प्रत्येक नेपाली बालबालिकालाई एउटा ल्यापटप

तपाईँले माथि देख्नुभएको ल्यापटप आज पहिलो पटक सार्वजनिक प्रदर्शन गरिँदैछ। यसलाई ‘मेरो सानो साथी’ नाम दिइएको छ। वन ल्यापटप पर चाइल्ड नेपाल (अ‍ोएलपीसी नेपाल) ले क्यान इन्फोटेकको आईसीटी कन्फ्रेन्सका क्रममा आज बिहान १० बजे बीआईसीसीमा यसको प्रदर्शन गर्न लागेको हो। यसलाई सय डलरवाला ल्यापटप पनि भनिन्छ। निर्माण क्रममा रहेकोले अहिले नै यो बिक्रीमा त छैन तर यसको लागत भने केही वर्षभित्रमा ५० डलरसम्ममा झर्ने बताइएको छ।

सिकाइको नयाँ शैलिसहित उच्च स्तरको शिक्षा प्रत्येक नेपाली बालबालिकालाई दिनका लागि यो ल्यापटप उपयोगी हुनेछ। विकसित देशका बालबालिकाहरुको मात्र पहुँच हुँदै आएको सिकाइका आधुनिक शैलि यो ल्यापटपका कारण हरेक नेपाली बालबालिकाको पहुँचमा पुग्न संभव हुनेछ- सैद्धान्तिक रुपमा। व्यवहारिक रुपमा यसले डिजिटल डिभाइडलाई कति कम पार्छ, त्यो हेर्न भने कुर्नै पर्ने हुन्छ।

गैरनाफामुखी संस्थाका रुपमा कार्यरत अ‍ोएलपीसी नेपालले स्रोत र साधनको अभाव हुँदाहुँदै पनि हाम्रा इञ्जिनियरहरुले यसमा देवनागरी अक्षरहरु सफलतापूर्वक प्रयोग गरिसकेका छन्। नेपाली बालबालिकाका लागि आवश्यक पर्ने अन्य कयौँ सफ्टवेयरहरु पनि यसमा प्रयोग गरी हेरिसकिएका छन्। नेपालमा प्रयोग हुने अन्य भाषामा पनि काम भइरहेको छ। यसका लागि सम्वध्द सबैलाई पनि सहयोग गर्न संस्थाले आह्वान गरेको छ।

अन्य ल्यापटपभन्दा १० गुणा कम विद्युत खाने यो ल्यापटपमा इन्टरनेट र अन्य अधिकांश सफ्टवेयरहरु चल्छन्।

साँच्चै नेपालका प्रत्येक बालबालिकालाई यस्तो ल्यापटप उपलब्ध गराउन सकिएला त ? सकियो भने त साँच्चै नै सूचना प्रविधिको क्षेत्रमा क्रान्ति नै आउनेछ। अनि यस पटकको क्यान इन्फोटेकको नारा ‘नयाँ नेपाल: ई नेपाल’ ले सार्थकता पाउनेछ।
तर त्यसो नभई खाली गफैमा मात्र सीमित भयो, कार्यान्वयनका लागि गतिलो पहल भएन भने नयाँ नेपाल ई नेपाल हैन, ईस् नेपालको अर्थमा ईSS नेपाल हुन जानेछ। आशा गरौँ, त्यस्तो हुनेछैन। फेरि नेपालका गाउँहरुमा शिक्षक नभएर कम्प्युटर दर्शनका लागि मात्र सीमित भन्ने समाचार सुन्नु पर्ने छैन। छोयो कि बिग्रन्छ भनेर कसैले बालबालिकाहरुलाई कम्प्युटर चलाउनबाट रोक्ने छैनन्।

सम्बन्धित लिङ्क
One Laptop Per Child Nepal (OLPC Nepal)
One Laptop Per Child
ल्यापटपका अरु फोटोहरु


  1. One laptop is not enough for nepalese child….
    there must be one laptop, one mobile, one cycle, and bla bla…. k hudai cha Nepal ma…..
    Westernization can’t make nepal….. First make school, school and schools free upto grade 10..

    I remembered a story!

