आज पनि अन्तरिम सरकार नबन्ने भयो

अपडेट (6 pm) यी नेताहरु नसुध्रिने भए। आठ दलको बैठक वरिष्ठताको विवादका कारण भोलि बिहान ८ बजेसम्मका लागि स्थगित भएको छ। काँग्रेसले रामचन्द्र पौडेल र एमालेले सहाना प्रधानलाई वरिष्ठ बनाउनु पर्ने भनेर बाझेछन्। कुरो नमिलेपछि सरकार पनि आज नबन्ने भयो। बनिसकेको सरकारमा पनि बिनसित्तिका निहुँ खोजेर यिनीहरुले सरकार गठनमा ढिलाइ गरे। जनमोर्चाका अमिक शेरचनले स-साना दलहरु मात्र मिलेर बस्दै नबसेको आठ दलको बैठकमा सहमति भयो भनेर प्रचार गरेकोमा चित्त दुखाउनु स्वभाविक हो। तर त्यो रिस जनतालाई पोख्ने थोरै हो ? जानुपर्छ नि आठ दलकै बैठकमा। अझ निम्तो नै आएको छैन भनेर बस्दै ढिला गर्ने ? देश र जनताप्रति उत्तरदायी नहुनुको योभन्दा अर्को उदाहरण कहाँ खोज्ने ? गिरिजाबाबुकोमा खोज्ने ! रक्षा,अर्थ, गृहजस्ता सबै मन्त्रालय आफ्नै पारेर पनि नपुगेर एमालेको सहाना प्रधानको नाममा चित्त बुझेन भन्दै अत्तो थाप्नु भनेको उहाँको गल्ती हो। सारा देशै आफ्नै सम्पति हो भन्ने सोचाइ हो। उहाँलाई त केपी अ‍ोलीलाई एमालेले हटाएकोमा नै चित्त बुझेको छैन रे भन्ने पनि सुनिएको हो।

देशलाई नेतृत्व गर्ने नेता अरु नभएका कारण कोइराला संक्रमण कालका सर्वसम्मत नेता बन्न पुगेका हुन्। तर सर्वसम्मत नेताले सर्वसम्मत व्यवहार भने देखाउन असफल भएका छन्। बरु आफ्नो विकल्प कोही नभएकोबाट फाइदा उठाउँदै ब्ल्याकमेल गर्न उहाँ सँधै अग्रसर हुनुहुन्छ।

अन्तरिम संविधानले उहाँलाई राष्ट्राध्यक्ष समेत बनाएको छ। उहाँको काँधमा गहन जिम्मेवारी छ। उहाँको नेतृत्व सफल पनि भएको हो जनआन्दोलन २ मा। मोरियार्टी लगायतका देशीविदेशी शक्तिको दबाबलाई अस्वीकार गरी माअ‍ोवादीलाई मूलधारमा ल्याउन उहाँको प्रयास सर्‍हाहनीय छ। उहाँलाई हटाउन सक्ने कुनै पनि व्यवस्था यो संविधानमा छैन। अब उहाँ आमरण प्रधानमन्त्री बन्नुभयो, यो निश्चित छ। आफ्नो समय धेरै छैन, त्यो पनि उहाँलाई थाहा छ। यस्तो अवस्थामा उहाँले लोभलालचबाट पर हटेर नेता हैन, राजनेता भएर देखाउनु पर्ने हो। सबैलाई मिलाएर लैजानुपर्ने हो। तर उहाँमा त्यो प्रवृत्ति पटक्कै देखिएको छैन।

आज बन्न लागेको सरकारमा टाङ अडाउनु यसको उदाहरण हो।

सरकारमा वरिष्ठताका आधारमा मन्त्रीहरुलाई वरियता क्रममा राख्ने भनेपछि एमालेले सहाना प्रधानको नेतृत्वमा सरकारमा जाने निर्णय गरेको थियो। एमालेको चलाखी हो त्यो पनि। तर काँग्रेसमात्र के कम र ? काँग्रेसले पनि पहिले नाम नआएका रामचन्द्र पौडेललाई मन्त्री बनाउने भन्यो। रामचन्द्र पौडेल पहिले सभामुख र उपप्रधानमन्त्री भइसकेकोले पौडेल वरिष्ठ हुने काँग्रेसको दावी छ भने एमाले चाहिँ राजनीतिक इतिहासका कारण सहाना वरिष्ठ हुनुपर्ने बताउँछन्। वरिष्ठताको खेल चाहिँ गिरिजा मरेपछि पाइने कुर्सीको खेल हो।

