राजालाई खोपामा राखेर शासन गर्ने षडयन्त्र

-डा. सुन्दरमणि दीक्षित-

गणतन्त्र- जनताले गणतन्त्र मागे। आजसम्म दलहरुले गणतन्त्रका बारेमा चाइँचुइँ त बोलेका छन्। तर काँग्रेस पार्टी र गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाले खुट्टा अडाएका छन्। यसरी अडाउनुको कारण के हो त ? उनीहरुले राणा शासन ढालिसकेपछि पाठ सिके- कसरी राजालाई खोपामा राखौँ र आफ्नो शासन जारी राखौँ- राणाहरुले जे गरेका थिए, आज शायद गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाले त्यही गर्न खोजेका छन्।

जनआन्दोलनपछि के भयो ? सात दल आज नगण्य अवस्थामा छ। माअ‍ोवादी अन्यौलमा छन्। यो सोझो बोली र बाङ्गो बोली उनीहरुले बुझ्न सकेनन्। उनीहरु सोझो गोली चलाएका व्यक्ति हुन् तर बाङ्गो बोलीमा उनीहरु फँसे। षडयन्त्रमा उनीहरु फँसे बाङ्गो बोलीले। जनता निराश भइसकेका छन्।

सर्वमान्य नेता भन्ने हो भने जनआन्दोलनमा, जनता हुन्, जुन ०४६ सालमा गणेशमानजी हुनुहुन्थ्यो, गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइराला हैनन्। कसले भन्यो सर्वमान्य नेता भनेर ?

यो पाटनमा ०४६ सालमा गणतन्त्र घोषणा भएको थियो। यही मञ्चमा त्यही ठाउँमा प्राध्यापक मुकुन्दबहादुर श्रेष्ठले ०४६ सालमा के भन्नुभएको थियो भने न राजा रहेगा न दरबार रहेगा भनेर यही मञ्चबाट भन्नुभएको थियो। उहाँ स्वर्गे हुनुभयो। ०४६ सालमा त्यसो भन्दा खेरी हामी डराएका थियौँ किनभने ०४६ साल राजा फाल्ने आन्दोलन थिएन, पञ्चायत फाल्ने आन्दोलन थियो। तर त्यसबेलामा पाटनका जनताले जे बोले, आज हामी त्यही कुरा भन्दैछौँ।

नागरिक समाजलाई जसले पहिला अमृत ठान्थे, अहिले उनीहरु विष ठान्दैछन्। हामीलाई दलहरुले प्रतिद्वन्द्वी ठानेका छन्। आज नागरिक समाजलाई होच्याउने, सकेसम्म नागरिक समाजको आवाज बाहिर आउन नदिने यतिसम्म कि पत्रपत्रिका र मिडियाले समेत हाम्रो आवाज नदिने गरिरहेका छन्। किनभने हामी सत्य बोलिरहेका छौँ। त्योसित मानिस डराउन थाले।

जनआन्दोलनमा तीन वटा आवाज बुलन्द थिए- युध्दविराम गर, माअ‍ोवादीलाई अन्तरिम सरकारमा ल्याउ र लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रका लागि संविधान सभाको चुनाव गराउ। खोइ संविधान सभाको चुनावको तिथिमिति तोकेको ? जेठमा गर्छु भनेको छ, सिद्धियो। जेठमा संविधान सभाको चुनाव हुन्छ भन्ठान्नुभएको ? हुँदैन, म ग्यारेन्टी बस्छु।

किनभने माअ‍ोवादीलाई अन्तरिम सरकारमा सामेल गर भन्ने जनताको माग छ। जबसम्म अन्तरिम सरकारमा माअ‍ोवादीलाई सामेल गरिँदैन, तबसम्म यो सरकार अपाङ्ग छ, अपूर्ण छ। यसको कुनै शक्ति नै छैन।

यसोभन्दा फेरि माअ‍ोवादीलाई प्रोत्साहन दियो, माअ‍ोवादीको मुखपत्र भयो भनिएला। तर नागरिक समाजले सत्य कुरा बोल्छ। र सत्य यो हो कि जनताले माअ‍ोवादीसहितको अन्तरिम सरकारका लागि म्यान्डेट दिएको थियो।

संविधान सभाका लागि बलियो मन्त्रिमण्डल चाहिन्छ र माअ‍ोवादी नभई त्यो संभव हुँदैन। अन्तरिम संविधान नभई संविधान सभा हुँदैन। अन्तरिम संविधान के भइरहेको छ ? सबैले हस्ताक्षर गरेका छन् तर सबै गिरिजालाई छाडिदिएका छन्। गिरिजाले जहिले मन लाग्यो तहिले जारी गरे हुन्छ। यस्तो पनि कहीँ हुन्छ ? सही गरेपछि किन तुरुन्त लागू गर्न सकेन ? गिरिजाको हातमा दिन कसले भन्यो। म माअ‍ोवादीलाई पनि सोध्छु- तपाईँहरु सबैले सही गरिसक्नुभए पछि गिरिजाको हातमा किन दिएको ? कारण के हो ? हरेक कुरा गर्छु, गर्छु, हुन्छ हुन्छ भनिएको छ। भएको केही पनि छैन।

संविधान सभामा जान अर्को एउटा रोक आइसकेको छ। निर्वाचन आयोगमा सबै आफ्नो व्यक्ति हालिएको छ। र अब ती व्यक्तिहरुले प्राविधिक कारण देखाएर हुन सक्दैन जेठमा भन्छन्-भन्छन्। भनिसकेका छन् किनभने अन्तरिम संविधान आएको छैन। हामीले अब गर्न नसक्ने अवस्था आइसक्यो भनी चिफ आयुक्तले त भनिसकेका छन् नेपाल वन टिभीमा। यस्तै गर्न पहिला नै आफ्नो मान्छेले भरिसकेको छ निर्वाचन आयोगमा। यो कसैले बुझेको छ ? कति अगाडिसम्म षड्यन्त्र भइसकेको छ। कसैले बुझेको छैन यो कुरा।

संविधान सभाको निर्वाचन जसरी हुन्छ गर्नुपर्छ। जनताको शासन हुनुपर्छ। शाहवंशलाई फ्यालेर कोइराला वंशको शासन हामी चाहन्नौँ।

[ललितपुरमा भएको गणतान्त्रिक सांस्कृतिक सभामा डा. सुन्दरमणि दीक्षितले व्यक्त गर्नुभएको विचारको संक्षिप्त अंश। पूर्ण अंश तपाईँ तलका लिङ्कहरुमा क्लिक गरी सुन्न सक्नुहुन्छ]

सुन्नलाई यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस्।

डाउनलोड गर्न यहाँ राइट क्लिक गरी सेभ टार्गेट एज गर्नुस्।


  1. Nepali citizen,
    If anyone ask to the nepali citizen, who is the person to hinder CA election? The answer is: Girija.
    The second question, which is the Party to hinder the CA election? , the answer is: NC.

