कन्सलटेन्सीले मलाई यसरी दुःख दियो

प्रेम भट्टराई/स्वीडेन

हाल म Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) ,स्वीडेनमा अध्यनरत छु। म आफ्नो स्वीडेनको अनुभव र आफू कसरी कन्सल्टेन्सीको चक्करमा परेको भनी केही भन्न चाहन्छु र अब आउने नयाँ विद्यार्थी साथीहरुलाई सचेत गराउन र सुझाव दिन चाहन्छु। म Cross Country भन्ने कन्सल्टेन्सीबाट २००९ जनवरीमा स्वीडेन अध्ययनको लागि आएको हुँ। मसँग ७४ हजार लिए बापत नेपालबाट हिंडेदेखिको guidance , BTH सम्म पुग्ने र बस्ने व्यवस्था र ट्रेनस्टेसनमा सम्बन्धित मान्छेले पिक अ़प गर्ने सहित गरिदिने भन्ने कन्सल्टन्सीको आश्वासनले म निर्धक्क स्वीडनतर्फ़ लागेको थिएँ। तर कुरो विपरीत पो भयो।

त्यहाँ कोही पनि थिएनन् र म ट्रन स्टेशनको प्रतीक्षा रूम मा दुई दिन बस्नु परेको थियो। दुई दिनपछि त्यही कलेजमा आएका अरु देशका साथीहरु बाट बुझ्दा स्वीडेन साँच्चिनै गार्‍हो पो रहेछ। त्यहाँको परिस्थिति बुझ्दा मसँग फर्कनुभन्दा अरु केही विकल्प थिएन। क्रस कन्ट्रीले भने अनुसार accomodation ,health insurance पनि केही गरेको रहेनछ। मलाई भने अनुसार पिक अप सर्भिस केही पनि थिएन। त्यहाँ भेटिएका साथीहरुबाट म अगाडि आएका नेपाली साथीहरुसँग सम्पर्क गर्न सफल भएँ र आज उनीहरुको नै सहयोगबाट राम्ररी अध्यन गर्न सकेको छु। तर खबरदार !!! नयाँ बिद्यार्थी साथीहरु consultancy को झूठो गफको पछाडि मात्र नलाग्नु होला ।

ती consultancy का ब्यापारीहरुलाई बिदेसी अनुभव केही नै छैन र एक पल्ट नेपाल छोडेपछि उनीहरुको बिधार्थीसँगको सम्पर्क नाता सबै टुट्छ। म आज cross country को बेपारीहरुलाई तोकेर नै भन्दैछु तिमीहरु विद्यार्थीको सेन्टिमेन्टमाथि खेल्दै छौ। सरल रूपमा यूरोपमा काम पाइने , नजिकको मुलुकहरुमा काम गर्न कानूनी तवरले पाउने भन्ने कुरा भ्रम मात्रै हो। निकै नै गार्‍हो छ। हो, अध्ययन को हिसाबले राम्रो छ। तर २ वर्षको धान्ने पैसा आफूसँग लिएर आउनु पर्छ।

काम को आशा कम नै गरे हुन्छ। Consultancy होसियार, अब गलत इन्फर्मेसन केही नदेऊ तिमीहरु। बिद्यार्थीलाई अन्योलमा नपार र असलियत थाहा छैन भने बुझ। नयाँ आउने बिद्यार्थी साथीहरु , केही इन्फर्मेसन चहिएमा मलाई सिधै सम्पर्क गरे हुन्छ। म आफूले जाने बुझेको अवश्य नै शेयर गर्ने छु। [email protected]


  1. thank you bhattrai for your suggest. i also want to go to abroad country
    now i know there are so problem in the ot country

  2. Hi i am applying in Finland for Autumn.
    I was little confuse with Health insurance stuff.Do i need make my insurance here in Nepal.IF yes HOW?
    Pls help me!

