विकासका व्यवहारिक आधारहरु

-कर्ण शाक्य-
केही दिन अघि मैले ‘कान्तिपुर’मा “समय, सत्य र सम्झौता” शीर्षकको एउटा लेख लेखेको थिएँ। त्यसलाई केही परिमार्जन गरेर समसामयिक राजनैतिक, सामाजिक एवम् आर्थिक क्षेत्रमा अरु देशहरुले के गरिरहेको छ र उनीहरुको तुलनामा हामी कति पछाडि पर्‍यौँ भन्ने बारे मेरो अवधारणा यहाँ प्रस्तुत गर्न चाहन्छु। “माइ संसार डट कम” का हजारौं पाठकवर्गहरु संसारको विभिन्न विकसित एवम् विकासोन्मुख देशहरुमा काम गरिरहेका छन्। र, माइ संसार डट कमको माध्यमबाट देशको दुर्गति देखेर चिन्ता व्यक्त गरिरहेका छन्।

हामी सबै चिन्तित छौं हाम्रो देश विकास नभएकोमा। अथाह स्रोत र साधन भएर पनि नेपालले किन विकास गर्न सकेन ? टोनी हेगनले एकचोटी भनेका थिए- १९५० को दशकसम्म नेपाल र दक्षिण कोरियाको आर्थिक अवस्था एउटै थियो। अहिले कोरिया कहाँ पुग्यो र हामी कहाँ छौं ? यसै सन्दर्भमा अरु देशले कसरी विकास गरे, के महत्वपूर्ण कदमहरु उठाए र त्यसको धरातलीय आधारहरु के हुन, ती महत्वपूर्ण विकासका आधार र बूँदाहरु Bottom line संकलन गरेर मैले एउटा सानो पुस्तिका तयार पार्ने विचार गरेको छु। हामी जहाँ बसेपनि आफ्नो मातृभूमिको बारेमा सधैं चिन्ता गर्छौँ, यो हाम्रो गुण हो। हामीले आफ्नो देशको लागि प्रत्यक्ष वा अप्रत्यक्ष योगदान दिन सक्छौ र दिनु पनि पर्छ। तसर्थ तपाईँहरु जुन-जुन देशमा हुनुहुन्छ, त्यो देशमा कसरी विकास भइरहेको छ, त्यसको आधारहरु के, कस्ता छन् र हाम्रो देशको परिवेशमा कस्तो खालका धरातलीय एवम् व्यवहारिक प्रक्रिया अपनाउनु पर्ला, कृपया संक्षिप्त एवम् सरल भाषामा बूँदागत रुपले १५० शब्द वा एक पेज भन्दा नबढाइ कमेन्टमा लेखिदिनुहुनको निमित्त विनम्र अनुरोध गर्दछु। तपाईहरुको सुझाव नामसहित पुस्तिकामा समावेश गरिनेछ। सुझाव पठाउँदा कृपया विकासका उदाहरणीय आधारहरु मात्र पठाइदिनु होला। कृपया कुनै पनि नेता, पार्टी, बुद्धिजीवीलाई व्यक्तिगत वा पार्टीगत आलोचना नगरिदिनु समेत विनम्र अनुरोध गर्दछु। पुस्तिकाको मूख्य उद्देश्य विकसित मुलुकहरुमा भएको विकासका न्यूनतम आधार र प्रक्रियागत कुराहरु पढेर, जानेर, बुझेर र मनन् गरेर हाम्रो नेता, योजनाविद्हरु र स्वयम् सरकारले पनि नेपालको विकासको लागि केही प्रयास गर्न सकून् भन्ने हो, यो कुनै राजनैतिक, दार्शनिक, सामाजिक र मनोवैज्ञानिक अध्ययन, अनुसन्धान र अभ्यास होइन। धन्यवाद।

समय, सत्य र सम्झौता

सम्वृद्धि, सम्मुन्नति र सुखी समाज सहमति र सम्झौताको माहोलमा मात्र निर्माण हुन्छ। समय र सत्यको सम्वेदनशील सिमांकनलाई थाहा पाउन सकेन भने शक्तिशाली महावलीहरु पनि पराजित हुनसक्छ। यो इतिहासले मात्र होइन वर्तमान घटनाक्रमले पनि देखाइसकेको छ। आजको युगमा चुनौतिहरु जटिल छन् र यसको उपायहरु समयको यन्त्रमा लुकिरहेको हुन्छ। यो “टाइम मेसिन” सहमतिको “कि-वर्ड” बाट मात्र खुल्छ। जबर्जस्ती गर्यो भने संरचनाका सम्पूर्ण हार्डवेयर र सफ्टवेयर खत्तम हुन सक्छ। यदि समय र सत्यलाई आत्मसाथ गरेर उपयुक्त काम गर्ने वातावरण सिर्जना गर्न सक्यो भने भियतनाम र कम्बोडियाले जस्तै आधुनिक युगले तयार गरेका अत्याधुनिक विज्ञान र प्रविधिहरुमा टेकेर हामीले पनि विकासको छलाङ्ग मार्न सक्छौं ।

सिंगापुर पहिले एउटा सानो वन्दरगाह थियो। जहाज आउने बेला अलि चहल-पहल हुन्थ्यो, अरु बेला मानिसहरु माछा मारेर जीविकोपार्जन गर्थे। नाजुक आर्थिक अवस्थाका कारण पसलमा किन्न समेत नसकेर ग्राहकहरुले फुटपाथको पसलमा किन्ने गर्थे। कसले सोचेको थियो माझीहरुको त्यो सानो मुलुक चालिस/पैतालिस वर्षको अन्तरालमा आज विश्वको सबैभन्दा व्यवस्थित र विकसित हुन्छ होला भनेर ? समयको माग र सत्यको हाँकलाई चिन्ने र बुझने एउटा गतिलो नेता पायो भने देशले कति विकास गर्न सक्दोरहेछ।

तीस वर्षपहिले म मलेसियाको क्वालालाम्पुरमा जाँदा सारा शहर एउटा सडकमा सीमित थियो। संकीर्ण जातीय एवम् धार्मिक विचारधारा बोकेको यो देशले समय सापेक्ष आवश्यकतालाई अवलम्बन गरेर “अनेकतामा एकता” भित्रको अन्तर्निहित शक्तिलाई परिचालन गरे। र, मलेशियाले यति छिटो विकास गरे कि आज यो देश नेपालको लागि समेत अन्नदाता सावित भएको छ। पहिले थाइल्याण्ड एउटा कृषि प्रधान देश थियो। बैंककको मूल सडकहरुमै पसलेहरु कट्टु लगाएर अर्धनङ्ग भएर सेकुवा पोलेर बेचिरहन्थे। झ्वाट्ट हेर्दा यहाँका मानिसहरु नेपालीहरु जस्तै देखिन्छन। तर विकासको गतिमा कस्तो अन्तर – अहिले थाइल्याण्डको भौतिक संरचना र मानिसहरुको रहनसहन, तौर तरिका हेर्दा यो देशको सम्पन्नता कुनै पनि विकसित मुलुकको भन्दा कम छैन। राजनीति गर्नेहरुले राजनीति गर्दै रहे, अरुहरुले आ-आफ्नो जीवनशैलिलाई अनुशासित र जिम्मेवार बनाउँदै कुरा भन्दा बढी काम गरेर आफू र देशलाई समेत द्रुत गतिले विकास गर्दै लगे।