    The public are eager to participate the CA, but the NC party which was divided few years ago will never take part in CA with out the merge with NC (D). The necessary condition for the CA election for Girija (PM)is the merge of two Congress. But it is not sufficient for him. The sufficient condition is the strong difference between CPN UML and Maoist. (i.e. the fraction between leftist). So, the responsibility of CA and the republician Nepal is to UML/ Maoist/ and the leftist collision with the full support from Nepali Citizen. NO doubt, never expect anything new from Girija or his party. The things that are happening in Nepal are forcefully by the collision party. NC is never a dynamic party. But it is forcefully push by other parties for few task , still girija is breaking the Political Vehicle of Nepal, so he is the foolish driver. He is pressing the break in stead of acculator.
    N Paudel, USA.

  2. dr dixit le bhannu bhayeko kura sampurna nepali harule bhujhnu parne hunchha jun bela jantale yo bujhchhan nepal ma kunai andolan ko abasyakta rhandaina.sattama congress ra girija babu chhanunjel yo khel chali rahanchha kina bhane khiladi nai inai hun!

  3. dear frens
    if in nepal Girija sarkar going on one day his PRIYAPUTRI
    will be

    president of nepal

    and maoist support this proposal,

    will not big wonder …………….

    sunilsharma , London

  4. i read coment i sow they are foolish guys.they have no any human civilation.infact dr dikxit co. suports maoist only.thats not fair.but thankyou mero snsar.i like you.

  5. Moreover, one can read his comments immediately after royal takeover. Whether we do like it or not, it is true that maoists came to this points after Girija accpeted to form joint movement and shook hands with Prachanda and without him and NC agreeing, we could never see this much achievement. However, wrong doings be that from Girija, Prachanda, maoists, NC , UML, Sadhabhawan or anyother organizations or invidividuals must be critisized and ask them to correct. Nevertheless, when I see comments in blog, most of them are not balanced and not critical of worng doings of their fvaourites. I am always saying what mistakes done by NC, Girija, UML, maoists, Aanandadevi etc must be sensured. Now what makes me feel sad that most are bent hell upon Girija’s destruction in this blog without realizing that he seems the only person who can survive with so much pressure and can continue to work despite his age and intellectual capacity and I have full faith, he will conduct CA election with participation of maoists in interim government. We donto want anarchy but democracy. One leader of any party must have guts to admit and say unpopular thing if he/she thinks it is right for the country and also should have negotiation capacity. Blackmailing must be avoided and undue threatening like maoists and at times civil society are using are not worthy for support. Everybody knows that Girija represents a huge silent part of population who are afraid of maoists and ultraleftist and ultrarightist guns and anarchymethods. They donot see anyother leaders to help them for those who are from vast majority of middle class who want to have pluristic democracy where there is no threatening for life if differ in isms. UML leader could have that position but missed the chance. Shresthaji, can you tell me whom you could choose PM in april and for whole of this process which has happened until now?

  6. P Shresthaji,
    Thanks for your comments and nice elaborating analysis. Yes it is true that Girija is main figure. My main point is as civil society leaders people like Dr Dixit should not come down to a level of personal animosity as he has used in his speech in Patan agianst Koirala to be more popular. As he can talk directly to Mr Koirala and he has that guts he could do so as civil society leader. I never read and heard from him a single comment against maoists when they were doing inhuman activities. he sems too opposed to Girija personally. That is my point. It is not a character of an indepenedent civil society leaders. They are one who can put pressure in right way not wrong way to government or otherwise who are doing wrong.

  7. Hay Mr. Ram B and others bhaktas of Girija

    U dont know even BP said about Girija that he shouldnt be given the post more than a Hawaldar. He was very right. U dont know what Ganeshman sacrifice in his life. He never like to be the president of Nepali congress and didnt accept the PM post. Look at Girija at the last time of his age, he is attached to the PM post. Did u see any sacrifice by Girija. He has made the Nepali congress, the greatest party in Nepal koirala & company. If any others becae the slave to him then only he would get any chance for the post in Nepali Congress. He used the people to defeat own leader of Nepali Congress, Krishna P. Bhattarai, in the 1st election. He used him 2nd time by saying next PM be KP Bhattarai but latter he himself became the PM. He has no more dream in his life. Only be president of Nepali congress and PM of Nepal till the end of his life, he leave this world. But thre are more Girija Bhaktas like u in Nepali congress so he had got all these chances. Nepal will be new nepal if only intillectual people like Dr. Dixit come to the government.

    Why America, European countries are deveroped because they look after the people. The government are really for the people. If any small things happens in the country then it becomes the big issue. PM is known about most events inside the country. The law and order in the country is most important. In our country if the governmemnt making the law they them self broke them then how our country will be developed. The person who hasnt pass the SLC also, he becomes the education minister. Like these many things are wrong then how our country be developed. After the Panchyat, 70 % of the democracy period,
    Girija is the PM then how our country would be changed. If there was no Girija Nepal be very different than like now. Why do people believe, I am vey much surprised. The one who believe him is only the Girija Bhakta. If any one like to talk to me then write me at [email protected]


  8. Dr Shundar Mani Ji,

    You are not representing a real civil society. The language you used toward Girija is 100% bulshit.Without Girija’s sacrifice being right wing politician to shake hand with Maoist toady peace would not have been prevailed. Who though before , NC will go with Maoist. Girija’s leadership is the only reason Prachanda agree with others. Had Makune lead the alliance of 7 parties,I am sure Prachanda would not have agreed for the peace. It is reality that one of the main factor to get into current political scenario was the decision by Girija to hold hand with Maoist. He is a wise and great leader to save the country.

    Ganesh Man was even more Hawaldar than a leader. He did not have any intellectual capacity. Every one knows that he was a fighter and yes man to BP not a political leader.He left the party because Girija did not appoint Dr Dugesh Man to EU embassdor. Is that a Principle based decision? Many of us listened his speech that had no meaning. It is proven that Girija was better than Ganesh Man and KP Bhattarai.

    Dr Dixit being a inteleectual how could you do a politics in personal level. You accept or not majority of Nepalese including Maoist have accepted that Girija is great leader. Any comments.

    Ram B

  9. Rakesh ji,

    I fully agree with you. Either like dr dixit people have to say i am belongs to certain political party or not to say bias things. basically not to try to do dirty politics. Yes, you are may be good doctor but you are not only represent real nepali voice.so I heard his BBC interview about stablish police post but today what maoist does. may be DR eye has opened today.
    It is easy to get cheap popularity but it is difficult to protect nation. and plaese fair, if you are represent civil society.