हिजो उपप्रधानमन्त्री नराख्ने भने पनि आज फेरि उपप्रधानमन्त्रीको पदलाई लिएर विवाद उठेछ। ठूला पार्टी बाझेपछि साना पार्टीमात्र के कम ? अमिक शेरचनले पनि आफ्नो पद कायमै हुनुपर्ने भनेछन्।

एमाले बिचरा कमजोर नेतृत्वका कारण सँधै पेलाइमा छ। राजाको सरकारमा प्रतिगमन आधा सच्चियो भनेर गएदेखि नै एमालेको पदलोलुपता देखिएको हो। अब महत्त्वपूर्ण मन्त्रालय नपाउँदा पनि दोस्रो वरियतासमेत नदिने भएपछि आपत्ति प्रकट गर्नु स्वभाविकै हो। तर एमाले अन्ततः केही नपाए पनि सरकारमा जान्छ जस्तो छवि भने जनतामाझ देखिसकिएको छ- त्यही अडान नभएको नेतृत्वका कारणले।

नेताहरुको खिचातानीले एउटा कुरा चाहिँ प्रष्ट छ- संविधान सभाको निर्वाचन जेठमा हुनेवाला छैन। आफू मरेपछि को प्रधानमन्त्री हुने भन्ने सोचेर नै कोइरालाले दोस्रो वरियता आफ्नै पार्टीसँग राख्न चाहेको हो भने प्रष्ट छ- दलहरु संक्रमण काल लम्ब्याउन चाहन्छन्। संविधान सभाको निर्वाचन गराउन चाहँदैनन्। जेठमा संविधान सभाको चुनाव गराउनु पर्ने भइसक्यो-अहिलेसम्म सरकार कै टुंगो लागेको छैन। विदेशीहरु माझ पनि कति बेइज्जत गरेको हो हाम्रा नेताहरुले ? आजै सार्कमा भाग लिन परराष्ट्रमन्त्री दिल्ली जानुपर्ने थियो। तर यहाँ परराष्ट्रमन्त्री कै टुंगो लागेको छैन। विदेशी कूटनीतिग नियोगका पदाधिकारीहरुलाई पनि बिनसित्तिमा शपथ ग्रहण हेर्न आउ भनेर बोलाएर आखिरमा लुरुक्क फर्काउनु पर्‍यो।

आखिरमा आज पनि सरकार बनेन। अघि डेढ घण्टाका लागि गरिएको मत सर्वेक्षणमा आजै सरकार बन्छ भन्ने ८७ जना गलत साबित भए। बन्दैन भन्ने ७५ जना सही साबित भए। अब भोलि सरकार बन्ने हो कि हैन ?

अपडेट (5 pm)अझै बस्न सकेको छैन अन्तरिम सरकारले शपथ ग्रहण गर्ने भनिएको संसदको बैठक। आजै बन्ला त सरकार ? तपाईँको के विचार छ ?

अपडेट (3 pm) हेर्दै गरौँ नेताहरुको नाटक यतिबेला शपथ ग्रहणको कुरा लेख्नुपर्नेमा नेताहरुको नाटकको कुरा लेख्नु परिरहेको छ। यी नेताहरु कहिले सुध्रिने भएनन् कि के हो ? आठ दलको बैठक अझै बस्न सकेको छैन। जनमोर्चाले हिजो आठ दलको बैठकै नबसेको र ठूला-ठूला पार्टीहरु मिलेर भागवण्डा मिलाएको आरोप लगाएका छन्। उज्यालो एफएमसित कुरा गर्दै जनमोर्चाका (अहिलेसम्म त उपप्रधानमन्त्री नै हुन्) अमिक शेरचनले आठ दलको बैठकमा मलाई बोलाइएकै छैन पो भन्नुहुन्छ त बा !

अनि अर्को नाटक पनि सुन्ने हो ? प्रधानमन्त्री कोइरालाले वरियताक्रममा पनि विवाद गर्नुभएछ। एमालेका सहाना प्रधानको नेतृत्व कोइरालालाई चित्त बुझेन रे। सहाना प्रधानलाई प्रधानमन्त्रीपछिको दोस्रो वरियता दिन कोइराला मान्नुभएको छैन रे। काँग्रेस कै कसैलाई दोस्रो वरियतामा राख्नुपर्छ भने रे। हे भगवान, कति जिद्दी ? अर्थ, गृह र रक्षा जस्ता तीनै वटा मन्त्रालय लिएर पनि नपुगेर अझै वरियता क्रममा पनि केको विवाद हो यो फेरि ?

