1. I just surprise….How the ancestor property is being utilized…Nepal is not Koirala’s thrall..Sujata should stand in her own if she has capabilities…..I dont see any with her..except her terrifying background from Lauda to…..Germany….

  2. sujata jasto nich manche ta maile aaile samma pani dekhaya ko chhaina.nepal ko rajniti ma ye jasto nich kohi pani chhaina please remove it

  3. So, politician should play a price when they try to game. What are we make of the flap over planted.It is a timing to recline into the posture that is a phony media-generated noncontrovercy, like the question about whether Sujata did or did not tip…

    Pusp Prasad Luintel
    Inarwa, sunsari
    Now, Boston, U. S. A

  4. she is really a great women of Nepal.Everbody has mom and dad it does not matter who is who.You guies are commenting on mirage and spitting on your mouth yourself.It is all in all Pakhandi comment catalyzed by your bias opinion.Go and ask with blood suckers and put garland in their neck,I know definately you will provide appalude with uncountable adjectives.I am stupid but your comment is totally rude bias,influnced by rumor of poltice not politics,and seems you are eating from nose not from mouth.

  5. धन्यवाद कमेन्ट गर्नु पाएको मा सर्ब प्रथम समग्रह मा भन्नु पर्दा, बाउले चोर काम पनि गरे डाका गर्ने काम पनि गरे देश को दक्षिण भाग को एक टुक्रा बेचेर खायो राश्ट्र्या को लागि ल्यैएको भनिएको जहाँज घाटिमा नाअड्काई निल्यो अब त्यो सबै ले पनि नपुगेर फेरी त्यो हेर्दै राक्षसनि जस्ती अनुहार भएको छोरी आएकी छिन त्यसैले यो राक्षस् नि ले केही निल्नु भन्दा अगाडिनै यसलाई यो राजनीतिक बिभाग बाट निकल्नु जरुरी छ र यिनी हरुको हातमा देश को बागडोर कदाबी दिनु हुन्न भन्ने हाम्रो धाराणा छ ।

    सामयोक सुब्बा
    यु: के: ब्लाक पुल ।

  6. k sunu paryo yasto.. keti le pani bihan bihan dekhi kera khancha ra ?? hola hola tar maile nabhujeko kura .. kera ta kera tar kun kera manche ko ki phalne kera … kripaya Jharko Namanikan Answer dinu hola

  7. Mr. Ashish,

    Please give few activities of Sujata which we can consider as good work from her. Only few. I met a man who claimed that once he counted counted the money (Rs1000 only) for the whole night. Calculate and let me know how much it could be.

  8. Dear friends,
    Let us try to see or think reality and then only make comment. She has been attacked by undemocratic forces more.

    Sujata is irritating to those who believe in autocracy, or those who run after crows thinking that a crow had snatched his/her ear, not trying to check whether it was there.

    She could have lived a high class life, had she not returned from Germany. She came to Nepal with faith in democracy. Let us think positively to her. Thanks.
    Ashish, Kathmandu

  9. Dear friends,
    Let us try to see or think reality and then only make comment. She has been attacked by undemocratic forces more.

    Sujata is irritating to those who believe in autocracy, or those who run after crows thinking that a crow had snatched his/her ear, not trying to check whether it was there.

    She could have lived a high class life, had she not returned from Germany. She came to Nepal with faith in democracy. Let us think positively to her. Thanks.
    Ashish, Kathmandu

  10. I fail to understand what is the need of the day in Nepal politics. I compare number of critics agianst different personalities and political parties and they are more or less the same for all key individuals /ploticial leaders… Girija, Taran Natha Rana Bhat, Ram Chandra Paudel, Sujata,,,, Sushil,,, (Nepali COngress), Makune, Bam Dev, Jhala Nath, Other Nepals and Pokhrels (UML), Prachanda, Babu Ram, etc. (Maobadi), forget about RPP and other parties..