  10. Ramjee
    Thanks for your response to my comments. Let me give a chance to write few lines here in response to your response.

    Is Dr Dixit speaking “voice of people?
    So as for Dr. Dixit’s saying that he is speaking the “voice of people”, don’t be so much distressed about. Every individual says that. King Gyanendra, his pilots and co-pilots Dr Tulsi Giri, Kirtinidhi Bista, Kamal Thapa and who not, said that they spoke the “voice of the people”. Girija Babu thinks that whatever he does or speaks is in accordance with the people’s aspiration and jana-andolan’s mandate and so does MK Nepal or S B Deuba or Amik Sherchan. Prachanda and his Maoist cadres blood-washed the country in the last 10 years and that’s also for the “people and country”. That was also for the elimination of the feudalism in the country and for the establishment of the people’s right and authority. Even you and I, whatever we are saying here are meant for the good of the country and people, aren’t we?

    Is Dr Dixit carrying the agenda of the Maoists?
    Before voting on this point, we have to understand what the agendas of the Jana Andolan. For that we have to go back to the 12 point understandings agreed by the Maoists and the SPA in Delhi. Creation of Interim Constitution, formation of Interim Government including the Maoists and election of the Constituent Assembly are the major issues. People want to see the end of Maoist insurgency and everlasting peace in the country. Didn’t we try to end Maoist insurgency by using military power in the past? Girija, Sher Bahadur, King Gyanendra everybody tried to crush the Maoist insurgency by using military power but failed. It was the silly king who day-dreamt to eliminate the democratic parties as well and at this point, there was no option other than the Maoists and the parties come together. In the course of 10 years war, Maoists realized that they can continue the war but it can not establishes them in the power so soon. The democratic parties also realized that they can not end the king’s autocratic rules without taking support of Maoists.
    Without promulgation of Interim Constitution Maoists can not come in the government. Without Maoists in the government, the election of constitution can not be held and the Maoist issues will not be resolved. So, I don’t think Dr Dixit spoke any other agenda than above mentioned. It’s the common agenda of the people.

    As Girija Prasad Koirala is the key person and NC is the leading faction of the government, all the accusation of delay-dallying of whole peace process goes to him and NC. So, do not take it other sense.

    Why Maoists are not allowing restoration of Police Post and Village Secretaries to resume work?
    Here, I think there is lack of confidence between the government and the rebels. The rebels and the Girija Babu (the government) do not trust each other. Maoists have still fear that they will be wiped out after they lock up the weapons and that they will loose their ground if they allow local secretaries work or police posts be restored. What if the proposed Interim Constitution is trashed and that Maoists are not included in the government, after all the police/security posts are restored, local governing bodies re-activated and the weapons locked up? This is the confusion prevailing amongst the rebels. Latest activities of Girija Babu indicate that he is trying to be close to the King and army and wants to keep distance with the companions of Jana Andolan. This has helped the rebels and the other parties become more skeptical about Girija Babu and Congress. So Girija Babu must do something that guarantees that Maoists will not be abolished tomorrow. When they are assured, definitely they will allow restore police posts and let the secretaries return to VDC office.

    If the Maoists come in the government, can they impose dictatorship?
    Forget about North Korea. For Nepal, its been clear Nepali people will not accept any kind of dictatorship. The king had to step down and the Maoists had to give up weapons in front of People’s desire of “peace”. .So, don’t think that Maoists can ever dare to establish their dictatorship if they came in the government. If they give up weapons and respect the democratic norms and values, they will be in the government; otherwise they will be confined in the book of history. People are the power and they have seen it. The king with hundred thousand army couldn’t suppress the democratic power and I don’t think Maoists can do anything. So, don’t be scared of the Maoists and let them peacefully transform to a democratic party. Of course, they have immature activists in the grassroots level who will take time to normalize. But if we do something and trick them not to come in the government, it will sabotage the whole peace process.

    So as for KP and Gyawali speaking the language of Girija, don’t forget that they are also getting criticism from their own party cadres. All the mistakes of UML or Sadbhavana Party do not cover the deeds of Girija. Every party and leaders will have to testify in the election.

    Ram jee, you are biased to say that those who want to see the Maoists in the Government are disappointed. You have forgotten the whole 12 points understanding and the whole peace deal agreements in which Maoists are to come in the interim government. Maoist party is one of the stakeholders of Janaandolan and a major part of peace process. Why do you think that Maoists should not come in power? They are welcome if they come by means of peoples’ vote. I don’t think that you want them to go back to the jungle and raise the weapons again and blood shed the country for another 10 years.

    If the confusion and misunderstanding escalates amongst the SPA and the Maoists, people will be frustrated and again the King and Army would find a ground to plot a coup and take the power in hand. If this happens, as the key person of the government, its Girija and only Girija who has to assume the responsibility. Like in the past, out 12 years of Democracy practices, NC was in government for 9 years and Girija served at least 3 terms as PM and he is the chief responsible person for whatever happened in the last 12 years.

  11. Dear Dr. Dixit,

    I found Dr. Dixit article is fully biased. Altough I have nothing to do with politics and Nepalese political leaders, but decided to comment on it. As he is a member of a Civic Society, is it correct to blame or point a single party or a person? For the creation of Today’s situation all 8 parties as well as we all people are responsible, but Maoist are most.

    Now i want to write something about Dr. Dixit.
    There were rumors that (during the period of Voilence, roughly 2-3 years before), Dr. Dixit worked as a Maoist Bank because they used to dump their looted money in his place. As he is a rich Doctor and also a Roylist so nobody can guess of that. It might be true or false but there were rumors of it.

    I also heard that he tried to become the Minister during the Loke’s Government (after Deuba was sacked). But it was his GOOD LUCK that he could not manage and Dr. Devkota became the Minister. At least it is true that Dr. Dixit had welcomed the Gayne’s action.

    I would like to suggest Dr. Dixit if you would like to be a member of Civic Society please be FAIR. Don’t write or say in favor of a party or a person and try to avoid cheap political comments. Don’t do act of “Populism”. Behave like a real Dr.

    Thank you.


