गौरमा के भएको थियोः अडियो अपडेट

अपडेटः फोरमका कार्यकर्तालाई पक्राउ पूर्जीः रौतहट जिल्लाको सुरक्षा समितिको बैठकले मधेशी जनअधिकार फोरमका सम्पूर्ण कार्यकर्तालाई पक्राउ पूर्जी जारी गर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ । फोरमका कार्यकर्ता पक्रन सुरक्षा व्यवस्था पनि कडा पारिएको छ । घटना भएपछि फोरमका कार्यकर्ताहरु त्यहाँ देखिएका छैनन् ।
गौरमा भएको हत्याकान्डका बारेमा रौतहतका पत्रकार फणिन्द्र महतसित मोबाइलमा गरिएको कुराकानी यहाँ राखेको छु। आज बिहान मैले उनीसित कुरा गरेको थिएँ। उनले यस कुराकानीमा माअ‍ोवादीका ३० जना जति कार्यकर्ता अझै सम्पर्क बाहिर रहेको र मधेशी जनअधिकार फोरमका कुनै पनि नेता जिल्लामा नरहेको जानकारी दिएका छन्। मर्नेहरुमध्ये दुई जनालाई मात्र गोली लागेको अस्पतालले पुष्टि गरेको पनि उनले जानकारी दिएका छन्। अडियो सुन्न भित्र आउनु होला।

अडियो सुन्न तलको प्लेयरको प्ले बटनमा क्लिक गर्नुस्। कनेक्सन ठीक नभएकोले अलि डिस्टर्ब सुनिएको छ।


  1. ma yeuta kabita lekhchhu aba

    nepal ma dherai manchhe mare
    nepal ma thari tharika manchhe mare
    namarnu parne pani mare
    marnu parne pani mare
    jiudai pani mare
    marera pani mare
    kohi k bhayera mare
    kohi k bhara mare
    khub mare
    ajhai marna sakiyeko chaina
    thikai pani ho
    nepal ma pariwar niyojanko sadhan
    pani prayog gardainan
    biunai masepachhi… thikai bho
    population maitain hudai chha
    rune aama harulai bhana
    yekraat ko kaam ho
    rune bau harulai pani bhana yekchhin ko ranko
    ani usko chhora chhorilai bhana
    timilai kutne hakarne manchhe maryo
    ani narnata harulai bhana
    naramro manchhe maryo
    aba timro karesa pharakilo hunchha
    nepal ko bhumi marna banki chha
    ra ti marera bachne haru marna banki chha.

  2. well i just want to say. so sorry to heard that i was studed.well now poloce dont have to Nothing that good thing .well kellind one nepali to other Nepali . o well its not good thing to do .both mousite or janamorcha both are Nepali people. but mou have a too many thing done wrong.well country willpay but before that all the people need to woke up and face.
    well junta dont have a choice too. i am so sorry my country i love it.
    we need some one what i can do for country .what caountry can do me. jfk.like that but all them are so cruck his raze his money 150000000 to 25000000.does he eat only money that gready make hime so bad. i hope when he died took with him he can took nothing fro him then why he was so gready . not try to do something fro the country .
    well people get tried with this hope and pary change will come thatlall
    jay janta

  3. येस्तो बिभत्स तरिकाले नेपाली दिदिबहिनिहरु को हत्या भयेको छ, कस्को मन् नरोयेको होला।
    यि फोरम् का नेताहरु पक्कै पनि राज र BJP बाट उक्साइयेका छन्। जस्को उद्द्येश्ये नेपाल मा राजालाइ नै सासन् गर्न दिने अनि बिस्तारै नेपाल लाइ भारतको अघोशित् राज्ये बनौने हो।
    माओवदि ले ऐले सहि बाटो समात्न खोज्दै छ। कसैले उस्लाइ फेरि जङ्ले पठाउने कुनियेत् लियेको छ भने तेस्को बिरोध् हामि सबैले गर्नै पर्छ।

  4. mr madan,

    not politicized each and every incident. this incident is barbaric and culprit should be punished. every crime is bad but it does not mean you can compare and take it easy. make a broad mind. all are nepali and human so no need to do more politics.

  5. व्यासजीका भनाईमा मेरो समर्थन छ.

  6. अब पनी कोही नया नेपालको नारा लगाउन चाहन्छ की? उपेन्द्र यादव is silent. He’s probable in captivity of royalists- or he might be thinking that his political career has come to an end without being even started.

    The result of Maoists’s powershow would be like this- we had not thought. But yes- those reactionary, foreign and palace forces could go on to plan and implement such ‘GRAND DESIGNS’. OH! So why these short-sighted foolish and sheepish leaders are ruling us? Eight party must go then. I don’t like to call those who were killed there as Maoists- they were people our people and not of a party alone. They are in that party because they don’t have other source of income, they don’t have other jobs, beacuse they don’t want to do other works- because some of them might want to become another Girija, another Prachanda.

