सबै फोटोः उमेश
यो फोटो हो- जावलाखेलको जु (चिडियाघर) को। यसको सञ्चालन श्री ५ महेन्द्र प्रकृति संरक्षण कोषले गर्ने गर्छ। संस्थाका संस्थापक अध्यक्ष तत्कालीन अधिराजकुमार तथा वर्तमान राजा ज्ञानेन्द्र थिए। जनआन्दोलन २ पछि राजाप्रतिको रिस पोख्नका लागि राजा र राजपरिवारको नाम भएका सबै कुरा मेटाउने लहर चल्यो। यसै क्रममा चिडियाघरको मूलद्वारमा पनि ‘श्री ५ महेन्द्र’ शब्द मेटिएको छ।
त्यसैगरी प्रवेश शुल्कका बारेमा सूचना दिन राखिएको बोर्डमा पनि राजाको नाममा सेतो पोतिएको छ।
तपाईँ चिडियाघरभित्र जानुभयो भने चाहिँ यस्तो देखिनेछ-
पहिले त छक्क परेको थिएँ- हैन कसको रहेछ यो पूर्ण कदको भव्य शालिक भनेर। नाम हेर्छु त तीन छक्क परेँ। यो रहेछ राणा प्रधानमन्त्री श्री ३ जुध्दशमशेरको पनि भाउजु कर्णकुमारीको शालिक। यी कर्णकुमारीको के योगदान छ र नेपालको इतिहासमा, यसरी सार्वजनिक स्थानमा यति ठूलो शालिक राखिनु पर्यो ?
श्री ५ लाई तारो बनाउनेहरुले श्री ३ का भाउजुहरुको शालिकलाई भने केही गरेका रहेनछन्। मुलुकमा अहिले फेरि राणाकालमा झैं प्रधानमन्त्री बलियो र राजा कमजोर भएका छन्। कतै फेरि गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइराला, माधव नेपाल, केपी अोली, अमिक शेरचन, प्रचण्डका भाउजुहरुको शालिक यसरी नै देख्नु पर्ने त हैन ?
whatever happened in other part of country, in zoo, name of king shoulnot have removed but instead it should have been modified as” shah dynasty zoo” as only zoo is suitable place to keep these endangered species.if shahs are not kept in zoo, national park or in museum, than nepalese history will be incomplete.
Bhauju is just like their mother for most of the peplese people. Its just for memory and the respect. No sence to make people hate her.Even I’am damn sure if i were Shree 3 PRADHANMANTURI I would make my grandmom’s SALIK somewhere where alot of people would be abale to see. I wouldn’t care about what she did for the country.I would just care about what she did for me. U know that nepal is men’s contry. Still he did that for his BHAUNU. That means they had great feeling then these stone hearted(NIRDAI BHUSIYA NETA) leaders of this age. BUDESKALMA GARNE KEHI HAINA GORKHALIHARU KHALI AARUKO KHOIRO KHANNE.
sampurna nepal nai chidiya khana jasto chha ahile ko abastha ra sabai nepali janata khor ma bandi chhan mero bicharma ta.
Dear Nagarik,
‘History, is the records and testimony of history itself’.Its your own view about history and its defination. But for me history is ‘the study and interpretation of the record of humans, families, and societies as preserved primarily through written sources and other means’. Believe me there will be many way of interpretation for the same thing, when different peoples look on it the same thing. Therefore, it is always best way to accept the idea or view that is given by larger number of peoples.
Many of you guys are talking of history. And you are defending to keep such things in the name of history. Probably you never recognize what does history means.
History, is the records and testimony of history itself.
And often times, new history is the testimony of distruction of old history.
Therefore history is relative term.
If you can make new hostory, which make people happy, sometime it may seek distruction of older history.
If the history become burden to the people, it may seek a new history if distuction of old history.
Where as the donation of land is concerned, you may be interested to know whether she had legally earned that land or that just represent the piece of land looted by the RANA Regime.
