हाम्रो राष्ट्रिय गान सुन्नु भो त ?

सुन्नुभएको छैन भने यहाँ क्लिक गरी सुन्नुस्।

रचनाकार व्याकुल माइला, संगीतकार अम्बर गुरुङसहित अन्य विशिष्ट व्यक्तिहरुका माझ राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोगको कार्यालयमा आज हाम्रो राष्ट्रिय गान पहिलो पटक सार्वजनिक गरिएको थियो। अपराह्न ५ बजे सुरु भएको कार्यक्रममा केही भाषणपछि गीत सार्वजनिक भएको थियो। टेलिभिजनमा लाइभ हेर्दा समेत हामीले राष्ट्रिय गानप्रति सम्मान जनाउँदै उभिएर सुनेका थियौँ। सुरुमा सुन्दा ठीकै लाग्यो। पहिलो पटक सुन्दा नै यो धून कतै सुने सुने जस्तो लाग्छ। अर्थात् एउटा बिल्कुलै नयाँ धून सुनेको जस्तो लाग्दैन।

बारम्बार सुन्दा झन् यो गीत पुरानो कुनै गीतको लयसँग अलि अलि मिलेको हो कि जस्तो अनुभूति हुन्छ। कुन गीत भनेर ठ्याक्क सम्झन सकिएन। यो मेरो मात्र हैन, मेरा केही साथीहरुले पनि त्यस्तै भने। केहीले त राष्ट्रगान जस्तो हैन, गीत जस्तो छ पनि भने। कसैले त योभन्दा त पुरानै राम्रो समेत भने। हुनत एक शताब्दी भन्दा पुरानो धून सुनिरहेकाहरुलाई यो बिल्कुलै नयाँ धून त्यति छिट्टै कहाँ बानी हुन्छ र। अब बिस्तारै बानी हुँदै जान्छ नि।

राष्ट्रगान जस्तो कुरा ख्याल गर्ने कुरा पक्कै हैन। कसैले हचुवा तालमा यो गान लागू गरेको पनि हैन, प्रक्रिया पुर्‍याएर प्रतियोगिता गरेरै चुनिएको हो। त्यसैले बढी विवाद गरिरहनु ठीक हुँदैन। राष्ट्रलाई एक बनाउने उद्देश्य बोकेको राष्ट्रगान कै विषयमा अब हुने विवाद व्यर्थ कै विवाद हो। तर त्यसो भन्नुको अर्थ राष्ट्रगानको विषयमा आफूलाई कस्तो लाग्यो त्यो भन्नु हुँदैन भन्ने हैन। विभिन्नता रहे पनि अब यही गीत हाम्रो एकताको प्रतिक बन्नुपर्छ। के तराई, के हिमाल, के पहाड सबैले गौरवका साथ गुनगुनाउनु पर्छ। यो गान बज्दा उभिएर सम्मान व्यक्त गर्नुपर्छ। (तपाईँ आफ्नो कम्प्युटर कुर्सीबाट उठ्नु भयो यो सुन्दा ?) किनकि यो हाम्रो गान हो। कसैको सदा उन्नति रहोस् भनी प्रशस्ती गान हैन। उन्नति अब उनको हैन, समग्र नेपालीको हुनुपर्छ।

ल सुन्नुस् फेरि एक पटक यो गान। भिडियो प्लेयरको प्ले बटनमा क्लिक गर्नुस्।

एक मिनेट १० सेकेण्ड रहेछ यो गान। १० गायक र १० गायिकाले गाएका रहेछन् यो गान। आवाज बिनाको धून मात्र चाहिँ कस्तो हुन्छ भन्ने पनि सुन्न पाए हुन्थ्यो।

जाँदाजाँदै, सूचना तथा सञ्चार मन्त्रालयको साइटमा रहेको राष्ट्रिय गान डाउनलोड गर्ने स्थानमा पनि क्लिक गरी हेर्नुस् न। बिचरा, साइटको वेबमास्टरले सीडीबाट डाइरेक्ट फाइल कपी गरेर .cda फाइल अपलोडका लागि राखेका रहेछन्। .cda फाइल त सीडी राखेको कम्प्युटरमा पो सुनिन्छ त, अरुमा कहाँ सुनिन्छ ? क्या हुस्सु !

तपाईँलाई स्टिरियो साउण्डमा राष्ट्रगान डाउनलोड गर्न मन लाग्यो ?
त्यसो भए यहाँ राइट क्लिक गरेर सेभ टार्गेट एज गर्नुस्।


  1. It doesn’t sound that good as I expected. I think national anthem should have more uplifting experience and it should be energetic while listening, but this sounds like a old Narayan Gopal song. I think it is music which is not adding any energy to lyrics. It is just plain folk song..where is sentiment/energy accomodated with song. I am not criticizing Amber Gurung he is great musician but this composition doesn’t sound right for National anthem 🙁

  2. Rabin:

    The arguments arise due to the lesser transparancy selecting the “Anthem”.What makes these Govt. leaders, well known for their incompetency and inability decide certain music is good enough?? Were anybody in the govt has some knowledge in music field as well( they know nothing about even in their own field though)??

    And another important point is as the govenment calls them “interim”, should they have any right to give decision in matter of such importance?? Are they making an “Interim Anthem” as well?? Wouldn’t that be fair to have a nationwide competition for selection?? The music getting most number of votes declared the National Anthem which would have been more acceptable for people rather than something that is thwarted upon.Or, shouldn’t they have waited until CA elections if/when that has to happen??

    It is, as a matter of fact, just a change for the sake of change!! Which ultimately will need a change again!!Remember Terai,Limbuwan,Khumbuwan,Chure….. Is it acceptable to them aswell? Where is the reliability of the “Anthem”,what if some of these factions disagree on it?? Select another one??

    As you said it’s democracy after all, everybody can make an “Anthem”!!

  3. It’s really weird people discussin over our new Anthem.
    Some say thier blood didn’t rise listening to anthem and some says it sounds like copied, some says it’s great, and some says it’s lok geet.

