"मल्लिक आयोगका दोषीलाई कारबाही नगरेर यस्तो भयो.."

-खगेन्द्र संग्रौला-

मल्लिक आयोगका दोषीहरुलाई कारबाही नगरेर यो सब भएको हो। मल्लिक आयोगका दोषीलाई कारबाही गरेको भए दरबारको दासका रुपमा रहेको राप्रपा नामको पार्टीको गठन हुँदैन थियो। राप्रपा नामको पार्टी नभएको भए नेकपा एमाले दरबारको नोकर लोकेन्द्रबहादुर चन्दलाई आफ्नो काँधमा बोक्ने थिएन। नेपाली काँग्रेसले दरबारको नोकर सूर्यबहादुर थापालाई आफ्नो काँधमा बोक्ने थिएन। यदि यी दुई वटा घटना नभएको भए संभवत इतिहासको कलंकका रुपमा रहेको माघ १९ को घटना घट्ने थिएन।

राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रका आफ्ना कामहरुको परिणाम स्वरुप नेपालको राजतन्त्र अब आर्यघाटको ब्रम्हनालमा पुगेको छ।

ललितपुरमा भएको गणतान्त्रिक सांस्कृतिक सभामा खगेन्द्र संग्रौलाले व्यक्त गर्नुभएको विचारको पूर्ण अंश तपाईँ तलका लिङ्कहरुमा क्लिक गरी सुन्न सक्नुहुन्छ।

सुन्नलाई यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस्।

डाउनलोड गर्न यहाँ राइट क्लिक गरी सेभ टार्गेट एज गर्नुस्।


  1. DEAR Friend Ganatantrabadi NEPALI

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR NICE(!): I like it (!).

    Etymologically, you are the greatest republican leader in the country. Probably you are the extremist too who cannot understand others view and couldnot tolerate others’ opinion.

    Therefore, could you say you “ADHINAYAK BADI”? Probably, and I am sure you will not like it and you will write strong comment on me. I could tolerate your comment, criticism nomatter how beloy you could drop down.

    I think friend, probably you havenot studied my whole comment. In that comment, I have written that I agree with the gist of Khagendra Sangraula jee, but I couldnot agree his way of making negativism only.

    I know that he is one of the best known writer in nepal, he has many supporters and also many critics. It might be because of one way delivery.

    I couldnot compare myself with the established and well known personalities. Therefore friend, donot compare and make me competitor for him.

    Kahako uha aakash ko tara: kahako hami dharti ko dhulo!

    Ganatantra badi nepali sathi

    You should dare to write your name while making comment, if you write from heart. Why you are making the comment by false name or by nickname.

    Only with the name, noone becomes as name indicates. If we call the rose by different name, it will not lessen to spread fragrances, and if you say the Carcasses even by very good name (like perfume !), it will not spread good smell.

    Probably, with my comment you will be more angry and write comment on me with strong and bad words. Probably you can give me the name like “Mandale”
    or other bad misnomer, but I will not take care of it, because people knows me that it is not true.

    I politely request you to comment (if you want) by your real name, then we could start regular and healthy comment and advices.

  2. Umesh jee,
    thanks for publishing the the speech of various personalities who contribution for JANA ANDOLAN 2nd. I haired that a humana rights activist KRISHNA PAHADI have god gift speech power, and he did very significant contribution for 2nd JANAANDOLAN, if it is possible I want to hair his speech. Please Umesh jee if it is possible publish his speech too.

    Tej Giri

  3. खगेन्द्र सङ्रौला अरु धेरै बाच्दै जाउन र निरन्तर लेखिरहुन । सङ्रौला सङ्रौला लाई मेरो सलामअ!

  4. I am so surpised to see people writing against the bitter truth expressed by Khagendra. I can understand now there are people like Kajoo-Kanchho, Girija in this forum as well. We have to be careful of them otherwise they can harm this forum in the similar fashion as the the country is suffering from the outdated politicians like Khadge and girija

  5. khagendra Sangraula ko speech bhanda malai ta “COMMENT-WAR” na ramailo lagyo. Thank you Umesh Ji for this wonderful platform!

  6. Ganatabtrabaadi Nepali
    I should really congratulate you for your wonderful assumption. you are such a genius guy (or girl?)to presume that one who doesn’t like the criticism made by Sangraula happens to be the Gyanendra’s supporter.Where have you learnt all those? Open up man,the world is just too big than you have thought.
    Having named as “Ganatantravaadi” alone doesn’t qualify you to be ganatantrik.Go join JTMM which can substantiate your ideology to the fullest and take this new name,गाँडुतन्त्रबादी for yourself.All the best!

  7. Casanova, if you had capacity to criticize in a healthy manner, you wouldn’t have got this shitty name. To understand what I’m saying, go back to your previous postings.

