बालुवाटारबाट निकास निस्केन : संविधान सभाबाट खोजिने

पट्यारलाग्दो पर्खाइसँगै पटक पटक वसिरहेको सात दलको बालुवाटारमा बसेको आजको वैठक निष्कर्षहीन रुपमा टुंगिएको छ । शक्ति वाँडफाड र राष्टिय सुरक्षा परिषदमा प्रमुख विपक्ष दलहरुबाट प्रतिनिधी राखिने विषयमा प्रमुख दलहरु विच सहमति जुट्न नसकेपछि उक्त वैठक निष्कर्षहीन बन्न पुगेको हो । संविधान सभाको निर्वाचन भएको दुई महिना भन्दा वढि समय भइसक्दा पनि नयाँ सरकार वन्न सकेको छैन । बरु काठमाडौंका सडकहरु आन्दालनमय भइरहेका छन्, महंगी अकाशियको छ । संविधान सभा पश्चात शान्तिको आशा गरेका नेपाल जनताहरु निराश हुँदैछन् । संविधानसभाको पहिलो बैठकले गणतन्त्र कार्यान्वयन गर्ने बाहेक अन्य काम गर्न सकिरहेको छैन । सभासदहरु काठमाडौंको सडक नापेर भत्ता पचाईरहेका छन् । संविधान सभाका वैठकहरु डाकिने र एजेण्डा विहिन बन्ने र केहि घण्टामा नै स्थगित हुने क्रम जारी छ । तर अब भने संविधान सभाको काम आउला जस्तो छ किनकी अब यसरी सात दलको बालुवाटारमा बैठक पटक पटक नवस्ने बरु संविधान सभाबाट निकास निकालिने भनेर नेताहरु बैठक स्थगित गरेर हिडेको एक नेताले संचार माध्यामहरुलाई जानकारी दिएका छन् । तपाईलाई कस्तो लाग्छ, यो डेडलकलाई कसरी हटाउने होला ? बालुवाटारबाट निस्कन नसकेको निकास संविधान सभाले बानेश्वरबाट निकाल्ला त ? आफ्ना विचारहरु राख्नुहोस ।


  1. It is good that parties are going for voting to elect the first president of Nepal. CA members will cast their vote to elect president and vice president and it is true democracy now we can observe in Nepal.

  2. K Nepali ji

    torpedo and Rajanहरुको ओकालत गर्नु भन्दा पहिले उनिहरुले लेखसँग सम्बन्धित कमेन्ट गरे कि गरेनन, एकपटक पढ्नु हुन्थ्यो कि ? उपर्युक्त लेखमा कुन बुदाहरुलाई उठान गरिएको छ? के १३००० मान्छे मार्ने कुरा छ? जग्गा जमिन फिर्ता गर्ने कुरा छ? लेखको आसय के छ? “म गर्छु आग्रा कुरा, तपाईंहरु गर्नुहुन्छ गाग्रा कुरा ।” राम्रोसँग लेख पढ्नुस्, अनी मात्र सम्बन्धित बिषयमा कमेन्ट लेख्नुस्।

  3. Why these leaders are having the pain in … when there is the strong body like CA members are there to decide on all aspects. Did they forgot that they are given the mandate to go as per CA representatives’ decision not to be autocrated by few leaders or power sharing on their discretion. Why these CA members are degraded???

    Balla line ma aayo.

  4. Present solution neither comes from Narayanhiti nor from Baluwatar. It comes from people’s voice at the CA meeting which can elect new president, prime minister and Chair person of the CA. Anybody from any party who is a CA member should submit his/her candidacy for President, Prime minister, CA Chairperson, the CA meeting will decide it even by voting when necessary. That is true democracy in fact.

  5. Deal all, that is why I hate NC. They are democratic only on slogan, but on practice they are everything. Go to hell, useless bunch of suckers.

