शिखर बैठकपछिको पत्रकार सम्मेलनको अडियो ब्लग

शिखर बैठक लम्बिँदै लम्बिँदै तिहारपछि पुग्ने त हैन ? सहमति नभएको आजको शिखर बैठकका बारेमा जानकारी दिन दुवै वार्ता टोलीले सिंहदरबारस्थित शान्ति सचिवालयमा आयोजना गरेको पत्रकार सम्मेलनको अडियो ब्लग। यसमा सरकारी वार्ता टोलीका संयोजक कृष्ण सिटौला र माअ‍ोवादी वार्ता टोलीका संयोजक कृष्ण महराको आवाज सुन्न सक्नुहुनेछ। अडियो सुन्न भित्र आउनुहोला।

अडियो सुन्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस्।

डाउनलोड गर्न यहाँ राइट क्लिक गरी सेभ टार्गेट एज गर्नुस्।


  1. Tihar pachhi paniyeeniharule ta sikhar barta bhaiorakhchha jasto lagchha malai ta
    yeniharule dashain agi nai sakine bhaneko baarta pani aaja samma sakeka hoinan
    bishwash nai garna garyo ye netaharuklo

  2. ** False Assurances but still no Constructive Decisions yet **

    The assurances given by those political leaders to create new Nepal can be viewed in a number of ways.

    One way to interpret their false assurances is as follows:

    1.To legalise all Wrong doing, Excesses and Human Rights Violations by Maoists by conducting the election of Constituent Assembly.
    2.Creating the bright future for SPA leaders in New Nepal.
    3.Deciding who gets what position in the Interim Government

    The people are not interested at all on the formation of Interim Government and decision on the date for the election of Constituent Assembly but they want to see firmed decisions on two main issues in the peace summit.

    1.Abolishing the Monarchy system by declaring the Republic of Nepal

    2.Modality of Proportional Representative government based on Federal Republic or Democratic Republic

    The SPA leaders are using the monarchy institution as the bargaining chip with Maoists so that they can create their future in Nepal. A rich king in a poor country, the monarchy institution has no place in 21 century Nepal. SPA leaders will have to give up the monarchy institution but when ? If they can not decide to abolish the monarchy system then let the people be given rights to decide the fate of monarchy by referendum.The referendum must be conducted side by side with the election of the Constituent Assembly.

    Maoists want to legalise all their wrong doing, excesses and Human Rights violations by Maoists by insisting the election of Constituent Assembly. After they can claimed that their party brought the change in Nepal.

    The main problem for the people is Maoists arms. Maoists must dissociate publicly from violence and extortion first before they are allowed to join Interim Government. The UN authority must be given the control of both armies during the election of the Constituent Assembly. We can keep our peace and freedom (Democracy) only when Maoists respect “Ballots” and stop worshiping “Guns”.

  3. बाग्लुङतिर एउटा रमाइलो उखान छ “लाने अर्कै छन् दिने अर्कै छन् यि चन्द्रकोटे बुढि किन टकटकिँदी हुन्?” मलाई यो प्रस्तुति र टिप्पणीहरु हेर्दा यो भनाइ याद् आयो ।

  4. नेपालका मन्त्री ले धेरै भूमिका बाधनु कुनै अचम्को कुरा हैन तर नेपाली काङ्रेस् का यि मन्त्री ले हाल सम्म राम्रै गरेका छन शान्ति सम्झौता को सवल मा
    अनि कुरा चपाएर बोल्ने त कमुनिस्त नेताको सन्स्कृति नै हो नि ।

  5. हैन हे यो बर्ता के को लागि हो हं? माओवादी हरुको बार्ता को एजेन्डा राश्ट्रपति हो कि के हो? हतार् म निर्णय गरेर फूर्सद् म पछुताउनु हुन्न भन्ने कुरामा म पनि सहमत् छु, तर महरा जि ले धेरै कुरा चपयेर बोलेको चहि मलै मन् परेन।

  6. धन्यवाद उमेश जी ।

    तर यी मन्त्री किन यति लामो भूमिका बाँधिरहेका छन् हँ ?

  7. Umesh jee Thank you a lot for your info. shortly.We ve really confussed that which one KRISHNA is Revousianary?we thought that Home minister Krishna seems more active, polite and overall for address Nepali peoples and his speech….but Maoist seems Proudy with blood shed…

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