    And; if you were ever in favor of Loktantrik Ganatantra, you would have read Khagendra Sangraula with different perspective.

    Khagendra Sangraula got his name and fame with his exclusive talent of criticism, and you nobody from nowhere just cannot dismiss a celebrity writer by writing two lines’ bluff on Internet.

    What is your positivism then? Gyanendra Zindavad? Of course yes. That’s sickness. If Nazism is a sickness, why not Gyanedr-zindava?

  8. सङ्रौला अहिले मात्र होइन माघ १९ पछी को कालो दिन मा पनि ज्ञाने सित टक्कर गर्ने नेपाल को एक मात्र मान्छे हो,उ साँच्चै बहादुर हो,कुनै सन्का छैन ।उस्ले गाली नगरेको भए शायद कसैले चेत्ने थिएनन्,अहिले का पतित नेता हरु लाई खगेन्द्र दाई को गाली निक्कै जरुरी छ,उ एउटा आँखा खुलौने मान्छे हो

  9. Umesh ji
    I don`t understand why these people writing against khangendras speaking about present politics leaders who are running Nepal goverment now and these are the same people who made our contry very poor& corrupted in 12years.They did`t solve mallik aayog and they don`t want to solve rayamajhi aayog because these leaders are not clean and they want more corruption in future.This goverment is not issueing the interim sambidhan intime because these currupted leaders were aggried to withdrow the powerful sntence(the article)from new interim sambidhan which one can creat a low and punish andolan birodhi or curropted leadrs.KHAGENDRA ji I want you salute from hongkong.Your article in newspaper are very meaningful and clear.YOU are the true Nepalis voice
    Mersing Thapa magar
    silvermine bay HONG KONG

  10. malai tha chaina ki khagendra sangroula lai kasle kati chine ko cha tara over all he is a good critic.jana andolan ko bela hami sabai sathi bhaiharu polish bata bachna chabahil ma bhela bhaya ka thiyoun teti bela khagendra sir pani bato ma bhetinu bhayo ,ani sabia jana base ra chiya piu dai waha sanga desh ko bhabi sthiti k hola ta bhane prasna gardai thiyoun teti bela waha le bhanu bhaya ko thiyo ‘yas bare ma ma ahiel k hi bhanna chahanna kina ki chiya mithooo bhaira cha’.yo kura bata pani prasta huncha ki khagendar sangroula bahen manche jatha bhabi pwakka bolne manche hoina,he got some thing that we people dont have.

  11. khagendra sangraula bhaneko euta satyadrasta, prastabawakta kharo ra kasaisaga najhukne sastha ho. u byakti pani hoina .akshtira pharkera thuknu bhanda pahile bichar garnos.

  12. खगेन्द्र सङ्रौला को बिरोध गर्नु मेरो विचारमा पाखान्डिपन हो । उनि एकजना सुद्ध लेखक हुन । सङ्रौला ले लेखेका हजारौ लेखहरु पानी क फोका होइनन जस्तो लाग्छ मलाई । उन्का लेख हरु जोशिला छन्, बेजोड छन्, निर्भिक छन । सङ्रौला ले जती निडर भएर शायद धेरै कम ले लेखेका होलान ।
    दरबार हत्याकन्ड भएको भोली पल्ट को कान्तिपुर मा सङ्रौला ले जसरि ज्ञानेन्द्र लाई हुन्कारेर लेख लेखेका छन्, त्यो लेख कुनै भुस्तिघ्रे ले लेख्न सक्दैन । खगेन्द्र सङ्रौला गिरिजा जस्ता हुतिहाराअ प्रधानमन्त्री जो आज सम्म पनि दरबार को ग्र्यान्ड डिजाईन को पर्दाफाश गर्ने फोस्रो भाषाण गर्दै हिन्छ, त्यो मान्छे होइन । सङ्रौला को जीवन लेख ले बाण हान्ने हो । कहिले पनि उस्ले बल्वान्, सक्ती भएका को चाकारी गरेको छैन ।
    बृटिश एम्बेस्सी ले पोहोर साल सङ्रौला (जस् लाई बृटिश सरकार आँफै ले कुनै लेख सम्मेलन म भाग लिन निमन्त्राणा दिएको थियो ) लाई भिसा नदिए पछि लाई उन्ले जुन लेख लेखेर बृटिश को धज्जी मारे; शायद तेही लेख को बल ले तत्कालीन बृटिश राजदुत ले गल्ती भएको स्वीकर गरे र बक्तब्य प्रकाशित गरे । पछि सङ्रौला लाई भिसा दिने निर्णय गर्‍यो एम्बेस्सी ले । तर, उन्ले अस्विकार गरे । उन्ले ब्यक्त गरेको आत्म्स्वाभिमान को पाठ जो कसैले सिक्न सक्छ जस्तो लाग्दैन मलाई यो जमात मा ।
    हामी ले यस्ता लेखक हरेक काल मा पाउदैनौ । दरबारिया हरु उन्को लेख मन पराउदैनन्, घुश्खोरिया हरु उन्को लेख मन पराउदैनन्, तस्कर हरु उन्को लेख मन पराउदैनन्, दुई नम्बरइ हरु उन्को लेख मन पराउदैनन । सङ्रौला जेल को चिसो छिन्डी मा बसेर पनि आफ्नो लेख को बाण हान्ने स्वाभिमानी नेपाली हो । राम्रा लेखक को कदर गर्ने गरौ ।