  6. सात पार्टी को औचित्य संबिधानसभा को परिणाम पछी समाप्त भईसक्यो|
    गिरिजाको आलोचना जती गरे पनि कम नै हुन्छ|
    अबको नेपालको नेत्रित्व युबाहरुले गर्नु पर्छ|बौदिक बर्गहरु जो भ्रष्टचारी को घेरामा नपरेको (जस्तो गिरिजा)भए जो पनि नेपालको राष्ट्रपती हुन सक्छ (माधव नेपाल बाहेक)|

  7. If we are committed to buid the new Nepal, below 50 years persons should be cabinet and member of parliament otherwise it will be handicapped.It is true fact.

  8. Dear all,
    I read most of the comments and found that more that 70 percent of the commentators are against Girija’s autocracy. They think that he is the man one who is not supporting to form a new government under the Maoists leadership.
    I also agree with the mass. Girija should resign and open the door for the new government which will be lead by the so called maobadi of Nepal. I am not in the favor of them, I am not biased; it is their right being on of the largest party of nepal. We want to see what they will do. Infact, the whole Nepli Janta want to see new government under the moaists leadership. Nepli congress should understand it, and help them.

    Germany bata euta bidhyarthi

  9. टोर्पेदो ब्रो र राजन ब्रो
    अहिले कसरी माओवादी बाधक भयो ? माओवादीले अहिले कतिसम्म लचक्ता देखैरहेको छ भन्ने कुरा तपाईंहरु जस्तो टम्टम लाई के थाहा ? माओवादीले जती सिट काङ्रेसले जितेको भये बालुवाटारमा अरु नेताहरुलाई छिर्नु पनि दिने थिएन । अनी १३ हजार जनताको खुन बगाउने माओवादी होइनन यो कुरा ध्यानमा राख्नुस् । किलोसेरा२ र खोइ के के अप्रेसन लागु गर्ने तिमीहरुकै हजुरबाउ गिरिजाले होइन ? मार्नु आउनेलाई नमारे के ? ल मार भनेर बस्ने? यो बिसएमा मलाई जती जानकारी यहाँका कमेन्टर कोइसँग छैन । सरकारी पक्छ्यले कुन अवस्थामा मान्छे मारेको र माओवादीले कुन अवस्थामा मान्छे मारेको भन्नेकुरा तपाईंहरुलाई क् थाहा ? सिर्फ झोला बोकेर नेताको पछी पछी लुखुर् लुखुर हिंड्नु भन्दा क् जानेको छ र कार्यकर्ताहरुले ?

  10. I think NC is showing its true color: it never was a democratic party, only a bunch of ururpists.
    Our grand Parents used to curse enemies saying “Let conngressites enter your house!”. They knew what Nepali Congres is. They are just a bunch of greedy, blood sucking leeches, whom people have to throw by using force if necessary.

  11. dear chris in my openion party representation is not an important issues but the representation of all the Nepali people voice and protection of their right to exercise their citizenship right and access to services supposed to be delivered by the government is the most importent thing.
    who ever form government NCM,UML or NC, the bottom line is they should be able to address the present problems of Nepal to leap forward for economic development, peace and social security issues. development won’t come just by forming perticular party’s govt. for it they have to devote their life for the people and nation. being a Nepali u and me also hav the responsibility to help build country from our side by paying ur income tax, and utlizing ur expertise for Nepal.

  12. Constituent Assembly is, and Baluatar is not, the authentic place where every problem should be discussed and resolved.

    However, given that Nepal’s current situation is volatile, we need consunses among political parties in every important political issue. But, consensus among them seems impossible since they all are or seemed to be power hungry.

  13. @Chris!
    forget the survey! pre-election surveys had confirmed that maoists will get less than 20 CA-Seats far behind Ex-panch, RPP-Nepal. Post election gave the result of 220 for maoists. This is a simple mistake of medias, they have forgotten to read it correctly (2)20 because that they wanted to sideline maoists.
    Therefore result of survey depends upon the interest of the groups who paid it
    you can not trust nepali media, they report never the true fact but they manipute the report which serves their interests.

  14. I think, a government should be formed among communist parties ‘minus’ congress as one informal opinion survey carried out in 60 districts among (i) poor people- mainly women, (ii)service holders (both private/government employee) and (iii) civil societies including grass root level political people, shows that above 67.32% people prefered ‘the Communist-led’ govenment in the country.

