कोमल वलीको तीजको मौका छोपेर निकालिएको नयाँ एल्बम ‘पोइल जान पाम’ को शीर्षक गीत यति खेर निकै चर्चा र विवादमा आएको छ। जतिसुकै विवाद भए पनि के गर्नु, हिजो तीजका बेला यही गीत दोहोर्याइ तेहर्याइ गाएर नाचिरहेको धेरै देखेँ मैले। कतिले यसलाई सांस्कृतिक विचलन ल्याउने गीतको आरोप दिएका छन्। कसैले त्यसभन्दा अगाडि बढेर गीत जस्तै टिप्पणी पनि चर्को गरेका छन्-‘बूढीकन्याको अश्लील बिलौना’ भनेर। तपाईँलाई चाहिँ कस्तो लागेको छ यो गीत ? आफ्नो विचार लेख्नुहोला।
गीत सुन्नुभएको छैन भने मैले गीतका केही अंश पनि यहाँ राखेको छु।
यो गीतको पूरा अंश त मसित छैन। तर एउटा कार्यक्रममा लाइभ गाएको केही अंशको रेकर्ड भने छ। त्यसैलाई तलको लिङ्कमा क्लिक गरेर सुन्नुहोला।
यो गीतले सांस्कृतिक विचलन ल्याउने भन्दै अखिल नेपाल महिला संघ, सुनसरीले उनको क्यासेट हिजो जलाएको समाचार पनि आयो। पोइल जाने भन्ने कुरालाई समाजमा त्यति राम्रो मानिँदैन। त्यसैले यसको विरोध गरिएको हुनुपर्छ। तर अलि फरक किसिमले पनि यसलाई हेर्न सकिन्छ। पोइल जानु भनेको बाबुआमाको इच्छाविपरीत ‘आफ्नो जीवन आफै आफ्नै अनुसार जिउने’ अधिकारको उपयोग पनि हो। तर त्यसो भन्दैमा फेरि सबै कोमल वलीले जस्तै पोइल जान पाम शिव भन्दै पोइल जान थाले भने समाजमा विचलन त आउला नै। यो गीत सार्हो चलेकोले नै होला- ९-१० वर्षकी बालिकासमेत अहिले पोइल जान पाम भन्दै गीत गुन्गुनाइरहेको देखिन्छ। यसलाई राम्रो त मानिन्न पक्कै।
अचम्म त के छ भने वलीको प्रभाव र पहुँचका कारण यो गीतलाई रेडियो नेपालले प्रतिबन्ध लगाएको छैन। नत्र कुमार बस्नेतका गीतहरु धेरैलाई अश्लीलता फैलाएको आरोपमा प्रतिबन्ध लगाइएको थियो।
गीतका अंश सुन्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस्।
डाउलोड गर्न यहाँ राइट क्लिक गरी सेभ टार्गेट एज गर्नुस्।
यो पनि हेर्नुस्-
I like this song. It is full of fun. But I do not like Komal Oli. She is not single. She is five times married awaful woman.She married Netra lal of Sylan and after two months. She seperated from him and got his Chiura Mill.Now it is in her house in Tikari but controlled by the Maobadi for last three years. She then married the owner of Tandan enterprises of Dang, she then seperated and got 1/2 of the furniture shop as her portion.These furnitures are in her houses in Dang and kathmandu. She then married to a Bitish lahure from Baglung and after some times , she left him but got 4 laks rupees and eloterinices. From that money she bought the land in Kupandole in Kathmandu and she has still these eletoronic. Now she is a kept of Sarada bhakta Ranjit of kathmandu.So she was able to arrest Suman Bhuda for his song mailelana man. Now she has 7murgas in her line. 4 in the foreign countries, one in America, one in japan one Korea one in Australia and 3 in Nepal. This is her business but this business is harmful for us.But I like this song.It is simple and full of fun.
Iam not a Nepalese but a Bhutanese Nepali settled in the UK. But I love Nepalese culture very much. This is my first time that I came to know about Komal Oli through my friend Rajan Bista who told me that she is a Nepalese singer.I listened her song because I myself is a singer. I write songs, compose music as well. To me, this song is not a song because it has neither a message to the society, nor has a strong hamony between sound and music. Her target in this song is Nepalese village youths, drivers, unskilled workers and police and military lower ranks. Ok, she can make money out of them, but it is not ethical which is the duty of singer. In this song, if we compare Nepalese contemporary ethics, it is totally unacceptable. No country in the world can accept this song. Komal might have sung this song because of three things:
1. Her background, because she was born and grown up with the Badi culture in Dang. Badi developed it because they have not any means of livelihood but she adopted it just to make money.
2. I think she is an ambitious lady. She wants to seen as a celebrity, But she should understand that to be known walking nacked on the road is different from being known with noble deeds, one is hatred and other is respected.
3. Her complesion. As people have written she is 40 years. She slept with several people just to get opportunities but they did not legalally married to anyone. So many good people do not want to marry her, but she wants a good husband, therefeore she is advertising it through her song.
I think this is not a song. It is a big insult of our Nepalese culture.
I used this site to get information for that i had in my class. This is an excellent site for this information 🙂
Komal Oliko barema dherai kura thaha vayo. Tar Bastabik kura thaha huna saken. Komal Oli ta ekjana Policeko Kept ho. Usako name Sharada Bhakta Ranjit ho. Napatya Policeka dherailai sodhnus………..
This site is put together well!
Hi Komal sistr
Every day listen this song. It is not bad so i like this song . i think this song is information for female. thank u Komal sister & keep it up your good work.
yo poila jana pam bhanne geet ramro chha ma ta komal oli didi lai thanku bhandachhu. ani mero subhaKAMANA CHHA Yeuta ramro handsome husband milosh.
I listen this music today Decembe 30,2007 first time! I really like this song very much. It is not bad to say that. I listen this song more than 5 times and I still want to listen. I don’t know how other Nepali people think, but I think this the best song I have ever listen. Thank you Komal Ji and keep it up your good Work.
I am an advocate of Nepali origin from Bhupal. My parents were from Dang, but I have never been there because my parents died in Punjab when I was just a years old child. Due to my relatives and particularly, my sisters’ help , I can speak Nepali. I love Nepal and Nepali culture very much.
Today, my sister just typed Nepali songs and all of the sudden, she came on Komal Oli. I listed her songs, they seems to be okey. But later on, when I opened her site ‘Media Manner’, I was really surprised, because it says, ‘the very famous media personel Komal Oli giving such and such training… ‘ that is fine, but when I read all her writing which is just two paras has got 18 grammaritical mistakes. She even does not know to write her name correctly. She has written komal which should be Komal,capital K, she even doen not know even to use the appropriate title for her because in her song and profile she says that she is unmarried but here she writes Ms. which is normally used by the divorcee and furthermore, she writes chairman whereas she is a lady. She had to write either chairperson or chairlady.
I had sent this note for her but she did not reply me which means she is not a humble lady.
yes,she can get marry if she still unmarried because i’m unknown about it,because i’m longway from Nepal,but i knew her whilst i was in Nepal.she was very pretty lady while i seen her.rest of up to her?
नेपाली समाज् कति सम्मा पछी रहेछ भन्ने कुरा इ क्मेन्ट् बाट् पनी प्र्स्ट् भयो ।
I have read some comments here and have an urge to mention something, I have to admit that I have listened to the song and heard comments from my mum/gran etc:
People are commenting on two areas: the song itself and the Komal Oli.
The song: afterall this is a song not a PURAN and it is not released as a BHAJAN either! A song is for fun is not always written by Chhetra Pratap Adhikari and sung by Narayan Gopal since they will die one day and we would be without any more songs. Take it lightly, please do not compare with UPANISHAD, QUORAN, BIBLE or TRIPITAK then you will be ok.
Komal Oli: She is a very talented lady who knows how to market herself. There is nothing wrong with marketing (BOLNE KO PITHO BIKCHHA) and Hari Devi didi and Bima Kumari Dura are talented too but they do not know how to market their talent! Amongst us, we could be equally or more talented but until we know how to market ourselves, no one will know about us! If you have a talent, please market it! If you are beautiful and someone is prepared to pay you millions for your body, please offer it. In the West people go out in the beaches and in parks (English Garden in Munich in particular) naked for nothing! What is wrong if someone pays you for doing the same! In Amsterdam you can pay for 10 minutes of joy with man/woman of your choice, legally! In Nepal and India we still carry out the same activities but without admitting it. I think we have to let people do whatever they like as long as those involved are happy. We should not head towards 100 years behind but at least in par with the West who have already seen and done things we find difficult unacceptable. Look back your own attitude 20 or 10 years ago, would you not do it differently now? Of course you would! GROW UP, ALL who comment rather negatively and encourage Komal and other ladies who have done well.
kamal wali ji le gayako geet samaj ka aru kunaii sanga milna pani sakchha. yo euta ramailo ani sabaii dukhi haru laii ek chhin geet ko sahyog le kehi samma khusi banaune prayetna garne huda mero lagi yo geet naramro hola jasto lagdaina……
narayan poudel…
thankx komal oli ji,
yo geet dhari ramro cha.
yes geet le dhari nai ramro market paune cha.
your fan
Temlal Banjade
from india
Komal Oliko Poila jana Pam, vanne geetlai 2063 salko lokprie geet ghoshna garinu parcha, vanne malai lagcha, Komal Oli jasto bold and beautiful lady nepalma kohi chaina hola, unko salinta, unko bolichali, unko rahan sahan ekdamai ramro cha, unlai maile bektigat rupma chineko ta chaina tara unka interview herda padhda testo lagcha, unita euti gaika matra hun, unle jastopani geet gaunu parcha, this song is the best one, my advice to Oli, pls keep it up, don’t wory we people help u,
राम्रो हुनुहुन्छ काम पनि राम्रै गर्नु होला तर पोइल नजानुस् ल ।बरु बिहे गर्नुस् बाजा बजाएर ।हाम्रो शुभकामना छ ।नमस्कार ।
Hello there…………………
I am very happy from this song, because this is not only for time pass, somebody says before this KAM NAPAYARA but I would like to say this is the real. So I don’t mind and this is fun, enjoy full song in my view.
at last Thank u KOMAL JI.
