शहरी जीवन शैलिमा बसिरहेकाहरु विपश्यना ध्यान लगायत अन्य अध्यात्मको बाटोतर्फ आकर्षित भइरहेका छन्। फोटोमा देख्न सक्नुहुन्छ १२ दिने ध्यान शिविरबाट निस्केकाहरु। उमेरको कुनै सीमा छैन। भर्खरकी युवतीदेखि उमेर गइसकेकी बूढी आमैसम्म।
विपश्यना ध्यानमा जाने निधो १० वर्षअघि नै गरिसकेको भए पनि तालमेल नमिलेर जान पाइरहेको थिइनँ। यो बीचमा विपश्यनासम्बन्धी केही सामाग्री अध्ययन पनि गरेको थिएँ। एउटा सामाग्रीमा भारतमा विपश्यनामा युवाहरु आकर्षित नभएको विषयमा चिन्ता जनाइएको थियो। विपश्यना र अध्यात्मको बाटो बूढाबूढीहरुका लागि मात्र हो भन्ने गलत धारणा विकसित भइरहेको जिकिर त्यसमा गरिएको थियो। तर अगस्त १४ देखि विपश्यनाका लागि शिवपुरी राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज नजिकै रहेको धर्मश्रृङ्गमा पुग्दा सत्य उल्टो पाएँ। बहुमत युवायुवतीको थियो। हाम्रो ब्याचमा विदेशीहरु पनि १२ जना जति थिए- सबै युवा।
त्यतिबेला विपश्यना ध्यान शिविर लाग्दैछ भनी विज्ञापन छापिन्थ्यो ‘कान्तिपुर’मा। उतिबेला नै मैले त्यहाँ जाने इच्छा गरेको थिएँ। तर तालमेल नमिलेर जान सकिरहेको थिइनँ। अहिले सोच्छु- त्यतिबेला नै त्यहाँ पुगेको भए यतिबेलासम्म मेरो जीवनमा निकै सकारात्मक परिवर्तन आइसक्थ्यो होला। समय भनेको कहिले नमिल्ने रहेछ, मिलाउनु पर्ने रहेछ। यस पटक पनि कम्ति गार्हो भएन समय मिलाउन।
फागुनमा भरेको थिएँ फाराम शिविरमा बस्न। सोचेको थिएँ, माइन्ड कन्सनट्रेट गर्ने गरी ध्यानमा बसी आउँछु र एक्जाममा मज्जासित पढ्छु। तर मिलेन। एक्जाम हुने भयो। फेरि गणतन्त्र आउने भएपछि एक्जाम सर्यो। एक्जामपछि पनि समय मिलाउन निकै गार्हो भयो। अधिकांश समय इन्टरनेटमा बिताउने मलाई यो सब चटक्क छाडेर जान गार्हो भइरहेको थियो। तर पनि साथी कृष्ण र म भएर २४ वटा ब्लग एकैचोटी तयार पारेर नयाँ घटना साथीहरु दीपक र उत्तमलाई अपडेट गर्ने जिम्मा दिएर हामी लाग्यौँ नेपाल विपश्यना केन्द्रको काठमाडौँ कार्यालय ज्योतिभवन कान्तिपथतिर।
नेपाल विपश्यना ध्यान केन्द्रको यो शिवपुरी राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज नजिकै रहेको तपोभूमिलाई धर्मशृङ्ग नाम दिइएको छ। विपश्यनालाई नेपालमा पछिल्लो पटक ल्याउनमा रुपज्योतिको निकै योगदान छ।
अघिल्लो रातभर बत्ती गएको हुनाले कति ब्लग अझै अपडेट गर्न बाँकी थियो। त्यसैले कान्तिपथमा फाराम बुझाइसकेर पनि फेरि साइबर गएर ब्लगहरु अपडेट गर्दै बसेँ। अन्तिम पटक ब्लगमा साथी दीपकले अपडेट गरेको प्रम निवासबाट सामान सार्दै कोइराला शीर्षकको ब्लग नै अन्तिम थियो हाम्रो लागि। त्यसपछि हामी सञ्चार सम्पर्कबाट विच्छेद हुँदै थियौँ। यता नेपाली राजनीतिमा ऐतिहासिक घटना हुँदै थियो- प्रधानमन्त्रीको निर्वाचनका लागि उम्मेदवार दर्ता गर्ने दिन। फोहोरी राजनीतिलाई काठमाडौँ मै छाडेर कान्तिपथको कार्यालयबाट निस्केको माइक्रो बस चढेका हामी बूढानिलकण्ठतर्फ हुँइकिँदै थियौँ।