  12. dr. sundar mani’s interview in nepali bbc was excellent.

    salute to u guy. keep it up. we havent won yet, people havenot won yet. its just the way but not destination. keep it up. salute to other civil society leaders and activists. shame to those political leaders who became MPs, minister and prime minister due to people and started to see u guys as enemy , dont worry people are with u. keep it up………

  13. Balbirji and P Shresthaji,
    I respect Dr Dixit as medical professional. s long as civil society leaders critisize and pressurize both government and maoists for their wrong doings it is OK. However in recent times their critism is totally one sided and they have sided with Moaists like maoists cadre. A person liek me who wants plusirtic competitive democracy and rule of law and doesnot accept North Korean type of democracy, critises Dr Dixit’s present blatant one sided process. they understand constraints and they pressure government instead of helping. I have already said that restriction of peaceful protests and nonllistening to different groups are must by the government. Nagarik samaaj can contribute in facilitating this. But trying to corner this government which has solid backing of more than 70 % population in the country is not acceptable in any way. He has right to tell what he likes but can not claim as he is saying voice of people. I understand that those who wants to see maoists running the government are disappointed. But one should also keep in mind that maoists can be one of the political parties in pluristic democracy and where individual freedom are there and so all of us are able to speak and write but if maoists have their government as they have envisioned none of other parties and individual including nagarik samaaj will be there that we can see in North Korea. there before telling me something, you should look in yourself critically. P shresthaji, you are right that Girija should do that. But do you think SPA should do suicide as you might have heard two comments bfrom Nepal in BBC yesterday and daybefore yesterday.? However, why KP Oli and UML minister Gyawali are saying samething as Girija? They know pich of governing country like ours under both national and international pressure. When part of government like UML and Sadhbhawana behaves in opposition way I donot know who is in psoition. I am sure Girija knows strenght and weaknesses of maoists and what he says will be agrred by maoists after sometime I think so despite opposition to it at present. That is what ground reality is.

  14. yes, we will support Dr DIXIT provided he is not affiliated with any party.
    we don’t trust any political party nor DARBAR. we wan’t people representative.
    wish you good luck and all the best.

  15. jab samma girija pradhan mantri huncha nepal ko bhalo hudaina!!kinaki girijako niyat nai thik chaina!!satta bhair huda jahile ramro ramro kura garnee tar satta ma puaganee bitikai chhpepara le ranga fereko jasto bwaso ko najarle desh adho gateema lancha !!!jab samma girija chha constitution assembly ta nasoche nee huncha ke usko niyet nai ahile kam chalau parliament permanent job jasto moj garnee ho ke!!!ani biratnagar gaye ke usko kan bharnee le uslai narka bato tir doraucha hunata belanai kehi sochana nee nasaknee ani mukh ma je aayo tei bolane umer chha ab ta kaal nee najik aaune din bayeko cha tehi bahyer baulayeko hola umer lai sahanubhuti cha tehi bahyer ab kashi gayer dharma karma lage ramro usko lagi nee nabye bholi ko pidhale girijalai naramro desh adhogatee ma lane manche ko rup line cha !!tesai le girija nahataye samma desh ko bikas hudaina !!!yathartha ma girija king ko mohara ho jo malik ko hukum ma boli raheko chah

  16. hay girija

    ta pani mahendra jastai atma hatya garera maar. gyanendra lai janta le phachi tero palo ho. nepali congress ma moj gare jasto desh ma pani gare ko chas. nepali congress lai koirala & compani banaish aba nepal sarkar lai pani tehi banaune ho ki ke ho. sathiharu ho girija ko birudha ma aba awaj uthaunu parcha natra desh khattam huncha. lets select another PM in the country. sadhe ko gula jhar la bhane ra kurera basera time matra waste hune ho girija le kehi garnewala chaina. aru sabaile yo kura kina nabujeko.

    sundar mani is absolutely right hoina ta sathi haru

    from sydney

  17. autakura achhamma lagcha bhanya,marne belama hariyo kakro bhanthe ,girija baje le ta tyahi para po lyata.
    khurukka janatale bhane ko purayara ,tanna wah wahai lutera marnu ni asati buda,sabai tira kangresikaran garna ati sake inle ta.

  18. सुन्दर सर नमस्कार!
    हजुरको गुनासो पढ्न पाएकोमा खुशी पनि लाग्यो दु:ख पनि लाग्यो !
    केही हद सम्म यहाँ ले उठाउनु भेको कुरा ठिकै होला तर मलाई ( म यहाले जस्तो सम्पुर्ण जनता को चाहना भन्ने दुस्शाहस् गर्न सक्दिन), नागरिक् समाज दवाब रचनात्मक् नभएर एस्को बिपरित् छ जस्तो लाग्छ।

    १। के यहा हरुले उठाउने गरेका मुद्धाहरु (रायमाझि आयोग बाहेक्) मओबादि को एकल हित्मा छैनन्?
    २। मओबादिले पुलिश चौकि पुनर्स्थपन् गर्न नदिने गरेको कुरम तपाइहरुले अवाज् उठाउने पर्ने होइन? कि तपाइहरु पनि पुलिश व सुरक्छा बिनको सम्बिधान् सभा को चुनाब चाहनुहुन्छ? वा माओबदि छापमार् भए पुलिश् किन चाहियो भन्ने बिचार् हो?
    ३। बिरोध् गर्न पाउने अधिकर् सबैको हो! काम् गर्न पौने अधिकर् पनि त हुन्छ होल नि? के Prime Minister को घर वा कार्यालय घेराउ गर्दा उस्को अधिकर हहन भएन र? (अरु मान्छे लाइ कार्यालय जान दु:ख हुने कुरा त के गर्नु)?
    ४। के नागरिक् समाज भनेको सर्कार को बिरोध् मात्त्रै गर्ने समुह हो? रचनात्मक सहयोग्, प्राबिधिक् सहयोग् जस्त कुरा नगरिक सामज् बट गर्न हुदैन? जस्ता कि युद्धबिराम् आचार्सन्हिता अनुगमन्, शान्ति सम्जौता अनुगमन्, बिस्थापित् हरु को घर् फिर्ति कार्य को अनुगमन् आदि आदि

    यदि यस्ता कार्य नगरेर बिरोध् मात्त्रै गर्न हो भने सर्कार् र Media मात्त्रै होइन तपैहरु सार नेपाली जनताबाट नै तिरस्कृत् हुने समय आउन सक्छ !

  19. यी माओवादि पनि खत्तम रहेछन् पहिला पहिला त निक्कै ठुलो कुरा गर्दथे तर गीरिजाले थाङनामा सुताएको यिनलाई पत्तो छैन ! कि बुझपचाएर बस्या हुन्?? अब थाहा भयो जुन जोगी आए पनि कानै चिरेको ।
    यो देशलाई बिगार्न यो गिरिजालाई कसले अधिकार दियो हँ ?? हामी युवाहरु लाटाले पापा हेरेर बस्या झैं के हेरेर बस्या हौंला , अब जागौं ढिला नगारौं देशलाइ एउटा गन्तब्य दिशा तिर लैजाऔं।

  20. maybe wat he says is true; but as a person i think he is an opportunist. Tomorrow if sth else becomes more powerful, he will support that.

  21. oh sundarmani dixit doctor saheb i salute u.u r the real son of nepal ama.what u r saying about girija is absolutely correct.yo movement ko hero bhaneko janta ho naki girija phirija hoina.i salute u again.i am 100% agreed with u.

