हेलो मिथिला

नमस्ते । फेरि एक पटक म जनकपुरको साइबरबाट तपाइँहरुलाई नमस्ते गर्दैछु। बिहान पनि एउटा साइबरबाट साथी दीपकको ब्लग र केह्री शब्दहरु अपडेट गरेको थिएँ। यहाँको खबर सुनाउनु पर्दा अरु के भन्नु र। नेट अलि स्लो छ र यी शब्दहरु टाइप गरिरहँदा लामखुट्टेले तल खुट्टामा टोकेर हैरान पारिरहेको छ । लामखुट्टे त यहाँको विशेषता जस्तो नै रहेछ । हाम्रो यहाँको लोकल गाइड साथी मणि दाहालका अनुसार लामखुट्टेले टोकेन भने बरु अचम्म मान्नु पर्छ रे।

५२ वटा तलाउ र अनगिन्ति पानी जम्ने ठाउँ अनि त्यसमाथि खुला नाली। अनि किन नहोस् त लामखुट्टेको मनोमानी । यो लामखुट्टेले हिजो राति सुत्दा यति दिक्क बनायो कि हिजो बसेको मनकामना गेस्ट हाउसलाई नै परिवर्तन गर्ने निर्णय बिहान मेरी गृहमन्त्रीले गर्न पुगिन्। आजको रात भने हामी काठमाडौ्रं गेस्ट हाउसमा बिताउने योजनामा छौं ।

भ्रमणमा छन् गृहमन्त्री मेरी बालबालिका मन्त्री अनि साथीहरु मिस टीन र मणि दाहाल। गृहमन्त्रीको काम विशेष र घुमघाम पनि हुने निहुँमा हामी यहाँ आएका हौ।

अरु जनकपुरको कुरा गर्ने हो भने भोलिदेखि मिथिला महोत्सव हुँदैछ यहाँ। तर भोलिको स्थिति तनावपूर्ण हुने देखिएको छ । कुरा के पर्यो भने महोत्सवको उदघाटन गर्न बोलाइएको रहेछ एमाले महासचिव माधवकुमार नेपाललाई । मूला मिथिला महोत्सवको उदघाटन गर्न पहाडिया नेतृत्वलाई ल्याउने भन्दै मधेशी विद्यार्थी प्रन्टले सशक्त विरोध गर्ने बताएका रहेछन् । उनीहरुले त विरोधको क्रममा हुनसक्ने कुनै पनि अपि्रय घटनाको जिम्मेवार महोत्सव आयोजक हुने समेत बताएका रहेछन् । त्यसैगरी सदभावना आनन्दीदेवी समूहको युवा मोर्चाले पनि त्यसको विरोध गरेका छन् ।

जनकपुरमा पहाडिया र मधेशी भनी खुब भेदभाव हुने गरेको अघि यहाँ मणिका दाइले बताउँदै थिए । विरोध त हाम्रो यात्राको नियति जस्तो नै भइसक्यो । जनकपुरतिर आउने क्रममा पनि हेटौडाको लोथर भन्ने ठाउँमा करिब आधा किलोमिटर बाटो पिच गर्न पटकपटक बताउँदा पनि कानमा तेल हालेर बसेको भन्दै चक्काजाम गरेका रहेछन् । त्यो पनि कम हो र चार घण्टा बाबाबा। १२ बजे हामी त्यहाँ पुगेका थियौँ र बस्यौ घाम तापी चौरमा सुतेर नानाभाँती गफ हाँक्दै । तीन बजेतिर बल्ल चक्काजाम खुल्यो ।

फेरि हिजै यहाँ माओवादीको मजदूर सगठनले मजदूरको सुरक्षा नभएको भन्दै जनकपुर बजार बन्द गरेका रहेछन् ।

आज बिहान हामी जनकपुरको जानकी मन्दिर र विवाह मण्डप हेर्न गयौं। जानकी मन्दिरको अदभूत कला देखेर दंग परेँ म त। फोटोहरु पनि खिचेको त थिएँ तर नेट स्लो भएकोले घर पुगेपछि मात्रै फोटोहरु राख्नेछु ।


  1. my home is jaleshwor so i have went there many time and visited the great janaki mandir many time and had suffered by mosquito but whatever is the problem its great place to live and see . i love mithila nagari

  2. Thanks Umeshjee, at least you started thread on Mithila Mahotsav and we people living abroad came to know about this. Is this not another proof of descimination for mithila, even by other media people as well. They donot see it as any important function, but they give good coverage of a workshop done in five star hotel,no matte it is productive or not.