    Ok i too have few opinions…
    First everyone has right to free speech. So lets listen to them but not force our opinions on them.
    Second: I liked the new anthem. Pahila ko Shriman bhanda malai yo naya anthem inspiring and beautiful lagyo. When i first listened to this anthem, i felt proud to be Nepali and free.
    Third: Everybody reacts in different way to every thing we face. So it’s very natural we have different opinion to the song.
    Fourth: SOme says it sounds like lok song. But the point is, you want it to be like rock?? heavy metal or Rap or Hip-hop or R&B or some like LONG LIVE QUEEN of England or JANA GANA MANA of India? We need to have our own music notes in it which i found there.
    Fifth: Regarding copied, well there are only 7 notes or watever it is called i.e. Sa Re…. So using them sometimes might make you feel listening to the song before. It’s about presentation issue. I didn’t feel like copied. For me it was unique and great. Anyway we are used to accept copied songs as original ones, so when we hear original ones, we feel like copied.

    And i too have question: What’s difference betwee, Anthem and Song?? So those who saying it’s song….pls clarify difference between song and anthem. I believe Every Anthem is song biut not every song anthem.

    Lastly: Like Khus says, change must be there and change shouldn’t be for shake of change. But my point is, do we know when we are ready for change? Every nepali talks about change, and when it happens we feel it’s not right time or right thing. May be old mentality is not letting us to change. Nani Dekhi lagenko bani change huna ta garai huncha ni….

    Sabailai aafno aafno point rakheko ma great.. It’s democracy afterall…

  4. i really didt get any wight in new national anthem , all i respect it because its national anthem, sunda ta saachikai LOK geet jasto cha, anyway JAY NEPAL

  5. ya exactly it sounds like panchai ho yo desha banaideu, and some words like agragami, sarwabhaum, are copied from moists speech. everyone has to be good singer to sing this song, I don’t know how the school kids will.

  6. I am sorry, but it seems one of the PANCHAYAT time’s RASTRIA GEET. Why the cheap MIDI sound in the beginning?

    I wish it just temporary.

    Are not there any fresh talented musicians in Nepal? Ambar Gurung is good, but not great.

  7. After long time later i heart National Song,i fill good not too bad.
    From New York

  8. yo rasteya gitko sanget chenge garna meldaina yo sanget ta katai pahelay rasteya gana tera suney jasto lagchha yo get ali chhito bhay jasto lagchha

  9. यो नयां राष्ट्रिय गीतको शब्दमा कुनै प्रतिक्रिया छैन मेरो| शब्द राम्रो छ तर गायन र सङ्गित सामान्य गीत जस्तो भयो कि? गीतको शब्द छान्ने बेलामा प्रतियोगित भए जस्तै गायन र सङ्गितको लागि पनि त्यस्तै प्रतियोगिता भयेको भए अलि राम्रो हुनेथियो कि?

  10. It’s my second time comment about our New National Anthem.

    I still really don’t understand the definition of “song”, “national song”, “patriotic song” and “national anthem” as different people understand differently and try to make others to understand.

    WHAT IS A NATIONAL ANTHEM ? Can some one precisely pinpoint? What are the characteristics lacking in our new national anthem to be a national anthem?

    IN MY OPINION, its’ just a matter of our perception and psychology. Whether we liked or not we were so much used to listening old, so called national anthem, it has become difficult for some of us to accept. That’s all. If you consider, it becomes very difficult to accept any change. Please think about it. Let’s all sing together, how it sounds and how we feel. I enjoyed even singing alone: Sayau Thunga Phool Ka Hami, Autai Mala Nepali ….

    What’s a great National Anthem? I Salute again from my heart.

    South Africa

  11. धन्यवाद छ मेरो संसारलाइ नेपाली भएर नेपाली राष्ट्रिय गीत आज बल्ल सुने

  12. Sabda pakshha bhanda pani sangeet pakshha ma kehi nayapan na bhaye jasto ta lagyo malai pani, katai purano saya thari…. bhanne geet bata liye jasto.. tara pani sunyata bich aayeko hamro National Anthem lai aba sabai milera gau, ani afno banau.. yesamai ramau…
    Kamti ma pani euta person ko bakti pooja garna ta parena, ra sabai nepali lai sametiyeko yo geet lai sabai le ek sath gayera lok priya banau, yesaima hami sabaiko heet ra kalyan chha..


  13. Sorry to say that its like a national song, actually when i heard first time it doesnot create any feelings. The music is not so much energetic as i was hoping from new national anthem. I dont want to compare with previous one but its music is………… It doesnot create any emotion.
    Once again Sorry!!! for debating abt national anthem.

  14. yo bhanda ramro rastriya gaan aru hunai sakdaina. Kasaile yo rastriya gaan lai jhyaaure geet bhanchha bhane, mero bhannu kehi chhaina.

  15. It is a national anthem. So, I would appreciate the creation, no doubtedly. But unlike the national anthem we had earlier, it couldn’t bring such a patriotic feeling in me. It sounds more like a movie song. And also, I can feel some of our national instruments missing from the music. Not that I am opposing, but it would have been great, had they been more concerned about bringing patriotism and originality into the song, errr anthem. Lyrics is great. It holds integrity, sense of patriotism, and a description of the nation that has remained self-dependent, harmonious, and integrated since its inception.
    Long live my nation, and in prosperity, independence, and integrity.
    Hats off for Byakul Maila and Ambar Gurung,

  16. Mr Nishad, change is a must and it should be for the better, not just for the sake of a change. I will never regret my comment as I will never believe that the new anthem is suitable. Believe it or not, I never sang the previous national anthem while in school – and it was well before the 1990 revolution. I am also surprised that the maobadis who started the revolution to get rid of the monarchy weren’t prepared when it came to real implementation of their words (change, revolution, blah blah blah). This anthem is just a song, it doesn’t sound anything like an anthem. Maybe my expectations were too high…

  17. Mr.Khus what inspiration did you get from Sri Man gambhir? To be respectful to King?Never ever anticipate a full degree of inspiration from national anthem.Inspiration should come out form your inner heart and ture love of nation.You are against the new anthem and it does mean you are less inspired for the nation.On the contrary,your inpiration was high as the previous anthem was on the run.Do you still believe in regression?Pls Be positive, because this anthem deserves to be the final one.I am afraid that you would be repenting for your own comment.Pls accept it because entire people,nation has accepted as a morning sun of hope.