Message to Komal Oli
Komal Oli she is very beautiful girl and i like her songs. But I am surprise still she did not get marriage. Can I ask her if she don’t mind, what is her plan to marry. then what kind of guy she want if there is answer for me?
there is one question for her either she don’t want to marry to someone or some special matter in her heart.
I hear from someone she like Rajes Hamal, but from both families they did not agree’ that is true? if not answer me the above email address.
Denny R. Pun
हे नेपालीहरु कति अरुको पछि पर्छौ । माननिय भुपु मन्त्री बल्बहादुर के सि ले मध्यरात को बेला कसैको झ्याल फोरेर भित्र पसी कोही स्त्री माथि अन्तिम व्यबहार गरेर निक्लदा पत्र पत्रीका म छ्य्प्छ्याप्ती आएको कसैको नजर बाट गुम भाको छैन । ति ब्यक्ती तेही बर्ष नेपालका सन्स्कृति मन्त्री भए । कसैले केही बोल्यो???
तेती बेला खोइ आफ्नो सन्स्कृति जोगाउने हरु कहाँ गएका थिए । मुसा को दुलो भित्र? कुमार् बस्नेत् का गीत् हरु किन जलाइयेनन्। आवाज् किन् उठेनन्??? नारयण गोपाल ले आफ्नो गीत मा “एक्लै तिमि नाआउ म मातियेको बेला”, “एक्छिन् को निम्ति तिमिलाइ उदाङ (नाङो) देखिदिन्छु”, “टाढाको म्वाइ पुगेन मलाइ” गायेका छन्, ति पनि त ओभानो छैनन् तर मिठा छन्। गुलाम् अलि को सुमधुर् गीत् माकही भनिएको छ “एक्छिन को निम्ती टाँसिन पाए चाँहीन्न आर्को केही” ।
कति लोक गीत हरु छन जहाँ केटी ले भन्छे यो दाजु को मिर्मिरे आँखा कस्तो मेरो बिगारयो दिमाक्, केटाले भन्छ यो बहिनी को सुरिलो भाखाले आदी आदी
के दाजु र बहिनी शब्द यसरी प्रयोग गर्न मिल्छ र ? ?
त्यो गीत कोमल ओलि को होइन । कोही ५ जना प्रांग्य मिलेर लेखेको गीत हो त्यो । त्यस्को संगीतकार कोही अरु नै ब्यक्ती हो ।
गाउने हरु पनि थुप्रै छन ।
पोइल शब्द प्रज्ञान प्रतिस्ठान ले पास् गरेको हो त्यो गीत क लागि । त्यो समुह को बिरोध खोइ त ? ?
यो गीत मन पराउने सबै स्रोता हरु को पनि बिरोध गर्नु पर्यो ।
यो कोमल ओलि को ब्यक्तिगत गीत कदापी होइन । गएको बर्ष का तिज का गीत हरु म १ नम्बर को गीत लाग्यो मलाई चाँही । मैले कोमल ओलि को केबल दोस्रो गीत सुनेको हुंला त्यो ।
मलाई कोमल ओलि, नारायण गोपाल, कुमार बस्नेत्, मिरा राणा, वा अरु कुनै गायक को ब्यक्तिगत जिन्दगी सँग सरोकार छैन । त्यो गीत मलाई अस्लिल लागेन । एउटी केटी ले पोइल जान पाम पनि भनेकी छ, तेही गीत मा त्यो केटी आफ्नो माइत बाबु आमा लाई भेट्न पोइ को हात समाएर आउन पाम पनि भनेको छ ।
यस अर्थमा आफ्नो बाबु आमा घर सबै सँग भागेर केटी जाङ (जान) खोजेको कताइ पनि देखिन्दैन ।
गीत एकदम सफा छ । रमाइलो किसिम्को छ । मैले एस्लाइ ठट्एउली गीत को रुप मा लिएको छु । एस्ता गीत हरु अझै बजार म आउनु पर्छ ।
She will be get married.Than she will have go
in her husband house.
Women r complex creatures
If you kiss her, you are not a gentleman
If you don’t, you are not a man
If you praise her, she thinks you are lying
If you don’t, you are good for nothing
If you agree to all her likes, you are a wimp
If you don’t, you are not understanding
If you visit her often,she thinks it is boring
If you don’t , she accuses you of double-crossing
If you are well dressed, she says you are a playboy
If you don’t , you are a dull boy
If you are jealous, she says it’s bad
If you don’t, she thinks you do not love her
If you attempt a romance, she says you didn’t respect her
If you don’t, she thinks you do not like her
If you are a minute late, she complains it’s hard to wait
If she is late, she says that’s a girl’s way
If you visit another man, you’re not putting in “quality time”
If she is visited by another woman, “Oh it’s natural, we are girls”
If you kiss her once in a while, she professes you are cold
If you kiss her often, she yells that you are taking advantage
If you stare at another woman, she accuses you of flirting
If she is stared by other men, she says that they a just admiring
If you talk, she wants you to listen
If you listen, she wants you to talk
In short :
So simple, yet so complex
So weak, yet so powerful
So confusing, yet so desirable
So damning, yet so wonderful……….WOMEN !……..
didi komal namaskar
hajur ko poila jana paun bhanne tij ko geet dharai ramro lagyo. huna ta hamro samaj ma yo lai ulta rup le herna sakchhan.tara je tapaile lekhnu bhyako geet lai hami le negative rup le sochnu ramro haina. manchhe janmanchha nai marchha. bikas ko rahar haru ma afno adhikar afai khojnu naramro haina .aja hernus europe lagayat america bikasit muluk haru ma 12 barsa ma nari haru lai afnai buba ama le afanai adhikar afai khojna lagauchhan bhane ti des haru aja kahan pugeka chhan aja hamile to desharu ko nari lai sabai bigreko chhan bhanna milchhar?
aja ayara 21 sau satapdi ma pani pahila kai kura lai kadar garnu ramro kura haina. ra maile ramro pani thandaina. tapaile je lekhnu bhyako chha tyo tij ko geet le aja hamra ankha ma kalo patti badhiyaka cheli haru le tapai ko tij ko geet le afno kalo patti kholna ko tyo geet le sahayog puraunu bhyako ma thanda chhu.ya sano keta ya keti le tyo gana gayo bhandai ma kunai samaj ma naramro pareko ma thandainan. teso bhya tapai le lekheko geet le samaj lai aftharo purauchha bhnae aja nepali chalchitra haru ma dekhayaka naramra aparadhi kura pani ta band garnu paru. yauta gana chha ni ama malai tehi keti chahiyo bhanne gana lai aja nepal ma sara bal bacha haru le gaudai hinde bhnae teslai kasaile naramro thanena aja tapaile gayako kina naramro thane. tapaile je lekhanu bhayo ramrai lekhnu bhayo.
hal ma uk bata
esthai rukum
I love the music Vedio “Poila Jana Pam” from Komal Oli,. in this song typical nepali words are used. Some of nepali womens critesize it due to the over democracy in Nepal. Thank you komal keep it up.