    Did Girija and other congress people know about it?


  16. Mr Pradhan may i try for them,
    Why should not be maoist accountable for
    * not returning the illigally seized properties of public
    * running the so called congaroo court
    * capturing the government and public property illigally and distributing to their supporter
    * not taking action to their cadres involved in the kiling and inimidations
    * taking commission in almost all the tenders for development activities in VDC and municipalities.
    * trying to be autocratic government by not allowing opposition representation in the security council.
    * trying to politically infuse national army by demanding to integrate all the PLA into NA. Will those NA soldiers would accept them as their own colleague who have joined due to political background not due to service period and experience? What if TMM, AKTT, TA and other armed outfit demand for the same?
    * many more
    Mr Pradhan do you think that it is right that maoist led government (which represent 30% popular vote)make the sole decision on the national security issues without consulting people represtatives.

  17. torpedo and Rajanहरुले अली बिस्तारमा माओवादीहरु जिम्मेवार हुनुको कारण लेखिदिनु भएमा हामी आभारी हुने थियौ।

  18. agreed with Bisistha and parangat.
    nothing will be solve without concensus of these three parties after all they bag 70% representation. If some party tries to bypass other one and made decision it will be disaterous for the country. Donot forget that past agreements must be implemented by all parties. every one knows who is not following and they will be accountable for outcome due to that.

  19. PM वा President को पदविना म (GPK) वाच्नैसक्दिन, त्यसैले चिहानमा रजिनामा दिन्पाय कसोहोला ?

  20. I feel pity for those bloggers who have little brain to analyze, thus support maoists blindly. Use your brain. Be analytical. Country interests should prevail over any BAAD. Jai Nepal

  21. संबिधानमा उल्लेख भए अनुसार प्रत्येक धारा त दुईतिहाइले पारित गर्नुपर्छ जसको लागि सहमति अत्यन्त जरुरी छ भने अब सुरक्षा परिषदमा बिपक्षी दल (नेपाली कांग्रेस)को प्रतिनिधि पनि त हुनुपर्‍यो नि। हरुवा र जितुवाको किचलो किन ल्याइराख्नु?

  22. I can’t understand why these Giraja ka tattoos do not understand Girija. They are like “Srawan maa ankha futeko goru”. Maoist have got the mandate to reshape the country. If anyone thinks there will be comunist rule after they take over, then I would say they dont know the politics. They are well prepared to rule in democratic way and it has been proved as they have become the largest party through the ballot. We can see they are in process to settle down army issue, which we should take in positive way because they have put their life to free Nepal from ongoing undemocratic politics. We know how desperate other party’s leaders were to be in power. Girija supported Gyanendra to become a king even knowing he was the suspect of all what happened in the palace only to be in power. Ser Bahadur took offer to become PM even before he was sacked by the King stamping him as a “Nikamma”, that was also only for the power. Befor and after these also we have passed through the dirty politics played by so called leaders.

  23. २०५२ देखी पटक पटक शासन चलाऊदै आएका काङ्रेस पार्टी ले गर्दानै आज १३००० भन्दा बढी नेपाल आमाका सन्तान हरुले ज्यान गुमाउनु परेको हो । सचिक्कै भन्नु पर्दा , देश यहाँ सम्म गन्ज्रागोल अवस्था मा पार्नुमा . नेपाली कान्ग्रेश र केही हद सम्मा एमाले जिम्मेवार छ , राजतन्त्र र त्यसका मतियार हरुत नेपाली लाई लुत्ने चुस्ने बाहेक केहीपनी सस्कृतिबोकेर आएकै थिएन । अपराध गरेको आधार मा भन्नु पर्दा गिरिजा कोइराला देखी नै उस्का अपराध हरुलाई हेरी फाशी मा झुन्ध्याउनु पर्ने थियो , तर के गर्ने नेपाल मा यस्तै हो ।
    borte shrestha JAPAN