  18. लौ हेर्नुस्
    राहुल भाई यो बुलोगबाट नि गायब ? खै भन्या अस्ति त खुब गफ हान्या थ्यो उसले नेपालाँ बडो ढिलासुस्ती नहुने कार्यालयहरु तपाईँले चाहे देखाइदिन्छु भनेर खोक्या थ्यो
    मैले लु न त देखाइदिनुस् भनेर भनेको गधाको सिरबाट सिङ हराए झैँ गायब भा’ भै ।
    यसो कैलेकाहीँ आउँछ अनि आफ्ना नकारात्मक धारणाहरु सप्पै अ‍ोकलछ, सरकारी कर्मचारीहरुको बारेमा बचाउ गर्ने, गिरिजाको पक्षपोषण गर्ने गर्छ अरु कुरा गर्ने त हुति भए पो। हुति नहुनेले किन म चुनौति दिन्छु भन्दै हिँड्नु पर्‍या अस्तिको बुलोगमा ?

  19. I salute our New National Anthem, I salute Byakul and Amber Gurung for their historical contribution.

    There is feeling, there is strength, there is Nepali ownership and symbolize Nepali unity. Imagine this song ( can some one clarify what’s the difference between a song and anthem? For me, anthem is a song which is common for all citizen of a nation therefore it is a national anthem. ) Imagine! this song is lauded in school fields, its’ lauded in any celebrations and you you and me become a part of it. How you and me will feel about out Matribhumi? We really become proud.

    Only one comment from: I also have got sentiment as of Pratik Shrestha. I really agree with him. There was supposed to be a day for it in front of all categories of people including foreign dignitaries.

    Anyway, “HAMI NEPALI SAIYOW THUNGA PHOOL KA MALA HAU … ….” We should realize and agree. If its’ so, let’s work for our MATRIBHUMI Nepal.

    South Africa

  20. Finally we have new national anthem. This is an excellent national anthem probably everybody like it. Thanks to everyone who contribute for this.

  21. ”Nagative feeling nagative attitude”

    Rastriya GAN 25 palta samma replay garere sune, Mero haata haru mero chhatti mathi rankhe ”ABA MA NEPALI BHAYE, HOINA DASHI (RAJA KO). Aaaja dekhi ma nepali bhannu ko artha akdamai swalambi chha. Mero RAGAT pratyek nasako kuna-kunama hataariara daudyo, Aang phulyo ra Jiu jiringa hudai mastik salbalayo. Ramro chayan-mitho gayan.
    ”Naramro bhanne haru sabai MANDALE”.

  22. Rastriya geet Ramro Lagyo.
    Naya geet Bhayeko le hola . Sunda ali ke napugeko ke napugeko jasto lagyo tar 4/5 patak sunda thikai lagyo baru singer haru ko rahecha kunni jana paye ajha ramro hunthyo.
    Aakhir nayan Rasta gaan bhaneko yeuta yetihashik suruwat ho.

  23. …पहिलो पल्त सुन्दा मलाई नि राष्त्रिय गान हैन गित जस्तो लागेको थियो तर आज दोहर्याई दोहर्याई सुन्दा मजा लाग्यो राम्रो लाग्यो. तै पनि (हुन त उमेश्जिले भन्नु भय जस्तै अब यस राष्त्रिय गानको बहस गरिरहनु थिक होइन र हुन्दैन पनि) मलाई चित्त नबुझेको दुइटा कुरा: १. रगत र २. अग्रगामि.
    “…विरहरुका रगतले…”को थाउंमा “…विरहरुको बलिदानले…” र “…अग्रगामि राष्ट्र…”को थाउंमा “…स्वभिमानि राष्ट्र…”. मैले त उक्त परिवर्तन अनुसार गाएर पनि हेरं…मिल्दो रहेछ र रaaम्रै पनि लाग्यो है…तपाईहरु पनि try गरेर हेर्नुस त एक पल्ट!!! धन्येवाद्!
    HAPPY NEW राष्ट्रिय गान है स्बैलाई!!!

  24. Lyrics dami cha…..tara National Anthem ma hunuparni Josh chahin nabhako jasto lagyo.
    sadharan geet jasto music cha jasto lagyo khai k ….

  25. umesh ji
    yo utsaha ra umang jagaune khalko chhain ra rastriyata ko fillings nai aayan. khai ke, khai ke…..

  26. to those who think we should blindly respect the new anthem just because it’s ‘national anthem’ handed down by the stupid political leaders:

    then why don’t you respect the king? it had been symbol of your national unity and reincarnation of your bhagawan bishnu.

    then why don’t you respect your political leaders and don’t complain about whatever they do (or don’t)?

    (I am using ‘you’ and not ‘we’ as I myself don’t belong to the category who blindly respect stupid issues)

  27. jalle j bhane pani, ramro chha………yo ta rastriya gan ho- yalle desko barema, deshma basne manchhe ko barema sabai sameteko chha, discuss kina garne ra. baru maileta, ahile nai dherai tali sunera yad garna kosis gardai chhu…..bhare kasaile sun! bhanyo bhane sunauna saknu paryo ni specially forengner harule bhanema ani aafno deshko geet sunauna nasakda kasto hola……..???????????

  28. Sri Man Ghambir Nepali..Parchanda Parchapi Bhupati was 1000 times better than this new Anthem.Seriously New anthem hav no power to rush my blood.

  29. khus u are just acting stupid. learn to respect ur nation and its anthem. then u can be a real nepali. this national anthem does bring the feeling of hope. this symbolizes unity. so please respect our anthem.