दस-पन्ध्र वर्ष पहिलेसम्म सय डलर भन्दा कम वार्षिक औसत आय भएको भुटानले आज एउटा नदीबाट बिजुली उत्पादन गरेर दक्षिण एसियाकै सम्पन्न राष्ट्र बन्न पुग्यो। यो कुरा सुन्दा दुःख लाग्छ। दुःख यो मानेमा होइन कि भुटानले प्रगति गर्यो, दुःख यो मानेमा कि हिमालै बोकेको नेपालले अहिलेसम्म जलविद्युतको क्षेत्रमा कुनै उपलब्धि हासिल गर्न सकेन। अथाह प्राकृतिक स्रोतले हामीलाई सधैं पर्खिरहे तर बिचरा नेपाली पानीले समयको मूल्यलाई प्रयोग गर्न पाएन र हाम्रो पानीका कण-कण भित्र लुकेका उर्जा मात्र होइन, मलिलो माटो समेत बगेर विरानो ठाउँलाई उर्वरा बनाउन पुगे।

अरु देशको त के कुरा गरौ, वर्षको चार महिना जलमग्न हुने अनिकालग्रस्त बंगलादेशले समेत अनेक आन्तरिक राजनैतिक मतभेदका बाबजुद पनि राष्ट्रिय हितको लागि विश्व बजारको मागअनुसार औद्योगिक विकासको बलियो जग बसाल्न सक्षम भएको छ। बंगलादेशले आफ्नो राष्ट्रिय स्वाभिमानको लागि आफ्नै “गड मदरसामु पनि झुकेन। जबकि हाम्रा मै हुँ भन्ने नेताहरु पनि आ-आफ्नो राजनैतिक स्वार्थको लागि परिजीवीपनको व्यवहार अपनाउन समेत हिच्किचाएनन्।

श्रीलंका स्वतन्त्र भैसकेपछि उनीहरुले ब्रिटिस साम्राज्यबाट विरासतमा पाएका केही सकारात्मक निजामति एवम् प्रशासनिक संयन्त्रलाई परित्याग नगरी समय सुहाउँदो गुणहरुलाई परिमार्जित गर्दै राज्यलाई स्थीर एवम् सबल बनाएर देश विकास गर्दै लगे। शत्रुकै भए पनि राम्रो कुरा ग्रहण गर्न सक्नु कमजोरी होइन, शक्ति हो। त्यसैले चालीस वर्षको गृहयुद्धको बाबजुद श्रीलंकाको विकासमा कुनै आँच आएन। परिवर्तनको नाममा समयले निखारिएका अतितका “टाइम अनर्ड” प्रावधानहरुलाई हटाएर विकासका अंकुरले जरा गाड्न सक्दैन।

चीनको त कुरै छाडौ। आज सारा विश्व यो देशको जल्दोबल्दो आर्थिक रापमा हात ताप्न प्रतिस्पर्धा गरिरहेको छ। कसले सोचेको थियो दस-पन्ध्र वर्ष पहिलेसम्म होटलमा नुहाउन बाल्टिनमा तातो पानी दिने अनि राति बचेको खाना तताएर अर्को दिनको लागि ब्रेकफास्ट दिने यो देशको कुनाकाप्चामा अहिले पाँच तारे मात्र होइन, सात तारे विलासी होटलहरु फालाफाल छन्। भेषभुषा र भाषाको साँघुरो इनारमा जिन्दगी बिताइराखेका चिनियाँहरु खर्पन बोकी धानबारीको कान्ला-कान्लामा हिड्डुल गर्ने गर्थे। आज उनीहरु विश्वको पर्यटन बजारमा सबैभन्दा महत्वपूर्ण ग्राहक बनिसकेका छन्। लोभ लाग्छ छिमेकी देशहरुको प्रगति देखेर।

केही हप्ताअघि म भारतको एउटा टेलिभिजन च्यानल हेदै थिएँ। उत्कृष्ट उद्यमिहरुलाई सम्मान गर्ने एउटा कार्यक्रममा भारतको अर्थमन्त्री पी. चिडाम्बरमको भाषणले मेरो ध्यान आकर्षित गर्यो। एसियाकै विख्यात अर्थशास्त्री एवम् योजनाविद् मानिने चिडाम्बरमले विशाल सभागृहमा कालो फ्रेमको चश्मा लगाई मुसुमुसु हाँस्दै हिउँजस्तो सेतो धोति लगाएर भाषण गर्दे भने, “आज भारतको कूल औषत वाषिर्क उत्पादन नौ प्रतिशतले वृद्धि भएको छ, भोलि दस होला, पर्सि एघार। तर यो मात्र हाम्रो सपना होइन। भारतको सपना दस वर्षभित्र विश्व विकासको तालिकामा दसौं स्थानभित्र पुग्नु हो।” उसले सुझाव दिए, “जानुस्, संसारको ठूल-ठूला बहुराष्ट्रिय कम्पनीहरु किन्नुस, बैंकहरु खोल्नुस, हलिउडलाई जित्नुस, विदेशी सञ्चार माध्यममा आधिपत्य जमाउनुस्, यसको लागि भारत सरकारले तपाईहरुलाई चाहिने मद्दत गर्नेछ। अनि हुन्छ भारतको सपना साकार।” अर्थमन्त्रीको त्यो आश्वासनले उद्यमिहरुको छाती कति चौडा भयो होला, सजिलै अनुमान गर्न सकिन्छ। म आफै पनि एकछिनको लागि त्यो प्रभावशाली भाषण सुनेर गम्भीर सोचमा डुबे। कसरी भारतको सरकारले आफ्नो नागरिकहरुलाई अन्तराष्ट्रिय बजारमा मालिक बनाउन कोशिस गरिरहेको छ, जबकी हामी आफ्नो दाजुभाइहरुलाई विदेशमा नोकर बनाउन पठाउँदैछौँ।

पन्ध्र वर्ष पहिलेसम्म नेपालमा भारतीय पर्यटकहरु आउँदा यहाँका ढोकापालेले समेत हेप्ने गर्थ्यो। ती भारतीय पर्यटकहरुले नया सडकमा एउटा सानो विदेशी माल किन्दा पनि बच्चाहरु जस्तै दङ्ग पर्थे। आज उनीहरु स्वदेशीपनमा शान गर्छन र भारतीय हुनुमा ु


  1. Walkable places

    A couple strted looking for their first home together, they wanted some thing different, ‘For me at least, that was the thing I missed most about college-just being able to walk every where.

    Young professionals like Jones andoxfeld, both 24 are driving a national trend toward more walkble communities, says the author of a report to be released.The report ranks the Washigton region first among the country’s major metropolitan areas in the number ‘walkable places ‘ per capita, thanks to changes just the past 15 year.

    Pusp Prasad Luintel
    Boston, U. S. A.

  2. Greenest city of America

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    Apart of the recently announced Austine climate protection Plan, all facilities, fleets and operations will be carbon-neutral by 2020 and 100 percent of city facilities will be powered by renewable energy by 2012. There will also be co2 caps and reduction plans for all utility emissions, something the federal government has notdared do. The city is ramping up to make both residential and commercial building codes the most energy-effeciant in the Nation, starting by making all new single- family homes ‘Zero net energy capable-‘meaning they could produce by 75 percent inall other new contruction. The clean Energy Incubator, sparked by the National Renewable Energy lab and managed by University of Texas at Austin, works closely with the power utility and serves as atest bed for badding startup companies to develop green technologies ranging from solar, biofuels and wind to Internet controlled irigation systems.

    Pusp Prasad Luintel
    Boston, U. S. A.

