सबै फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ
जनआन्दोलनको बलले प्रतिनिधि सभा पुनर्स्थापना भएको चार महिनाको साइट पारेर पुरानो श्रीपेच भएको लोगो फ्याँकेर सांसदहरुका लागि नयाँ लोगो सार्वजनिक गरिएको छ। पहिलेको लोगोमा श्रीपेच र राजदण्ड हुने गर्थ्यो। नयाँमा पुरुष र महिलाका हात अनि नेपालको राष्ट्रिय झण्डा र नक्सा रहेको छ।
यो नयाँ लोगो टेकवीर मुखियाले बनाउनु भएको हो। लोगोको ब्याकग्राउण्डमा चाँदी छ। नेपालको नक्सामा भने सुन अंकित छ। लोगोको गोलाइ २५ मिमि र मोटाइ ३ मिमि रहेको छ। फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ
सभामुख सुभाष नेम्वाङ लोगो सार्वजनिक गर्दै। पुनर्स्थापित संसदको पहिलो बैठकदेखि नै संसद भवनमा राजदण्ड बहिस्कार गरिएको थियो र सांसदहरुले श्रीपेच र राजदण्ड भएको लोगो पनि लगाएका थिएनन्। फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ
नयाँ लोगो लगाएपछि सभामुख नेम्वाङ। फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ
यसैबीच, एउटा अर्को ‘कस्मेटिक चेञ्ज’- आजको मन्त्रिपरिषद्को बैठकले राजाको जन्मदिनमा कैदीहरुलाई छाड्ने परम्पराको अन्त्य गर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ। यसको साटो घटस्थापनाका दिन र लोकतान्त्रिक आन्दोलनका बलमा राजाले घुँडा टेकेको दिन वैशाख ११ गते कैदीहरु छाडिनेछन्।
There is a tendency of this owkward type flag be changed and I think it must be, so it is wrong design and wrong timing too.
If it is just for the time being, its not too bad.
Wrost Design !!!! Logo Sucks !!!! There is a white line between red & blue in the flag which is I think incorrect.
yo design thikai cha tara finishing rough bhayo..
yesto rough design garna pani yetro time lagyo. Wah kya pragatisil ra shrijansil samsad haru…….
the design really sucks … kun bewakuf ko kaam ho yastoh wahiyaaat!
संसदको लोगो फेर्न ४ महिना लाग्यो भने अब देशको केहि%पर्सेन्(धेरै त सपना मात्रै) बिकाश गर्न कति समय लाग्ला……………….
Hare ram yo ta rukh jasto chha ,pura golo pani chaina
rukh(tree) ma vota halne vaneko tahoina?
teti ramro chaina hatar vayo!
श्रीपेच इन्कित लोगो फ्याकेर नयाँ लोगो ल्याउनु राम्रो हो। तर यो लोगो त अत्ति भएन। न finishing छ, न design छ, झण्डा र नेपालको नक्शा समेत clear छैन। पुरानोलाई फालेपछि नयाँ त राम्रो हुनुपर्छ। व्यवाहिकतामा यो नयाँ सरकार पुरानो सत्ताभन्दा पनि झुर हुन्छ कि क्या हो?
I like the new logo.
Logo is a great for nepali and Nepal and then we are feeling now free from the King.
samaya suhaudo chha
” gadtantrar Nepal”
ko lagi
jankranti bat aaya ko le
mahila purush ko hat
atinnai ramro chha
yo logo ko jimma line manchhele nikai paisa khaya jasto chha. kun netale logo ko contract liyeko ho?
Hami Nepali ma ramro ra naramro bhanne chhutyaune aankha chhainaki kya ho? Je banaepani kurup Ratna Park ko tyo naya pul pani tyestai. Huda huda des bides ko sampurana kagaj patra haru ma rakhnu parne logo samet yesto kurup . Sachhainai yo logo aba Saansad harule lagauna suru gare – yiniharulai ta Shreepej ra Rajdanda bahek je bhaepani hune jasto .Yo ta kunai halat ma pani bhaena.
Ke yo logo desh bhar ko manchhelai logo design aahwan garaera chhaneko logo ho? Yedi hoina bhane kunai halat ma pani pratispradha garera logo ko desing gari chhanau paryo ke thaha des bhar ko nepalihru madhye tapaile banaeko design nai ramro hune ho ki.