  30. Mr. Nishad, ask yourself honestly – does this (crappy) national anthem give you any sort of inspiration to work for the nation, to develop the nation, a picture of future or any feeling of having power? Forget your biased respect for the duo and answer to yourself… you do not need to answer me.

  31. नेपाल होमपेज (http://www.nepalhomepage.com/general/nationalanthem.html) ले किन अझै “श्रीमान्‌ गम्भिर नेपाली प्रचण्ड प्रतापी भुपती…” लाई नै अझै राष्ट्रीय गान बनाई राखेको?
    नेपाली चै गम्भिर, भुपती चै प्रचण्ड प्रतापी

  32. उत्कृष्ट छ।
    दुध पो उम्लिन्छ, रगत नि उम्लिन्छ? शान्तिप्रिय देश अशान्त भएको बेलां यो सुन्दै शान्त गित राम्रो छ। हाम्रा रगत उमाल्ने कमेण्टर मित्रहरु सेनामा भर्ति हुन जाउं तेतै बिगुलको आवाज र रगत उमाल्ने गित सुनौं।
    सागर अमेरीका बाट

  33. लौ यी राहुलभाइ त अर्को ब्लगाँ सवाल जवाफ गर्न छाडेर लुसुक्क यतातिर पो आएर फेरि आफ्ना नकारात्मक र आफै ठूलो हुँ भन्ने धक्कु पो छाडेछन् बा…

    ह्वाँ हजुरले अस्ति यस्तो भन्नुभाको थियो-
    ढिला सुस्ति कहाँ कहाँ हुन्छन् भन्ने कुराको ज्ञान मनग्य छ। ढिलासुस्ती नहुने अड्डाहरु कति छन्, म देखाइ दिन सक्छु, तपाइले चाहनु हुन्छ भने।

    खोइ त ? देखाइदिनु न प्लिज ? चाहन्छु भन्दा पनि नदेखाउने भन्या ? अनि अर्को प्रश्नहरुको जवाफ खोई ?

  34. First of all i stongly disagree with Kush since his comment is not logic or to the point except bias to some extent.I do remind you that this lyric is selected from thousands of lyrics form learner to renouned lyricists of Nepal.About composition,this is selected from six compositons.
    You have disclosed you are not a musicain and a critic as well.But I am a trained and highly qualified musicain.From the every angle Amber gurung has justifed to the composition.Fisrty,its rhythm pattern is KHYAMTA or CHUDKE (6/8) which is our mainstream rhythm.Every Nepali citizen indulges with this rhythm.This is our soul rhythm.This tune doesnot represent any particular caste or religion.It depicts the sense of Nepaliness.To me,this tune is very touchy and catchy.We sould not expect a tune of India or some other countries.Amber Gurung could have given the touch and colour of western music but he is very clever to stay away from being smeared.He has used group voice but not western style harmony.Becasue we have a music of poliphonic texture.Madal has given the true flavour of being nation anthem of Nepal.
    Actually I have hundres of words to samarise this anthem in good sense but the abovesaid is enough to one who is understandable.What we have to do at present to be positive not negative.
    My sadhubad to Byakul and Amber.You are living legends.

  35. दुइ दिन आगाडि सम्म यस ब्लग का संचालक महोदय आलोचना गर्दै हुनुहुन्थ्यो, समयमै सार्बजनिक भएन भनेर। अर्को एक जना कथित बिद्वान महोदयले २४ घन्टा पछि मात्र सरकारी निर्णय सार्बजनिक गर्ने नियमको खिल्लि उडाए। आफ्नो घर परिवारमा त चाहे जस्तो भनेको बेला हुदैन भने बिधि पुर्याएर गर्नु पनि काम कार्यबाहीमा २४ घण्टा आलोचनाको बिषय नहुनु पर्ने हो। जे होस्, सार्बजनिक भयो। खुशीको मात्र होइन एतिहासिक क्षण हो त्यो। सयौं बर्ष देखि राजाको गुणगान अबशेष समाप्त भयो।
    तर यस आलेखमा टिप्पणी गर्नेहरु प्राय जसो आफु मात्र बिद्वान, प्रतिभाशाली , शक्तिशाली ठान्ने नेपाली मनोरोगले ग्रसित लाग्यो। गीत छनौट समितिका सबै जसो सद्स्यहरु हामी आम नेपाली भन्दा सम्बन्धित बिषयका ज्ञाता नै थिए। लेखक ब्याकुल माइला को सिर्जनाशिलता, उनको अन्य रचना पढ्नेहरुलाई थाहा छ, उनी उच्च कोटिका कबि हुन् भनेर। अनि संगितकार अंबर गुरुङ्, को बारेमा टिप्पणी के गराई भयो र, जिन्दगीको यो क्षणमा समेत संगित साधना गरिराखेका साधक हुन्।
    अब यो शब्द राम्रो भएन, उ शब्द राम्रो भएन, यस्को सत्तामा यसो हुनु पर्ने, यो भए राम्रो हुन्थ्यो जस्ता ना ना थरिका उपबुज्रुक अनि सतही टिपण्णीहरु गरेर त्यो एतिहासिक सिर्जनाको अबमुल्यन गर्ने ध्रिष्टता गरेका छन्।
    संगित नि राम्रो भएन रे। सकिन्छ भने राम्रो धुन सिर्जनागर्नुस् न, इन्टर्नेटमा हाल्नुस्, कर्णप्रिय भए तपाईको नि संगित हुन् सक्थ्यो।
    एक जनाले मित्रले मेरो पछिल्लो कमेण्टमा लेखे जस्तो, लोक सेवा दिने बिचारै न भएकाहरुलाई लोकसेवा दिएं भनेर के धक्कु लाउनु हुन्छ रे- मलाई प्रति प्रश्न गर्नु भाकोथ्यो।
    लोक सेवा दिने हिम्मत न भाकोले भन्ने पहिलो वाक्य यही हो। हिम्मत र सामर्थ हुने ले दिए पनि सफल हुन कति गाह्रो छ भन्ने कुरा, दिने हरुलाई सोध्नुस्। त्यसरी नै राष्ट्र गानको शब्द र धुन बारे नकरात्मक टिप्पणी गर्नेहरु नै तिनै बर्ग का हुन्, जो आफु पनि गर्ने क्षमता राख्दैनन्, अरुले गरेको पनि सहन सक्दैनन्। मनोरोगले ग्रसित मित्रहरुको लागि यही भनाई ठीक होला,- न पाएको अंगुर अमिलो हुन्छ। अस्तु!।

  36. I am glad that we finally have a national anthum.
    This is a hard earned song, so we love it and we must safeguard it. The more we hear it, the more we will like it.