  24. It is not possible that somebody write here and happens there in Baluwatar. You guys also show your “PARA” as “Lato Desko Gando Tanneri”, who the hail understands about the politics of Nepal? Who gonna be safe after giving all power to Maoist? Perhaps most of the Maoist supporter think about it, however it would probably be the most dangerous situation if Maosist take the both Power. This is the time to write Constitution, “Maoists” are saying there will be power sharing if they give the post Presedent to NC, so what the hail they are gonna do? take all the power and do whatever they want? SO lets guys pray that Girija will die, then the problem will be solved? NO! but the need is to seek consensus, what will be the structure of Maoist Army? What will be the structure of Surakshha Parisad? what will be the new modality of new government? What is the criteria to get the post of President? Was the last election “Presenditial Election”? why maoist party would like to show the consipiracy on the People’s floor? There is India and “Sood” is directing “Prachanda” to do this this and this….do you guys challenge India? Whatever you do you can not…speaking and writing here in blogs does not work to challenge India…..You all know Maoist Party had made war having shelter in India, so we all need consensus…lets go together…by shaking hands….but do not write “GALI” and abuse other people that is not our ethics….you guys are literate…educated and live outside the country…do you think how hard it is to live in Nepal these days? Do you think everything will be good within some days? no guys no…you have to realise and promise to do something……nothings happens if you write from outside Nepal and Nothing worths to make “GALI” other people but makes your brain “Dirty” and you will be playing “Dirty” games and words and you yourself make your mind “Dirty”. Why don’t you think good and why don’t you write good and possible solutions!!!

    I hope at least the moderator understands this message and the value of blogs…Blogs are not establish to abuse others but to interact each others in a good way…..Am I write moderator? I need your answer!!! why don’t you write the IP address of some of the Abusers’ here? are you really unbiased moderator? waiting moderators’ comment here in this blog…

    Thanks for space……cheers!

  25. It is an excellent idea. Unless our Netas bypass GPK no good shape can we expect in the country. As everyone is aware of people’s faith on GPK and his party. So there is no need to negotiate with him. As before then king was isolated when he declared election, likewise it is GP’s turn.

  26. How long Girija wants to rape this country for his vested interest of power lust…..it is enough now ?

  27. Sambidhan sava bata nai nikas niskanu parcha. Kina ki Yi Neta haru ek le arka lai powerful vaeko herna nai chahadainan.
    arko kura yo condition ma maobadi lachilo hunai parcha, Girija le kanun anusar rajinama dinu parcha.

    Nepali sena ko loktantrikaran hunu parcha, i mean maobadi sena lai nepali sena ma raknai hudaaina , maobadi haru khaile pani rastriya sena hunai sakdainan Uni haru ta Parchanda Path Rajniti garne Vakkta haru hun. Future ma ektantriya sasan launa sakchan, daman garna sakchan, tesaile girija le adan chadnu hudai hudaina.Maobadi lai control garnu Bahut jaruri cha.

  28. haina yao Country ma GP na mori Country ramo hudaie na jasto lagcha kina bhanya ayo Country ko mul Jad bhanya kp Gp buda ho GP Buda morya pachi hai ta khasi katya ra khana parcha nepali haru lai bandak bhanya ko nai GP la ho ni haina ra

  29. Kiorala Clan the replacement of the Shah Dynasty loves to be in power. They have the support of the Army, some foreign powers and have enough money. So why would they listen to people’s mandate. Congress policy is similar to Zimbabwe. In Zimbabwe Mugabe is using harsh tactics and in Nepal Girija is using dirty politics. Both have lost the election but wants retain the chair.