    Who we want Nepal to lead in coming days…

  11. She is totally ” bideshi nari” kasari citizenship milyo? kina? kasle? feri poi chhodne keti ho? face nai kalika jasto chha. GP hunjel moj gaor ani dekha jayega. rajaki right hand ho ” sujata koirala” we khow that matter. usle sabai ko chakhi saki aaba…..k po baki chha ra. CHUDEL HO CHUDEL……….

  12. Laxmi Devi ko photo narakhera ke ho umesh ji RawanDevi ko photo rakheko? Please delete it? Laxmi pooja din pani kasto aaimai ko anuhar dekhnu paryo

  13. नेपालको एकमत्र महिला राजनितिक कर्ता सुजाता,छोटा महारानि,गरिबजन्ताका लिड्रर|

  14. यो त दलालको फोटो हो किन याहा राखेको ? नेपालमा गिरिजाको हातबाट केही काम लीनु छ जसतै ठेक्का पत्ता लिनुछ, कुनै नामिले को काम हात पार्नु छ ( जे गर्न परे पनी) यो दलाल लाई सम्झनुस तपाईको काम भैहाल्छ .यो दलालले नेपालमा बसेर एही काम मात्र गारी राखेको छ …घड़ी लगायो त के भयो यो संग के के छ कटी छ तपाई अनुमान पनी गर्न सक्नु हुन्न … येस्लई जर्मनमानै पथाउनु पर्छ..जर्मनी लोग्ने लाई छोडेर नेपालमा दलाली काम गरेर बाबु प्रधान मंत्री भएको फाइदा उठाएर दलाली काम गर्दैछ…..

  15. dear all
    Hateredness is also like poison.if it is inside,it is bad for your health ,if it is outside it affects all others.
    many people hate Girija,but he is in a key position today.So will be sujata tomarrow for sure.We are always getting unwanted person in power.
    Sujata has got a tranning of ‘khuraapati’from her dad.
    SHe and Manisha will be another leaders in Nepali congress tomarrow.

  16. वहा भाषण गर्नु हुन्न किनकी त्यसको लागि अध्ययन चाहिन्छ, कला चाहिन्छ, जुन वहा संग छैन। पैसाले मान्छे किन्नु हुन्छ अनि जागिर र अरु कुराको लोभ त अश्त्र नै हो । कोठे राजनितीमा पोख्त, त्यसैले काङ्ग्रेसमा पनि महत्वपूर्ण पदमा चाडै नै पुग्नु भो। मजदुर कहा जादा मजदुर जस्तो अनि किसान कहा जादा किसान जस्तो बनेर भएनि मन जित्नु पर्ने आवश्यक्ता छैन, अरु पछि गर्ने सहयोग त परकै कुरा। माओको टोपी लाऊदैमा दिमाग माओको कसैले पाउदैन भनेजस्तो सारी खद्दरको लगाएर इन्दिरा गान्धि बन्ने कुरै छैन । कुनै एउटा पनि राम्रो पछ्छ नभएकाको र यहा धेरै जस्तो साथिले भने जस्तै most irritating face लाइ हटाएर अरु नै बिषय सुरु गराउन अनुरोध छ।



  18. Today is my bad luck cause I watch the photo of most unlucky person for the future of Nepal.So remove the photo as soon as possible.

  19. ke lekhnu pad ra shakti ko laagi man ra dimaag le nasochni je man lagyo ? khai kunni man lagera ho ki ke lagera ! aafu lai sachhikai mahan netri jhai act garnu, huna ta acting garne ko khalak bhayar hola. yesta dhongi ko barema jati kura garyo teti chadchan.

  20. yo site ma comment garne haru sabai sujata bhanda fataha rahechhan. Umesh jee yesta waihaat comment garne haru ko sabai comment haru hataunu hola. Ani Sujaata ko photo kun udesya le rakhnu bhayeko ho tyo pani prasta parnu hola. Tesma ta kunai naya kura dekhinna. Ghadi dekhaunu bhayeko chha. Tyo ghadi kati mahango ho tasbir ma herera ta thaha hunna!!

  21. In the picture , there is 4 person .
    I see two people face .
    One looks happy and another sad ………….
    I dont understand rest …………….

