बा…बा… बुसलाई कस्तो गाली !

-शुभेच्छा पन्त-

इराक हमलाका लागि अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति जर्ज डब्लु बुस जति जिम्मेवार थिए १४ हजार नेपाली मारिएको युद्धका लागि प्रचण्ड जिम्मेवार थिएनन् ? युद्धको ‍औचित्य सावित गर्न दिइने तर्कहरु जे पनि हुनसक्छन् ‘जनताको मुक्ति’ अथवा ‘आणविक अस्त्र’। तर बुसलाई जसरी नै प्रचण्डमाथि जुत्ता प्रहार भएका छैनन्। बरु उनी त फूलमालामा गजक्क परेर तस्वीरको पोज दिइरहेका हुन्छन्।

युद्धका शूत्रधार बुस र प्रचण्ड दुवै हुन्। युद्ध खेप्ने इराकी र नेपालीहरुको मनोविज्ञान मात्र फरक छ। स्नेहपूर्ण र सहनशील व्यवहारका लागि नेपालीहरु महान् छन्। त्यसैले घृणापात्र बनेका ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई पनि नारयणहिटीको विदाई पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा कसैले पनि जुत्ता प्रहार गरेन। न त ‘तँ कुकुरलाई नेपाली जनताको तर्फबाट बिदाइको चुम्बन’ नै भन्यो। तर उता इराकमा भने अल बग्दादिया टिभीका संवाददाता मुन्तदार अल जइदीले राष्ट्रपति बुसलाई ‘तँ कुकुरलाई इराकी जनताको तर्फबाट बिदाइको चुम्बन’ भन्दै जुत्ता प्रहार गरेका छन्। जुत्ता हान्ने समयमा बग्दादिया टिभीका संवाददाता मुन्तदार अल जइदी निकै आक्रमक देखिए। तर बुस चाहिँ नेपाली जनता जत्तिकै सहनशील र शान्त थिए। उनले ठट्टाको शैलीमा संवाददाताहरुलाई भने ‘तपाईंहरुलाई सही तथ्याङक चाहिन्छ भने त्यो १० नम्बरको जुत्ता थियो।’

बुसलाई कसरी जुत्ता हानिएको थियो, हेर्नुस् त-


  1. जून कुत्ता ले बुश जस्तो महान नेता लाई जुत्ता ले हाने को छ तेशको पानी सदाम हुस्सेन को जस्तो हालत निकट भबिश्य माँ हुने छ. ……

  2. kaha bush lai prachanda sanga dajya bhanya…bush bhaneko ko america ko rastrapati…prachande bhaneko adha bishwa le pani nasuneko nepal ko pradan mantri…photo ma herda chai prachande le kasto naak fulaera baseko dekhincha…ke ke na bhaeko jasto …14000 lai marera…maanche ko maan jitera kurshi ma baseko bhaye swauthoo…manche lai marera basne lai dhikkar cha..

  3. Bush lai Jutta hanne….hoena tyo manche ta Bush bhanda pani thulo po rahecha ta ba….bush ta world ko Don hun..tyo lai pani jutta hanne lai k name dine kunni..yeso sochu na sathi ho…..????

  4. this is a useless article u stupid don’t know the difference between the war for people and war against any country and its soverienty pls if u want to write don’t make this kind of comparission. because we cant compare between prachanda and bush prachanda did’nt killed the people this is the result of what our previous government act on the sign of us and india.

  5. Purbeliko baulai pani jutta hani diye mero chahi chitta dukhthyo kina vane usko bau lai maile as a senior respect garnu parchha

  6. bush le je kaam gareko cha thik cha…natra hamile pani kunai bela aalla hu kabar vanne din aaucha yaad garnu hola…12 jana nepali mareko yaad cha holani??? video ta pakkai pani hernu vayo hola…bush is the best…

  7. There are no quality people to post the right comments over here ……………..
    1.Bush show his country power in iraq war and its sad to say that US leading democracy. I think this war is to make own system. Saddam hussain was trying to make own system and bush too.

    2.Saddam hussain did mistake by killing own people for temporary benifit. so he was also the public killer deader.

    3.About nepal, Prachanda has fight for people but the way he did was not good. Actually Prachanda and bush comparism is not in the same line but they are from different side. All people can not be happy with a system so unhappy people will make different way to get their position.

    ************************Bush and Prachanda is not only the leader how are doing like this but whole world leader will do the same to get power on their hand*********************

    May be there is still chance to born More Bush in US and more Prachanda Nepal.

    Newraj Alag

  8. धन्यवाद ति इराकी पत्रकारलाई जस्ले त्यती ठुलो
    साहसको काम गरेकोमा ब्रुश लाई त जुत्ताले हैन खुट्टाले हान्नु पर्थ्यो
    खैर जुत्ताले हानेपनी ठिकै मान्नु पर्छ

  9. Iraq mai gayara saddam husen lai jundaunu thulo kuro ki – jutta khanu.yesta sayau jutta khanu percha american gundaharu lai.gunda yes artha maa kii uniharu sampurna kanoon bhanda mathi bhayako samjhan chan.Tin lay yo sansar ko kunai pani country lai afno kudriti bata achuto rahana diyaka chainan.

    jutta hanne lai subhakamana ..bahadur Iraqi JINDABAD ….

  10. The latest world financial crises proved that the whole world depends on US economy and we know that even the world leader US help to china to develop their market globally so there is no way the whole Arab country can do something from their side. The whole Arab is developing through US help. This kind of accident makes un- secure future for completely Arab country. There is no different between Mr. Bush and Mr.Obama when we talk about their nation. All US presidents will do the same for their country. Not only US, but also Europe, African and Asian country cannot believe to Arab world. So again, I would like to say, “This kind of accident makes un- secure future for completely Arab country.” We do not have to forget that Arab country cannot do anything without US help. US teach them how to make, how to cook and how to eat? So lets hope Mr.Obama will not attack any Arab country in his Period.

    Newraj “ALAG”

  11. tyo moro saale prachanda ko duita kum ma jutta no 12 le hannu parla. saale kam kehi garne hoina khali bhasan ra bidesh bhrawan garchha ani kum uchali uchali bolchha. tyo chor ko duita kum bhachnu parchha ani thik hunchha.

  12. Its really sad,

    Jutta ta alkaida lai hannu parney they are psychopaths they kill innocent people including womens and childrens. Americans are trying to bring democracy here,they have built schools, hospitals and trying to maintain law n order but these terrorist destroy everything. Its sad people dont understand the real story.

    Dinesh from IRAQ

  13. The Journalist, who threw his shoes upon Bush, might have learned from our Nepali Member of constiuent Assembly.One of the members of CA had attacked to other Member in BICC HALL in terms of expressing her aggressive towards him. So, In some case , nepali can establish some culture which developed countries follow too.

  14. Dear !
    I want to buy that shoe no 10. coz it is very important for nepal, coz i want to hit to all nepali “NETA” haru.

