ज्ञानेन्द्रको हातबाट सुनको तक्मा पाउने 'भाँडा माझ्दै'

-श्रवणकुमार खनाल/ फिनल्यान्ड-

अबका केही दिन मै फेरि थुप्रै विद्यार्थीले सुनको तक्मा भिर्दैछन्। अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय साक्षरता दिवसका बेला यसरी सुशोभित हुनेहरुले देश कै सम्मानित व्यक्ति भएको महसूस गर्लान्। आर्जन गरेको ज्ञानबाट राष्ट्रलाई योगदान दिने र त्यसका निम्ति राज्यले पनि उचित वातावरण बनाउने आशा उनीहरुमा पलाउनु स्वभाविक हो। यस्तै महत्त्वाकांक्षाका साथ तत्कालीन राष्ट्रप्रमुखको हातबाट स्वर्ण पदक ग्रहण गर्ने यो लेखकचाहिँ एक वर्ष बित्न नपाउँदै फिनल्यान्डका व्यापारिक मल र रेस्टुरेन्टहरुमा भाँडा माझ्न र सरसफाइको काम गर्न व्यस्त छ। यहाँ भाँडा माझ्ने भन्नाले अधिकांश नेपालीले गर्ने कामलाई संज्ञात्मक रुपमा उल्लेख गर्न खोजिएको छ। स्नातकोत्तर गरे पनि हाम्रो पाठ्यक्रमले जीवनोपयोगी कुनै सीप नसिकाउने हुँदा अधिकांश नेपालीको रोजाइ यस्तै शारीरिक कामकाज बन्दै गएको छ।

म जनसंख्या विषयमा स्नातकोत्तर परीक्षामा सर्वप्रथम भएपछि देशमै केही गर्ने अवसर मिल्ला भन्नेमा आशावादी थिएँ र कामको खोजीमा धेरै भौँतारिएँ पनि। स्वभावैले बढी आकर्षित र सम्भावनाको क्षेत्र भनेको अध्यापन नै थियो। राजधानीका धेरै कलेजहरुमा बायोडाटा छर्दै हिँड्ने क्रममा निराशाभन्दा केही हात परेन। सरकारी कलेजहरुमा पार्ट टाइम शिक्षकको भर्ती कसरी गरिन्छ भन्ने कुरा जगजाहेरै छ। अझ थप रमाइलो दृश्य भनेको यसरी भर्ती भएको केही समयमा नै पेशागत हकहितका नाममा सडक आन्दोलनका अग्रपंक्तिमा यिनै अनुहार देखिन्छन् र बिस्तारै सारा शिक्षण संस्था नै यस्तै व्यक्तिका मुठ्ठीमा पुग्छ।

राजधानीका सरकारी कलेजमा अध्यापन गर्न पाउने आशामा बायोडाटा बाँड्दै हिँड्ने क्रममा एक प्रतिष्ठित कलेजका उपप्राध्यापकले गौरवका साथ मलाई भने- ‘हेर्नुस् यो चाङ तपाईँहरु जस्तैका निवेदन हुन्, यी मध्ये तपाईँजस्ता सर्वप्रथम व्यक्ति पनि छन्। यहाँ बुझाउनुको सट्टा युनियनमार्फत् आउनु भए चाँडो र बढी सम्भावना हुन्छ’

त्यसपछि मलाई महसूस भयो कि शैक्षिक क्षेत्र राजनीतिले कति दुर्गन्धित पारेको रहेछ। ममा ती महासयप्रति दुई प्रकारका भावना पलाए, या त उनी पनि त्यही बाटोबाट छिरेका थिए या प्रशासनप्रति राजनीतिक संगठनको फोहोरी दबाबप्रति उनको प्रहार थियो।

बाल्यकालदेखि नै आर्थिक विपन्नताको कारण जन्मथलो छाडेपछि आफैले भाग्यको रेखा कोर्दै यो स्थितिसम्म आइपुगेको थिएँ। यस्तो बेला सातामा कठिनसँग पाइने एक वा दुई घण्टी र प्रति घण्टी एक सय पैँतीस रुपैयाको जागिर खान पनि आफूलाई कुनै राजनीतिक संगठनप्रति समर्पण गर्नुपर्ने सुझाव मन परेन। बरु आफ्नो क्षमताको खिसी उडाएको महसूस हुन थाल्यो।

त्यसपछि स्वदेश मै काम गर्ने अभिलाषा मर्दै गए। धेरै नेपाली सरह विदेशप्रतिको मोह जाग्यो। नभन्दै फिनल्यान्डको एक विश्वविद्यालयको प्रस्तावले आकर्षित गर्‍यो। विकास तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्बन्ध विषयमा विद्यावारिधिसहितको स्नातकोत्तर त्यो कोर्सका निम्ति विश्वका २८ मुलुकबाट एक सय ५९ आवेदन परेका थिए। भर्ना लिइने जम्मा १७ वटा सिटमध्ये एसियाभरिबाट छनोट हुने एकमात्र विद्यार्थीमा पर्न सफल भएँ। त्यसपछि अहिले यतै अध्ययन गरिरहेको छु।