    Yes, as Umeshji said, it sounds like something heard before. I believe it soouds like one of the songs in



  37. Umesh-ji, I am extremely disappointed today. Yo ta atti bhayo. Malaai ta laagyo yo kunai eutaa nayaa audio cd ko bimochan samaaroha ho. Yesto aitihaasik kaaryakram, yesto aitihaasik din maa – ma ani mera sampurna saathiharu le ke aashaa tathaa apekshaa garekaa thiyoun bhane – yo raastriya gaan ko pratham udghaatan ta Dasharath Rangashaalaa bich maidaan maa bishesh stage banaayera – Pradhaanmantri dekhi sab mantrigan, sampurna sambaidhaanik anga kaa pramukh haru, Nepali sainik ra prahari jawaan haru ra badhi se badhi janasamudaaye haru ko upasthiti maa sainik ra prahari ko band le raastriya dhun bajaai Nepali top gaayek ra gaayikaa haru le yo pratham raastriya gaan live gaaunu parthyo – Nepal ko jhandaa faharaayera – ani tehi bishesh samaaroha maa yo raastriya geet kaa rachanaakaar ra sangitkaar laai bishesh sanmaan kaa saath aadar patra raastra pramukh – Pradhaan Mantri dwaaraa pradaan garinu parthyo – ani tyo dinbhari pratyek ghantaa maa radio ra television maarfat yo raastriya gaan bajaairahanu parthyo – tarra, dukha ko kuraa – yesto aitihaasik samaaroha sadan ko parisar bhitra ko eutaa saano kothaa maa thorai gini chuni maanisharu ko upasthiti maa cd bajaayera raastriya dhun ko udghaatan gariyo – malaai ta patakkai chitta bujhena – haamro desh ko uchcha padaadhikaari bhanaaundaa haruko chaalaa maalaa dekhera.

  38. Rastriya Gaan ka shabda haru ramra chhan tara tune composing ramro lagena. Office ko staff haru milera picnic ma gayeko jasto lagyo. Ke Nepal ma ramra ramra swor haru bhayeka 2 male ra 2 female le gaye hudaina thyo? Bekar ma 20 jana ko bheed lagayera geet ko mithas nai khattam baneye chhan. Pheri sunnu hos ta….kasaile laaaamo legro taneko, kasaile teeeekho swor nikaleko, yo bhanda baru ta school ka naniharulai gaunu layeko bhaye best hunthyo….

    sangeet wa music-tune lai pani ek palta approval ko lagi jana-samaksha rakhnu parthyo……dui char jana khattam mantri haru le chhaneko tune malai chai man parena…Umeshji…

  39. This can be a national song, not national anthem. I could not feel proud singing this. Good to listen as a song, But as the national anthem…..poor quality….sorry.

  40. Seriously speaking, this song sounds like a ” कक्षागत गित “. Shame on us nepali for agressively moving ahead for just matter of change. Well its finally done and its on air. It matches perfectly with our chaotic environment.

  41. For me national anthme should a song that motivates from inner heart to do something for the nation. But the new one fails in this aspect. I would rate ‘rato ra chandra surya’ as one of the best thing we have. This was the song we sang in our school as national anthem after the people’s movement in 2046. The consitution came but still we always sang this song as national anthem. At moment people thinks it doesn’t suit as national anthem because it doesn’t have those pragatishil words. We tried to put everything in a song and see what we got. A dull song agree or disagree but i feel this as a truth.

    Yeh as Umesh ji has pointed, since it is declared as national song we have to respect but I am sure i will not know how to sing as it doesn’t motivate me to learn it. I can stand and give a respect whenever I hear it.

  42. yo rastriy gan ykdam ramro cha.Nepali ko sanskriti jhalkine khal ko cha. yo dhun le aba banne nepalko lagi sahayo banna sakcha. yo dhun bat nepali harule kehi hami sabai akai hau, sabail miler basnu parch jasari yutai phulbarika phulharu phuleka hunchan. Tesau gari hamai sabai nepali haru yak bhayr naya nepal banaunu parcha. Ra antama baykul dai lai derai derai bhadhai cha.

  43. Can we have any say on this matter?? I guess not, we have to accept it anyway. Good to have one rather than none.And make sure this won’t be changed soon!!

    BTW it should be called National Folk Anthem!!