  3. शाक़्यजु
    देश कसरी बन्छ तेस्को धरातल खोज्न बिदेश हेर्न भन्दा पहिले नेपाल कै इतिहासलाई हेरे धेरै ग़्यान हासिल गर्न सकिन्छ | नेपाल मल्ल, लिच्छबि कालमा धेरै बिकसित थियो | सम्भवत मल्ल कालको नेपाल जतिको बिकसित ठाउ सन्सारमा अर्को यक दुइ ठाउ मात्र होला | त्येस बेला सबै जनाता खुसी सन्तुस्ती थिये, खान नपुग्ने कोहि थियेनन | अमेरिका देस नै नबनेको बेलामा भुपततिन्द्र मल्लले न्यातपौ देगल बनायेको थियो | सबैमा राम्रा भाव थियो, चोर फताह त थियेन होला कि सायेद मल्ल कालमा | मानिसहरु बढि भयेको पैसा पाति, सतल, देगल, पाखरी, इनार बनाउन्थे | मानिसलाइ खान नपुगेको भये त्येस बेला मानिस भन्दा देबताको मुर्ति कसरी बन्न सक्थे | ती सम्पदाहरु सयोन बर्स पछि पनि बिदेसी भित्र्याउन प्रयोग ग्ारि रखेका छन | अहिले पो मान्छेहरु पापी भये, नराम्रो बिचारका भये | पुर्खाले बनायेका सम्पदा बेचेर, नस्त गरेर पैसा कमाउने भये, बिदेस पुर्याउने गरे | तेसैले बिकासको उदाहरन हेर्न टाढा पुग्नै पर्दैन, हाम्रै देसको मल्ल काल हेरे पुग्छ |

    बिनोद सायमि

  4. Please read the wonderful comments by Aruna from Japan dated 13 October. Please try to send simple and pragmatic suggestion based on your observation in the country where you reside. Or you email me at [email protected] Karna Sakya

  5. समाजमा परिवर्तन ल्याउन सप्त क्रान्तिको आवश्यकता छ

    [१]अन्यायको बिरुद्ध लडाइ
    [२]अन्तराषट्र को गैर वरावरी विरुद्ध सङघर्ष
    [३]राषट्रको गैर वरावरी बिरुद्ध सङघर्ष
    [४]खर्चमा सीमा
    [५]गरीविको खिलाफ क्रान्ति
    [६ जाति प्रथाको अन्त विशेष अवसर दिएर
    [७]हर सम्वभव बराबरीको प्राप्तिका लागि निरन्तर सङर्षरत रहने

    Pusp Prasad Luintel
    Boston,U S A .

  6. The lucid and practical way:

    Political leadership and country’s development are interwined such way that without resolving or taking course the former, the later can not be made tangible.If athoratative capitalism as in Singapore or China or Chile is not feasible in Nepal,
    without going through the libral democracy, Nepal will go through the deadend.

    First thing first: As politics being the spine of any country, in Nepal, the devergent political entities must compromise and converse to the greater good of the country regardless of ANY past right away. Obliterating one entity from another only prevent societies from the process of assimilation. Reference: 1 ) Nehru of after the indian independence kept intact the institutions founded by the British emperor, which were inherited from the persistent
    practice of the liberal democracy that sprout from long history of squarrel between king and church, king and lords and so on. 2) Nelson Mandela not just utterred “Forgive but forget not, but it was very thoughtful statement that has wide ranging implecation 3) In America, after at end of every presidencial election campiegn, two candidates- looser or winner come out, addresse and assuage the mass of people who have been bitterly fragmented with party line, with words and statements of econcilation.

    Second: Rule of law. That can be best established with the participation of market and foriegn investment based not on with crony capitalism but with geniune enterprenership with peoples participation. Technology and contract law guled with foriegn investment, if applied genieunly, will pressurize the the receipient to maintain the system of rule of law.

    Third: Prepare for new generation of social engineers, administrators and mangers as much as doctors and engineers with different diciplines. As in South Korea, best and brightest students should be encouraged to pursue the diciplines like social scince, econmics, political science, law and management. If we can galvanize the best and brightests in the institutions such as political party, police dpt, goverment beuracracy, and judicery, people and market will reconnect
    them to those organs with faith.

    Fourth: Delegate. Delegate. Delegate. People of grass roots should be made capable to participate in the economic activities.Proceeds from the local resources should be made partly accessible locally by creating a special account.

    Fifth: Another oppurtunity developing nations can tap is to poise itself to exploite the global trend that is tending to outsource everything that can be digitized. We can try to emulate the model of Indian states of south and north by creating information processing hub. Nepal has missed every revolution that lifted the countries in the world and mankind. Reducing cost of information transfer in high speed; and breakthroughs in bio technology, nano technology and space technology are going to evolutionize the the world again. The latest landmark sale of youtube.com ($1.2 billion) and myspace.com
    ($500 million) are just the appetizers.
    People are living longer due to the advances on medical and biological discoveries and at the same time, in the global compitition corporations are looking to reduce the healtcare related cost of employees thereby sending patients to hospitals
    in country like India and Thailand for the expensive medical treatment. A country like Nepal can tap this kind of oppurtunity by providing services like “Hospital to Hospitality to Tourism” in a single pakage.

    The list can go perpectually. However Nepal’s problem lies not on the others but on the political mismanagement, clumsy political leadership and mistrust among political entities.

  7. at first, i want to say Shakya Ji for his new ‘soch’ again to raise our country.

    there are numerous fields where a country can involve and make development. but the scenario and context of country should be considered when talking about development: we have to look after viability and feasibility for the time being. it should be always focused on maximum utilization of available resources. to be specific, we have huge manpower at hour hand, and to produce efficient manpower requires education. so, if only we put stress on study we will have large number of efficient individuals after 10 years at most. as per the changing time, the individuals produced not only can work in within the country but also they can go to earn other countries provided they are efficient which is source of income to our country. and it’s worthless to focus that, educated indviduals can only be rationale in every aspects of their village, town, society, and country.

    Mulman Budha Magar
    [email protected]

  8. Dear friends,

    Thank you very much for your warm, positive and prompt responses.

    Please kindly send your comments either in English or Nepali with your name and current address. We want to publish your observations in a small booklet and distribute it to politicians, bureaucrats and policy makers.

    LET’s not be CYNICAL or CRITICAL or POLTICAL. We are looking for healthy ideas that could help us in our country’s development. We have had enough academic Five Year Plans, now let’s try to give some practical prescription from common men like us. There is no harm trying!

    Please send your comment/advice/opinion preferably in points. It should be based on your observation evaluating the process of development that has taken place in the country you reside.
    Thank you. My email- [email protected]

    Karna Sakya

  9. To be sincere and honest are the most important things. Without these things we can not do anythings. We do not have any system and we never tries to follow up the system? without system development is impossible. We have to sacrifies 5 year for the nation, otherwise it is hard. HAPPY DASHAIN!!!

    Prakash, Korea

  10. Namaste Karna Shakya Ji ,
    I heartely respect your thinkink .
    Right now to develop the country we need to progress
    in turissom field . This is the easy and best way .
    By farming ,agricultre or tecnology we are very very
    behind then world . But in trusisom feild we have in
    our hand and we are the best in the world . ( most
    beautiful country in the world by nature )
    So beter to involve young power on it , then they
    dont need to go out of country .

    Our politican will not have time to think for develop
    our country . At list if they save the nation that is
    already great .
    We can hope such a person like you for the develop of
    Nepal .

  11. We need +ve attitude with determination to do something. There are lots of things that we can do. We have enourmos opportunity but we are handicapted by the politics. However we cannot wait the political issue to be solved for the development activities. Irrespective of political issue, the development activities must go on.

    Politics has been too overvalued. We should discount it to the nominal level. The main issue is and should economic activities. If we had spend the time and resources taht we spent on politics on ecomonomic issues, our country would have been far better. We know the every issue related to politics but are naive about business and economics.