  15. हा हा हा हा मलाई त प्रचन्ड को पनि दिन यस्तै आए जस्तो लाग्यो म पनि एक दुई जुत्ता सित्तैमा हनी दिन्छु :))
    १२ बर्षको जनयुद्दमा तोडियेका फुटाएका कार्यालय लुटियेका बैंक लाखौं नेपाली आमा बाबुको आँखामा आसुँ अहिले पनि ताजा छ /
    हामीले पनि हेर्दै छौ नयाँ नेपाल तर यो प्रचन्ड बाट सम्भव छैन जुत्ता मात्रै होइन प्रचन्ड ले के के खाने हो अहिले नभनौ हा हा हा :))

  16. If you compare Prachanda with Bush, then I must say you are not a true Nepalese. Before doing so please look up at the history of people’s war in Nepal, look up at the actions of so called government and army towards the marginalized people at that time, look up at the vision, objective and dedication that Prachanda has shown towards the country. I am not saying that Prachanda is good but he is the one who led a movement in Nepal which raised the awareness of people. In other words you can say that he is the one who first introduced the meaning of social transformation in Nepal. But we Nepalese, Neither we do anything nor we become satisfied with others’ works.At this moment, rather than spending the time for criticism what we need is to do our respective jobs honestly and cooperate the one who wants to bring positive changes in Nepal. That’s all

  17. अब त नेपालमा नि यस्तै सुरु होल नि त
    प्रचन्ड जि जोगिनु होल ल

  18. taaaali…………….मातृभूमीमा बिदेशी सेनाको अत्याचारको राप हो, यो । यसै गरी श्रीलंकामा भारतीय सेनाको उपस्थितीको रिसमा Guard of the honour को सलामी लिँदा सोही guard को सिपाहीले राजिव गान्धिलाई बन्दुकको बटले हिर्काएको समाचार धेरै पुरानो भएपनी यस् सन्दर्भमा स्मरण योग्य छ। यसरी प्रतिकार गर्न सक्ने सपुत कमै मात्र जन्मिएका हुन्छन देशमा।

  19. मातृभूमीमा बिदेशी सेनाको अत्याचारको राप हो, यो । यसै गरी श्रीलंकामा भारतीय सेनाको उपस्थितीको रिसमा Guard of the honour को सलामी लिँदा सोही guard को सिपाहीले राजिव गान्धिलाई बन्दुकको बटले हिर्काएको समाचार धेरै पुरानो भएपनी यस् सन्दर्भमा स्मरण योग्य छ। यसरी प्रतिकार गर्न सक्ने सपुत कमै मात्र जन्मिएका हुन्छन देशमा।

  20. In terai, daily killing activities against PAHADIYA.

    Who is responsible.

    Yadav, Jwala lai Hannu pardacha sabai Nepali le.

    Ke gardai cha SARKAR. government is giving free licence to killing in Terai.

  21. Prachande and girija are both Pataki. Prachande pataki is pretty soon going to be kicked out by Girija pataki

  22. Iraqi jornalist is the brave hero of the world. Is anybody in Nepal brave person like him who can do samething for the nation.If any country try to make their colony everybody have to react in sameway.

  23. well, how many innocent pple killed by Saddam which noone try to know, why? in reality there is very little pple know abt this because at that time (Saddam rulling )no democracy in Iraq, as far as i think, if Iraqi pple dare to do same think to Saddam, Prehaps there was no reason war on Iraq, whatever Bush had in Iraq that was right. How soon u all forget that our 12 innocent nepelese killed in Iraq by Iraqi, what wrong have they done to Iraqi, its because Gorkha army work in British. and my dear all friends never compare Bush & Parchanda, because Bush fight for against monopoly & little for Petron but Parchanda fight for chair,he forgot all commetment when he was in Jungle Parchanda killed noone Saddam only innocent pple.so Bush is success, Parchanda not. Otherside all my friends, its better us that America rulling all around world direct or indirect, if one day Middle East rise on power they will kill u pulling from your house, they will not let you sleep, because Middle East always against anti Muslim

  24. प्रचण्ड जी त तर्से होलान हगि । अब वरिपरि चम्चाहरुको संख्या डबल बनाउने होला । जुत्ताबाट बच्न ।

  25. बुस लाई जुत्ता हानेर उस्को भुत्ला पनि झर्दैन बरु मुसुलेहरुको जङग्ली कानुन मा सुधार गरेन भने मुसुलेहरु आँफै सिद्दिन्छन!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. dear frens kura jutta le hanyo ki haat le hoina khas ma ke ho bhane sansar ma jo sokai ko bhaya pani adhinayakbadi chintan ko khas ma parajaya nai huncah .. bush jati sukai ufros aafulaai yo duniya ko ekal mashiha aaba ka dina ma self humilatin le marcha .. next three yers ma sucide garcha bush.. its surefire.. lets senda letter to Moore the writer of Stupid White…. he is nice bloke

  27. ————पदक सaहaसको ———-
    बुश लाइ जूताले बिदाई गर्न खोजने इराकी पत्रकारले लिबियेका रास्त्रपतिको छोरीको एक Helps-Organisation को तर्फबाट ” बहदुरिताको कदर ” भन्दै साम्मान पदक हतापरेका छन. उनको “मानब अधिकार ” हनानको घोराबिरोधको साम्मान गरिएको हो.
    Germen visiter can use the following website :

  28. अती उत्तम ! अरु पनि जुत्ताको म्वाई ख्वाउनु पर्छ !!

  29. All cannibles(Prachanda, Baburam, Gynandra and W Bush) are like to be treated as showen in this video. I salute that Legend Journalist and Common all Nepalese,welcome him in Nepal bcoz Prachanda and Baburam are waiting those Shoes.

  30. I don’t think people have any idea what they are talking about! First, let me make my stands clear: I’m no Maobadi, denounce violence, and follower of democracy.

    But, you must realize that Nepal after so many years has got a true and Carismatic leader and that’s PRACHANDA. He is very talented, fore-sigheted, flexible (in comparison to other leaders of his party) and understands the world polity.

    Although the history will make new leaders and will probably make new leaders in Nepal. But, at present there is no alternative to Prachanda. Talking about Girija, I really appreciate his commitment in Democracy.

    I don’t know why Subechha misled the readers by comparing Prachanda and Bush. Prachanda’s principles have been approved by popular vote but Bush’s attack has been defeated by the US people let alone the people of Iraq, who detest Bush.

    That’s all for now, dudes.

  31. युद्द सबै उस्तै हो भन्ने सोचाइ गलत छ पन्त जी को। बुशले इराकमा लादेको युद्द र प्रचन्ड को नेत्रित्वको नेपाली जनयुदको फरक त त्येस्को परिणम् ले देखाइसकेको छ। जहाँं सम्म जनता को कुरा छ, बुश को पार्टी लाई अमेरिका मा हराएर र प्रचन्ड को पार्टी लाई नेपालमा जिताएर जनताले सबै युद्द उस्तै होइनन भन्ने देखाइसकेका छन, के यो सत्य लाई स्विकार्नु पर्दैन? अर्को कुरा थाहा पैराख्नुस् मित्र, अहिले बिश्व भरी नै बुश बिरोधीहरुले जित्ने लहर नै चलेको छ ।

    बुशलाई ‘सहनशिल’ भन्ने उपमा दिएको देखेर तपाईं प्रती दया लाग्यो । येति सार्हो बुश को चाकडी किन हो?