  22. I think this picture talk not about the person as such this shows the clear picture of our leaders of our nation. Comparison with someone to her or scolding her or writing negative words to her will not solve the problem, we should throw her from politics as she herself proudly aclamins to be a sincere freedom fighter of the nation,in fact these all drama behind is blind supporter of GP and his family as the ROYAL FAMILY. This is our fault and we should correct it timely. Otherwise after SHAH Dynasty, then another dynasty will take over. Beware of that friends

  23. what a nakachari kalankit woman !nobody loves her,nobody appreciates her job ,nobody likes her talking style,taipani why is she so hot because we r fool we talk about her.so from today we must ignore her.

  24. Sujata is not an issue; CORRUPTION is a major cause in our country. Corruption occurs at all levels of society from governments, civil society, military and each and every other service. Instead of showing frustration, why don’t we start a campaign to tackle the corruption?

  25. Dear friend,

    Quize for you all

    Compare Prachanda’s wrist watch and Sujata’s wrist watch.
    Which one is expensive???

    If you give right answer, there is a lucrative present for you.
    try it out

  26. विचरा प्रयास ….. खै के भनुँ तिमीलाई …. त्यस्ती आइमाई जो नेपालकै इतिहासमा सवभन्दा कलंकित होली, त्यस्तालाई नेपालको प्रधानमन्त्री बनाउने कुरा गर्छौ ? पार्टीको चस्मा आँखाबाट झिकेर एकपल्ट राम्रोसँग सोच त यो आइमाइले देशको लागि के राम्रो काम गरेकी छे । अनि सोच नराम्रा काम पनि के के गरेकी छे, र तुलना गर नराम्रो राम्रो कुन बढी छ । त्यती गर्ने हो भने तिम्रो उ प्रतिको भक्तिभाव अलिकति भए पनि घट्छ कि !!!

  27. yo hijo nepali kangress le sunsari ko inaruwa ma aayojana gareko chiya pan karyakram ma khicheko photo rahechha.
    sujata ko haat ma 1 lakh 10 hajar k o ghadi chha.
    tyo paisa kaha bata aayo? usko kunai tyasto haisiyat bhayeko jageer ta chhaina ta……………
    ani yo picture yaha post garnu ko karann k hola?
    bishnu limbu

  28. Hey Prayas,
    Ifyou see that “alachhini” as a potential leader to become a primeminister,it is no one but you who reflected “poverty of thought” .
    Kaag le aafno name aafain kaadchha bhanthe,ho raichha. You proved it ! How come you guy have no “buddhi” worth even of “dui paisa” ?
    She is the worst women in politics I have ever seen.

  29. गिर जा को ग्राण्ड डिजाइन भनेको आफु सेल्टिए पछी सत्ता र अधिकार सबै यो चुडेललाई सुम्पिने हो तर मलाई आस्चार्ये के लगेछ भने यो चुडेलले कसरी जर्मनी नागरिकबाट नेपाली नागरिक भ्ई नेपाली काग्रेसमा छीर्न पायो यती छीटै?????????

  30. कस्तो लगाउने कस्तो नलगाउने यो सायद ब्यक्तिको नैसर्गिक अधिकार भित्र पर्ने कुरा हो त्यसैले यसलाई ठूलो सम्झिनु हामी आफ्नै कम्जोरि हो । तर सत्यता के पनि हो भने जो बिचारको खेति र सपना ति निर्दोष जनतामा बाडि हिड्ने घोषित “नेतृ”ले कहिले गुचिको लाख पर्ने झोला र पौने लाखको कालो चस्मा भिर्ने र कहिले सर्वहारा स्वरुप देखाउन “खद्दरको धोति” यस्तो नौटंकि चाहीँ हाट-बजारमा देखाउने बहुरुपिको रुपलाई मात्र सुहाउँछ । ईज्जत पाउने भए यिनी नेपाल “सेवा?” गर्न किन जर्मनी छोडेर भित्रिन्थिन् र ! लाटो देशको गाँडो तन्नेरी बन्न नेपाल बसेकि गिरिजा पुत्रि “मिसेस जोस्ट” लुटको धन फूपुको सराद गर्दै एनजिओ खेति र राजनीतिमा तल्लिन छिन् ।

    त्यसतिलाई नेतृमान्ने हामी आफैं त हौं नि हैन र ?