    Prachanda- and EPA is ebbing out crocodile’s tears. If they really cared about the lives of Nepali people then Maoists insurgency would never have taken in first place- then they could have solved Madhesi problem long before this loss of disastrous proportion could take place.

    Now, we are blaming Yadav- but I believe that there are other forces behind him, as many of the readers believe. But I don’t blame him alone- Nepalis know now that their leaderships is a failure. Now, I want to see how Prachanda exploits this tragedy for his benefit. He will use the increasing hatred towards the MPRF for his party’s benefit- like our other leaders have always manipulated other tragedies. They don’t care for us- they only care for themselves and their families. And that’s the tragedy of our country.

    What will Girija do now? BAN MPRF? Even if they ban them- they won’t stop now. Moaists didn’t stop then, now MPRF would have (financial and other) backing from many ‘sources’- if nobody helps- they have an option to loot, extort and ask for donations same like our Maoists are doing. Should they launch search and destroy operations? Can there any solution with another bloody suppression of Madhesi people’s demands- even if their ways are wrong- even if Maoists is trying to present themselves as the people’s power- I have met enough madhesi people who supported Upendra Yadav’s forum.

    I’m waiting to hear from him. Will he also accuse other forces for the killings? I wonder if he would also go on to deny any involvement into this killings like our Maoists friends often do. Or would he ask for forgiveness for the tragedy that has occurred in his party’s name? I’m still looking forward for answers- and for other readers here- please don’t run after Maoists and MPRF- think about the Nepalis people being killed. It doesn’t matter who has killed them- it is always in benefit of this politician or that politician. Blame all of them-

    Maoists could have stopped the loss only if they had not tried to disrupt scheduled programme of any other group. यो तीनका बाउको मात्र देश होइन। Everyone has right to call meetings and functions- but it seems josh ma manche le hoss gumaucha bhaneko sachhai ho. One side of the story is clear- but where’s the other side? I want to see that too.

    Kathmandu Speaks

  7. मित्र मदन
    आउनुस् हाल लाइ मान्छे मरिएका मा बिरोध गरौ ।किनकी कुरा अनुसार बिहार बाट र यहाँ बाट पनि मार्न भनेर पहिले नै मान्छेहरु तयार भएको बुझियो ।आहिले को शान्ति बार्ता को लागि जुन डर्लाग्दो कुरा भो ।
    तपाईंले भनेको सत्प्रसित स हि हो ।माओवादी मा लाग्ने पनि तपाईं हाम्राइ दाजु भाईहरु छन् के गर्ने?नेताहारु बिदेशी को ईशारा मा हुन्छन ।हाम्रा दाजु भाई हरु प्रयोग भैदिन्छन ।र किरा फट्यङ्रा जस्तो मारिन्छन ।
    भरे मोज गर्ने बेलामा महरा,दिबाकर्,गजुरेल्,बाबुराम आदी ।
    अरु को त मलाई भर छैन प्रचन्ड आहिले को नयाँ नेपाल मा सक्तिसाली मानिन्छन्,उन्को क्ष्यमता हेर्न बाँकी छ ।उन्को आस् पनि छ ।नत्र गिरिजा,सुर्जे,लोके,मादे(बिचरा कहिले पनि पि एम हुन पाएन च्व च्व्—),गोरे,गुप्ते,यादबे,पद्मे तुलादह्रे,किर्ते,कमले,ज्ञाने (ब्यापरि हो ठुलो रिस्क् लिन् सक्छ् !!!!र् ——खतरा मान्छे)सबै हेरियो ।

  8. Saathi madan Ji,

    Namaskar chha hai ho saathi. Mui le pheri saathi ko guro bhu je na, gi na saathi le root level ko guro guro. Manchhe ko root ko guro gar chha bha ne – BANDAR ma pug chha hai areeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Aa bu yo ta positive transfermation/development ko guro paro. Aa bu Jwala singh, Goit, Upendra yadav ko guro gar chha bune, – 1 kai ghar go dajubhai ghar chute pachi ni ho lagne – k bun chha Nepali ma ye -AMSHABANDA la ye pachi us le j gar chha- Mul ghar lai bun nu hun chha? lu bun. Bun ta pheri? Arko guro, Jeala singh, Goit, and Upendra Yadav chha ni, Royalist le jasto money use gar chha bune, 1000 bun chha, bun ne chha. BUT baburam ra prachnada money le buno, la bun sikne. Ek din yi ni haro ko Internal competition le santiflat hun chha. kasai le k he gur na par dai na. Time le saab dekh chha hai areeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


  9. when so called royalist were tortured by Maoist’s YCL people police were there standing as a witness and if police had intervened that time certainly the police who intervened would have been killed by Maoist tagging him royalist so why are you complaining that they didn’t come to rescue maoist when they were being killed. That is truly double standard.