कोमल ओलि जस्ती चारइत्र हिन आईमाई को पनि किन कुरा गरेको
युगबोध समाचारदाता
तुलसीपुर, ५ असोज । उमेरले पाको भए पनि तेस्री श्रीमती ल्याउने अभियानलाई चुनौती दिंदै लोकगायिका कोमल ओलीले ‘पोइल जान पाम्’ भन्ने गीतिक्यासेट निकाल्नु साइत जुरेजस्तो भएको छ उनका बाबु ललितबहादुर ओलीलाई । आखिर ल्याइछाडे उनले गाउँमै रहेकी एक परस्त्रीलाई ।तुलसीपुर नगरपालिका-८ निवासी झण्डै ७० वषर्ीय ओलीले घरदेखि ५ सय मिटर टाढा रहेकी २५ वषर्ीया राधा खड्कामाथि आँखा गाडेपछि बाबुले कान्छी ल्याउनु र छोरीले क्यासेट निकाल्नु साइत जुरेजस्तै हुन पुग्यो ।
एक वर्षघि हलवार-५ घोरनेटीमा रहेकी २५ वषीया राधासँग वैवाहिक बन्धनमा गाँसिएका ५७ वषर्ीय कृपाराम खड्का ६ महिनाजति श्रीमतीसँग बसेर २०६२ पुसमा कमाउन भारतको चण्डीगढ पुगेको बताउँछन् । ‘६ महिनापछि १४ हजार भारु बोकेर घर आएर बस्दै नबसी राजधानी पुगें । आउँदा त धान, तोरीसहित ५० हजार नगद लगेर छिमेकीसँग गायव भइछ’- कृपारामले भने ।
गत असारमा ओलीसँग गाँसिन पुगेकी राधाले भने भदौ १५ गते जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय दाङमा जबर्जस्ती करणी गराएको आरोपमा कृपारामविरुद्ध मुद्दा हालेकी छन् । ‘उजुरीमा केही व्यक्तिहरुलाई बोलाएर करणी गर्न लगाएको उल्लेख भएको जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय दाङका प्रशासकीय अधिकृत मोहनबहादुर जी.सी.ले बताउनुभयो । तर कृपाराम भने राधाले लगाएको आरोप स्वीकार्न तयार छैनन् । आफूलाई अन्यत्र पठाउने षडयन्त्र गरेर आफू पोइल गएको कृपारामको आरोप छ । ‘प्रशासन कार्यालयमा ५० हजार लगेको स्वीकार्ने व्यक्तिले जे आरोप लगाउन पनि सक्छ’- कृपारामले भने । जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयले समस्याको समाधान गर्न तुलसीपुर नगरपालिकालाई बुधवार पत्र पठाएको छ । ओली शाही सरकारको समयमा तुलसीपुर नगरपालिकाका प्रमुख रहेका यामिन्द्र ओलीका बुवा हुन् ।
Teej song: “Poila Jana Pam Pam” video online
“Poila Jana Pam”
It is true interest of Chettris and Bahuni womans. Because thier culture is very strict for woman and very dominated by man. Woman are always work as housekeeper and they could not expose outside very much.
So song is truly written and expressed for Chettris and Bahuni woman and their socities.
poila jana pam song sarai ramro lagyo .yo song bisudadad manorangan ko lagi nikaliya ko song ho.yasta song ko birodha garnu bhaneko kasaima bhayako khutta tanne parbiriddi ho. bastab ma song 100persent sahi chaa.nepal ma chori lai dabab ma marrige garidine chalan chaa. chori le man parayako keta sita pani marry garn apaudainan .keta ra keti ko man milera poila janu ramro ho. poila janu naramro pani ta hoina .——dipak subedi
congratulation komal oli lai nice song nikale ko ma
i like the song which is very interesting.people do love this song. komal is very talent and intelligent. keep going on for new songs.
thank you.
nepal ma ajkal pop geet ko lahar chaleko bela suddha nepali lok geet kina man parthyo ra nepali haru lai.Tesaile sabda jasto bhaye pani pachne kisimko rakhera lok saskriti lai bachhauna kojne geet oli ji le gaunu bhayo.Dhanye bad chha hai.
Mero bichar ma, nobody is wrong, neither komal oli nor the people who comment on this song. Different people have different perception. Oli is absoltuly fine to express her creativity. Deep ma bujda, there is nothing wrong becoz poila jana pam means bihe garna pam ho jasto lagcha. Sansar kaha pugisakyo, hamiharu yesto kurama kina bhuldai chau. Yedi yesto complain matrai garne ho bhane nobody will motivate to do anything. Khai hamilai ta yaha enjoy nai bhayo. Yesko matlab maile 100% oli ko support gareko ta hoina tara twenty first century ma aayera yesto kura sunda ali hajam bhayena ni ho. Chitta nabhujnele discourage garnuko satta positive way bata feedback dida k huncha ra. Please don’t think negatively. Ma ta neutral chu hai.
Salin, USA
geet ta ramailo lagyo malai. kina ho kam napayeko manche jasto halla khor. geet sunau ananda ligyo. nachahine halla matra.
Haina poila bhaneko afaile keta khoje ra bihe garne bhanya hoina ra?? maile ta testai bujya ho.
Komal oli definately has freedom of express.In fact we all have that right. But once a person is in lime light or regarded as celebrity, their acts, behaviours, moves are always under public attention.They are the role models and freedom doesn’t mean they just can get away with all those kinds of acts.
Komal oli is a popular figure but we don’t want her BITCHING around. We don’t want our society getting polluted just because of BIMBO like her.
Earlier i thought she belonged to only khome, now i know that she had gone much farer than that.
Hi All,
C’mon grow up guys , an artist is free to express ideas wheather u like it or not. Why do we have to measure anything and everything from traditional norms? well done Ms oli , I salute your iconoclast
views, keep it up. Bravo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
कोमल वलीको बारेमा मलाई के हि भन्नु छैन, ऊनको चरित्रको बारेमा प्राय सबैलाई थाहा भएकै हुनु पर्छ। गितको मात्र कुरा गर्ने हो भने मलाइ चाहिं अश्लील लागेन। सामान्य हसाउने खालको गित हो यो, “पोइल” शब्दलाई कसै गरि अश्लिल भन्न मिल्दैन।
kasto daami geet.. thanks umesh ji for putting the issue and thanks prakash for putting the link to the video.. It is just a song…if your wife listens to this song and goes with someone else then the husband is probably responsible..not Oli.. moreover the song never says that aile kai paala ma yo poi chodera poilo jaana paam!!..hehe
Komal Oli Saskritik Atankakari Hun. Afnai lagab ra asthaka biruddha yasari utralin bhanne malai lageko thiyana.Yo Nepali DiDi Bahini ko Bhawana Biruddha ko Bigbigi ho.Yo Unko Matra Bilauna Ho ki bhanau bhanda pani Unle rojeko patan ko bato ho Ki.Lok ko najar pareka harule yati Bekupi garna nahunethiyo.
DR Subedi
Geet yakdam mitho cha .teej ko lagi perfect geet.kasai li ya kinna paune website tha cha bhane rakhi dinu huna anurodh..
poila jaja pauuuuuuuuuu…
१) यो कमेण्टहरु सर्सर्ती हेरेसि म असाध्यै कन्फ्यूज भएँ । हन, गीतको आलोचना गरेको कि गायीका को?
२) गीतको मात्रै प्रसंग हो भने आलोचना गर्न जरुरी छैन । यो गीत नारी स्वच्छन्दबादी सोचको निरन्तरता हो, जुन आजभन्दा ३०-३५ बर्षअगाडी नै प्रेमा शाह (जल शाहकि मम्मी) ले शसक्त कविताहरुमार्फत उठाएकि थिइन । ती कवितामा लय हालेर गाउने हो भने यो गीत भन्दा उच्छृङखल सुनिन सक्छ पुरातनपन्थी पुरुषवर्गको कानमा ।
Enough is enough. Please do not get personal and peep into her personal life. If you do not like the song fair enough and do not listen to it. Everybody has a right to do whatever one chooses to do. In the meantime, Ms Woli must have her right to sing and express herself through her song.
I like the song and it is funny, humorous and contextual.
कोमल अोलीको बारेमा माथि एक जना साथीले लेखेको रहेछ। २०४६ सालभन्दा अघि उ मण्डलेहरुसँग थिइ। त्यो कुरा सत्य हो एक पटक यसभन्दा अगाडिको क्यासेट “चरीचुच्चो च” को बिमोचनको प्रमुख अतिथी शाही शासनकालका संचार मन्त्री टंक ढकालले खोलेका थिए।
बिमोचन समारोहमा म पनि समाचार संकलनको लागि पुगेको थिए। उनले त्यसले पुरानो दिनको स्मरण गर्दै धपक्कै बलेकी यी नानीसँग पञ्चायकको अन्त्य हुने बेलामा चिनजान भएको थियो। उहाँ निरन्तर भेट गर्न आइरहनु हुन्थ्यो ती दिनहरु कति रमाइलो थियो। उनले आगाडि भने हामी त्यस बेला शक्तिमा थियौ। २०४६ को परिवर्तन पछि हामी टाढा भयौ भेटघाट हुन छोड्यो। अहिले फेरी हामीसँग निरन्तर भेटघाट भैरहेको छ।
उनले त्यसबेलामा कोमल नानीको यति सुरिलो स्वर छ उहाँले यसबाट धेरै कुरा जन्माइसक्नु भयो अब उहाँको कोखबाट सन्तान जन्माउनु पर्छ भन्दै सुझाव दिएका थिए। यो प्रसंगलाई जनआस्था साप्ताहिकले त्यसबेला थापेको थियो।
Enjoyed the song.
