के राजा चुप छन् ?

-दीपक भट्टराई-

प्रधानमन्त्री कोइराला र उपप्रधानमन्त्री ओलीका वाणी (महान) लाई उमेशले बडा गज्जबको स्पेश दिएछ। उमेशको ब्लगलाई पाठकले चिरफार गर्नुभएकै छ। अझ त्यसमा केही थप्न मन लागेर मात्र।

उमेशले शनिवार साँझ त्यो ब्लग लेख्दै गर्दा म एउटा प्रेस वक्तव्य पढ्दै थिएँ। प्रेस वक्तव्य भन्दा अघि वक्तव्य जारी गर्ने व्यक्तिका केही नाम पढौं, विघटित राजपरिषदका सभापति परशुनारायण चौधरी, सदस्यहरु सच्चितशम्शेर राणा, स्वामी प्रपन्नाचार्य, यज्ञप्रसाद आचार्य सहित ७ जनाले पठाएको विज्ञप्तिमा बोल्ड गरेर लेखिएको छ, अबको नेपाल पनि संवैधानिक राजतन्त्र र बहुदलीय प्रजातन्त्रसहितको आत्म निर्णयको अधिकार र समावेशी राज्य प्रणाली बोकेको हुनेछ।

वक्तव्यमा देश शान्तितर्फ उन्मुख हुनुमा “श्री ५ महाराजधिराज ज्ञानेन्द्र वीर विक्रम शाहदेव सरकारबाट संसदको पुनर्स्थापना गरिबक्सेपछि सबै पक्षको राजनीतिक सहमतिबाट राष्ट्र यो अवस्थामा आइपुगेको हो,” उल्लेख छ। यस्तै वक्तव्यमा दलहरुको सम्वन्धमा “विगतको कमी कमजोरी दोहोर्‍याउने छैनन्” भन्ने विश्वास आफूहरुले लिएको उल्लेख छ।

शनिबार नै मलाई एउटा विदेशी पत्रकारले सोधेको “के राजा चुप छन्” भन्ने पश्नको इमेलबाट जवाफ पठाउनुपर्ने थियो। माथिको वक्तव्यपछि जवाफ पठाउनु पहिले, मैले शान्ति सम्झौता जारी भए पछि राजाले दिएको वक्तव्य पनि पढें। त्यसबाट राजा चुप छैनन् भन्ने जवाफ लेख्न पर्याप्त थियो।

माथिको वक्तव्य राजालाई माघ १९ गतेको कदम चाल्न उक्साउने र पछिल्लो समयसम्म राजालाई साथ दिइरहनेहरुबाट आएको हो, जसले राजा चुप छैनन् भन्ने देखाउँछ। तर, त्यो भन्दा पनि राजा सक्रिय छन् भन्ने कुराको प्रमाण चाँहि, पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री सूर्यबहादुर थापाले नेतृत्व गरेको पार्टी शाही कृषि मन्त्री केशरबहादुर विष्टले नेतृत्व गरेको पार्टी एकीकरण भएको घटना हो। यी दुबै कुनै न कुनै रुपमा देशमा राजातन्त्र राख्नै पर्छ भन्ने पार्टी हुन्।

प्रजातान्त्रिक नेपाल पार्टी (वास्तवमा त्यो एउटा समूहमात्र थियो)का अध्यक्ष केशरबहादुर विष्ट पनि जनआन्दोलन दबाउने क्रममा दोषी देखिएको रायमाझी आयोगको प्रतिवेदनमा उल्लेख छ। (२०४६ सालमा पनि यसरी जन आन्दोलनमा दोषी देखाइएकालाई विभिन्न पार्टीमा हुलेर चोख्याइएको थियो) यी दुबै पार्टी एक बनाउन राजाबाट कुनै कदम चालिएन होला त ?

