बालुवाटारमा राजालाई मृत्युदण्डको 'जोक'

भित्र सात दल र माअ‍ोवादीका नेताहरु के गर्दै थिए कुन्नि, तर प्रधानमन्त्री निवास बालुवाटारबाहिरको मजा भने बेग्लै थियो। कहीँ कुनै पत्रिकामा पढ्न नपाइने गजब गजबका राजनीतिक विश्लेषणहरु त्यहाँ भेला भएकाहरुले सुनाइरहेका हुन्थे। झुण्डझुण्डमा मान्छेहरु बसेर कुरा सुन्ने/सुनाउने गरिरहेका हुन्थे। त्यस्तो भीडमा पत्रिका बेच्ने हकर पनि के कम- सद्दामलाई फाँसीपछि राजालाई मृत्युदण्ड भनेर कराउँदै बेच्दै थिए। सुन्ने सञ्चारकर्मी र सर्वसाधारणहरुको त कुरै छाडौं, त्यसो भन्दा उनी आफै पनि मुस्कुराइरहेका थिए। अनि छेउछाउका प्रहरीहरु पनि। भिडियो हेर्न भित्र आउनुस्।

यस बाहेक यो भिडियोमा ट्राफिक नियन्त्रण, नागरिक समाजको धर्ना आदि दृश्य पनि देख्न पाउनु हुनेछ।

भिडियो हेर्न तलको प्लेयरको प्ले बटनमा क्लिक गर्नुहोला। कनेक्सन स्लो छ भने पहिला बायाँ छेउको पज बटन थिची पछि पुनः सोही बटन थिची नरोकी हेर्नुस्।

वा डाउनलोड गर्न यहाँ राइट क्लिक गरी सेभ टार्गेट एज गर्नुस्‌।


  1. Hi nepali friends.we really need to kick out gyne paras & put them life inprision.poor nepali people are suffering & fighting for two time food a day but these bullshit useless kings & cheater politican are living luxerious life .what the hell is this???i think maobadi are doing great job.let them to run nepal once if they fail kick out them too.I hope such talent and brave maobadi leader will do better.please give them chance.

  2. Jokes and how people get benefitted with the rumours is shown by the hawker. it does not matter whether it is right or wrong, but only what he wants is to earn few money to solve his family’s hand to mouth problems. Anyway, it is necessary to solve basic problems of we poor people. The fire of empty stomach makes the people do howmuch the difficult works. It doesnot hesitate to fire others house also (rebelions) to extinguish the fire that is burning inside them. Struggle to survive.

    [email protected]

  3. i just laughed a lot just listening to that boy’s comment “saddam lai fasi pachhi raja gyanendra lai faasi” … i am sure nepalese really dont need king … just imagine …. that boy who have nothing to do with king or maoist but has hope of being a free nepali … really appreciable.


  4. सागर नेपाली जी को कुरासङ्ग म सहमत छु. किनकि सद्दाम को भन्द त ग्यानेन्द्रले नै
    बढि जनताको हत्या गरेका छ्न.फासिको सजाय त ग्यानेन्द्रले पाउनु पर्ने हो.
    तर बिडम्बना हाम्रो देशमा ग्यानेन्द्रलाइ फासि त परै जाओस आयोगको प्रस्न नदिदा
    पनि खै अझै सम्म के गर्ने भन्ने कुराको निर्नय नगरि सेलायो झन फासि दिस्को आट.हम्रो देश येस्तै भयेर बिग्रियको हो . अप्राध गर्नेलाइ कुनै कार्बाहि नै हुदैन
    तेसैले त अप्राधिले अप्राध गरेको गर्यै हुन्छ्.ग्यानेन्द्रलाइ फासि नदियेपनि जन्मकैदको सजाय हुनु पर्छ