  31. She has all the potentiality to be a leader of Nepal. She has also sacrificed her time in Nepal. We should not forget her contribution in Jana Andolan II. Nepal needs a female prime minister and she is the most suited one.

    Some of the previous commentator commented on personal level. Is it fare?

    How dare you to comment some one as ” Apasakuun” and similar other words.

    It reflects poverty of thought.

  32. indian film ma aafno husband mare pachhi death body ko satha ma yesari nai baschhan sabai milera hoina ra? ki khairala (Khai rahala devi)(Koirala)le pani tesatai gari ki hun?
    ke ber?

  33. उमेश जी
    क्रिपया यस्तो मान्छेलाइ धेरै चर्चामा नल्याउनुसऽ गु न गोबररुको बारेमा लेखेर आफ्नो समय बर्बाद नगर्नुस।

  34. anyway i also like sujata koirala. she was in favour of janaandolan. not only sujata, whole koirala family is devoted to democracy . koirala family members were devoted to establish democracy in the country since beginning. so, they have done a lot for the nation, for democracy and progress of the peole.

    frens, nobody is perfect in the world. there is not 100% in any thing. even BP was not 100%. GP is not 100% perfect. Onething I know is that the status of any people changes upon time. How will u evaluate the activities of GP Koirala of 10 yrs before and now?. Is it comparabale?. Obviously , no. Present day GP koirala is more than those days BP Koirala. So, sujata is also doing well thesedays and her status has also been changed.

  35. मदन जी,
    केरा पनी बिहानै देखि खान्छ्न र ? बुझ्न गारो भयो..!

  36. Rame ji
    Gandhi sanga tulana garda tapaiko tola ko boli kholama gayejasto lagdaina? Rajtantra chahane ra janatako nam ma aalishan jiban bitaune lai tapaile ke ko aadharma des seba gareko thannu bhayo? Ke contribution chha ra tesko? You seemed blind supporter.I hate your poor thinking.

  37. हरे के हेर्न परेको यो यस्तो शुभ दिनमा;
    यसलाइ निकाल्न मिल्छ होला नि, कि फोटो राख्ने भए राख नत्र भन्या छ ?

  38. Remove this post. She is the black spot for Nepali ama. She is the endless black hole that sucked Nepal of everything and still sucking it. kujata n firija drown Nepal.

    We should have bounty on their head whoever kills girija n sujata.

    Umesh ji may be my post won’t be published and I don’t want to use this language but beleive me these are the two poeple when I see them, I just get mad and ravaged and can’t control myself everytime when i see the two mf’s father n daughter.

  39. notorious woman of Nepal politics. Grand Design ki daughter,. Receiving money from Ganendra and distributing to various gang fighter groups in Terai.

    yo Rame lai kina support garna manlagyo kunni? kahile kahi bhet hunch ki kyaho? Chala ta niko chaina ni!!

  40. यो राजनैतीक गद्दार लाई किन हामी सामु ल्याउनु भएको?

  41. why u put her picture on my sansar.have to put here and have to write abt the good people.sh is fake,she is not daughter of girija may be she have to daughter servent of girija.so she is fake an stupid women looks her face she is ugly and think miss nepal

  42. rame, there is no difference between paras and her. she is not comparable with anyone. she is just hell, making lots of money doing business in the name of womena n poor people. just understand, she is not pro-people.

  43. ha ha ha Rame ji, Sujata is not in nepal to serve the country, she is here to make ‘Aakut sampati’. ‘Lauda’ le matra napugera ‘Rakta chandan’, ani teti le matra napugera aaba ke ke ho ke ke…….Sonia gandhi sanga dajda malai Laj lagyo…….kaha ko rajaram, kaha ko gane bhandari!!!!!

  44. Waht is the meaning of posting such pictures? I don’t understand why mysansar is posting unnecessary things. What’s in this picture to show?