  13. Ganatantrabaadi Nepali,
    A clear demarcation lies between one being “ganatantrik” and one being democratic.Democrates enjoy freedom of expression but you don’t.U like Sangarula, go ahead and express it but don’t lose your tempers on others.learn to cool it down man!
    Society composed of negative energies make life miserable for everybody. There are people who long for brighter side of life.Why can’t somebody never see anything positive about anything in life? Shitty people see other shit and that is also part of their negativity. Enjoy negativity, thats where you belong.

  14. खगेन्द्र सर को बिचार ठिक छ तर पार्टि को नियत खारब छ,मल्लिक आओग को प्रतिबेदन त परै जाओस अब रायमाझि आयोग को पनि भाडमा जाने भो..चिन्ता त्यसमा गरौ हो..साथि..
    गिरिजा र काजु कान्छा भय सम्म त्यो लागु हुन्दैन…अनि गिरिजा नमरे सम्म कुर्सि बाट हट्दैन किनकि उसलै मओबादि अनि दरबार साथै इन्दिया, अमेरिका को समर्थन छ..हाम्रो काम
    उमेस जि को ब्लग मा कमेन्त लेख्ने मात्र हुने भो…धन्न उमेस ले दुख गरेर भयपनि ब्लग चलायको छ…र मनको तितो पोख्नन पाका छौ-

  15. Sagraula ji ekdamai past hypothetical manchhe le yeso bhannu kunai thulo kuro hoina jasto lagchha malai ta.

  16. There should be many more bold and couragious critics and writers like Khagendr Sangrula in Nepal. I appreciate his comments which are not only real but also timely. Had the Mallik Report had been implemented, does anyone beleive that people like Kamal Thapa, Tanka Dhakal, niranjan Thapa and so on would have any chance to rule Nepal again and again? Coward Girija did not take any action to the culprits, rather he promoted the culture of impunity and encouraged the rule of corrupts. He was the person who gave a ticket to a person like D.B. Lama. Surely we will see, if the CA election happens in Nepal, Girija will give tickets to Govinda Joshi, Khum Bahadur Khadka and like others. This has been the setback for the futureof Nepal!!!

  17. I have been watching out Rajendra KC, Germany and Casanova’s comments in different threads. Only thing I have to say about them is THEY ARE SICK. If these guys were intelligent and intellectual like Khagendra Sangraula, this forum would have been much cleaner, meaning qualitative.

    What one should understand is that Khagendra Sangraula is not a politician, but a critic (left oriented). And, he has intelligence in expressing criticism with his virtually good Nepali language skills. If Rajendra KC Germany, Casanova, etc. bark like a dog against Sangraula, it doesn’t harm him. Because Khagendra Sangraula is Khagendra Sangraula and Rajendra KC Germany, Casanova, etc. are just piece of shit.

  18. Hey guys, shut up shouting to the khagendra sangraula ok.
    can you please tell me or show me where is he saying wrong that you don’t like and barking after sangraula.
    is there anything wrong he said in his speach.
    please let me know if there is other wise shut your mouth okay