हिजो मोरियार्टीले भेटेर माअ‍ोवादीलाई महत्त्वपूर्ण मन्त्रालय नदिनू भनेको त सञ्चारमाध्यममा आएकै हो। त्यसैले उपप्रधानमन्त्री नै नराख्ने भएको पनि देखिएकै हो। तर मोरियार्टीले त कम्युनिस्टलाई ठूलो वरियता नै नदिनू पनि भनेका रहेछन् कि के हो ?

एमालेले भने दोस्रो वरियता नपाए सरकारमा नै जान्नौँ ल जा, तिमीहरु नै खाउ भनेर भन्यो रे। अब यो वरियताको विवाद पनि सुल्झाउनु पर्ने भयो।

आठ दलको बैठकै नबसेपछि ११ बजे बस्ने भनिएको अन्तरिम संसदको बैठक पनि बस्न सकेको छैन। संसद शपथ ग्रहणका लागि बोलाइएको हो। अब मन्त्रिपरिषद्को नामलाई अन्तिम रुप दिन आठ दलको बैठकै बस्न सकेको छैन भने संसदको बैठक बसेर काम पनि छैन नि।

शपथ ग्रहण हुन्छ भनी ११ बजे नै संसदमा बोलाइएका विदेशी कूटनीतिज्ञहरु भने बैठक नबसेपछि वाल्ल परेछन् र खुरुखुरु फर्किन थालेछन्।

यो नाटक धेरै लम्बिँदैन होला। आखिर आजै अन्तरिम सरकार बन्छ नै होला। हेरिराखौँ है साथीहरु।


  1. कँग्रेशको हठ्पन ,एमालेको नलायकीपन ,माओबादिकोअह्नँकारपन ,राजाबादीहरुको अवसरबाद पनको बिचमा नेपालको भबिस्य कतातिर जानेहो अनिस्चित छ|इनिहरु कसैसग राष्त्रबादको एक छनक पनि छैन|

  2. Hello Kadam jee,

    Where did you see maoists dying for the posts and seniority as NC and UML dying for? They had also wanted to not to participate in the govt, but other parities forced them to join. As a neutral reader of the blogs, I can see them vrey much interested in CA election rather than ministers. Please wear another eye glass.

  3. Namaste to everybody,

    Khai ? Ke lekne? Malai ramro rajniti aaudina .

    Auota kura ke bhane , aba neta naya rojnu parcha .

    Purano lai samman garne ho , Kam dine hoina .

    Ma ta vote purano lai dinna .

  4. UML plays dirty trick all the time. when uml already got sabhamukh then the senior minister or dpm either should be from girija congress or maoibadi. why is this fuss?

  5. राजदुतको पद भनेको सहसचीब सरहको पद मात्रै हो/े एमालेले सहानालाइ सहसचीब स्तर्मा सीफारीश गरेको दई महीना भएको छैन अनी उनी कसरी रामचा भन्दा सीनीयर हुन सक्छीन यो त मोरीयाटीको नीर्देशन्मा एमालेको हलो अड्काएर गोरु पीट्ने दाउ मात्रै हो जस्तो देखीन्छ/

  6. giraja is the best leader of nepal, des chalauna ko lagi comment gara jasto easy hudaina murkha haru ho…try to understand..

  7. He Umesh ji, Kati din hernunch Kukurko puchar sida huncha ki bhanera, Kukur ko puchar chai hoina, dhungro chai bangina sakcha, ki kaso

  8. षड्यन्त्रको गन्ध
    एमालेलाई सभामुख दिने, माओवादिलाई सिनियर उपप्रधानमन्त्री दिने सहमती भएकै हो के रे ! तर यसरी षड्यन्त्र पनि हुन सक्ला र भनेर सोच्न पनि सकिन्न, तर नसकेर पो के गर्ने समयले पुषट्याउदै गरे पछि । कुरा के भने देशी बिदेशी सक्तिको निर्दे शन तथा सल्लाह बमोजिम काङ्रेस् र एमालेको षड्यन्त्र कस्ले बुझ्न सक्ने । कित निर्देसकहरु नै जानुन कि त गिराजा र माकुने नै जानुन । यसमा गृह, रक्षा मन्त्रालय राख्ने गिरिजा र माकुनेको सहमती भएको हुनु पर्दछ । जसबापत काङ्रेसले एमालेलाई ब्र रिश्ठ मन्त्री दिने ता कि एमालेले गिरिजाको अनुपस्थिमा प्रधानमन्त्री चलाऊन पाओस् । तर कुरा बुझ्दा गिराजाको बि रोध केवल अरुको आँखामा छारो हालेका मात्रै हुन कि? यो त भोलिका दिन्ले बताउला । अन्यथा राता-रात एमाले पनि गृहमन्त्रीको आफ्नो हठ छाड्ने थिएनन होला जस्तो लाग्न थाल्यो ।
    किनकी पहिले त प्रदिप नेपालको नेतृत्तोमा मन्त्री मन्डल्मा पठाउने निर्यण गरेका थिए भन्ने थियो, तर राता-राता परिव्रर्तन गरे ।
    यही कारण देखाई गिराजाबाबु मन्त्रीमन्डल निर्माणमा धिलसुस्ती गर्दै छन ।
    मन्त्रीमन्डल्मा बखडाको स्रोत नै एमाले हुन भन्ने कुरा गाईगुइ हल्ला चलेको छ । किनकी माकुनेलाई पनि मोरियार्टिले भेटकै हुन के । हाम्रा नेताहरुको कुरै बुझ्नै गाह्रो पर्ह्यो ।
    पहिले त लागेको थियो कि गिराजामात्रै को दोश, तर यसमा माकुनेको पनि उत्तिकि दोशि छन् जस्तो लग्न थालेको छ।

