प्रधानमन्त्रीको सम्बोधनमा के छ ?

माघ २४ गते बुधबार राति अबेर आठ दलबीच सहमति भएपछि प्रधानमन्त्री निवास बालुवाटारबाट प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाले राष्ट्रका नाममा गर्नुभएको सम्बोधनको अडियो सुन्न र पूर्ण विवरण पढ्न भित्र आउनुस्। यो सम्बोधन टेलिभिजनहरुमा प्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण नगरी रेकर्डेड टेप प्रसारण गरिएको थियो।

सम्बोधन सुन्न यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस्।

डाउनलोड गर्न यहाँ राइट क्लिक गरी सेभ टार्गेट एज गर्नुस्।

प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाले दिनुभएको सन्देशको पूर्ण विवरण यसप्रकार छः

आदरणीय दाजुभाइ तथा दिदीबहिनीहरु विगत केही दिनयता मधेसका जनताले आन्दोलनमार्फत उठाएका विभिन्न मागहरुका सम्बन्धमा आठ राजनीतिक दल तथा सरकारको ध्यान आकृष्ट भएको छ।

आठ राजनीतिक दलको सहमतिमा मधेसको आन्दोलनका क्रममा उठाइएका जायज मागहरु पूरा गर्न सरकार प्रतिबद्ध छ।

संविधानसभाको निर्वाचन आगामी २०६४ जेठमा गर्ने हामी सबैको साझा संकल्प हो। यसका लागि समान जनसङ्ख्या र भौगोलिक अनुकूलता तथा विशिष्टताका आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र निर्धारण गरिनेछ।

मधेसको जनसंख्या प्रतिशतका आधारमा निर्वाचन क्षेत्र बढाइनेछ। साथै त्यति नै संख्यामा समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्राणालीबाट प्रतिनिधित्व हुने संख्या पनि बढाइनेछ। यसै गरी संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक राज्य प्रणाली निर्माण गरी शासन प्रणालीमा मधेसी दलित आदिवासी जनजाति महिला पिछडिएको क्षेत्र र वर्गलगायत सबै जनताको सहभागिता गराइनेछ। संघीय राज्य प्रणाली र निर्वाचन क्षेत्र निर्धारण सम्बन्धी विषयहरु अविलम्ब अन्तरिम संविधानमा संशोधन गरी आवश्यक व्यवस्था मिलाइनेछ।

मुलुकको राज्य संरचनाका सबै अंगहरुमा मधेसी दलित आदिवासी जनजाति महिला मजदुर किसान पिछडिएका वर्ग र क्षेत्र सबैलाई समानुपातिक समावेशीका आधारमा सहभागी गराइनेछ। नागरिकता प्रमाणपत्र वितरणको कार्य पूरा गरिनेछ। यसका लागि म सबै राजनीतिक दल नागरिक समाज एवं सम्पूर्ण जनसमुदायबाट सहयोगको अपेक्षा गर्दछु।

मधेसी जनताले विगतका सबै जनआन्दोलनहरुमा सक्रिय एवं गौरवपूर्ण भूमिका निर्वाह गर्दै आएका छन्। अहिले पनि आफ्ना मागहरु सहित आन्दोलनरत मधेसी जनताको भावनाको म सम्मान गर्दछु। अहिलेको आन्दोलनका क्रममा सहादत प्राप्त गर्नुभएका नागरिकहरु र सुरक्षाकर्मीप्रति भावपूर्ण श्रद्धाञ्जली व्यक्त गर्दछु तथा शोकसन्तप्त परिवारजनप्रति हार्दिक समवेदना व्यक्त गर्दछु। घाइतेहरुको शीघ्र स्वास्थ्य लाभको कामना गर्दछु। साथै आगजनी तोडफोड लुटपाटजस्ता हिंसात्मक घटनाहरु प्रति गहिरो दुःख व्यक्त गर्दछु। घाइतेहरुको समुचित उपचारको व्यवस्था मिलाउनाका साथै जिउधनको नोक्सानी र क्षति भएका परिवारहरुलाई उचित राहत सहयोगको व्यवस्था सरकारले मिलाउनेछ।