    Nice comment by Pushkarjee – “Now Janakpur is almost covered by PAHADI population… so there is no logic to blame Janakpur people”, means all Mithilabashi are getting displaces slowly?. Yeh, its on the same way as Tharu people were displaced from Chitwan, Jhapa, kanchanpur… But do you know, it was strategic Migration Plan of King Mahendra? And a day came when his son (Gyane) even lost his chair from parliament. Of course, it took some decades. But donot forget, if such strategy is continued even today, it will not take decades for another big change there as well.

    Why not Mithilabashi will oppose MAKUNE in Mithila mahotsav? what is his contribution for mithila, except making his poppet the chairman of Brihat Janakpur Bikash Samiti? By writing one sentence in maithili cannot prove anybody to be real Mithilabashi.

    Just a request to all the well wisher of Nepal- Wish and act for Greater and Prosperous Nepal. Be broad minded …..
    Jai Mithila, Jai Nepal.

  3. उमेश जी,

    हेलो मिथिला हो कि Hell to Mithila? भर्खरै देशमा भएको परिवर्तनको (दल माओबादी सम्झौताको) चर्को श्वरले विरोध गर्ने मिथिलाबासीहरूले किन त्यसो गरेका रहेछन् यसो बुझेर लेख्नुहोस् न । यदि तिनिहरूले त्यसको विरोध गर्नुमा कुनै तुक छैन भने “हेलो मिथिला” हैन “Hell to Mithila” भन्नुपर्ने हुन्छ ।

  4. Dear Umeshjee,
    I made spelling mistakes while writing comment yesterday, pls correct those. Moreover, in one sentence, I wrote ” Nepali mahotsav in Europe or America. BUT it should be Nepali mahotsav in Nepal, inaugurated by European or American.

    Hope, you will correct those before putting my comment on ur site. This is just for correction request, not for publishing. Thanks for understanding.

  5. यो नै भोली को जातिए स्वोशासन भए पछि को नेपाल को सानो रुप हो । दु ख लाग्छ, एस्तो कुरा सुन्दा र देख्दा । एस्तो धेरै ठाउँ म हुने सम्भाबना छ । पुरानो बाइसे चो बिसे राज्य जस्तै हुने होला – नयाँ नेपाल ।

  6. U r right Umeshjee, Dirt and its effects (like mosquito) is identity of Janakpur. It’s partially due to local people (as they are not conscious and responsible) BUT mainly due national leaders of different parties. And thats natural and it will continue till Leader like MAKUNE will be going to inagurate MITHILA MAHOTSAV. Now, people are opposing only as MAKUNE (I donot mean anu indicidual, but like) as chief guest, later they will oppose such leader’s presence if their attitude is not changed to see the local community. Say honestly Umeshjee, will you like any foreign leader inagurating our Nepalese Mahotsav in Europe or USA? its same at community level.

    just one example- too many Pahadi leaders (from different party)win from Madhesh. Why not any party even have guts to give candidature of any madheshi leader (of their party) from Pahadi either Madhesi are too stupid or Pahadi are too clever?

    It shouldnot be considered as communal, rather it should be taken as symbol of the feelings of people. It is in the same line what you people are working- The Republic Nepal the true inclusive Democracy in Great Nepal.

  7. umesh dai hamro mithiladham ma tapai lai lamkutte ko tokai sangai swagat chha. aba tapai janak ji ko rajdhani ma aaunu bhaeko chha pahile thahai thiena. nabhae yaso purai nabhae pani hamro janakpur nagar palika le tapai laj ko pakkai pani lamkhutte haru lai hapkaune kosis garne thiyo tara kehi chhaina mithila ma lamkhutte ra chakka jam ko jati pani prabhav bhae pani yaha ko ramaniya batabaran ma pakkai pani tapai ramaunu hune chha . shathai tapai janakpur samma pugnu bhaeko chha bhane janakpur bhanda 13 km dakshin tira bhole baba ko barbar pani chha uha uni jaleshwor nath mahadev ko nam le bikhyat hunu hunchha yadi hajur sanga samay bhae ekchoti jaleshwor gae baba ko darsan pani garnu hola.
    Ranjan bhandari
    ghar jaleshwor
    hal: doha , qatar
    p.b. no . 31174
    [email protected]

    tpai ball mero hometown pugnu bha ko chha ma ta tayi hurke, tyhi padher ahile america ma basdai chhu.
    tpaile saacho kura garnu bho lamkhutte ko ,janakpur ko bisesta nai lamkhutte ho tyaha gaye pachhi lamkhutte token bhanne janakpur ko yatra nai adhuro hunchha afu ta ab lamkhutte resist bhaiske afulai kehi farak pardaina……….
    la ta enjoy ur janakpur tour and mero tir bat pani janki maata lai namaste bhanidinu