  19. ठीक हो । र खगेन्द्र सङ्रौला सत्य बोल्छ र सोझै बोल्छ ठीक छ कसैलाई मन् नपरे नपरोस् आफ्नोपना अरुकोलागि भनेर छोड्नु झन् पटक्कइ राम्रो होइन ।
    सङ्रौल1जिले भनेको जस्तै मल्लिक आयोगको प्रतिबेदन गुप्चुप थन्याउनाले यती दुख्ख् भोग्नुपर्‍यो नेपाली र नेपाल ले त्यो हामीसमु उद्दाङऐइ छ आँखा फुटेको ले पनि देख्छ तर बिचार फुटेको र गिरिजाको लोभि दान् को चस्मा लगाउनेले भन्ने देख्दैन् स् हि कुरा हो, सत्य तितो हुन्छ र तेस्लाई मन पर्दैन् जस्को बिचार र मन् म1 खोट् हुन्छ वा छ ।
    अब् मल्लिक को जस्तै गरी रायमाझि आयोग को पनि तेस्ताइ निएती दोहोरिना लगेको सबैले देख्दै छ । यहाँ अब मल्लिग र रायमाझि आयोग को कसुर्दार लाई भन्दा र राजा लाई भन्दा पहिले हामीले सच््आ देश भक्त र देश बासिले कारबाही गर्नुपर्ने मान्छे गिरिजा कोइराला हो । गिरिजालआई कारबाही गरे पछि मात्र देस् नयाँ युग् म निर्ध्धक्क सँग प्रबेश गर्छ । नत्र सधैं यस्तै नै हो । देश को सबै भन्दा ठुलो बाधक गिरिजा कोइराला हो र गिरिजा कोइराला हावाल्दर सम्म हुनुपर्ने मान्छे हो त्यो त देश लाई दशा लगेको बेला के के हुन पुग्यो ।
    सबै नेपाली लाई चेतना भया ।

  20. Umesh Ji.

    Thnak you for your contribution appreciated.

    As a Khagendra Sangraula, need to born in Nepal. He is good writer and intelligent, he can take out fact what had happend, and happening, and will be happend.
    He is saying in his word, must be panish who is guilty in this time. Suppose Tulsi Giri, Kamal thaple, Tanke Dhakal Banduke leader. If they will not be panish same malik aayog, another rastriya prajatantra party will be open and rise up, then more than before worst will be happending.
    All leader Hey Girija timro buddi chhitai firija, put in jail who were guilty. Other wise you will die but never go heaven………..! Nepali janta ko papa lagla hosiyar………!


  21. Hi CASANOVA, Good luck for that.At least you have some mission to complete.
    Hi Santosh ,
    How much education do you have? You now qualify for being nepali NETA? If you have that I concratulate you by heart and good luck for becoming great leader.
    Hi Bhanu ,
    I absolutely agree with your comment.Thanks.

  22. खगेन्द्रजी हुनत कसैले पनि देशको लागि राम्रो काम गरेनन् तर पनि कसै कसै लाइ अलि कति प्रोत्साहन दिने खालको लेख पनि पढ्न पाए केहि स्वाद फेरिए जस्तो लाग्थ्यो कि best from the worst लाइ पनि यदाकदा ठाँउ दिनुस् ल

  23. he is absolutely right.
    i dont know why commenters above are negative towards him. they might have gririja brand or ganendra brand eye glasses. sorry for that.

  24. खगेन्द्रज्यू किन सधैँ जरो आएको मानिस जस्तै या त टिम्मूर खाएको बाँदर जस्तो हुनुभएको होला? वाँहालाई साँचिनै सधैँ चिन्तित र रोगी जस्तो देखिन्छ|हामी सबैले वाँहाको मद्द्त गर्नु पर्दछ|वाँहालाई चिन्ताबाट मुक्त गरिदिनु पर्दछ| अब कसरी सम्भव होला त साथीहरु, सोचनुहोस् है|

  25. I am totally disagree with madhavji and Shantoshji’s view. And we have see Khagendraji’s words for present sinario. Khagendraji is absolutely right. The then government give KSHAYMADAN to the culprits of the Jananadolan-1 and we have facing these probelm. If the present government will do the same mistake then Nepalese will have to fight against the autocracy. We don’t have any hope the present government will punish the victims of Janaandolan-2 but lets hope the future government will do. If the future government will do the same as did in the past. Nepali bandu ho be ready for fighting against the autocracy!

  26. That’s why we need to eliminate all these UML, NC and Maoists netas from the politics… they are not qualified to be politicians. It’s not like to be politician, one doesn’t need any qualificcation. All these netas’ performances in the past 15 years have claerly shown that they do not have any such qualification to be politicians. Let’s not even talk about how much education they have.

  27. ma sabai kura ma sahamat huda hudai pani khagendra sangraula lai man praudina kinbhane unile kahile ra kahi pani kasai ko ramro paksha nai dekhdainan. Tesaile malai uni man pardaina ra uni le gareko tippadi padna ra sunna pani man lagdaina.

    Yaso bhanera maile dherai aalocha khapna tayar bhayera nai yo comment lekheko hu.

    umeshjee le diyeko title malai man paryo. “aalochana siromani”

  28. ऊमेश जी,

    यो त खगेन्द्र जी को चरित्र नै हो कि अरु लाइ दोष दिएर आफु पानि माथि को ओभानो बन्ने/ अनि आऊने कुरा लाइ मार्ग़ निर्देशन नगरेर अरुको बिगत को घाऊ मात्र कोट्याउने/

    माधव रिजाल , सिड्नी-अष्ट्रेलिया /

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