'बादल' र पोखरेलको भाग पनि 'प्रचण्ड'लाई नै ?

हैन, हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्री कहिलेदेखि रक्षामन्त्री र स्वास्थ्य मन्त्री पनि भए हँ ? राष्ट्रसंघको आधिकारिक साइटले त यही लेख्छ। यहाँ क्लिक गरी हेर्नुस् त। यो कुरा रामबहादुर थापा ‘बादल’ र गिरिराजमणि पोखरेलले थाहा पाए भने के सोच्ने होलान् हगि ? युएनलाई यस्तो गलत सूचना कसले दियो हँ, कसैलाई थाहा होला ?


  1. आउदै गरेको बीजया दसमी तथा सुभ-दीपावली २०६५ सालको हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभ-कामना ब्याक्त गर्दछु साथै श्री नवदुर्गा भवनिले हजुर र हजुरको सम्पूर्ण परिवारले आटेताकेको काम पुराहोस,कुबेरको जस्तो सम्पत्ति,राम चन्द्रको जस्तो मर्यादा पान्डबको जस्तो मित्रता चाडक्यको जस्तो बुद्दी सरस्वोतिको जस्तो बिद्य ramesh pandey doha qatar तेस्तै गर्दै छन प्रचन्डल्य होइनर कि कसो हो जबफ दिनुस्स

  2. एक दिन एउटा पसले मरेछ , यमराजको अगाडी पुगेपछि यमराजले पसलेलाई सोधेछ,’ भन् तिमी कहाँ जान चाहान्छौ ? पसले,’ म स्वर्ग पनि जान चाहान्न र नर्क पनि जान चाहान्न , बरु म (स्वर्ग र नर्कको) बिचमै बस्छु र पसल थाप्छु अनि दुबैतिरको ग्राहक मेरो पसलमा रमेश पाण्डे दोहा कतार ok तेस्तै गर्दै छन प्रचन्डल्य होइनर कि कसो हो जबफ दिनुस्स

  3. My message to the website:
    The following page saying Pushpa Kamal Dahal as Minister of Defence and
    Health is incorrect. He is only the Prime Minister of Nepal.


    People of Nepal are showing concerns about the false information being
    posted in a responsible website.

    Discussion: http://www.mysansar.com/?p=3171#more-3171

    Reply from the website(Most probably an Auto-reply)

    Greetings from the Public Inquiries Team.

    Thank you for your message which has been received at United Nations
    Headquarters in New York. We invite you to visit our website where you
    find information about the work of the Organization. The following address
    take you to a webpage with answers to frequently asked questions,
    and other public information material:


    The following webpages, which provide an overview of global issues on the
    agenda and an index to topics on the UN website, may also be of use to you:



    If your query is not answered by the information provided at these sites or
    you need additional information, kindly send us a message at:


    Thank you for taking the time to contact us.

    Best regards,
    Public Inquiries Team
    United Nations
    Department of Public Information

  4. मने यस्मा पक्कै पनि दरबारिया कै हात हुनु पर्छ ।

  5. Very likely it could have been fact sheet from the previous government and possibly they only changed the name of the PM and leaving everything else as it was assuming that that is the way Nepalese governemnt used to control the ministry. As some one said again, in interanational status, for all powerfull and country run by credible government and recognised leader Nepal is a shity country with torn out ecoomic and other very poor development status run by criminals in the most part of the history and that concept may not have changed. So Nepalese leaders and the Nepalese people will have to work hard to earn some respect. Otherwise there will be shit everywhere anything that is linked to Nepal. It hurts including myself but that is reality which needs improvement.

  6. Action is just the opposite of their words in case of Maoists. They are the biggest liars and Nepalis have realized that. Prachanda is a character who changes his color to suit the surrounding. The speech he delivered during his visit to China and India have already proved this, just compare the two-no need to go further. Prachanda is responsible for the YCL anarchy that is growing into a tumor in our society which is not only bullying everyone in Nepal but making a ransom for the party in the name of people. I don’t give a shit what Prachanda does with his money, but as a Nepali citizen I care if he misuses our hard earned tax giving it to his family or any one who does not deserve it. We certainly care when they use our tax for not only booking the tickets to US but for chilling around as well.

  7. prachanda should join the langauge institute n collage to make his ENGLISH LANGAUGE good , hun ta 25 year jungle basda basda enlish nai birse jasto chan natra ta dherai pade ko manche re uni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. यस्तो गलत सुचना दिने कतै बाबु प्रकाश र आमा सीता त होइनन् ? शंकै छ कुरोमा ।

  9. मने कुमारजी हाम्रा सिता पती प्र म प्रचन्डजी को कोइ नाता पर्नु हुन्छ की के हो ? मने अब देखी नेपाली जनता हो हाम्रो कुमार मने कुमार कम्रेद जी ले भने जस्तइ मने कम्रेद प्रचन्ड को नराम्रा्ओ कुरा लेख्ने लाई मने सफाया गर्ने छ रे । मने कुमार कम्रेद लाल सलाम है , मने म त प्रचन्ड को एक्दमै भक्त मने तेसैले मने म पनि उहाकै अनुसरण गर्छु क्य ? मने दशाइको उपलक्च्यमा लाल सलाम है कम्रेद ।

  10. I think Nepal is not in priority list to write or to mention correct information for UN people/staffs. If it is the case for US or UK or France, then they probably become serious and sincere while writing information.

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