  9. dhikaar chha nepal chalauchu bhanne sabai neta haru lai yeuta girja ko bharma des lai chalauna khojanu,ani sabai lw thula thula kura garchhana

  10. We have one saying in Nepali: People fight when they starve ,dogs fight when there is plenty.(मान्छे खान पाएन भने झगडा गर्छ, कुकुरharu खान पायो भने झगडा गर्छ । )

    Why these leaders are fighting so hard to prove themselves as dogs, as a matter of fact, we already know that!!


  11. Ani karan le Kangres lai vote diyera ,UML lai diye vaneera bigtalk haneko ho.Sabai le bujchan hai….yesto kkhurapati kura.

  12. girija jasto PM nepal le paunu nai durbhagya ho ani tes le des lai sahi jagaha ma puryauchha bhannuu nai hami nepali ko bhul ho ye sabai gyane ko chamcha hun.

  13. यो समस्याको एक मात्र उपाय हो । । ।यी सबै नेताहरु लाई एकै चिहान मा सुताउने अनि बल्ल शान्ति आउछ नेपाल मा तेस्पछी नयाँ नेपालको सुरुवात हुन्छ र देश को माया गर्ने विद्वान ब्यक्ती हरु लाई मन्त्री बनाउन पर्छ । गर्न पर्ने तेत्ती हो ल, अब त अत्ती भयो नि हो ।

  14. surose’s comment ” there are thousands of people who can handle country” is hillarious…:-)


  16. छि छि छि छि छि छि!!!!!!!!
    यो गिरिजाको राज(?)निति कति घिनलाग्दो हो ! मैले धेरै पहिला देखि भन्दै आएको छु, उसको छोरि नभैदिएको भए त्यसले माफु माथि जादा नेपाल देशलाई सगै लैजान्छु भनेर अट्टहास् गर्ने थियो ।

    एमाले त आधाप्रतिगमन् सच्चियो भनेर पन्चायतको प्रेत सित सति गएपछि त्यसको तेजोबध हुन पुगेको हो । तर पनि गिरिजालाई चिचि पनि पापा पनि भनेर अडान लिदै देशको सन्कट सन्ग खेलवाड गरिरहन अलिकति लाज त लाग्नु पर्ने होइन र ?

    हुन त अरिन्गाल खायौ बच्छिम खायौ भुसे बारुला भने झै दर्जनौ कुख्यात काण्डका नाइकेलाई लाजसर्म पुरै पचिसकेको छ ।

  17. Girija is the most strongest and has ‘gut’ to confront with all obstacles including king. Others are just like mice infront of cat. Shahana’s issue can be logical, plz do not under estimate somebody who has seen more than ’50’ X-mas.

  18. Now i am feeling shame on why did i cast vote to UML in the past .
    MAKUNE shd quit as soon as possible for the sake of party and Nepal.