  30. Hi everyone! I saw many comments here. It seems that most of friends could not able to believe themselves. Of course, you may be a member of any parties but when writing your comments in MYSANSAR, please believe on your own brain, believe yourselves, do not believe on Grija, Makune or Prachanda.
    Now, it it extremely good decision of maoists leader to leave to discuss only in 7 parties alliance although it is very late. Every solution should be searched from the meeting of historic CA.
    praBHAT, HU, Israel

  31. यो सबै समस्याको जड माओवादी नै हो । अहिले जे जती समस्या आएका छन र आउने वाला छन, सबै माओवादीकै देन हुन भन्दा फरक नपर्ला ।

  32. गाँठी कुरा: यो सब माओबादीले गर्दा भएको हो|

    १३००० नेपालीको हत्यारा माओबादीले नै हाम्रो सुन्दर शान्त नेपाललाई रणभुमीमा परिणत गरेको हो|

  33. केटाकेटिहरुले चोर सिपाही खेल खेले जस्ताइ हो यो पटक पटक्को बालुवाटार बैठक । यदी तपाईंहरुले चोर चिन्नु भएको छ भने ब्लग मार्फत १०० मुद्की हान्नु होस् अनी शित्तल्निवास जेल मा लगेर थुन्नुस /

  34. Until Girija is alive,such things happen again and again. I am hard pressed to find any instance where he concedes power to his own party’s fellow politician, let alone anyone from the other party.
    This oxygen-driven, frail leader wants to die as the head of the country. He is addicted to power.
    “Girija chor kurchi chod”

  35. No thing going to happen in Nepal no matter who leads the country still it’s going to be same,Thukka Nepal ko Leaders you all need to be punished.

  36. होइन हो हामी नेपालीहरुलाई सान्च्चिकै सतिले सरापेकै हो क्यारे नत्र यि नेताहरु किन यतिबिध्न सत्तालिप्सा भएका हुन जे जसो भात्ता खाने र सधैं बालुवाटारमा बैठक बोलाउन्दैमा समस्या हल हुने होइन प्रचन्डजिले भन्नुहुन्थ्यो नि सत्ता कब्जाको द्ङु हो तेही गर्नु पर्छ शायद गिर्जले रजिनामा देला र संबिधानसभा को बैठक गरेर नयाँ संबिधान बनाउल नसोछे हुन्छ माओबदिका नेताहरुले बुढो त साह्रै ज्यद्रो छ हो अनी षड्यन्त्रकारी पनि हो जे होस् बिना बिभागीय राष्ट्रपती दिनु नि मान्थेकी बुढाले

  37. Girija is on the path of Myanmar Generals: never give up p;ower to the elected representatives. What a joke: the so called democrat by birth is now going to be a dictator like Burmese military general. After all he was the one who launched Kiloshera two to exterminate anyone who is not in line with his fascist order disguised as “democracy”.

  38. माओवादीहरु अरु लचिलोहुनु अहिलेलाइ जरुरी छैन

    अब आ-मुल लचिलो हुनेपालो काङरेसको भन्दापनि जिरिजाको|

    जय देश नेपाल !!!!

    राजेश बाबु श्रेष्ठ

  39. झकास ब्रो र लाटी सँग मेरोपनि सहमत …….!!!

    सके राष्टपति नभए प्र-तिपछेमा बसेर फेरी सक्तिचै आफैसङ राखि देशलाई उहि पुरानै जिरिजाको (कुटुनि बुढि)को कुटिलताले बाधिराखेर आफुखुसि न-हुनेभयोकि अहिलेझै जैलेपनि डेडलक नै डेडलक……!!!

    अहिलेको “अबस्थामा-त” जिरिजाले अफ्नो सक्कलै नदेखे जस्तोगरि आखा चिम्लेर अरुलाइ कामै गर्न दिन्न भने, तपाइहरुनै भन्नुस …….लाज नभयेपछि कस्को केलाग्छ?