It is a good initiative but the logo need to be edited. The Flag blocks the Nepal’s map giving the impression that Nepal is divided into two parts like East and West Pakistan. It would be good if the flag is atop of the map.
bad design, why every logo designed by and for nepal, SAARC, every thing has two hands, it looks to me that the designer choose the easy way out and the govrenment’s selection council accepted it blindly, since they always love two hands, (maghi khane bhado), parewa (sadhai santi) etc…. etc…
design is fair, craftsmanship sucks, gold and silver aha.. good idea atleast government is trying to earn some money by selling the logo to ordinary nepali..good business policy..
Aru ta ramro kura ho change garne. tara yo logo ta sarai bhadda dekhiyo. kamsekam kunai ramro designer bata ta banaunu parchha. keta keti le banayeko jasto.
Logo ko concept raamro bhae ni logo soche jati raamro bhaena banawot maa… Tesaile finishing raamro sanga garnu paryo… ani yehi design lai passport ma chito bhanda chito chaapnu paryo… puraano passport liyera hidna patakkai man chaina…
i think present parliamentarian have no anything to do other than doing just like this.
. me a hardcore anti monarchist ,now growing little sympathy toward monarchy.
i guess most main issue of all nepali now a days is to establish maoist in peace way so parliament should focus on this ,not only about monarchy all time nepali people will take decision of this ,.i guess they were doing this for popularity . kaam kuro yeka tira kumlo boki thimi tira
उमेश ज्यु,
म श्री अजय श्रेष्ठ ज्यु को कमेन्टलाइ सत प्रतिशत समर्थन गर्दछु. आफुहरुलाइ बुद्दिमान सम्झने यी राजनितिक नेताहरुले आफ्नो कार्यकाल अवधिभर राजाको विरुद्द मात्रै लडने हो कि क्या हो? अनि गरिब जनताहरुको लागि आवश्यक कदम चाहि कहिले उठाउने नि.
मोतिलाल राना
tyo dui haat haru kina ni, bidesi haru sanga bhik magirako ho ki kya ho,tes ko sato namaste gareko bhaye hunthyo,bidesi lai swagat gareko bhanna ta milthyo. waighat.
सांसदहरुको कामनै के छ र ? देशको विकास भन्दा त खाली बकम्फुसे काम मात्र गर्दौ छन् । सिंहासन फ्याक्ने श्री पेच फ्याक्ने श्री ५ फ्याक्ने के यस्ता कामले ती शहिदहरुको आत्मा शान्तिहोला ?
it is very nice , but it should be strong and nice and finishing also . thanks designer .
Je Garnu thiyo thikkai Garnu Bhayo. Yo ekdam thik ho Tasartha, Mero tarphabata dherai dherai badhai chha.
Khushi ko kura.
looks horrible……lack of creative minds….even a 5 yr old can draw that…….
creative but rough design!
२०५ जना साम्सद्को लागि मात्र लोगो परिवर्तन् त्यै पनि ४ महिना पछि? जनताको कुरा छोडि दिउ त्यही साम्सद् ले बिदेश् भ्रमण् गर्दा बोक्ने रहाधानी को लोगो परिबर्तन को लागि चाहि कहिले जुराउने हो नि साइत् कि त्यही श्री ५को ठाउमा “नेपाल्” सम्सोधन गरे पुग्छ?