  22. Dr. Dixit,
    Its good you remain as medical expert. Don’t start behaving like Upendra Devkota, that will just degrade you.
    You are the one who was equally victimized by Maoist’s extortions like Madan krishna and hari bansha were. Are you still threatened? Or, will you be getting a Maoist quota in the parliament?
    Where were you when hundreds of thousands Nepalese were getting brutally tortured and murdered?
    Why are you so mum about the re-establishment of security bits in the villages? You are just being biased and self-centred.

  23. Hello Ram (one of the commentors above),

    You look quite funny guy who has the problem of digestion to listen reality. The problem is Dr. Dixit has no prescription for such disease. Sorry for that.

  24. Accepting Girija and his forceful decision of keeping his people in very important jobs most unfortunate things for real Nepalese. Most people know Girija, congress, Shere, his daugher and other oure boure of Congress are most harmful the democracy and welbeing of Nepal. There so many unanswered questions:

    1. What happended to the interim government?
    2.What happended to CA date
    3. Why Shilaja was made Ambassador ( a lady without dignity, qualification and diplomatic skills)
    4. What other parties and maoist are doing?
    5. Are the maoist just are madekill and injure and collecting tax from oridinary in remote area or they have guts to deal with ghost of Panchayat, and napungshak congress.
    6. What happened to Rayamajhi report.
    7. Why there are so many armies still in the palace?
    8. What is happenning with taxing to Gyanedra’s his murderous son’s property.
    9. Is Gyanendra going to be punnished for palace masacres.
    10. Why still so much resources wasted for most hated palace and its activities.
    11. Are the criminal army and lootera police getting any better to serve people.
    12. When Gyanendra’s wealth is going to be nationalised.

  25. manchhe harulai sachet garne kura ma kharo boli ra kasaisag samjhauta nagarne ,aphno medical bishaya ka nirbikalpa dr sundermani dikshit ka kura ma mero hamro sampurna samarthan chha . sathiharu giraja ra madhab wa kaju kanchha saga hosiyar.

  26. DR dixit euta nagrik ko nata le rajniti ma chas rakhanu ta aadhikar nai ho tar tapai le bhane jasto nagrik samaj ko udesya tapaiko lekha hunsakdain .samaj ko mulsamasya prati sarkar lai sajag banaune ho tapaile bhane jasto nirdesan wa euta nischit rarnaitak sidantko mag rakhnu tapai pani lata ko des ma ganno tanneri bhane jastai ho .tapai ek prakar ko rajnaitik dal ko boli boldai hunuhuncha that is not your job.

  27. Nepalese people at present need extraordinary visionary leader. Still system is more important than individual. I hope that my teacher Dr. Dixit has come to understand this reality along with time. What we all peace loving people need to know is that institutionalisation and professional stand, values and norms will be extremely important to build new Nepal. After 1990 democratic establishment, these things became limited in paper, not on practice.



  29. रामजी, डा. दिक्षितलाई biased भन्दा भन्दै तपाई आफैं biased भएको तपाइलाई थाहा छ? हिजो त्यही निषेधित क्षेत्रमा दिन दिनै धर्ना, जुलुश गरेर, कर्फ्यू तोडेर लोकतन्त्र आयो र गिरिजा बाबुलाई प्रम बनायो, अहिले तिनै गिरिजा स्वतन्त्र नागरिक समाजका अगुवाहरुलाई तिनै निषेधित् क्षेत्र तोडेको आरोपमा गिरफ्तार गर्न पछि परेका छैनन्। मलाई लाग्छ, गिरिजाको बिरोध गर्दा माओबादी एजेन्डा बोकेको भैइंदैन।
    यो कसैको अन्ध समर्थन र अन्ध बिरोध गर्ने बेला होइन। माओबादी बिद्रोही शक्ति भएकोले उनीहरुलाई शन्तिपुर्ण रुपमा अवतरण गराउनु पर्नेमा गिरिजा पो आफु बिद्रोही शक्ति भए जस्तो गरेर उल्टो यसो नभए, उसो नभए संबिधान् जारी गर्दिन जस्ता धम्कीको भाषा बोल्छन । हिजो माधव कुमार नेपाल ले एमाले सरकारमा जान लालयीत छैन भन्दा, कोही नाअए फरक पर्दैन भनेर भन्ने? यस्तै हो सात दलको नेताको बोली? यसले साबित गर्छ, उनी सात दलका नेता होइनन्, खाली एउटा समुहका नेता हुन ।
    माओबादीहरुको बिगत अवश्य रक्तरंजित छ तर उनीहरु शान्तिपुर्ण बाटोमा आउन तयार छन। यत्रो १० बर्षको रक्तपातपुर्ण युद्ध लडेको शक्ति हतियार थन्काउन तयार छन्। त्यस्को लागि उनीहरु मानसिकरुपमा तयार् हुन पर्यो र उनीहरुलाई मानसिकरुपमा तयार् गराउने काम सत्ताको आसन जमाएर बसेका गिरिजाले नै गर्न पर्छ। तर गिरिजा धम्कीको भाषा बोल्छन, माओबादीलाइ फकाउने उनीहरुको शान्तीपूर्ण अवतरण प्रति विस्वस्त तुल्याउनु कता हो कता, उल्टै धम्कीको भाषा बोल्छन । यो लोकतंत्र माओबादी लगाएत अन्य दल्, नागरिक समाज, समाजका हर वर्ग र तप्काको संघर्ष बाट प्राप्त भएको हो । नयाँ देशको निर्माणमा अरुको पनि त्यत्तिकै अधिकार छ भन्ने कुरा बुझ्नु पर्छ । माओबादीलाई सजाय दिन परे भोली जनताले चुनावमा दिने नै छन तर अहिले को आवश्यकता भनेको सबै मिलेर श्थीर शान्तीको लागि प्रयास गर्नु हो ।

  30. राजा लाई जहाँ सुकै राखुन त्यो मत्लब भएन यि डाँका र त्यस्को सर्दार गिरिजा कोइराला र तय्स्को परिवार ले नेपाली जनता लयि खोपा म राखेर साशन गर्न्यूइचार गरेको छ । अब युग कुर्ने व अर्को शताब्दी कुर्ने भन्दापनि जती सकेको चाडो आन्दोलन सुरु गरी हाल्नु पर्ने हुन्छ।