अन्त्यमा सबै आन्दोलनरत पक्षसँग आन्दोलन फिर्ता लिन अपिल गर्दछु तथा शान्तिपूर्ण वातावरणमा वार्ता र संवादका माध्यमबाट आआफ्ना माग एवं समस्याहरुको समाधान खोज्न म अनुरोध गर्दछु। मुलुकमा परम्परादेखि चलिआएका सामाजिक सद्भाव सहिष्णुता र मेलमिलाप कायम राखी लोकतन्त्रको संस्थागत स्थायित्वका निमित्त शान्तिपूर्ण वातावरणमा संविधानसभाको निर्वाचनको अभियानमा सहभागी हुन सम्पूर्ण दाजुभाइ तथा दिदीबहिनीहरुलाई हार्दिक अपिल गर्दछु।


  1. People,
    Do no get so excited, PM has just showed his appreciation toward some reasonable demand of Terai People, he and his government has not done anything yet. All nation or you can sy that whoever has believed in true democracy can celebrate and rejoice after getting real practical treatment from the government. we should not believe in words, we should not believe and relaxed on well sayings, which we have been hearing since last centuries. be aware of those people who is beating around the bush.
    Do not forget that well done is better than well said.

    rajya singapore

  2. Dear all,
    Priministerko sambhodhan ekdamai positive chha aba pani tarai ma aandolan rokiyena bhane tyo darabariyako chal ho teslai uchit chhanbin gari karbahi garnu parchha darbariyalai thik lagaune aautai matra kanunik madhayam ho “Raimajhi aayogko partibedhan” sarbajanik gari mandale lai khorma jaknu parchha sambhidhan sabhako election nahunjel samma natra feri iniharule chalkhel garna sakchha

  3. Dear all
    Magh 24 gate rati 11 baje PM ko Bhasasn(Secound time, photocopy of kings address to the Nation on 9th nad 11th baisakh `63)TV dwara Deshbasi le Herna r sunna paye. Je jati bhania ko chha r teshale madhesi ko mang pura hola n hola beluka samma thaha huncha. Malai bhnna man lageko kuro k chha, hamra neta haru kin yetika bebkuf bhaichan , Afno desh ko n bhugol ko pata chh n itihas ka nai jankar. Desh ko awastha n janne le desh ko bhalo garla bhaner malai lagdain. Desbasi ko chhana n bujhna sakne n ramro sang adddress nai garn sakne, jale je mage pani dine jasle mage ule paune, jasle n mage usle n paune.
    Tarain ko samasya tes ko matrai haina aru chhetra ko pani mag lai yes sambodhan le sametan parni thiyo. Hun k parto bhane sampurna chetra ka partinidhi haru lai bulai, Kamti ma pani 1000 dekhi 1200 jana (ahile charcha ma ayeka jat jati chhetra ling adibasi tarai madhesh pahad itdyadi ko adhar ma) partinishi ko bich ma chhalfal garain auta niskarsha ma pugeko bhai dhirgakalin hun sakato ki.

  4. yo grokhali bhanne manche la ke socheko ho kunni….ahile ko sarkar ra 8 dal ma kun chai shocha chabi bhaka haru chan kunni….pahile 15000 janata marne lai ra 15 barsa ghuskhori garera des bigarne lai karbahi garnu parcha nai matra gyane lai….gyane le ta khali 3 barsa sasan chalako ho….bujis..

  5. राम्रो काम भयो। अझ ढिलो गरेको भए अझै कति जनाको ज्यान जान्थ्यो, मण्डलेहरुले अरु बितण्डा मच्चाउथे। यो निर्णयले मधेशि जनतालाई फाईदा र उद्द्न्ड लठैतहरुलाई घाटा भएको छ।

  6. hay what are you taking Dimple, first think as Nepali, i think your name as well as the comments also resemblance Behari teritory. The voilannce inside the terai revoluation is caused by the people like you who doesnot want peace in Nepal. If your are not Nepali why did you have intrest to see the Nepali blong and give such comments?