Badhai cha hamra danka samsad heru lai.Janaandolan garekai uni heru ko bhatta pachauna ra bakamphuse kam garna ta ho ni.Mul political issue uni heru lai thaha nai chaina tesaile pheri ekpatak thulo adhi huri sahit ko andolan layara yi sab danka heru lai samapta gari naya des ko nirman ma jutnu cha sathi heru,aaunus hat ma hat kadh ma kadh milau
चेन्ज गरेको त राम्रो हो, त्यो राज को चिन्नो फुट सबै हटाउनु पर्छ तर त्यो लोगो त माटोले तेसै बच्चा बच्चीले बनाएको जस्तो छ नि। फीनीशीङ्ग राम्रो गर्नु पर्यो…
“kam kuro ekatira lauro boki thimi tira”
k loktantra ayo naya sarkar ayeko kati mahina bhaisakyo k garyo yiniharule ahile samma jantali kam lagne kura ,uhi nepal ko dhukuti sukkha banaudai chan yini haru ,logo ferna ,shree 5 metauna feri lekhna kati baudget kharcha bhako cha tesma kina dhyan diidaina ?hello mr umesh rajako palama kharcha bahko kura ta lekeko thiyoni haina ahile nepal ko dhukuti siddeko kura chai khaita?ki ahile loktantra ako bhayera testo lekhnu hunna?badi pahirole nepal dubna lagi sakyo khai teha rahat dina gako chor subashh nenwang aja hasera baseko chas sunko chadiko logo banayera kukur ko tail 12 years dhunga ma rakhera hane pani bangeko bangei bhaneko yehi ho
mahat paro tokyo
This is just ridiculous and unfortunate of our country you know why;It’s already been four months re-establisment of so-called democracy and loktantra can anyone show any constructive work during this period. We all nepali want security,freedom and employment where all can use there talents to develop our beautiful nation.Non-of these mps,ministers ever came up with any vision or goal to assure the nepali people enjoy their rights to live up with freedom and security.Oh! well you guys just be busy doing some non-sense stuffs which is not you promised and of course you don’t remember until the next election.Thank you for nothing
The so attractive and catching design though. Change is good but not so sweet in terms of design. It looks rough.
like the retarded people in the nepalese government, the logo is the most ridiculous looking thing ever.
more than the stupid logo,the poor nepalese people have already been forgotten by these so called leaders. logo certainly was not the priority here.
Look at the people who are suffering from land slides, spend money for their rescue not making golden logo or so. Poverty should be given a first priority to wipe out from the country. No hope with these corrupted leaders.
Home minister visited land slide areas instead of going there he could have offered the equivalent amount of plane or helicoptor fair to the affected people would have been much more productive. They never take the issue that way.
Now a days it seems that whoever has got problem can go for fasting or procession to meet their demands like university part time teachers how can they get permanent position without taking exams or competition. Everyone can guess the quality of teaching since most of the part time teachers they must have got the job through link without having competition. Therefore, like CCTV students the quality of students from that organizations is very poor. How can you simply make it equivalent without meeting the minimum requirements. This is absolutely ridiculous. I think in order to make changes in our country each and every post should be fulfilled by fair competition then only a capable person will hold the post and could do sth better than like yeah I am brother or relative of home minister so I can be inspector even if I have got bought certificate from india or so.
Jai nepal!
These so-called ‘cosmetic’ changes are necessary to establish an identity for the changed governance. But, frankly speaking – the design sucks and the craftsmanship is even worse. It looks like a 1 suka dhyaak, the only difference being the gold and silver used on making it.
It looks nice but I agree with Ajaya Shrestha’s comment !!!!!
उमेश जि, कति राम्रो खबर ल्याउनु भएको! हैन यो लोगो भनेको सान्सद हरु को बिल्ला मात्र का लागि हो कि नेपाल सर्काको लोगो हो ? तेसो भए हाम्रो पास्पोर्ट, सरकारी कागज पत्र, नगरिकता आदी मा पनि यही लोगो लाग्ने हो त ? त्यो पहिला को श्रीपेच्, सैनिक्, भएको नगरिकता आदी मा लाग्ने छप अब पक्का कतै पनि छैन हो ?
यो बिदेश मा बस्ने काम पनि कस्तो आधो हुदो रहेछ ।
यो लोगो अति नै राम्रो छ किन कि यस्मा पुरानो भूत पूर्व राजा को कुनै चिन्ह देखिदैन
साथै कैदी हरु लाइ भूत पुर्व राजा ले घूडा टेकेको दिन छोड्ने निर्णय पनि अति सराहनिय छ
हामी नेपाली लाइ बधाई छ
काम कुरो एकातिर कुम्लो बोकी ठिमीतिर भनेको यहि हो
Good news!
Also want to remind parliamantarian that more than 30% of its population live below absolute poverty without having enough food to eat, wear cloth and house as well as freedom and parliamantarian are having the logo with the one made of Silver, coated gold wonderful.
बधाई छ बधाई !!!