  31. डा‍ दीक्षितको कुरा १००% सही हो । डाक्टर भएर बिरामी जाच्नु मात्र पर्छ भन्ने मान्यता गलत हो । उहाँ समाजको एक अभिन्न अँग हो भने सही कुरा गर्न पाउने उहाँको नैसर्गिक अधिकार हो । राजनीति जान्नेहरुले गर्नु पर्ने बिषय हो न कि फुर्सदिलाको गँजडि गफ । हरेक आन्दोलनको अन्त्यमा आन्दोलित शक्तिलाई थाङ्नामा सुताउन सक्ने कलाकारिता गिरिजामा छ । ४६ का नायक गणेशमानको पतन गराएर होस् वा खोयाबिर्के भट्टराईलाई पाखालगाएर काङ्ग्रेसमा एकछत्र राज गर्ने कोइराला परिवार निष्चय नै देशकालागि दुर्भाग्य साबित हुने छ । यस परिवारले राजतन्त्र उन्मुलन होइन बलियो जरा बनेर भरथेग गर्ने पक्का छ । सुरुवात गिरिजा आफैंले गरिसकेको हो ८ दलको सम्झौता लागु नगरेर वा शैलाजालाई राजतन्त्रको पक्षमा उभ्याएर ।

  32. i dont understand why,
    the present government which is in its present existance due to peoples movement (not due to saileja or kaju kancha) favours these two rascals and do not favour peoples mandate
    does any girija chamchs here have answer to this?
    will be appreciated

  33. dr dixit is biased and support maoists and donot talk about common people as he can not feel it. He wants to be firebrand left leader. Surrpising? his commetns are liked by only those who are young less than 25 years and are basically communists as he speaks for them not for all. He knows how difficult it is to run even a samll institute in Nepal leaving behind the country. Had they alternative we all know they would not give Girirja PMship. It is easy to make propaganda and blame Girija but we all know how difficult it is at grass root levels.

  34. ड. सुन्दर मनि दिछिद लाइ सलाम, हि सेड् अक्जक्लि वोट इज गोइन अन . वि सुड बि बिकेरफुल विद गिरिज, माकुने & सेरे . दे अर रियल डम अफ्तेर माल्दाइ. डमिट गिरिज वट इज मिन बाइ “म जे भन्चु तेइ गर्चु ? ” हि सुड से जनत जे भन्च म तेइ गर्चु .

  35. Dr. Dixit,
    I appreciated your intervew of BBC which was based on reality. Thank you very much for zour sharing of people’s voice.
    All people know that Girija is the main obstacle of peace. I think there will be a big accidend if not election held in Jestha.

  36. Unless we get rid of mentally corrupts and politically myopic like Girija, Oli, and their teams, our country could progress no where. Better to dump them with Kamales as soon as possible.

  37. हामी नेपाली कती बेबकुफ छौं भनेर पटक पटक “हवल्दार कोईराला” लाई पावरमा ल्याउनाले प्रष्ट हुन्छ। अचेल माकुने कता भाग्यो? “काजु ओली” जस्तालाई पावरमा राखेर त्यो माकुने ले के गर्न खोजेको हो? भयो त “रायमाझी आयोग” लागु? बोरु रायमाझी आयोगको प्रतीवेदन लागु को उल्टो “” भयो। त्यो ओली लाई बरु लागु को उल्टो गर्न पाए हुन्थ्यो, नेपालका मानार्थ राष्ट्रपती मोर्याआर्टीको ईसारामा नाचेकोमा।

  38. डा दिक्षित को कुरा सही हो । गिरिजा ब्रान्ड चस्मा लगाउनेलाई जरुर उनको कुरा मन पर्दैन । यसमा आस्चर्य छैन ।
    सेरेमोनियल राजाको बाटो अपनाउंदा डुब्न लागेका राजा र कार्यबाही खेप्न पर्ने भएका जर्साबहरुको समेत समर्थन् पाईने, बामहरुसंग कित्ता क्लिएर गर्दा अमेरिकापनि रिझ्ने अनि सत्ताको चास्नीमा आफु र आफ्ना नातागोताहरुलाइ मजा संग डुबुल्की लगाउन पाइने। भाड्मे जाए सात दल अनि नागरिक समाज। सबैजनाको लागिमेलिमा आएको नरिवलरुपी लोकतन्त्रलाई बाँदरले झैं एक्लै बोकेर गिरिजा कुदिरहेका छन र स् अन्य दल उनको पछि पछि भागी रहेका छन । लाग्छ यो दौड उनले त्यो नरिवल ख्वामितको पाउमा नटक्र्याएसम्म टुंगिने छैन ।

  39. Dr, Dixit is more bias. and praise maoist but never speak about nomal people issue. bias so called civil society leader like evil society leader.

    plaese try to understand real situation of country. it is easy to make propoganda but to do real things is difficult.

  40. Thanks to Dr. Dixit for his independent analysis on the pesent state of situaiton. We must appreciate for his alarming remark in which he has clearly mentioned the person behind the curtain to instate king in one form or tthe other.

    Despite peace deal between seven party alliances and the Maoist, Nepal remains in a deepening political crisis. It is not the question of Maoist that runs for republican set up today, it is the whole Nepalese that supports the ousted of King forever through consensus, if not, by referendum or alternatively through constitutional assembly.

    Since from the very beginning, I am advocating the increased role of civic society for good governance, peace restoration and republican set up and state restructuring. Dr. Dixit and other members of civic societies who restarted their activities after long gap of eight months must ensure and continue this movement until the induction of republic.

    The prime minister Girija Prasad, is willing to shut out of peace talks advocating ceremonial king or space to the king in democracy and continuous marginalization of Maoist and other parties have increasingly likely to force people to the streets once again. Prime minister Girija Prasad’s statements and activities are not only dubious and not sincere at all but likely to play a role of “Peace Villain” in coming days. He is insulting the whole Nepalese time and again.

    At present, the whole Nepalese are simply saying “ Please free us from monarchy, politicians whos sounds democrat but acting as dictator in reality like Girija”. This role can be played only by CIVIC SOCIETY and independent intellectuals. There is no hope and trust to Girija to Prachanda, either that they will restore peace in Nepal permanently.

    Freedom Lover

  41. Dr Dixit ko kurama asahamat hune sayad kohi pani chhaina hola . ma ta shat-pratisat sahamat chhu.
    Aba nagarik samaj ra ganatantra chahane aam-nepali le jan-aandolan-3 ko tayari garna parne jastochha. Malai lagchha kehi nepali saput haru shahid bannai parchha jasto chha.

  42. हाम्रो नेपाल को ईतिहास मा सबै भन्दा ठुलो दुर्भाग्य भन्नु नै गिरिजा प्रसाद जस्तो कलंकीत बेक्ति राजनिति सत्ता मा आउनु र उन्का ऐरे गैरे हनुमान् हरु बाट उनि पुज्यनिये भै रहनु हो। डा सुन्दर् मनि दिक्सित् ले मेरो मन् को कुरा बोलिदियेको मा र मेरो सन्सार् ले येस्तो राम्रो बिसये लाइ यो ब्लोग् मा प्रस्तुत् गरेको मा धेरै देह्रै धेन्यबाद। यो सबै चेतनसिल नेपलि जनता लाइ चेतना जगाउनै पर्ने कुरा हो।

  43. Communists want one party rule, NC wants multiparty rule, Communists say what they say is only right like comments above and democrats accpets critism. It is really unoftunate that we only blame to a person who is in PM chair. Look have you ever critisize and pressurize in nonpartisan way?.I think no. all will understand once we have somebody polpot one party rule and so on.