  7. HE gorkhali ho hami kasta jat hou? euta le bhanyo nepali jasto chutiya jat sansar ma chaina re ? ek patak gambhir bhaer sochne ho bhane malai ta yo kuro thik lagyo .Itihas dekhi nai khutta tanatan ,chakari chaplusi,dhoka dhaer aaruko bhag khosne yo jasto nirkrst janawar bhanda pani abiswasilo jat nepali bhaek ko chha?des ma sano sammsya paryo bidesi rajdut ko dhokama pugne hamra jasta chhutiya pm dpm mantri sansar ma kahi chhan? tyo girija ma alikati pani buddi bhaeko bhae u s embassador ma ke khan gaeko ?tyasai le maile das barsa pahile nai bhaneko thie goru le dai garer hundain bhayot rajniti?kaha pugyo des ? keho treatment ?kata harayo ek apas ko biswas ? bhaichara? kata ko bhul bari bhandthe kandaghari po bhayo mero nepalyasko mul jad koho raja , prachand,girija makune wa neta ka ghar ghar ma doka ma jane hami?hamile swoyam paschatap garnu paryo tyaspachi neta hu bhanne jati sabai lai euta intarnational statues ko cpecial human chidiya khana bhanaer rakhnu paryo .sabaile bujhhi sake prachanda nai rastrapati bhae pani des somalia wa combdia wa aafghanisthan banna bat rokna kasai sakne chhaina pasupati nath kata bhage?

  8. Dear all

    The “Terai revolt “ has achieved a milestone, after PM’s address to the nation. This is the first time that a revolt outside Kathmandu has forced the state to bow down. We all should rejoice this moment. I am expressing my view to start a discussion which will be very helpful for the country in coming days.

    I welcome the PM’s address to the nation. It has ,in principle , agreed to the just demands of madhesis at the moment. Now its time for us to give it a helping hand irrespective of our origins (Pahade or Madhise). We should realize that centuries of misdeeds can not be corrected in a day or in a moment, neither we can change mindsets overnight. Our pahare brothers and sister should accommodate and adapt themselves with the changed political scenario to save this nation from disintegration. I am not using the word “disintegration” to bully anybody but to persuade them to confirm with political reality. The first task before them is to show support to the just demands of Madhesi populace and convince themselves that we still can live in harmony. They have to prove that as a class, they are going to change their attitude towards Madhesi.

    We, as madhesi have more difficult task than that. The first task is that we should keep our unity intact as reflected during this revolt. For that we have to start thinking about internal discrimination among madhesis and how we are going to solve it once we are in power or we get “home rule”. This is one aspect that has been neglected for long and it may prove fatal for our unity during elections and deliberations of constituent assembly. We have to think about language planning for the soon to be created Madhesh state.

    In short term, madhesi intellectuals have to play a pivotal role in guiding our politicians in right direction. We have to put forward our case “ sampoorna madhesh : EK Pradesh” in a logical way to convince others who don’t see any similarity between Tharus of kailali and Yadavs Of siraha. I understand that we can easily feel it but those who are not familiar with terai culture find it difficult to comprehend.

    Having said that, I still feel the need to be cautious because there is possibility of betrayal. To thwart that effort, the agitating political formations should stop aggressive protests for a while and should seat on the negotiating table. The most important thing is to convince Jantantrik terai Morcha to announce unilateral ceasefire. Madhesi intellectuals and politicians should try to convince them. If nothing happens during negotiations, we have our “natural right to rebel”, intact with us.

    The government and 8 party should announce the modalities of implementation of PM’s address as soon as possible. They should declare those killed during this revolt as martyrs and a concrete package of relief should be announced. Parliament should start deliberation on this issue tomorrow. MPRF and both the factions of JTM should be invited for talks formally and all the channels have to be used for this purpose. Resignation of home minister should be left to his own conscience but a powerful commission with equal representation from madhesi community should be formed to investigate into brutal killings by police during this movement and those found guilty, including politicians and ministers should be punished . Those people who have been displaced during this revolt should be rehabilitated and politicians elected from terai should go to districts to create an atmosphere of communal harmony. Participation in soon to be formed interim government should be just and confirm to the assurances expressed in PM’s address.