  44. यो राष्ट्रियगान पहिलेको भन्दा त धेरै उत्कैष्ट लाग्यो।
    किनकी यो गान व्यक्तिबादी नभएर राष्ट्रबादी गान भएको छ।
    अनि शब्दहरु पनि सबैकुरा नेपालीहरुलाई ओगटेको छ।
    जेहोस अब हामी सारा नेपालीहरु एक भएर यो गान गाउनुपाउनेभयो आईन्दादेखी
    सार्है खुशी लाग्यो यत्रो बर्षका दिन राष्ट्रियगान बिहिन भएर अहिले पाउदाखेरी

  45. yo rastiya gan sunda ntv batta bajne gopal yonjan le cpmpose gare ko ek rastriya geet sanga mile ko jasto lagyoo,

  46. धुन राम्रो लाग्यो । शव्दहरुमा केहि कमजोरी भएता पनि लय निकै राम्रो छ । I felt it a really new track. thanks Ambar

  47. धेरै लामो प्रतिक्षा पश्चात सार्वजनिक भएको हाम्रो देशको राष्ट्रियगान सुन्न पाउँदा धेरै खुशै लाग्यो |

    आफ्नो देशको राष्ट्रिय गानलाई नराम्रो भन्नु त पक्कै उपयुक्त नहोला | किन कि समन्धित क्षेत्रमा प्रखर र प्रबुद्धबर्गहरु द्वारा छनौट गरिएको छ | तर पनि भरिएको संगित र स्वर सुन्दा राष्ट्रियगान बज्दा हामि जनतामा स्वतस्फुर्तरुपमा जुन जोशिलो रक्तसंचार जागृत हुनुपर्ने हो त्यो होला जस्तो लागेन | स्वदेशगान मात्र हो जस्तो लाग्यो | देशका नागरिक जुनसुकै अबस्था र मोडमा भएपनि देशको राष्ट्रगान सुन्ने बित्तिकै त्यसले जोश,जाँगर,एकता र भाईचाराको सम्बन्ध कायम राख्दै हामि प्रत्येक नेपालिको मनोभावलाई एकाग्र एवं एकत्रित ढंगले वाँध्न सक्ने क्षमता राख्नुपर्ने हो | तर त्यो भए जस्तो लागेन | शब्दहरु नराम्रा होईनन | शब्दमा भरिएका संगित,स्वर र लयको सहि तालमेल नभएको हो कि जस्तो भएकोले खासै ओज प्रदान गर्न नसकेको महसुश भयो | तथापि अन्त्यको लाईनमा भएको अग्रगामि राष्ट्र हम्रो जय जय नेपालको संयोजन भने राम्रो लाग्यो | गायक,गायिकाले गाउँदा-गाउँदै ठाउँ-ठाँउमा कता-कता के नमिले जहि लाग्यो | हुनत म संगितज्ञ र गायन क्षेत्रको बिशेषज्ञ होईन तर पनि सरसर्ति सुन्दा केहि खटकिएको आभाष चाँहि भयो |

    मैले पनि अरुले जसरि नै पहिलो पटक सुन्ने क्रममा सम्मान स्वरुप उभिएर नै तिन पटक दोहो-याएर लगातार सुनिरहे र आफ्नो मन,मश्तिष्कलाई एकत्रित गरि यो हाम्रो देशको राष्ट्रिय गान हो भन्ने बोध पनि गराएँ | पहिलो पटक सुन्दा के-के न होला भन्ने हामिलाई लागेकोले पनि सोचेजति राम्रो नलागेको हुनसक्छ | पछि सुन्दै,भन्दै जाँदा अबश्यपनि राम्रो नै लाग्ला | मादलको धुनले भने दरो नेपालिपनको आभास दिन्छ |

    राष्ट्रियगान भन्ने कुरा सरल र शक्तिशालि नै हुनुपर्छ | वरम्वार फेरिरहने कुरा पनि आउँदैन | त्यसैले बिज्ञ चयनकर्ता र संगितज्ञ अनि गायक-गायिकाहरुले धेरै मनन गरेर नै तयार परेको हुनुपर्छ |

    समग्रमा यो हाम्रो राष्ट्रियगान हो | त्यसैले हामि सबैले हातमा हात मिलाएर एक स्वरले भन्नै पर्छ:- “सयौं फुलका थुंगा हामि,एउटै माल नेपाली……..|


  48. यतिको लामो राष्ट्रीय ज्ञानको खडेरी पछि सार्वजनिक गरिएकोराष्ट्रीय ज्ञान र त्यसमा भरिएको संगीत समेत यो भन्दा ओजपूर्ण र हरू प्रभावशाली हुन वा बनाउन सकिन्थयो , तर एक पटक व्याकुल माइलाको गीत चयनमा परिसकेपछि त्यस्को सट्टा हर्को भन्न नै नसकिने जातिगत रूपका विवाद समेत प्रकट भएका सन्दर्भमा भन्दा, जे भयो सो बयो र ठिकै भयो भनेर यसलाई स्वीकारेर अघि बढ्दा राम्रो होला। अनि गीत लेख्ने प्रदिप कुमार राई र संगीत अम्बर गुरूङ जस्ता हस्ति जनजाती भनिएका समूहबाट भैसकेपछि, बाहुनवादको गन्ध पनि कतै नआउने भएकाले बाहुनले यसो गरेर भनेर भन्नु पर्ने परिस्थिति पनि नआउने भएकाले , यो सन्दर्बको उपलब्धि त्यही मान्दा हुन्छ ।
    बाँकि कुरा त , हिजोको व्यक्ति प्रशस्तिलाई त राष्ट्रिय ज्ञान भनेर गाइएकै थियो भने यो त त्यो भन्दा धेरै राम्रो राष्ट्र कै गान भएको छ नि । तर युगौँ पछिसम्म गाइने राष्ट्रको गान यो भन्दा प्रभावशाली बनाउन सकिन्थ्यो बन्नेमा द्विविधा छैन । तर आखिर यो एउटा प्रतिक हो भनेर म त सुन्दा कुर्चीबाट उठेँ !

  49. Yesko starting Dhoon..Sayathari Paila Autai chal vanne geet ko music sanga milchha.. ekpatak yad garnus.. ani Taradevi ko geet haru sanga pani kata kata..

  50. कहिले सुन्दा “यो नेपालि शीर उचाली ”””'””””””” जस्तो लाग्ने कहिले अर्कै महेन्द्रले लेखेको पुरानो गीत जस्तो लाग्ने । यो त लोक गित जस्तो सुनिन्छ । राष्ट्र गान सुन्दा शरीरमा रगत उम्लीन नसकेपनि कमसेकम काँडा त उम्रनु पर्ने हो । यो गितमा त्यस्तो केहि छैन ।

    बोल्दा गालि खाईएला तर यो भन्दा त ” खेलाडी हुँ म नेपाली माटोमा चम्कने ” र पुरानो गीत नै जोशीलो छ । यो गित जम्मा १ मिनेट १० सेकेन्डको भए पनि पुरै सुन्न अल्छी लाग्ने बनेको छ । सब्द त राम्रै हो तर‍‍——-

  51. While on one hand we should respect the national anthem, being responsible citizen we should also have the right to comment and criticize the anthem if it is not suitable. I am not a music critique, and my only experience with music is listening to it but I do have my opinions and I should have the right to speak it out, right?