    Are we honestly ready for this?

  12. अर्ति दिनु सजिलो हुन्च पालना गर्नु भन्दा, तर हजार वता अर्ति दीईयो भने योउता त कसो पालना नगर्ला. राम्रै खुबि हो.
    तर हजार वता अर्ति हरु पालना गर्न लयक हुन्च भन्ने जरुरि चैन, अर्तिवाला लए ध्यान दिनु पनि जरुरि हुन्च.

  13. मन्चे कल्पनात्मक् हुनु जरुरिच, सोचात्मक भन्दा. कल्पना लए सकारत्मक बिचार ल्यौन्च भने सोच लए नकारत्मक् बिचार पनि ल्यौन सक्च.
    तर योउता कुरा मन्चु की सोच पनि कल्पना बत नै औन्च.

  14. Karna Dai, Greetings:

    I have written a Trust proposal that I would like you to read it as well.
    During last few months of Royal rule, I tried to pass it through the then Ambassdor in London Prajwal Rana however could not pass it through to the right people.
    If it is acceptable for you to give me your e-mail than I would be delighted to e-mail you my proposal.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Rosan, London

  15. lets vote 2 nepali project
    fot this go to
    2)click on “click here”
    3)give all information desribed
    4)u will be sent an email automatically
    5)log on the site provided on the mail
    6)your vote will be registered

  16. माथि ठुलिजिको तर्कलाइ बकम्मफुसे तर्क अनि नेपालका औठा छापे राजनिति कर्मिको खुट्टा तान्ने प्रब्रिति तपाइको लेखबाट प्रस्टरुपमा गन्ध आउछ.केहिगरछु भन्ने मानिसलाइ हउसला दिनुत परैजओस आलोचना गरिदिने,अफ्नो आङको जुम्रा नदेखने भैसिले अर्काको आङको जुम्रा देख्छ भन्ने नेपलि उखान तपाइमा सार्थक हुन्छ जस्तो लाग्छतपाइको लेख राम्ररिहेर्नेहो भने त्यो लेखमा आडम्बरि पन पाइन्छ.

    तपाइले केहिगरछु भन्ने मान्छेलाइ अल्पग़्यानि देख्नु भयो भने तपाइमा त्य्स्तो बिद्वनि गुणछ?? छ भने गरेर देखाउनुसन यदि इमन्दारिता छभने .पहिले आफ्नो औकत चिन्ने प्रयास गर्नुस्
    यस्तै आफ्नो आङको जुम्रा नदेख्नाले नेपालको हालत यो अवस्थामा पुगेको हो


  17. कर्णजी,

    जनआन्दोलन २ को लगत्तैपछि मैले धेरै ठाउँबाट एउटा इमेल पाएको थिएँ । त्यो इमेलमा विकसित देशका सहरहरूका फोटो मुन्तिर नेपालका कुनाकाप्चाको नाम जोडेर नेपाललाई पनि केही वर्षपछि त्यस्तै विकसित बनाउन सकिने सपना बुनिएको थियो । मलाई ती इमेल पटक्कै रोचक लागेनन् । त्यसैले ती सबै इमेल मैले मेरो इनबक्सबाट मेटाएँ । व्यावहारिकताबाट धेरै टाढा र हलुका विकासे मानसिकताबाट जन्मिएका त्यस्ता ‘सोच’ले धेरै फाइदा गर्लान जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैन ।

    व्यक्तिका रूपमा म तपाईको प्रशम्सक हुन सकौँला । तर, तपाईका विचारहरू र नेपालको ‘विकास’का लागि तपाईले खेल्न खोज्नुभएको भूमिकाभित्र म अल्प ग्यान र आडम्बर मात्र देख्छु । मेरो यो प्रतिक्रियाबाट तपाई र तपाईका प्रसंशकहरूले निकाल्ने निश्कर्ष मलाई थाहा छ । र, मलाई राम्रोसँग के पनि थाहा छ भने नेपालमा अल्पग्यान भएका ‘विद्वान’हरूको कुनै कमि छैन ।
    तपाईको अभियान निम्न कारणले गर्दा मिसगाइडेड छ :
    १‍ देश विकासको नेत्रित्व नीतिनिर्माताले गर्ने हो । तपाई जस्ता व्यवसायीले आफ्नो व्यवसायलाई कुशलतापूर्वक कसरि सञ्चालन गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने कुरामा समय खर्च गर्दा राम्रो हुन्छ । सबैले आफ्नो काम कुशलतापूर्वक सञ्चालन गर्ने भन्ने कुरामा ध्यान दिएमा अन्तत: त्यसबाट देशको भलो हुने हैन र ? उदाहरणका लागि बुद्ध एयरका मालिकले बिराटनगरका किसानलाई सहयोग गरेर समाज सेवा गरेको प्रचार गर्छन् । तर, तिनका जहाजको न त सिटमा कुशन छ न त एसीले राम्रो काम गर्छ ।
    २‍ गुलिया कुराले भरिएको पुस्तक बेचेर देशको विकास हुँदैन । अल्प ग्यान भएका मानिसलाई अश्लिल पुस्तकको बानि छुटाउन तिनको काम लाग्ला । तर, तपाईले लेखेका आदर्शात्मक गन्थनले भरिएका किताबले धेरै सहयोग गर्ला जस्तो मलाई लाग्दैन ।
    ३ नेपालमा प्रशस्तै प्राकृतिक स्रोत साधन छ र त्यसबाट नेपालको आर्थिक विकास सम्भव छ भन्ने तपाईको तर्क भावुकताबाट प्रेरित छ । वास्तविकता के हो भने हामिले हाम्रो सीमिततालाई बुझेर आफ्ना चाहनालाई वस्तुगत बनाउने र आत्म निर्भर हुन प्रयत्न गर्ने हो ।

    अन्त्यमा, मेरो एकजना विदेसी साथीले ‘अरूको भलो गर्छु भन्दै हिड्ने मान्छे खतरनाक हुन्छन्, त्यस्ताबाट आफूलाई जोगाउनु पर्छ’ भन्थ्यो । उसको विचारमा सबैले इमान्दारीपूर्वक आफ्नो काम गरे सबैको भलो हुन्छ । तपाईलाई दशैको शुभकामना !

  18. Hi Mr Shakya,
    I read your book “Soch.” I was really impresed with the way that you have written down your ideas in the book. I think the most important thing that we need in our country HOPE and OPTIMISM.

    And as a student of International Relations here in the US univesity, I think that the concept of rule of law must be emhasized and the state should ensure that everyone, irrespective of post,power and money, should be punished if necessar. The notion of law lessness has engulfed our country.

    I think when w frame our new constitution, the provision of ministers should be eliminated. The President or the Prime Minister, who evr is the head of the governemnt, should appoint capable and educated people for the post in diffrent ministries and embasies. Upon the recommndation, the house heaing committee should approve the nominess. I think this wil ensure that the people who run the country are representative, capable and wise. This system would not be paralysed even if a single party is ruling the country for years.

    Finally, if eveything fails, it would then be time for YOUTH COUP in Nepal.

    I would love to hear from you Mr Shakya.