    मिटिङमात्रै पनि हेर्नुसन…..कसोगरि आफ्नोकुराको समर्थनगराउने मात्रै चाल| कहिले १-१ जना, कहिले ३ दल, कहिले ७ दल, नभये २५ दल, त्योपनि नभए सन्सद रे| कुटुनि बुढिको बुद्दि…..!!!! स्पस्टता भनेको कहि छैन|
    न-आफ्नो बुद्दिले कामगर्छ नत अरुलाइनै कामगर्न दिन्छ| जानेको छ त एउटैमात्र मुलम्न्त्र = “कुटिल चाल” अनि केकोहुन्थ्यो देशको निकास र बिकास……

    …..तेसैले ,झट्टटिपेरलानु बाहेक अरु उपाए छैनहै | ….बाकी दैबकैभरोसा

    राजेश बाबु श्रेष्ठ

  40. षड्यन्त्र सिरोमनी श्री गिरिजा प्रशाद कोइराला लाई बिना बिभागीय राष्ट्र पती दियमा समस्या को हल निस्किन्थ्यो कि ।
    हैन यो कङ्रेश को नेता हरु के भय को । कङ्रेश वन्द अरु दल नै होइन जस्तो गर्ने । जनता को मत को कदर हुनु पर्‍यो । अनेक बहाना गरेर रजिनामा नगरेर देश लाई सरकार बिहिन बनाउन भायन ।
    सात दल को शाहमती तोदन हुँदैन । तर कङ्रेश ले गिरिज कोइराला लद्न हुरैन ।

  41. No way. This leader and politician are taking as hostage country and people. Those all leaders are incapable to deal country and people problems and it take country 100 years behind. All these people are selfish and greedy look back to history and in currently. Don’t bring country like Afganisthan and Iraq.

  42. अझै पनि राष्ट्रपतिको खोजी कार्य जारी रहेछ,यो नालायक लाज नभएको गोब्रे किराहरुको जथ्य ले के गर्न खोजेको हो/के राष्ट्रलाई साँच्चिकै बन्दकमा राख्न खोजेकै हो त?नत्र किन यो नाटक,यो नालायक गोब्रे किराहरुको पीछा लग्गू हरुले पनि किन नबुझेका हुन/अब देश भलखंडोमा जाकिने नै भयो त,खबरदार,यि नेता भानाउदा लाचारी,भ्रष्टचारी,नक्काचारो, देशद्रोहीहरु,स्वाभिमानी नेपालीहरुको आँखामा छारो हाल्ने प्रयास नगरिस/तिमिहरुको राष्ट्र र राष्ट्रिय प्रति देखाएको जिम्मेवारी र तिमिहरुको नैतिकता कति सम्म रहेछ भन्ने सारा नेपाली नागरिकहरुले देखि सके र बुझी सकेका छन/
    ज्ञाने ले चुपचाप संग दरबार बाट बिदा लिंदा तिमीहरूले खुशी मनाएका थियौ /यदि तिमीहरूले पनि सारा नेपाली नागरिकहरुको आँखामा छारो हालेर ज्ञानेको जस्तो ब्यबहार गर्ने दुष्प्रयास गरेमा तिमिहरू को पनि त्यस्तै हालत हुने छ बिचार पुरयाउनु/

  43. मसाने जि
    जुन लुगा पटक पटक लगाइ थोत्रो भाई सक्यो अब फेरी पनि लगाउन खोज्ने ता कि त्यस बाट कुनै न्यानो महसुस हुँदैन भने अब त्यस लाई सिगान मात्रा होइन गु पुछेर फाल्नु पर्छ नत्र जुम्रा पर्छ त्यसइ त चिलाई रहने जनता जुम्रा पर्‍यो भने कती कन्याउने हो ,,,??????

  44. सत्ता लिप्स हरुले जुका टासे झै टासेर देशलाई कहिले पनि निकाश नदिने भयो
    हारुवा एमाले लाई रास्ट पती पाउदा पनि अझै गृह मन्त्री चाहिन्छ पो भन्छन रे
    उम्ला चुस्न दिदा शरीर नै निल्न खोज्ने यो भुस्या कुक्कुर हरुले
    सिनो भाग लगाउन कहिलै नछोड्ने भयो,

  45. निकाशको मुख्य बाधक तेही बुढो “मरिजा” हो।
    देशमा साच्चै समस्याको निकास र समग्र बिकासको लागि सबैले पुकारौ:
    श्री यमराजले झट्टै हामी नेपालीको कल्याण गरुन(बुढोलाई छिट्टो टिपेर लैजाउन)
    जय नेपाल

  46. झकास ब्रो सँग म पनि सोर्है आना सहमत छु ।

  47. निकाल्नुपर्यो नि । नत्र यिनिहरुलाई हामिले किन जिताएर पठाएको त?