  19. Hi Krishna
    Thanks for your comment on my opinion. I know you are a regular writer and some time first commenter as well. My opinion was best on old scenarios and attitudes shown by leaders.
    Anyway, I am not blind supporter of Girija, but I believe he is the only one who had a fixed “ONE” demand that our whole nation is going through. We should also learn from world, where a single leader is known for ever, and no body blame him. You can take an example of Mandela and Gandhi and many more..
    It’s a fact, from all the circumstances UML is always an opportunist. There are piles of leader after Madhav Nepal, and they hold key positions. Just compare Mahara and Sahana. It is a great chance that the UML can make Sahana Pradhan (whom I admired as an ideologist) “Balika Bakara”. I feel here that UML want show they are superior over Maoist, where Mahara leads but UML is sending a central committee but unproductive leader. Why even Rawal refused to go under Pradhan? Further, as UML could write note of descent in our historical document, why not they could do again, and so far, Makune is proved to be more influenced by Moriarty.
    Why not Maoist, or leaders from NCD or Bam morcha should be given in 2nd position. Here I see, UML want to send to Pradhan jut to make the government a “pangu-gov”, and thereafter they can blame to create vote bank.
    Personally, I wish all leaders should have common views on making our “Sambidhan” but it is just a dream. Probably I am not wrong to trust Girija more than Makune. Surely, I could trust Prachanda more, but he must go through some faith building activities. It’s not for us but for the whole world. I am sure that day is not so far. Let’s change our attitudes to support or blame a single person before critical analyzing political scenarios.

  20. we diespired need to koirala die . after then problems will solve .he think he is a only one who can be priminester but we know that there is thousend of people who can handle the country .

  21. hai
    sabai neta haru koahuhai purano manasik cha .jaba samma dimag change hunna sabai neta testai ho naya soch bhayeko naya leader le janma linu parcha

  22. ‘हजुर नेताको जय होस’ गरिवमारा , देशमारा, ज्यानमारा, भातमारा, कुरामारा , बातमारा, भ्रष्टचारी, तष्करी, बलात्कारी सबै यस्तै नेताको मात्रै जय नै होस| किनकि यस्ता नेता मात्र देशमा हालिमुहालि गरि राखे फेरि देशले विकासको गति समाउला शिक्षा दिक्षाको बिकास होला| अनि सबै जनताले यि जोकर नेताको इतिश्री थाहा पाउलान र फेरि अर्काको पालो आएपछि चिसो छिडि कुर्नु पर्ला भनेर नेता हरु बाठा भएका हुन हजुर|

    जे होस ‘हमारा भारत महान है’ भनेर सार्कको मिटिङमा जादा भारतको प्राइम मिनिष्टरलाइ गिरिजाले सलाम नठोके हुनेथियो|

  23. एमाले कस्तो बेकुफ जस्तो काम गरेको| एमाले ले नाम
    गिरिजा बाबु लाई सोधेर दिनु परथियो? भोलि एमाले को माहासचिव मा पनि गिरिजा लाई सोधेर बनाउनदा अनि कहिले गिरिजा सग बिबाद हुदैन्|

    हे एमाले नेता हो तिमिहरु लाई लाज छैन् यत्रो जनता र कारयकर्ता भएको पार्टि
    आज गिरिजा ले जे भन्छन तेहि मान्न, यदि तिमि नेताहरु लाई लाज भन्ने चिज छ भने सबै मन्त्रालय गिरिजा लाई दिएर सरकार बहिर बस्|के को जात्रा देखाउनु|

  24. nepal will not get democracy until king and kangress (at least Hawaldar Girja) thrown away form scene.

  25. This is how dictatorship starts. I think Girija is going too far and will not be good for the country. May be it is time for him to go to Yam Raj.

  26. umes ji Thanks for fast update news!
    sathi ho yo des sabai ko saja ho jasle sakchha usle garneho ho ahile girija ko garne khubi chha tehi bhayar ho. chinta linu hudain hamro ni palo aauchha chinta garnu hunna. ladnu parchha baar bhatkaune ani neta bhannu parchha ho. sathi haru ghar ma suter tens line des ko ani kaha hunchha sadak ma aaunu parchha
    yasto sarkar chahinchha bhaner julus nikalnu parchha yo sarkar bhaneko janata ko sarkar ho.

  27. I apreciate TRam comments. Realy the leadership of Nepal don’t work for the Nepali people. All round chair is seen by leaders and they think regarding own safe. Have you ever listened cruel jackle? All Nepalis leaders are same jackle.

  28. F**K.
    Can you guys believe I did not go to attend the very important classes for last three days.
    Because I was so excited to hear that the new government is being formed and the country will be pushed to new era.
    But i regret.
    I regret for missing classes. I regret for what I thought the political development in my country is more important than attending some boring classes in this foreign land.
    But, now i realize i am fool.
    F**k these dirty politicians.
    I don’t care.
    Let me be not a Nepali less these all dirty politicians fade away from Nepal.
    Down with those!
    Down stupid party workers of several so called parties!

    Long Live Myself!
    Down with the rest!