१२ दिनमा अधिकांश दिन नबोली ध्यान गरेर गृहस्थ जीवनमा फर्कन लागेकी एक आमै।
कान्तिपथको कार्यालयमा नै हामी नयाँ साधकहरुलाई एक घण्टाभन्दा बढी समय यो साधना कस्तो हो, के के नियम पालना गर्नुपर्छ जस्ता लेक्चर दिइएको थियो। बूढानीलकण्ठको तपोभूमि पुगेपछि फेरि त्यही कुरा दोहोर्याइयो र भनियो- सक्नुहुन्न जस्तो लाग्छ भने अझै समय छ, फर्किहाल्नुस्। सुरु भइसकेपछि कुनै पनि बहानामा फर्कन पाइन्न। त्यसअघि कार्यालयमा मोबाइल फोन, पर्स र दुई वटा डटपेन पनि बुझाएपछि हामी सञ्चारसम्पर्कबाट पूरै विच्छेद भयौँ। लेख्ने, पढ्ने कुनै पनि सामाग्री राख्न नपाइने भएकोले डटपेन समेत बुझाउनु परेको हो।
आफ्ना मोबाइल, नगद र अन्य बहुमूल्य सामान यहाँ जम्मा गर्ने हो। ११ औँ दिन त्यसलाई फिर्ता गरिन्छ।
साँझ ५ बजे खाजा खाएपछि सात बजे धम्महलमा प्रवेश गरियो। यही धम्महलमा हामीले आउने १० दिन ध्यान गर्यौँ। पहिलो पटक त्यहाँ प्रवेश गर्दा एउटा अनौठो उत्सुकता थियो। मात्रामा कमिघटी होला, तर १० दिनसम्म नै त्यस्तो उत्सुकता कायमै रह्यो। प्रत्येक साधकका लागि बस्ने निश्चित स्थान निर्धारण गरिएको थियो र सँधै त्यहीँ बस्नु पर्ने थियो।
धम्म हलभित्रको दृश्य। यही चकटी ओछ्याइरहेको ठाउँमा बसेर सामूहिक ध्यान गर्ने हो।
आफ्नै अनौठो विशेषताका कारण युवायुवतीदेखि वृद्धवृद्धासम्म सबै यो विपश्यना ध्यानतर्फ तानिएका छन्।
पहिलो पटक धम्महलमा बस्दा गरिएको प्रार्थनामा लामो लेघ्रो तानेर अ……गरेको सुन्दा अनौठो र हाँसउठ्दो लागे पनि १० दिनपछि त्यही आवाज रिदमयुक्त लाग्न थाल्यो। त्यो रात शिविरमा परिचय भयो। हामीलाई सहायक आचार्य भीमवरसिंह थापा र धर्ममान नेवाःले विपश्यना सिकाउने भए। महिलातर्फ अनागरिका सुजाता र अर्की एक सहायकले सिकाउने रहिछिन्। त्यही समयदेखि आगामी ९ दिनका लागि हामीले मौनव्रतको पालना गर्नुपर्थ्यो। आर्यमौन- Noble Silence।
बारम्बार झुक्किन्थेँ म यो नोबल साइलेन्सलाई मोबाइल साइलेन्स देखेर। मोबाइल त पहिलो दिनै कार्यालयमा जम्मा गर्न राखिसकेको हुन्छ, केको मोबाइल साइलेन्स। यहाँ त नोबल साइलेन्स पो त। अर्थात् बोलीबाट मात्र हैन, हात आँखा र अरु भागको इशाराले पनि बोल्न नपाइने। बोलेमा कसैले दण्ड दिने हैन, तपाईँ आफ्नै ध्यान कमजोर हुने हो।
कसरी बिताएँ त मैले १० दिन ? कस्तो अनुभव गरेँ मैले। विपश्यना ध्यान भनेको कस्तो साधना रहेछ ? मैले के बुझेँ त्यसबाट ? यी सबका बारेमा विस्तृत म भोलि लेख्नेछु।
एक करोडको लागतमा बनेको नवनिर्मित धम्म हल। सब खर्च एक पटक ध्यान गरिसकेकाहरुको चन्दा रकमबाट संकलन गरिएको हो। ध्यानमा नबसेकाहरुको चन्दा रकम उनीहरु स्वीकार गर्दैनन्।
यहाँका स्वयंसेवकलाई धर्मसेवक भनिन्छ। उनीहरुले पुण्य बाहेक एक पैसा पनि पाउँदैनन्। यहाँ आएर उनीहरुले समता भावको अर्थात् कसैप्रति राग, द्वेष नजगाइ कसैको सेवा कसरी गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने प्रशिक्षण लिन्छन्। यी कपाल लामा भएका धर्म सेवकले एक दिन दिउँसो १ बजे हलमा सामूहिक ध्यानका लागि जानुपर्ने बेला भइसक्दा पनि भुसुक्क निदाइरहेका मलाई ब्युँझाएका थिए।