  5. अमेरीकाले जे प्रचार गर्यो तेही सत्य? सद्दाम लाइ फांसी दीने कारण के उस्ले जनता मारेकोले हो? कस्तो गलत फहमी हाम्रा मीत्र हरुको। उस्ले अमेरीकाको interest बिरुद्‌द काम गरेकोले हो न की उस्ले जनता मारेकोले हो। होईन भने सुडान को राष्ट्रपती Omar al-Bashir लाइ Dufar मा लाखौं मानीसको कत्लेआम गर्न सहयोग पुर्‌याएकोमा सद्दाम हुसेनलाइ भन्दा पहीला झुण्ड्याउनु पर्ने हो। नेपाल जस्तो बिचार बीहीन देश त अमेरीका/भारत ले जे भन्यो तेही हो।

  6. There is no shortcut but everybody wish one is there for them.

    People had/have still some hope from maoist despite whatever they have done. There are positive aspects of 10 years war. That is not the only history. There are negative parts of it also. It seems that MAOIST are claiming they have popular support and hope to win in election. They can hope. But, what I suspect that if they continue pressurising the people for providing shelter and so on they are loosing people’s hope. It gives negative image to them.

    Maoist have to understand that it is the time of image building and they should help the people and not be part of their headache; they(PEOPLE) already have lots of headache. It does not matter for the people whether there will be 1 million or 1000 in the mass meeting. This kinds of power show should not be the agenda for the party claiming to work for people. They can disemminate thier message by media (they have access to them now). Even if they can collect 5 million people, it would show that people were forced to congregate. If they can win the heart of the people, nobody have to tell them to participate people will automatically gather.

    If they continue like this they will have the fate of Bamdev’s Male (CPM MALE, loosing the parliament election).

    Nobody is perfect in this world. If somebody claims then it is big fraud. And, in election we are choosing best among the bad guys.[THIS ALWAYS THE CASE IN ELECTION].

    In one hand we( leaders and parties, people) are talking about better Nepal, transformed Nepal, but, on the other hand our bahaviour has not changed. In the talk also they are focussing on petty party interest. Country is not in the agenda, People are not in the agenda. This shows that our suffering in the past is not sufficient. we have learnt little but not significantly.
    This shows that there is inherent problem somewhere within us and we have not found it.

    Hope we will find that problem and improve ourselves, our society and our country.


  7. ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई मृत्युदण्ड दिने कुरा त त्यही दरवार काण्डको प्रमाणिकता पुष्टि भएमा हुनसक्छ , जुन कुरा गर्न लगभग असम्भव नै छ ।

    तर देश गणतन्त्रमय बनेको सन्दर्भमा र राजा र राजसंस्था यति बिघ्न अलिकपृय भएको वर्तमान सन्दर्भमा स्वयं राजाले पदत्याग गर्नु पर्ने हो अथवा म जनमतलाई स्वीकार्न तयार छु भनेर जनमतसंग्रह वा संविधानसभाको निर्णय स्विकार्न तयार छु भन्न सक्नु पर्ने हो । किनभने अब राजतन्त्र बाँकि रह्यो भने पनि त्यस्को इज्जत भने बाँकिरहेको छैन ।

    राजले अब कुनै भद्रो नहेरी कुलेलम ठोक्दा जाति हुन्थ्यो किनभने वर्तमान राजा त नेपाली राजतन्त्रको परम्परामा नै एउटा कालो धब्बा जस्तै रहन पुगेका छन। आफ्ना पूर्खाहरुको शाख बचाउन पनि उनले साहसिक निर्णय लिएर कतै निर्वासित जीवन बिताउने निर्णय गरेको राम्रो । राजतन्त्र इज्जत र श्रद्दामा बाँच्ने संस्था हो तर अपशोस नेपाली जनमानसमा त्यस्कालागि अब केही बाँकि रहेन ।

  8. We have no right to kill anybody. Killing is simply a wrong concept, too outdated. They do it to us doesn’t mean we have to do it to them. That just makes us exactly like them.

