नेपालीले बनाए मोटर चल्ने झोलुङ्गे पुल

नेपाली प्राविधिकहरुले आफ्नै प्रविधिमा नयाँ झोलुङगे पुल बनाएर प्रविधिको क्षेत्रमा नयाँ उदाहरण प्रस्तुत गरेका छन्। यसअघि नेपालका केही सडकहरुमा मोटर आवत-जावत गर्न भारतीय र चिनीयाँ प्रविधिका झोलुङ्गे पुल बनेका थिए।

स्थानीय पूर्वाधार विकास तथा कृषि सडक विभागका प्राविधिकहरुले लामो मिहिनेत र अनुसन्धानपछि मोटर आवत-जावत गर्न सक्ने नयाँ खालको झोलुङ्गे पुल निर्माण बनाएका हुन्।

विभागका उपमहानिर्देशक भीम उपाध्यायले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार कुस्मा दोभिल्ला फलेवास सडक अन्तर्गत दोभिल्लामा नयाँ प्रविधिको मोटर आवत-जावत गर्न सक्ने झोलुङ्गे पुल निर्माण गर्न लागिएको हो।

करिब ७५ मिटर लामो सो पुलको निर्माण अन्तिम अवस्था पुगेको र केही समयपश्चात् उदघाटन हुने जानकारी विभागले दिएको छ।

विभागका वरिष्ठ इञ्जिनीयर ठाकुर पन्तका अनुसार कर्णाली र मुगलिङकोभन्दा भिन्न ढङ्गबाट पुललाई डिजाइन गरी पुलका लठ्ठा अड्याउने व्यवस्था बनाइएको छ।

यसमा मोटर गुड्दा लचकता नआउने, नथर्किने र नहल्लिने खालको हुन्छ ।


  1. at least something is better than nothing, there must be right people in right place and right leader not greedy one. i always remember Dr. Baburam Bhattarai to be leading and planning in the country. i am quite impressed when he gave budget bhashan during his tour of artha mantri. that was brilliant and what we should do. he had planned road construction across country with limited budget and not only planning but start at the same time. that was really remarkable and that was possible. why wait foreigners and help of other country and leader specially india. do not wait machine to come, try by hand and manpower where china did it long time ago. we can make it in our own and possible. example, sankhuwa sava, the people of that place managed to through a tail and even linked to dhankuta road diging by hand. so do not wait these corrupt leader and greedy, unhealthy, selfish, illiterate, dirty, animal just do it young man for your place yourself. do not copy dirty politicians, behave something different.

  2. yadi baburam le pani yastai gareko bhaya ke ke hunthyo hola tara bomb banayar 14000 -15000 ko jyan liya>

  3. हैन हो साथिहरु हो, यो कतै अप्रैल फूल मा सबैलाई फूल बनाउन रचेको काल्पनिक समाचार ता हैन २००७ को अप्रैल फूल को काल्पनिक समाचार पढेको थिएं हाँडीगाऊं अचम्मको आन्तारिक्च्या बता बाट यान सहित ४ जाना मानब दुर्घटना भएको …. !!!!

  4. plz appreciate good things. have you ever done anything in Nepal with the resource and technological limitations? if you haven’t then you are an idiot to discourage this project. If you had/have done anything in country then I am pretty sure you’d have appreciated this project. your disrespectful comments here shows your mental level.

  5. I wish this will be only the begining of the show,lets hope these types of achivements will be continious for us.

    I am only afraid of dirty political game that puts the hurdle on the path of developments.

    Lets make this story begining not the end.

  6. Thikai chha ni ta , maoist haru le vayeko pakki bridge haru sabai pahile nai vatkai hale aba jholunge pull banayera nai paripurti garnu parchha ni. ma sila ji ko comment sanga sahamat chhu “small deal inspire for big deal, keep it up”

  7. dherai khusi lagyo jholungle pul bata pani yatayatko subida pugnu vaneko hamro jasto muluk mabikasko hanga failaunu ho

  8. I am happy on the news.
    The completion of the project is really big deal. There were lots of complications during plannig as well as inplementation.
    Despite of being delay in completion of the project, I like to extend thanks to all those who are involved directly or indirectly for using their intenssive effort to cope lots of arised problems in the project.