  32. हैन उमेश जि
    कमेन्ट हरु जथाभबी भएनन र ? एस्ता कमेन्ट हरु फिल्टर गर्नु पर्‍यो। हैन भने माइ सन्सार पढ्नु खासै उपलब्धी को काम होला जसो छैन। कमेन्ट हरु निकै तल्ला स्तर का भये र कमेन्ट गर्ने हरु पनि निकै गिरेर कमेन्ट गर्न थाले । शिव हरी जी को कमेन्ट तुरुन्त बहिस्कार गर्नु पर्‍यो ।

    बिर्खे हली

  33. “युद्धका सुत्रधार बूश् र प्रचन्ड दुबै हुन” दिमाग भएकहरुकालागि यत्ती नै काफी छ। दिमागमा गोबर भरिकालाई उधाहरण ”

    “खारा आक्रमण गर्न गएका लगभग “२००” माओवादी मारिए। आफ्नो ब्यारेक बचाउन सेनाले प्रतिआक्रमण गर्दा मारिए। हाम्रा केही साथीहरुले यो “हत्या” को भाग गिरिजालाई दिएका रहेछन। दाँया लाग्यो। अब प्रचन्डका पालामा डाँकाहरुले आक्रमण गर्दा, स्वयम डाँकाहरु मरे भने, प्रचन्डले निर्दोश डाँका मार्यो भनी हिंड्ने हैन? वास्तवमा शुभेच्छा जी ले भने जस्ताइ एदी कोही नेपाली हिरो बन्नु छ भने प्रचन्डलाई ” त ब्वासा लाई हामी नेपालीको अन्तिम लात भन्दै ” जुत्ता हान्न सक्नु पर्छ। त्यो जुत्ताको मुल्य कम्तिमा १ करोड नेपाली हुनेछ, जस्तो कि मुन्तदारको जुत्ताको मुल्य १ करोड डलर पुग्यो र अरु बड्दै छ।

  34. I have a strong objection with the writers comparison of Prachanda with Bush. Prachanda and his party led the revolution for positive change in the country and evidence shows the 14000 people were not killed by Prachanda or the Maoist party, most of them were killed by the Nepal Army. Bush invaded Iraq for his prospective oil benefit but Maoist led the people’s war for people’s liberation. Iraq was is an occupation, Maoist movement was a symbol of change. Where do you find the ground to put these two personalities together? Who removed monarchy? Who brought a republic Nepal? Who did majority of Nepali people voted for and why? Look at the reality rather than blaming indiscriminately just because you love status quo and regression in the name of so called democracy. Nepal needs radical change no matter it may be by means of force or another revolution. This inevitable revolution will sweep aside any regressive elements on its way and people are its ultimate decision makers. Protests from a chosen few won’t keep the history-making task from happening.

  35. We have to do same to our leaders so that they may know where is there position in the eyes of public.

  36. हान्न त जुत्ता दरै चाल ले हिर्काको रेछ । त्यो बुश अली बिरालो जस्तो चाम्रो परेछ र कसो छलेछ । हान्न त हनिहाल्यो अब ज्यान पो जोगाउला कि नजोगाउला? आफुलाई छुदै नछोको लाई त देखी सहेन जुत्तै हिर्काउने लाई के छोड्ला खै । बरा

    बिर्खे हली

  37. prachanda ji and George Bush are same.As we know that during the janayudhha 12 years conflict we lost our innocent nepali brothers and sisters,why?because Prachanda believes on killing first then grip yhe power.It is same a little different between geoge bush stratagy that is oil you see for the american selfish how many people has beem killed in iraq.The person who did this is really a big humilated to all american people from that journalist.This is big lesson to our political leader.One day we all will see soon or hear some news from Nepal that Prachanda also greeted from the jutta mala or anything.Yo hunu nai parchha dherai umlyou bhane pokhchha abasye pani .Herdai jaun kati samma jantalai dukha dinchha hatiyar bokne Maoist harule.Thankyou.

  38. See! this is an example, which must be done for NEPALESE so called corrupted leaders…

    Hello everybody !!! Please try at least once…

  39. This is politics guys, some agree some disagree, never 100 % people agree in politics. In the context of Maoist, some people hate and some people love Maoist in same degree.

    the view of writer in her one paragraph article, dont know this is called actually article or not because it is not structured as an article but her expression shows hate towards Maoist nothing more. If she wants to write neutral views need to understand how many people tend to justify the decade long war for changes and restructure the system.

    disclaimer- this is my view too.

  40. hi guy,

    God bless you all for good & bad comments. Just do it by urself and you will know the all situation.

  41. if bush was wrong what about those indian leaders who have been backening all kinds of elements who oppose nepal’s rulling government of any; rana’s, shaha’s and other political parties. if some thinks what has happend to bush is correct; i have a question what our so presummed big brother of nepali congress party and god father of present madhesi activists “the India” is deserved for?. like bush administration claims that they brought peoples’ government in Iraq, India also claiming that with their backening they replaced rana’s government by nepali congress’s model democracy(is it really so?)and imposed 1950’s treaty on nepal which had made nepal almost like their half colony.they also had grabbed two majore rivers’ kosh and gandaki from nepal without any return and compensation to nepal.every body knew that india liked king trivuban and trivuban’s concept was that nepal should never confront india and their concept for prolonging shaha’s kingship in nepal.but mahendra had different opinion; truly speaking mahendra was not happening with indias’grip and tightening in all sphare.he was slowly but almost openly becoming closer to china.India did not like that they have a different plan on nepal. under 1950’s treaty they are dreaming that the indian immigrant one day will put nepals’ true nepalese in manority and that would make them easier for doing any thing in nepal. mahendra knew that. he knew political tit for tats.as a first step to excape from dirty indian politics, mahendra applied for UN membership in 2013.That step of mahendra made india very upset. India opposed nepal’s membership in UN claiming that nepal is part of india and Nepal is not an independant country. then only China supported Nepal for Un membership. China also knew that Nepal is really india locked. so first china built East-west high way that pass through all tarai region of nepal from mechi to mahakali. India did not let that high way complete till date. did any body in parties notice that?
    till mahendra’s period in retaliating indian’s policies to maximasise indian immigrants under 1950’s treaty, mahendra also put restrictions on indian immigrants in nepal to buy lands and fixed properties. those indian immigrants were not allowed to have government jobs, they have to have nepali partnership in business above certain level. all these restrictions were exactly as allowed to nepal by that treaty. Indian immigrants only can stay in nepal.During mahendra’s panchayat period, why he was enforcing maximisation of nepali residents in Tarai. because he wanted to have counter forces of nepals’s own for encountering probable indian immigrants undue political interferences; as we are having these days by so called madhises.He had restricted citizenship to indian immigrants. India was truly upset with mahendra, but mahendra had very tight and secured relation with China.