thank u very good to know.
भोली लेख्छु भन्नु भएको बाँकी खोइ त ?
उमेशजीको मन त निर्मल भएछ । अब हामी पनि आत्मसुधार पट्टी पो लाग्नु पर्छ कि क्या हो?
बरु हाम्रो यो साझा ब्लगमा रिस, राग, घ्रीणा र चरित्र हत्या गर्ने गराउने प्रब्रित्तिलाई चाँहीं कुनै स्थान दिनु हुंदैन है । मनमा घ्रिणा र बिकार पैदा गराउने बिचारबाट टाढा रहन सिक्नु पनि त परो नि, हैन?
I Read The Comment of Amazing
Really Impressed
And Have To Manage the Schedule to go Vipaasna…..
Thanx For the comment By: Amazing
Very – Very Beautiful Comment or Sharing of Vipaasna In 10 dyas………..
Thanx Alot For Sending Such Article of Experience…
No Words to Say………..
Very -Very Nice
Bhagwat Shrestha
From: Narayangarh,Shaheedchowk
thank you so much for your information
i m eager to know about bipasena..
please update as soon as possible ..
I am impressed. It is like british Big Brother television program in the sense of cutting all kind of communicational means. But it is much elevated way of meditation and finding oneself… i guess.. if i find time, then I will definately take part there. Write also about what you have found out new inside yourself.
Thanks for this post.
मलाई यो तस्बिरमा देखियको Noble Silence को नेपाली रुपान्तरन आर्य सान्ती चै चित्त बुझेन है। Noble अर्थात decent अथवा splendid आर्य मात्र हुन्छन भन्न खोजियको हो कि, हुन त म पनि कथित बाहुन भयकोले कथित आर्य मा नै पर्छु होला तर आर्यहरु सबै Noble र अरु चै फोकत का झारपात भन्ने सोच त हिटलर को जस्तो भयन र। तेही भयर यो Noble को नेपाली अर्थ परिवोर्तन गर्ने कि, बरु यसको जिम्मा चाँही अलर्क सिरोमनी जि लाई नै दिय राम्रो होला
aafulai ta bastabik sansar ma jharepachhi po bujhinchha ta, tyo ta natak bhai halyoni umesji. bastabik sansar (real world) ma aayapachhi chai aafno astityo dekhnu hunna kya ho. Hamilai ta tapaile suchana ko chhetrama ramrai kam garnu bha jasto lagchha. Tehi bhayara real world ma rahada tanab-less bhayara basnos..kahilei dhyan ko drama garnu pardaina. La tapaiko life ma feri tanab naaaos, feri dhyan garna jana naparos, mero subhakamana chha
I wonder how you able to take all these photos and movie as you said that you left everything before going there. After going through your experience I also want to go once, since I have a big problem that I cannot concentrating on one particular one thing. Thanks you for your all information.