    Afno desh ko lagi “ragat ra pasina” bagaune haru lai kadar garne bani basalau ki hami bidesh ma baseka sathi haru le.


  9. I also read the news but it is not mentioned how. I want to know the technology developed by Nepali engineers.
    Ramesh Khanal
    Civil Engineer

  10. kaida, kaida, kaida,
    aaja mero computer ma nepali lekhnai milena. maaf pau hai.
    “NOT A BIG DEAL” bhanne lai baari ko dil bata ladaau. usle chai bagh(tiger) nai mareko chha ki ke ho? maakho marna nasakne le arkaale gareko raamro kaam pani dekhna sakdo rainchha ye babaaaa.


  11. I think this is not new news. You can same type of bridge in Kodari – Sindupalchowk District 4/5 years back.

    anyway, nice to see artical.


  12. This is far more good and useful achievement for people in Nepal. So it’s no good to say “Not a big deal” like the plane made by Nepalese in Pokhara which flew less than one minute and grounded for forever.

  13. मलाइ धेरै खुसि लग्यो, म नेपाल म बस्दा लगभग २ बर्ष जति झोलुन्गे पुल को डिजाइन मा काम गरेको थिय अनि २०/२५ ओटा मानिस् हिडने पुल को काम पनि गरे, कुरा सन २००० तिर को हो पुल्चोक इन्जिनियरिन्ग कलेज का सर र सथि हरु ले तेहि बेला नै यो मोटर हिडने पुल को डिजइन को लगि प्रयास गरेका थिय,अहिले सफलता हात परेछ्, शुभकामना सम्पुर्न सथि हरुलै.अनि झोलुन्गे पुल बनौउन को लागि नेपालि प्राबिधिक हरु द्क्ष नै मानिन्छन,अरु सथि हरु ले भने जस्तै झोलुन्गे पुल नाम हुदैमा त्यो हल्ल्नु परछ भन्ने छ्हैन.

  14. In my opinion Nepali technicians are able to do everything. We just accept the foreigner donours money but it will be enough Nepali manpower. Dr Bhattarai should attention about this things. Finance minister’s is one of the big role to make this country in good order.

  15. Applaud! Well done. Keep the spirit up. Please ignore the disgusting mentality some people have demonstrated in this blog.

  16. राम्रो काम गर्नेलाई हौसला दिनु पर्छ है साथी हो……………

  17. यो अप्रिलफुल होइन साथिहो यो साचो कुराहो। नेपाली प्रविधिक हरुलाइ धन्यवाद।

  18. It if good news for me and all Neplease people becaues morning shows the day.I think every newspaper,news websites,and other electronic media only gives the bad news like political leaders unwanted and less important stale voice.Those who can’t anything about hydropower he/she gives the leacture about “How minimize the loadshedding in the country”like this.so we want to coverage the must of the pages of the media about good news.
    Thanks Umesh Jee

  19. मेरो मन खुसिले गदगद भयको छ् हामि सबै मिलेर देस निर्माणको यो क्रमलइ निरन्तरता दिनुपर्छ्.

  20. अब अलि esay to go our ghar Shankarpokhari.. and time save huna vo..ramailo lagako chha tara jana pauna kahila ho pardeshi lai..

  21. i am very happy to leation that news. and thanx to all who helps to build that JHULUNGE POOL.and hope that this is not a APRIL FOOL. coz news typed in 1st april.isn’t it ?

  22. Bridge should be strong for riding Vehicle if not or something wrong then we will have to pay huge human and financial loss.

    Give first priority to people security

  23. एक फलेबासि को नाता ले मलाई खुसि ला गो

    Roshan Sharma Poudyal
    द कोरिया

  24. As being a Phaalewashi I am happy in this news. In previous days, we can use that highway only for winter eason I hope when that suspension bridge will make then we can travel any time even in rainy season.
    So, thans for those engeneer who spent their skills for that bridge.

    Roshan Sharma Poudyal
    South Korea

  25. Gr88888888888888888….I really appreciate the work…Now at least government should give good back up to ministry of science and technology(coz this ministry was always forbidden and even if some one glanced it, it was like mirza-Dil-SAAD-Beeg…just a run away criminal from India).
    Government should fund some of its buddget for research too.. coz its the backbone of all innovative technology..
    But really despite which ever way..or what ever way was that funded..in fact these guys are from Nepal ..and at least we must be proud that many nepalese have some potential for such creative work…
    Jai Pashupathi Nath

  26. i had heard about it last year. It is going to be open soon!!!!! It is really appreciable! people will save atleast 1 hr and more from it.