    Thank You,

  19. आदरिणिय दाजु कर्ण शाक्य र सम्पुर्ण नेपाली दाजु भाइ/दिदी बहिनिहरु,

    प्रसन्ग तेहि भयेता पनि मनमा लागेको एउटा कुरो पोस्ट गरु जस्तो लाग्यो|

    हाम्रो देश पनि बिकाश गर्न कुनै गह्रो र नौलो कुरो हैन त्यो याहाहरु सबैलाइ अबगतनै छ| तर तेसको लागि एउटा महत्वपुर्ण र अत्यावस्यक देखियेको भनेको देशको राजधानिलाइ अर्कै तिर पुन:स्थापित गर्नु| काठ्मान्डौ अतिनै साघुरो र सानो भैसकेको छ| जहा जहिलै महन्गी अनि सामनको अभाब खड्कि रहन्छ जस्को कारण धेरै मानिस र सधैको बन्दले मात्र नभयेर त्यहाको बाहिरिने नाकाहरुको अभाब अनि सिमित र थोरै जग्ग जमिन पनि हो|
    काठ्मान्डौ बासिहरु प्लीज अन्यथा नलिनु होला| यस्ले नेपलको ९२% जनताकोलागि(हाल्) र पछि पुरै १००% जनतालाइनै फाइदा हुनेछ|
    नेपालको मध्यभाग हेरेर(अलिक पश्चिम तिर) सबैलाइ पायेक पर्ने ठाउमा सार्नु उचित हुनेछ| आफ्नो स्वर्थ भन्दा पनि सिन्गो राष्ट्रको हितमा कदम चाल्यो भने एक्दिन अबस्य पनि हाम्रो देश माथि उक्लिने छ|
    समय-सापेक्ष्य चल्नुमा परिबर्तन र पुनर्स्थापना पनि महत्वपुर्ण हुन्छन्|

    रमेश लुईटेल्

  20. No doubt this is one of most discussed topics in every nepalese gathering overseas.Nepalese in abroad always wanted to help Nepal and Nepali as much as they can.One of the example is Non Resident Nepalese Association (NRN)forum. NRN is a knowledgebase of Nepalese living overseas. NRN can braistorm this very important topics with their members scattered around the world to come up with the first BLUEPRINT of Nepal and Nepalese development.

    I think instead of depending on foreign country and foreigners always, Nepalese government need to trust and give them a full responsibility of this huge task.

    In my personal opionion, Nepal is full of problems. There is problem in every mechanism starting with politics, politicians, law and order, beurocracy, economics, education, people and their role, people attitude, private sector etc. So there is no easy and single prescription for all these problems. Development methodology and procedure of foreign country that you (Mr.Karna Shakya) have requested may not work at all for Nepal.

    So, first of all, we need to come up with the BLUEPRINT of development of Nepal and Nepalese. There is a urgent need of brainstorming session of NRN members living around the world to come up with blue print. That blue print need to be thoroughly discussed with the nepali policy makers, planners, enterpreneus, INGO, NGO’S , donors etc.

    Since our greatest weekness lies in the implementation phase, approved blueprint need to implemented and monitored by the help of NRN and needs the 100% commitment of Nepalese government and donor agencies.

    I think this would be one of the first step we have to start doing it now before it is too late. We always eyed and waited on our politicians for long time. Unfortunately they never could stabalise political system in Nepal for the last 16 years. The result is that we never could focus on the economic development of our country.

    Since we have a lack of visionary leader and good political team to run the Nepal at this point of time, we nepalese people need to initiate doing ourselves. There is no point discussing about politics, politicians, party and party manifesto, elections etc. Let everyone focus and keep discussing about the economic development of Nepal probably which will lead us to our destinations.

    Last but not least, thank you Mr.Karna Shakya jee for coming up with this hot topics.

    Thank you everyone.

    Sam pradhan

  21. I prefer to see the existing problem in our country from a slightly different angle. In my opinion, we have to focus first on the things we can change without having to spend a lot of money and resources. We are at a stage where our government cannot do much.

    I have been living outside Nepal for a long period of time. When I think about the development of the western countries and even some countries in Asia, I think the very important thing is the attitude and mentality of the people of those countries. When you do not have the right mind and right thinking, nothing can be done.

    Every year thousands of tourists visit Nepal. The first thing they see is our dirty streets. Last time when I went back to Nepal, I saw uncollected rubbish lying on the streets of the capital. We must first learn how to clean our streets, how to dump rubbish. Our government cannot even manage rubbish. Then lets stop right here and lets not talk about how to enhance our economy. First we must learn to live in a clean environment. We live surrounded by chaos and dirt. We do not need to have a big economy to manage our daily rubbish. We must first organise ourselves. When we see cleanliness around us, we will then feel motivated to do something.

    We cannot trust our politicians and leaders. But country needs some sort of leadership to move forward. Entrepreneurs like yourself should try to encourage well known personalities such as singers, actors, teachers to play more leadership roles in the society. People listen to well-known people. So if they can deliver positive ideas, that may help us a lot.

    Just running an ad campaign on tv does not help much. Local councils must be actively involved in educating people about cleanliness, health issues, ethics and security.

    Security is really poor at the moment. We cannot simply rely on police. People must unite amongst themselves and every neighbourhood must organise a way to help each other in case of robbery. This will also help deter potential crimes.

    We should first focus on small but important things. Once we can tackle this, then we can take another step. Our main priority is to “think right”.

  22. Karna Dai, you have started a good campaigning for the development of our society. Congratulations for that! But social transformation cannot be achieved in a short period. It sometimes takes generations.

    Recently I visited ASEAN member countries (Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, etc.) in a poverty mapping exercise and found all are better than us. Theese are the poor countries in terms of per capita GDP, however their infrastructure development is better compared to ours. If you look at the urban planning of Nepal, especially of Kathmandu, it is very poor. This is very dangerous for geologically vulnearabe Kathmandu valley.

    There are many Nepalese working abroad with appreciating quality. I am not understanding why the same person working in Nepal cannot show his/her ability. This shows we don’t have environment to work in Nepal. We talk a lot about “Geeta” which emphasizes to “”work”” but we waste our time criticizing others. We need to change our mentality and behaviours.

    The bureaucratic system of Nepal may be the worst in this region, Asia. (Right now, I don’t have the statistics to support it.) There is a tendency of looking what I get from the country, not how can I contribute to the society. If an honest one stays in the Nepalese bureaucratic system for a long time, it will automacally drag that person to be corrupt. There is a strong network of corrupts supported by corrupt politicians, the few cannot supercede them. I remember the statement made by Dr. Bhagawan Koirala in NTV that “if we are asked about what is the most difficult job, all of us will say the task that he/she is preforming. Other than their job, they can perform very nicely”. There are no other developed institutions (now there are some banks) in Nepal for the employment. So brain drain is obvious. If we do not give the opportunities to the capable, he/she will look for abroad. I am quite sure if we create the environment to live in own country, people may be back to support because they have their respect only in their own society.

    In my opinion, we need to go together first changing in the mentality (no HAMRO MANCHHE but RAMRO MANCHHE) and then creating the opportunities. In this global village, we cannot be isolated. We need to look for the assistance and use it for our best.

    Ram Hari Gaihre
    AIT, Thailand

  23. Dear Shakyaji

    I recently read your book ‘soch’. Thank you for the wonderful book. One year before I completed my master in UK and returned to Nepal. To me, education to all the public to a certain level is the foundation for any sustainable development. You can communicate them easily, no one can fool them and they can analyse what is good and what is bad for them. We often blame politicians but what I firmly believe is they are the true representative of the majority of people in society. If the society is educated they start questioning what, why and how and they will no longer accept incapable leaders to rule over them. With minimum education just add up ‘democracy’ and you will see that Nepal is heading towards a new destination of new and developed Nepal.

  24. माथिको रोचक शर्माज्यु को अन्ग्रेजि त निकै रोचक रैछ्. जानि-जानि हो कि कसो हो ? बरु नेपालि ब्लगमा नेपालि मै लेखेको भए अलि बुझिन्थ्यो होला. तर रमाईलो लाग्यो.