खोइ मैले पनि २०५५ साल को चैत मा ध्यान गरेको त हो तर पनि १२ बर्ष म त बिसेनेनै भईयो तर पनि त्यो अन्तिम १२ोउ (१२ दिन्को)खिर चाँही दिमाग म ताजा नै छ खोइ अचाल पनि तेस्ताइ खिर होला ra उमेस G/
Good to have meditation.
I have never done it. It is out of my capacity to get up early in the morning. I am trying my best, though.
शरीरको लागि हामी व्यायम गर्छौ
भोकको लागि हामी भोजन गर्छौ
what about for our mind and soul?
त्यसैले ध्यान गरौ साथीहरु।
यो भन्दा ठुलो कुरा केहि छैन जिवनमा
i have been once in Lumbini..around 2 years before and i am thinking to go again, may be in next vacation i will manage time…i am glad that vipassana centre is here in korea too…
उमेश जि लाई धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद छ यो ब्लग को लागि। मैले पनि आजभन्द कारीब 7 बर्ष अगाडि ध्यान को लागि ध्र्मश्रिङ्ग म सम्मिलित भएको थिए । हुनत म सानो उमेर देखिनै बाल शिबिर पनि गर्थे । त्यो बेलामा साना बालक हरुको लागि पनि sibir हुन्थ्यो। अहिले हुन्छ हुन्न थाहा भएन । जे होस् तपाईंले पोस्ट गरेको फोटोहरु हेर्दा खुशी लाग्यो तर धेर परिवर्तन भैसकेको जस्तो लाग्यो । धम्महल नयाँ बनिसकेछ। सचै उमेश जि कुन हाउस मा पर्नु भो क्यारे? ज् होस् म सबैलाई यो बिपस्यना ध्यान garna एक्चोटी सलाह दिन्छु। जीवन मलाई लाग्छ अवस्य पनि परिवर्तन हुन्छ। सोच अवस्य पनि परिवर्तन हुन्छ । सबको मंगल् होस्।
हजुर, नयाँ धम्महल भर्खरै बनाउन सकिएको हो। सुविधासम्पन्न छ नयाँ हल। बाल शिविर अहिले पनि हुन्छ। म S1 हाउसमा परेको थिएँ- उमेश
सगुन ले भन्नुभएको Distance Learning ठट्टा जस्तो लागे पनि, कुनै न कुनै रूपमा अरु ठाउमा यस्तो ध्यान शिबिर चलाऊन सकिदैन र? मेरो जिज्ञासा मात्र हो तर बिदेशमा पनि एकान्त ठाउमा एस्तै ध्यान गर्न मिल्ने hallहरु र सामान्य बसोबासको ब्यबस्था हुने ठाउँ हरु चाँही ब्यबस्था गर्न सकिन्छ है। रह्यो, ब्यबस्थापन र खर्चको कुरो, नेपाल गएर ध्यान गर्न नसके पनि बिदेशमै केही खर्च गर्न साचचै मन भएकालाई त गाह्रो होइन नि। कठीन छ, तर असम्भव नै त होइन है। बरु principally पैसा लिएर ध्यान गराउन मिल्दैन भने चाँही कुरो अर्कै हो।
बिपस्यना जाने रहर त मलाई पनि नभएको होइन। यो पाली नेपाल आउँदा त पक्का जान्छु भन्ने सोचेको थियेँ, त्यो पनि समय अभाबले गर्दा नमिल्ला जस्तो छ। लौन उमेश जि Distance Learning को ब्यबस्था गर्नु पर्यो…..:)
Amazing ji,
Thanks for sharing your great experience.
Can anybody tell me wheather we can fill out the application online?
मलाई साह्रै मन पर्यो यदी समय मिलेमा एक पटक मिल्ने प्रयास गर्नेछु र उमेश जि केही अरु पनि ब्लग हरु उप्डेट गरी दिनु ल धन्यवाद
अनि ११ दिन सम्म एक शब्द पनि बोल्न पाईदैन ? कि ध्यान गरुनजेल मात्र
do it as soon as possible ,
Dheri Ramro
Keep it up as soon as you can
thank you
Umesh Ji
sabai le ekpatak gaya ramro.sab ko mangal hos
sabai le ekpatak gaya ramro.sab ko mangal hos
ल अब उमेस जी को ध्यान महिमाबाट भने सबै साथीहरु ध्यान गर्ने तर्फ पक्कै सकारात्मक हुनुहुनेछ । सबैको मंगल होस् ।
I am very mush impressed by your explanation.I had also long desire to go there but same problem for me like the other friends time management.If I could mange the time certainly I will go there.