    Once a white elephant was gifted to Indra(king of heaven)… it was so bug for him that even made indra poor!!!!

    same for nepal… laptop ta payo… kha bata hola electricity, extra gagdets, etc…

    hope the money saved by their parents to educate them won’t be taken by those peoples in maintainance…

    more to vomit … its all for now

  2. I felt very happy getting this news. If this will happen, it will be really nice for the children. people whoever are educated in our society, can help to work with these instruments. The important thing is our eager. Let’s be at least optimistic for this news…

  3. सारै राम्रो खवर हो यो । यसलाई पुरा गर्नु पर्छ । हामिले यसलाई खिल्ली उडाउनु हुन्न बरु प्रोत्साहन गर्नु पर्छ । यसलाई ब्यवहारमा उतार्नु पर्छ ।

  4. It’s pathetic that my comment earlier was first posted and then censored by mysansar.com. How should we look at this – your call for democracy and openness is just plain hypocritical? That what you preach is not what you practise? That your reporting is so insecure that you can’t take post a comment meant to start healthy discussion?

    All I said was that OLPC was evaluated and rejected by India for reasons that is worth closely studying, and you as reporter can help. (As a student of MIT from Nepal, I’d know)

  5. ॐ ॐ ॐ हरे हरे हरे chahine cahine kuro po garna parch sapan pani derai dekna hunna 100 dollar cheap bhancha ani 100 dollar chai nepal ko biru wa ma falcha kya .

  6. Euta balak le bhanchha; Jamuni kochhoro ma…..sabai bhanchhan malai kina schhol nagako?….


    pahile pratyak balabalika lai bakhara charaunu parne badhyata bata mukta garau.. hatma kapi kalam diau pathasala khalau ani computer ko kura garaula kaso?

  7. Indeed, the basic idea behind OLPC sounds very philantrophic. Salute to the intensions with which Negroponte started this project. I might sound cynical if I say I don’t see these laptops coming to Nepal anytime soon. I don’t question or underestimate the effort made by people like Ankur and Shankar (and everybody working behind the scene). But lets try be rational first.

    There are various factors for my skepticism. For instance, can Nepal manage enough budget to order 1 million such laptop? (As far as I understand OLPC manufacture these laptops for specific country when 1 million laptops are ordered). We again have two problems if Nepal is adament in ordering them, whose going to get amount equivalent to 1million * $300? And even it is managed do we only have 1million school chidren?? (I don’t exactly know the figure but I think we have atleast 5million school going kids) How about the technical training and support?? Whose going to pay for that?? There are different issues of connectivity and localized software as well.

    I don’t infer that we must sit back with folded hand. But prior giving flowerly pictures to the people, there should be even homework and strategy. Finally, these laptops can only be bought by government. Can anyone tell me how excited are they??

  8. The OLPC should not only a dream for Nepali Cildren. As todys world is leaping ahead in Information Technology, Nepal government should help the young fellows to make this dream true so that our Nepali children will not fall far behind from those developing nation’s previliged children who are playing with X-Box like toys for fun. The donor agencies should consider these ideas to truly help the developing nation’s children to the opportunity of being smartly educated using the today’s technology. If all of us can work together(Young enthusiastic fellows, government and donor agencies) and the the dream can turn into reality.

    Many many thanks to Shankar and Ankur for continuing with the idea. Keep it up.

  9. its an example how so called educated people think about nepal. I hope it willl help people from elite class but who cares about the rest of 90%. Its the world of capitalism and selling dreams to poors….enjoy, you rich people who had made hell out of nepal.

  10. why dont we think of designing a multi page projection projector which could project at least 4 pages at once on the wall of the class room. This way the children would not even have to carry the laptops. With multiple pages projection all the students could be dealt with.

  11. Nepali student right now need a school to persude the education. A plenty food to drive hunger, warm cloth to wear and a shelter to live. Forget about this lab top. It would be better if this has been advertised as computer for Kathmanduit children and price quoted as $1000.

  12. Good news.

    OLPC is project started by MIT and is highly enforced by UN in many countries.
    This laptop runs under the “Dynamo Power” also… which means the children are forced to do some physical excercise when they are not able get electricity.

    See following site for more detail

    Good stuff for the new generation kids…
    Lot of the commentators including myself are from the generation of “Silout ra Chalk”.. he he..

  13. nepali harule pani mauka pae maa jasto kam pani garna sakchhan bhanne kura ko namuna ho ra khusi ko kura ho, tara hamra ketaketi harulai ek than pensil ra euta copy matrai sabaile pauna sakne kura pani sapana matrai bhaeko bela ma per child euta computer bhanne kura chahi haba gaf jasto bhaena ra

    mukti ji ko kura thikai ho..

  14. प्रत्येक बाल्बालिका लाई पौषटिक आहर्, लाउने लुगा, विध्द्यालय जाने सुविधा, पठ्यपुस्तक उपलब्ध भनेको भए त पताउन हुन्थेओ, suhautheo यो ल्याप्टप त कसरी पताउने खै? Tato na chharo. May be good for 2/4 city children.