    In 2036 and 2046 also those movements against panchayat system had indian backening. Mr chandra shekhar of india was assuring all political leaders in Ganeshman’s resident for not be afread of king and his government assuring indian supports to all those leaders in nepal. Why he was in that assembly of nepalese politicians? and how dare he can assure indian supports to them. actually india gave only dirty shit to nepal. and after every majore political change in nepal under their support, india grabbed nepal’s rivers and territories. we need to recall and compare china in that context. actually India need to return nepal’s territories which were kept in control by then east india company of british government. Darjeling.deharadoon, nainital simla and many other parts actually belongs to nepal which india never return and they are capturing more like they did in Susta and kalapani. but china returned nepal’s territory otherwise china also claiming Mount everest befor as that belongs to them, but when nepal submitted proofs china simply returned all nepal’s territories,. why india did not return nepals’ territories and why india is still capturing more and more like susta and kalapani.

    recently also, mr indra prashad’s comment on nepal is very objectionable. and every body knew that present madhesi activists are having shelters in india.

    so, we the all nepalese who wants to bring a real democracy in nepal also need to be aware of indian policies and especially with those who proclaim that they were pro-indian. no foreign countries in any other country should have that much interference as india is having in nepal. so let us be bold instead of abusing bush of america for what he had done in iraq, let us say some on india’s puppets in nepal. we have only little ideas about iraq issue. but we know our nepal and why it is sufferring till date.


  42. This article is biased, the reporter supports Maoist.
    He is cursing King ” ta kukur……” which doesnot comes under ethics of journalism. In the name of Journalism he is using his optimum power to curse and blame others. So if we compare the reporter he is also same as Bush, Parchanda, and the King.

  43. thiki garachha….bush la tetra tank ra bomb iraq ma phalna pauna bara tesla jabo ek jore jutta pani bush tira phalna napaune……..ki kaso hooo…

  44. Difference between Iraqi so-called “War against Terror” by Bush and Nepalese self-claimed “Civil War” by Maoists:

    1. Bush, a foreigner invaded Iraq while Prachanda’s war was mainly carried out by poor, hungry, unemployed, and marginalized people of Nepal.

    2. Bush’s Iraq war killed more than 8 lakh common Iraqi people along with handful of Iraqi Army, police, American, British and other people and it destroyed Iraq infrastructure, communal harmony completely while there were just around 13000 killings in Nepal mostly by the then Nepal Police and Army and around 10000 victims were Maoist or maoist supporters only.

    3. After the war in Iraq, American Army chief was the chief of Iraq and it’s administration was run by American until Prime minister and president were appointed while several political parties run the government in Nepal.

    4. Main purpose of Iraq war by Bush was to remove Saddam Hussain from the power and established American puppet in Iraqi government and get all the oil out of Iraq and establish American Army camp that would look after Iran and Russian activities. while Nepali civil war by Maoist has got some justification because of which Nepal is going to be federal replubic and all marginalized groups including Madheshi seem to be happy now.

    5. Most of the killing in Iraq was begun after so-called war against terror (removing Saddam Hussain and finding and destroying biological weapons if any) while after Prachanda’s war, killings are almost stopped in Nepal.

    6. American invaders are still in Iraq and they were beyond oil, adn the war could not be justified because there American found no politial weapons while Nepali political parties justified Nepali war by fulfiling what Prachanda’s party was demanding and people also gave approval of by electing them to the power by the CA election.

    Millions of people died in Hirosima and Nagashaki by American nuclear bombing. Still American are saying that it was necessary to stop Japanese invasion; they justified it; Rosebelt was never brought to book for killing so many Japanese. Nepali Maoists war was also justified other political parties and people to some extent. Itihas (history) jitne ko gatha ho. It is written in favor of whoever wins. Kirtipure ko naak katne, ali kati pani humanity ra ethics nabhayeko Prithibi Narayan Shah ko gatha pani gaiyekai ho. Current changes were possible by Prachanda’s war and he will also be rewarded by garlands unlike loser Bush who received Shoes attack as a “farewell kiss”.

  45. अबको पालो प्रचन्डलाई जुत्ताले हान्ने हो। १४०००नेपालली को हत्यारा ,सिङो नेपाल लाई बिभाजन गराउने बिभाजन्कारी ,देश
    द्रोही , भारतीय बिस्तार ब्याड को दलाल लाई नेपाली जनतले पनि यसै गरी थोत्रो जुताले हन्नु पर्छ। अब तेस्लाई माल ले स्वागत गर्ने हैन कि जुत्ताले को माला लगायर बजार घुमाउनु पर्छ। इराकी पत्रकार ले नेपाली ले पनि प्रचन्ड लाई यसरी नै हन्नु पर्छ भनेर देखै दे को हो। किन कि बूश् बाट इराकी जती पीडित छन तेती नै प्रचन्ड बाट नेपाली पनि पीडित छन भन्ने कुरा ति पत्रकार लाई राम्ररी थाहा थियो होल। अब हेरौ नेपाली लेपाली ले पनि प्रचन्दे लाई कसरी कस्तो जुत्तले हान्नेरहेछन । तर हामीले पनि हान्न चाँही हन्नु पर्छ। अनी मात्र हाम्रा नेताहरुको बुद्दी
    पलाउछ ।
    जय देश
    जय नेपाल । । ।

  46. अबको पालो प्रचन्डलाई जुत्ताले हान्ने हो। १४०००नेपालली को हत्यारा ,सिङो नेपाल लाई बिभाजन गराउने बिभाजन्कारी ,देश
    द्रोही , भारतीय बिस्तार ब्याड को दलाल लाई नेपाली जनतले पनि यसै गरी थोत्रो जुताले हन्नु पर्छ। अब तेस्लाई माल ले स्वागत गर्ने हैन कि जुत्ताले को माला लगायर बजार घुमाउनु पर्छ। इराकी पत्रकार ले नेपाली ले पनि प्रचन्ड लाई यसरी नै हन्नु पर्छ भनेर देखै दे को हो। किन कि बूश् बाट इराकी जती पीडित छन तेती नै प्रचन्ड बाट नेपाली पनि पीडित छन भन्ने कुरा ति पत्रकार लाई राम्ररी थाहा थियो होल। अब हेरौ नेपाली लेपाली ले पनि प्रचन्दे लाई कसरी कस्तो जुत्तले हान्नेरहेछन । तर हामीले पनि हान्न चाँही हन्नु पर्छ। अनी मात्र हाम्रा नेताहरुको बुद्दी
    पलाउछ ।
    जय देश
    जय नेपाल । । ।

  47. अबको पालो प्रचन्डलाई जुत्ताले हान्ने हो। १४०००नेपालली को हत्यारा ,सिङो नेपाल लाई बिभाजन गराउने बिभाजन्कारी ,देश द्रोही ,तिय बिस्तार ब्याड को दलाल लाई नेपाली जनतले पनि यसै गरी थोत्रो जुताले हन्नु पर्छ। अब तेस्लाई माल ले स्वागत गर्ने हैन कि जुत्ताले को माला लगायर बजार घुमाउनु पर्छ। इराकी पत्रकार ले नेपाली ले पनि प्रचन्ड लाई यसरी नै हन्नु पर्छ भनेर देखै दे को हो। किन कि बूश् बाट इराकी जती पीडित छन तेती नै प्रचन्ड बाट नेपाली पनि पीडित छन भन्ने कुरा ति पत्रकार लाई राम्ररी थाहा थियो होल। अब हेरौ नेपाली लेपाली ले पनि प्रचन्दे लाई कसरी कस्तो जुत्तले हान्नेरहेछन ।

  48. WOO Persident ho ta Bush Jasto. Really he was too active that time.The journalist threw the shoe at him but Bush was so active quickly he moved his body.If there was my Nepali leder like Girja parshad,Madhav nepal even parchand would not do like that,straight on forhead.Bush you are the rally cow boy, well done lad keep it up.I love active person.