दुःखको पूरा, फिनल्यान्डमा शिक्षा पूरै निःशुल्क भएको हुँदा छात्रवृत्तिको त्यति राम्रो व्यवस्था छैन। त्यसैले आफ्नो खर्च धान्न विभिन्न काम खोज्नुपर्छ। विदेशमा क्षमताको कदर हुन्छ भन्ने कुरा सहजै प्रमाणित पनि भयो। मलाई प्राध्यापकले यहाँ आएको केही महिनाभित्रै आफ्नो अनुसन्धान र शिक्षण सहयोगीका रुपमा छनोट गरे। यहाँ यस्तो अवसर पनि विरलैले पाउँछन्। तर विडम्बनाको कुरा, यहाँ कर्मचारीको नियुक्ति निश्चित अवधिका लागि हुन्छ। नेपालमा जस्तो जसरी भए पनि घुस्ने अनि घुसेको भोलिपल्टदेखि पेसागत हकको नारा लाउँदै आन्दोलनमा उत्रने संस्कार यहाँका नागरिकमा पाइँदैन। हुन त यहाँ पनि सबै राजनीतिक दलका विद्यार्थी संगठन हुन्छन् तर तिनीहरुले नेपालमा जस्तो प्राध्यापक नियुक्ति गर्ने हैसियत राख्दै‍नन्। त्यसकारण जीवनोपार्जनका निम्ति बजारमा पाइने सबैखाले काम गर्न बाध्य हुनुपर्छ। यस्तै क्रममा नेपाली मानसिकतामा कुदृष्टिले हेरिने विभिन्न काम गर्ने क्रममा नेपालको शिक्षा क्षेत्रमा आफूले आर्जन गरेको उच्च सफलतासँग तुलना गर्दा मन खिन्न हुन्छ। मैले आफ्नो क्षमता बमोजिम नेपाल मै सेवा गर्ने अवसर पाएको भए आर्जन गरेको ज्ञान तथा सीपले देश विकासमा योगदान पुर्‍याउन सफल हुन्थँ। हुन त विदेशमा आर्जन गर्ने शिक्षाले मेरो ज्ञानको क्षेत्र अवश्य फराकिलो हुन्छ र अझै पनि आफ्नो अध्ययन अनुसन्धान पूरा भएपछि स्वदेश कै हितमा लगाउने धोको छ।

यस वर्ष परम्परादेखि वितरण गरिँदै आएको विद्याभूषणको नाम परिवर्तन गरिएको छ। वितरण गर्ने व्यक्ति परिवर्तन गरिएको छ। मिति बदलिएको छ। तर शिक्षा क्षेत्रमा रहेको अराजक स्थिति र उत्तरदायी तहमा रहेकाहरुको कार्यशैली परिवर्तन नभएसम्म अन्य परिवर्तनले कुनै अर्थ राख्दैन।

लोकतान्त्रिक बाटोमा अग्रसर नेपालले यस्ता विसंगतिहरुको बेलैमा पहिचान गरिदिए हामीपछिका स्वर्णपदकधारीले आफ्नो जन्मथलो मै सम्मानका साथ क्षमता अर्पित गर्न पाउने थिए। [कोसेली, पृष्ठ ३, १५ भदौ २०६३, कान्तिपुर पब्लिकेशन्सबाट साभार]


  1. thekai chha ni nepal ma m a gareko manche finland ayera m s c garnata paeko chha ..m s c mean maskaune sukaune and chamkaune…………it is good job……..

  2. Dear all nepali friends
    we need to do another revoluations in our country in term of sending exile to ganeydra, girija so on then we can build our country

  3. Hi

    any way its a part of life , if we have quality that it would be appreciated, that would be great n keep trying.


  4. I really feel pity on you Srawanji… but ZZZ you know nothing.. u must be selling urself on fake certificates…till the guys like you are in Nepal, talents will always vanish.. pls follow this story from my side… u are one of the characters in this story…

    It’s story of a gardener, a passionate gardener. From dawn till dusk he would work in his self owned garden. His motto was not to sell plants and flowers but to sell honey from the bees which were coming to his garden because of flowers. There were lots of flowers and lots of bees, honey, and butterflies. The garden environment lured everyone. Neighbors would envy on the gardener. One day suddenly he died.

    His heirs took the responsibility to run the garden and did the honey business. But they did not have any passion towards maintaining it. They were always searching some shortcut ways to make money. Though income from honey was sufficient, they needed extra to fulfill their extras…They started selling flowers especially to their neighbors. One day a neighbor came with a proposal to purchase the whole plant at a higher price. It was the thing the heirs had always wanted. They never knew what conspiracy the neighbors were weaving behind the proposal. The plants were also sold. The heirs became rich. But the bees were facing problem, they were not finding flowers to make honey. The heirs never bothered to look for the bees and honey; moreover, they were interested to sell the whole land if any good proposal would come. The bees did not see future in the garden and started leaving, moved to the place where there were flowers and started making honey there.

    As the days went by, the garden turned into barren land with no plants, no flowers, no honey, and no bees. A signboard saying LAND ON SALE was standing which was continuously mocking the soul of the gardener.

    Some months later it was heard that the heirs had a fight for selling the land. It was even heard that one of them was killed during the fight.

    Mero Nepal mero desh, pran bhanda pyaro cha….

  5. you sound very very pessimistic,there is nothing wrong on washing dishes after winning gold medal,its actually basic reality of every nepalese who is abroad,but keeping pictures and writing long article on it…what is so big deal?????? eslai nepali ma DAAS MANASIKTA BHANCHAN frankly i didnot like your views and article
    peace n love
    a nepali in norway washing dishes

  6. श्रवण जी
    तपाई को कथा पढेर दुःख लाग्यो | त्येती ठुलो पदक पाउँदा पनि, त्यों पनि ज्ञानेंद्र को हात बाट, त्यस्को कदर नेपाल मा कदर नहुनू साचैं नै दुख को कुरा मान्नू पर्दछ | तर गाँठी कुरा के भने यूनिवर्सिटी को पढ़ाई सकेर बास्ताविक जीवन मा संघषॅ गर्न त्यो पदक कुनै काम लाग्दैन | यो कुरा म आफ्नो अनुभव को आधार मा लेखी रहेको छू | तपाई ले जस्तै मैले पनि त्यो पदक पाएको थियँ | पढ़ाई सके पछि कही बर्ष काठमांडू मा जागीर गरे | त्यस पछि अमेरिका पढ़न आए | Assistanceship पाएको हुनाले तपाई ले जस्तो भांडा माँझ्नू त परेन तर परेको भएपनी कुनै ठुलो कुरा हुने थीएन | अहिले पढ़ाई सकेर अमेरिका कै यूनिवर्सिटी मा पढाउने काम गर्दै छू | मेरो यस यात्रा मा, नेपाल मा सानो तीनो जागीर पाउन मा कही सहयोग भये पनि त्यो पदक भन्दा पनि मैले TU मा पढदा सिकेको कुरा नै बढी काम लाग्यो | त्यसकारण TU बाट पदक पाएर पनि भांडा माँझ्नू परयो भनेर दुःख मनाउँ गर्नु भन्दा पनि जति मेहनत गरेर TU मा फर्स्ट हुनु भएको थियो त्यत्तिकै मेहनत Finland मा आफ्नो पढ़ाई मा गर्नु भएको भए तपाई को उद्दार हुने थियो जस्तो लाग्दछ | बाकीँ तपाई को मर्जी |