In the name of history, we can not support things that are bad to the country and its citizens, both economically, politically as well as socially.
kya ho bro, kina zoo tira aaja dating thiyo ki kya ho?
Rana regimi destroy Nepal and it’s people for 104 years and SHAHA and Rana joint regimi destroy Nepal and it’s people from 237 years past.
Therefore it is not surprise to see all those statues all around the country. Since Nepal are rebuilding New Nepal with Federal System those SHAHA and RANA STATUES would be in Museum in comming beautiful New Nepal.
khali eutai kebal raja ko matra birodh garne news nachapera neta haruko kukritya pani chapnu paryoy nabhae yo pani wakka lagcha.
Umesh ji,
sabae salik hataepachhi matra yasko samadhan sambhab 6 ……..tesko lagi pahila singadurbar agadiko salik dhalnu par6 hae………..
we should learn to preserve our history. What is the problem with these statue.
This is like Taliban in Afganisthan destroyed world largest statue of Buddha. May be you might say, how can we compare buddha with salik in our Zoo. But remember every thing has its own value. For example talibhan thought they have no value of buddha so they destroyed it.
If you visit the different part of the world you can find many such places where you can see big ‘darbars’with many saliks (statue) of different kings although there are no kings in these countrys.This is the was of preseving history.
In my view we can earn lot of money by preserving all of the darbars and salik.
प्रिय उमेशजी,
चिडियाखाना स्थापना सम्वन्धि ऐतिहासिक कुराको जानकारी वेगर यसमा कलम चलाएर तपाइले भन्न खोजेको के हो त्यो त मलाइ थाहा भएन, तर कुरा के हो भने राणाकालमा त्यो चिडियाखाना जुद्ध शम्शेरको व्यक्तिगत सम्पत्ति थियो र आफ्नो ब्यक्तिगत सम्पत्तिमा कोही कसैले आफ्नो परिवारिक सम्मानका खातिर कुनै मोनुमेण्ट वनाउंछ भने अहिले आएर त्यसमा टाउको दुखाउनु कुनै आवश्यक छ र ? त्यसो हो भने संसारका सवै मोनुमेण्टहरुलाइ ध्वस्त पारेर तपाइको विचार मुताविक रिअर्गनाइज गर्नुपर्यो हैन त ? जुन सम्भव हुने कुरा भएन । त्यसैले ईतिहास जे जस्तो रुपमा छ त्यसैलाइ पोजेटिभ्ली अध्ययन गरौं प्लिज ।
ब्लगमा विषय वस्तु पस्कदा तथ्यमा अलि ध्यान दिन मेरो सुझाव छ । किनकि यो तपाइको व्यक्तीगत व्लग भएपनि यसलाइ धेरैले पढ्ने भएको हुंदा जिम्मेदार भएर लेख्नु तपाइको कर्तब्य हुन आउंछ ताकि पढ्नेले सत्य तथ्य कुरा वुझुन् ।
लौ अब योगदानको कुरा गरौं । ल भन्नुहोस प्रजातन्त्त ल्याउनुमा यी अहिलेका नेताहरुको कति योगदान छ ? मेरो यो ब्लग संचालक संग पनि एउटा गुनासो छ । श्री ५ लाइ हटाउने नहटाउने काम त जनमत संग्रहले गर्ने छ । ब्लगे त जनतालाइ चेतनशील बनाउनु पो पर्ने हो । खाली साइन बोर्डको नाम मेटाउदैमा सरकारको कामको तारिफ गर्न मिल्दैन । सरकारको काम त देश र जनताको विकास गर्ने हो नी । देशमा बेरोजगारीहरु धेरै छन् । यस्को समाधान कस्ले गर्ने । माओवादी कारण कयौ कलकारखाना बन्द हुने अवस्थामा पुगीसक्यो । उता मजदुरहरुको आफ्नै माग छ । बजार भाउ बढ्दा विद्यार्थीहरुको आफ्नै आन्दोलन छ । साधारण जनतालाइ आज के