  3. japan amrika jaana garo bhayeko bha yata gulf country tira aayo hai bro haru… sarai sajilo chha… tension nai chhaina…. paisa pani ramrai kamai hunchha… maina ma lagbhag 1 lakh jati pugi halchha tyaha bhanda ke chaiyo????
    better than U rope and Amrika hahaah……

  4. bhibhusan karki ji maile many nepali people in sweden such as bhibhu kumar mishra and sital kafley helped me a lot during my struggle bhana khojeko. my sansar kai comment listko mathi sabal sharma bhanele no good students come to sweden re kya. i don’t want to know who is that man but sabal ji bujdai nabuji jpt nabolau. bolnu agadi 2 times sochau. baru bibhu dailai derai samjhana bhanu hola hai ta bibhushan karki ji.

  5. i come from new unique educational consultancy putalisadak and i am in lund, sweden now. i paid 3 lakh 10 thousand money for consultancy. i think i am the one who is more victimized than others from consultancy. friends don’t think like i had lots of money so that i paid for consultancy as i am from medium class family. i had no-one in Europe and they had promised to arrange my accommodation, job and extension of visa so that i paid that amount. honestly they arranged my accommodation but i had to do rest of the things. i tried to inform them but they refused to contact.i had to struggle a lot but nepali people helped me. i cant forget bhibhu kumar mishra and sital kafley. one of the commenter told “no good students come to Sweden”. i wana ask him do you have anything to measure capacity of students? i was also good student at nepal and i am doing good here as well and there are lots of brilliant nepali students studying here.one more thing its absolutely true that we can get every information from google but its hard to arrange every documents if you don’t have someone in power for source-force so you need help from consultancy.you know system in Nepal, single paper work from government offices takes several days. no-one is perfect so its hard to arrange all things alone. if you have someone who can assist you, its useless to go to consultancy. sweden is one of the best country to study and its free to study now so consultancy has to do nothing for your application so its wasteful to pay such big amount. but they are charching fee from 2011. its very expensive country and its almost impossible to get job here.so, be careful.

  6. हाहाहा साथीहरू विदेशमा बसेर डलर कमाउँदै mysansar मा कमेन्ट लेख्न खुव मजा आएको छ हैन त । विदेशी भुमिमा दुःख त हुन्छ नि । त्यहि दुःखसँगै त जिन्दगीको उज्ज्वल भविष्य जोडिएको छ । कम्तीमा भट्टराइ जी अहिले स्विडेनमा अध्ययन त गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ होइन र ? यसको श्रेय कस्लाइ दिनुहुन्छ कन्सल्टन्सीले कम्तीमा बाटो त शुरू गरिदिएको थियो । अहिले आफु पुगेर पाएको २ दिनको दुःखले सबै बेकार भए ? कृपया सधै सकरात्मक सोच राख्नुस र आफुलाइ परिस्कृत बनाउनुस् ल ।

  7. Well…after reading all the stuffs for about 30mins…i would like to add some more to it.

    Coming from Consultancy or not is really not a concerned but the information provided by the consultancy should be authentic and reliable. Consultancy should disclose exact information and student should act with their conscience. It is individual choice to pay money whatsoever.

    Sweden is by far safe and developed. Education is thorough professional. ‘Work’ is in vacation so it cannot be assure when and how one can get job. Trust your destiny do not trust available working conditions.

    Anyone willing to come Sweden for study is warmly welcomed. The most who wrote above never intend to come for education. Study for 2 years with the security you bought from Nepal …get your ass off towards academic careers!!!! Brave hearts will always win the race!!!!!!


  8. Among the European countries GERMANY is the best to study, As long as u r student inside Baden Wüttemberg state, tuition fee is just 112 euro per semester. Only the rent is high in my experience, you will find job also if you have German Language(imp).

  9. what i think is consultancyharu le ta undoubtly sakeko paisa khana khojchha..Hami sanga kaasaile paisa thagna sakchha vane tyo uniharuko khubile thagchha ni..hami afai thagina nadiuna..
    Aba yesari gali vanda kei action linu ramro hunchha. Tiniharule pani help gareka chhan dherai thauma, tyo help bapat ko matra paisa dine decisionma apply garau or katai saathi bata help line garda ramro hunchha.
    scandinavian countries like finland, sweden, norway ra denmark europe kai top listed countries ho..yedi career yaha bata nai suru garne ho vane language is the must otherwise its very difficult.
    Ma pani 80 thousand tirera yaha aaye,,tara malai pahile nai vaneko thiye ki 1 lakh chahinchha. Hami afai murkha ho vanda vandai fasne..kasaile 5 thosand linchhu vanera after visa 1 lakh pakkai lidaina.so think abt it.
    ani guys coming to finland.BE ready for the grt struggle of your life..esp this time.
    1 year agadi sajilo nai thiyo but now its more complicated.