    What you did to others is right and when others do the same thing to you then it is crime. Truly double standard.

    I would say great work by Forum people when I see maoist’s activities and the killing of the 8 police in Bhorletar, Lamjung. Me getting tortured during my field study work done truly as a student. I have lots of bad experiences.

    But as a Nepali I don’t want to see these bloods. But who taught these things to peaceful nepali? I take maoist and only maoist sole responsible for what is happening in Nepal. Till there are people like Prachanda and Bauram Bhattrai don’t expect Nepal to be peaceful country.

    My hearful condolence for those dead people who lost their lives because of irresponsible leaders.

  10. kati yesta ohiyat jhagada ma desh lai aaljhayera rakhne, Sansar kaha bata kaha pugi sakyo, chheu ka desh India ra china aauda 20 barsa pachhi sansar ko manchitra ma bishal ani develop country banne yatra ma chhan , tara Nepal ma bhane buddhi nabhayka,kaam na kaaj ka raja, guu jasta charitra bhayeka maobadi ra incapable, corrupted saat parties haru bhane aafno swartha aanusarko raajniti garera khali gau ka sojha sajha machhe lai aapas ma jhagada garayera , aafno duno sojhayaune kaam garirahekachhan. Desh ko bikhas kasari garne , Nepal ma bhayeko water resources lai kasari use garne, toriusm lai kasari promote garne, ra agriculture lai kasari modern banayera desh lai aaudo 15 barsama aauta rising ,democratic and peaceful country banau bhanne kura ma yeni haru ko dhan nai gayeko chhina. Khali sojha sajha janta lai aapas ma ladayera , marayera and samaj ko harmony lai destroy garera power ko rajniti bhairaheko chha. Gaur kanda marne sabai sojha , sadharad, and rajniti kam bujheka , garib nepali haru mareka chhan. Yesma conspircay pani hola tara yesko jimma sidha rup ma herda aahilay ko rajnitik charitra lai nai janchha…Stop to explioite poor villagers to demonsrate political power….Stop…Stop…

  11. मदन लगायतका पूर्बाग्रहीहरु /

    हिजो माओबादिहरु दोषि थिए / तेहि दोषले लपेटि आज गौरमा भएको उपद्रबि फोरमको दानवि अपराध पोको पार्ने कोशिश् नगर /

    माओबादिले आफ्नो शैलि सच्याउनु पर्छ / अपराधिहरुलाइ हदै सम्मको सजाय आजको अपहार्यता हो /

    कसैले यहा पूर्बाग्रहि राजनीति (कुनीति) नछाट /

  12. Firts of all-
    My sincere condolence to all those suffered on this terrible incident.

    In no condition, voilence can be accepted as solution of any problem.

    Most important-
    SHAME to Prachande and his company. How come he is asking to Ban Madheshi Jan adhikar forum and take action against them? does he have any moral to ask for action against any culprits? Is this terrbile than Prachanda did, remember- Mukti adhikari, Madi incident, Tandi incident…endless to name here (it doesnot mean, I support this incident)?
    Did Prachanda and people forgot that Maoist started this game by killing a young school guy in LAHAN? Why the YCL cadders were there with Pistol in Gaur(as repoted by human right activists)? What do the YCL cadders are doing in Nepal these days? Is people so silly that doesnot understand who are inside the barrack- of course minors and child (Pls refer to remerk of Martin issued 2 days ago)? The real so called Jansena were transformed to YCL, terrifying to people.

    Of course, the incident should be investigated fairly and all the culprits should be punished. There must be end of impunity in Nepal. BUT, Should not be Prachanda and gyane first, who are responsbile for killing more than 13000 Nepalese.

    If anybody to pass the message to Prachanda, Pls pass-“DONOT threat to anybody anymore. Poeple know your level and stauts quite well by now. Your days are over.

    Last but not least-
    Who will bell the cat? remember the line of Gita
    “Yada yada hi dharmasya…..Tadatmanam shrijamyaham”.
    Sooner or later, some body/group will come into existence to finish all these devils…

    Take home message “Donot throw stone over anybody when you are hiding inside the glass house”.

  13. This conflict in Terai is not between the Maoists and the Nepali Madhesis any more. It is a confrontation between the Indian orthodox Hindus and the Nepalese people. The orthodox Hindus are fully behind the king and for them the end of the Hindu King and the Hindu state is a great defeat. The Hindutva they tried to establish in India have failed and they are trying their best to save them in Nepal. Failure of Hindu Rajya in India has brought great disgrace to the radical Hindu leaders like Sai Baba, Bal Thakari, Sankaracharya and the RSS. They do not care about democracy or the welfare of the people. All they want is a Hindu King and a Hindu state to benefit the Hindu pandits and the Hindu Upper Class. Threat from the Indian Radical Hindus is very serious and has to be stopped. It is the greatest threat we are facing right now. We do not want to be another Bihar or UP where religion and caste rivalry have made those two states most back ward in India. India is prospering and we could also benefit from it but unfortunately those two sates have become a great curse for Nepal.