  7. I donot like to criticize to anyone on that matter.But my points are that,there is vast difference between examination life and practical life. winning gold medal in the exam is good thing but gold medal is not the only dimension to measure the quality and efficiency of the candidate.After winning gold medal the winner should show his/her talency and skill to prove that S/he really deserves it.If you can not show your skill to prove that you really deserve it then it is said that you have won the gold medal in a fluke only.
    So dear friend, donot wash your dirty linen in the public place. it decreases your credibility
    We are known by our deed not by goldmedal.so try to do something remarkable and noticeable in the society.This increases your value.

  8. mula nepal ma kam garera khana laj lago ani bidesh janu paro bhanne natak garne haru dharai chan. tyo madhe timi pani yek hau.kam gardai ma koi sano hudaina.rayo,Goldvedalist ko kura-Testa gold medalist haru kaha gaye,gaye.thulo kura kam ko,kurukaa kam garnu,chaye tyo nepal hos ya finland or america kin ni na hos.

  9. I would like to appreciate all comments regarding my article “Nepalko Swarnapadak ra Bideshko Bhada Majhai”. I agree with all opinion presented and respect them. At the same time, I would like to clarify some points to make my message more meaningful. First of all, I have blame neither to TU nor to my nation. I am proud of being Nepali and salute my teachers and the institutions that drove me to this point. Secondly, the two paragraphs containing main message were unfortunately excluded by the editor. In those paragraphs I had emphasized how all forms of jobs are appreciated in developed countries and how Nepal is going to face a great crisis in terms of economic and human resources in near future. If anyone of us would like to read the original, i can forward the article sent to Kantipur. Finally, I myself believe that being topper does not necessarily carries best qualities in every sphere of life. However, I tried to point out what about the qualities of those who enters from the window while many others are in queue in front of the main door, and suddenly the door locked from inside. Thanks again for valuable idea.
    Shrwan Khanal

  10. Thanks writer you shows the reality of Nepali student.I don’t think that,you washed the dishes in Nepal.did you ? But you dint feel shy to wash the dish in Finland.And proudly wrote this article.Why don’t you return back and struggle in your own motherland?.IF you want to do some thing you have to start yourself.Don’t blame the educational institute.Why u learned for money ? IF not start to work from your village.Difinetly you will be great.

  11. श्रबन जी को लेखाइमा T- U लाई गाली गरेको जस्तो मलाई त लागेनहई , आफोनो अनुभब भने उहा ले राम्रोसन्ग राखनुभएको छ ,जून येथार्थ नै हो भने बेकारमा कीन उहालाई गलिगारने?

    म herka जी संग सहमत छू |

    ZZ जी तपैको तर्कामा दमछ भन्नेकुरमा मेरो असहमति छैन, तर तेस दमलाई अली सबैले पचाउन्सक्ने गरि पस्कने गरे कसो होला कुन्नी? अनी मलाई एउता बेक्तिगत जस्तो प्रस्न तपाइलाई सोध्न मन लागिरहेको के छ भने ” तपाई कसरी तर्कहरुको पुरी (तर्कपुरी) बन्नुभो हँ, ? ” नढाटी भन्नुसल?


  12. ZZ and Pokhareli ji haru,
    Good comments. I remember when I was a kid, I was in third position in race when there were only three runners. Can I be proud of being third in such competition? Bujhne lai yeti le kafi cha ? Kura tyehi ho, governmentle le kati lai zagir dina sakcha vanne kura, you have already witnessed in your find-land that most of employment are created by a private sector not by the government and hamro private sector ko dasha yesto cha.ani kata bata paucha ta job…so bhag bhag …nepali haru….desh lai dosh deu…free ma khau and khaye pachi khayeko plate of thukera hina….bhag bhag nepali haru…फोकट (free) मा खाऊ र खाएपछि खाएको थालमा थुकेरा भाग|एहीहो हाम्रो नेपालीपन |

    Jay Nepal !

  13. ZZ को कुरा मन पर्‍यो। मलाई भन्न मन लागेको कुरा चाँही – गोल्ड मेडल छ भन्दैमा सबैले ज्वाँई साब जस्तो गर्न पर्छ भन्ने छैन। हुती भए आँफै गरेर देखाउन सक्न पर्छ, अरुको मुख ताक्नु हुन्न। देशले लगभग निशुल्क पढाईदीई हाल्यो केरे, अरु के खोज्या हो? बिदेशमा राम्रो छात्रब्रिती पाउन मन्त्री को गोडा ढोग्न जानु पर्दैन। GRE र TOEFL मा टन्न मार्क्स हान्दिउँ त – हार्वार्ड युनिभर्सिटी ले बोलाउँछ स्वागत गरेर। नपत्याए त्यहा पढ्ने नेपालीहरु लाई सोध्नुस्, अमेरिकाका राम्रा स्कूलहरुमा सरकारी कोटामा मात्रै मान्छे गएका छैनन। प्रयास पुगेन तपाईंको, दोष TU लाई, यो त भएन नि।

    why not educated people can;t fight for bad things in own country ?why do they try to escape from nepal for fullfillment of self dream?who reforms the badeducation syster?GIRIJA OR MADHAV OR PRACHANDA OR…. OR ONE QUALIFIED NEPALESE……???WE PEOPLE ALWAYS TRY TO BLAM THE LEADER BUT WE ALWAYS FORGETING OUR OWN DUTY !!!! IT IS BAD …………

  15. Khanal ji has some points dirty politics (students being political agents) disturbs the education environment. In particular, masters level nepali students burn their own campus libraries. This is the worst example of Nepalese student politics. Having said all this zz has very good argument as well.