अफु भलो त जग भलो. those who are trying to comment on the personal life of komal oli please take a second and think what type of person u are. कोमल वोली जस्तो सुकै होली तर उस्को बारेमा एति सबै जान्ने हरु कस्ता होला त्यो जान्न मन लाग्यो मलाई. tikcha geet man parena saskirti bigarna lagyo tesma awaj utaunu rambro ho tara manche ko janam patri nai kolera raki dine? wow esta saskirti jogauna lageka teke dar lai koti koti koti namaskar. edi kunai mahila ko bihe bayi sakeko cha ra uni ada nango sarir aru lai show garchin bane ta kasai ko bolne himmat hudaina tara kohi bihe nabaye ki keti le testo gari bane nana prakar ko comment sunna parcha. katai yeha komal ko ninda garne haru pani tehi catagory ka ta hoenan. any way i don’t care who the hell komal oli is. tara samj ka teke dar haru lai chahi yo banna man lagyo ki yo double standard chodau ra unmarried lai je garepani huncha ra je bane pani huncha banne jun mentality cha teslai tyagau. sorry hai kasai ko chitta duke. ke garnu double standard wala haru dekera sarai dikka lagcha malai.
lau hai sathi haru ho ( both male and female )
hijo bharkhar blue diamond ko marriange ceremony dekhiyo.
aba yastai ” poila jana pam ” gari ” teej ” ma nachne haruley ” komal oli” ko ghar agadi ” dera ” jamaye bhayo.
keta keta wa keti keti poila jane bhaye, blue diamond lai awasya samjhinu hola, hai. sabai jana yasari poila gaye arko barsa ko teej ma , naya superhit geet
” pohor saal ta poila gaiyo,yes pali gari khana pam ”
” pohor saal ta poila gaiyo, yes pali gari khana pam ”
pam, pam………..
komal oli release nagarey………ma release garidiula……
ke bhanuu huncha sathi ho ?
The song by komal oli “poila jana paam”is indeed an interesting song.It is well composed with systematic shythem and proper wording so i would like to congratulate singer oli for her release.There is commentry negativey,however,equally as it is popular.If we evaluate the commentry we can find that they blaming her with the view of humilating her personaliy or with with the sense of political bias.
As such world is listened first time on the media it may not be digestive for the ear of uncevilised people they must try to evaluate it from the side of mordanization coz such album are already released by male artists but thy are neither humiliated nor their released is burnt.So we should not prompt the humiliation of any female in our parenthetical society rather we must encourage them to express their voice through media.
Ms Oli has such a pessimistic life, only the close person from her knows that. She has such a kind of tallent that she can easily fool people around. She tried to get married with a Business man from HongKong, didn’t work, she gave a try to few guys in and around Kathmandu, she was left empty handed, she had one good try with the man who is currently living in the USA but her hopes probablly gone with the wind. As of I know, being more than 35 yrs old lady in our culture, she deserve to sing such songs. It is not a big deal for her. I truely hope that our kids stay away from this song. Thanks
Thanks Umesh ji,
जहा सम्म्म ‘नैतिक’ उत्तरदाइत्त्व को मुल्य नबुझ्दा छणिक ‘आनन्द’ र ‘खुसि’ को लागि ‘प्राणि’ ले जे पनि गर्न सक्छ, जस्को प्रतिफल असल ‘मानिशहरुको’ समाज ले ब्यहोर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ।
यो गीत – रत्त्यौली मा गाउन को लागि ‘उत्कृस्ट’ गीत हो,
कसरी, ‘तिज’ जस्तो ‘पबित्र’ दिनमा गाउन नैतिकता ले दियो?
हुनत, यिनि को न त बिबाह भएको छ न त समाज प्रति कुनै उत्तर्दाइत्व नै – गाउं छोडेर हिडे पछि कुन् समाज प्रति उत्तर्दाइत्व हुने हो?
सायद्, यो गीत ‘रात्री’ क्लब हरुमा चाहिं गाउदा फर्क पर्दैन।
स्वतन्त्रता को कुरा हो भने, मान्छे जन्मदै नाङो जन्मिएको हुन्छ, नागै हिड्दा के हुन्छ???
कोमल लाई म पहिले देखि नै (२०४१ साल ) चिन्दछु ।दाङ को टिकरि भन्ने ठाउँ मा अति सामान्य परिवार म जन्मेर काठमाडौं मा आलिसन महल बनाउन सक्ने उस्को कुनै हैसियत हुने थिएन्, यदि उस्ले आफ्नो सुन्दर सरीर लाई तथाकथित ठुलावडा भनाउदा को सामु नसुम्पेको भए । उ पढाई मा पनि त्यती तेज थिइन ।हो उ सँग रुप थियो र साथ मा पुरुष हरु लाई लठ्याउने कला पनि । दोहोरी गीत त एउटा बैधानीक माध्यम मात्र हो । नत्र उ भन्दा सुरिलो र मिठो स्वर का धनी हरिदेवी कोईराला र बिमा कुमारी दुरा उ भन्दा धेरै माथि पुगी सक्नु पर्नेथियो । तर उनिहरु ले नारी अस्मिता लाई दाउ मा लगाएर प्रगती को सिंडी चढन चाहेनन ।तत्कालीन राप्ती अञ्चलाधिस् नारायण बस्नेत को उ अन्तरङ मित्र थिइ । पञ्चायत काल मा अञ्चलाधिश हरु सबै नै भूमिगत गिरोह का प्यादा रहेको तथ्य कसै सँग छिपेको कुरा भयन ।उही बस्नेत ले उस्लाई सरद चन्द्र शाह सँग मिलाइदिएको थियो । धेरै लाई यो कुरा थाहा छैन होला कि कोमल ले बाङ्गलादेश मा भएको पहिलो सार्क खेल्कुद मा नेपाल को तर्फ बाट १०० मिटर दौड मा पनि भाग भाग लियकी थिइ उहि सरद चन्द्र शाह को कृपा ले । स्कुल को सामान्य खेल्कुद मा समेत रुची नभयकी त्यो सामान्य लोक गीत गायिका ले नेपाल को प्रतिनिधित्वो गर्दै अन्तरराष्ट्रिय खेल्कुद मा कसरी भाग लिन पुगी होला? जस्तै पटमुर्ख ले पनि सहजै अनुमान लगाउन सक्छ ।
त्यस्पछि उस्लाई मरिच मान सँग परिचय गराइयो ।पन्च् हरु लाई मनोरन्जन गराउन पञ्च भेला हरु मा उ पुग्न थाली ।यसै बिच उ दाङ स्व बि यु को चुनाव मा मन्डले को तर्फ बात खडा भयि तर उस्को शर्मनाक हार भयो । यसरी उ पञ्च हरु को लागि काम गर्न थाली ।
४६ साल को परिवर्तन पछि कांग्रेस मा मन्डले हरु हुल का हुल प्रबेश गर्न थालेपछि उ पनि खुम बहादुर को नगिच हुन पुगी ।तर पनि उ भित्र भित्रै प्रतिगामि हरु कै लागि काम गर्दथिइ ।यसरी उस्ले प्रथम बिश्वोयुद्ध कि नाम चले कि डबल एजेन्ट माताहारि को रुप लिन पुगी । त्यस् पछि का दिन मा उस्का कृयाकलाप सबै ले देखेकै छन ।
यस्ती घोर मन्डले आईमाई , जो आफ्नो तुच्छ स्वार्थ को लागि आफ्नै जिश्म को शौदा गर्न पछि पर्दिन्, त्यस्ता सँग नेपाली लोक परम्परा, संसकृति र नारी अस्मिता को अपेक्षा गरिनु पूर्णत्: बेकार छ ।
यस् ब्लग मा कसै ले उस्लाई नेपाली मर्लिन मुनरो समेत भनेछन्, तर उ मर्लिन मुनरो नभयर नेपाली पामेला बोर्डेश् हो भन्छु म त ।
तीजमा वर्तवस्ने महिलाले राम्रो पार्ए पाउं र पोईको राम्रो होस भनेरै वर्त वस्ने हो। कोमल ओलीले मनमा जे छ त्यहि सोझै प्रकट गरेर पारदर्शिताको नमुना देखाइन ।हाम्रा नेताहरुले पनि वरु ए महाराज मलाई त्यहि कर्ुर्सि चाहियो भनेर पारदर्शिता देखाउंदै सडकमा नाचेका भए विस हजार जनताको रगतको खोला वग्ने नै थिएन ।कसो उमेशजी
Its a great song i ever heard. Wow! I really liked it.
This song dont mean leave the husband what u have now and find an other husband.
Its just mean dont want to stay parents house no more and wants go stay with husband(man.Woman needs man and man needs woman. Its a nature. Thats the best thing for their life. POILA JANU means saving parents money too.Its good for parents too so they can save money(dowerys)
komal oli yeuti ramri gayeeka matra na vayera prativawan nari hun. yeuta nari le afno bedana lai bastabikta lai swikarera geet ko rupma vawana pokhda rajnitiko rang diyera bahiskar garnu kati samma ko nichata ho. samman ko sato apaman thukka buddhi yee birodh garne haru ko, komal oli le biha garina, vayena, jurena tesma aru ko lagi kina tauko dukhai. yaha comment ma jathavabi lekhne haru ki didi bahini ko hal testai vaye yesari lekhna sakchan maha purus haru le. komal oli ko man ma yeuta, nepali cheli ko man ma kasto vaye hola yo sab dekhda.