  45. Sujata koirala always put great faith in the Monarchy. As a daughter of Priminisrer charged with getting for her farther;s care plan through Nepali congress ,her attemts to cercumvent.She is always is a serious minded striver.

    Pusp prasad Luintel
    Boston, U. S. A.

  46. Sujata koirala alwats put great faith in the Monarchy. As a daughter of Priminisrer charged with getting for her farther;s care plan through Nepali congress her attemts to cercumvent.She is always is a serious minded striver.

    Pusp prasad Luintel
    Boston, U. S. A.

  47. she is so proudy person and also she dont have talking quality.so better remove her face from this blog.

  48. कता कता इन्धिरा गाधी जस्तो पो लाग्यो ??मैले अनुहार को मात्र कुरा गरेको नि साथी हो ,बुद्दी चै इन्धिरा को झै हुन बिहान बिहान चना र केरा खायेर योगा या कम्फु प्राक्तिस चाहिन्छा/

  49. Dear All,

    It does not matter who wears what. Who is getting married to whom it is a personalchoice. She has come back and devoted in politics.Life would have been better in Germany. Every one has right serve the country of birth.

    Majority of comentators are leaving in overseas and pobably will live there for ever. If so, Sujata is doing better than those who are leaving there and doing no thing for a country.

    Therefore, don’t be baist. Sonia Gandhi is doing well in India then why not Sujata in Nepal.

    Every one is envy because she is a daughter of PM. There are lot of other people in politics due to fathers influence such as Prakash Man singh, Bimalendra Nidhi etc

  50. she is there only because of her father! she doesnt have any qualities to be a leader in Nepal! she doesn’t know the reality of Nepal and Nepali politics…but Girija is in real pressure…couldnt do much for her! i think he will do something meracle before his death! he wants to see her in the commander post of nepali congress but it will not happen! so sad!!hehe….

  51. hi all what she can do more.Her man is not anz more with her. she needs to do something and politics is more better to her to cash and todeceive people. In germanz she has no placein her home. Her so called familz has no meaning.

    i donot like her please remove and dont give importance to her. whz media is giving lot of importance to daughter of koirala,s familz. for example manish in politics and this nonexperince,girijans daughter sujata too. I donot understand. what is hjer legacz. can u tell us. Is this like saha dynasty? than whz not others. all the best
    please remove this sillz non sensne picture

  52. Previous roman version is more convenient.This new version is complicated and lousy. Please put the OLD one. Thank you. Please do’nt post such photos. Its a really APASHAKUN.

  53. Previous roman version is more convenient.This new version is complicated and lousy. Please put the OLD one. Thank you. Please do’nt post such photos. Its a really APASHAKUN.

  54. yo manche ko photo or news heryo ki Nepal ko future dark lagcha. so hami aashabadi nepalilai nirasa nabanaunus umesh ji. picture hatayekai ramro.

  55. प्रचंड महाराज को रोलेक्स घड़ी (गरीब लाइ लुटेर र निचोरेर ल्याएको), कुक्कुर पारसे को go go jhilke चश्मा, र यो आइमाई को लौडा कमिशन बाट आएको सुनको घड़ी उस्तई उस्तई हैन त?

    सब लुटेरा हरु हुन!

  56. I do not like her at all. Don’t ask why, ’cause it is obvious to all. Please please remove it. We do not want to see her face.

  57. elite politician ……………………………………………one of them…………..she is symbol…………….lovi ra papi ko sangam………..hamara lovi…pakhandi …neta…….i …hate…them…..they do not work for people……civilian is killing day by day….but they are…..ani UN ma jambo toli…..des ka garib ko malpot ko kar…….kina chahiyo….jambo toli UN ma…millions nepali currency…..tara des ka garib lai citomal pani khane paisa chaina….
    tiniharu ko gohi ka aansu hun…..birendra haru lai marchan….ani reporters club ma …..speech ….ani hamra journo haru tes lai nai….hit banauchan….kasto muluk…jaha daka haru ko raj cha….matrinhumi ko sarap lagcha tiniharulai…kohi des tukra parna lageka chan ani kohi manche marna…kasto sangyog….thik6 ….yakdin ta janta le bhujlan ni…


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