  16. I agree with Shrawan’s experience. He is a victim like several other topper students in Nepal who are not involved in any political organizations. He is mainly focussing on our recruitment system which is badly influenced by political connection, explicitly known to everybody.

    When I gruaduated from IOE Pulchowk, few years back, at that time we (including several students in front line) have also faced similar disappointment. And, there were few recruitments within the campus without fulfilling any procedure or being advertised for any vacancy, just due to political approach and connections. We also form a committee to fight against this recruitment. But the adminstrator did a very clever decision. He recruited the president of our committee as well and the committee finally collapsed. Hahaha…This is the reality of NEPAL.

    However, ZZ’s analysis has also strong points which can not be avoided.

  17. This is the reality of nepalese students but he is not the only one to do so .There are lot sof nepalese students doing so in western countries.ofcourse our country is not in that state to provide all job.But for this one can’t blame education system here.Nepalese students ARE DOING VERY well in foreign countries in academic field.If He has become dishwasher then he could do the same in his own country too.GOld medal is good for hanging in the wall only.What really counts is your capability to apply your knowledge.But we should also face the fact that due to political unstability our country is declining and many skilled and brilliant people are forced to go abroad.

  18. It was a nice comment from ZZ. I liked the analysis. But, in any case, Gold-medalists are either intelligent or diligent students. Mere cheating, one will not get gold medal as cheating is common practice in Nepal. In the practical world, smart people get ahead not a bare gold medalist.

    I liked European education system. I wish best of luck to Shravan ji.

  19. श्रवण जी,

    काम गरेरा खादा खिन्न मान्नू पर्ने कारण छैंन ! आज या भोली तपाईले खोजेको जस्तो काम पाउनुहुंछ!
    भाडा-माज्ने होस की झाड़ू-पोछा लागाउने होस, बर्गर-बनाउने होसकी पेट्रोल-भरने होस यी सबै काम संघर्ष को बेला गर्नु पर्छा!
    तेस्तो काम सायद तापाईको प्रोफेसोर ले पनि तेसको बेलामा गरेको हनु पर्छ, सोधेर हेर्नुस त?
    हामी र खैरे हरुमा फरक भनेको नै तेती मत्त्रई हो, हामी काम लाई इज्जत गर्न जान्दैनो, तिनिहरु जान्दछान.

    अनी, Praladh थापलिया जी, कुरा नबुझेको की बुझ पचायेको? श्रवण ले नेपाली युनिवर्सिटीलाई गाली गरेको छैना, त्याहाको कुसस्कार को बारेमा लेखेको मात्र हो!

  20. I like the comment of Mr ZZ. I am 100% agreed with you. In my life I never secure Gold medal. Because we all aware about pattern of TUs’ exam. But my situation is not bad even in Nepal and aboard. I need not to do BHADA MAJHNE job until now. I am getting same job as my qualification meets.

    Nepali keto

  21. Shravan jee,
    1.Well,if you had been selected out of 159 applicants to be in the top 17 candidates to study at higher level like Phd program,you could already have qualified to have some grants/scholarship and so ,that must be enough and you do not need to worry to earn some extra amount.
    2.Ok , you were in rank 1 in your batch ,Besides Government colleges, why did not you try to other private organization ,NGO,INGO to secure your need.I am sure that there are still a number of oppertunities for those who are academic,diligent,social and dynamic.

  22. श्रवणजी तपाइको कुरामा म सहमत हुन सकिन किन भने

    १) नेपालमा थोरै बाहेक अधिकांश विषयहरुमा घोकन्ते वस्तादहरुले धेरै नम्बर ल्याउँछन, र सुनको तक्मा भिर्ने योग्यता राख्तछन, त्यो पनि कापिजाँचमा कुनै लापरवाहि भएन भने मात्र । परीक्षा मुल्याङ्कन प्रणाली खराव भएर रिजल्ट सँधै तलमाथि हुने र प्रतिस्पर्धिहरुवीच पहिलो स्थान जित्दा चिट्ठा परेसरह महशुस हुने विद्यार्थि जमातका वीच धेरै नम्बर ल्याउने बिद्यार्थि नै सबैभन्दा योग्य हो भनेर मान्न सकिने अवस्था छैन ।

    २) ज्ञानेन्द्रको हातबाट सुनको तक्मा (के खाएर सुनको तक्मा हुनु? सुन जस्तो देखिने जलप लागेको धातुको तक्मा भनुँ न) पाएकोमा अहिले हीनभावना रहे पनि त्यो बेला त्यहि तक्माको लागि छुट्टै दरखास्त हालिएकै थियो होला कि नाई ? रिजल्ट भइसकेपछि तक्मा पाउन फाराम भरेर दरखास्त हालेन भने तपाइले तक्मा पाउनु नै हुन्न । अर्कैले उछिट्याउँछ ।

    ३) सुनको तक्मा पाएकै कारण आफुलाइ विशिष्ठ ठान्ने मनस्थिति पाल्ने हुनाले धेरैले सुनको तक्माधारीहरुलाइ जागीर दिनुभन्दा नदिनु नै बेश भन्ठान्छन । सुनको तक्माधारीहरुमा अर्को प्रवृत्ति एउटा के छ भने आफु नेपालमा नबिके पनि बिदेश जान सकिहाल्छु भन्ने घमण्ड रहेको हुन्छ, जुन घमण्ड उनीहरुले मुखले नबोलेपनि अनुहार भावभङिमामा झल्केको हुन्छ । यसले गर्दा जागीर दिन चाहनेहरु पनि बिच्केर जागीर नदिने गरेको उदाहरण मैले आफैले देखेको छु ।