  9. dida huncha chor lai ek jana hatay ra ta kaam huncha sansara bata ta ra kya bore bhayo yo kura ta bahera bhaya cha tara yo kura bhitara meeting ma bhaya ko bhaya kya majahunthayo hai sathi hoooooooo!!!!!!11
    j hos good news thnks hai dai for dis kind of news

  10. mr sam teti dherai manchhe le afno jyan diye prajatantra ko lagi nepal ra nepali ko bhabisya ujyalo hunchha ki bhanera .tara euta gatilo neta nikalna sakena euta gatilo leader jo desh prati sachhi ko bafadar hos .french revolution pachhi ko france jhai nepal banna hawa kura garera ra manganante kura sochera ani arkako khuttatanera ra gaf garera jindagi bitaune banilai pahila tyagnus mahanab

  11. if u can give death penalty to king then why not to the girija madhab nepal sher badhur and ofcourse last but not the least to the maoist suprremos who led the killings 11000 nepalee lives .mr nj
    take care

  12. उमेश जी!!
    सबै जना जुन द्वार बाट भित्र पसे पनि निस्कदा चाँही एकै निर्णय लिएर एउटै द्वार बाट जनता को खुशी लिएर निस्कुन्,नत्र जनताले कसैलाई पनि छोड्ने वाला छैनन कि कसो ,उमेश जी । । । ।
    वार्ता सफल होस् हाम्रो शुभकामना!!!!
    अर्जुन सुब्बा,दोहा बाट

  13. मेरो घर ललितपुर वागडोलमा पर्छ । खाइनखाइ गरेर तीनआनामा बनेको उक्तघरमा तल्लो तला भाडामा छ । माथिल्लो दुइ कोठा र किचेन मैले चलाइरहेको छु । मेरा चारजनाको पारिवारलाइ नै घर सांगुरो त छदैछ तर हिजो माओवादीका एक झुण्ड आएर एउटा कागज थमाउंदै उनिहरुका ३० जना साथीका लागि उक्त घरमा मैले खाने र वस्ने व्यवस्था गरिदिन आग्रह गरेका छन् । म विदेशमा छु । मेरो परीवारले समस्या वताउंदा जसरी भएपनि गर्न पर््यो भनि उनिहरु गए रे । मेरा परिवार डराएर अव के गर्ने भन्न थालेका छन् । के यो ज्यादती हैन ? स्वास्नीमान्छे र दुइ वच्चा मात्र भएको घरमा ३०।३० जनाको लागि सेल्टर मैले कसरी उपलव्ध गराउने हो ? माओवादीले वन्दुकको आडमा गरेको यो जोड जुलुम र दादागिरी को कहां गएर मैले उजुर गर्ने हो मलाइ थाह भएन ।

  14. this great news,yadi yastai bhai diya katti majja hunthyo hola????????????????????????????? seema hongkong

  15. Garnuparne ta tyehi ho! tara biralako ghanti ma kasle ghanti bhadne?
    All these SPA leaders are corrupt together with Gyane and his mandali, that’s why this issue is out of question now.

  16. Bastabma barta sthal herda ta nepal ma pakkai Ganatantra aunchha jasto lagyo, tyahan ko tam-jham ani nagarik sangh-santha ko nara haru dekhta ta pakkai nepal aba naya bato ma bikas ko tarfa lagchha ki bhanne bhann bho ani euta Hakar ko boli sunda ta sanchina mero pani ragat umlera ayo ki sachinai hatyara ani sosak Raja Gaynandra lai Fashi dinu parchha, Gayne lai yo desh ma basne kunai adhikar chhaina usko ku-kritya herda thulo aparadh dekhinchha ra unalai mrityu danda bahek arko funisment (Sajaya) chhaina, yo sabai nepali janata le chaheko chha tara tyo Hakar le karayeko jasto sajilai yi Darbar parasta Sat-Dal ko Neta haru sanga aant chha ki Raja lai karbahi garne ra naya nepal banaune? malai biswas chhaina tini haru bata k hee hunna tara hami niras hunu-hunna aba sabai rastra premi janata haru Rajalai Fashi de bhanera awaj bulanda garnu parchha.