जब माओवादीले गणतान्त्रिक मोर्चाको कुरा गरेको थियो, तत्काल राजा राख्न चाहने अर्को पार्टी शाही गृहमन्त्री कमल थापाले नेतृत्व गरेको राष्ट्रिय प्रजातन्त्र पार्टीले आफ्नो अध्यक्षमा रविन्द्रनाथ शर्माको चयन गरेको थियो। कमल थापाको बिग्रिएको छविले अरु राजावादी दलसँगै सहकार्य गर्न पनि अप्ठेरो पर्ने हुँदा रविन्द्रनाथ शर्माले त्यो पद लिएका थिए। यसरी राजा आफै एक पटक बोलेर नभए उनका नजिककाहरुले विभिन्न क्रियाकलापले राजा चुप छैनन् भन्ने सन्देश दिएको छ।

त्यसो भए के गर्दैछन् त राजा ?

माथि नै भनियो, राजा आफैले नदेखिएर र उनका सहयोगीहरु देखिएर राजतन्त्रको अस्तित्व जोगाउन लागिपरेका छन्। यसका लागि केही वक्तव्यवाजी सँगसँगै राजावादीहरुको हुन लागेको ध्रुविकरणले स्पष्ट पारेको छ।

शनिवार विघटित राजपरिषदका सदस्यहरुले दिएको वक्तव्य होस् कि सूर्यबहादुर वा रविन्द्रनाथको अन्तराष्ट्रिय सम्वन्ध, यसको भरपुर उपयोग गरेर उनीहरु राजतन्त्रको दीर्घ जीवनका लागि आ-आफ्नो ठाउँबाट लड्नेछन्। जसमा पशुपतिशम्शेर अध्यक्ष भएको राप्रपा पनि नगई सुख छैन, यस्तै बद्रीमण्डलले नेतृत्व गरेका राष्ट्रिय सदभावना पार्टी नीक्षशम्शरले नेतृत्व गरेको देशभक्त पार्टी, नारायण सिं पुनले खोलेको (खोलेकै हो) नेपाल समता पार्टी जस्ता पार्टी पनि राजतन्त्र कै पक्षधर धारमा सामेल हुनेछन्।

त्यसकारण अर्काको मुखबाट आएको प्रधानमन्त्रीको बोलीले गणतन्त्रवादीहरु फुर्किने बेला भएको छैन। प्रधानन्त्री कोइराला आफैँले अहिलेसम्म सार्वजनिक रुपमा आफू लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रवादी हुँ भनेर भनेको मैले सुनेको छैन। बरु त्यसको सट्टा राजालाई पनि स्पेस दिनुपर्छ भनेर कोइरालाले सार्वजनिक अभिव्यक्ति दिएका छन्।

कोइराला गणतन्त्रवादी हुन् कि होइनन् भन्ने विषयमा सार्वजनिक रुपमा आउने अभिव्यक्तिबाट मात्र विश्वास गर्न सकिन्छ। तर, अहिलेसम्म पनि प्रधानमन्त्री त्यसका लागि तयार छैनन्। प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालालाई अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय चेतावनी पक्का छ, “राजा नहुँदा नेपालका कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीले प्रजातन्त्र खत्तम पार्न सक्छन्।” अझ त्यो भन्दा पर गणतन्त्रवादी बन्नासाथ देशभित्रै राजा वा राजावादीबाट हुने कुनै द्रोहको चिन्तामा पनि प्रधानमन्त्री छन्।

यसैले प्रधानमन्त्री कोइराला र उप-प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीको भनाईबाट उत्साहित नभई तपाईहरुको प्रतिक्रिया आइरहेकोमा सलाम…….


  1. Very good analysis, but I do not agree with the view that Girija is not willing to be a republican because of his fear that royalist react for this and the king will revolt. His not coming up with a clear view about the republicanism is mere due to his party’s covert policy to garner support from the palace, the royalist and the traditional force so that he could gain upper hand to sidline republican supporters in the forthcoming CA election. Even if he comes up with republicanism favor, we must think and analize his motives several times before beginning to trust him.