  14. फेरि, यदि जनताले यी नरपिचाशहरुलाई डण्ड दिन सकेन (जरुर सक्कछ- नारानहिटी हल्लाउन सक्नेले)र माओबादी प्रतिशोधमा उत्रियो भने यो लडाई कहिले सकिन्छ भन्न गाह्रो छ | यसले मधेशी जनताको पक्कै भलो हुन्न |

  15. Where is your Humanity जर्मन कान्छा ?

    एउटा विभत्स हत्याकाण्डको मर्म पनि नबुझ्ने |

    यी मर्नेहरू जो कोही भयेपनि एक नेपाली हो र उनीहरुको निर्मम हत्या भयेको छ | ती महिलाहरुलाई कसरि मारियो त्यो सुनेर, पढेर पनि मन रोयन ?

    यदि यी हत्याराहरुलाई मधेशी जनताले आफ्नै सक्रियतामा कडा से कडा डण्ड नदिने हो भने यो देश र समाजको भविष्य अन्धकार छ:सिर्फ अन्धकार |

  16. MPRF Leader Upendra Yadav and Sita Nandan Ray must be put into jail immediately before the investigation starts.


  17. गौर् हत्याकन्ड् ले मओबादि लाइ मत्र होइन सरा शान्ति प्रेमि र सुनौलो नेपाल को परिकल्पना अनि चाहान मा बसेको सारा नेपालि लाइ स्तप्ब्ध अनि क्रुद्द् पारेको छ। माओबादिहरुलाइ क्रुद्द मात्रै होइन बिचलित् पनि पारेको छ।
    यतिबेला म माओबादिहरुलाइ सम्यमित् हुन आग्रह् गर्छु। मधेसि फोरम्, उपेन्द्र यादव् अनि यो सड्यन्त्रहरुको क्रमबद्द् पर्दाफाश् हुदै तिनिहरुको कुटिल् चाल् उदाङ्गिदै गैरहेको छ र अन्तत्वो गोत्वा सारा नेपालिहरुले देख्नेछन् र चिन्ने छन् को सहि र को गलत् छन् र थिय देश् को लागि, मेरो आशा अनि कमना छ त्यो दिन् धेरै टाडा नहोस् र ढिलो नाआओस् तको सर निपालि ले अपुरणिय क्ष्यति बेहोर्नुमात्र होइन कि बिश्वो माझ निर्लज्ज हुन नपरोस्। माओबादि हरु तपाइ हरुको देश् प्रतिको त्यग् र संघर्ष यक्दिन् जनताले जरुर् बुझ्नेछन् तेसैले यो नेपाल मा अस्थिरता र प्रतिगमन् चाहने तत्वो हरुको कुटिल् चाल् र सड्यन्त्र मा कसैगरि पनि नफस्नुहोला।

    सन्सद्लाइ मेरो अग्रह् छ चिटो भन्दा छिटो आन्तरिम् सरकार् गठन् गरि नेपाल् मा गणतन्त्र घोषणा गरोस्।

    सरकार् लाइ मरो सल्लाह्, चाहन र आग्रह् छ।
    मधेसि फोरम् माथि प्रतिबन्ध गरि उपेन्द्र यदव् लगायत् का षडयन्त्र कारिको मतियार् लाइ पक्राउ गरि कडाभन्दा कडा सजाय् दियोस्।
    मधेसि जनताले यि तत्वो र उपेन्द्र यादब् जस्तो अपराधिक् मतियारलाइ छिटो भन्द छिटो चिन्नु जरुरि छ।
    मधेसि जनताहरु होसियार् अनि साबधान्, तपाइहरुको कांधलाइ षड्यन्त्रकारिले दुरुपयोग् गर्दैछ।

  18. जब मैले यो घटना पढे र देखे नेपाल अब नेपालि को रहेन/ गुन्डा,अपराधि र नेता हरुको मात्र रह्यो/ दिउसै रात पारेर २९ जनाको हत्या भैरहदा प्रसासन मुक्दर्शक हुनु लाइ पनि शन्का ले हेर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ/ अर्को कुरा माओबदि लाइ आफ्नो कार्यकर्ता मरिदा चाहि सरकार दोषि हुने अनि पहिला आफुले मार्दा चाहि प्रसव बेदना भनेर पन्छिने प्रब्रिति लाइ राम्रो झापड मिलेको छ/ यसो भनेर मैले फोरम ले राम्रो गर्यो भन्न खोजेको हैन/ तिनिहरु त मान्छे नै होइनन यदि हुदा हुन त तेसरि स्तन काटेर र मारिसके पछि खुट्टा च्यात्ने जस्तो दानबिय कार्य गर्दैन थिये/
    हेरौ नेपाल ले अझै कति प्रसव बेदन झेल्नु पर्ने हो र कति दिदि बहिनि ले आफ्नो अन्ग कटाये पछि ति दानव हरुको मन शान्त हुने हो/