  17. patrika bechnele thikai kura ta garecha ni.sadram husanlai jastai raja ggynendra pani kina mauka nadine ni!!!!

  18. oh yeah he should be executed like the king s in french revolution underneath guelatin
    so neplese people will make new strong nation of their own

    long live nepal and nepali people

  19. POOR SPA, Their Boss & Old Regime!

    Now they are bargaining with Maoists to get more seats in legislature!

    ALL SPA leaders may suicide when people will verdict them by giving reasonably enough numbers of votes [couples of hunderds to thousands] to their candidates during CA Polls.

    SPA leaders even do not want to think the next day after CA Polls. What these servant leaders have done to people [excluding their own family & relatives] so far?

    SPA leaders have always been working as servants of old regime [Palace, rNA & Panches] all the way through 2007, 2017, 2036, 2046 & 2063!

    These servant leaders never believed in people’s power!

    A TAMA KO PAISA is much more valuable to these servant leaders than the supports of people!

    A SON OF FARMER believed in the great people’s power and now the HEAD OF OLD REGIME is very close to be brought into justice who has been sucking our nation & its people for 237 years to be the one of richest king in the world!

    The head of old regime is still with more than thousands highly equipped arms inside the palace to protect himself & his power!

    But, so-called people’s leaders [Servants of old regime] are bargaining for the seats so that they can use these seats in the favor of palace and these servant leaders want to share the palace’s guns with these seats so that people can be betrayed again!

    Hi Servant leaders, Be aware of great nepalese people!!!

    People are now in strong position to gun down the OLD REGIME including so-called-people leaders!

    If the peace-talks is not for the sake of people, then people know very well what is the next & the best to do!!!

  20. kya garnuu abaa karayara….gyanay layee ta jestha 20 gatya raja birendra ko haatya ko bholyee palata jundaau nuu paranay thee yoo. taay tee khyara yee naaaytaa haruu layy guuuu khaaya… aba ta yo bachee halyoo nee..

  21. oh tyo patrika wala dai ko add maile nasuni nai imagine garisake
    hami college jada bagbazar ma daily karauthiae ni ta

  22. यसले नेपाल हल्लै हल्लाको देश हो भन्ने कुरा हटेको छैन भन्ने साबित भएको छ । सबै नेपालीले हल्ला र झुटको खेती नगर्ने हो नेपाल उहिले नै समुन्नत र समृध्दि हुने थियो ।र हामी पुर्ण प्रजातन्त्रको उपभोग गरी रहेका हुन्थ्यो ।

  23. बिगत को ११ बर्षमा नेपाल मा १३-१४ हजार मान्छेको ज्यान गैसकेको छ । नेपाली घटनाक्रम को जिम्मेवार सद्दाम्(नेता) हरु लाई जनताले त्यसै छाड्लान त? चाहे त्यो जङल मा बस्ने सद्दाम होस् या काठमाडौं मा बस्ने सद्दाम्, जो होस् त्यस्ले पनि सजाय पाउनै पर्छ नेपालमा दन्डहिनताले गर्दा जसले जे गरे पनि हुने भै सकेको छ । हुन त ईतिहास जित्ने हरुको घोडा हो, जस्ले जित्छ उस्ले लगाम लिन्छ । तर पनि, जसरी ईराक मा मरेका मान्छेहरुको आत्मा ले शान्ति पाउनका लागि सद्दाम लाई सजाय को खाँचो थियो, त्यसरि नै नेपाल मा बिना कसुर ज्यान गुमा एका नेपाली नगरिकहरुको आत्मा ले शान्ति पाउन पनि नेपाली सद्दामले हदै सम्मको सजय पाउन जरुरी छ ।

  24. Dida hunchha ki.sansar ma eak jana ko jena liya ma ta mirtudanda dinchhan bhane usle [raja]ta kati mareyo kati.

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