  2. हो | साथी हो! राजाका आसेपासेहरू अझै पनि सक्रिय छन | अघि बढेर केहि गर्न नसकेपनि बक्तब्यबाजी मार्फत् आफ्नो मन्डलेपना देखाईरहेका छन | यो बक्तब्य हेर्नुस
    यो (forwarded) इमेल statement र यसमा प्रकटित (कथित्) बिचार प्रति म गंभीर आपत्ति प्रकट गर्दछु !
    Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 10:00 PM
    Subject: Denounce the recent agreement with terrorists

    Coalition for National Unity and Reconciliation in Nepal
    New York
    We, Nepalese citizens, currently living abroad, strongly denounce
    the recent agreement reached between the so-called Seven-Party Alliance and
    the Maoist terrorists. Ironically, this agreement has ensured that peace
    and democracy will not return to our violence-ridden country in the
    foreseeable future.

    Despite the earlier pledge by the Seven-Party Alliance that it would
    not allow the Maoists to enter into mainstream politics and the
    government without first renouncing violence and surrendering their weapons,
    the Maoist criminal gang is left free not to comply. This is like giving
    the fox the keys to the henhouse – and trusting him not to use it.

    Furthermore, we also condemn the Seven-Party’s and the Maoists’ decision
    to appoint an interim parliament instead of seeking the mandate of the
    people in a free and fair election. We consider this a blatant insult to
    the intelligence of the Nepalese people and a blow to the democratic process.

    In the meantime, the Maoists marauding thugs have been terrorizing
    the people, engaged in massive extortions, murder and violence around
    the country since the declaration of the ceasefire seven months ago. Law
    and order have completely broken down. Our country is gripped with
    terror, chaos and fear.

    It is obvious that the present communist-dominated government, headed
    by power monger, G. P. Koirala, is taking Nepal on a perilous journey: It
    is surrendering our sovereignty to international bureaucrats; it has
    lowered the dignity and honor of the Royal Nepalese Army; and it is refusing
    the rights of the Nepalese people to choose their own future and government.

    Once again, we appeal for the immediate dismissal of the present
    government to be replaced by a new non-party government which will hold a free
    and fair parliamentary election within three to six months. In the
    meanwhile, the new government must immediately mobilize our security forces to
    restore law and order in the country. If we fail to act now, a large and
    deadly conflict will be unavoidable in the near future.

    Vijay K Sigdel – Convenor (NY)
    Kamal Pande (NY)
    Vishal Shah (NY)
    Dharmendra Gopali (NY)
    Guru Dutt (NY)
    Mahankal (NY)
    Sunny Singh (NY)
    List of Signitories Continued:
    Anil Thapa (Toronto, ON)
    Subhash Nepal (NY)
    Kuber Thapa (NY)
    Pundit Ram Prasad Ghimire (WA)
    Sher Bahadur Gartola (NY)
    Krishna Pant (NY)
    Ramesh Krishna Prajapati (NJ)
    Sagar Acharya (NJ)
    Rajendra Lama (TX)
    Som Tamang (TX)
    Mina Singh (CT)
    Ram Gharti Magar (CT)
    Prem Pun (CA)
    Pabitra Gurung (CA)
    Vishwo Pandey (GA)
    Rabina Periyar (WA)
    Hari Jha (MD)
    Binod Shahi (NH)
    Preeti Rai (NH)
    Raju Shah (NE)
    Mohan Chowdhary (CA)
    Ram Janam Prasad Thakur (WA)
    Chiring Tenzing Lama (VA)
    Prem Bahadur Shrestha (VT)
    Ranjana Malla (VT)
    Parvati Malakar (PA)
    Rakesh Khadka (PA)
    Rabi Thapa (PA)
    Pratap Rana (SD)
    Dipak Rana (MD)
    Prajwal Pratap Narsing Rana (SD)
    Manoj Pandey (CA)
    Chandrakala Gurung (CA)
    Reeta Thapa (NJ)

    Please note that others on the list will be added on upon approval.
    November 12, 2006
    New York City,

  3. Deepak ji u have done a good analysis. I appriciate u to write such good analytical article in future also. I also think that this is not the time to celebrate by republicans only on the base of GPK and Kaju Kancha’s saying about the monarchy. But i also think that we shouldn’t be froghtened by the press release of such stupid, nonsense, moralless, oppertunists dogs like mukh bange and his partners.

    If they started to bark loudly then their condition will be as like bharat keshar gada. I am very much optimistic about the republic with in a year. But, we should be careful about their (royalists) activities. If they do any little mistakes also then they shuold be punished at the moment.