” kanchha le kanchhi lai lagyo ban ko baato laltin nai balera”
” nakkali lai bhagai lagyo jhilke le ”
” khyal khyal nai dil basyo kanchhi sali ma ”
yesta dherai dherai geet haru purush gayak le gauda kammar markayi markayi nachne samaaz ma euta mahila le tyastai bhav bokne aaffulai man pareko manchhe sanga afukhusi bihe garna pau bhanera bhagwaan lai prarthana gareko geet mathi chahi yatti discussion hunu le nepali samaz kati bahiro chha bhanne dekhauchha. yesta kura turanta banda gari aafu aatma aalochana garnu uttam ra apariharya chha !!!
aafno sriman (poi) khojne sampurna adhikaar mahila lai huna jaruri chha . Ama buwa ko ikchya anusar hos ya biparit hos, jivan bitaune jasto kura ma sabaile manchhe rojna ra rojeko manchhe sanga jaana yo adhunik yug ma kanun le matra narokne haina , yesto kura lai protsahan garnu parchha. harek baalik bhayisakeko manchhe le poi khojera poiko ghar janchhu bhannu le kun sanskritik bichalan lyauchha maile bujhna sakina. poila janu bhanne word sanga nepali rudibaadi bichar gasiyeko hunal;e tyasto pratikriya aayeko huna sakchha tara pola jana paunu harek mahila ko naisargik adhikaar ho. chahe yesle euta poi chhodera aarko poi sanga jane kura ko nai matlav kina nabokos … man napareko manchhe sanga pura jeevan basnu bhanda aarko aafu lai layak lageko manchhe sanga bihe garnu ra khusi bahyera bachna khojnu kasari anaitik huna sakchha ??yesle kunai samajik bichalan lyaudaina baru manabiya adhikaar ko rakchya garna aagragaami soch lyauna sahayog garchha.
यो त तिज को लागि मात्र बनाएको गित हो मलाइ जहा सम्म लाग्६ यो गित हसाउन बनाएको हो तर यस्मा नारि हरुको कसरि बेइजत हुन्च र. गित केबेल गित मात्र हो; तेसो भए फिल्म हरु कस्तो कस्तो बनाएको.हुन्६ तेसइले गित फिल्म मनोरन्जन हो.केहि समयको लगि मन भुलाउने बाटॉ हो.नपालि दिदि बहिनि हरुले यस्तो गित हरुलाइ गहिराएर लिनु हुन्न. कि कसो दिदि बहिनि हरु? सन्जय राजभन्दारी
nepalipan ji kumari keti love garera poiko ghar ma gain bhane teslai poila bhanne ki bihe bhanne tapai jasto vasa biggele bataidina paro.Komal Oli is Great lady.
this is loktantra
she have rights to sell this song
songs are for intertain people just intertain nomore
J hos jaso hos LOKTANTRA aayeko belama sabaile aafno maan khusi gaarna paunu parcha …ya tyo kasailai pachos ya na pachos ….. sabaile bhanchan maasu mitho tara ke hamro 2karod janasankhya lai masu mitho parcha ta. sathi ho aaru ko kala ko kadar gaarna sikhau tesko birod hoina.Bladdy typical nepalese style yaar aaru ko “khutta tanne”.
पोईल जान दिम हो साथी हो पोईल जान दिम्
कोमल वलिलाई पोईल जान दिम् …
नेपालमा नभये, अमेरिकामा आम्न दिम…
song itself is not bad. its good. no need to comment negatively. poila means not not necessarily changing husband but also finding husband for unmarried lady without permission of family or elders. her expression isnt for changing husband here.
She is superb. It is revolution in the folk music. I congratulate her and wish her more success. It is the wish of every man and the women to have an attractive life partner of good quality.
A woman asks Shiva Bhagawan for an attractive, good, educated and wealthy husband what is wrong with that. Music is good. Video is wonderful. The dance is very Nepali. Lyrics are good. What more? The song and the video have brought a sense of Nepalittô in our hearts.
Thanks to Mero Sansar, we living in a Foreign country have the chance to listen and hear the music video. It has made us proud to be Nepali.
जो सुकै ले जे भनोस् मलाई त यो गीत एकदम मन पर्यो
अब लोकतन्त्र आएको बेला सबै ले आफ्नो बिचार राख्न पाउनु पर्छ
जस् जस् लाई गीत मन पर्दैन कान थुनेर बसे हुन्छ
टीभी बन्द गरे हुन्छ
रेडियो बन्द गरेहुन्छ
बेफुअक्मा गीत पनि सुनेर मज्जा लिने अनी कमेन्ट पनि गर्ने
कोमल ले आफ्नो मन को बह पोखेकी हुन
उनिले धेरै नेपाली केटी को मन को कुरा खोल्दिएकी छिन
नमस्कार है बुद्धिजीवि सबैलाइ पोइको घर जानेलाइ पोइल भन्दैनन् विहे भन्छन विहे अनि एउटा पोइलाइ छोडेर सुटुक्क अर्को पोइसगं जानु या त घर परीवारलाइ जानकारी नदिइ भागेर पोइको घर जानु पोइला हो नभए भाषा विज्ञ सगं जानकारी मागीयोस् !
मानन्धर जि, हिड्न दिनुस न नाङै पनि के भो र कसैलाइ मन लाग्छ भने । त्यो पनि त मानब अधिकार त हो नि, जन्मदै को पो धोति लायेर जन्मिया छ र?:D
This song is in controvery not because it
has “Poila Jana Paam”, but because it was
from Komal Woli, who once supported Gyanendra
Shah’s direct. If the same Music was released
by Pampha Bhusal, I am sure it would have been
praised other way round.
We Nepalis look at person’s background before
we read the music and anything s/he publishes.
This is unfair.
Anyway, Poila Jana Paam is not bad. Poila Janu
is not equal to change Husband, but is to find
a husband of your choice. These days in Nepal,
especially in KTM, you will find most of the
adults from upper middle class or lower class
find their partner on their own…. it is
equivalent to Poila Janu. So, whats wrong with
her song. She is having trouble only because
she supported KG’s direct rule, which she should
not have done as a popular singer. Well, in
America Dixie Chick opposed Iraq war, and the
group was in crisis because of their comments
on Bush and Iraq war. It certainly matters
when the country is polarized at this moment:
Want ceremonial King or not? The Loktantra
badies don’t want to let Gyanendra supporters
to rise. We should remember that Loktantra is
for all, so you can not stop others becoming
famous. Thats democracy and we should appreciate
the wise-ness of democracy. Let Komal Woli
sing song, and give her a chance to apologize
in due time for involvment in MATH 19 KG’s DR.
Her crime should fit punishment. Neither more
nor less. It should be from Court not from the
same mass as it happened in Rihtik Roshan kanda.
कोमल जि धन्यवाद तपाईंको साह्श लाई कुरै नभुझि मान्छेहरुले जे जस्तो अर्थ लगाओस्, हाम्रो पिल्स्याएर् राख्ने बानि बसेको घमन्दि बिचारको बेक्तितोलाइ साचीकै नमज्जा लाग्छ, सायद् यो गीत् को इशारापनि तेहि हुनुपर्छ।
खै कुन् हिसाबले हो कुन्नि पोइ (पति, श्रीमान्, खसम्, इत्यादि)सब्दलाइ अस्लिल् भनेको? अनि कुरो आयो पोइल जान पाम् को सायदै कोहि पोइल जान्थे होलान्, येदि हाम्रो समाज् ले पुर्खोउदेखि घिसार्दै गरेको कुरितिहरुलाइ निमोथेर फ्याकेकोभये।
अझैपनि तेस्ता बेक्तिको कमि रहेनछ, तेस्ता लाज् पचेकोहरु सङग् चुप् लागेर बस्ने बेला गैसक्यो, केता र केति को मन् मिलेर बिबाह गर्नुलाइ बङ्यार्। पोइल जानुमा (केता र केति मिलेर समाज् लाइ थाहा नदीइ भाग्नु) मा समाज् कै गल्ति छ।
तीज पर्ब नै त एउटा हाम्रा चेली बेती हरुको मन फुकाउने दिन हो । यो गीत ले कुरितिको वीरओधमात्रै नगरेर मनोरन्जन दिन पनि तेतीनऐ सफल भएको छ ।
कोमल दीदी नमस्ते,,सन्चै छु, हजुर पनि सन्चै, राम्रै र खुशि हुनु होला भन्ने आशा गरेको थिये, तर आज हजुरको यस्तो गुनासो सुन्दा त हजुरको यो भाइको मन भाचियोनि। दीदी हजुर हङ्कङ् २००१ दिसेम्बरमा आयेको बेला म यौउटा भाइको नाताले भेना खोजेको थिये, हजुरलाइ सेधेकै थिये, मान्नु भयेन।। जे होस् दिदि धान्दा मान्नु पर्दैन र यसरि शिवलाइ पुकार्नु पनि पर्दैन, म सङग राम्रा राम्रा, अनि बटोमा हिन्दा सदै रुमालले अनुहार छोपेर हिडाल्नु पर्ने भेना छन,, मलाइ फोन गर्दा हुन्छ नि ल।।बरु कत्ति उमेरको चाहिनेहो, भन्नु ।।।हजुरको चिन्तित कन्डेल भाइ।।इटाली।।
Hi Komal Oli
I like ur song, so if u want to marry, then I am ready to marry u.
How lon should we continue to live to extend our life (men) under the blessings of women – fasting (Teej)?
Perhaps all nepalese men should have their average age of 87 like in other western countries due to blessings.
Long life depends on:
1. consuption
2. environment – lack of pollution
3. health services
4. other social services
I assume mother Saraswoti has given her best teachings to all Nepalese. On the contrary, all nepalese might not have ignored the teachings of Saraswoti,
Teej might have different significance 200 years before, this is just the mockery and undeclared slavery to women in this world in the name of culture and religion.
Let us change the world through education.