  25. Instead of trying to be a prophet why don’t you practice them in Lumbini Bikas Board where you are one of the members?

  26. In order to develop the country, the following steps have to be implemented in the country. And these steps are mentioned from Australian development perspective.

    1. VDC/MUNICIPALITY: The vdc/municipality must be given the full authority and more percent of budget in order to develop the local area so that it can start following steps immediately.
    1.1. Maintain and reconstruct/repair the existing roads in the local area and
    Build new roads wherever it is required in the local area but the roads must be wide and strong and
    The roads should be black pitched.
    1.2 cleaning: the cleaning of local area and the roads can be given to private sector and vdc/municipality can pay them. The vdc/municipality should provide the bin BUCKET in all the houses to put the rubbish of every home and some bins can be put in public area as well. One day in every week, the private company will take out the rubbish and manage it or dispose it.
    1.3. VDC/municipality can build big buildings in a suitable area for the shopping centre .So, the various people can run small or big business in every department store and they pay the rent to the vdc/municipality. It will be good source of income for vdc/municipality.
    1.4. VDC can involve local people in fewer rates for the development of irrigation.
    1.4 The vdc/municipality can be given authority to collect the tax from business men and employee employee who have income of more than re 4000 per month.
    2. DDC(DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE):It Should be given the full authority to make district level development policy and more percent of budget should be accumulated to this institution in order to :
    2.1 There should be good link between city and its suburbs. So, DDC(with the combination of head government) can develop the district level roads that link the suburb and city .DDC can provide transport facility to the district people itself in order to have a good income.
    2.1 The DDC can utilize the local natural resource in order to develop. For example, it can start the project of hydroelectricity and sell the electricity to its local people and other neighboouring districts.
    2.2. In every district, certain tourism area should be declared and should be developed. The local people can build hotels, resorts, restaurants in such area and other people can go there and spend money there. The mobilization of money helps increase the economic status.
    2.3. DDC/ government should motivate local people to start the business in local area.

    Hospitals, Bank, institution (educational), big hotels, large companies such as manufacturing companies must be established in remote area as well. So people go there and the local people’s business can be improved.

    Government: It has to make good policy for the development and play the role of management only.

    Government can run large scale projects such as development and distribution of drinking water,
    Establish big manufacturing companies itself or engage wealthy people in establishing such companies in different part of the country.

  27. Karna Shakya Sir,
    Very impressive article as always and definitely we all need some kind of change in Nepal.
    I’ll give priority to Education, Education & Education.

    Creating good education environment: – {what is the responsibility of an educator?}(Where does it begin and end?)

    No child left behind policy should apply.

    Special education for disable children is needed.

    An educational strategy for low income citizens is needed.

    Early childhood education { we need to realize now that the children who attend kindergarten are better prepared intellectually, socially & psychologically than children who do not attend kindergarten.}

    Vocational training centre or school is needed.

    Professional pay check for the teachers to inspire them to remain in the finest profession in the world.

    Education is the root (base) that is why I gave priority to it. The country won’t change immediately (overnight) but in a long run country will defiantly improve.

  28. कर्ण सर,
    तपाइको विकासवादि चिन्तनको प्रशन्सा सबैले गर्लान. तर नेपाल २१ औ सताब्दिको त्रासदि हुनेमा कुनै शन्का नरहोस .
    कसलाइ के भन्ने यहा को सद्दे छ ?

  29. The situation we face as a nation today is the inability of majority of us Nepalese to provide ourselves with the basic necessities; food, shelter, clothing, health care and education. First of all the political leadership that is leading the nation needs to have a vision (long term/short term) and their vision has to be supported nationally by all sectors government/ non government/ private with their respective missions and goals. A thorough planning and analysis as to what can be and what needs to be done where to meet basic needs of citizens throughout the nation focusing on communities. Strong leadership and contribution will be needed from the national to the local and community level. Focus on mobilizing local resources rather than aid would make a difference for the better. The key in all of this is a timely and accurate implementation. For the past several years we have had all sorts of planning done and millions in aid come in for its support but a quick look at the state of our nation tells us how effective they were plus no one is held responsible for their failure to deliver. We need to have a mechanism in place to check why a project/plan failed and pin point what/who were the caused and address them appropiately so that we are more efficient next time around.

  30. Home to thousands turist from around the world, kathmandu has alot to offer,which isone reason why it has been labeled as a model but dirty city by local media.

    Improving the city,s quality of life has been an issue.

    We put a high priority on that because it,s an indication that the way acity looks is how acity feels.

    Icontinuously want to set a tone and ghange of culture, expecttation and how city government should function.

    Pusp Prasad Luintel
    Boston, U S A

  31. कर्ण जी, सादर नमस्कर /

    तपाईको चिन्तनको हार्दिक प्रशम्शा गर्दै छोँटो प्रतिक्रिया दिन चाहन्छु /

    हाम्रो नेपालको प्राकृतिक र सामाजिक सम्पदाहरु हाम्रो समुन्नतिका आधारहरु हुन / हाम्रा श्रोत्-सम्पदाको बिबेचना गरिएका थुप्रै ग्रन्थहरु प्रकाशित भएका छ्न भने राष्ट्रिय नीतिहरुमा पनि हाम्रा श्रोत-साधनहरुको उत्पादनशीलता र प्रयोजनको राम्रै उल्लेख गरेको पाइन्छ / तर बिडम्बना, हाम्रो कार्यान्वयन पक्ष अत्यन्त कम्जोर छ / य़सको जड कारण हो हाम्रो जनशक्तिमा रहेको राजनैतिक र ब्याबशायिक बेइमानी / हाल आएर अर्को रोग थपिएको छ : त्यो हो जनतामा ब्याप्त अराजकता / त्यसका लागि हाम्रो सरकारी पद्दति, निकाय र कर्मचारीतन्त्रलाई पुरै रुपान्तरण गर्नु जरुरी छ / पद सम्हाल्ने ब्यक्तिहरु नैतिकवान हुनु पर्दछ्, जसले कानुनको पालना गरोस र जनतालाई पनि पालना गराउन सक्षम होस /

  32. Respectful Person Karna Ji,
    I want to salut you.Right now i am reading your book ‘Soch’ its great and path for our bright future of us and our lovely motherland Nepal. i will contact you when i will be in nepal next year.Hope you give some of your valueable time for me although i am not so famous and inteligent like you.
    I am so impressed with your artical.You are the brave son of Nepal Ama,again salut to you!!!

  33. I think that Nepal should be organiged better because good organised country can use its resourses better and effectively and make plan for future, for instance 1)Nepal must issues national Identity Card system with Personal Number/Social Security Number Data base. We have to issue Peoples book-keeping and compulsary taxation according to Personal number. So That we know economical situation in the country and there we have something to start from. Other Benefit with this is it can control corruption some degree as well. Other benefit is we know citizen’s health situation because when some one visit any doctor who knows patient’s health records and treat patience better. other hand Health ministry knows better peoples health situation and researcher can go through national health data base. You can use this personal number’s national data base any field by authorised person for research purpose etc.
    2)Any policy should be oriented to benefit of people and empowertiong people and sthrenthening the nation. not just protecting national company. For instance if we make something better than others let’s do is if not let’s import thing if it is cheaper than home made. people benefit from it instead people are forced to pay higher price on domestical company products.We can not afford to just protect domestic companies. let compete freely.
    3)Import tax must be equal to product orinal country how much they put our import tax on our product.
    4) Nepal need to invest on infraucture in the country. It is not only physical but also on economical/finacial too. To attract foregn investment it is very important.
    5)Empowering people on purchage capacity is very important to attract foreign investor because they want to do business not danating to begggers.Let make friendly Foreign investment policy.
    6) strenthen center governmenatl and communal istitutions icluding courts and financial institutes and Anti fraud and anti corruption institutes.
    7) Invest on education in all level with innovation thinking.
    I think these are very importants.
    For more information, just email me. Sweden can be an example.