    This is not the time to play and come in front by the king. This is the time to wait and see the results what people choose for him. If he tries to cross the limitations then he will be out for ever.

  4. The visionless, selfish, self centred leaders will allow equally visionless, selfish, self centred king to make a grand comeback.

  5. Very good analysis deepak zee.. thank you!!!

    what you think about the comment made by krishna bahadur mahara in NEPAL magazine ” यस देशमा राजतन्त्रको अन्त्यले मात्रै सबै कुरा हुन्छ भन्नु बेकार हो ।”
    Even maoist are saying this sort of thing, then there is still a possibility of another ‘KU’ by Gyanendra.

  6. We should all give space to all in the inclusive democracy. Let all the so called “royalist” get together and go for election. As long as people are not following them in their sentiment then we all should not worry about them. If so called “republican” front is so confident about the people behind them then just relax and go for the election. If not do not panic not everything can be done with out formal people mandate. Most of all in democracy every party or view should have place and let it compete peacefully otherwise 1996 can repeat in Nepal with some other isolated group. Most important value of democracy is to let the minorities view be heard in the same arena where majority speak their’s. We should all be thankful that we have come this far and hope for the best. Everyday’s demonstration and tire burning is not going to get anywhere. Lets all get together and move on peacefully.

  7. i donot think gyane is silent and donot expect, he packs his belongings after first meeting of CA. not only in nepal, elsewhere in world, autocrat have not abandoned power by will or by small pressure. same thing is going to repeat in nepal as well. gyane did his best to abolish democratic system but no avail. once again he will do his best but it wont work. my concern is, how the situation will be? i wish nepalese must not shed even single drop blood to out gyane. but monarchy should go from nepal for sake of country and people. Deepak’s article is worth to discuss and realistic as well but we must not be that much pessimist.

  8. Kesherjung Raimajhi was a communist,Tulshi Giri, Bishwa Bandhu,parasu narayan Chaudhari were Nep congress and there are so many other socalled netas like Makune and Oli who will immediately change their colour and become Royalist the moment they are given a piece of Bone. Girija is no different too.There is no need talking about Deuwa.At least those who came out openly in support of Mailo Thakuri & Co.are honest.You can face them but not to those who hide their face and pretend to be republican.
    a nepali in USA.

  9. Deepak Jee,
    Thanks for your report. I believe this is what a reporter should report. Its real good analysis than many blog reports. This is persuasive and based on facts not direct opinions.
    I wish I could read such blog all the time in this site.

  10. Good analysis. Gyanendra is not silent at all. All these mandale are his mouth and time and then they used to vomit his undigested food from their mouths. So should we be ready to give one final punch so that he will be wiped out for ever.

  11. दीपकजी, कुरो त चुरोको गर्नु भो है!
    तर अहिलेनै जनता जागेका बेलामा गणतन्त्रलाई सँस्थागत नगरे एक वर्षपछि यी नेतासँग जनता वाक्क भैहाल्छन अनि जस्ले जे गरे पनि भैगो. प्रतिगामी हरु त्यही दिन कुरेर बसेकाछन्. नपत्याए खुमबहादुर, गोविन्दराजको उदाहरण लिउँ. न्यालयका प्रतिगामीहरुले जानाजान उनीहरुलाई छोडेकाहुन-जस्लेगर्दा आन्दोलनकारी जनतामा बितृष्णा जगाउन सकियोस. एता काँग्रेस पनि दङ्ग उता राजा पनि मख्ख.
    राजनीतिले फेरि उल्टो बाटो समातेको जस्तो छ है!!!

  12. King and Royal forces are definitely active. In fact they will be more active now than they were before. Its foolish to think that King and his oligarchs will remain inside the palace doing nothing.

    I am rather concerned about kings forces inside the Maoist Circle. During the initial days of Maoist insurgency, there was a rumour that Moaists are getting help from Royal Family (especially King Gyanendra, who was not a king at that time).
    I dont know whether its true or not.