Freedom lover
that’s good song. it depend’s on personel thinking .if one song change hole nepali samag then they all are mad. leave them
Komal oli ko swar ramro 6 tara tesko mis-use bho ki tio gana gaera jasto lagyo ……….. katae komal oli le POILA JANA PAU bhanne casette nikalne ta hoina…….yo scandle lae use garera…….
येस्मा पोइल जाओस् कि नजाओस ..त्यो गायीका अथवा रचना गर्नेलाइनै थाहाहुन्छ/
तर कोमल वोलि भन्ने बेक्ति ..सर्कार आज्ञा होश हामि ..जोनिगाहा जोहुकुम सरकार भन्ने हरु हुन् यीनिहरु पोइलोमत्रै होइन धोति नलगाइ सडक घुम्नपाम भन्छ ,
गीत सन्ग खासै क्यैमतलब नगरुम्.
good song but at the moment i think folks find it hard to digest but time will come for these sings where they wont be called bad ones.
गोर्खालि सन्स्कार,
काम पायेन भने पाडोको कन्डो कोट्याउ भने जस्तै हो यो । हन गोर्खालिलाइ किन नचाहिदो अर्काको पछि लाग्न पर्यो? कस्ले यस गितमा नराम्रो देख्यो । जे कुरामा पनि खोइरो खन्ने भने अलग कुरा हैन भने यस गित को पछि लाग्नै पर्ने केहि कारण छैन ।
अलिकति छोटो कपडा लायेर र्याम्प मा हिडेपनि खेदो गर्न पर्ने, समाजको अन्धेरोपन समेतेर गित गायो तेस्मापनि पछि लाग्नै पर्ने । हुदा हुदा कमरेड मोहन् बिक्रम सिङ्ह् ले ३६ बर्स कम कि तरुनि बिहे गर्यो भनेर पनि पछि लाग्न पर्ने । मैले नबुझेको कुरा, यहि हामपन्थि कुरा गर्ने कमरेडहरुनै यसकिसिमको पछि लाग्छन तर ब्यवहारमा उनिहरुनै तेसैको सिको गर्छन । मलाइ सिङ्ह् र कोमल ओलि दुबैले गल्ति गरे जस्तो लाग्दैन । मन नपेरे नसुने भो नि, कस्ले सुन्न ला छ उनिहरुलाइ ।
If we have the tendency to disagree for the freedom of speech, then why are we talking in the street about the complete democracy in the country nowadays?
I strongly support the right for the speech freedom. Every nepalese lady has right to choose their life partner either loved,eloped or arranged. so pls mind your own business and not interfere what other do.In this case,one can listen the song if it intertain him/her otherwise just keep quite. Keep everybody in mind that this is the 21st century and we are living now.
hawa kura garer kina time khera faleko?poila janai pardaina yar ma sanga aaaye hunchha nabhaye ma nai lina aauchu? kaso sathi ho?
होइन यो गीत मा कस्ले अश्लिल देख्यो??? शायद तीनी हरु पुर्बेली हरु होलान । । आफ्नै देश र भाषा लाई नबुझ्ने हरु नै नेता भए पछी यो त हुने नै भयो नि । मुर्ख हो! पोइल भनेको लोग्ने को घर हो, नबुझिकन हावा मै उफ््रिने?? गाउ गाउ डुल्,, ठेट शब्द पाउन लाई,,, आफुले आँफैलाई शुद्ध भन्ने हरु केही गर्न नि नसक्ने अनि अरु को खिल्ली उडौदै हिंड्ने पापी महिला हो,,, पहिला अर्को नारी को आदर गर्न सिक अनि बल्ल हुन्छ नारी बिकास ,, फेरी यो त गीत हो,, गीत आ आफ्नो रोजाइ को हुन्छ । जस् लाई जस्तो गीत मन पर्छ त्यहि सुन्छन्,,, कि अब गीत पनि नेता र अरु कसैले यो सुन भनेर तेइ मात्रै सुन्नु पर्ने जमान आयो र??? सुन्ने ले सुन्छ न सुन्ने ले अरु नै गीत सुन किन band गर्ने र जलाउने??
सिर्जना जस्तो पनि हुन सक्छ । । कला सबै एउटै भए त के को कला नि??
जे भने नि यो गीत मा कुनै अश्लिल्ता छैन र गीत normal र सुन्न लायक छ । ओलि को निजी जीवन के कस्तो छ तेस्को कुरा त्यही topics मा गरौला । गीत सुन enjoy गर । । ।
I didn`t find any vulgarity in this song..n lots of girls are running away with their dear ones.And don`t understand the women when our traditional society point out against these “poelo gaeko matters are discrimination and suppression towards women”.You have a total rights to do what you want under law, laws won`t barred you.Society will point out, that`s their job to keep run our tradition.And there is no law that you will be behind bars if you ran away,it`s your family your own personal matters.
Tysai le Poelo janu..if you really wish to marry your dear ones…hoina ra ??
१ – गीत गाउनु गायिका, संकलकको हक हो।
२ – जब, सिंगो देशका नर-नारीले यसलाई मन परेको छ भने किन कोही ग्रुपका मान्छेलाई टाउको दुख्न पर्ने?
३ – हामी कति समयसम्म यस्तो संकुचित भएर बस्ने? गीतको भावनालाई धेरैले मन पराउनु भनेको, एक किसिमले त्यो भावसँग सहमति हुनु हो, प्रोत्साहना दिनु हो। जब धेरै नेपाली नारीलाई बिहे गर्ने रहर जागिरहेको हुन्छ भने त्यसलाई देखाउन किन कञ्जुस्याँइ गर्ने?
४ – त्यसमाथि पनि कान्तिपुर तिर हो कि कता हो, कोमल वलीले पश्चिमतिर पोइल जानु भनेको पोइको घर जानु हो, भागी बिहे गर्नु भन्ने मात्रै हैन भनेर स्पष्टिकरण दिइसकेकी छिन्।
५ – कोमल वली जस्ती साहसी गायिकालाई मेरो सलाम, र रमाइलो गीत ल्याइदिएकीमा धन्यवाद!
why issiue everythings be wide and open this is song we take inetetaintment,enjoy not drama and became popular like everything are making politics.
I like this song. Moreover their dance makes me crazy. I don’t hate song, it is just song. It is awesome. And I actually like the girl who wears Yello dress,,, I really like her, if she look my MSG, e-mail me at [email protected]
Dear All
Komal Oli hails from Daang. She grew up as a dohari singer. She entertained the public in most of the political programmes. Almost all the Nepali Congress leaders have well enjoyed her from time to time. She was well taken care especially by the corrupt Khom Bdr. Khadaka. With the support of the leaders only she was able to step into the valley. Now one can see the influence and ripples she is sending everywhere. She is Nepali Marylene Manroe and her partners are only those who have been actually having influence since 2046.
She is a spinster at her early 40’s.But one thing for sure, she doen’t need to have one “Poi” for she is well experienced in all without having one. Disgraceful women!
अब कोमल वोली पोइला जाउन कि नजाउन त्यो उनको निजी कुरा हो । तपाईं हामीले एउटा पनि चक्का नकिनी दिने हो भने आर्को पटक कोमल वोलिले यस्तो गित निकाल्ने आट नगर्लिन । आजकाल का ताल न बेतालका हिपप गित भन्दा त पोइला जान पाम भन्ने गितलाई केटी हरुले मन नपराउने त कुरै छैन । कमसे कम यसको लय त राम्रो छ ।
malai ta yo geet dherai ramailo lagyo. very fantastic. geet bhaneko manko kura mukhle bhanne ho. jaslai dherai man parchha tesle dherai choti herchha ra comment pani badhi garchha. aru kaiyan bidesh bata bhitriyeka bikriti mathi kasle bolne. yo ta teej ma ramailo ko lagi gaiyeko geet ho yesma kina chiyo charcho garne. geet ma sabda bhanda laya ra tesko mithash hernu parchha. jun kura yo geet ma maile mayeko chhu. je hos malai ta yo geet dherai ramro lagyo. thanks to komal oli. yestai funny geet aru pani bhitriyos.
विनोद लामाजि,
सँधैँ कालजयि गित सुनेर पुराण सुने जस्तो गर्ने हो र?
सँधैँ भावुक गितमात्र सुनेर कानमा किरा पार्नु छ र?
तरकारिमा मसला पनि चाहिन्छ नि हो।
कोमल वली जी
तपाई आफूलाई भने यसैपाली पोइल जान मन लागेको त पक्कै बुझियो तर सबै कन्याहरु र एकपटक बिहे भईसकेका आईमाईलाई तपाई नकच्चरीको कुरा पाच्य हुँदैन र हुने पनि छैन । मन लाग्यो भन्दैमा सार्वजनिक स्थानमा नाङ्गै हिड्न पाइन्छ र मिस वली ? तपाईले भन्दा सभ्य भाषामा मीठा मीठा तीजका गीत सुन्न पाइएको छ ।
Oho… kati bathi Komal Oli. Biheko lagi advertise Cassete bata garne! Aba oli ko bihe pakka hunchha. Patrika ma advertise garda pani nabhaera Cassete nai nikalna pareko hola. Nabhae Krishna Prasad Bhattarai Solti sanga garda bhai halyo ni.