  48. वास्तवमा यो पकृया दुइमहिना अघी नै थालनु पर्ने थियो। किन भने, भन्न् लाई सात दलिय सरकार् भन्ने गरिन्छ। तर रष्ट्रको भविश्य निरधारण् र् रष्ट्रिय मह्तव् का विषय हरुको छिनो फानो भने जनादेश् पाएको संम्बिधान् सभा बाट न गरी, तिन् दलका नेताहरुमाझ् बालुवटारमा कोठे बैठक मारफत् गरिन्छ।

    यस्तो कर्यले जनादेशको अवहेलना त गरेयो नै। यस् बाहेक् सत्ता र शक्ती को खेलमा लिप्त नेताहरुले आज सम्म “हलो अड्काई गोरु चुट्ने” काम् बाहेक् अरु खासै केहि गरेको छैनन्।

    आसा छ हाल् सम्म काम् न हुने तर भत्ता चाँहि खायेर बसेका जम्बो संम्विधान् सभाले जन्ताको जनादेश् शश्क्त रुपमा पल्ना गर्दै राष्ट्र लाई सही बाटो तिर निर्दिष्ट गरने छ।

  49. maileta paile nai bhane ko ni sathi ho yo mao badi pani chor ho bhanera tara kasai le pattyayena ho ki hoina raicha ta .yini haru ko chala mala pani testai ho khali girijalai dar matrai dekhaucha hami sadak andolan garcham bhanera tara khoi ta ,yeni haru pakka janta ko lagi aako bhaye aile samma khi na khi ta garthe hola ni honia ta .khoi ta ,bhutro napeko aile samma ,jahile malai yo kursi chahiyo tyo kursi chahiyo matrai bhancha .jabo kursi ko lagi nai ho bbhane a sathi ho tyo kasturi farniture bata 6 .7 saya wata kursi lyai deu na hau nepal ko neta haru lai sabai dami dami ,

  50. Nepali Congressi party is behaving like African National Union- Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe.

    Girija Prasad Koirala is acting like Robert Mugabe.

  51. गरिबीले चुलिँदै गएको वा गरीवी को कुचक्र रेखा मुनि थिचिएको देशमा माओबादी नीति लिएर हिंड्नु मा कुनै आचार्य र अनौठो मान्नु पर्ने देखिन्न !गरीबी हुनुमा पनि बिभिन्न कारणहरु छन!राजनैतिक भ्रष्टचार,प्रसासनिक भ्रष्टचार,एक्कल जातीयको हैकमबादी नीति ,धार्मिक शोषण,आर्थिक शोषण,राजनैतिक शोषण,बर्गीय शोषण आदि ईत्यादी /साथै महँगी को बिरोध गर्नु बेकार हो जस्तो लाग्छ /जब अरुको भरमा बांची रहनं चहाने जो आफ्नो पाखुरा चलाउन कन्जुस्याई गर्नेहरूले महंगीको बिरोध गर्नु बेकार छ /अरुको भरमा बाँच्नु पर्ने बाध्यता कसैले बनाएको होइन,भन्ने कुरो देशको नेता,कर्मचारी र नागारिकहरुलाई राम्रै संग ज्ञान भएको कुरो हो / त्यसैले
    अफु बस्ने घर बनाउनलाई आफै लागी पर्नु पर्छ /अरुको भरमा बस्ने बानी परे पछि देशको हालत यस्तै हुन्छ / अझै के हुन्छ के के हुन्छ प्रतीक्ष गरऔ /

  52. I think If mosit are able to form the government they have to show absolute majority and present it to the head of state. But they are unable to do this and looks for other party if they come and handover them the power. This is not the process. They have to understand. If Girja regins now who is the head of state? who will run the government for the transitional phase. I recommended Moist to show an absolute majority by talking with other party, collect support from them, show it to head of state, so that it will be easier for Girja to resign and hoandover the power. This is not a ketaketi ko khel. India is playing is cleaver role now by first destroying the monarcy, now against democratic parties and barganing with moist to work them in their interest. Otherwise how come the indian ambessader work as a ambessader of Moist.