From my diary:
Here is my experience from VIPASANA:
The environment was peaceful and truly natural. Chirping of the birds, morning dew on tender leaves, cold air blowing gently, all these added real beauty to the environment. The wake up bell rang at the first dawn of the morning at four o’ clock. The sound vibrates throughout the Shivapuri hill and produced soft and melodious sound. By four thirty we had to reach for meditation at meditation hall called Dhamma hall, so there was rush at toilet and bathroom.
We were around 150 souls there for the real journey into mind and our main objective was to penetrate the deepest level of the unconscious mind and learn how to eradicate the complexes lying there. People from different parts of the world were there. And we could see the people from eighteen years to eighty years; great numbers of foreigners were there with great curiousity. But all of us wanted the same and have had the same mission “Deep surgical operation of mind” through ancient art of meditation Vipassanna. It was ten days course at Muhan Pokhari, Budhanilkantha, Nepal Vipassana Centre in the laps of Shivapuri National Park just 30 minutes drive from Kathmandu. The place was just perfect and appropriate in the middle of the luscious jungle far away from hustle and bustle of the city.
Vipassanna, an ancient yet very much scientific art of meditation was taught by Lord Gautam Buddha around twenty five hundred years ago. Vipassana means, “to see the things as they really are”. And also “the process of self-purification by self observation”. Similarly the ultimate goal of it is to give the highest spiritual goals of total liberation and full enlightenment. It does not believe in theory or in any religion. This technique was vanished for many hundred of years but in 20th century a business tycoon of Myanmar (then Burma) Satya Narayan Goenka popularly known as SN Goenka took the mission to help the people of the world with this wonderful technique Vipassana. As a result now there are many vipassanna centres around the world including in Nepal, India, Australia, USA, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka and in other countries. Millions of people around the world have learnt this art and changed their lives entirely. Be it Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jain, Shikh or from any other religion; everyone has benefited from it. In Nepal, Nepal Vipassana Centre was established in 1981AD and there are four such centres in Nepal in Kathmandu, Birgunj, Chitwan and at the birthplace of Lord Buddha Lumbini.
Well, as our first day began at four in the morning, I could see all excitement in everybody’s face. The life at Vipassana was totally different and unbelievable. Those ten days in one sense were the most suffering and difficult days of my life physically, mentally and psychologically. We had to follow all the rules and regulations and should be self disciplined. We all were not allowed to speak even a single word, if we had any questions then only we could talk to our teacher and management. For the whole ten days we had to maintain “Noble Silence”. Noble silence means not just maintaining silence of verbalisation but also of gesture, signals, eyes and action. The main objective of this was to keep oneself focused which helps tremendously in meditation. There, we should cultivate the feeling that we were working in isolation. There was one more thing, which we had to follow conscientiously during the whole Vipassanna course. The five precepts which include to abstain from killing any living creature, stealing, telling lies, all sexual activities and to abstain from all intoxicants.
The life at Vipassanna was not different than of prison. There in jail you could speak and share your feelings of happiness and sorrow ness to your fellow prisoners but here that was also not allowed. No newspapers, no TV, no radio, no telephone, no magazines, no book, no pen nothing as a whole out of communication world to concentrate on oneself. Any form of communication was strictly prohibited. In Dhamma Hall there were blue cushions over the sophisticated carpet. Hard to believe we had to sit for meditation ten hours a day. Yes every day ten hours.