  49. त्यो जुता को Price दस मिलियन अमेरिकि डलर पुग्यो रे है साथी हरु
    (अपुस्ट समाचार )

  50. मेरो संसारले बल्ल यो गतिलो समाचार चाप्यो बा। यहाँ फेरी एउटा हिरोको उथय भयो बुस् लाई चप्पल हान्ने ब्यक्त्ती यो ब्रमान्द कै हिरो हो कि कसो त? हा हा हा मत साह्रै खुशी छु।

  51. चुनाव अघि दुनिया बाचा गर्ने अनी चुनाव पछि काम गरि देखाउने बेला सबै दोष बीपछा लाई दी आफू राम्रो अरु सबै काम नलाग्ने देखने सबै सम्मानीय नेताजू हरु यो घटना अब चाडी हाम्रो देश माँ नि नहोला भन्ना सकिन्ना |

  52. बुशले त जुत्ता खाए अब गिरिजालाई खुट्टा र प्रचंड लाई मोजा सुंघाई दिने समय आई सकेको छ |

  53. hami sambedansil chhainau na nai santa
    hami chanhine thaun ma dekhauna sakdainau
    nachahine thaun ma banki rakhdainau
    IRAQ banda kahile sunnubhayako chha?
    hamro ma February ma sabai time ma 30 days a month banda hadtal hunchha.
    february 29 ko bhayidinale record bigriyo natra neali le kahan chodne.

  54. Prachanda and Girija too deserve the same
    the present worse sitauation of the country can only be blamed for these two mediocre cunning. so called leaders..

  55. मैले पनि देखेको एक नम्बरमा प्रचन्डे लाई अनी गिरिजालअै गोलिनै हान्नु पर्छ

  56. sathiharu kaslai hanuparcha bhanera kura garera matrai huncha.nepali harule kam garera kailai dekhayeka chan..2062 janantholanma tetro ragatko khola bagauna lagaune kamal thapalai ta kehi garna sakena aruko k kura.gaf bhadi bhayo guys.hanu parcha haina bushlai jasto kunai bhatmara netalai hanera dekau sakchau bhane.bhana sajilo cha mitraharu garna gharai huncha.


  57. sathiharu kaslai hanuparcha bhanera kura garera matrai huncha.nepali harule kam garera kailai dekhayeka chan..2062 janantholanma tetro ragatko khola bagauna lagaune kamal thapalai ta kehi garna sakena aruko k kura.gaf bhadi bhayo guys.hanu parcha haina bushlai jasto kunai bhatmara netalai hanera dekau sakchau bhane.bhana sajilo cha mitraharu garna gharai huncha.


  58. अब गिरिजालाई पनि १२ नम्बरको जुताले चुम्बन दिनु पर्छ । सम्भिधान सभाको चुनाव भएको 8 महिना सम्म पनि पार्टी सन्स्दिय दलको नेता चुन्न नदिनु , कोइराला खन्दान बाहेक अरुमा पार्टी को नेत्रित्व जान्छकी भनेर आँफैले चुनाव अघी गरेको बाचा तोड्नु , पार्टी ले चुनावमा हरे पछी पनि ४-४ महिना सम्म प्रधानमन्त्री बाट रजिनामा नदिइ गती अबरुद्ध पार्नु, फेरी मधेशी लाई उचालेर आफ्नो दुनो सोझ्यनु खोज्नु, अहिले पनि सम्बैधैनिक परिषदह को बैठक मा उपस्थित नभै धेरै महत्वपूर्ण निर्न्य हुनबाट रोक्नु आदी आदी जस्ता गतिबिधी हरु गरेर देश्लाई बन्धक बनाउने र देशलाई अनी पार्टीलाई कोइराला खान्दान्को बिर्त बनाउन खोज्ने गिरिजालाई मर्नु भन्दा अघी जुत्ता को चुम्बन दिनु पर्ने आब्श्यक्त देखिन्छ ।

  59. माओवादीहरु कहिल्यै युरा नहुने सपना देख्छन अनी सपनि मै मर्छन !

  60. For me Bush is a great leader.He gave justic to thousand of kurd Iraqis. We should not forget the Histry. We should not support this kind of crazy journalist who forget the spirit of jornalism doing such irresponsible act. I think USA is not only a cause of whatever happing in iraq. We should not forget presence of terrorist groups which are claming hundred of life making sucide attact in Iraq.

  61. यस्तो जुत्ता त भ्रस्टाचरी शेरे, सुजाता, गोबिन्दे, खुमे,खोर्सानी कान्छो(चिरन्जिबी) लगयता का लाई पनि हान्नु पर्ने कोही निस्कान्छान कि हेरौ ।

  62. कसैले भन्नै पर्दैन ,प्रचंड लाइ पनी हान्नु पर्यो भनेर !लामो समय सम्म केही गर्न सकेन भने हानि हाल्छन |
    मृतक को परिबार ले पाये अहिले नै हान्छन |
    प्रचंड ले,माओबादी ले देश को बिकाश गरेर,देश माँ सिस्टम बसालेर आफुले गरेको ह्त्या को पाप उतारने बेला हो यो |अब पनी घुर्की लगाएर सड़क तताउछु भन्ने बेला होईना ???
    २)कांग्रेस भित्र का भडुवा
    ३)एमाले भीत्र का भडुवा
    ४)राजतंत्र बिरोधी
    ५)क्रिस्चेंन मिसनरी ,मदरशा
    सबै को सहयोग माँ प्रचंड हीरो भएको देखियो र यो प्रमाणित हुदैछ यदि उनले केही गर्न सकेनन भने |उसको लागी यो ठुलो चुनौती को बेला छ |कमजोर देखियो भने देश को लागी ज्यान को बाजी थापेर लाडेका माओबादी लडाकू ले नै प्रचंड लाइ हान्छन ,जुत्ताले होईना ,पडकीने जुत्ताले !!!

  63. केही बर्षभित्र प्रचन्डले १४००० नेपाली मार्नुको औचित्त्य साबित गर्न नसके कि उनी भाग्नु पर्ने छ कि त उनी मारिने छन, त्यो पनि वाइसिल बाट नै ।
    -गैरा घरे कान्छो

  64. Prachanday is the worse than bush…prachanda only not deserve slipper in his head he deserve many many things in the coming days.
    The main problem of prachanda is that he never realize that no body is superior than time….his over confidences and his over proudness will end his carrer very soon.
    In Nepal there is thousands of thousands victims people of prachanda.
    There is no any doubt that in the name of revolution he commited genocide.
    Totally Vandalised country in 12-13 years,still he laugh,still he gives long speeches,he still keeps nepali people in puzzle and shows people dreams to make a new nepal….
    Even he is not able to control his YCL ,how he can run the goverment?
    All the power is in his hand,maoist party is running the goverment and he is a prime- minister,his left hand is deffence-minister,his right hand is finance – minister than what the hell he need rest?
    Why he blames others?
    Too much barking and long wasteful speeches is not the right answer…you need to do somethings…wake up and do some things good for country….time never wait you…sun rise and sun set too…may be you know that?
    You can eliminate your sin by doing some good things for Nepal.
    Otherwise one day shoeses and slippers will be in your neck….

