जित्‍न पाएन नेपालले यु १५ एसीसी कप

निकै राम्रो प्रदर्शन गरिरहेको थियो नेपालले यु१५ एसीसी कपमा। गृहभूमि, त्यसमाथि डिफेन्डिङ च्याम्पियन। भोलि सिंगापुरसँग सेमिफाइनल जिती अन्तिम प्रतिस्पर्धा पनि जितेर उपाधि कायम गर्ने आशा धेरैको थियो। तर नेपालको त्यो आशा आज निराशामा परिणत भयो। खेल हारेर हैन, बढी उमेरको खेलाडी खेलाएको कारण नेपाल प्रतियोगिताबाट डिस्क्वालिफाइ भयो। नेपालमात्र हैन, अन्य सात वटा देश पनि डिस्क्वालिफाइ भए। युएई केही दिनअघि डिस्क्वालिफाइ भएको थियो। अचम्म छैन त, दस देश सहभागी प्रतियोगितामा आठ वटा टिम डिस्क्वालिफाइ हुनु ?

तर यो हुनु स्वभाविक पनि थियो। किनभने यु १५ भनेको १५ वर्षमुनिका मात्र खेलाडी खेल्न पाउने प्रतियोगिता हो। तर निगरानी दर्‍हो नहुने हुनाले यसअघि १६-१७ वर्षका खेलाडीहरु पनि मजाले सहभागी हुन्थे। अझ कतिले त हाकाहाकी नै यु १५ भनेको १६ वर्षसम्म खेल्न पाउने भनेको हो, १७ वर्षसम्म खेल्न पाउने भनेको हो भन्ने गर्थे। उही क्या- कपिराइट भनेको कपि गर्न पाउने राइट अर्थात् नक्कल गर्न पाउने अधिकार भनेर व्याख्या गरे जस्तो।

नेपाललाई मात्र दोष दिने कुरा आउँदैन यसमा। अरु देशमा पनि यस्तै प्रचलन रहेछ भनेर त आठ राष्ट्र डिस्क्वालिफाइ भएकोले देखिहालियो। तर प्रतियोगिताको सुरुमा नै हुनुपर्ने काम अन्तिम चरणसम्म आइपुग्दा भएको कारण अलि खल्लो लागेको मात्र हो। अब आउँदो प्रतियोगितामा नेपाल लगायत सबै देशले चेत्‍ने छन् भन्ने कामना बाहेक अब अरु के नै गर्न सकिन्छ र।


  1. मलाई एउटा जोक याद आयो … एक पटक बिनोद दास (Current Captain of our National Team) लाई एउटा टीवी अन्तर्वार्ता मा उनले U-19 Asia Cup मा कसरी नेपाल लाई जिताउन सके भनेर सोधेछ्न,उनको जवाफ एस्तो थियो : ” खासमा यो अनुभवले गर्दा हो , किना भने मैले चार पटक U-19 Asia Cup खेलिसकेको छू. यसपाली हाम्रो अनुभवी टीम भएर जितेको हो. हेर्नुहोस अर्को U-19 Asia Cup मा मैले यो भन्दा जोड़दार प्रदर्सन गर्ने छू . .. ” 🙂

  2. The decision might have come as surprise, but we ourselves are blame and not anybody else for the dishonor. It is the responsibility of concern athority to ensure that the nation should honestly try to address the problem by going over the mistakes.

    Pusp Prasad Luintel
    Boston. U. S. A.

  3. a very good decision and i welcome the decision. nepal had faced same situation in soccer, not that long ago – but still it seems, has not learnt the lesson. we nepalese r used to learn lessons ‘a hardway’. nepal cricket board should be investigated and penalised for making the national name bad. wat r these people trying to teach young kids…cheating!? ufff.

  4. this is not new. This happens in every sports. I used to be a track and field person when I was young. We competed for junior (under 15) track and field world championship to be held in Belgium in which I won. But they sent and 19 year old man to participate in that event. Since then I stopped competing in event. This kind of disqulaification should happen more so that real young talents in Nepal get opportunity.

  5. Its quite bad luck for nepal. I do not believe icc have such a rite to give such decision. Because start checking first of all the nat ionality and after that only it should check the age boundary.
    So i request icc board to check the indian,pakis tani and sri lankan playing in the A division cricket.After doing so only check the age limit .
    No matter the age but they all are nepali.But what about uae and other country.Also check the n ationlity of singapore.Then we will think you have done a great job.
    thats a ll
    jaya nepal

  6. चोरि चकारि र ठग्ठाग नेपालमा भन्दा ब्यापक हुने सम्भावना छ अंमेरिकामा, यदि यहाको कानुन कडा नहुदोथियो त ।
    यदि कुनै पनि देश लाइ साच्चै राम्रो बनाउने हो भने कानुन कडा र अक्छ्यरश पालना हुनु पर्छ, त्यसको भाव बुझेर । तर नेपालमा कानुन चाहि पालना हुन्छ, भाव तोडमोड गरिन्छ । त्यहि भएर जल्ले जे मन लाग्यो, त्यहि गर्छन यहा ।