At first day we all were asked to do “Aanapana” knowing about the ongoing respiration and breathing process. I realised for the first time in my life how irrepressible and uncontrollable is our wild mind. And it was really big job to keep under control even for five–ten minutes. Already physical pain was there. All of us who were like self made prisoners felt where had we come to give such pain and trouble? Next bell rang at 6:30, two hours meditation is over. I felt severe pain, my legs were swollen and bones of the knees were about to break. As I came out of the hall everyone was feeling the same, I guessed, but the tragedy was that we could speak nothing and had to observe the silence of body speech and mind.
Breakfast was ready in dinning hall, there was queue for breakfast but it was very much systematic. The dinning hall was spacious, clean, well furnished and well arranged. Even better than that was the delicious food and the service of the volunteers (Dhamma workers). Along with the food we got a glass of milk. The spacious dinning hall was just silent; the sound of utensils was heard occasionally. After having food we had to wash our plates ourselves and by eight we had to be ready for meditation so that was time to take rest. I woke up at four today so I went and slept. As days passed by, gradually I started feeling bit easier and got adjusted with environment. Then I could easily sit for meditation and control mind for about 10-20 minutes. In our room there were eight beds we all people were strangers to each other. We shared room and slept together for ten days and there was special kind of feeling towards each other. We glanced and tried to talk with our eyes then immediately remembered that was not the place to communicate then we turned our heads into other direction. Somebody has rightly said, “Nothing is kept in name”.
I heard from many of my friends who have already been here about the magic of it so I was eagerly waiting for it when our body becomes like a piece of cotton. But that day never came. Anyways, when we go deeper in meditation we realise and experience, which we cannot explain in words. We come to know how the people of the world are suffered because of so-called “materialistic world”. The deep root of all these is the same. Everybody desires more and more in life, which never fulfils. You desire one thing and as that gets fulfilled another desires comes up and again another. Isn’t this the nature of all of us? Actually this is the main cause of our suffering and sorrows. So with the continuous practice of Vipassanna we understand the universal truth of impermanence, suffering and egolesness. As we desire we generate craving for good thing and aversion for not wanted things. So deeper the craving, deeper the aversion, deeper the aversion deeper the affliction. When we become over excited, angry, emotional and desire more we keep all those desires and emotional feelings inside the core our body where all these things keep on knotting and make even bigger and tougher knot very difficult to take that out. We people have given so much importance to the worldly things. We cry in pain and shout in happiness but we don’t know the universal law of nature. It keeps on changing and everything is impermanence even our life. So why should one give so much importance to which has bound perish one day? So this Vipassanna technique teaches us to come out of misery and lead a life in proper way spiritually and practically but not religiously.
Three days passed usually. It was our fourth day. And after continuous meditation of three hours the most awaited bell of the day rings at 11:00 for lunch. The lunch is heavy with rice, chapatti, Dal, two items of curries, one more boiled vegetable, pickle and curd. After lunch we could do our activities bathing, washing clothes, sleeping or wandering around. During this leisure time we could see the different types of activities and some even tried to talk with fellow members in the corners where volunteers could not notice. They slept carelessly on the lawn, on stairs and everywhere. Especially foreigners felt much physical pain so we could see them in light exercise. Fourth day was very important day as this was the day when we were going to take an oath of Vipassanna. Now we all were asked to know about the sensation throughout our body from top to bottom and head to feet with alert and attentive mind and calm and eqanimous mind but to be frank it was really difficult to do so. When I used to meditate I passed through all my past activities my plans and my friends. My wonderful memories and the things I did in my whole years and all of a sudden I used to be reminded oh I am here to meditate and again started about the breathing.
On sixth day again there was one more notice; from that day on we had to follow ADDHISTHANNA a different type of meditation for three hours a day. That means we had to be like statue while in meditation, we could not change our posture, could not open eyes so we should have taken strong determination to do so. I was eagerly waiting for some magic and miracle to be happened in my body. One minute used to be like an hour while doing meditation. While sitting for an hour meditation also I saw my watch for more than dozen times. For the person like me who was more materialistic and spiritually nil it was even more difficult to believe all those but also I had come here to experience and explore something new which I could not believe until and unless I personally experience myself. Days passed by but we all were doing meditation and meditation whole days and night. I heard when you go to Vipassanna and do meditation you fill so much joyous that you forget all your miseries and suffering and fly in joy like an aimless bird.