खाउ भोली के खाउ भन्ने चिन्ता छ । यस्को समस्या नत माओवादी ले गर्छ नत यी ७ दलका नेताहरुले गर्नेछ । नेताहरु संग त प्रसश्त सम्मपति छ । यीनीहरु त भोली परिआए राजनैतिक शरणार्थी बन्न पनि तयार छन् । तर हामी जनता कता जाने । हाम्रो कुनै गन्तब्यै छैन । राजनैतिक नेताहरुको पिपल पाते व्यहोरा हामीले पहिल्यै पनि देखिसकेका छौ । नेपाल र नेपालीको विकास स्वयं नेपालीले नै गर्नु पर्छ । मलाइत यो नेताहरुको कुनै पनि विश्वास लाग्दैन । क बाबुराम भटराइले नेपाललाइ स्वीजरल्याण्ड बनाउने सपना देखेका छन् तर पुरा गर्ने त नेपाली जनताले नै हो ।
केई न केईको चाकडीको भरमा जागीर पाएका लोकमानसिह कार्कीले
मुला सचिव हुदाँ लाजैमरी बावुको नाममा हुलाक टिकट चलाए भने
कर्णकुमारीको कुरा त जमानाको पर्यो। नेपालमा पैसा र पावर भए
सवै विभुति। आफुले दु:ख गरेर कमाई गरेर अर्जेको जग्गा भए पो,
त्यसै लुटेर र मेरो हो भनेर वा बिनासित्थीको वीरता भनेर पाएको
जग्गा पशुपक्षीको नाममा दिदाँ के को धर्म? त्यो शालिग राखेको
कारण त के भने सारा पशुपक्षी, चराचर प्राणी सबैले यी करतुत
पछिसम्म बुझुन भनेर ठहराएको हो। गर्ने बेलामा हाडनाता केई
नभन्नेलाई के भन्ने?
तेसैभेर दरवारमार्ग, सिहदरवार र त्रिपुरेश्वरको शालिग तोडन
खोजिएको होला। त्यो जुद्धसडको पनि नाम वदलनु पर्छ र
शालिग हटाइनु पर्छ। जनतालाई सुची गर्दा कोप्रा थाप्न लाऊनेलाई
ईतिहासमा ठाँऊ छैन।
हामी नेपाली जनताको विडम्वना के भने अहिले आएर तेही कोप्रा
थापने र जदौ गरनेका सन्तानहरु मोटाएका छन र जुद्धशमसेरका प्रवृत्ति स्थापना गरिरहेका छन कुनै न कुनै रुपमा।
i am also equally support to preserve the historical things, development doesn’t mean of destroying the historical things. Development will be possible only after industrial revolution, not just by giving those kind of news. Yeah it’s true Govt. is the driving force but entrepreneurs are equally important to develop the country. How European Countries are developed not just because of Govt., it also because of industrial revolution and such kind of entrepreneurs.
You’re absolutely right in saying that we shouldn’t erase our footprints. BUT, we need to retrace our footprints to find it back again cuz our history has been distorted by rulers suiting their own needs. Ramhari mentioned that it was the woman who donated the land – OK, but how did that piece of land become hers on the first place?? Isn’t it worth retracing the footprints before we talk of true history?
के भो त ? पशुहरुलाइ पशु कै स्थानमा राख्दा ?
Distruction isn’t solution…… it doesn’t bring miracle to develop coutry. It’s mis-conception in Nepali ppl inspired by politcian. I afraid student politician……. They are more distractive.
Tyo Zoo ma ta Monkey, Bwaso, Shyal, Gadha haru hunu parne ma.. kata bata tyo Saalik aayo?????????.. Maile balla bujhe… tyo saalik ra tyo janawar haru ewtai rahecchha.. so saathi haru tapai haru le afno tauko na dukhaunus hai…… You know what I mean…
First you should remove the statue of juddha shamsher from New Road. I do not know why they did not destroy it during jana andolan.