  44. Dixit ji

    Dnot try to be poltician, u are only fit for medical doctor. Are u trying to take the place of Dr Baburam Bhattrai being blind bias of maoist side?
    Do u represent the voice of the whole people? Who r u that used said that ur voice is the voice of cores people?
    What nonsense thing the intelligent people like u are u talking?

    N sharma

  45. देसको समस्या भनेको गिरिजा र शेरे नै हो, यिनिहरु ले देस् बिगारी राखेका छन । यदि सडेन्त्र हो भने नेपालबाट सदाको लागि नेपाली काङ्रेसलाइ बाइ बाइ गर्नु पर्छ नेपाली जनताले यिन्लाइ ज्यान गए छाड्दैनन अब।
    जेष्ठमा चुनाव हुन नसके नेपालमा तेसपछि किन चुनाव चाँहीयोर? तेसपछित ओक्टुबर आइहाल्छनी बरु तयारी आजै देखि आबस्यक हुन्छ ।

  46. salokya ji,
    Jana andolan ka ghaiteeharu ko pani andolan chha ni kathmandu ma, Plz try to cover that andolan too.


  47. Dr. Sundar Mani Dixit,

    You are 100% right. Why Girija is dillydallying on fixing the date for the CA election?

    The most unfortunate thing is that we now again have Girija who does not have a vision. He is not a leader.
    He is the one responsible for all our woes today since he was in the PM for most period after the 90s democracy. Only if he had

    -negotiated with Maoists in the beginning, 13,000 people would not have died

    -brought positive reforms in the bureacracy, we would not have seen such a lop-sided bureacracy and judiciary that has completely alienated many of the JanaJatis

    -been a fairminded person and not pushed the envelope promoting his own kinsmen and women, he would not have faced the revolt within his party and country

    -checked the party of which he is president, a monster like Deuba would not have been born and destroyed the fibre of the country, and KhumBahadur, Wagle, Gachhedar and Govinde Joshi would not have amassed the wealth looting the public

    Girija is a status quo PM. He is a big tree where no birds will sit and chirp, and he will not allow any grass to grow under. He neither gives cool or shelter from heat and rain. He is a feeble tree that even a weak storn will shatter anytime.

    Why was he so willing to appoint his niece as an ambassador to India against the spirit of the Janadolan 2? It only shows he continues to be stubborn, aerogant and senile.

    I trust him no more. It is time that he retired and be an elder statesman.

  48. girija koirala ta nepal ko prajantra ko bishalu kanda ho yas la desh lai yo gati samma layara faleedeyoo,yasko biswas garna maobadi haru bichara…..haans uthchha,girija lai 1 minute pani satta deenu hunna natra yasla faree gayandra lai satta deenchha uslai pradhan mantreee deyaama.yo voko manchha ho aaru lai voko banaunu yas ko siddhanta ho
    canada bata
    pideet nepali(maroo naam denu hunna kina ki girija la ramroo chhanchha malai)

  49. ke ho yesto pani hola? mathiko lekh bada gajabko lageyo nepali janta lai dukha dine kam hola hai feri
    hos garera desh chalauni kam garnu nepali ra nepal haraula hos garnu bidesh le nepallai kamjori abasta bhetema chodina hai …….

  50. वास्तवमा देश को दुर्भाग्य भनेको पहिला गिरिजा प्रसाद कोइराला अनि नेपाली काङ्रेस् हो । योकुरा जनतले अत्मसाथ गरी बेलेइमा बुज्नु पर्ने हो अबेर हुन लाग्दापनि जनताहरु यथार्थ बुज्न हिच्किचाइ रहेछ ।
    नेपालको प्रमुख र मुख्य समस्या समयनुकुल परिवर्तन भएको छ । नेपालको समस्या र गरीबि अनि दरिद्रता र अबिकास को मुख्य कारण राजतन्त्र हो भनि गहन् अध्ययन र बिचरणपछि सुरु गरिएको माओवादी जनयुध्द लाई देश को मुख्य समस्या देखा उदै आफ्नो मनपारी शासन चलएर जनताको चाहना बेवास्ता गर्ने मुख्य ब्यक्ती गिरिजा कोइराला नै हुन् र तेसपछि मात्र अरुको नाम् गन्नुपर्ने हुछ ।
    जब् राजा ले आफ्नो हालिमुहाली शासनलाई गलह्त्यायरा उस्को हुकुमी र तानाशआहि शासन सुरु गर्‍यो अनि तब् एही गिरिजा र भाट् हरु देश को समस्या भनेको राजा ज्ञानेन्द्र र परस्पर राजतन्त्र हो भन्दै माओवादी सँग सम्झौता गरी जनता माझ गोहिको आंशु रुन पुगे । अब जनताले बल्ल नेताहरुको बुद्धी फिर्योहोला भनेर अबत चेत्लानी भनि फेरी पनि त्एही गिरिजा लाई सत्ता र मौका दियो अनि लगत्तै आफ्नो आशालि रङ्ग देखौन सुरु गरी आफ्नो परिवा रिक जहाँनिय हालिमुहाली शासन गर्न उध्धत छ गिरिजा प्रसाद ।
    तर् गिरिजा प्रसादले एउटा कुरा बुझ्न ढिलाई गरिरहेछ व वा मर्ने बेलाम डुमै राजा भनेको जसरि बुज्न चाहन्दैन त्यो के भने ।
    देश को समस्या परिवर्तन भाई सकेको छ र अब जनतालाई थाहा भैसक्एको छ त्यो समस्या भनेको गिरिजा प्रसाद कोइराला र कोइराला वोरिपरिको भाट् हरु हो अनि तेस्पछि नेपाली कांङ्ग्रेस् हो । राजा भन्दा पहिले हामीले यस्को उपचार गर्नु नितान्त जरुरी छ र त्यो समय घड््किदैछ । यो समयए फेरी आउन नेपालीले एक युग कुर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ ।
    तेसैले नेपाल र नेपालीले अर्को एउटा जनान्दोलन्-३ सुरु गरेर् गिरिजा कङ्ग्रेश लाई पनि समाधान गरी हटाउनु नितन्त आबस्यक कार्य भएको छ ।
    पशुपति नाथले गिरिजा लाई सद् बुद्धी दिउन र नेपालीको रक्षा गरुन । मेरो कामना छ ।
    [email protected]