    But every dog has a day..so we will get sucess to achieve our aim one day.

  10. sarai dhuuka lagyo prem ji ko yethartha padhera.sabai bhanda pahele ta sarkar le yeuta nischit mapdanda banauna nasakera consultancy haru le maan pardi gari rahe ka chhan,tyo ECAN ho ki k ho chhan ni .tyo pani consultancy le dine daro paisa ma ankha gadera consultancy le sake samma badhi paisa kamau na sakos bhanera matrai bhando rahechha.

    ECAN ra sarkar le CROSS Country jasto consultancy haru lai kina karbahi garna nasake ko karan pani tehi ho.

    aswasan diye anusar service pani dinu paro ni CROSS COUNTRY KO ‘BHATUWA’harule.natra kina tetro paisa liye ko.jana tako chorachori sanga paisa umarne machine chha ra??

    yo kura tapai haru lai kasto lagchha.pratikriya dinuhola.

    [email protected]

  11. How to resolve this consultancy problem. There are so many rug consultancy and those are established almost all places in Nepal. One thing I have the feelings that our own Nepali brother could cheat and deceive one Nepali. How could they do that??. We should get hanged those bastards whenever we get. How long they can last let us wait and watch every dog has his day due to the fact that they have ruined our nepalese student;s life. God Bless us of all.

  12. All the Comment person.

    Bidesh jane manche le aaphain process garnu aaruko kura katnu pardaina. khali internet ma chat garne ani information lina consultancy jane ani pachi gali garnu chain bhayana hai

    “sabailai chetana bhaya”


  13. हाहाहा फिन्ल्यान्ड मा पनि तेही छ हालत धेरै को!!!काम साम केही छैन झक्कद खायर बसी राका छन। त्यो क्रोस्स हो कि स्रोस्स हो अनी के थापा भन्ने ले सब लाई ठग्दो रहेछ,मलाई त रमाइलो पो लाग्यो,बिदेश जाने भनेर केही नबुजी ,मख्ह परेर जाने हरु लाई गजब भाको छ!!!!कम से कम केही त बुज्नु पर्छ आफु जाने ठाउँ को,कोइ लाई त देश को राजधानी पनि था हुदो राइनछ!!!हाहा हा हा !!!!

  14. हाहाहा फिन्ल्यान्ड मा पनि तेही छ हालत धेरै को!!!काम साम केही छैन झक्कद खायर बसी राका छन। त्यो क्रोस्स हो कि स्रोस्स हो अनी के थापा भन्ने ले सब लाई ठग्दो रहेछ,मलाई त रमाइलो पो लाग्यो,बिदेश जाने भनेर केही नबुजी ,मख्ह परेर जाने हरु लाई गजब भाको छ!!!!कम से कम केही त बुज्नु पर्छ आफु जाने ठाउँ को,कोइ लाई त देश को राजधानी पनि था हुदो राइनछ!!!हाहा हा हा !!!!

  15. consultancy really chor hun .Thag Thag gari kamayako paisalay kati po tikchan ra .

  16. Same here in German as well,
    i found German is bit cheaper compare to scandinevian countries and also compare to UK,
    One thing Uk is expensive due to hefty Tuition fee and the living is also expensive.
    In German is also specially the tuition fee are charged 1000 Euro per year( two semester ), but not all the university or states, there are also some states who don’t charge money, when coming to german just note the point if you are not going to study in East Germany, East German has more unemployment than west german.
    For sure getting job is not easy job,
    Students are allowed to work for fully 3 months, and half day for six month,
    Get detail information over study in Germany in http://www.Daad.de
    this website is also in English and also http://www.sonog.com is also useful
    onething you must come over German language if you want to study in German, its not like in Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, where at least you can use your English for daily activities,

  17. Cross country kati fataha haru ko sangam ho vanne kura janna ta mera Australia ma vayeka sathi nabin, Jiblal, kamal lai sodhda hunchha.Ma pani cross country sanga karib karib 10 lakh ko karobar gareko manche ho. Kati FATAHA ho tyo THAPA vanne ta malai pani raro gyan chha.HOSIYAR SATHIHARU

  18. Ma pani Cross- country ma bughna bhanera gayeko thiya uk ko barema sathhi haru sanga .
    Visa lagyo bhane direct 80,000 consultancy charge bughanu parne re daka lai.lagyana bhane pani 5000 jhyom.