  9. ke janakpur ma matra pahadia-madhesi ko bhed bhab hunchha?
    kathmandu ma madhesi samudaya ka manis haru lai kati ko bhedbhab chha, yo kura tapai haru le bujhnu bhayeko chha?
    jati kathmandu pokhara ma madhesi haru descriminate bhayeka chhan tyeti tarai ma pahadi samudaya ka manchhe haru lai problem chhaina,

  10. pahadi ra madesi bhanera bhed bhab garne ho bhane ta girija wa badri mandal lai bolaye bhai halyo ni hoina bhane sabai nepali nai huna kina pahad ra mades bhannu paryo//

  11. मलाई तपाई को लेख राम्रो लाग्यो.
    नरजन्ग गुरुन्ग

  12. Hello mithila!
    Iam also from janakpur, yes Janakpur is much affected by mosquito,and is dirty as well.
    But its fact that Janakpur’s development has been neglected by the government and the local leaders are thief.
    The matter of tribes, PAHADI/MADESHI is obvious. not a single time, but most of time the PAHADE origin leadres have been selected but what have they done,nothing.
    When the MADESHI people of Janakpur go in other part of nepal, they are greatly dipressed by pahade origin. So its sure that such people never bear the PAHADE people in janakpur. And i think, the Madeshi mukti morcha is running on this slogan.

    Ok i wish some great discussion on this topic.

  13. धन्यवाद उमेश जी तपाईं कम से कम जनकपुर को न्युज त हाल्नु भयो । कृपया फोटो हरु पनि हाल्नु होला र भए सम्म फोटो शेभ को ओप्सन दिनु होला । म जनकपुर लाई एकदम मिस्स् गर्छु यार । तपाईं ले ठीक भन्नु भयो जनकपुर मा लाम्खुत्ते ले तोकेन भने जनकपुर गएको थाहा नै हुँदैन र होला पनि लाम्खुत्ते त जनकपुर को बिशेषता हो ।तर जनकी मन्दिर को पनि खास् नै बिशेषता छ ।त्यस्तो ठुलो मन्दिर हाम्रो नेपाल भरि म छैन होला

  14. hey nice to get news from janakpur. it would be great i wolud have been there to help u all guys . but sorry hai umesh bro . mosquito ta janakpur ko chinarinai baisake ko ja. . . i spent my whole 17 wonderful years in that janakpur. so think of me i much i might had been suffered . talking about discrimiation, its all about people thought. i never felt discrimated by others . and i had lots of so called madeshi fren as i am so called pahadehiya. . nice to get news about janakpur . waiting for video eagerly .

  15. आशा गरौँ उमेश जी तपाईको यो संदेश यो देशका नेताहरुको कानमा परुन, आशा गरौँ कोही नेपाली पक्कै आउलान् ती खुल्ला नालीको व्यवस्थापनका लागि!

    तपाईँ हामी एक दुइ दिनको लागि जानेलाई त त्यहाँको दुर्अवस्था असहय हुन्छ भने जसलाइ त्यहाँ जिन्दगी नै बिताउनु छ तिनिहरुलाइ कस्तो हुन्छ होला?

    सम्भवत: तपाईको यो लेखले देश हाक्ने हरुको ध्यानाकर्शन होला … यो मिथिलानगरी जनकपुरको व्यवस्थापन मा…यदि जनकपुर पनि नेपाल नै हो भने… र त्यहाँका गोरा छाला मात्रै नभइ काला छाला पनि एकै नेपाल आमा का सन्तान हुन् भने…..

    जय मिथिला
    जय देश

  16. जायज कुरो हो यार। म पनि जनकपुर कहिल्यै जान्न भन्न बाध्य परेको भुक्त भोगी हो। एक पटक हो र २ पटक म जनकपुर जादाँ सार्ह्रै आपत परेको थियो। लामखुट्टेको के कुरा। नाक बाट सास फेर्यो नाकै बाट छिर्छ। हाइ गर्न मुखबायो मुखैमा छिर्छ।
    यो त भयो नकारात्मक कुरा। तर सकारात्मक पनि छ है। जानकी मन्दिर देख्दा भने जोगी भनेर त्यहिको भोगी बनि बसौँ बसौँ लाग्यो नि फेरी।

    ल तपाइको जनकपुर यात्राले पलाइ पुन:त्यहि तीतो अनुभो फेरी सम्झना आयो। धन्यवाद भनौ वा अरू केहि!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. hi, umesh mosquito is very popular in janakpur and say remember to all from benionline to miss teen and your family and make your journy successful and be aware from mosquito at all .byeeee