  9. प्रधानमन्त्रीको सम्बोधन सकारत्मक नै देखिन्छ, यदि सम्बोधन अनुरुप कार्यन्बयन भएन भने फेरी आदिबासि र जनजातिले अब सहेर बस्ने वाला छैन । आदिवासि/जनजातिहरुले शान्त प्रकारले राखेको संपूर्ण माग हरु को हाल सम्मा सुनुवाई भएको छैन, मधेसको समस्या हिंस्रक तरिकाबाट समाधान हुने भएको छ, हेरौं अव आदिबासी र जनजाति हरुको माग कसरी पुरा हुनेछ चेतना भया ।

  10. Nepalese of Terai will have now better representation. This will make Maoists presence in parliament small in proportion now.
    aoists will be in trouble for sure.. coz half of the parliamentarians will be from Madhesh, and all of them will support Girija.. ha ha.. India’s plan is working good. Prachanda’s influence will start diminishing further… coz Prachanda is not that important puppet for India… King has been eliminated. That’s it, Maoists are now gone. Yeah, Prachanda and Baburam will have fat accounts in India as a gift from India. But how about those uneducated thousands of forcrfully recruited Maoists cadres against thier will… ? Bahun leaders cheated them. Hoina ta?

  11. अब यस पछि पनि तराइ को आन्दोलन शान्त भयेन भने त्यो आन्दोलन दरबार को चाल रहेछ भने बुझे हुन्छ
    अहिले को सरकार को सबै भन्दा ठुलो भुल ग्यानेन्द्र लाइ कानूनि कार्वाइ नगर्नु हो! अहिलेको सरकार ले ग्यानेन्द्र लाइ कार्वाइ गर्यो भने इतिहास ले गिरिजा लाइ हिरो मान्ने छ, र जनता ले अहिले देश ब्यापि रुप मा अभिनन्दन गर्ने छन, किन कि हामि जनता ले एक स्वर मा मागेको यहि हो-ग्यानेन्द्र र उस्का मतियार हरु लाइ कानुन को कठ्घरा मा उभ्याइ एक एक अपराध को सजाय दिने र राज्तन्त्र को अन्त्य गर्ने

  12. Everyone should agree to the genuine demands of the Terai. But, no one genuine Nepali can agree with the voilence carrried out by the so-called Madhesis.

    Now, the governmenet has agreed to fulfill the demands. In this time, all the agitating parts should come to the point, talk to the government, and let the nation run smoothly.

    If, again anyone continues the same voilence and the terror in the nation in the name of right and independence, that element should be punished, because he or she can not be a Nepali.

    The nation is of all the people. So, live and let everyone live. Don’t try to make a separation line between Pahadis and Madhesis.

    Chet Pandey
    Iowa, USA

  13. जो पहिल्यै हुनु पर्ने थियो, भयो। राम्रो भयो तर अनाहकमा बीसौं मानिसहरुको ज्यान् गयो, त्यो दु:खद हो। हेर्दै जाँउ गिरिजा र कांग्रेसको अदूरदर्शीताले देशमा अझै कति रगतको बलिदान माग्छ। सबैले गिरिजा र काँग्रेसलाई दिएको सम्मानको कदर कांग्रेसले गर्न सक्न पर्यो। जाबो संघिय राज्य र समानुपतिक निर्वाचन जस्ता कुरा नमान्दिनाले, छुट्टै तराई राज्य माग्नेहरुलाई बल पुग्यो।

  14. Finally the incompetent SPAM have heeded to the genuine demand of the people of nepal, who represnts the himal, teari and inner hills.
    These incompetent SPAM took for guarantee that they could fools the people. NOT ANYMORE – BASTARDS !
    SPAM is still not to be belived, if they were, why did they bring this incomplete Interim Consititution (IC), they all were looking at their own benifit making the people as mortage.
    We still have to wait to see the amendment made. Bastard Prachand shoulsd be tried in the hague for the responsible for killing 14000 innocent life and also Krishna pd sitaula – tatu of Prachnda (the killer) for his culprit action of killing innocent 30 lives, more than the janadolan.