    ४) जागीर दिनसक्नेले सुनको तक्माधारीहरु बिदेश जाने मेसो नमिलुञ्जेल टाइमपासको निमित्त जागीर खोज्न आएका हुन भन्ठान्दिने हुनाले त्यहाँ विश्वासको संकट पनि छ । त्यसैले उनीहरु सुनको तक्माधारी लोसेहरुभन्दा ठिकठिकै नम्बर ल्याउने फुर्तिलो उम्मेदवार छनौट गर्छन ।

    ५) संसारभरि नै जागीर दिदा चिनेजानेको मान्छे छान्ने प्रचलन छ । यसको निमित्त सिफारिश र नेटवर्किङको जरुरत जहाँसुकै पर्छ, नेपालमा यसलाइ राजनीतिकरण गरीने हुनाले केहि बिकृती अवश्य छ, तर यहि राजनीतिकरण नै खरावि हो भनेर आफुमा भएको कमजोरीलाइ सुनको तक्माले ढाकछोप गर्न सकिन्न ।

    ५) हाम्रो शिक्षाको खरावि भनु वा के भनु – सरासर पढ्नु, पढ्न पुगेपछि पढाउनु लाइ आदर्श मान्ने हुनाले २-४ ठाउँमा बायोडाटा देखाउदै पढाउन खोज्ने र सजिलै जागीर नपाउने बित्तिकै नेपालमा काम गर्ने मौका नै पाइन भनेर बक्दै हिड्ने चलन पनि छ । मलाइ चै यस्तो सोचाइ राख्नेहरुले नेपालमा जागीर नपाएकै राम्रो भन्ने लाग्छ । किन कि, त्यसपछि जागीर खोज्न बाहेक केहि न केहि गर्नै पर्ने हुन्छ र जिन्दगी के हो भन्ने अनुभव गर्ने मौका पनि मिल्छ ।

    ६) मानिलिउ श्रवणजिले जागीर पाएको भए के हुन्थ्यो ? उहाँले धेरै मेहनत गरे आफुले जाँच दिन घोकेको पाठ नबिगारी अरुलाइ घोकाउनु हुन्थ्यो होला, नत्र त्यति पनि गर्नु हुन्न थ्यो । जागीर पाएन, बिदेश जाने सोचाइ फुर्यो, निश्चितै रुपमा तपाइ अहिले फराकिलो संसारको अनुभव गर्दै नयाँ नयाँ कुरा सिक्दै हुनुहुन्छ ।

    ७) सुनको तक्मा देखाउदैमा फिनल्याण्डले ज्वाँइसाहेप जस्तरी बोलाएन होला के रे । आवेदन हाल्नै पर्यो, प्रक्रिया पुर्याउनु पर्यो, सिफारीश पत्र, बैंक ब्यालेन्स, दरखास्त दस्तुर, प्रहरी रिपोर्ट आदि इत्यादि दुनियाँ कागजपत्र जोरजाम गर्नै पर्यो, ती सबै काम एकै रातमा भएन होला के रे, महिनौ लाग्यो होला । नढाँटि गन्ने हो भने जागीर खोज्न खर्चेको महिनाहरु बिदेश जानलाइ चाहिने कागजपत्र जम्मा गर्दै बितेको हुनु पर्छ, ल हो कि होइन ?

    ८) बिदेश जानलाइ कहाँ के कस्तो ब्यवस्था छ सोधखोज गर्नै पर्यो, बाँच्नलाइ काम गर्नै पर्यो । के यी सबै उपहारहरु त्यहि जागीर नपाएको हुनाले नै पाएको होइन त ? अमुल्य अनुभवका यी उपहार पाउनलाइ सुनको तक्मा पाउनजस्तै दरखास्त हाल्न त परेन नि । कि कसो ?

    ९) अहिले विदेशमा पढाइ भनेको के हो बुझ्ने मौका पाउनु भो होला, अनुसन्धान र स्वाध्यायन नगरी मास्टरले दिएको नोट र गेसपेपर घोकेर नम्बर ठोकिने पढाइसित अहिलेको पढाइ दाँज्ने मौका पाउनुभो होला ।

    १०) यो लेखमा ठुला ठुला आरोप लगाएर आफ्नो डम्फु बजाएपनि मैले बुझेअनुसार तपाइले पत्रिकामा प्रकाशित पद र खुल्ला प्रतिस्पर्धामा आवेदन हाल्नु नै भएन । यतिकै आफै लुरुलुरु बायोडाटा बाँड्दै हिड्दा जागीर पाउनु पर्ने भन्ने त संसारमा कहि पनि छैन ।

    ११) विदेशमा क्षमताको कदर हुन्छ भन्ने सुनको तक्माधारीको क्षमता चाहि भाँडा माझ्ने काम ? कि भाँडा माझ्ने पढाइमै सुनको तक्मा पाइएको भन्ने खोज्नु भो ? कि नेपालको पढाइले शिक्षण सहयोगी बनाएर पठाए पनि अहिले आएर योग्यता डिमोशन भएर भाँडा माझ्ने हैसियतमा झरेको छु भन्ने अर्थ पो निस्क्यो, यसो त नहुनु पर्ने !!