  19. What a terrible mess our country is.Looking back few years who would have thought our Country would go under such dark era.Probably post 2046 is the scar in Nepalese Histroy and we don’t know yet how long we have to wait until we breathe in peaceful and fearless air. We had two major revoultions in less than 15 and what did we achive–dead bodies,tears,weeping relatives,hartedness,voilence,communial/gurilla warfare,demolished economy,corrupted leaders,frustated people..
    Yet we don’t know when this is going to be resolved.There was one “Mahabharata” but we don’t know how many Mahabharatas we have to fight!!!!

  20. Ok, after reading news and other sources, we can argure why did maoists go for confrontation ? Actually, this is not the point, we can beat people and chase them away from venue however how can you kill them brutally. Only animals like tiger does so. we are not animals. we are democracy and peace loving people. we need peace, how can you claim MJF u guys are fighting for the salvation of plain area people killing your own brothers and sisters. It is obvious it was Grand design made by king and his son paras. They are rich in poor country can buy anyone who is looking for money, whatever his position, level or status.

    Condolences to those killed and my heart goes to those family members who lost their love ones.

  21. कसले उत्पादन गरेको हो र सिकाएको हो त्यो ज्वाला सिंह , उपेन्द्र यादव र गोइतलाई र तिनका हिंसावादी मोर्चा र फोरमहरूलाई मान्छे पासबिक तरिकाले मार्ने खेती? काङ्ग्रेसले कि अमेरिकाले कि दरबारले कि माओवादी ले ? मुक्ती अधिकारी,मादी घटना, काजोललाइ जिउदै जलाएको को घटना के यो भन्दा कम पासबिक थियो?

  22. Very sad..What a horrifying news. Hope the criminals will be brought to justice before another violence occurs.

    Oh God, save our country.


  24. I know it is sad for then nation, but Maoist should not organise their meeting same time,they know about it an advance, but they though they are the SUPER MAN of the nation. so it has proved that they are not. and they can’t get any thing by GOLIBARUT. better to give up gun fire if they are actually for the people and nation. Thanks

    Epsom, surrey

  25. अब कुरो र कुलो भनेको जस्लाइ जता मन पर्छ उतै लान सकिन्छ । तर मुल कुरो के भने देखि यी फोरम भने पनि माओबादी भने पनि जरा त जस्तो उस्तै उस्तै हो । अब अहिले भएको घटनामा कसैको सर्मथक भन्दा पनि पहिले त नेपाली हुन यी मरे ज्यादै दुखलाग्दो घटना हो । अब यी घटनाको छानबिन फानबिनले अहिले न पहिले हुने चाहि केहि होइन । ग्याने को दमनमा १३ जनाको ठ्याक्कै डवल नेपालीको मृतु हुदा चाहि सरकारको कुनै उत्तरदाइत्व नदेख्दा नाममा मात्र परिर्वतन तर ब्यवहारमा कुनै पनि सरकार भन्दा यो फरक चाहि पट्क्कै देखिएन । अब एकहोरो कसैलाइ गाली गर्नु भन्दा आठ पाटिले मिलेर सरकार चलालउनु पर्ने मात्र होइन देशमा शान्ति बाहाली गर्नु पर्ने देखिन्छ । तर बाहिर बाहिरमात्र गर्ने भन्ने तर भित्र चाहि कुनै पटि पनि खासै लागी परेको चाहि देखिएन । उस्तै परेमा माओबादी फेरी जंगलमा नै फर्कन बेर छैन ।

    नेपाली जनताले चाहेको के हो त्यसमा सम्वोधन गर्न किन कोहि डराउछन् किन कसैलाइ दरबार परस्त भन्ने जो जस्तै होस न सबिधान सभाको चुनावले देखाइ हाल्छ नी । तर के गर्नु जनतामा कुनै पाटिले बिस्वास गर्न सकेका छैनन् । चुनावमा नराम्रो पराजय भोग्नु पर्ला भनेर सबैलाइ डर । अनि हारेमा अरुले आफ्नो घुषखोरी बारे कुरो निकान्लान भन्ने नेतालाइ डर । यस्ताले के देश र जनताको लागी सोच्छन् यहा त सबै आफ्नालागी मात्र सोच्ने छन् । भोली उस्तै परे यी गिरिजा एण्ड कम्पनी उहि बनारस जाने छन् । सुजाता जस्त्ाा जर्मन भाग्ने छन् अनि मार चाहि उहि जनतालाइ पर्ने छ अनि जनआन्दोलन ३ ४ अनि ५ कुर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ ।