    The call of the PM is insufficient >>>>> Lets so go for independence teari state.

    id Dilip could make unwarrant speech, what about bloody gajurels speech at JNU. Does the SPAM have the guts to question them, NO. they are all prancha ko kukur.

    Girija Pd when are you going to form Rayamajhi Commission to investiage the supression case of “Terai Andolan”, You will not as you will hurt your beloved Nona by taking action against KP Sitaula and is afraid of Prachnda.

    maila chaudry

  15. This time, the demands of the madheshis, are fullfilled by the state. Very nice decision,let’s hope terai’s unrest stops soon. If it doesn’t stop,it will prove that andolan is for the royalist of the royalist.

  16. Umesji !

    thanks for your update. girija’s speech seems ok and hope it will defuse tension between madeshi and government. but who take responsible for killing more the 22 innocent medeshi people. during janandolan there were 21 people killed and we asked for the strong action against royal regime. but my point is this government also responsible for killing innocent people and who is going to take action for this government. what is different between janandolan and medeshi andolan. medeshi people are asking for their right too. jay nepal

  17. Kasaile kasailai simanapari pthaune kura garayo bhane ulai simapari pathaunu to aunu paryo tarai himmat chha bhane aye ra pthaush jabo grihamantri r padhanmantri ta kathmandu ma base ra kura gardaichhan . kunchahi lai chilayo pathaune kura gardai chha lag chha ki usko bau ko daijo ma tarai paiko ho.

  18. Aba pani Madhesh ma Andolan Rokiyena Bhane, Ke Garne?

    Simana pari nai pataunu parcha, hainata?

    Let us hope, Madhesi Leaders will act responsibly.


  19. राम्रो छ सबै ठिकै छ, र समाधानको राम्रो बाटो पहिल्याइएको छ।
    तर अत्यधिक सिट संख्या हुने र सम्पुर्ण राजनितिक र गैरराजनितिक ब्याक्तिलाइ संसदमा रोजगार मिलाइएको छ। र केहि लाइ अझै रोजगारि दिने भैएको छ।
    र बाकिँ सम्बिधान सभाको निर्बाचनबाट गंणतन्त्र र अग्रगमन गर्नु भन्दा राजनितिक जागिरको खोजि राम्रो संग हुने भयको छ।
    जे होस समस्टिगत हिसाबमा अब राजतन्त्रको अन्य र देशको बिकास हुनेमा केहि आशाबादि छओं।

    र यति हुदापनि फेरि मदेशेको नाममा हुल्दंगा र तोड्फोड् र सामाजिक असुरक्षा गर्नेले मदेशेलाइ बदनाम गर्ने बाहेक अरुकेहि हुदैन।
    पाएको अधिकार पनि खोस्न सक्छन त्यसकारण मधेशबासि दरबारदेखि साबदान्।

  20. Thanks Umeshjee for quick news. You once again proved that you are quite ahead of so called mainstream media.

    PM’s address seems good. Now the government and 8 party should announce the modalities of implementation as soon as possible to assure people on the street that they will not be betrayed again. The agitating party should suspend their agressive andolan for few days and seat for negotiation to test credibility of PM’s address. Government should form an impartial commission comprising of Madhesi people to investigate into brutal force used by police and others concerned. Government should immeditely announce those killed in this andolan as martyrs and come out with a concrete package of relief to their families.
    Its now in the hands of madhesi politicians and intellectuals to keep presure on the government and parliament to show concrete results and madhesi people should remain cautious and prepared for another andolan, if government and parliament fails. Jantantrik terai Morcha should also give up their arms and adopt non violant methods of protest.

    Long live martyrs of terai revolt….Jay madhesh..Jay nepal.

  21. Thank you girijababu ,
    girija babu jasta leader nepal ma aru pani vayeko vaye des ahele nepal ahle sunder huntheyo ,

    girija babu ko age vagawan le 100 puraun

    Ishwar dhakal ,toronto canada

  22. Congratulations sabai madhesi dajubhaiharulai.

    Now it is time to join hand for nation reconcilation and to buitup new Nepal.

    Jay Ram Ji

  23. Dear All,

    Congratulations to all on the auspicious occasion of the victory day of the success of

    Tarai Aandolan

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