    First of all, I am not satisfied with the process of selection both for the lyrics and the music composition. We should have the right to challenge this selection process. We should have the right to decide the song we are to have as a national anthem. If it is still played in high handed manner by the few leaders in the government and just ‘handed down’ to us – where is the essence of democratic republic, how is it different from king’s urdi?

    Next, about the lyrics. Does everyone really think this lyrics is sustainable? A national anthem is not a theme song for a certain phase of time, it should be sustainable and suitable during all times – for hundreds of years to come. I personally don’t see this lyrics having any weight to sustain and remain meaningful in future. OK, the song has tried to capture all sectors and communities of Nepal – but the ‘flower’ thing, isn’t it still going back to the Shah bansh’s ‘4 jaat 36 barna ko FULBARI’? I feel that the lyrics was written in haste, just changing the words from previous anthem.

    Finally, the musical composition. It now sounds like a lok geet. Yes, we should respect our culture – but while encompassing all the sectors and communities of Nepal, why the lok dhun of one (or few more) community to be represented as the national dhun? Besides, respecting our culture doesn’t mean that we need to stick to the old traditional school. When we respect our culture, we should develop it, we should move forward. Again, the question of sustainability comes up. If this music was chosen in 2007BS, I wouldn’t have questioned it, but this is 21st century. Can we start keeping up with the time and be more farsighted??

    My final question: Was the selection based on seniority of the lyricist and composer or based on real value??

  52. सुन्दा सुन्दै आँखा बाट आसुँ नै छर्यो। धेरै नै राम्रो लाग्यो । खुशी पनि लाग्यो।
    अली छिट्टै छिट्टै यस्तै मुलभुत परिवर्तन गरे राम्रो हुन्थियो होला। जे काम पनि नेपाल म धिलाई ले नै हुन्छ ।यो बानी बाट पर पाउनु पर्‍यो र् कमर कस्नु पर्‍यो ।जय नेपाल

  53. Malai ta katti pani mann parena. Dhun ta pahila kai ramro thiyo. Ke dhun haaleko bekkar ko.

  54. Very nice wording!
    but music does not have any excitement. LOSE/ Slow music. there should be compitition between music composers. Amber has old fashaioned music. no any charming. Anyway, I respect the new Nepali national anthem.

  55. उमेश जी तथा सम्पूर्ण नेपालीहरू,

    यो राष्ट्रिय गाना संगीत र शब्दको हिसाबले पहिलेको भन्दा धेरै नै उच्च स्तरको छ / मैले चार चोटी सुनेर आफुले पनि संगै गाएं मज्जा आयो / तपाईहरू पनि प्रयास गर्नुहोस गर्व गर्नुहोस नयां नेपाली राष्ट्रिय गीत संग /

  56. Umeshji,

    I agree cent percent with you. It really feels like the anthem for ALL Nepalis.
    The King and earlier anthem divided Nepal. Earlier anthem was only for a few castes or priviledged groups; it was forced on rest of the Nepalis. It was a useless hero worshipping for a useless person.

    There are those who used to say the Rana regime was better than the post 2007 system. There is no dearth of people who say that the Panchayat system was better than the current system.

    I am sure there will be people who will say, or have already said, that the earlier anthem was better. They will soon get used to it as this anthem is for all Nepalis.

    I am thankful and grateful to Byakul Maila and Ambar Gurung; both of you will be remembered for ever.

  57. No offend to anyone, I like the lyrics and music however the vocal is simila to LOK GIT. It does not sound National Anthem at all……………

  58. It sounds good. Appreciated!!!
    Its really a tremendous effort of Byakul Maila & Ambar Gurung. Good Job!

  59. Bista g hami pani bidesh ma nai chhau tapai ko tyo aafno mat hola tara hamlai ta aailey ko rastriya gaan ekdum man paryoo.Tapailai salam chha Byakul maila and Amber gurung g.

  60. Vastabma bhanne ho bhane pailako ni ramro thio hamro rastria gan. aakhir hamile rajako kunaipani nam or na rakhna khojeko ta ho ni haina ra?
    huna ta hamibhanda janne bujneharubata pass bhaisakako ho tarapani hami bidesh basneharuli ra sabai jana sathiharuko bichar lindakhari kasailipani ramrochai lagena ya ta mawabadi sathi haruko ganajasti ni 6 bhayo ni haina ra ???????

  61. hmmmmmmmm. sound goods? This is national anthem we have to honour it.Thanx byakul maila and Ambar Gurung….

  62. hall dulo vaya pani khas ramlo lagena.

    Word ta thikai thiyo.Samgeet khatata.

    Overall ma film geet jastai lagyo.

    Rastriya gan le ta mutu chhunu parchha.

    Yo gan ko aayu lamo hudaina ki…?

  63. I dont know what is the difference between national anthem and a song. The experts shoud know this. It sounded more like a song to me. This is not my personal feeling. Better not debate once it came out. Its a very sensitive issue.