  53. Nepal Country Satila Sarapyako Country ho. Ramro kam Garni kasaiko bhalo hudaina.
    Example : Girija, Bhimsen thapa, King Birendra,

    Nati Babu Bhatta

  54. If our leaders continue to fight for posts and power, ignoring peoples demands and people’s hardship, it will not take long for ex king to be active in politics and may come back in power. Or Nepalese people may suffer like people of Pakistan.
    Our leaders please be aware!

  55. Hahahaha jhakkas brod, timile girija bajelae gali gareko dekhda 48 sal ko yaad aayo ,talu khuele girija bharat tira chhirija , bhandai swar sukne gari karaudai hidthyau.hahahaha,

  56. झकस ब्रो
    धेरै गाली नगर न यार गीरीजा बाबु लाई, जती गाली गर्‍यो बुढा को उमेर झनै बढछ क्य !
    अनी हरुवाहरु मात्र पनी समस्या को जड हैन नी त। जीतुवा भयर पनी हरुवा जस्तै नीम्सरो र नालायक हुने हरु लाई पनी अली अली सुझाब जाओस न कैले काही त यार । के सधैं भरी एउटै सुगारटाइ गर्ने ।

  57. Namaskar sabailai. Ashako kendra nai janta ho.Sabhasad haru ahile janta batai cuniyara gayaka hun,tara haruwa haru pani jaso taso sambidhan sabha ma chhirera chalkhel gare bhane pakkai pani nepali jantalai khelwad gardaichhan bhanne bujinchha.Tesaile, haruwa lai sabhasad ka rupma ghusanu ta parai jaos,rashtra ko pramukh pad nai dine sallaha le jantalai dhokha dine kam hudai chha.Yo pachhillo nirnaya shayad sabailai ta manya nahola tara voting gare bahumat lai mannu paryoni.

  58. यो सबै काङ्रेस्स्कै कारण ले हो । हारेको पार्तिलाई सक्तिसाली मन्त्रालय चाहिने अनी कता बाट निस्किन्छ निकास ।
    जब जान्छ गिरिजाको सास !
    तब निस्किन्छ निकास !!
    अनी हुन्छ देशको बिकास !!!

  59. खै के होला र। नेता हरुलाई अब देश र जनत भन्दा पनि कुर्सी प्यारो भयो। नेताहरुको यस्तै चाला रह्ही रह्यो भने देसमा फेरी चाडै गृह हुन धेरै समय कुर्नु पर्दैन।

  60. निकाश निकाल्ना खोजे ता निकलनी होनी त्यों निकाश
    जब निकल्नै खोजिदैना निकाश
    भन कसरी निस्कंछ त्यों निकाश
    हामी लाई गारो भयो त्यों निकाश
    जसमा अडिये को छ गणतंत्र को बिकाश
    इमान्दारिता नै हो निकाश को निकाश
    सबई बैमान छन त कसरी निस्केला त्यों निकाश ?

  61. कङ्रेस्स फेरी एक पटक फोहरी खेल खेल्न लगेको छ। नेपाली कङ्रेस्स अब प्रजापरिसद्को बाटोमा लग्न थालेको छ।

  62. धन्यवाद समाचार को लागी
    २ महीना पहिलेई हुनपर्ने काम बल्ल हुन लागेछ अबा कती दिन कुर्नपर्नि हो कुन्नी

  63. thats why maile pahila nai vaneko thiye ki,, moist pani janta ka sachha neta rahenachhan natra vane kina yesari satta ra sakti ko bad fad garna pareyo ra? sakinchha satta ma basera kaam garne, saikidaina prati pakcha s bata sahyog gare, vai halleyo ni , yesari desh lai jhn vanda jirn abasta ma purauna kina khojeka holan neta haru le ?

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