  7. Trainer and the team manager should be expelled from the team because due to their negelengcy this is happened and insulted so if they are kicked out noone will do like this in future

  8. It is really a very good start, I welcome the approach and all the countries should follow the rules strictly. This is what is called “ETHICKS”

  9. Hey Cricket Association of Nepal,
    Why don’t you sack entire team of selectors for selecting older players?

  10. खै त CAN ले यस विषयमा तयारी गरेकै थियो रे। के भयो त यसरी disqualified हुनुमा।
    अब आउदोँ U19 WORLD CUP को लागि तयारी गर्नुपर्छ न कि फेरि आउट हुने। त्यसका लागि पनि हाम्रो टोलीमा सशंकित खेलाडीहरु छन् जस्तो लाग्छ। त्यसमा पनि हाम्रा केही खेलाडीहरु तेस्रो पल्ट U19 WC खेल्दैछन्। तेस्रो पल्ट U19 WC खेल्नु भनेको पहिलो पल्ट सहभागी हुदाँ १५ वर्षको मात्र हुनु पनि हो जो सम्भव कमै मात्रै हुनुपर्ने हो। होइन र?

  11. जस्तो मेहेनत त्यस्तै फल!
    त्यैपनी कोशीस राम्रो थियो है। खेल हो एउटाले न हारे के को खेल नि। कस्ता कस्ता महारथीहरुले त हर्छन भने। तपाईं सबैले वोर्ल्ड कप त हेर्नुहुन्छ होल नि! त फेरी यस्त कमेन्ट लेखेर के गर्नु हुन्छ। हिस्यौने यि मान्छेहरुलाई क्रीकेट कै मैदानमा उर्लाउनु पर्छ है!

  12. Good lesson for nepali cricket commitee.They dont have to play dirty policy as leaders r playing towards the country.we have many players under condition so they have to give first piority ,so we can give birth to new n talented players which not only can lift under15 tournament but also reach upto world cup cricket.


    Kuala Lumpur, December 1 2007
    The results of the Age-Verification Program conducted in Nepal during the ACC U-15 Elite Cup have been released. 140 radiology examinations have been conducted in Nepal since the teams’ arrival with all the players from the ten participating teams.

    The Asian Cricket Council Age-Verification Program has been in place for all age-group competitions since May 2005. It was introduced to ensure that all competitors would be meeting on a fair and equitable basis on the criteria of actual age.

    Age-discrepancies among competitors lead to performance advantages for older players and injury-risks for the younger ones. The Asian Cricket Council’s U-15 Tournaments, as with its U-17 and U-19 tournaments are held to be just that – for those players who are the appropriate age.

    As it is commonly understood that in Asia, many players and Associations are unaware of their actual date of birth, the Age-Verification program establishes a player’s bone-age maturity using the Assessment of Skeletal Maturity-TW3 method. The cut-off date for players’ birthdates is July 1,1992 for this tournament. No player with a physiological or administrative age earlier than this date is eligible to play in the 2007 ACC U-15 tournament.

    All countries were asked to provide the appropriate medical data on each of their players before the tournament started. They did not comply. Following bone-age examinations of all players in Kathmandu, a number from all the participating teams – Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Malaysia, Nepal, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Thailand – have been found to be over the age-limit criteria. Each participating country consists of 14 squad-members. In the instances where more than two players in each squad have been found to be over-age, those teams have been disqualified from the competition.

    Following the conclusion of the group stage on November 30, the only two countries with less than three over-age players in their squads are Kuwait and Singapore. In some instances, participating squads have had seven, eight and nine over-age players.

    With the tournament having passed the group-stages, that leaves only Kuwait and Singapore eligible for further competition. It is they who will contest the Final on Monday December 3rd .

    Syed Ashraful Huq the Chief Executive of the Asian Cricket Council said, “Our Age-Verification protocols have been tested and proven to work. We stand by the results found and take heart that the integrity of our tournaments is assured. In the long-run cricket in Asia will benefit. Results such as this should act as an eye-opener to all our members. Our principles will always remain true to the secure development of cricket.”

  14. Thats good. They should have been eliminated. Theats very false mentality. They have learned a lesson now. I appreciate the decision. I know the same thing is happening in U-19 too. The should also be demoralised to do so.

  15. Despite of a lot of investments why the Nepali sports is not making progress? Why the achievements seen in the under 15 or under 19 level are not achieved in the national level?
    The fact has been disclosed now. The under 19 players who played 10 years ago are still in the team. The most funny thing is that they also represent the national team.
    If improvement has to be made, the related sporting authority, government body, sports journalism and we the sport lovers have to act responsively.

  16. Bad Habbit.Who are the fare countries among them ?Really i dont know about cricket.can some one enlighten about this ?

  17. Thikai bho, harek chhetram yasari niyam michera kaam garnelai sajayako bhagi banaunu parchha. Nepali hos ya aru kohi. Ek ta niyam michiyo arko tira naya kheladile chance paenan. 3 janako bau bhai sake pachhi pani under 25 ma khelna laaj lagdaina?

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