इन्टरनेटले गर्नेछ दोभाषेको काम

अपडेटः साथीहरुले कमेन्टमा अनुवाद यसरी यसरी गर्‍यो दोभाषेले भनी लेख्नुभएको रहेछ। आर्म्स म्यानेजमेन्टलाई पाखुरा व्यवस्थापन र प्रोब कमिसनलाई सुत्लो आयोग भनी अनुवाद गरेको देख्दा खित्का छाडेर हाँसो उठ्यो। तर, हामीले यो प्रयासलाई हाँसोमा उडाउनु भने हुन्न। प्रश्न यति छिटै यसलाई किन सार्वजनिक गरियो भन्नेमात्र हो। भित्र मैले दोभाषे सार्वजनिक गर्दा राससमा प्रकाशित समाचार पनि साभार गरेको छु।

गुगल वा अल्टाभिस्टामा आफूले नजानेको भाषाबाट अंग्रेजीमा शब्द, वाक्य र अझ सिङ्गै वेबपेज अनुवाद गरी पढ्न पाउँदा हाम्रो नेपाली भाषामा पनि यस्तो भइदिए हुन्थ्यो भनेर तपाईँले कहिल्यै सोच्नुभएको थियो ? म त सोच्ने गर्थेँ। त्यो सपना आंशिक रुपमा भए पनि पूरा भएको छ। अब अंग्रेजी नजान्नेहरुले अं‍ग्रेजी शब्द र वाक्यहरुलाई इन्टरनेटको माध्यमबाट नेपालीमा अनुवाद गरी पढ्न सक्नेछन्। यसका लागि सहयोगी बनेको छ दोभाषे।

केही दिनअगाडि मात्रै राजधानीमा आयोजित एक कार्यक्रममा यो दोभाषेलाई सार्वजनिक गरिएको थियो। सार्वजनिक गरिसकिए पनि यो परियोजना पूरा भने भइसकेको छैन। यसको सिस्टममा २२ हजार जति शब्दमात्र राखिएका छन्। त्यसो त मेसिन अनुवाद भनेको ठ्याम्मै मानिसले गरेको अनुवाद जस्तो कहाँ हुनु र, तैपनि अंग्रेजीमा लेखिएका कुराको भाव भने यसले पक्कै बुझाउन सहयोग गर्छ।

अहिलेलाई पूर्णविराम (फूल स्टप) भएका वाक्यको मात्र यसले अनुवाद गर्छ। एकै पटक थुप्रो अनुवाद गराउन खोज्नुभयो भने पनि काम गर्दैन। वेब पेज पनि अनुवाद गर्ने सुविधा राखिएको त छ, तर यसले अहिले नै काम भने गर्दैन।

तपाईँ पनि ट्राइ गर्ने हो ? यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस‌्।

काठमाडौं विश्वविध्यालयको इन्फरमेशन एन्ड लेङग्वेज प्रोशेसिंग रिसर्च ल्याब (एन. एल. पि.)ले यसको विकास गरेको हो। दोभाषे काठमाडौं विश्वविद्यालय र मदन पुरस्कार पुस्ताकालयको संयुक्त प्रयासमा सुरु भएको १८ महिने परियोजना हो। यसको सुरुवात गत वर्षको फेब्रुअरीमा भएको थियो। यो परियोजनालाई PAN ASIA ICT R&D ले लगानी गरेको हो। परियोजनाका लागि उसले २९ हजार ९ सय ९० अमेरिकी डलर लगानी गरेको थियो।

राससको समाचारः
अङ्ग्रेजीबाट नेपाली भाषा अनुवाद गर्ने सफ्टवेयर र्सार्वजनिक

काठमाडौँ, १४ साउन । कम्प्युटरमा अङ्ग्रेजी भाषामा लेखिएका कुरा नेपाली भाषामा अनुवाद गर्ने सफ्टवेयर दोभाषे आज ललितपुरमा र्सार्वजनिक भएको छ ।

काठमाडौँ र त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय तथा मदन पुरस्कार पुस्तकालयका कम्प्युटर तथा भाषा विशेषज्ञहरूद्वारा यन्त्र अनुवाद प्रणाली अनुसन्धान तथा विकास परियोजनाद्वारा दोभाषे तयार पारिएको हो ।

इन्टरनेटमा आधारित यो सफ्टवयरको प्रयोग http://www.nlp.ku.edu.np मार्फत् गर्न सकिन्छ।