  65. क्या गजबको कुरा गर्‍यो बा यो लेखकले..उता बसलाई जुत्ता हाने रे यहाँ प्रचन्डलाई पनि हान्नु पर्‍यो रे? अब जुत्ता प्रचन्डलाई होइन काँग्रेसी नेता गिरजा र शेरेलाई हो जस्को नालायकिपनले गर्दा १४०० जनताको मृत्‍यु भएको छ। सँबिधान सभा हुनै सक्तैन भनेर माओबादीको ४० सुत्रिय माग पुरा नगर्ने यि गोबरे दिमाखका नेताहरुले गर्दा यस्तो भयाबह स्थिती सिर्जना भएको हो। अहिले माओबादीको बलिदानले गनतन्त्र आयो अनि त्यहि काँग्रेसी नेताहरु भन्दै छन् यो त हामीले ल्याएको हो.. थुक्क भाते हो लाज् पनि नलाग्ने, अब यस्तै तालले बिकाश गर्ने लक्ष्य बोकेका माओबादीलाई नकरात्मक रुपले ब्यबहार गर्ने र उही सामन्तबादि,भ्रष्टचारी,र फताहरुको गुन गाउदै हिड्ने हो भन्ने धेरै होइन १/२ बर्ष भित्रमा राजाले सत्ता नहत्याउलान् भन्न सकिन्न लेखक शुभेक्षा ज्यु।

  66. क्या गजबको कुरा गर्‍यो बा यो लेखकले..उता बसलाई जुत्ता हाने रे यहाँ प्रचन्डलाई पनि हान्नु पर्‍यो रे? अब जुत्ता प्रचन्डलाई होइन काँग्रेसी नेता गिरजा र शेरेलाई हो जस्को नालायकिपनले गर्दा १४०० जनताको मृत्‍यु भएको छ। सँबिधान सभा हुनै सक्तैन भनेर माओबादीको ४० सुत्रिय माग पुरा नगर्ने यि गोबरे दिमाखका नेताहरुले गर्दा यस्तो भयाबह स्थिती सिर्जना भएको हो। अहिले माओबादीको बलिदानले गनतन्त्र आयो अनि त्यहि काँग्रेसी नेताहरु भन्दै छन् यो त हामीले ल्याएको हो.. थुक्क भाते हो लाज् पनि नलाग्ने, अब यस्तै तालले बिकाश गर्ने लक्ष्य बोकेका माओबादीलाई नकरात्मक रुपले ब्यबहार गर्ने र उही सामन्तबादि,भ्रष्टचारी,र फताहरुको गुन गाउदै हिड्ने हो भन्ने धेरै होइन १/२ बर्ष भित्रमा राजाले सत्ता नहत्याउलान् भन्न सकिन्न लेखक शुभेक्षा ज्यु।

  67. Nepali Bhrasta Haru Lai Jutta Le Handa
    Euta Jutta Le Matra Hannu
    Tyas Le Bholi Tapain Le Hane ko Jutta Lagayera Hind chha

  68. prachanda n his party should be destroy coz they didn’t have politics for people’s! doin for himself n his family bla bla bla.accordings to circumstances.if some body wanna do some thing wrong about prachanda or their party(except shoot)………… think ur self…safaaya……sabotage…killing….kidnap…..warning etc.that’s the politics of unlucky nepal……………….!whatever we wanna peace n fearless nation. jay nepal i am not a politician honestly but their activities showing something wrong (specially ycl.)

  69. Hey u all foolish…due to ur activities….timi haru lai po 10 No ko jutta le hannu parne raicha…estai jantu haru bhayera desh bigriyeko….timi haru lai pani Phatawa jari garnu parcha jasto cha….n Pant..ur article is totally fake n moraless….dimag ma bhusha cha jasto cha ni…Safa garnu paryo…pahila timi kun party ko ho tehi party ko Neta lai chappal hirkau..ani aru ko barema lekha la sathi….

  70. More or less most of political parties were responslible of past conflict whether Girija Babu, Deuba, Madhava Nepal,and so on. But past is past we should see new things and we should give hope to people. We people have difficult time, we should also learn how to exist between India and China.Our political activities was only concentrate to wipedout monarchical system, but it was not only solution, some of good things was done by monarchical system but we leaders did not evaluate only turned into negative aspects of 240 years old system. In this world every one has enough space to survive. We people like to live peaceful life without any disturbances and so on.

  71. यहाँ मा अली बढी नै कन्फुज भए। के प्रचन्ड नै थिय त १४००० नेपालीलाई मार्ने? १४००० नेपाली मार्ने प्रचन्ड नै हो भनेर लेख्ने लेखकको बुझाई
    देखेर दया पो लाग्यो मलाई त। हा हा हा!! हो प्रचन्ड र उस्को ग्याङ ले धेरै निर्दोस नेपालीलाई बडो दु:ख दिएर मार्यो। कसैलाई घटी रेटेर त कसैलाई हातखुटा काटेर, धेरै निर्दोस को ज्यानलाई भकुन्डो बनएर खल्यो। तर तेओ १४००० नेपालीमा ७०% भन्दा बडीत तेती बेलाको सरकार ले पो मारेको थियोत। तर जे भवोस पैला, हामीले अब को बाटो हेर्नु पर्छ। हाम्रो देशलाई खतम बनाउने मुख्य कांग्रेस र तेस्पछी एमाले नै हो। सत्य घाम जस्ताइ छर्लङ छ। बरु ऐले प्रचन्डले सिस्टम बनाउन्छु त भनेको छ। केही गर्छु त भनेको छ। हामीले उस्लाई सुप्पोर्ट गर्नु पर्छ राम्रो गर्न। जुत्ता हान्ने कुरा गर्न हुँदैन, देशमारा कांग्रेस र एमालेलाई खुशी बनाउन। हामी आँफै पनि सुध्रिनु पर्छ, आफुले कैइलै केही नगर्ने अनी अरु लाई गाली मात्रै गर्ने गर्नु हुँदैन।।। अरु साथीहरुलाई के लाग्छ कुन्नी?