  15. कुरा सुन्दा त अती सुन्दर छ तर, ब्याट्री वा बिजुलीको ब्यवस्था चैं कल्ले गरीदिने रहेछ? ल्यापटपले त निक्कै ब्याट्री खान्छ क्यारे..

  16. It’s our great news where Nepal is also getting forward knowing everything form our Nepali scholars
    and which is they are going to initiating is very nice project and government should be responsible to
    this great opportunity and children should be educated along with the world.
    Krishna Ghimire
    Kathmandu, Nepal

  17. To comment bijaya.
    ब्रो चाँही अलिक अर्कै दुनियाँ मा भए जस्तो लाग्यो ।
    you should have to search in google or try to read pc magazine.it is possible.
    तर यो कम्प्युटर चाँही गरीब देश हरु को लागि मात्रै हो ।
    here is some information.

  18. “one laptop for one child” हो र? होईन होला|
    “one lollipop for one child” होला| अहिलेसम्मलाई नेपालको हैसियत यति नै हो|उमेशजी confirm गर्नुहोस् त एकचोटि फेरि|

  19. it’s very good news for Nepalese, who are really suffering from technology system, but i can’t believe it so much, hope it will be a reality not only for dream!
    i am also thinking to buy it for my child!


  20. Ak chhak tanna khayera School janalai dhhou dhhou pareko belama Laptop? Yo impossible kura ho? Hune kura garnu parchha.

  21. America ma ta sitaima pauchha Laptop vanne kura ta. Kina vane yo dhani desh vayekole. Americamama dukha kasto hunchha vanne kura malai thaha chha tara pani yaha basera nepal gayeka nepaliharle America yesto, usto ani sano tinolai gandai naganne jasto dhak diyeko jasto lagyo yo One child one Laptop vanne kura

    Nitika Thapa

  22. जे हुने भो राम्रै हुने भो । धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद बिशेष गरिकन डेनिस् सरकार र नेपाली इन्जिनीर दाजु भाई हरुलाई । र मलाई ठुलो आशा छ यस् प्रोजेक्ट्बाट धेरै job oppertunity हुनेछ बिशेष गरी क्म्पुटर (LYNUX) literate People. तर एउटा कुरो !!!! जुन सोचेको पनि शायद छैनन होला SECURITY OF ITEM AND THE CHILDREN THEMSELVE!! कम्पुटर चोर!! चोर को सय दाउ । नेपाल म नै कति छन र भारतीय Border area ma ta jhan kati chhan kati. Apart from that it is an EXCELLENT NEWS.

  23. दुई छाक खान नपाउने नेपाली बच्चालाई ल्यापटपको सपना ? कस्तो अ-सान्दर्भिक, सबै पैसाको खेल हो बाबु ।

  24. खै के प्र्तृकृया दिने,गफै मात्र हो कि एक छिन्को

  25. It’s good to see the development of science and technology. Let’s help that in the future, it serves the great purpose for the poor , needy and deserving people.

  26. oh
    great news Yar i will purchase it for my … child. hahahah natra k vanne hora bachha ko laptop afule chalaune kura vayena bachha pani ta chaina.

  27. सबै बालबालिकाहरुको लागि यो ल्यापटप भने पनि त्यो सबैलाई वास्तविक रुपमा उपलब्ध हुन्छ भन्न सकिदैन । एक छाक खान, एक सरो लाउन अनि शिक्षाको अवसरबाट बन्चित पारिएका कयौं नेपाली बालबालिकाहरु (विशेष गरी र्सवहारावर्गका) लाई ल्यापटप त के आधारभूत अधिकारबाट पनि टाढा राखिएकाहरुलाई यो अवसर आउला जस्तो लाग्दैन । माथिल्लो स्तरका बाबुआमाका बालबालिकाहरुले भने यसको अवसर अवश्य पाउनेछन् । आशा गरौं सबै याने सबै बालबालिकाको हातमा यो ल्यापटप पुगोस् ।

  28. It’s the very good news if it comes out to the people too. unfortunately most of nepalese inventions are limited with inthe words. so it’s very hard to beleive it immediately though we can see it in the picture. hope it also comes out from it to reality.

    best wishes to the developers or inventers

    Casey from Catmandu.

  29. congratulation olpc nepali wish u your plan will be succes. great thinking nepal child will be very lucy they will more advance compare the devlop country for information technology.great idea best of luck

    laxman from macau

  30. Hei,

    This is only an ambigious thinking while considering the present Nepalese situation. Why don’t they plan to give a pencil and a notebook and send them to school. The enrollment rate of the country is only 70. still a significant proportion of the rural child are far beyond the access of education facilities.

    This is not more than a copy of the western practice. They may need laptop for their children and we are thinking to bring revolution (drastic change) in information technology.