दोभाषे र्सार्वजनिक गर्न मदन पुरस्कार पुस्तकालयमा आयोजित एक कार्यक्रममा परियोजनाका सल्लाहकार प्रा.डा.योगेन्द्र यादवले दोभाषे तयार गर्द थुप्रै चुनौती आएको जानकारी दिनुभयो भने अर्का सल्लाहकार प्रा.डा. गोविन्द भटृर्राईले उक्त सफ्टवेयरले हाल नेपाली तोते बोली बोल्न थालेकाले यसलाई सबैले सहयोग गर्नुपर्ने धारणा व्यक्त गर्नुभयो ।

दोभाषेका प्राविधिक विशेषज्ञ सनतकुमार विष्टले १८ महिनाको प्रयासबाट उक्त सफ्टवेयरको पहिलो स्वरूपमा आएको जानकारी दिनुभयो भने भाषाविद् कृष्णप्रसाद पराजुलीले यसमा भाषाका संरचनाका नियमहरू उपयोग गरिएका विधिबारे उल्लेख गर्नुभयो ।

कार्यक्रममा मदन पुरस्कार पुस्तकालयका केदार शर्माले नेपालीलाई अङ्ग्रेजी भाषा सिकाउनुभन्दा कम्प्युटरलाई नेपाली भाषा सिकाउन सजिलो भएकाले सो परियोजना अगाडि बढाइएको बताउनुभयो भने बालकृष्ण बालले परियोजनालाई अगाडि बढाउन तय भएको योजनाबारे जानकारी दिनुभयो । रासस


  1. I found it really interesting! It is the first step, don’t let you be discouraged by some people. So go ahead! Wish you all the best.

  2. This is good starting and I being also a web designer would like to congratulate all this team for the success of this project…. and hope keep going on..

    People use to search nepali sites in web which is easier and helpful to read. so I hope such web will go on firing the web so we could easily learn.

    Bibek Bidari
    [email protected]

  3. Its a premature release of the system. Ani the research and development team should also realise that the world is now embracing the Web2 technology.
    Try and use a technology which is more efficient.
    The work that the team is exhibiting is an absolute crap. Better not release such systems which are not tested well. We have already seen people in nepal getting involved in projects but never completing them properly.
    please dont create another history la

  4. युएनडिपिको झण्डै ३०००० डलर लगानीमा विकास गरिएको दोभाषे मैले भर्खरै प्रयोग गर्न खोज्दा त्यो प्राप्त भएन । के कारणले प्राप्त हुन नसकेको हो थाहा भएन । पहिले दिइएको वेभसाइट एड्ेसमा त्यो प्राप्त छैन ।

    सम्बन्धितहरूले चासो देखाउन हुन अनुरोध छ ।

  5. In addition to my earlier comment, we are also working on to make the current version of the system OPEN SOURCE. We hope that this will provide a very good platform for enthusiasts to further work on the system.

    Best Regards,

  6. Thank You all for giving so much of useful comments and suggestions. It is my attempt to just clear some confusions that might have evolved. The current release of the Dobhase is a first version and obviously is primitive. We have tested it for several catagorized sentences with standard machine translation eveuation tools and found the efficiency to be around 60%, which is quite satisfactory for a gist translation. However, when normally users try, they try some sentences whihc is one way or other complex and does not fit into any individual category of sentences. Hence it shows some problem. But nevertheless, we have tried around more than 20 typical cases before release and founf it to be satisfactory. It is not that we wanted to be first in doing this, because we have not had any competitors as such. Neither was it to create any media hype. The basic reason was that July 2006 marks the end of first phase of work, and after this we will be working on this voluntarily. We wanted to publisize the developmental effort to attract many like minded peoples to work together. In our plan it will take another 7 years to make Dobhase a better system.

    If you compare Dobhase with Engish to Indian MT systems like Shakti, it is still satisfactory. Many Professional systems also have created many funnay translations. It should be taken normal with MT systems.

    We are definately working on it further, and welcome all interested to join the team. One day this system will definately come up as a very useful one.

    Thanks each and all.

  7. Pride of KU
    Proud of being KUian.

    No doubt its a good start.
    But try to be bit professional.
    My personal opinion is that , This new software is introduced in a hurry.
    If your translation is like this then sorry i will be never able to use this.
    This will spoil my ali kati bhako english ra nepali Bhasa ko ta Khilly nai udayo jasto lagyo.

    I tried this “private limited” and was translated as “NIJEE SAMITI”
    Yo ta bhayana ni.

    Ki first ko hune bhanne hod baji le garda ho.