    However, what I can analyze is that King has his chelas (followers/agents) not only in most of the major political parties of Seven Party Alliance, but also in Maoists. Otherwise, King (via Tulsi Giri) would not have known so many secrets of Maoists. It was King who notified public about the problems in Maoist between Baburam and Prachanda and the fact that Prachanda had put Baburam in arrest-like situation. It was king (via his cronies) who informed the public that SPA movement in Kathmandu and many other places were highly infilterated with Maoists. There were things which were publicized by King even before any media knew anything about it.

    I am sure that King is active even as I am typing these words now. This is the fact everybody needs to be aware of and perhaps be careful of as well.

    If SPA and Maoists continue to govern poorly and become corrupt, then this will create bad image amonst people of this Lokatantra, and an excellent opportunity for King to pull together his plans.



  13. गिरिजा प्रसाद र अरू धेरै कुमार र बहादुरहरू सम्वैधानिक (या सेरेमोनियल जे भने पनि एउटै हो) राजतन्त्रकै पक्षपाति हुन् । तर मुख्य कुरो समयले तिन्लाइ कुर्ने वाला छैन । जो समयको पदचापलाइ पछ्याउदैनन् ती पछाडि पर्नेछन् । गिरिजा प्रसादले भनेका छन् हामी जनताको पछिपछि भनेर । पछ्याए पार लाग्छन्, नपछ्याए समय उनलाइ छाडेर अघि बढ्नेछ ।

  14. Deepak ji
    tapaiko aphno view ekdamai ramro chha ra ekdum sahi pani chha. ma pani bhanchhu tapaile bhane jhai Girijale sayad aaphno mukhbata bhaneko chhaina hala “ma loktantra ganatantrabadi hun” bhanera ra bhandaina pani. takpare rajako pauparna pugchha. tara Deepak ji tapaile yo kura pani ramrary bujhna jarury chha ki aba yo deshma tapaiko jasto bichar dhara bhayako janta 2/4 jana pugna pani garho chha. Nepali janta aba kohipani abujh chhainan. Taki deshko dhukutima pustau pusta dekhi eutai saitanle halimuhali garosh. Girijale ta k Prachandale pani rajtantra rakhne wa narakhne kura nagardaima rajtantra rahanchha bhanne kunai pani mandale harule naphurke hunchha. aba yo netaharule haina jantale nirnaya garnechha chha. Raja chup nalage jastai Janta pani chup lagera basne chhainan ra antyama arko kura yo desh santiunmukh ko lagi rajale samsad punarsthapana gareko bhannu kahasammako jayaj ho? Sunna pani lajamardo……chhi.. chhi.. chhi.. chhi..

  15. I liked Deepak’s analysis. No King can be expected to keep quiet when his house is being destroyed. So let’s be sure he is active this way or that way as explained by Deepak. As for Girija and seven parties, I suspect they already had an agreement with the King on modalities of how to keep the monarchy in the country when the King agreed to relinquish power during April movement. I dont see King going after CA elections. My suspicion is that this will be another costly and bad experience in Nepal’s history. This is because, a real democratic nation can not be a reality with the existance of monarchy. Girija’s all efforts till date have clearly shown that Monarchy is already saved. It is painful to know but it seems now a reality that our future generation will have to struggle again for democracy because of our (leaders) grave mistakes.

    Talking of our political leaders they have never shown ethics in politics. The present gvernment made a mockery of judiciary when the likes of Khum Bahadur Khadka and Govinda Raj Joshi were set free by the courts becase there was no enough evidence against them!!. What a shame!. How can the CIAA (Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority) function now?. How can the council of ministers be above the Supreme Court (they are acting like this now)?. These all are the early symptoms of failure of the government (or lets say system) and such actions of government pushes us back by many years. The question is when we will learn to do right thing in politics? The government recently passed a bill for converting the temporary teachers into permanents!!. This can only happen in Nepal where several thousands of teachers are permanently hired without free competition. This is only one example and it results all from lack of accountability to the people.

    So we all(specially those who pretend to represent people) will have to rise to the occasion and start showing some ethics and morality in playing politics. I am not saying our system should be perfect from the beginning. India started to realize the fruits of democracy after 40 years of their independence and they are still learning. But why should we wait so long?. If Singapore can be converted in to a super developed nation in 15 years, If Malasiya can be converted to a developed nation in 20 years, why not we achieve the same goals in same time. It is doable but we need to select leaders who are answerable and accountable to people, who can practice what they preach and move ahead of time.