    १२) र अन्त्यमा, जन्मथलोको स्वर्णपदक जन्मथलोकै सहकर्मिलाइ शान दिनको लागि नभै आफै पढेको थलोलाइ नानाभाँति गाली गर्नका लागि नभै, जन्मथलो भन्दा धेरै फराकिलो ठाउँसम्म फड्को मार्न सकोस भन्ने हेतुले दिइएको होला भन्ने सोचौ, तपाइको बायोडाटामा गोल्ड मेडालिष्ट लेखिएकै कारण तपाइ बिशेष ग्राह्यतासाथ छनौटमा पर्न सक्नु भयो, नत्र तपाइ हिड्ने गोरेटो आजको यो स्थान भन्दा निश्चितै रुपमा फरक हुनेथियो । त्यो नभुलौ ।

  23. यि लेखकले फिन्ल्याण्डमा त फेरी प्रोफेसरले उनको क्षमता देखेर तुरुन्तै उनको अनुसन्धान सहयोगि मा नियुक्ति गरे भनेर लेखेका छन्|अनि एसिया भरिबाट २५ जना मध्येमा छनौट भए भनेर पनि लेखेका छन्|ति सबै क्षमता चाहि कताबाट हासिल गरेका रहेछन् ए| नेपालकै युनिभर्सिटिमा पढेरै त्यहा पुगे अहिले नेपालकै युनिभर्सिटिलाइ गालि गर्दैछन्|

  24. Terve Srawan ji…..

    hehhe you are right. Sometimes I feel that GoldMedal is laughing at me. Meaningless medal, neither I can change with vegetable, nor honored. Exactly you brief the pain of nepalese student. May be most of us are working but have we even realized the difference of education system between these developed countries and Nepal. We are handicapped due to our education system, we have certificate but really we have inadequate knowledge and skill. Our curriculum doesn’t make us competent……. anyway, all of us who are gaining certificate in the developed world have to think about our academic system, which make us competent and hope our next generation shouldn’t leave the motherland for dish washing………. Jai Nepal

  25. Dear Mr. Khanal,

    It is apparent that unskilled students of all developing as well as some students from developed countries are working symbolically so called BHADA MAJNE job to some extend. However there are many students who are studying are researching without doing these jobs even from our country, Nepal. I can submit the list of students who are not working BHADA MAJNE Job. In my personal opinion, you are ready to do anything for money discarding your academic background or you may not be capable enough to seek a right job equivalent to your academic certificate. So far the medal you received in Nepal and your BHADA MAJNE job in Finland, there is no any relation.
    The interesting thing is that either you are boasting yourself or you are humiliating yourself and your study of Population Studies. I could not figure out exactly.
    As a commentator above mentioned the sky is not limited. If you are creative and capable, we can find some space anywhere.

  26. This is for Mr. Bishnnu,
    If someone come on USA or any european country by proving that he/she can afford all the living expences and tution fee with fraud document, and then he/she works on gas station/ mcdonal, whose fault is this? I have no any sympathy those who working on Gas station or mcdoanl. That was their decision to come and work. There is nothing to regret. Still they can go back to Nepal and take very cheap educaion on TU which is better than gas station or mcdonal. People are working on gas station or mcdonal because they want to make more money and they want to enjoy ok. So nothing to regret.

  27. This is for Mr. Bishnnu,
    If someone come on USA or any european country by proving that he/she can afford all the living expences and tution fee with fraud document, and then he/she works on gas station/ mcdonal, whose fault is this? I have no any sympathy those who working on Gas station or mcdoanl. That was their decision to come and work. There is nothing to regret. Still they can go back to Nepal and take very cheap educaion on TU which is better than gas station or mcdonal. People are working on gas station or mcdonal because they want to make more money and they want to enjoy ok. So nothing to regret.

  28. So far I have knowledge that studying in Finland, Norway and Sweden doesn’t cost any tuition fee however,the student has to cover his living expenses which is really not affordable by everyone. In case of Shrwan jee, I assume he has this privilege. I agree with Balak Babooro. People who pass masters or whatever they expect higher position in any kind of job without experience. Experience should be gathered from the ground level not from the top level.This is what we have drawback ourself and find only a way to denounce the education system. I have also experienced the education system of Europe but the difference I found is that students take breaks after completion of undergraduate study and accumulate substantial experience in the field work. It depends on the person how s/he conducts his academic knowledge into real life practice.
    On the otherhand, I also know that every academic and professionl field needs references however, Nepalese society is more dominated by politics.

  29. The point is taken!

    But I do not agree with the relevance of citing himself as an “example” to make a point that nepali universities, especially TU, mass produce unemployable educated work force.

    The author not only got an admission in a graduate school, but also got a teaching associate position to pursue his acdemic career.Those achievements and opportunities , I strongly believe, are solely based on his masters education he got from TU.

    I think it is a careful ploy utilized by the author for the self promotion. As I said earlier, it is just citing himslef as an example is inappropriate in the light of hundreds of TU graduates actually doing dishwashing all over the world.

  30. let’s learn from being dishwasher..
    in 20 years if our country get in right track so we can bring change and we all nepali are busy with learning and having good time and ofcourse being independent… casue we have to do “TOMORROW”
    we don’t have time to go to raiots,
    we don’t have time to discuess about politics..
    so here are the one link what we did last summer in america..
    enjoy life everyday.. no matter what you got to do…
    Got to do, what i got to do…
    don’t say no “nai nabha-na”

  31. The medal which you have is not related to your job in Finland. Its real that the education system in Nepal is not optimal. In the sense that most of the foreign universities including European universities requires 18 years of education before starting PhD. Being a PhD student in Europe (Germany) and since I am also getting stipendium (that is scholarship). I do not think amount of money which they are providing to student is not enough until and unless you join disco, bar, pub and so on. The reality is that you do not have permission to work if you are a scholarship holder. In my view either writer wants to earn more money or he do not have any scholarship (just a admission to the university)but this also cound not be as far as I know almost all the professors takes PhD students only when there is enough project with them and have sufficient money to give student as a scholarship.

    At last I want to tell you that the medal which you have got was totally not related to King you should be proud of it. The medal which you got is a symbol of your success.