I don;t think this is a good idea. Well all those name and those stuffs are our past. If we erease all what else left in our history ? We should Preserve our history. we know lot of people do not like to be ruled by King. No one i also do not like this . But History should be kept. If any one fully try to erease those name and all they will erease his own footprint. Any way we can not erease those name from our History do we ?
teti natra ho ra umesh ji dar le ta so kosh ka chairmen paras nai thyaha janai chhadisake. jaba ki uni mahinana 2/3 palta pariwar liyera janthe. ani ramra janawar ghar ma nai lagthe.aba vane wildlife pani jogine vaee.
khoi hisila yami, sujata koirala, haruko salik chai yestai ho bhay pakkai dekhna paucha hola…
aru ko ta tha chaina yo KAJU KANCHO ko chai bhaju ko saleeka rakla jasto cha MooRA la j hos garcha KAJU KANCHO LA…
Yes , People got to know her role, effort and investent for the neplese community developement.
Natra bhane sampatti hune le sarbajanik sthal ma af-afno salik khada garna thalne chan.For eg : Lok man singh karki ko bau ko salik Duhabi ko bich highway ma bato distrub garera khada hunechan.
abbsya praman ko rupma tito satya hunchha, laj namani sunus :sahidko ragat ra balidan bata sattama gayeko haru le aaphana bhai, bhatija, chhora, sasura, sala ,joi, gari aa aaphno mantralaya bibhag ma napuryai sakne ajko miti samma ko ko baki chhan lahernusa ta ????????????ramsaran mahat le bhai sala ,kaju kanchha le sala ,kasai le sadbhai aru pani bhane ho ???????????? bistarai la ?????????
Tehi ta hai.. Ke ho Ke ho!!!
spsta vayo shreepanch metayeko tara madhese vaiyale sarkas ma lagayeko zasto Get pani photo ma dekhiyo aba yo kasle sudharne hola?
i have one question: Where it is written that, Journalist know everything and anything? (all the journalist I have come across behave like that!)
FYI, that salik is there COZ, she donated that land for the making of ZOO. When one donates big thing it is obvious that then govt, people put the statue there.
Is there any problem with that??
While Destroying and removing the previous things, one must always remember that Time is a CYCLE, it ROTATES!
मेरो विचारमा कर्ण कुमारी को सालीक मा मात्र टाउको हटाएर ग्यानेको टाउको नै जोडदा ठीक हुन्छ जस्तो लाग्यो, बरु त्यहि सालिक् ले लियेको एरिअ जति फेरि तार्को बार् लगाएर २,४ वोट बान्दर् लाइ पनि त्यहि हुलिदिने, ग्यानेलाइ time pass. Rish uTheka harule Chanaako gedale Bhane pani (bandarlaai jiskaune nihuma )gyaneko naak mukhma dhunga samjhera Barshauna paaune -Polis laai jasto
I think you didn’t find any good news at this time. So, you are giving focus such a nonsense topics.
Please try to improve your quality man.
no body can destroy history and historical property . please ,be sensitive . no one gain any thing .do it .
Umesh jee,
Raja ko nam metdamai ma desh bikash hune hoina . Yo kahil purgawarga matra ho.
Nepal is in this situation just due to the “family policy”. Monarchy is causing Problem which is a round table of a family. Nepali Congress is in problem once again due to family policy.
We have to respect those who have done good for country. Juddha Shamsher was behind the idea of zoo in that period of histroy. His statue will be an asset, but what about his bah-u-ju? It is a history but not with positive information to the future generation. We should not destroy such statue but there should be a debate where to place such things.
लाटो देशमा गादो तन्धेरी भनेको एही हो
nice catch!
Yea, it’s interesting thing you have shown and it’s atime that people would judge not only the leader, but also thier family members on each and every aspect of life. It is also one of the important aspect of life of public figures. Keep us informing. well one.
B K Kaini, London, UK
how come you just notice that salik??? that has been there for ages dude. wake up… stupid observation. useless thread to discuss.
We might see the saalik of Girijako bhauju Nona Koirala .