    So leaders come on!. Show some respect and ethics towards those who have placed you in such a high place and have given such a great responsibility of driving the country forward towards democracy,development and fulfillment. This appeal applies to both the likes of Girija and Prachanda.

    Washington DC

  16. दीपकको भनाइ सोह्रै आना सहि हो । फ्रान्समा जब राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य हुने बेला भएको थियो त्यो बेला पेरिसमा मात्रै एकै ठाउमा पचहत्तर हजार नागरिकहरु बिना कारण मारिएका थिए। चुनाबबाट फालिएका राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य कस्तो बिश्व परिबेशमा भएको थियो त्यो राम्ररी बिचार गर्नुपर्छ।
    अहिलेको बिश्व परिवेश एक ध्रुवीय छ र जुन देशमापनि त्यहि हुने संभावना छ जुन अमेरिका र पूजीबादी मुलुकहरु चाहन्छन् । त्यसैले राजाको पक्षमा नगै अमेरिका नेपालका बामपन्थिहरुका पक्षमा आउदैन । जुगाेदेखि राजा समर्थक भएका नाताले अमेरिकाले नया शक्तिहरुलाई बिश्वास गर्नेछैन । संबिधानसभाको निर्बाचन हुनेबेलासम्म अमेरिकापनि राजाका पक्षमा खुलेर लागेको हुनेछ । त्यसैलेपनि नेपालमा जुगौदेखि जरा गाडेर बसेको राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य निर्वाचनका बलमा हुन्छ भन्ने कुरा दीवास्वप्न हो भन्ने मलाई लाग्छ। भलै यसो भन्दा गणतन्त्रबादीहरु रिसाउलान् । अझ माओवादीहरु दश हात माथि उफ्रेलान तर सत्य यहि हो । माओवादीका हतियार बिसिए पछि राजतन्त्रबादीहरुलाई खेल्ने ठाउं प्रस्सत भएको छ । उनीहरुलाई के को डर छ अब ?
    त्यसैले नेपालमा १४ हजार मारिएर के परिवर्तन आयो र ? माओवादीहरु ठान्दैछन् हामीले जित्यौं तर होइन उनीहरु हारे । जनताको रगतमाथि नराम्ररी होली खेलीयो । यसपटकपनि आन्दोलन संझौतामा टुगियो । त्यसैले राजतन्त्र फेरि बलियो भएको छ । उ फेरि जाग्नेछ र हतियारबिहीन पार्टीहरुलाई सखाप पार्ने प्रयत्न हुनेछ भन्ने मेरो ठहर छ ।

    दीपकलाई जानकारी दिएकोमा धन्यवाद र salut .

  17. यो लेखको लागि धन्यबाद् दीपकजी, यहाले भन्नुभयेको कुरा अति ध्यान दिन जरुरि देखिन्छ/ सम्बैधानिक राजा भयेर बस्न नसकेर सक्रिय राजा बन्न पुगेको ढोँगि कथित हिन्दु राजा अहिले चुप लागेर बसेको छ् भनेर कल्पना पनि गर्न सकिन्न/ उसैको जुठोपुरो खायेका दरवरिया मार्फत उ चल्खेल गर्न सुरु गरेको देखिहालियो नि! तर यत्तिमै डराउनु जरुरि छैन र पनि सावधान र चनाखो चाँहि हुनु जरुरि छ/ नेताहरुले गति छाड्लान भनेर पनि खबर्दारि गरिरहनु पर्छ, आन्दोलन जनताले गरेका हुन अहिलेका अधिकाँस नेताहरु त महाराजका पाउमा बिन्तिपत्र हालेरै समस्या समाधान हुनेमा विस्वस्त थिय/ बिशेष गरि युवावर्ग गणतन्त्र लाइ मुख्य लक्ष्य बनायेर गाँउ गाँउ बस्ति बस्ति पुगिसकेको छ त्यसैले अब कागजि बाघसँग डराउने होइन त्यसलाइ डढायर अघि बढौँ , शान्त समुन्नत गणतन्त्र नेपाल हाम्रो हो