  32. I really appreciate comment by Balak Buburo. You are hundred percent right. Securing first position itself is not important. I have extperience that I ranked around 20th position in my undergrad among 110 students. But when the actual practical life came I became first in the exam conducted by Public Service Commission. I was able to relaese my name in all advertisements made by Lok sewa aayoag. The interesting thing is non of the topmost students ( Rank 1st to 10) could become successfull in Lok sewa aayao. Tesaile certificateko matra dhakku lagaune haina. You need practical knowledge. Keep in mind. Do not blaim your country should you do not get job. When I become the selector I will not care the position and total percent. I actually consider how independent,practical,social, ingenious a person is. In addition I also see his/her leadership skill etc etc. tesaile certificate bhayara bhada majhna janu tapaiko lacharipana bhanda kehi pani haina.Afno job afaile khojnu parchha deshle haina. I have also been to Europe and North America for more than ten years and I know how it works in those continents.

  33. I liked the comment by ‘Balak Baburo.’

    I am surprised to see the narrow mindedness of this so called gold medalist! Is teaching only the oppernunity?

    You need to find oppertunities, create oppernuties. If you are creative, sky is the limit. Do not blame TU, or Nepal. Blame yourself. Broaden your tunnel vision.

    Or, Mr Khanal, are you boasting your gold medal using the HOt words like GYANENDRA, BHADA MAJHNE, etc.?

  34. Many people think that its a “brain drain” but no-one realize the torture and the struggle nepali students are having in and out of the country.
    This is the real story.
    I think the time has come for nepal to realize that many talented students are doomed to serve in other countries and that if given a chance and environment, they can do much better in Nepal.

  35. Reality!! Add me in your list dude.. and stop being philosophical.. Nepali education system/ political system sucks.

  36. Ma yasari Nepalko education systemlai dosh dina chahanna. theoritical knowledge matra bhyara hudaina.practical knowledge pani chahinchha ani josh jagar aat, and luck.yi sabaile manisko pragatima effect parchha. I am wandering why people commenting badly on education system of Nepal. We have a lot of great and well recognised scientist across the world who graduated from Nepal. Yes it is apprent that politics is dominating in every aspect.However, do not criticize education system. Education sector is growing fast compared to other sector. this is the best system with regard to economic condition of Nepal.

  37. Ma yasari Nepalko education systemlai dosh dina chahanna. theoritical knowledge matra bhyara hudaina.practical knowledge pani chahinchha ani josh jagar aat, and luck.yi sabaile manisko pragatima effect parchha. I am wandering why people commenting badly on education system of Nepal. We have a lot of great and well recognised scientist across the world who graduated from Nepal. Yes it is apprent that politics is dominating in every aspect.However, do not criticize education system. Education sector is growing fast compared to other sector. this is the best system with regard to economic condition of Nepal.

  38. Academic Oriented तपाइ जस्ता 1st class हरुले University मा लेक्चरर नपाएको विषयलाइ यति ठूलो कुरा वनाएको देखेर मलाइ कुनै आश्चार्य लागेन । किनकि नेपालका University हरुमा Demography सम्वन्धि अध्यन अध्यापननै कति ठाउंमा होला र तपाइजस्ता नयां पासेहरुलाइ तत्कालै Accomodate गर्ने वातावरण वनेको होस् । तर Demography विषयका Research Oriented जनशक्तिहरुको आवश्यकता र मूल्य नेपालमा कति छ भन्ने विषयमा कैहिल्यै घोत्लिनु भएको छ ? अहिलेसम्म कतिवटा अनुसन्धान Proposal वनाउनु भयो र Research grant का लागि सम्वन्धित Agencies मा अनुरोध पठाउनु भएको छ ? Capable हरुका लागि सवैतिर Oppertunity हरु हुन्छन भने अन्यले एक घण्टा पढाएर वाकि समस गफ चुटेर खानपाइने Lecturer को Post अपेक्षा गर्ने गर्छन र नपाएको खण्डमा राज्यलाइ ना-नाभातीबाट सराप्ने प्रचनल कुनै नौलो हैन । रह्यो कुरा Politics र हकहितका लागि आन्दोलनको पक्ष, त्यो त नेपालका University हरुमात्र पिरस्थितिबाट कसरी अछुत रहन सक्छन् ? जवकि Democracy का नाममा यस्ता क्रियाकलापका लागि अहिले नेपाल विश्वकै अब्बल दर्जामै गनिन्छ हैन र ? ल ल जे होस विदेशमा वसेरै भएपनि कम्तिमा भाडा त माझ्न पाउनुभएको रहेछ, त्यसका लागि वधाइ छ । अन्त्यमा:
    “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”
    -by John F. Kennedy – January 20th 1961

  39. Umesh Jee, I went through this video and blog, I am not sure whether this person has graduated with MA population studies in first division. By the way, could the related person mention when you did your MA??? I mean which batch you belong to ?

    10th Batch CDPS

  40. यस्तै छ नेपाल को शिक्षा यीनी लेखक मात्रै होइनन यी जस्ता धेरै मा निस देख्न पाईन्छ आज्कल अष्ट्रेलियामा र सबैको आँखामा निरासा अनी पिडा पर्स्टै झल्किन्छ । हामी धेरै पनि तेस्ताइ खाले बेक्ती हौ नेपाल मा मास्टर लेवल सकेर पनि यहाँ ड्डिप्लोमा पढिरहेका छौ जुन रहर मात्रै नभएर वाध्यत्मक परिस्थिती हो । एक पटक मैले टि,यु बाट Ph. D. गरिसकेका लुइटेल थर गरेका डक्टरले रत्न्नपार्क मा नाङ्लो पसल गरी बसेको भेटेको थीये उन्को पछाडि बिद्याबारिधी को प्रमाण पत्र हासिरहेको थियो एस्ता धेरै उदाहरणहरु छन जुन यहाँ उल्लेख गर्नु सम्भव छैन । यस्तै छ यहाँ को कथा दु:ख अनी टिठ लाग्दो छ ब्यथा कस्लाई दोस दिने ? कसैलाई केही भन्दिन दाई मैले करीमको खेल भन्ने बिमा कुमारी दुराको पुरानो गीत गाउनु बाहेक के नै पो गर्न सकिन्छ र? हाम्रो कुरा सुनिदिने मान्छेनै को छ र ? असल शासन,भ्रस्ट्चार, घूस्खोरितन्त्र, नाताबाद्,क्रिपाबाद अनी शिक्षा लाई राजनीति बाट अलग्याउन सकेमात्रै केही सुधार होला अन्एथा धमाधम स्रीजना, सर्जकहरु बिदेश पलाएन भएभने खै कसरी नयाँ नेपाल त परै जावोस खाका पनि तयार हुँदैन।

  41. @leo!
    if candidates for a position are selected based on personal relation, relation to politician or based on bakshis, then a person like this who got medal has no chance. Either you have no idia about real situation in nepal or yor are born manager. have you idia how many nepalese students are studying in USA by side job at MCdonald. your comments are very flippant. you have to think more before writing.