  34. राष्ट्रीय विकासको मुल आधार नागरिकको सक्छमता निर्माण हो र त्यो कुरा पर्याप्त रोजगारका अबसरहरु स्रिजना गरेर मात्र सम्भव छ/आधुनिक मानवको स्तर र सन्तुष्टी उसले गरेको काममा देखिन्छ/तर रोजगारका लागि मुलुक भित्र वा वाहिरको लाहुर जान्नै पर्ने वाध्यता कायम रहे सम्म निशुल्क दिवाभोजन उपलव्ध गराएर भए पनि बच्चाहरुलाइ साक्छर तुल्याउने राष्ट्रीय अभियानलाइ सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकता नदीइ सुखै छैन/शिक्छामा लगानीको अनुपातमा प्रतिफल हासिल गर्न नसक्नुको मुख्य कारणॅ क हो भने महगो शिक्छा प्राप्त गरेका
    मध्यम वर्गीय नेपालिहरु विप्रेषण बिहीन [नन-रेमिटेन्स] मुलुकहरु जस्तै अमेरिका,क्यानाडा, अष्ट्रलिया या युरोपतिर पलायन भएका छन/ तर जापान कोरिया, मलेसिया, पश्म्चिम एसिया वा भारतमा कार्यरत नेपालीहरुलाइ साक्छर तुल्याउन मुलुकले गरेको लगानीको अनुपातमा प्रतिफल कैयौ गुणा बढी छ/

    रोजगारबारेमा प्रसिद्ध अर्थशास्त्री जनमेनाइकेन्सको एउटा उक्ति प्रख्यात छ, खाल्डो खनेर पुर्ने काममा लगाएर भए पनि अर्थव्यबस्थाको गाडीलाइ सरकारले चलाइ राख्नु पर्छ/

    नेपालले सामाजिक पूर्वाधारलाइ नै प्रथमिकता दिनु पर्छ/किन भने जापानी शासकहरुले सय बर्ष अगाडी सामाजिक सक्छमता गरि रहदा नेपालका शासकहरु दरवार ठड्याइ रहेका थिए/

    मानिसका भौतिक, सामाजिक,साम्सक्रितिक एवम मानसिक चाहनाहरुको कुनै सीमा हुदैन/ जापानीहरु फलामको पूल मात्र होइन, हजारौ किलोमिटर राजमार्ग नै बनाउन थालिसके भनेर के गर्नु/अर्काले हात्ती चढे भनेर रहर गरेर धुरी चढ्न खोज्यो भने जगहसाइ मात्र हुन्छ/निर्धन सीमान्तक्रीत, दलित, महिला , मधेसी, जनजातिले जेगरि रोजगारी पाउछन,त्यसलाइ प्राथमिकता दिनु पर्छ/

    जति दर्जन मेडिकल कलेज खुले पनि सफा पानी र चर्पीको अभावमा बालम्रित्यु दर कायम रहे सम्म यति वा उति प्रतिशत आर्थिक ब्रिद्धि दरको दाबी खोक्रो नारा भन्दा बढी क्र्ही हुने चैन/

  35. We talk very much about politics. We do not try to learn something good rather make negative comments. First negative mentality is to be abolished. And, for it, only the way is to educate people with practical and creative thoughts.

    I also came across with someone in this blog who made a very uncivilized comment. The host of the weblog himself seems to be unaware of the media ethics. I know the weblog is an open forum for creative thoughts and arguments. So, weblog is the most powerful tool in this contemporary world but some people rather used it for silly remarks.

    For my understanding, development is experienced if everything is observed from rational thinking. Before doing something it is necessary to find the answers of ‘WHY”HOW’ and WHAT WILL?’. Politically aware people and very much accontable government can change everything in a short time.


  36. Frustrated to see Nepalese attitude. They are so Humble gentle, sincere when alone and turn out to be a dengerous dishonest, greedy when form a group.

  37. This we all know,But what is the point here. We know the things you have written in this, and most Nepalese know it is Nepalese attitude which needs to be changed. From a person like you I expect some solution regarding CHANGE of attitude. How this can be achieved??
    In Nepal there is mob politics, All white collars job holders are in disadvantage, and people who have never contributed a thing to the country are great patriots at the moment taking the command of New Nepal shit and these people are creating problems. They want more without giving anything, and want from those who have put years of hard work to establish and achieve something. Why work hard if you have to give it to some bunch of loosers.
    Why work in Nepal I say, just for the love of country, which cannot give nothing in return? not even basic security…
    Shakya JI, young people are impatient to get results, able educated youths cannot wait until political stability in Nepal, they are migrating and serving devaloped countries and are happy to do that.

    In my opinion Democracy is not an option to Nepal, coz no two people can reach a valid conclusion by talk, even our leaders. Nepal needs dectatorship with personal rights protected, to make people obey the rules, to tame the ass definitely you need to punish them.

  38. 1) I think the problem is that Nepalese people always like to blame others for our shortcomings and weaknesses like even in this blog. People blame politicians, India, open border, US, monarchy, capitalists, media houses, etc.

    I understand they could be problems but inspite of all the hurdles we can develop. Because we blame, others we do not know our shortcomings and weaknesses that are the real cause of our poor state.

    Development starts at home. Instead of blaming municipality for dirty streets, keep your house and community clean. Repair the street and community water tap with community service and donations. Volunteer to tutor school students in your neighborhood. These are small things but these are building blocks of development instead of protesting with 100,000 people demanding republican state or complaining that transportation is bad in Nepal compared to Japan.

    2) Nepali people like taking short cut or easy way to earning money quickly instead of working hard and making sacrifices to make money in the long term. eg. most nepalis dream to go abroad, make a ton of money and build a house so that you can live the rest of your life from rent earned from the building. You cannot develop with that kind of attitude.

    3) Nepali people only expect from others but do not think about what we can do for others. For example, when Prashant Tamang was becoming Indian Idol, people were questioning what can Prashant Tamang do for Nepal? That is a very selfish way of looking at the world. Before you ask that question, you need to ask what have I done for Nepal?

    Our country gives too much emphasis to politics and politicians. We should give more emphasis to entrepreneurs who create jobs for thousands of people. We should give more emphasis to social workers who have helped thousands of people. We need to give more emphasis to singers, artists, workers, mountaineers, atheletes, who have help people in other countries know about Nepal.

  39. Dear Karnaji,

    I feel proud to see a person who has been engaging himself in helping the country rise up. I admire the sense of responsibility you have felt in yourself and admire the way you have contributed yourself for the benefit of the country. Definitely, we have highly engaged ourselves into blaming the politicians and many others saying they are the ones who have hindered our country from moving forward in the field of development but if we really think deeply what have we done as a citizen of this country. I have always been taught to do things so that our country could feel proud of me and dream things that will help my country achieve something. At the moment I am in Japan living in a small village and studying. Everytime I get a chance to explore the area I feel pinched deep inside and ask myself why could not my country be like this. Yes we do have resources and we do have human capital. We have lost social capital which we can rebuild. What do we need next? Isn’t it a true dream to build up the nation?

    Despite being an isolated village, this place has very good roads. It is said that Japan pours in its money for infrastructure development and is always using money to build roads. You know why? So that people can easily travel from one place to another. This helps the people explore more market for the products they have and can also seek for more opportunities.