  27. Great job. Thanks for Nepal Government. Try to do something new.

    surendra paudel
    Seattle, USA

  28. यसैको मेसोमा अरुपनि उत्पादन् होस्, हामीलाई एस्ता धेरै पूलहरुको खाँचो छ नेपालमा. शुरुवात राम्रो छ.

  29. Congratulations! But you have not mentioned anything about the Engineer who designed it? Is it the Department people or somebody else? At the same time, from whatever I know, this is one of the bridge projects (first of kind) that is being managed by the local community NOT contractor. You can also argue in Nepal Community also act as a contractor and in a way it is true. Also mention who supported the cost of the bridge: how much from community, DDCs, Donor. Please look at the bigger picture!

  30. Next time ghara jada gadima jana paine bhayo. Dhilo garera bhaye pani sakayechhan bridge. I am happy to hear the news.

  31. हो यस्तो हो कुरा गर्न भनेको मैले हिजोको ब्लगमा ऊमेशजि!
    धन्यबाद; कति आनन्द आऊंछ यस्तो देशगौरवको कुरा सुन्दा!
    लेखनको थालनि राम्रै दिनबाट भएकोछ, सायद अब पारसे सारसे आदि नराम्रा कुरा धेरै सुन्न परोइन!
    कल्पना गर्नु ठूलो कुरा हो किनभने कल्पनै नगरि यथार्थता हासिल हुंदैनः जस्तै, रोपवेको कै कुरा गर्नुस्, मनकामना केबुल कारको कुरा गर्नुस, हैनत!

    माथिको लेखमा एउटा भूल सुधारः
    फलेबासको => फलेकबाश
    ७५ मिटर => ७५ इन्च्
    कर्णालि => कपुरधारा
    मुगलिङ => मातातिर्थ

    नेपालमा सियो पनि बन्दैन भन्नेलाई कडा प्रहार हो यो!

  32. अरु सबै पत्याएनि लाष्टको लाईन चाहिँ पत्याईएन

    “यसमा मोटर गुड्दा लचकता नआउने, नथर्किने र नहल्लिने खालको हुन्छ ।”

    झोलुङ्गे पुल भनेकै हल्लिने हो नहल्लिने भएपछि कसरी झोलुङ्गे पुल ?

  33. मलाईपनि खुशि लाग्यो यो समाचार सुनेर यदि सत्य हो भने र साथिहरुले भनेजस्तै अप्रिलफुल होइनभने .मईले यस्तै खाल्का समाचारहरु बारम्बार आईरहुन भनेर बाबुराम भट्टराईलाईपनि अरुरोधगरेको थिएँ र उहाले आस्वासन दिनुभएको थियो यस्तै हुन्छ भनेर तर समाचारमा हामिले नचाहेको भासन मात्र आईरहदा मन दिक्क भोईरहेको बेलामा यस्तो समाचारले मनलाई ठुलो सन्तोस मिलेको छ , मैले बाबुरामजिलाई भासन बाट टाढारहेर कार्यकार्तालाई बिकास तिर लगाऊन अनुरोध गरेको थिएँ ,मैले सुझाब दिएको थिएँ कि तपाईन्का लाखौ कार्यकार्तालाई बिकास्को काम्मा कुटो र कोदालो लिएर निकाल्नुस मैदान्मा अनि हेर्नुस बिकास कति तिब्र गतिमा हुन्छ ,मैले उहालाई उदाहरण पनि दिएको थिएँ , ऐले बिकास्को सुरुवात झोलुन्गे पुल बाट भएछ खुशि लाग्यो ,यसरिनै देशभरि यस्ले निकास पावोस .

  34. स्वदेशि प्रबिधिक स्वदेशि उत्पदन् स्वदेशि श्रम खुशि लाग्यो|

  35. अति राम्रो कुरा हो नेपाल मा पनी केही न केही कुरा हरु सिक्दै छान, अति राम्रो कुरा हो

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