    सद्दे नेता नहुनु नै नेपाली को अभाग हो । जो जती चोर फटाह र हत्यारा छ उ उति मानिएको नेता भएको छ नेपालमा चाहे त्यो ग्याने हो या गौरको साधारण बनिया नै किन नहोस् ।

    जर्मनी कान्छा
    germany_kanchha@ yahoo.de

  26. टंक पन्त, (काठमाडौं)। रौतहटमा बुधबार भएको घटना संगठित आपराधिक समूहले गराएको मानवअधिकारवादीहरूले बताएका छन्।

    स्थलगत अध्ययनमा गएको मानवअधिकारवादीको टोलीले बताएअनुसार सो आपराधिक समूहले महिलालाई बलात्कार गरिसकेपछि स्तन काटेर र एक दर्जनभन्दा बढीलाई ५ देखि ८ किलोमिटरसम्म लखेटेर हत्या गरेको थियो।

    वरिष्ठ मानवअधिकारवादीहरू डा. मथुराप्रसाद श्रेष्ठ, डा. अर्जुन कार्की, डा. गौरीशंकरलाल दास, पद्मरत्न तुलधर, दमननाथ ढुंगाना, सुबोध प्याकुरेल, गौरी प्रधान, विष्णुपुकार श्रेष्ठ र विमलचन्द्र शर्मासहितको टोलीले स्थलगत अध्ययनपछि जानकारी गराएअनुसार पाँच जना महिलालाई बलात्कार गरी स्तन काटेर हत्या गरिसकेपछि पनि खुट्टा च्यातिदिएका थिए।

    माओवादी र मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमबीचको झडप भनिए पनि एउटा समूहलाई सखाप पार्ने गरी संगठित आपराधिक समूह नै क्रियाशील भएको दाबी गर्दै मानवअधिकारवादीको टोलीले भनेको छ- ‘लाठी, भालाले टाउको त्यसमा पनि मुखमै निरन्तर प्रहार गरेर हत्या गरेको पाइएको छ।’

    १२ जनालाई लखेटी-लखेटी हत्या गरिसकेपछि एकै ठाउँमा राखेर आगो लगाउन लागेको बेला प्रहरीले हस्तक्षेप गरेको थियो।

    ‘अधिकांश शवको मुख नै नचिनिने अवस्था छ। अनुहारमै केन्द्रित गरेर बाँसको भालाले प्रहार गर्दा मुखमा दुइ तीन इन्च गहिरो चोट देखिन्छ’ -स्थलगत अध्ययनमा सहभागी डा. अर्जुन कार्कीले भन्नुभयो- ‘त्यस्तो निर्मम प्रहार अपराधीले बेगर अरूले गर्न सक्तैन।’

    घाइते भई गौर अस्पतालमा पुगी उपचारपछि अस्पतालबाटै निस्कँदै गरेका दुइ जनामाथि अस्पताल हाताभित्रै पुनः आक्रमण भएको थियो।

    ‘टाउको र हातमा ब्यान्डेज लगाएर फर्किएका दुइ जनालाई टाउकैमा केन्द्रित गरेर आक्रमण गर्नु त्यो भन्दा निर्ममता के हुन सक्छ’ स्थलगत अध्ययनमा सहभागी अर्का मानवअधिकारकर्मी सुबोध प्याकुरेलको प्रश्न छ।

    घटनास्थलमा योङ कम्युनिस्ट लिगका दुइ जना कार्यकर्ताबाट पेस्तोल बरामद भएको तर पेस्तोल प्रयोग भने नभएको स्थलगत अध्ययनबाट थाहा भएको सो टोलीले जनाएको छ।

    केहीलाई भालालाठीले प्रहार गरिसकेपछि पनि गुहार गुहार भनिरहेको अवस्थामा ढुंगा, इँटाले समेत मुखमा थिची-थिची हत्या गरी उखुबारी, पानीको ढललगायतका ठाउँमा शव छोपेर छोडेकोसम्म पाइएको मानवअधिकारवादीले बताएका छन्।

    यसैबीच राष्ट्रिय मानवअधिकार आयोगले पनि सो घटनाको अनुगमन एवम् अनुसन्धान शुरू गरेको छ। आयोगको टोली बिहीबारै घटनास्थलमतर्फ गएको छ।

  27. yaslai nai manawatako bachna paune adhikara bhaninchha hola hagi? yasale nai janauchha hola ki manchhe haru le aaphno prati dwandi lai kasto byabahar garchhan bhanne kura hagi? akhi tyo marne pani ta aaphnai daju bhai haru hola ni hagi…. akhi ti manawa haru ko ragat bagayara uni haru le k payo? kunai santi ko aabhash payo ta? yasto krayale uni harulai shanti rakhna sakla ta? uni haru yasari nai aaphno jiban yapan garna saklan ta? k yasle manaba lai manablie garnu parne manabiya byabahar bhanlan ta?