  29. make some kalo moso and juttako maala ready for Mr. girija prasad koirala (the so called novel prize winner)
    he deserves kalo moso and juttako maala

    why cant other leader raise voice against that girija budo

  30. A mitra ho,

    Nepali harule Girija babulai sarbe sarba banaunu nai thulo bhul ho. Afno party samet milauna na sakne girija le UML ko barema mulyankan garne adhikar chhaina. I am totally agree with Krishna jee

  31. Girija knows he will die soon. He wants to stop the immediate aftermath of his death from being chaotic. He wants an acting PM who can give continuity to government and his legacy and not open an outlet for accidental takeovers by Maoists or UML which could provoke the Army to react and fill the vacuum. For all their ineptitude, Kaangressis are the least objectionable group of leaders to all of Nepal’s stakeholders. This is because they are more status-quo-ists than others, and know charko.naara gets you nowhere. The pace of history is always one step slower than one thinks.

    Girija is thus right to insist that Mahara (an immature, inexperienced leader) can’t be a senior leader behind him in the cabinet at a time like this. He won that argument with persistence. Similarly, Sahana, at 80, is more senile and in poorer health than Girija and will only be a puppet of Madhav Nepal if Girija dies and she becomes an acting PM even for one week. All these scenarios are risky. We need a “predictable” chain of events after Girija’s death for at least 1-2 months, and only a person that Girija trusts should be the number 2.

    Bring Ramchandra Poudel in, and by default, he will be the senior-most mantri after Girija, as he has already been DPM. Sushil Koirala can’t be no. 2 as he has never held official position (like mantri) before.

  32. this is message to Dev Gurung and Pritivi Subba who are from lamjung and mananag, i hope they will build a pitch road from beshishar to Mananag

  33. power struggle is the main characteristics of Nepali politics and leaders. Its simple.According to our leaders and their core followers or orgnanizations ” It is a democratic process”.

  34. हैन यो बुडोको दिमग कहिले फिर्ने होल हँ ? देशलाइ यस्तो बनाउनमा माओवादी जत्तिकै हात यिनको पनि छ् | फेरि मर्ने बेला किन हरियो काक्रो ?

  35. The ministers and ministries are powerful in Nepal to compete in any elections.

    All political parties know these facts from their experiences.

    UML had won two third majority in local elections held when BamDev Gautam was DPM and Home minister.

    Similarly, the NC and NC (D) had also the same experiences.

    They fear to fight without getting good and powerful miniteries. They donot believe in peoples power.

  36. Girija is right. Sahana has a problem of health and old lady. this time koirala wants the active leadership from uMl. Shahana had a lot of contribution in his party but because of illness she mightnot play the effective role in Government.Just think Maoist leader Mahara, new generation, very sharp, talk active, and think Sahana- had a alot contribution in party, not sharp in dicision making, poor health. imagine man ! if you have the fast ox you can plough more field. Please think about country not only for party. this time we need active leadreship. about Girija, exceptional case, even older more active.

  37. Hei all,

    It it the culmination of autocratic and corrpted mentality of Girija. He has always been the obstacle to the progress of the democracy in our nation. He should be boycotted by all party leaders. As long as he is alive and sticked to the power, we can not expect any new thing. He is old minded and outdated. It is suprising why he has been selected as PM for interim period since he has already failed to acomplish the works as he was supposed to do.

    We unfortunate nepalses! I asked Maoist to go ahead against the Grija.

  38. हाम्रो देश काँग्रेसको बाउको निजि सम्पति त होइन ए!

  39. Gi-ri-ja wants to form the new cabinet by mid-night because he is still preparing the list of his congressi ministers.

  40. Kadamji,
    Have you ever listen/red the news about the compromization for the post of Senior Prime Minister when Newang nominated for the Chief of MP? During that time Senior PM was in the part of Maoist. But what happened now? Why Maoist are not arguing seriously to get that post like other parties did to get some important portfolios? I appreciate Maoist’s liberal policy for the post. It showed that they are not hungry about post as well as are very much interesting to complete CA on time at any cost. Look at Giraja, he is an obdient horse of Moriyarti. Where ever Moriyarti directs Giraja horse, he goes to the same direction. That’s why there is some conspiracies with his dectatorship for getting many important portfolios. He is one of the big obstacles for Nepalese. Unless and untill he is in Nepalese politics, we will have the same problem. It is our unfortune to have this leader.