  72. यहि त हो प्रजातन्त्र को बिषेशता। तर नेपालमा बसेर प्रचण्डलाई यसो गरेको भए सिर कलम भै सक्ने थियो। एक पटक पुतलिसडकमा मोटरसाईकल यात्रीले माओवादी ले गरेको बाटो बन्दको बिरोधमा रिसाएर , यस्ता प्रचण्ड के भनेका थिए नजिकैका उनका चेलाले भक्कुमार गोदेछन। राजा त हटे तर सबै मन्त्रि तथा प्रधान मन्त्रिले राजाले जे राजसी चलन गर्थे त्यही गरिरहेका छन। बिरेन्द्रको पालामा उनि आँउदा सिंहदरबार खाली गरिन्थ्यो, अहिले रामबरण र प्रचण्ड आउँदा गरियो। अबको नेपालमा छोटे राजाहरुलाई त कसैले छुन सक्दैन , भो नबोलौं।

  73. बा बा बूस् लाई मात्र किन जुत्ता
    आमा बूस् लाई पनि जुत्ता हान्नु
    पर्‍यो प्रचन्ड् अब तेरो पनि पालो
    आईसकियो है सतर्क हुँदै गर कि
    त । अब भाषान भन्दा काम गरेर
    देखा अईले सम्म त नेपाली जनता
    ले फुल को माला लगाउदै छन अब
    जुत्ता को माला को पालो आउँदै छ
    अब आउनी कुकुर तिवार् को दिन
    उदघाटन् त् बाट गर्दै छन जनताले

  74. बुशलाई हानिएको १० नम्बरको जुत्ता नवनिर्वाचित ओबामाका लागि आगामी दिनको चुनौती, तथा हाम्रा काम्रेड प्रचन्डका लागि सङ्केत हो, कथित जनयुध्को नाममा १४००० निर्दोश नेपालीको बगेको रगतको औचित्य साबित गर्न नसकेमा, भनिन्छ ईतिहास आँफै दोहोरिन्छ ।

  75. बूश् कस्तो बाठो दुबइ पटक आफुलाई बच्चाउन सफल।

    तर जसले जे सुकै भनुन संसार को अगाडि बेईेजत त भएको नै हो । ईतिहास भरिलाई साले जाने बेलामा लात खाएर गयो भन्ने मौका चाँही मिलेको छ।

  76. यहाँ मा अली बढी नै कन्फुज भए। के प्रचन्ड नै थिय त १४००० नेपालीलाई मार्ने? १४००० नेपाली मार्ने प्रचन्ड नै हो भनेर लेख्ने लेखकको बुझाई
    देखेर दया पो लाग्यो मलाई त। हा हा हा!! हो प्रचन्ड र उस्को ग्याङ ले धेरै निर्दोस नेपालीलाई बडो दु:ख दिएर मार्यो। कसैलाई घटी रेटेर त कसैलाई हातखुटा काटेर, धेरै निर्दोस को ज्यानलाई भकुन्डो बनएर खल्यो। तर तेओ १४००० नेपालीमा ७०% भन्दा बडीत तेती बेलाको सरकार ले पो मारेको थियोत। तर जे भवोस पैला, हामीले अब को बाटो हेर्नु पर्छ। हाम्रो देशलाई खतम बनाउने मुख्य कांग्रेस र तेस्पछी एमाले नै हो। सत्य घाम जस्ताइ छर्लङ छ। बरु ऐले प्रचन्डले सिस्टम बनाउन्छु त भनेको छ। केही गर्छु त भनेको छ। हामीले उस्लाई सुप्पोर्ट गर्नु पर्छ राम्रो गर्न। जुत्ता हान्ने कुरा गर्न हुँदैन, देशमारा कांग्रेस र एमालेलाई खुशी बनाउन। हामी आँफै पनि सुध्रिनु पर्छ, आफुले कैइलै केही नगर्ने अनी अरु लाई गाली मात्रै गर्ने गर्नु हुँदैन।।। अरु साथीहरुलाई के लाग्छ कुन्नी?

  77. The reporter should think. What would have happened to him if he had thrown the shoes at Saddam Hussein!!?? He can do this now because there is democracy in Iraq now. However, is it a right way of doing things?

  78. Dear Dipesh Chhetri,

    Romeo Operation in Mid and Far Western was carried out even before declaration of so called “People’s War”

    What I think is “Girija is also equally responsible for Maoist movement” in Nepal

  79. कार्कीको कुरा सुनेर हासो लागो, नेपालमा सुरुमा कस्ले युद्द
    निम्त्याको हो नि? गिरिजाले जंगल पसेर युद्द गर्न सिकाको
    हो कि के हो, आखिर माओवादीले युद्द गरेको पनि सत्ताको
    लागि त रहेछ नि भन्ने कुरा देखी हालियो नि, कार्कीको
    जस्तै सबै नेपालीको मनसिकता हुनु हो भने नेपालमा कहिले
    पनि शान्ती आउँदैन, कार्कीको भनाइ अनुसार प्रचन्डले युद्द
    गरेर ठीक गरे, नेपाली जनतलाई केही फरक परेन भन्ने
    बुझियो,मा कुनै पनि पार्टीको समर्थक होइन, हुन त नेपालमा
    सबै नेता उस्तै नै हुन तर युद्द को कुर आएको ले मात्र
    लेखेको हो, कार्की ठुलै कम्रेद हुन कि के हो?

  80. malai ta tetro huda samat bush ramailo gareko dekha achamba lagyo bhanya……..tara bush lai bani parisakyo sahane

    keru (sweden)

  81. चौधहजार नेपाली मार्न के प्रचन्ड मात्र जिम्मेवार छन? यसमा गिरीजा को कुनै हात छैन? संकटकाल लगायर तत्कालीन शाहिसेनाद्धारा सर्वशाधारण जनताको हत्या गर्नलगाउने गिरीजालाई किन जुत्ता प्रहार भयन? प्रचन्डलाइ जुत्ता प्रहार हुनुपर्छ भने गिरीजालाइ गोली प्रहार हुनुपर्छ। किनकी चौधहजार नेपाली मर्नुमा प्रचन्ड भन्दा गिरीजाबढी दोषीछन्।

  82. Every one life is most improtant and nobdoya has right to kill people as the name of freedom. Who is guilty and who is not guilty still Nepali has no capacity.
    For example, Indpendence Day is most important to any country of the world. But in Nepal PN Shah was creating this country but nobdoy is issue about this things. Mostly Nepali polticians are very intelligent and they knew everything but they do not know what is the meaning of Independence but they join cheerful face to other countries independence day. We Nepali lovers are very sorry to see our political actors unpatrotics manners. If PN Shah was not existed our major political parties leaders could walk into Bihar Pradehs like steet children. We appeal them if you would like to participate to other countries independence day you should make good track to Old Nepal great king Prithvi Narayan Shah’s position otherwise Nepali political leaders have no right to attend such kind of celebration time. It it was not Old Nepal how it could create the New Nepal.Little time leaders should think Saddam Husen has a power how his power turned in inverted shape. One day every one should die but we should respect the historical inncident or things on good order. I appeal to PM Prachanda and Babu ram Bhattarai about independence day you should remember to PN shah. We any kind of people have no right to insult to our great king PN shah. He was our creater of modern Nepal. We are living in Nepal but still we are raping to our great king PN shah. In this way our present government and political parties leaders should respect to PN Shah.I believe Prachada care and Baburam do this work and they could get more symphaty from people. We hope.

  83. कस्तो नचहिदो मुर्ख्यै कुरा गरेको यो प्रलय भन्ने वैसियल ले
    १४००० नेपाली मारेको प्रचन्डले जिम्मा लिदैन भने कस्ले जिम्मा
    लिन्छ त ?वास्तवमा प्रचन्डले नै युद्द गर्न सिकाको वन्द हुन्छ
    नेपालमा! तेसै अहिले वैसियल लाई ठीक गर्न एमालेले युथफोर्स
    निकालेको हो,वैसियललाई थिक् मा राखेपछी सबै ठीक हुन्छ नेपालमा
    पनि,युद्दको भर् मा सत्तामा बस्न सफल माओवादीले अब युद्द अन्त्य गर्नु
    पर्छ ,तेस्को लागि सुरुमा वैसियल लाई थिक्मा राख्नु पर्छ ,जे भये पनि
    बुशलाई तेसो गर्नु एक प्रकारले ठिकै पनि हो तर अब नेपाली जनताले पनि
    त्यो निती लागु गर्नु पर्छ यदी माओवादी ले हत्या हिन्सा जारी राखेमा!