  18. मलाइ दिपकको कुरा ठिक लाग्यो । २ सय ३८ वर्षको आफ्नो विरासत ढलेको टुलुटुलु हेर्न राजा तयार भएर पक्कै बसेका छैनन् नै । यसमा कसैमाथि भ्रम नै छैन । राप्रपा शर्मा समुहको सक्रियता, दिपकजीले भने झै विष्ट र थापाको मिलन यसका जल्दाबल्दा उदाहरण हुन् ।
    यत्ति मात्र हैन अहिलेको सेना मार्फत नै राजाले खेल खेलिरहेका छन् । यसको उदाहरण हो सैनिक ऐनको लापत्ता । कस्ता कस्ता ऐन पारित भइरहेको छ, संसदका बसह भइरहेको छ, तर त्यो सैनिक ऐन कहां छ कसैलाइ थाहा नै छैन । सुने अनुसार मन्त्रिपरिषद्मा गएर त्यो थन्किएको छ । अहिले डाफ्ट भएको ऐन पास भएमा सैन्य व्रि्रोह हुने गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाका प्रिय रुक्माङ्गगत कटवालले चेतावनी दिएपछि नै सो ऐन मन्त्रीपरिषद्का गएर अड्किएको हो । साधारणतया, मन्त्रीपरिषदले ऐन पास गर्दै छलफलका लागि राज्य व्यवस्था समितिमा पठाउने गरिन्छ अनी त्यहा बहस भएपछि प्रतिनिधि सभाका जान्छ । तर विडम्बना अहिलेसम्म सो ऐनमा ढुसि परिसकेको छ ।
    यसले पनि राजा त्यत्तिकै चुप लागेर बसेका छैनन्, २५ जना नेपालीको शहादतको भरमा यो निरंकुश राजसंस्था ढल्छ भन्ने अनुमान गर्नु दिवास्वप्न मात्र हो ।

  19. Dear Editor, This is true becouse NC Priminister GP Koirala is still try to give place for king thats why he is not comming out for republic Nepal and his voice just they followin Janabana. This is the time for NC are they with king or public it is still not clear. We may have one more Jana Andolan in near future.

  20. deepakji
    It looks for me also same as you have written a great dillema and difficult position of PM during this transition period as the last lines of your writing. I am still wondering why Girija would not like to be first president of Nepal as people comments about him here and there he is very much greedy of power and postion and president is the highest position a nepali citizen can be. What is preventing? It is easy to be opposition and argue that way but to amicably handle the situation is not easy. Perhaps the country is heading into another unseen problem if we have political intolerance to opposing views. As long as opposing views are not accepted by anyone whoever and whichever aprty, I donot see way out. It is easy to give flamming slogan. Once they are in driving postion, it seems there is difficulties and it takes time to smoothen them. Once must not play double role and misinform the public what they agree in meeting and what they say in public mass meeting. Donot head to wards bihar situation. people still donot trust maoists’ committment and they are just happy to say good for peace hoping maosist understand what they eman for. Until maoists establish trust of competitive, nonarrogance, plursitic multiparty demcoracy with highest respect for human rights, another extreme right group is bound to grow which advocate also militarism and we all will be once again hostage of bigger conflicts of unknown dimensions.Let us be careful. This may happen with the support of those forein powers who dislike North korean type of communist rule and they are allergic to word communism. For many Girija’s words and saying look like political deceptive and against peoples’ mandate. but the main issue we have forgotten is how long lasting peace is possible ? By aboltion of monarchy right now? or converting it to ceremonial moarchy first and once stabilzation we can do referendum for it to remove. Palace if not given space as advocated by PM, will defintiely react as you have popinted out and in poor country like ours where masses are poor, a wealth and powerful people can do many things and it is not always possible for uprising of historic type. When we cut a tree down without clipping its bracnhes and with careful selection of its direction to fall we are bound to hit our own house. let us hope leaders remain pragmatic and statsman and will not lured by populist slogan but long term benefits for the country and people.

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