  42. You could have numerous job if you looked in depth in different angles.If you are correct how are so many people living in Nepal.Its your choice to be dish washer and I have seen many medalist,Doctors, and engineers,lawers, who holds job in Nepal and are living in USA as dishwasher and indian stores.
    Any way good luck for your D.W. And degree.

  43. Article sounds little fabricated and beating his own trumpet. Of course, there are some problems in Nepal, however, there is not as chaos as the writer says. It does not mean that I am not a supporter of the political engagement in any field.
    All Nepalese studying abroad are not working so called 3D jobs as writer symbolically says BHADA MAJNE. I think if we are capable we will get a right place anywhere in the world. Let us not condemn our nation that we could not get opportunity and we got ‘…XYZ… at foreign country. It is an appreciable for working in abroad as a researcher. You guys run away from nation, and complain from abroad. Sounds funny.
    Another funny thing is that getting an award from king earlier and now showing it as a useless stuff.
    Any way, article is realistic picture of an educated person of a poor country.

  44. श्रवण जी तपाईको लेख सत्य र राम्रो लाग्यो तर फिन्ल्यान्द मा काम गरेर पढ़नु परेको मा दुखी हुन अवासेक छैंन म पनि साइड बाई काम गरेर नेपलामा डिग्री पुरा गर्दै थीय तर विधार्थी ले पढ़ाई को सट्टा लेक्चर लाई पैशा दियेर कुएस्शन आउट गर्न लगाउने, केवल १० क्लास पास भयेका ले इंडिया बाट नकली प्रमाणपत्र लिएर डिग्री मा पढ़ाउने कारन ले मन बिग्रेर साहू बाट पैसा सपट लिएर ऑस्ट्रिया आई तपाई ले झै होटलमा भाडा माझेर इलेक्ट्रानिक्स मा डिग्री गरी अहिले एउटा राम्रो कंपनी मा काम गर्छू देसको सेवा को लागी मेरो तलव को केही %, म जस्तई गरीव कटा केटी को पढ़ाई को लगी खर्च गर्दछू तेशैले विदेशमा दुःख गरी पढेर पनि देशको सेवागर्न मिल्ने रहेछ
    विष्णु Vienna/Austria

  45. Some of the facts mentioned in this articles are correct, but there is no relation between the medal and his job. there are several student without medal but doing great job, some of the facts are really conveincing but if he could not find a good job in findland, then it is not the fault of his education or his medal through Ganendra, it is his problem. I would like to ask writer personally, why did you go to Findland? why did you search job in KTM?, Why did not you go to your village and start some small business or find some job?
    My answer for that is you wanted to make more money? You wanted to be boss?

    Another things the writer should realize that to be a gold medalist and to get a qualified job is completely different. Not necessarily a gold medalist can perfom better in professonal field. At that time all the company or college or university can just fire him. I completely agree that the education system in Nepal is getting worse due to the student politics but the knowledge of student and course of study is almost equal and better than most of US universities, it is my personal experiences!!!

    If the writer is not qualified to get a better job, then he is just qualified for dish cleaning in Findland. Do not ever blame the medal or the education you got from Tribhuvan University. How much did you spend for your entire 17 yrs of education in Nepal? Almost Zero rupee right. You got 17 yrs of education form nepalese governemnt for free of cost and what did you do for nepalese government? Think agin before writing.

  46. A real picture of nepali education,not everybody wants to acknowledge even less wants to expose.

    You really hit the nail on the head , nepal definitely need educational reform asap. The trend producing garbages from universities must end.Nation’s fate and it’s destiny very much depends on the quality of education it provides. As it is proven worldwide better the education system a country has , easier for them to prosper. The quality of education produces better leaders hence country can have a stable politics which inturn helps populace focus on socio-economic activities.

    As everybody is barking ‘new nepal’, the true reform should be start from te education system. Things welearn must be useful when we work and it must help people live better life not just giving some theoritical knowledge which absolutely have no use in real life.The over influence of politics in the universites must be limited or even avoided if possible.Students must learn useful matters then even if they donot want/cannot find a job can have their own work. As it is the case in most of the developed countries they learn things what they will use in their professional life which makes education the most important phenomenon.Lesser the education lower your economic status!!

    We must voice together for educational reforms, it must be done from the primary levels to the post graduate level, then only we can expect some progress in our beloved nation. It certainly takes time but the revolution and change a country gets from education would be permanent and stable one unlike our Andolan sequels, I, II,III, IV….

    We need reform in our education sector for mutual understanding,international status, social harmony, political stability,economic prosperity and the most important of all human development!!

    Hope intellects in this forum would continue to press ahead with this very important issue, which can infact realy make our NEW NEPAL dream TRUE!!

  47. This article touched my heart. I was a similar victim of Congressi rule. I also had gold medals in MSc, and PhD. Leaving the only option of joining Maobadi to take care of such treatment, I preferred to leave the country to seek employment.
    I love and miss my motherland, but I could not join Maobadi.

  48. This is reality.

    Nepalma swarna padak paeko bhanera bahira gae pachhi dhak fukaera bhanna sakne sthiti chhaina.

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