राष्ट्रसंघका महासचिव नेपाल घुम्न आउने

संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघका महासचिव बान कि मून आउँदो कात्तिक १४ गते नेपाल भ्रमणमा आउने भएका छन्। प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचण्डसँग स्थानीय समय अनुसार शनिवार बिहान दश बजे मुन र प्रचण्डबीच भएको भेटवार्तामा भ्रमणको समय तय भएको रहेछ। युएन फोटोः इभान स्नेइडर

प्रधानमन्त्रीले सो अवसरमा मुनलाई गौतम बुद्धको जन्मस्थल लुम्बिनीको समेत भ्रमण गर्न निम्तो दिएका थिए। दक्षिण कोरियामा जन्मिएका मुन दुई दिनसम्म नेपालमा रहनुहुने कार्यक्रम तय भएको छ। शान्ति प्रक्रिया सुरु भएदेखि नै मुनले आफू नेपाल भ्रमणका लागि उत्सुक रहेको बताउँदै आएका थिए।


  1. It would be a great and historic event for NEPAL since He would be looking into many possibilities that the Nepal needs at this stage.
    It is pity that despite all those kind hearted suports from many many frieds of NEPAL, we still are facing different kind of me troubles indie this contry is just not due to the charecters of millions rather is due to the eslfish and vested interest mentality of those failed leaders who could not make this country till their rule and are just opposing for better works and developments of the people and this country.
    SG Moon must not be diverted by those dirty charecters rather should understand the need of the time and this country which can never be prosperiuous without the ruling of MAOISTS for another at-least twenty years.
    I agree with some of those critisizing the evil sides of maoists and wish to call Prachanda also that he must not carefree of the activities of his son and in laws since it is seen and understood from the very active business circle that they are already involved in the Corruptions and Kickbacks, I am just not certain whether thatis true or not but effective attentions and action against any such would save him and the Party which is quite necessary for the real changes in this country.
    SG Moon should be well versed of those internal corruptions and discrimnations and thus should do what so ever necessary to raise the prestige of the UN. Thank you.

  2. BAN KI MOON is welcomed to Nepal. It is also a great chance for us to show our actual situations inside of this country that is mostly not clear to outsiders.
    In the situations that the UN has been doing its any activities and despite of those allegations on nepotisms, corruptions and discriminations in side of this esteemed organization, i suggest here that SG Moon most be observant to eliminate that kind of all charecters that are still hinding inside of the UN administrations today. Since a lots of Nepales are also suffering because of that kind of charecters and during the OIL for FOOD Program,it is also suggested to have a details investigations to conform actual sufferers that were missed to get additional assignments while being on Security Evacuations would also be an appropriate actions to avoid any possible oppositions during this visit in Nepal.May Lord Buddha bestow him wisdome for deciding lawfully in these cases. Thank you

  3. kta kt ayae guleli chalayae matyangra ko naaas
    hernu hola ramro ramro thau ma lancha moon lai
    ratna park ma chakka jam bho bhane naranthan tira vishnu ko darshan garauna lancha
    tarai bandha bho bhanae sagarmatha hernu parcha hajur lae bhanera ota tira lera jancha nepali neta lai na chineko ho ra

  4. जब सम्म हामी नेपालीहरु एक भएर शान्ति प्रक्रियामा लाग्दैनौं तब सम्म बान्कि मुन त के जर्ज बुश आए पनि काम लाग्दैन तर बान्कि मुन नेपाल आउनु पनि राम्रै र सकारात्मक सन्देस होला भन्ने आश गरौं

  5. Nurbu sherpa has written true fact and many polticians talk about htis “where UN is involced there WAR never ends.” Like in Nepal if you are near to party you will be appointed to Ambassdor , GM ,Project manager etc. Like that UN is the place where American supporting people and country will be rewarded in from of heavely Paid POST.

  6. Good news. And congratulation to Prachanda !
    Hope this visit will contribute to manage weapons forever-say army integration.

  7. स्याल दसा लगियो भने ठमेल पस्छन रे भन्थियो शायद त्यही पो गरेको हो कि हाम्रो कम्रेड प्रचन्ड ले पनि,,, सबै लाई थाहा भकै कुर हो जहाँ अज सम्मा कुनै पनि देशमा UN को मदेस्थमा शान्ती भाएको देखीएको छैन भएत पनि दिगो शन्ती हुन सकेको छैन, किन कि UN भनेको अमेरिका को शाहयात्री हुन, अमेरिकाले जे भन्नु हुन्छ त्यही मन्नु हुन्छ यो एक किसिमले मात्र आदेश पलक हुन। हो मन्दछु तत्कलिन अभस्थमा केही रहत दिने काम गरेको छ UN ले र त्यस बाट केही न केही रुप म नेपाल लाई पनि फाईदा पुगियो । तर हामी सबै जना नेपाली दाजु भाई हरु ले यो बिर्सिनु हुन्न कि त्यहा को हरेक कर्मा चारीले प्राती ब्यती महिन को तलब मात्र 13000 DOLLER खान्छन ति पैसा कहाँ बाट आउछन,ती सबै हाम्राइ देशको को डुकुटी दिनुपर्छ तिर्नु पर्छ होइन भने तपाईं तपाईं लाई लग्न सकिन्छ यत्तोरो पैसा कहाँ बाट निकसी हुन्छ भनेर ? कुर स्पश्ट छ दात्री राष्ट्र बाट लियको रिन ले उनी हरु लो मासिक तलब दिनु पर्छ कुर अहिले को बजेट बाट पनि स्पस्ट हुन्छ किन कि त्यहा बनेको छ चलु अर्थिक बर्षामा नेपाल को कुल बजेट को ७% ले रिन चुक्त गरिने छ भनेर त्यो पनि ब्यज मात्र जुन पहिल को बजेट भन्दा पनि धेरैनै अनौपेछित हो र अजै पनि दात्री राष्ट्र को मुख तकेर बसेको छ केही गरी दार्ती राष्ट्र ले अस्वकर गरी दियो भने क् फेरी विश्व बैंक सँग रिन लिने हो यो प्रश्न आजको जटिल्त हो …. nurbu sherpa
    W.K internet cafe riyaha,ksa

  8. रास्ट्रसंका महासचिव बान की मून नेपाल आउन भने को अत्ति राम्रो कुरा हो येसखबरले नेपाल प्रति सकारात्मक संदेस दिएको छ I

  9. VERY NICE प्रचन्ड जी को भर्मन बल्ल positive देखियो । खुशी लाग्यो ।

  10. यो अती नै राम्रो खबर सुन्न पाइयो। राष्ट्रसंघका महासचिव नेपालमा आएपछी मात्र उसलाई नेपालको प्रक्रिती बारे थाहा हुन्छ।

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