  19. yo sab des lai bikhandan garne kura matra ho sabai nepali bhaye pachhi kina pahadi ra madheshi bhannu paryo ra tyo ta birodh garne sathi haru ko galat sochai ho teso bhaye girija wa badri mandal lai bolaye bhai halyo ni ta hoina bhane madhap nepal pani tarai kai ta hun ni///

  20. उमेश जी!!तपाईं को ‘हेलो मैथिली’ ब्लग पढेर आज अलिकति नरमाइलो लाग्यो,खास- जनकपुरमा पहाडे र मधेशी बिचको भेदभावले सम्पूर्ण नेपाली र नेपाल मा भएका बिभिन्न जातजातिलाई साम्प्रदाईक असर पर्न जान्छ,जनकपुर् वासीले मात्र हैन नेपालको कुनै पनि थाउमा बस्ने नेपाली ले यस्तो किसिमको जातिय भेदभाव नराखी एउटै नेपाली को व्यबहार गरे देशको उन्नतीमा सघाउ पुग्ने थियो,”बुज्नेलाई श्रीखान्द नबुज्नेलाई खुर्पाको समाउने” कि कसो?
    अर्जुन सुब्बा – दोहा बाट

  21. umesh ji aajkal tapaaiko yatraa bisesh gari matha,mandir tira hune gareko le malai derai khusi lagyo kinaki hijoko samachaar maa manakamana mandir ko jhalak dekhane maukaa paye, pheri aaj jaanaki mandir. testai bholika dinharuma aru anne dhaarmik sthal haru ko khabar ra jhalak rakhi aruanne ghyan dilaai dinu hune chha bhanne purna aasha maa ishowriya nimtaa pararthi chhu la bhagawan le tapai lagayet anne tapaai ka subha chintak haruko bhalaai garun !

  22. Umesh ji,
    Jankapuraka pawan mithila nagri me aaha ke bahut bahut swagat aichha!

    Thanks Janakpur is most beautiful city but very far away from our national concentration.Litrature and proof say that Janakpur is only one holy palace in the world where people have opportunity to see such live existence of Hindusam. You know Umesh Ji, the holy city is really discriminated by our government as well political leader. I suggest you please do not forget to go Dhanushadham and Jaleshwarnath where you will see very strange thing about the existence of live God.

    Yes Umesh ji, In Janakpur local people have no feeling at all about the Pahadi –Madhesi they do not have time for such things they just know Sita- Ram ki Jay ho Jay ho, atithi debo bhaba! , they respect and honor the guest by heart even they have been suffering in Katmandu ,Pokhara or other urban Pahadi part of Nepal, people use to say Janakpure are second class citizen. You doint know how much they are innocent. Although few stupid local and central leader who belong from Tarai region have been arising such issues to win the election, you can see most of them are chief of the leading political parties but they play on it.Now Janakpur is almost covered by Pahadi population who formerly belong from Pahadi reason so there is no logic to blame Janakpure people. I would say Jankpur is one of the best and highly potential holy place and can be earn few billions of dollar from the tourism but who cares. Anyway, Umesh ji enjoy more, have a nice trip.I love Janakpur and i miss Janakpur.

    Pushkar, Germany

  23. Hey- I have nothing to do with private life but I wish to see you respecting your wife as another individual ooops… (you have the super option of not publishing it)

  24. umesh bro photo ani video k k cha ali chado rakhnu la hami ni herau na ani tapai ko grihamantri ra balika mantriko photo ni rakhna na bhulnu la.

  25. hello sathi dherai dherai dhanay baad chha tapailai kehi kura ta sun paiyo hamro janakpur ko barema .hari singh
    hal doha,qatar

  26. Hindu haru ko mandira aba bum padkaune ho. Jaba samma nepal ma bahun haru le raj garchha tyatinjel samma nepal ko k hi bikas hunna, tyahi bhayera bholi bahun ko agaman ma sasakta birodh garnu chha aunus sabai pidit barga ho bidroha garun.

  27. Namaskar Mithilabashi, Wish you very success for the Mithila Mahotsav. Mithila is a great culture of Nepal. Now since the Democracy has come, it is time for all the repressed ethnical groups to develop their culture and get into the mainstream politics and enjoy the fruits of Nepalese prosperity.

    Earlier only a section of the people took the political and economical opportunities in Nepal. Only a small tiny group of minority associated with the Palace taking advantage of the caste and ardent supporters of the Monarchy had the opportunity to reap the economical benefits. Majority of the people were marginalized. Mithila is one of the section disfavored by the Durbariya. Our heart is with you the People of Methila. Let all the people of Nepal be treated equally and justly. Let the people not be discriminated just because they are Madhesis, Newars, Pahaidiya, Tharus, dalits etc and all be treated as the children of Nepal.

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