  28. yo deshako lagi thulo cheti ho jasle garde nepali jantalai shantile bachan pahi napaune bhayaka chhan. thula deshala pani nepallai sadayantra gareko chha hos pureun parchha ki

  29. ति महिलाहरुको फोटो राखिदिनु भए उमेश जी लाई मुरि मुरि धन्यवाद दिन पाईन्थ्यो । कृपया बिभत्स दृश्यहरु राखिदिनुहोला ता कि सबैले पुरुषहरुको पुरुस्वार्थ देख्न पाँउनेछन् । हामी मुटु दरो पारेर बसेका छौं ती स्तन काटिएका महिलाको फोटो हेर्न । हार्दिक समवेदना छ सबै मृतकहरुमा ।।

  30. Human rights activists have revealed shocking and gory details of how people were murdered in cold blood in course of Gaur attack on Wednesday.

    The group of rights activists who made on-field inspection on Thursday has informed that over one dozen persons were murdered in cold blood in a grisly manner. The rights activists have informed that murderers raped five women and cut off their breasts before killing them. Over one dozen persons were chased five to eight kilometers before they were killed. In total, 28 persons have died in the incident.

    The rights activists have also suspected that organised criminal gang must have been involved in the attack. “Looking at the grisly manner of killing, one cannot imagine that any political organisation can engage in such act,” said Padma Ratna Tuladhar, a member of the group.

    The activists have also informed that those who were killed have been found to have sustained grave wounds in their heads. Bamboo sticks and spears have been used repeatedly to smash their heads, they informed.

  31. http://focus.blogsome.com

    गौर हत्याकाण्ड, भिडन्त र पत्रकारिता
    शाही नेपाली सेनाले रामेछापको दोरम्बाबा झण्डै २० जना माओवादी नेता कार्यकर्ता तथा सर्वसाधारणको हत्या गरेर नेकपा -माओवादी तथा सरकार बीचको वार्ता भ¨ मात्रै भएको थिएन यसले आफ्नो हत्यारो खुनी अनुहारको सक्कली रुप समेत देखाएको थियो । अहिले पनि त्यही ग्याई समेतको प्रत्यक्ष संलग्नतामा रौतहटको गौरमा ३० जना भन्दा बढी निशस्त्र माओवादी कार्यकर्ता तथा सर्वसाधारणहरुलाई गोली भाला तरवारले काटी काटी मारिएको मात्रै छैन् ती वीर नेपाली चेलीहरुको स्तन काट्ने योनीमा लाठठ्ी घुसारेर योनीनै छतविक्षत पार्ने हात खुट्टा काट्ने जस्ता जघन्य पाशविक हत्या हत्याराहरुबाट भएको छ ।
    जसरी दोरम्बामा त्यतीबेलाको शाही सेनाले मच्चाएको हत्याकाण्डलाई पुरै विसर्ी माओवादीले एकपक्षिय ढंगले युद्धविराम भ¨ गरेको दोष नेपालका मुल स्ट्रिम पत्रकारिता गरेको दाबी गर्ने पत्रकार र संचारमाध्यमहरुले प्रचार गरेका थिए त्यसैगरी अहिले दिउंसोलाई राती भएको घोषणा गरी माओवादी निकट मद्येसी मुक्ति मोर्चा र हत्यारो ग्या¨का बीचमा दोहोर भिडन्त भएको गोयवल्स शैलीको प्रचार गर्नु ठिक हुदैन् ।

    उनीहरुले माओवादीकै कारण यो घटना भएको दुश्प्रचार गरिरहेकाछन् । यसले नेपालको पत्रकारिताको दयनिय अवस्थालाई उजगार गराएको छ । तिनै पत्रकारहरुकै रिपोर्टमा के उल्लेख गरिएको छ भने मारिने र घाइते हुने सबै माओवादी कार्यकर्ताहरु नै छन् । थुपै्र माओवादी कार्यकर्ताहरु बेपत्ता पारिएकाछन् भने कसरी त्यो दोहोरो भिडन्त हुन्छ कि कसैले मार्ने योजनाका साथ आयो भने हातले सामान्य प्रतिकार नगरिकन मलाई मा।र यार मार भन्दै बस्नुपर्ने हो पत्रकार महोदयहरु? विचार गर्नुस् त कुनै मान्छेलाई कसैले आक्रमण गर्न आयो भने आक्रमणकारीको विरुद्ध प्रतिकार गर्छ कि गर्दैन् अर्थात आफैंलाई पर् यो भने के गर्नुहुन्छ ?