  41. नेपालका नेताहरु सबै चोरै चोर भयपछि देशमा यस्तै हुन्छ।
    यकातिर खोला आर्को तिर झोलुङो भनेको यहि हो।
    “देशले रगत मागे मलाइ बलि चढाउनु” भन्ने गीतलाइ अहिलेका नेताहरुले >>””देशले शान्ति मागे त्यहा बम् पड्काउनु,जन्ताको होलि खेल्नु”” भनेर गाउन थाले।
    “जुन जोगिपनि उस्तै” हे नेपाल आमा कस्ता-कस्ता नेतालाइ जन्म दियौ नि?
    “कि पढेर जान्नु,कि परेर बुझ्नु, कि अरुले भनेको मान्नु” तिमीनेताहरुले त केहिपनि मानेनौ, अब आफ्नै @आचि@ खानु।।
    भारतमा गयेर पढेर, आधा भन्दा बढि जिवन बितायेर बिभिन्न नौटन्कि नाटक गर्न सिकेर नेपाल आयेका हाम्रा नेता, कोहि जङगलमा जिवनको चौथाइ हिस्सा भन्दा बढि बितायेर बाहिर निस्केका अबत केहि गर्छन कि भन्ने आर्का झन नाटकि नेताहरु कहिले के भनेका छन्, कहिले के भनेका छन्, कुनै कुराको टुङ्गो छैन।
    देश भारतिय गुन्डा र मन्डलेहरुले खान थालिसके।
    तिमिहरु खुल्लामन्चमा उभियेर १०,००० जानाको तालि खाना रमाउने,यस्ता नेताले के बनाउछन देश?किन चाहिन्छ तिमिलाइ तालि र फुलको माला?पहिला काम गरेर देखाउ,देशलाइ के चाहियको छ?
    सन्सारको सेरोफेरो सबै थाहा छ भनेर भुक्छन,तर तातो-भुत्लो केहि थाहा भयेत मरि जाउ।।
    यस्ता “दहिचिउरे नेता” लाइ माला लगायर तालि पिटेर स्वागत गर्ने हाम्रा नेपालि जन्तापनि झनै कति मुर्ख हुन।।।।।
    हे नेपाल आमा के गर्ने हो?? लौ न केहि उपय गर।।।।।।।।।
    जय नेपाल।।।जय नौटन्कि नेताहरु।।।

    त्यसैले मैले नेपालका नेताहरुलाइ चोर, फटाहा, स्वार्थि र नौटन्कि भन्दै लेख्दै आइरहेको छु//
    मर्नेबेलामा हरियो काक्रो भने जस्तै,ये गिरिजा बाबु, आफै बोक्सि आफै धामि भयर पान्चै औला तिम्रै पार्टिले मुखमा सिङै हाल्दापनि अजै के चाहियो तिमिलाइ, ????????????????? तिमिसबै नेताहरु मुर्ख हौ,देश बनाउने होइन बिगार्ने देशद्रोहि हौ!!!!!!!!! जो पनि उस्तै जो पनि उस्तै,,के गर्ने हो, यि कुर्सिका भतुवाहरुलाइ??????????????लौ नै नेपालि जनता केहि तरिका निकलौ,,,,,,,,,,,,,जय नेपाल,,,,,,,,,,,,

  42. Hey Self-decleared “Democrat”?

    Don’t you think Sahana is a senior most leader?

    Your “Gi-ri-ja”, “Dha-li-ja” is afraid of her personality, you MUST know that.

    Rather blaming Sahana, ask you BOSS “Gi-ri-ja” to nominate all corrupt leaders like Gobinde, Kadke, and others.

    Why “Gi-ri-ja” is not able to publish his ministers yet?


  43. hernus sabai nepali haru
    huna ta jo jas le je je matralaya paye pani no problem tara sabai nepali ko only 1 kamana chai( peace) ho tara yeta darbar ko pratikirya herna banki nai cha ……yedi darbar le pani hami ra hambro ades palan vayena tara pani hamle vannu k hi chaina vanyo vane yo nai hami sabai ko lagi khusi ko kabar hune cha ra samvidan sava ko chunab nahundai raja lai samman purpak nepal sarkar ko tarfa bata gyanendra saha vanera nagarikta dinu parcha yo nai last especs hune cha k garne htyara nai vaye pani nepali nai paryo yest kura ta mahavarat bata sikisake ko tiyo feri gun birsera darbar war ko tayari garyo vane tyo usko afnai lagi vasmesur hune cha j hos nepal dharti mata le hami sabaiko kalyan garun… bikas

  44. Kadam Jee

    maobadi phobia chhadne ho ki ? kunai mantralaya nai naliyer antarim sarkar ma samel hunu parthyo bhanne asaya dekhiyo ni? Don’t you think they are not arguing for DPM and other important post.I think this is their seriousnes to hold the CA poll in any cost.Thanks.