    I think its a total comedy translation and a real bakwas.
    What tempted u guys to rush for launching.
    KU ko naam badnam na gara hai.
    Hamro pani pasina pareko cha KU bhanera chinauna ma .
    Please think twice more before making KUians comedian.
    Rubbish total rubbish.
    While introducing you should just have introduced it as a english to nepali word translater.Ra aru kaam would have been in process.
    (Believe it or not “yo istar ko software ta ali ali web base programming garne single person le nai 3 months ma maja le tayar garne sakcha. 3 months ta database ko lagi matra ho aru kam ta khas ma ta one month pani lagdaina).

    comm’on guys you can do better and best.
    Pls be more sincere in what u r doing.
    Best of luck for the future and don’t embarrass KUians more.


  8. ‘Dobhase’ system which has been launched here is incomplete.It is useless and should be published only after have a complete work regarding all english language to be transleted.I tried various english translation but result with no satisfaction.

  9. probe commisson grills four senior officials
    the high level probe commission interrogated four senior army officials including three generals in connection with their alleged role in the excessive use of force during the people’s movement 2 on sunday.

    how funny ! translation !!!!!!!
    any way trying is good thing,

    सुत्लो चोम्मिस्सोन्ले केरकार गर्छ चार वरिष्ठ ओffइचिअल्स्
    अग्लो तह सुत्लो आयोगले केरकार गर्यो चार वरिष्ठ सैनिक ओffइचिअल्स् को सम्बन्धमा तीन जर्नेलहरू सम्बेशा गर्नु तिनीहरूकोले आरोप लगा मानिसहरूकोअबधिमा जोडको अत्यधिक प्रयोगमा भूमिका हो चाल आइतवारमा २ |


    Good start, though in infant stage! Surprised why released in so early/prematured stage? Development team got fatigued or project run out of fund? Or trying to provide a demo for attracting more funding? Or for collecting users feed-back? Whatever, it is worth appreciation despite of some serious loopholes …
    My suggestion:
    1. Replace “Home” at menu bar with “Griha pristha” (Use same language).
    2.Interface page is nice, (google impression??), “Tips” texts at right are in Times-roman – making page look non-professional. How about providing a “Help” button (or hyperlink) instead for providing assistance in different pop-up window (or page).
    3. Select some Nepali name for “Browse” button for uploading .txt file.

    Keep going Sanath and the teams!


  11. It is nice but there will be some techincal problem just I read that arms translated as pakhura(arm) but in the reality it is weapon,so it might take long time to have the exact meaning.But it is better than nothing.

  12. यो सफ्टवयर बाल्यवस्थामै देखिएकाले अहिले नै यसलाई किन launch गरिएको हो बुझ्न सकिएन । अरुले उछिन्छ भन्ने पर्‍यो कि के प्राविधिक कारण पर्‍यो ? Anyway I don’t think it’s a good software. So don’t try to fool we poor nepalese people.

  13. umesh g, i’m really happy to know. future is more flexible to get knowledge with it cause still english is hard to get 100% to everyone. so, thanks alot bro. keep it up, it’s an excellent topic.

  14. राम्रो सुरुवात छ ……..
    every one should apprize there work…..apprize is a good boost.

    My sansar.com is not a news site it’s blog.

    माथिको ट्रानस्लेसन via that site

    मेरो सन्सर् | चोम् होइन एउटा समाचारहरू साइट यो ब्लोग् हो |

  15. Here is an example of how did it work.

    As the government and the Maoists failed to reach into consensus in the issue of arms management, the government has floated a proposal of managing the rebels’ arms in three phases.

    and above sentence was translated like this:

    सरकार र मओइस्त्स् जस्तै काम गर्न छोडे पाखुराहरू व्यवस्थापनको विषयमा मतैक्य , सरकार भित्रतिर पुग्न चाल गरेको रेबेल्स्’ ब्यबस्था गर्नुको एउटा प्रस्ताव तीन चरणहरूमा पाखुराहरू |

  16. weldone, but not exactly we shuld not expect,anyway it is very good to everynepal who wants to know something

  17. This is very good News for Uneducated Person in Nepal… I am also very Happy to hear this from you…. thank you Umesh Bro keep doing such good things.

    i will be waiting to get more such news from you…..

  18. वाह क्या गजब्! काठमाडौं बिस्वबिद्यालय र सहयोगी हरु लाई कोटी कोटी नमस्कार ।

  19. its look so funny….becoz its still in progress. when u entered some sentence with words having two totally diffetent meanings..it really gives u funny translation.

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