIDITY or what??????

  4. वाग्मतीमा हाम्रो घरमा पसेको होइन बरु हामी नै वाग्मती भित्र पस्यौं कि यस्ता दैवि विपत्ती आउनमा धेरै थोरै हाम्रो पनि हात होला । तर पनि पिडितहरुलाई राहतको व्यवस्था होस् ।

  5. बागमती मिचेर घर बनाउने हरु ठीक्क पर्‍यो।खुचिङ।
    धायन् श्रेस्ठ

  6. Really it is very bad fate of our PrimeMinister Girija Prasad Koirala that every year and moment of his primeministership always a great accident occure in Nepal so please go to some temple or somewhere where u have commited with god to offer something. Then the condition may become good or favourable for u.

    Rajesh from Belgium

  7. Oh,its a very sad news. This kind of things will happen many times in Nepal as the people encoraches water way. Water way of Bagmati, Bishnumati, Manohara, Dhobikhola, Tukucha and Samkakhusi have been encroached in such a way there will be catastrophic damaged due to flood invery near future. Land mafias are responsible for this kind of incidents. They don’t care about the environment. Whatsover in the future impact may be because of encroachment of water way they just want to earn money. Land mafias must be punished for this kind of things.

  8. kya yaar
    kathmandu ma pani badhi……………. Terai ma ta suneko thiye ghar bahar dubako..but in kathmandu also…
    By the way, so bad in front of PASHUPATI NATH……….
    And what about Araya Ghat…..Where are the murdas….. Are they on Andolan………
    I think they have done this type of work… Pollution and many more,,,, They can’t stay there…So they…………….

  9. Sufferers must be given proper compensation, careless officers of PDF must be given punishment and necessary initiatives should be taken on time.

  10. हरे शिवशिव यो के दशसा
    हरे शिवशिव यो के दशसा
    नेपाल मा साचैनै देउता सिाएका हुन त ।
    Rajesh,, doha qatar

  11. This is really a sad news. Government should take care of the people who have lost their selter.

    I do not understand why the dam in Bagmati was closed in this monsoon time. This shows the careless of the management whch is responsible for its operation. There should have been river control works along the river bank around the Pashupati area.

    A small care less makes a huge loss. When do we nepalese people realise own duty properly and take responsibility?


  12. i am extremely sad and i do have great sorry to hear such incidents in nepal but this is great answers from natural or weather. what would effect and getresult if the city didnot build as planning.

  13. Ohoooooooo ke bhayeko ho yo Nepalma shochnai nashakine yesto ke bhayeko holla kunni??? sati le sarapera hola ki pashupatinath le dharmai chhodera holaki??? aachamba chha ba……Bill

  14. यो दुक्ःèद समाचार हो । हाम्रो मुलुक मा सरकार लगायत सबै संघ संस्था को काम गर्ने लपर्बाही शैली कै परिनाम हो । समयमै पानी खोल्ने काम गरिएको भए त्यो क्षेति शायद हुने थिएन होला । अब घतना घतिसकेको अबस्थामा भएको क्षेति लाई कसरी न्युन गर्ने र भबिश्य मा एस्तो घटना फेरी न दोहोरियोस् भन्ने तिर सोच पुर्याउन आबश्यक देखिन्छ । अब लापर्बाही गर्ने ब्यक्ती लाई सबन्धित् सन्था (सरकार्)ले सजाए दिन सक्नु पर्छ, जसले गर्दा पछी पछी जिम्मेबार मानिस् सजग हुदै जानेछन्, अन्यथा यो घटना हिजो पनि बिभिन्न ठाउमा घटेकै थियो, फेरी पनि दोहोरिरहनेछ ।

  15. Nice to know this news, it was really sad news i m really surprised to know, how does it happen? it’s really careless. This is the so terrible situation, Oh my God! plz God help them. Thanks for nice and hot news providing us thank you mero sansar.

  16. Well not a good thing to happen to these poor people. It would have been nice to see some of Government initiatives to stop it from happening. I am sure there are plenty of other possible areas that are endangered.

    For the people affected, they can do the following thigs to avaoid further hazards.

    The following are guidelines for the period following a flood:

    Listen for news reports to learn whether the community’s water supply is safe to drink.

    Avoid floodwaters; water may be contaminated by oil, gasoline, or raw sewage. Water may also be electrically charged from underground or downed power lines.

    Avoid moving water.

    Be aware of areas where floodwaters have receded. Roads may have weakened and could collapse under the weight of a car.

    Stay away from downed power lines, and report them to the power company.

    Return home only when authorities indicate it is safe.

    Stay out of any building if it is surrounded by floodwaters.

    Use extreme caution when entering buildings; there may be hidden damage, particularly in foundations.

    Service damaged septic tanks, cesspools, pits, and leaching systems as soon as possible. Damaged sewage systems are serious health hazards.

    Clean and disinfect everything that got wet. Mud left from floodwater can contain sewage and chemicals.

  17. नेपाल मा जब गिरीजा प्रधान मन्‍त्री हुन्‍छ।
    बिमान दुँरधटना हुन्‍छ-वाढी पहिरो आउछ-घेरै धेरै नसोचेका दुँरधटना हुन्‍छन

  18. Its really sad to hear that news…they have lost all of their belongings and shelter…but i think they should be aware of the situation that they are living in the bank of the river….and could be swept away by flood any time…specially in mansoon.

    our government is really weak and did not took any initiative to prevent this kinda situatin…and i urge them to be serious to prevent this kinda situation..

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