  84. J gareko thikai garechha ni ali facema blodd aunegari hanu parne yasari hanu parne hamro deshma pani chha mawobadiko bakanfuse neta baneharu tiniharulai pani ktm tirako khadhya bachako jutaley mukhma hanna pae ta kasto majja hunthyo hai,,,,,??????

  85. यो त सुरुवात मात्रै हो । जे होस् ढिलो भय पनि इराकी पत्रकारहरु मुन्तदार अल् जईदी बाट राम्रो कदम चालेकोमा धन्यवाद दिन चाहन्छु । हाम्रो देशमा पनि यो कदम चाल्न जरुरी छ ।

  86. कस्तो नचाहिँदो कुरा गरेको? न त बुशले एम्-१६ लिएर गएर मारेका हुन इराकीलाई न त प्रचन्डले खुकुरी लिएर मारेका हुन १४००० नेपालीलाई। अनि कसरी हुन्छन उनिहरु हत्यारा? यो पन्तलाई त ‘फतवा’ जारी गर्नु पर्ला जस्तो छ है कामरेडहरु!
    —- वाइस्याल

  87. नेपाली जन्‍ताहरुले प्रचन्‍डा लाई हैन देशको मुल शुत्र परिबर्तनको लागि १४,०००र५,०००० तेसका बिपक्षा नेपालीहरु
    ले ज्‍यानगुमाएका थिए।जम्‍मा १९,०००नेपाली आमाका सपुतहरुहुन्‌ तर ती सपुत नेपालीहरुले निश्‍चित समयमा पुन:
    निर्मानकार्य नभए बुसको हालत हैन मदनभण्‍डारि को हालत हुनेछ।प्रचन्‍डा को……….मान लामा

  88. नेपाली जन्‍ताहरुले प्रचन्‍डा लाई हैन देशको मुल शुत्र परिबर्तनको लागि १४,०००र५,०००० तेसका बिपक्षा नेपालीहरु
    ले ज्‍यानगुमाएका थिए।जम्‍मा १९,०००नेपाली आमाका सपुतहरुहुन्‌ तर ती सपुत नेपालीहरुले निश्‍चित समयमा पुन:
    निर्मानकार्य नभए बुसको हालत हैन मदनभण्‍डारि को हालत हुनेछ।प्रचन्‍डा को……….

    मान लामा

  89. यहि त हो प्रजातन्त्र को बिषेशता। तर नेपालमा बसेर प्रचण्डलाई यसो गरेको भए सिर कलम भै सक्ने थियो। एक पटक पुतलिसडकमा मोटरसाईकल यात्रीले माओवादी ले गरेको बाटो बन्दको बिरोधमा रिसाएर , यस्ता प्रचण्ड के भनेका थिए नजिकैका उनका चेलाले भक्कुमार गोदेछन। राजा त हटे तर सबै मन्त्रि तथा प्रधान मन्त्रिले राजाले जे राजसी चलन गर्थे त्यही गरिरहेका छन। बिरेन्द्रको पालामा उनि आँउदा सिंहदरबार खाली गरिन्थ्यो, अहिले रामबरण र प्रचण्ड आउँदा गरियो। अबको नेपालमा छोटे राजाहरुलाई त कसैले छुन सक्दैन , भो नबोलौं।

  90. well, this is not a good way to throw shoes over the Bush….but also it is the view of many ireqi people. Bush throw the bomb in many ireqi city, hospital and the school also. He killed many innocent people…..nearly a million of people killed in ireq….why not people can angry with Bush?? Bush should be learn from this part. cool…..

  91. धन्य हुन नेपाली जनता अहिले सम्म ती भ्रस्टहरुलाई जुत्ता प्रहार गरेका छैनन । विश्वासै गरेका छन।

  92. ज्यानमरा हरु लाई यस्तै गर्नु पर्छ अब नेपालको पलो

  93. बुश माथी इराकी जनता को दृस्तिकोर्ण हो यो घटना . नेपाल का भर्स्तचारि हरु लाई पनि येस्तै गर्नु पर्छ .

  94. I will do same to MAOIST LEADERS, they killed 14000 and still millions of people are suffering from their nonsense behaviours.

  95. बा बा बूस् लाई मात्र किन जुत्ता
    आमा बूस् लाई पनि जुत्ता हान्नु
    पर्‍यो प्रचन्ड् अब तेरो पनि पालो
    आईसकियो है सतर्क हुँदै गर कि
    त । अब भाषान भन्दा काम गरेर
    देखा अईले सम्म त नेपाली जनता
    ले फुल को माला लगाउदै छन अब
    जुत्ता को माला को पालो आउँदै छ
    अब आउनी कुकुर तिवार् को दिन
    उदघाटन् त् बाट गर्दै छन जनताले

  96. बुशलाई हानिएको १० नम्बरको जुत्ता नवनिर्वाचित ओबामाका लागि आगामी दिनको चुनौती, तथा हाम्रा काम्रेड प्रचन्डका लागि सङ्केत हो, कथित जनयुध्को नाममा १४००० निर्दोश नेपालीको बगेको रगतको औचित्य साबित गर्न नसकेमा, भनिन्छ ईतिहास आँफै दोहोरिन्छ ।

  97. I think Subhekshya Panta is little girl who has nothing political analysis in her mind. I guess she went to USA to study so called…. degree and might be the daughter of neplese elight probably the relatives or family member of corrupted politician or black listed businessman. I advice her to read the political theory and try to differentiate the war in Iraq and peoples movement or civil war in Nepal. I guess most of the neplese who are living in USA have no time think critically and present less biased comment why and how nepal enter in new era? The curent change in Nepal is bujne lae shrikhanda nabujne lae khurpako bind. But wait guys you will know within couple of years to come!!!

    Bishnu, UK

  98. We should do same in case of our corrupt leader.
    Learn from this guy! Leaders?!!!! what will citizen do for you in future.

  99. राम्रै गरेछ । पद र शक्तीमा मै मत्ता भएका हाम्रा तिरका पनि दुई चार जनालाई यसै गर्न पाए कती मज्जा हुन्थ्यो होला ।

  100. अहिले फुलमाला भिरेर गजक्क परेर हिंड्ने हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्प कमल दाहालले पनि एक्पटक पक्कै पाठ सिक्नु पर्छ । नत्र कुनै दिन नेपाली जनताहरुले पनि हाम्रा प्रधानमन्त्री माथि फुलमाला होइन यसरी नै जुत्ता बर्साउनेछन ।

  101. Prachanda ko pani estai din aauna sakchhan kinaki unle diyeka aswasan kam gahakila chhainan, Kunai din bisfot huna sakchha……………..Janta ko dhairya tutna sakchhan.

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