  51. जुन दिन गिरिजाले टुडिखेलमा जनताको अगाडि शपथ ग्रहण गर्नुपर्छ भनेर बिरामि
    भएको बहाना बनाए र पछि सुटुक्क दरबार गएर शपथ ग्रहण गरे त्यसै दिन देखि उनको नियतमा खोट छ भन्ने स्पष्ट भएको हो । नेपाली काँग्रेसले नेपाल देश हाँक्ने ठेक्का आफ्नो पार्टी को भन्छ । राजाले लात हानेकाले अरु पार्टि सँग मिले जस्तो गरी फेरि एक्लै सत्ता चलाउने गिरिजाको दाउ हो । समयमै खवरदारी गरियन भने हामी नेपाली जनतालाइ बली चढायर गिरिजा एण्ड कम्पनि ले कुर्सि निरन्तर आफ्नो स्वार्थमा अबिछिन्न रुपमा प्रयोग गरि रहने कुरामा कुनै सन्देह छैन । नागरिक समाज एक मात्र आशाको धरोहर हो ।अत नागरिक समाज लाइ मेरो सलाम ।

  52. What a shame to declare probihited area in democracy. People should have full right to launch peaceful rally or sit-in protest anywhere within our country. However, Girija tantra has probihited this as well. Girija is not actually a democratic leader because he was autocratic by birth. Nothing more is needed to understand what type of person is he? He is solely responsible for splitting NC party as per his wishes. He is trying to make his followers in different posts and even in his own party. However, leaders in his party have understood this but they can’t do anything since most of them are corrupted and want to do more corruption.

    Therefore, what civil society memebers have been forecasting that is going to happen. They are the ones who palyed vital role to overthrow king. Now they are seen as enemies of seven parties and ally of maoists. Maoists are the genuine people however you can find some people in every party with bad character which you could also find in maoist party as well. What Nepalie people want they want peace, prosperous Nepal, education, health, home and job etc. who is going to fulfill all these for them. Is Girija serious about the right of people. Its shame on him he is waiting to go hell and still want to hold priminister post. What a power hungry person. GOD will curse him. Look at Ganesh man what sundar moni says is 100% right he was the hero within Nepali people. He did not show power hungry nature. King Birendra offered him priminster post but he did not accept it and leave it for Bhattarai. Thats what we want to happen these days as well. But Girija and his daughter, oh! GOD what a curse you have thrown to Nepali people, how long they have to suffer because of Girija tantra. Please take him away as soon as you have space in hell.

    Girija tantra murdabad.

  53. Dr Dixit is a respectable medical doctor and personally it seems that he doesnot like Girija Prasad the way he is using langauge in is speech against him. he may be great doctor but he has not played watchdog role at the time of maoists’ brutality. He is asking right question why maoists and other leaders couldnot, insist means all know internal problems and know international politics but want to cash in their favour by blaming PM koirala. In village level maoists have not changed and For paerosn like Dr dixit there is no problem from maoists. How can a PM of Nepal bring maoists in interim governmentm without arm management as EU, India and US are flexing muscles? How he can impose on his followrs who say to him that maoists have not changed. Morning shows the days. Instead of moderating, leaders of nagrik sammaj like Dr Dixit are pushing one agenda that they are just agenda of maoists. I understand they must ask rule of law, loktantra and human rights. But like politcal party they are behaving. You can clearly see all left leaning people have same voice but those liberals and democrats are silent now. Why? The struggle between gnatantrabaadi ( I mean system like in north korea of polpot system) and Loktantrabaadi will always remain but it is question of moderating. I feel pity for People who listen to rhetoric. Girija is not intelligent but can anybody tell me why Dr Dixixt didnot propose another person at that time of PMship when he knew before hand.
    I respect his medical expertise but his onesided arguments doesnot hold water. Arresting NSka mancche and laathicharg is not good move by government. They must allow peaceful protest and also listen to nagarik samaj and others and clearly tell them why it is not possible to include maoists in interim government now without disarming them instead of just keeping mum.

  54. deshma yatro bademan loktantra aayo, sahidko sapana saakar bhayoo, bhanna khub bhasanbazi bhairehachha. Tara eak dashak bhanda laamo dwandako dauranma sahid bhayeka haruko aashrit parivarlai ra kamaiya harulai aarthik samajeek raahat dina chahin samabeshi laagu hudaina ki kya ho ? yasaigai laingaik samantako kura pani huncha tara mahilalai sabaibhanda duhka parne baidhbya jeevanko barema manan garera bidhuwa mahilalai yathochit raahat ra saayog tatha aatma nirbhar banainama samabeshi rakhna pani namilne ho ke ya yo nachahine kuro ho ? maile ta bidhwa aama didi bahinisfko dekheko aanu matra pokhoko hun.


  55. prajatantra, rajtantra, janatantra, ganatantra, aadi tantraharu dherai sunia. tara nepal sansaarkai sabai bhanda garib desh bhayeakole garib ko hit garne garib tantra ko barema chaahin kina kura aaundaina khali petbolima matra gariblai rakhera raajneeti ra sattakai matra charcha hunchha hann?????????????????


  56. The way Girija government is operating is quite scary. The government has forgotten the base they stand on: it is people’s popular movement for which Maoists led People’s war created a favorable situation. Before, during and after the movement, people’s voice was clearly what Dr. Dixit had underlined above. Girija with its chamcha parties managed to get the parliament reinstated instead of a provision of Round Table. Maoists should be credited for not making fuss about reinstatement of the dead parliament.
    This followed adoption of set of decrees by a illegal parliament including all the agenda from Maoists. However, no government can implement those provisions without real people’s representatives sharing the government. It means, without Maoists in the government, nothing can be done – forget about the constituent assembly or proclamation of Republican set up; even establishment of police posts and local administration set ups require Maoists participation. This is precisely Girija and Oli like people are trying to avoid or or afraid of. Clearly, Congress and Communists (UML+) are going to be the loosers once the Maoists are in the government.

    I putforth my old question: what have Nepal seen from the seven parties leaders in past 15 years that we may hope something from this government. Therefore, we (people) have every right to attempt to give a chance to a unity governmenrt led or participated by the Maoists to run this country.

    Friends, let us support endeavors by the Civic Society, which being non-political movement speaks peoples views and brings forth programmes according to people’s will. Let us participate in “Protest programmes” organized by the Society to bring down Girija government, ground existing parliament. This would open the avenue for creation of an Interim government and parliament on time, so that the Constituent assembly election can be conducted by Jyestha 2064.
    Down to Girija government!

  57. Dr. Sunder mani is right.Kesher Jung Rai Majhi and |Girija Koirala and |Tulsi Giri, Madhav kumar Nepal Kaju Oli are never to be trusted.They are all the same type of people.
    a nepali in USA

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