    The place I am living in is famous for rice production and watermelon. But the farmers work in the field as a part time work. That means thay spend their whole week working in small factories that has been set up in the area and work in their fields twice a week from early morning. They still have been able to produce one of the most expensive rice in Japan, and have remained quite popular in producing big and tasty watermelon. The people have no time for politics but they have plenty of time for social work.

    The country has adopted a policy of one place one production. Hence it has divided the country into different places that produces a single product but makes sure that the product is of high quality.

    The agricultural products are marketed by Japan Agriculture thus making the market for agricultural products easily available.

    Literacy rate is high. However, one should be noted that not all Japanese go to University. Many quit thier studies from high school that is 10+2 but people still get chance to work.

    Looking at this I deeply say to myself, my country could have become like this but why? Everytime I talk to the people around I just say ‘I wish my country was like this’. Yes this place is a total village. People tend to hide themselves. They are not that open but they work hard. They do have difficulties in their daily lives but still they keep on working. One can see only elderly people around. The most youngest person might be 40+ but still life here is going on because people believe in hard work.

    At the moment I think our country really needs permanent roads (of course peace is the utmost important thing) built up in every corner of the country so that people can become more mobile and can explore more market. Then the production should be developed through more research and productivity raised. We can survive upon agriculture.

    Tourism here (the place where I live at the moment)is totally domestic hence they hardly think about foreigners. Of course Nepal has not reached to that level where the Nepalese can spend their earning in entertainment, but defintely Nepal can improve its tourism sector looking into the pocket of the Nepalese which will not only foster tourism in Nepal but will also help the Nepalese from communicating with each other in a more prominent way.

    I sincerely hope that this kind of thing can be done in Nepal as well depending upon the interest of Nepal. I don’t want to see our Nepalese brothers and sisters working as a laborer in a foreign land I want each of them to live as a king of their area where they can earn more respect.

    Thank you and congratualtions for your endeavour. It is said thinking is the first step towards action and you have thought your action has started.


  40. An analitical article, in my opinion every people should have to think for the economic devlopment,rather than talking and thinking about political “Tantra”which is no a country neccessity over all.

  41. karna Shakya ji
    I am so impress of your this lekh.

    Our country 3 part india and one part of china. We always depend of india to import and export thing.Most of the Ras material we should get threw india when every we gona export the goods we have to use india way. I like to talk about recent case i heard some of chiness people they talk about if nepal really want to Petrol we are ready to help but after some days india they not allowed to send petrol.
    of course china aja world ko yata trade center bana pugayako chha bhana india pani afnu economic mathi uthaudai chha. nepal ma nepali janatako afnu main ouccupation bhanko agriculture, agriculture ma nai das le khasai progress garna sakayako chain. yasaile das ko economist mathi lana lai hamle agriculture ma main dhan dinu parcha. Nepal ko economist ko main thau tarai jaha mansoon ma purai dubcha pani le. mero khal ma 2046 sal pachi aja country le je dukha payako chha main poltical party haru ma jancha dos. das ka river ma dhoka sandi gara ra aja tarai ama la duban ma parne yai party haru huu.
    the following the point we should required to development.
    10. of course i have to write about ching the main thing government should do good relation with china so that we can bring many trade from china and china willing to make railway to nepal it will new challenge to us and china always willing to help nepal but because of our another neighour the government not take advantage from china. but india don’t want to do any help from china india want make always asthir poltic in nepal so all nepal have to wake up now and give strong advice to government
    1. we need now fully elected government that government is not like before . that government have to solve all problem which we are having now like tarai not peace
    2. The new governemnt cancell all agrement which government did before with india and should be do new agrement , mahakali sandi, tanakpur sandi , sugauli sandi all have to cancell and india not allowed to stop water whether monsoon or othere season
    3. because of huge open board of india we are having many problem from india. i have seen only one solution, government should do new agreement with india and put nepal army to save board and they should controll all illegal thing from there .
    4.Corruption is the main problem. corruption start from one small staff to big poltical party, big business man, minister, Prime minister. till this date. These big all small business man, small government office staff to sachib, minister, big business man , prime minister involve in same corruption (bhastar ma ) give one speech we gona catch we do corruption , even he also involve that case so what i like to tell this is the main point the government going down. in this current situation all party give promise to people not going to do corruption and need strong leader not like before leader. So after that government have one strong law to stop this.

    5. I can say 3 our government income source is tourisim. from Europ, america, people willing to visit nepal. they like to come and see all thing nepal. but Govenment did not do any thing to bring tourist in nepal. as per i know many american and uropean people they know nepal but almost don’t know they only hear because of sagarmatha so what government must do to bring many tourist, the government not only advertisment in nepal and kathmandu like visit pokhara this. tourist nepal aya pachi ta tasai pokhara jancha. those country have embassy of nepal governemnt the government should give some package or advisement to europe, america threw embassy or some other way. Because of bring more tourist of course we need to progress airlines system. The government have to discuss regarding this matter and try to bring direct airlines like london, some of major european union country airport, at least one airlines from usa i am wounder if i need to go vacation i have to go threw uk or america to UAE or india or qater yes we don’t have own airlines at least we can do some dierct airlines threw america american airlines or other same london british airlines at least 2 or 3 days a week in this matter government have to talk with these country. i know they don’t have time think about this and like this because they are not for coutry they try to get own government for themself for corruption and to show power that it for them.
    6. government try to bring new foreign trade, business, industry to country accept from india and should think about tax so that foreign willing to come to our country.
    7. now remitant is main income source of nepal now a days but government give opportunity to these people who are doing business europe, american and other reason. nepal government have to bring new law about these people
    8. our government always expection take loan, or donation from othere country we have to avoid to taking loan and donation from othere country.
    9. Many student going abroad to study what we need to do, we try to open well educated university, college own our country like how they give education for this government should some desire. we try to bring foreign student in our country for that government have strong plann to open new new collegge, university in best place and government try to bing all those nepali those who are staying in foreign country like doctor, scientist, lawer.

    that it my comment hope to u like it.
    thank u
    rochak sharma
    [email protected]

  42. देस बिकसित र अबिकसित हुनुमा जनता र राजनितिक अबस्था ले महत्व खेल्द६ अझ कनुनि अबधारना जनताको रहन्सहन रितिरिबाज ले पनि भ्हुमिका खेल्द६ कुरिति र कुसस्कार यसका महत्तपुर्न पतहरु हुन / सान्ति पर्किर्याले पनि भुमिका ख्ेल्द६
    घनश्याम (बिबस यात्रि)
    चतरा सुनसरि

  43. शाक्य जी,

    यस्तो सह्राणनिय पहललिनु भएको मा धेरै धन्यबाद। यहाँको आग्रह मुताविक विदेश स्थित सयौ नेपालीले पक्कै पनि नेपालको विकाश रुपरेखा कोर्न साहायकसिध्द हुने उपयोगि र मुल्यवान सामाग्रि पठाउने छन्। म पनी यस अभियानमा सरिक हुन प्रयास गर्ने छु। बरु यहाँ ईमेल ठेगाना पनि यो पोस्टिङमा राखिदिनु भए ईमेल सम्पर्क सजीलो हुन्थ्यो कि?

    Sandip Sharma
    [email protected]
    Tokyo, Japan

  44. कुरा राम्रो हो , म यसैमा जोदन चाहन्च्हु कि नेपाल्मा राज्निति बाहेक अरू तिर चासो च्हैन . If this was political issue, there would be lots of comments. Desh banaune kura maa ke ko dhyan. Nepali race nai yesto ho ki.
    Any way, your views and relavant.
    RAMESH, Kadebaas, Baglung

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