The intention behind worshipping Lord Shiva during this festival of Teej is to wish a model bridegroom. Miss Oli has been simply overt to express what Nepalese women feel like in the male-chauvinist socity. Infact, males should remain indifferent to such female expressions if they can`t support the cause of feminine issues. Female sexuality is much more durable and potentially instictive. I am sure all men know this matter very well.
abasya, komal ji tapai le sarbajanik rup ma poila jana pam 3, bhani lakhau umer pugeka tara poi napayeka nari ma hune @ ichhya lai @ tij git mraphat @ nari bedana @ prashtut garnubhayeko ma nari samaj ko tarpha bata muri2 dhanybad,abba tapai le hotmail ma appalication garne onlinemail add dinus shibha le tapai ko pani yes pali poila jane ichha purai dinchhan ok? kasaile manko bedan git bata bhannu adhikar ho sotantrata ho. thanku for ur great song
सबै भन्दा पहिला संगीतको परिभाषा जान्नु पर्छ । गीतको रचना पनि राम्रो हुनु पर्छ । अब आउछ श्लील र अश्लीलको कुरा । गीत श्लील हुन पर्छ की अश्लीलको ?
अनि संगीतको प्रकार
१ शाश्त्रीय संगीत
२ आधुनिक संगीत
३ लोक संगीत
४ पश्चीमी शैलीका संगीत आदी
वास्तवमा गीत संगीत कालजयी हुनु पर्छ । नेपाली गीत संगीतमा गोपाल योन्जन, नारायण गोपाल, माणिक रत्न, शिव शंकर, नातीकाजी,अम्बर गुरुङ तारादेवी कोइली देवी , कर्म योन्जन, शान्ति ठटाल, कुमार सुब्बा, चन्दन लोम्जेल, बुलु मुकारुङ, भक्तराज आचार्य,दिपक जंगम दिव्य खालिङ, आदीका संगीत आज पनि कर्ण प्रिय छन ।
गीतकाहरुमा हिरभक्त कटुवाल, रत्न शम्शेर थापा, गोपाल योन्जन, भीम विराग, क्षेत्रप्रताप अधिकारी, दिनेश अधिकारी, चाँदनी शाह, भैरव नाथ रिमाल, माधव धिमिरे, भूपी शेरचन, चेतन कार्की इश्वर वल्लभ किरण खरेल राममान तृषित यादव खरेल काली प्रसाद रिजाल नगेन्द थापा मन बहादुर मुखिया आदीका गीतहरु आज सम्म पनि कालजयी छन् ।
तर कोमल को यो गीतमा न कुनै भाव छ न कुनै संगीतको रस छ । यस्ता गीतहरु कहिल्यै पनि कालजयी हुन सक्दैन । यस्ता गीतहरु केही क्षणको लागी मात्र गुन्जीन्छ अनि भोली सबैले विर्सन्छ ।
अब आफै भनौ कुन चाही राम्रो अनी कुन चाही ………………?
Komal oli lay geet gauda kina unko persional life sita milayera comment garana paryo ta ? this is only song she sang well janjibro ma jhundiyo ta unko kay dose? Nepali samaj ma purus lay jasto geet gauda pani persional life sita jodidaeena tara mahila lay gaauna sath heyrnay chalan saree naramro cha .Very worse komal oli lay keta napayara biha nagarayko ki unko man bhujnay meet napayako kaslaee kay ko chaso ?she is good Singer we watch and listen her voice why comment persional life.
shiva jasto bar pam vannu ra poila jana pam vannu ustai ustai ho, hijo blue dimond ma keta keta ko bibaha hernubhayana? komal oli ko pargati ko ris garne haru le anek bahana garera git flop prichhade!
yestai rahechaa yahako chalan!!!
In fact Poila jan pam songs is right song. Because this song is like a pop. She is very very beautiful & quite, tallent woman thats why some body gelouse for her song.
Super Martin
किन बेठीक लाग्नु र यो त हस्योली गीत मात्र हो नि यस्मा प्रतिबन्ध लगाउनुपर्ने केही पनि देख्दिन । नेपाललाइ तेतिकाइ कुनै ठुल मान्छेले यो हावाको देश हो भनेका छैनन। अलि कति केहि हुनुहुदैन हावा हावामा नै के के हुन्छ हुन्छ।
I dont find anything wrong in this song!
I dont understand what these ‘nari-wadi’ famales think.. they want their place in society ( which they always had) and they can’t listen to another female’s feelings… ah.. it was just a song.. teez song.. nothing else…
females pulling legs of females…
and they would rise? NEVER!!
Dear Nepali Jnata haru,
Please auta kalakar nari ko abamulnyan nagarau la.
In fact Oli is frustate with her single life,In my guess she is over 35 yr old and her unsucessful marriage story can be heard or read so often.Hence this song must be the expression of frustation of her broken heart.Whatever the word POILAI JANA PAAW interpretes this is not suitable to braodcast in TEEJ.Instead of POILAI J……..she could used BIHE GARNA PAAW.
My suggession is this song has become controversial. so better to ban it.It does not have any significant message to women.Absolutely useless.Only to earn chiep papularity.
Freedom lover ji,
Tapaile kura thikai lekhnubho. Ma samarthan garchhu.
Tyasto jabarjast angreji ma lekhnu bhanda Nepali ma lekhe ramro hunethiyo.
Arko kura, yo teej aba purush harule pani mannu parchha. Kina mahila harule matra afna pati wa bhawi pati ko namma brata basera, nachera, geet gayera mannu parne. Logne manis chaine jaad khayera basne ra taruni jiskauna jaane? Yo ta bhena hai bhena.
J hosh, Komal Wali ko roop sundar, swar ajha sundar. Tyasti raamri ra pratibhashali mahilale gatilai pati pawun bhanne kamana ra prarthan rakhdachhu. Yo kamana Komal samma puryaidinu hola.
This is right for Komal to sing this song. It has no any wrong with this song.POILA JANA PAM is not volgur at all, it is the desire of some wonan. It should be taken as a natural and comon phenomena.
Take it easy guys for this song. If you are offensive with this song, i guess, you are narrow minded.
Komal Oli lai poi chhaiye jasto lagyo.Kati hatar gareko.Kaile bihe bha chhina bhanne kahile poi chahiyo bhanne.
Komal Oli ka poeheru dherai nai chan are kunchahi poechodni racha kunni.Yesta lag nabhayaka budhi kannaya lai poe change garna ta minute ko matra kura ho
राप्ति अण्चलमा पोइल भन्नाले लोग्नेको घर हो। के नेपालिले त्यहि गोर्खालिले उमारेको काठमाडौँमा बस्नेको भाषामा नै सबै अर्थ लाइदिने?
जो ले क्यासेट जलायो, त्यो मध्ययुगिन कुरुपता हो।
म च्यालेन्ज दिन्छु कि जो ले यो अश्लिल देख्यो, त्यो महिलाको हकको विरोध गर्ने हुन। यदि माओवादिले विरोध गरेको हो भने यो विचलन हो। स्वायत्त र स्वासाशनको कुरा गर्ने अनि राप्तिको ( माओवादि गढ) को ठेट शब्द प्रयोग गर्दा बिरोध? धिक्कार तिनिहरुलाई।
nice song yar.
पोइल भन्नाले लोग्नेको घर हो। के को अश्लिल?
किन अश्लिल भनेको उमेशजि मैले त बुझिन।
Thanks dear umesh jee,
I liked very much Miss– Komal Oli’s Teej songs. she asking with god about her great life partner. it is true she can song that song why not?? I wish to her she got good husband with in coming mansir. she is prety lady and cute voice why she didn’t want marry i couldn’t understand. I liked her voice since i know her. Good luck oli Komal, good luck to you this year.
Megh Singh Adhikari!
Minneapolis, Minnesota,USA!
Imagine, how would an educated, self determined and proud but unmarreid woman feel about the message of this song? this would certainly infuriarate her.
Personally, I like Komal Oli, her voice, message and her talent in her art are great. But this song makes women cheap, on sale.
यो गीत ले नारि लाइ कम्जोर बनायेको छ, अश्लिल भयेर बोरु केहि फरक पर्दैन, लोग्ने मान्छे को अघाडि कम्जोर र लाचार प्रस्तुत गरेको छ
पोइला जानु नराम्रो होइन, तर पोइला जान पाम जुन माग गरियेको छ, त्यो माग को सङ गरियेको हो त? अर्थात आइमाइ हरु को शक्ति छैन, उनिहरु लोग्ने मान्छे को अघाडि सस्तो मा बिकाउ छन?
यो चाहि राम्रो गीत भयेन
कुमार बस्नेत ले पनि अश्लिल लोक गीत गाउछन र प्रत्येक लोक गीत मा आइमाइ लाइ येउटा “थाप्ने” भाडो को रुप मा प्रस्तुत गरेका हुन्छन। कुमार बस्नेत का गीत हरु ले आइमाइ लाइ एसै अति कम्जोर बनायेको छ, अब कमल ओलि आइमाइ को बेइज्जत गर्न निस्किइन
haiAnd namaskar sabai jaan lai yo poilai jana pam vane sabdha kumal oli ko lagi ramro nai ho bichar teyti umer vai sakeyo ajja sama pani poilai jaan payko chaina tes karanle pani yesto geet gayako hunu parchha. teyo pani teej jasto parba ma. mata ke vanchu vane yadi poi ko khacho chha vane tanka dakal sang nai samparka rakehama huncha hola kumal oli ji ko lagi.