Though first few days were different and exciting with new hope now it was almost seven days passed but nothing strange happened, as I have expected. After having fruits and milk at five o clock in the evening, which was given instead of dinner, I started regretting why I came to this jai to punish myself. Better I could have stayed home to enjoy Indo – Pak cricket series or taken part in NIRNAYAK ANDOLAN. Again in bed after listening the discourse of Acharya SN Goenka at seven in the evening my mentality used to change. As he always repeats progress in Vipassanna solely depends on our own good qualities and personal development and on five factors; earnest efforts, confidence, sincerity, health and wisdom. He further said only the thing you should have is patience and patience then all the desires, craving, aversions, anger, selfish and emotional feelings would come out like a volcano from the inner part of your mind. I did not give up so tried and tried with lots of tolerance and patience. At that time I realised how patient and tolerant are the great saints and yogis whom I used to make a fun just before few days.
Then on eighth day as we were sitting for group meditation in dhamma hall; suddenly, a lady burst into tears and wailed loudly. Later on when I asked our teacher about that incident I came to know that it was the power of meditation and she had realised her mistakes or remembering some event that was very closed to her. Then on that evening I found some change on myself even while in meditation also I felt sensation all over my body from head to feet and sometimes I felt free flow throughout my body as if the electricity has shocked me and the amusement which I got was really amazing but as per technique it was not natural law to excite and crave for it nor to feel sad as this is universal law of impermanence, changing and we must be aware that nothing lasts forever even our body, earth and universe has to vanish one day. If we could understand the three major causes of all unhappiness craving, aversion and ignorance life becomes complete and Vipassanna helps us to eradicate.
Well, I was still undergoing the meditation in search of inner self, Sometimes I used to wonder myself how the person like me who puts on hip hop dress and does not believe in spiritual thing, enjoy the worldly things. And want to reach the summit of materialistic world was being more and more serious about meditation and other spiritual things. My mentality has slightly changed and I realised I have got many things after coming here. It was a ninth day of our course and moreover it was “Metta day” sharing and wishing well for all the beings around the world. Still I could not achieve what I was looking for, that day was last day as next day was the final and our noble silence would have to come to end.
It was ninth day, six in the evening and I was sitting for group meditation. All of a sudden I got jerk in my body there was a flow of current throughout my body, I forgot where I were. My all the cravings, wants, desires, lust, anger, happiness, feelings started to come out breaking the barrier of my mind but it was not so easy as the barriers were very strong and why not those were of from when I was born till now. The mountain of misery was being burst and the fountain of happiness started to come out. I felt where I was on earth or in heaven. My mind became very light like a piece of cotton. And once we experienced Vipassanna we wont be shaken by the worldly things.
And the last and final day of our course was today, after morning meditation our noble silence has come to end. There was buzz everywhere, all wanted to speak and speak, nobody wanted to listen. Everyone were talking though all of us were strangers while coming here now you could see the groups and groups everywhere laughing and laughing and sharing the experiences they have undergone. That was the first time in my life I had seen so much of happiness that too real happiness among so many people. Everyone was behaving with so much love, care and harmony as if they had known you for years and years.
The next morning as we were coming out of Vipassanna centre eight busses were there to receive us, and you may not be aware that the Vipassanna courses all over the world are run solely on a donation basis; and donations are accepted from those only who have taken at least one ten days course in any centre. So everybody can go and learn the great art of living freely. Now I have taken those ten days as the most precious days of my life, which have taught me the great art of living. That taught to lead life in a balanced and calm way. The art that teaches to maximize joy, harmony and love which ultimately leads towards enlightenment. Then as we got in bus I heard two Europeans talking to each other about the experiences they had. One lanky man said cheerfully ” I got what I was looking for”. Me too, I added silently.
If possible Please write down the total process ie cost etc..in your Next Blog. Thanks.
Thank you for information about Bipashena. I am also thinking /planning to go there since a long time, but I am not being able to manage time. Please post more information about it.
ल ल उमेश जि अव अगाडीका कुराहरु पनि पोष्ट गरिहाल्नुस पढ्न आतुर भइसक्यो ।
ध्यान गरौ निरोगी बनौ