  45. उमेशजीको यो ब्लगमा फेरी यो मुके मुकदर्शकले आफ्नो मुकदर्शकता प्रकट गर्न आयो है साथी हो!
    साहाना प्रधान महान नेपाली दिदी हुनुहुन्छ। वहाँबाट देशले पाउने कुरा पाउँछ। कोइरालाबाबुलाई हुने आपत्ति बुझ्न सकिएन। तर प्रदीप नेपालजीचाहिं छुद्र लाग्छन् है मलाइ। तर यो मुकदर्शक न परो। के गर्न सक्छ र।
    तर नयाँ नेपालको बाटो तेत्ति सजिलो कहाँ छ र मित्र बन्धुहरु।
    गिरीजाबाबुकालागि प्रार्थना गरूँ, वहाँको नेतृत्वमा देशले फड्को मारोस।

  46. Looks like “Girija” is really serious about his countdown from Nepales political history.

    Otherwise, he should not be so crucked.


  47. Nope….It’s just from one part of a coin..
    Why they don’t want to send big leaders, in stead of sahana pradhan. What is her status in her party. Surely, Mahat possess higher position than her.
    If girija being suprimo of NC can lead the government, what makes other part to play dual role? Why they don’t want to be cheared by their seniors?
    May be you are right, but let’s think in other ways too.

  48. yestai ho neta haru, kunai neta pani desh ra janatako lagi neta vayeka hoinan. Yeniharu khali kursi ra sattako lagai neta vaitopaleka hun.

  49. Yes, the main obstacles of our nation to get developed in Girija Koirala. He is the notorious, mindless, power hungry, in-capable, and he only suits for constable post as his brother advised him for. Now he is the head of the state, CA has to be held in June sometime. People are not aware of what is CA. Even myself have not understood in detail what it is? How can people living in hilly and plain regions who are even haven’t heard of CA, can cast the vote for right person. Dirty politics and politicians runing our beautiful country for long time. We say and believe in Democracy, but this type of democracy highly influenced by autocracy, specially by particular person, I don’t want and hope other people have also shown enough frustration like Umesh ji. When our leaders, I hesitate to say our leaders, I would rather say corrupted and killer of nation, get them look their face in mirror and realise their real face. At the end of the day, we have to leave this earth in any form, why not work together to make all happy and country developed. I hope that everyone agree for this point I have highlighted.

    I think, and believe too, once Girija tantra vanish, only then Nepalese people will get salvation. He is the lister of foreign powers. He does not listen voices of thousands of Nepali people. But heartly well come and listen foreign agent like moriarty (USA). He (moriarty) does not care about interest of Nepali people he only cares his own interest of his country. If somebody like sadham in Iraq comes in power who if does not listen them they (USA) will be disappointed might act in a way they did in Iraq. Therefore, Girija is the puppets of foreigen agents and never ever in his life have in a single moment thought in his mind to work for the benefit of Nepalese people and nepal itself. I wish GOD had taken him away to save our country. He never ever acted in right time. Terai revolution casted 22 people after then he starts pretending worked for terai problem. This is not how you should act you are the head of state and you have responsible to assure people have got enough safty of their lives and should listen their voices. Who are you going to govern, no the people? If there are no people how even you could imagine to be a leader.

    Lets contribute something positive for the nation. Pray to GOD make our nation peaceful and maintain harmony between different casts, religion and rests.

    Jai corruption free Nepal and corruption free Nepali mentality.

  50. khai keko natak ho yo girjako.bastav ma yo girja ta bideshi ko dalal ho.eslai bridhasram ma rakhnu parcha.

  51. Thank Umesh Bro:

    You are doing wonderful job by posting the latest news.

    Now, all democratic parties MUST FIGHT against Koirala’s “autocracy”. He is another “Gyanendra”

    Mr. Koirala is not afraid of Sahana Pradhan, indeed, he is shocked from “Puspa Lal Pradhan’s” slap to Nepali Congress in the past when they were working together in Varanasi, India.

    Furthermore, “Janamorcha” is an “Appendics” in Nepal’s political scenario. It MUST be removed by minor surgery because there is no known role of “Appendix” in our body system.


  52. na sudharane bhaya hamra neta haru……
    netaharu ko yo chartikala bata kasle naya nepal ko asha grna sakcha ??

  53. ‘Old wine in new bottle’.
    It is very unfortunate for Nepalese people…what they have expected from JANA AANDOLAN-2…but the leaders are same…never improved. Even Maoists are seemingly acting like NC n UML for post.

  54. he lata,

    bariyeta kram ma jo mathi hunchha tehi nai girija moresi ka. mu. pra. ma. hunchha. aru byabstha chhaina tyo antarim sambidhan ma.

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