चिया बहसः वैशाख ११ पछि के पाए जनताले ?

हामी सर्वसाधारणलाई नेताको कुरा भन्दा सर्वसाधारणको कुरामा नै बढी चाख लाग्छ। तपाईँलाई कस्तो लाग्छ कुन्नि ? मलाई त त्यस्तै लाग्छ। यस अडियो ब्लगमा त्यस्तै चिया बहस (वास्तवमा चिया खान बसेको ठाउँको बहस भने हैन, यत्तिकै नाम दिएको नि, कफी गफ भने जस्तो! ) तीन सर्वसाधारणका बीच वैशाख ११ पछि जनताले के पाए भन्ने विषयमा सुन्न सक्नुहुनेछ। वास्तवमा यो कुनै रेकर्ड गर्ने योजना बनाएर गरिएको बहस हैन। यतिबेला राजा चाहिन्छ कि चाहिँदैन भन्ने विषयमा पनि चर्का बहस भएका थिए। तर दुर्भाग्य, त्यो भने रेकर्ड भएनछ। यो त्यही ठूलो बहसको एउटा सानो अंश मात्रै हो। यसमा एक जना व्यक्ति राजावादी छन् भने अर्को दुई जना भने गणतन्त्रवादी हुन्। सुन्न भित्र आउनुहोला।

सुन्नलाई यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस्।

डाउनलोड गर्न यहाँ राइट क्लिक गरी सेभ टार्गेट एज गर्नुस्।


  1. This is one of my points to tell educated Indians that you Indians do take every good thing away from us!!! I have used this evidence (praman) for many times while confronting with educated Indians.

    Look at the Oxford dictionary or any other dictionary, for the word “BUDDHA”. ALL these say the same thing ” Buddha: a Indian teacher; India born, etc”. I think, this is the first place that need to be corrected. How can we register a complaint for the correction to all them? I thing, it should be by some athentic body like Nepal Government or organization of world repute.

    By the way this is the address of the Oxford dictionary for correspondence:

    Oxford Dictionary
    2140 E 7th Place, A2S
    Los Angeles, CA 90021

    Good luck friends, let us do something great of national pride like this rather than a stupid debate for bahun rajya, newar rajya, limbu rajya, gurung rajya …

    Raika, KS, USA

  2. Dear KKK,
    I think in the mention webside it is mention that the birth place of Buddism is bodh Gaya.Probably he mention it as Buddha get his holly gyan in this place so called. He did not mention that it is the birth place of Siddhartha Gautam (Buddha)

  3. i think i better open a coffee shop,
    mero coffee shop le pani rajtantra phalna kehi maddat garchha ki? i am serious………..just for fun

    but i think now everybody is aware of what is good and what is bad, these sorts of creative discussions should be useful rather than playing meris (tas), carem board….

  4. हामीले देशमा केहि परिवर्तन हुँदैछ भन्ने आभाष सबैलाई दिनु आवश्यक छ । त्यो आभाष दिने माध्यम नै कफी गफ , बाटोमा हिँड्दा साथीभाइ भेट्दा राजतन्त्र फल्नु पर्छ भन्ने विषयमा चर्का बहस् , छलफल आदि हो । यसरी हामी बिच जताततै यस्ता गफ हुन थाले भने सबैले सोच्न वाध्य हुनुपर्छ कि, के साँच्चै नै राजतन्त्र नेपालको विकाशको लागि बाधक रहेछ ?? नेपालको विकाशको लागि यसलाई फाल्नै पर्छ ??? म विश्वस्त छु जवाफमा “फाल्नैपर्छ” आउँछ ।।

  5. There is nothing to say about the birth place of Budha.He was born in nepal . But some megazines and book publishers are confusions about the birthplace of Budha. I also faces such a confusions. So kkk is also have same so it is the matter of National issue. Is there any responsible and athorise organsaitions in nepal? There should be right informations about the birth place.

  6. world known as a budha was born in nepal why the people still confusing about this matter if not a lumbeni why the people builtup so many concritebulding for bodha so there is only one place budha was born the name of countery is Nepla lumbeni zone ok mitra haru

  7. witcombe.sbc.edu/sacredplaces/bodhgaya.html

    Dear Umesh kindly visit this website.
    Also should we have healthy discussion about
    – The birth place of Buddha is it \Nepal or Bihar india?? or something like that.
    As I see lot of confusion about with it among Nepalese and non nepalese too.
    many thanks

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