Ashish kumar lo
kingdom of saudi arabia
harek kura lai pessimistic view le kina herinchha nepali samaj maa??? + political view le pani naheriyos….. plese, nepali dd bahini haru ho tapai haru ko political rees chha bhane komal oli ko yo geet maa kina birodh janaunu hunchha?? aru sadharan mahila haru lai ta manoranjan chha ni yo geet maa kasari bikriti lyauchha? kun word ashlil chha? poila jana paam bhanne geet bhanda aru aru geet maa pani ashlil word chha teslai k hernu bhayako chha? hawa maa kaag le kaan lagyo bhanera sabai mahila tehi pachhadi kina bhaagnu hunchha? kasari nari ashmita mathi daag lageko chha yo geet le? nari bedana pokhne madhaym ko rup maa teej maa geet gauchhan tyo kura thaha chha ra pani yaha pilitical rees lai liyara birodh najanaunus komal oli ko thau maa aru le yo geet gayako bhaya aaja mahila sangh le birodh garne thiyana sayad.. person ra politics lai basic banayara birodh garne nepali ko puranno habit chha. aafno maiti ghar lai chhodera sriman ko ghar maa jana paam yaa mero chhito bibaha hos bhanera bhaakal garnu k naramro word ho?? bishista manchhe yaa PHd gareko manchhe le word ko evaluation nagari tettikai geet ko lyrics garenan hola ni.. slc maa 6times fail bhayara akhil mahila ko naam maa hidne dang ko euti mahila le ashlil word bhayo bhanera dhwang fukdai hidne mahila ko pachhadi bhagera sabai le bichar nagari ho maa ho bhannu hamro murkhata ho.. ma bhanchhu yo geet thik chha word ashlil chhaina..
Women must be loved, if no love, they must seek love
Strategy – Buy, Borrow, Steal or Robbery
Freedom Lover
Love Generates Productivity. Religious rituals continue undeclared slavery. Let us not argue in petty issue of album.
Nepalese are challenged with the following myths in Nepalese society:
§ The discrimination in women’s priorities
§ How women are currently organized or participating in social, economic, political, and religious structures
§ The capacities of women to participate in decision-making processes
§ How men’s gender identities influence women’s vulnerabilities, needs, and priorities
§ The opportunities in equitable participation in decision making.
1. Woman abuse is a not a new social problem.
2. Woman abuse occurs more often
3. Women remain in abusive relationships because they want to stay.
· she hopes the relationship will get better
· she doesn’t want to break up the family
· her partner’s abuse isolates her from friends and family
· she is afraid her family and community will blame her for the abuse or encourage her to stay
· she feels ashamed and blames herself for the abuse
· she fears for her own and her children’s safety
· she depends upon her partner’s income
· she has lost self-esteem because of her partner’s abuse
· she has nowhere else to go
· her partner has threatened to harm her if she leaves 4.
4. Alcohol causes men to assault their partners.
5. Men who assault their partners are mentally ill.
6. Children who grow up in violent homes become violent when they are adults.
7. Sexual deprivation
Why we need to address:
§ To advance women’s equal participation in shaping the sustainable development of our society.
§ To support women in the realization of their full human rights; and
§ To reduce gender inequalities in access to and control over the resources and benefits of development.
Let us Change the Society for Development
Freedom Lover
chee chee kyah jamana ahayacch ba ba yo ta had po vayacha yesaleta hamro sabaii cheli haru chitaee poeli janevo lauu maryo
मलायि त साचै अश्लिल लाग्यो । ब्यक्त भावना यथार्थ भये पनि सभ्य तरिकाले शब्द सङ्योजन गर्न नसकिने होइन । पोइ को सट्टामा, श्रीमान् राख्दा गितमा मिठास आयेन भन्ने गायिका ओलिको जुन तर्क छ त्यो सङ म ब्यक्तिगत रुप्मा सहमत छैन । चर्चित हुदैमा लोकप्रीय हुन्छ भन्ने छैन । निर्बस्त्र नाङ्गो होइदिनु र अझै अरु अस्लिल शब्द बोलिदिने हो भने झन चर्चित् होयिन्छ । केहि बर्गका मानिसहरुबाट वाह वाह पनि जरुर मिल्ला । तर त्यो लोकप्रीय भयेको ठहर्दैन ।
There is nothing wrong on this song.the word she used is a tipical nepali word if somebody have any objection they can open the nepali dictonary.
sarai ramro laggo !
Sorry, read the last line as : it should be restructured as to the tune of modern era.
Freedom lover
I have not listened this album so far. However, personally, I would go for freedom of expression.
On the one hand it is the creation by an artist, not necessarily to resemble with the Nepalese traditions. On the other hand, “women must entitle their rights” rather than to live under suprression – especially killing their feelings in the name of tradition and culture in this 21st century.
1. As the title of album itself is self-explanatory, that why it happens. If women cannot access love due some reasons, they cannot kill their life under mental torture in the name of culture and traditions.
They must be free from accessing love at any cost. it is their prerogative rights.
2. The Neapalese laws prevents to marry while under minor. While it is silent of marrying in any other form whatsoever they choose.
3. The new constitution of Nepal and laws prevailing in such must be conducive for women in setting ground rules to select their partner, freedom to act on their own without any hassles if they are under love stress.
Women are for being loved not for suppression. we should think of equality rather than as a supporter. We must understand that they have also “feelings”. In this 21st century, men must not dictate the feelings of women and restrict from their rights. Nepal needs rights based laws, society, culture and so on. Our traditional chakari culture, of simply enshouldering responsibilities to women should be changed as early as possible.
It helps to move a step forward in gender equality, domestic violence, sexual assualt, that are common in our dogmatic society. We need lots of awareness programs in our diversed ethinic societies where they are exploited in one or the other, in the name of Teej. It should be restructured of the era.
Freedom Lover
hi all
**** ****************
think and listen carefully before u doing comment.in this situation the girl was unmarried –who is fed up from dad and mum family.u everybody know the situation of unmarried old lady in nepal—-so komal oli has been representing for them who wanted to have there family life
in my opinion this is right song.
जुन समाज मा लोग्ने ले श्वासनी फेर्दा लोग्ने मर्द मानिन्छ,त्यो समाज मा वली ले ‘पोइल जान पाम ‘भन्दा बिबाद निस्क्ने नै भो ।माने यो पुरुष प्रधान् समाज भयो
त्येसैले त कुमार् बस्नेत् दाइ गुन् गुनाउनु हुन्छ’उस्कै स्वास्नि नक्कलि हाम्लै के को दोष’।
के राम्रो के नराम्रो त्यो ‘राम् जाने’।
आम्मै अचेल् त तिजको भाकामा पनि रतौली खेल्दा रहेछन् नि…..
मलाई यो गीत मन परेको छ ।भाका पनि राम्रो छ ।माओईस्ट को त कुरा छोड्नुस् ।१२ बर्षकी बलिका को गोर्खको घतन को बिरोध् पो गर्नु त।
फेरि पोइल भनेको के हो? पोइको घर जानु पोइल जनुहोइन र? अनि अफ्नोखुसि ले पोइको घर जन पम् भन्नु क् नरम्रो भयो?
पहिल पहिल को कुर गर्ने हो भने त सृमति सङ बिबाहको दिन कुरा गर्यो भने उत्तौलो हुन्थ्यो,बिबाह भन्दा पहिले दुलहि सित कुरा गर्न खोज्ने छोरा र छोरि लै राम्रो मानिन्थ्यो र?
अनि पहिल त धाल्, कन्दम्, सेक्स्, भन्ने सब्द पनि अस्लिल थियो , बोल्न त क् रेदियो बत सुन्द पनि हामिलै नै लज् लग्थ्यो, त्यो पनि अस्लिल् नै थियो हैन र?
अनि आज पोइल जने भनेको सब्द को पछि बिरोध् गर्नु पखन्दिपन र पुर्बाहग्रहि भबन बहेक् केहि हैन।
Umesh jee
yo poilo janu thik ki bethi bhanne prashna ma yo manchhele bhanera hudaina thik ki bethik uhako janma dinma bhabile nai thik bethik lekhidiyeka chhan ra manchhe haru josukaile je bhane pani yo yeuta geet matrai hoo,,,,,,ma Baral jee sanga dherai sahamati chhu,,,
kam na paika amai
यो तिजको बेलामा लोग्नेको चाहन अभिलास, इच्छा, मनोकामना, आदि पुरा गर्नेको लागि बर्त बस्ने तिजमानाउने। अबिबाहितले राम्रो सुयोग्गे बरको चाहना राखने दिनको रुपमा हेरिन्छ। तर यो “पोइला जान पाम् शिब” गिदले” ठिक उल्टो भाब छ। पोइला जान पाम माने एउटा लोग्ने छोडेर अर्को लोग्ने पाम् यहि नै भनेको होला।
अब कोमल ओलिलाइ मात्र राखेर हेर्नेहो भने कोमलको कुनै बैधानिक पोइ नभयर पोइखोजेको हो भने नेपालि समाजको उनलाइ चाहने धेरै छन् कृपया बिज्ञापान गरेमा धेरै सुयोग्य पोइ मिल्छन्।