    Similarly, one third of the total population of the country do not dream laptop rather dream for the food for thier heart, the children. Do the laptop address their necessities or upgrade them from the bottom rung of the provety.

    Offcourse, a laptop to each of the children will be to good. But we should wait the time for that and we have to do a lot before bringind revolution in infroamtion technology by providing one laptop per child in Nepal.

    I want to request them *(OLPC Nepal) to listen the presentation of eassay competition [Maile Soche Jasto Hune Bhaye] on BBC Nepali service, what the Nepalese children wish to be or wish to make their family, village, region and country, eventhough, a significant proportion of Nepali children are can not think that much.

    So, better to come on realistic approach rather than emitation of western development practices.

    Best of Luck to Nepalese childrens and to the country.

  31. one laptop per child nepal. I think this topic are wrong. I want to change first this topic ‘lamp top’ this is correct lamp give us light. Light symbol the bright future .$ is very far.

  32. there is some good news.
    i had a toshiba laptop couple of years ago which cost me us$800.oo. she was excited to get it and assured me to return my every dime back by using it as much she can and using it optimum. but i have seen it that she has been using her toshiba laptop just at home because her school does not allow girls to take laptops to school. by the way, my daughter goes to st. mary’s.
    i am abide by the school’s rules so i can not complain to the school but i am frustrated that she was not able to use the laptop as she and me thyought.
    ok, the non profit companies or private donors will have their every efforts to make this project a success but until the rules in schools and the mentality does not changes will it be successful?

  33. really, it would be helpful for all neplease children if we are provided this laptop. but our government should help us for this great plan. hope this would be done soon and all neplease children be provided by laptop.

  34. सायद सबैले यो project मा बिर्सेको कुरा हो – मनव श्रोत कहाँबाट जुटाउने भन्ने। हो computer दिने तर तेसको उपयोग हुने गरि सिकाउने मान्छे चाँही कहाँबाट लिउने – कसैलाई थाहा छ? औजारमात्रले के गर्छौ बाबु – चलाउन नि जान्नु पर्यो नि।

  35. यो अत्यन्तै खुशीको कुरा हो । यो कार्यक्रमलाई जती सक्यो छिटो व्यबहार म ल्याउनु पर्छ । यसको लागि सरकार ले पनि सहयोग गर्नु पर्छ ।यो कार्यक्रम को जसले नेपालमा सुरु गर्‍यो उसलाई धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद छ । बिशेष गरी शंकर पोख्रेल जो योजनका १ आयोजनाकर हुन उन्लाई पनि धन्यवाद छ ।

    Lekh Nath Adhikari
    Reno, USA

  36. यो कुरो चाँही अली गफ नै हो जस्तो लाग्यो । ल्यापटप भनेको यहाँन अ्एरिका म पनि त्यती सस्तो छैन । प्राय को ६ , ७ सय डल्लर पर्छ, जुन सबैको लागि सस्तो छैन । त्यसैले खै यो कुर चै मलाई हावा गफ हो जस्तो लाग्यो । शायद ४, ५ पर्सा पछी अहीले को नै कन्फीगरसन्मा बेच्ने हो भने पाइन्छ होला। त्यतिबेल सम्ममा यो ल्यापटप सायद् अहिले Intel 386 or 486 जस्तै हुन्छ होला

  37. यो त एकदम राम्रो हो नि भोलिका सन्ततिले सुचना र प्रबिधि को राम्रो उपयोग गर्न पाउने भये जस्तो छ

  38. कुरा त राम्रो हो तर सरकारी तहा बाट निर्णय नहुँदा यो मौका पनि हातबाट चिप्लिएला ।नेपाल अझै पनि yellow zone मा छ जस्को मतलब ‘सरकारी तहबाट अझै support भयेको छैन’ भन्ने हो। सरकारका मुखियाहरु नै SLC pass नभएका भए पछि येस्तै हो। हेर्नुस् tp://www.laptop.org/map.en_US.html र http://wiki.laptop.org/wiki/OLPC_Nepal। तर यो computerमा display मात्र कामचलाउ हुन्छ र harddisk हुदैन, त्येस्को सट्टामा USB/flash drive प्रयोग् गरियेको हुनाले अहिले हामीले प्रयोग गरेको जस्तो सबै काम गर्न सक्दैन। तर गरिब बिध्यार्थीहरु को लागि बर्दान सबित हुनेछ ।

  39. i am glad to hear the technology in nepal is going up.laptop computer,like “one laptop per child” ,is the best way for the child education in poor and developing countries.it proves that we nepal are rich in mind rather than fighting each other

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