    त्यसैले कृपया सस्तो शब्दावली प्रयोग गरी कपोकल्पित भिडन्त बनँई यथार्थबाट टाढा रही पत्रकारिता गर्नु पत्रकारिताको धर्मभन्दा विपरित हुन्छ । माओवादीबाट केही प्राविधिक कमजोरीहरु देखिएको छ तर त्यसैकौ भरमा भिडन्त भएको खेती गर्नु कदापी देश र समाजको लागि हितकर बन्दैन् । सत्य कुरा लेखैं झुठ्ठा कुरा बन्द गरौं ।

    तपाईहरुले देशको समस्या समाधान गर्नको लागि माओवादी हतियार बाधक भो भनेर लेख्नुभो । तर कहिल्यै शाही सेना प्रहरी र कथित प्रतिकार समितिका हतियारहरु देख्नुभएन् । तपाईहरुले माओवादीको युद्ध मानसिकताका कारण सरकार बनेन त देख्नुभयो तर सत्ता र संसदलाई भ्रष्ट बन्ने चुस्ने र सुत्केरी भत्ता खाने महान् पुरुषहरुको चरित्र र उनीहरुको पदलोलुपता र सरकार बनाउनै नाहने मानसिकतालाई किन देख्नुभएको छैन् । तपाईहरुले माओवादीले सहमति पालना गरेन भनेर त लेख्नुहुन्छ तर सरकारले मंसिरमै बनाउने भनेको अन्तरिम सरकार नबनाएको विरोधमा किन लेख्न सक्नुहुन्न संविधानसभाको चुनाव घोषणा नगरेको विरोधमा किन कलम चल्दैनन् यदि तपाईहरु लोकतन्त्र र गणतन्त्र चाहनुहुन्छ भने । त्यसलै आंखाले देखेर मात्रै हुदैन् दिमागले सही ढंगले देखेर बुझ्नुपर्छ । गणतन्त्र लोकतन्त्र र अग्रगमनको बाटो सही ढंगले कोरी प्रगति सहितको हराभरा नयां नेपाल बनाउने हो भने सही ढंगले देख्ने र बुझने अनि सहिको पक्षमा कलम चलाई सहीले गलत गरे बेठिक भयो भनेर स्वस्थ आलोचना गरे हामी सबैले चाहेको नयां नेपाल निर्माण गर्न संभव हुन्छ । त्यसैले गौरमा जघन्य हत्याकाण्ड र यसमा प्रचारमा ल्याइएको दोहोरो भिडन्तको नाटकलाई गल्ती महसुस गर्दै नयां नेपाल निर्माणको दिशामा अगाडि बढौं ।

  32. Thank you for update news and telephone talking.
    I have just seen the fighting of dog but not men. Who fight each other they are dog and bitch. I can’t hear and see the murder of human because I am real Nepali lad. STOP the war Maoistis and Forum. STOP. STOP. STOP.





  34. AS far as anysising all news,there are some outcome exists who did it?
    1) Local government body was bougth(involved) making success this grand disigned because CDO was in Army barrack. so King bought him.
    2) when maoist seeked for help with police. they didnot. it means that DSP was bought by palace. so we can say that this accident was grand designed by a king
    3) this present governent was aslo involved this accident becasue this government are not showing any interested to punish those murders.
    nepal wants peace so annouce third janadolan and, grab ganeydra from palace.

  35. Cabinet forms panel to probe Gaur bloodshed

    The government has formed a high level committee to probe Wednesday’s bloodshed in Gaur.

    Friday’s emergency meeting of the council of ministers has formed the high-level committee headed by judge of Patan Appellate Court Hari Prasad Ghimire.

    Other members of the committee include Ram Sarobar Dube of National Vigilance Centre, joint attorney general Tik Bahadur Hamal and Deputy Inspector General Niraj Pun.

    The committee has been asked to submit report within 15 days.

    The meeting discussed about the security situation of the country. Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala is learnt to have issued strict directive to the Home Minister to maintain law and order situation in the country.

    The Prime Minister asked the Home Minister to take stern action against all, who tries to disturb law and order situation in the country.

    The Prime Minister also added that the Home Minister should take the responsibility if such incidents repeat in future, according to reports.

    At least 28 people were killed and over three dozen injured during a clash between activists of Madhesi Janadhikar Forum and Maoists in Gaur.

    Meanwhile, the meeting of the eight party coalition, slated for today has been postponed till Saturday.

    According to sources, the meeting was postponed following the Gaur violence. The meeting was scheduled to discuss about the formation of interim government inclusive of Maoists

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