  64. उमेशजी,

    हुन त सँगितको ज्ञाता म होईन। तर पनि कहिले काहिँ सुनिरहेको वाध्य-वादनको ध्वनिले पनि यो धून कतै सुनिसकेको त होईन भन्ने पर्न सक्छ । पार्श्वमा गुँजिरहेका कोरसको प्रयोग पनि नौलो होईन। तसर्थ, कहिलेकाँही पृष्ठभूमिका वाध्यका आवाज र कोरसका आवाजले पनि कतै सुनिसकेको त हैन भन्ने भान पर्छ। तर, अम्बर गुरुँगजस्ता सँगितकारले बासी धूनले ताजा नेपाली राष्ट्रगानलाई सजाउँछ भन्ने मलाई लाग्दैन। त्यसैले हामीले यो धून ताजा हो र व्याकुलजीका ताजा राष्ट्रियताका लागी उपयुक्त छ भन्ने हिसाबले लिएमा फरक पर्दैन ।

    के फरक छ त पुरानो धूनसँग?

    पुरानो धून सुन्दा खेरी नै जँगी आदेश जस्तो लाग्थ्यो, ऐ! जनता हो अब राजाको सम्मानमा उठ भन्ने। जुन आदेशात्मक भनौँ या तानाशाहीको गन्ध पुरानो राष्ट्रिय धूनमा थियो, त्यसको हिसाबले नयाँ धून भने बढो भावनात्मक र एकतावादी जस्तो लाग्छ। श्रीमान गम्भीर..को पुरानो धून जति कर्कश छ, त्यतिकै विनम्र अहिलेको धून छ। पुरानो धूनले राजतन्त्रको एकोहोरो राप छोडेको प्रतीत हुन्थ्यो भने अहिलेको धूनले समतावादी लोकतन्त्रको। त्यसमा पनि महिला र पुरुषका स्वरहरु बराबरी रुपमा गुन्जनुले/ हुनुले पनि यसलाई अरु बढी समतावादी बनाएको देखिन्छ।

    नयाँ धूनमा अब कसरी समाहित हुने?

    प्रतिस्पर्धाको घडी देखी छनौटको चरण सम्म अहिले पार भइसकेको छ । राजनैतिक रुपमा कसैलाई यो धून देखी राष्ट्र गान सम्म छनौट गर्ने अधिकार वर्तमान सरकार, मन्त्रिपरिषद र सँसदलाई छैन भन्ने कसैलाई लाग्न सक्छ। मन्डलेहरुले हरेक कुरामा निहुँ खोज्ने जसरी यावत विषयका सँबन्धमा पनि हामीलाई उचाल्न सक्छन। यस्तै, साम्प्रदायीक भावना रोम-रोममा भरिएका तत्वहरुले पनि अनेकौँ बखेडा निकाल्न सक्छन। जनआन्दोलन-२को भावनालाई प्रतिनिधित्व गर्ने यि राष्ट्र गान र राष्ट्र धूनको मजाक मन्डले-साम्प्रदायिक तत्वहरुले जतिसुकै उडाउन, तर लोकतान्तृक गणतन्त्रमा विश्वास राख्ने हामि सबैले भने यस धूनलाई अब देखी सम्मान गर्नु पर्छ। अन्तमा (उठदै, उमेशजीद्वारा प्रेषित धून पुन: सुन्दै)
    हार्दिक धन्यवाद।


  65. Yo Rapmaster bhanne manche kasto somat nabhayeko raicha. Dhikkar cha timlai nepali bhannu ma. Afnoo rastra gan ko ijjat garna sakdainau mula ke nepali bhanera furti lauchau.

  66. म उमेशजी को कुरा मा एकदम सहमत् छु। यो हाम्रो एकत को प्रतिक् हो। जस्तो भएपनी जे भएपनी हामीले एस्को सम्मन गर्नु पर्छ। वास्तममा भन्ने हो भने यो कताकता सुन्या सुन्या जस्तो धुन लाग्छ। तर मेरो विचारमा यो बनी नपरेरहो। पछी पछी नयाँ पुस्ता को लागि यो सबै थिक् हुन्छ। कस्ले बनयो के बनयो कस्तो बनयो भनेर बहस गर्नु भन्दा राम्रो एस्को सम्मन गर्न सिकौ र सबै ले एकै स्वोर म गाउ।।। सय थुङा फुलका हामी एउटै मल नेपाली।।।।। जय होस्

    सानो, UK

  67. .
    यो झ्याउरे लोकगीत भन्दा त
    रयाप मा झ्याप झ्याप पार्नु
    राम्रो सुनिन्छ होला।

    आउ ..आउ. गाउ .गाउ…
    यो राष्ट्रिय गीत…
    आ हा… आ हा….

    सयौं थुङ्गा फूलका हामी,
    एउटै माला नेपाली

    सार्वभौम भई फैलिएका,
    मेची महाकाली।
    आउ ..आउ .गाउ ..गाउ ..

    प्रकृतिका कोटि कोटि सम्पदाको आँचल
    वीरहरुका रगतले स्वतन्त्र र अटल

    ज्ञान भूमि,
    शान्ति भूमि,
    तराई, पहाड,
    आ हा….. आ हा……..

    यो प्यारो हाम्रो मातृभुमी नेपाल

    बहुल जाती, भाषा,
    धर्म, संस्कृति छन विशाल
    आउ आउ गाउ गाउ ।
    अग्रगामी राष्ट्र हाम्रो,
    जय जय नेपाल।
    आउ ..आउ ..गाउ ..गाउ ….
    झ्याप झ्याप ….

  68. hi my name is tenzin i am tibetan but i was born at kathmandu Nepal.When i was growing up i always have to sing nepali national anthem and i like it and it has really good sense of rythem and meaning ,which came from ancestor but now when i heard this new nepali natinal anthem for the first time ,it doesn’t make any sense and there’s no rythem at all.So i am strongly recommend that please keep it the way it was (rythem) are but if you wanna change the lyrics that’s fine with me .So last but not least please make me happy , make somebody happy who been hearing his national anthem all his life and it’s been attached with my heart.thank you and please concern about this big issue don’t ignore it.thank you.

  69. I became very sentimental by listening this anthem. We are proud of Amber Gurung and Byakul Maila, who in the history of Nepal, produced the songs of people,unity and integrity of country.

  70. yo naya rastriya gaan le nepali haru lai barnan garya chha, raja lai haina, so its very nice to have our national anthem describing ourselves

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