    Side ko Supreme edu. consultancy ma pani tyehi bhandai thiyo.
    Tyo ta Cross-country ko pani bau racihha.Direct bhandai thiyo,maile visa lagayi diya bhane 1,00,000 rupees dinu parne re.Tyesle nai visa laune jasto kura garthyo.Guf handai thiyo moro, Sweden europe ma best ho re, paisa lagdaina re.Ajhai kamayara pani leuna sankinchha re.Chor, daka haryu.

    Pheri sweden,norway,finland ko embassay le pani bhaneko chha consultancy nadhaunu bhanera ,embassay mai ayaera contact garnu bhanera.

  19. consultancy bata apply garera bahira country ma janu bhanda afaile nai direct bahira ko university ma aapply garera janu bes ho ni.bekaar ma paisa ta thaginna.

  20. Firstly, they should n’t be allowed legally to be called ‘consultancy’. They are not consultancies at all. They have no recognition, no knowledge, no experience to support students. How can you have a ‘consultancy’ with no knowledge, experience and resources?

    Secondly, most of them are all after money. They can do anything for money. Not All though.

  21. yo Cross Consultancy ko location pani bhandeko bhaye ramro hunthyo. Tyesta lai Karbahi hunnai par6!!!!!

  22. अमेरिका को कुनै राज्य california, florida, michigan etc १५ % बेरोज्गरी छ तेसैल त्यहाँ क खैरेले अथवा नगरिक ले जागिर नपाएको अबस्तम नेपाली बिद्यार्थी ले जागिर पौनु भनेको फलाम को चुरा चपौनु सरबर हो तेसैले बिद्यार्थी भएर अमेरिका औने हो भने आफ्नु बुवा आमा सँग Dollar पैसा कुम्लIएर अमेरिका आउनुशोस् नत्र भने recession को बेलाम जागिर नप्एर रुनु पर्ला

    Watch and read CNN, BBC buisness news.

    USA has 1 trillion budget deficit

  23. Bhattarai jee…dhanyabadh for sharing this info…
    maile finland ko lagi apply garda pani CROSS COUNTRY CONSULTANCY 2-3 thousand NRs (for intial processing)liyeko thiyo ra pachi yeti college le accept garena bahne purai refund garchu bahi bhaneko thiyo tara tyo phataha le paisa phirtai garena..malai sanka lagyo ani maile CROSS COUNTRY bata processing na garne nai nidho gare…
    I am now in US and I did all processing on my own, asked my frens in US, USEF and many others…
    so yo CROSS country jasto fraud garu lai karwahi hos sathi ho…

  24. Aba ta consultancy haru le chittai naam pariwartan garne bhaye, naya thagne jalo. “Nepal Sarkar ko swikriti prapta XXXXX Consultancy” Lekhene holani.

  25. yes sweden has best university in world ,so no doubt for study but u must have sufficient money and must share room wid lots of people and it will be cheap,there is no tution fees at all,
    i hav suggestion to all
    If there is someone in europe ,ask for help
    i have been in sweden for study purpose ( transfer) but the job facility is only in big cities like stockholm.so careful while choosing university and courses and be touch wid your university all time from nepal to sweden.so that u don get problem.

  26. The Internet is cheaper and reliable. You may also use these kinds of forums to gather information and get idea. Stop going to the education consultancies. They charge as much as they can.

  27. Good Information!!
    Let me share similar info for Australia.
    Now a days students(age group from 15-40+)are rushing to Australia to do some vocational course like Cookery, Hairdressing, community care etc. These course does not require good english to study,& low tution fee attract students from our country.
    Students might finish their studies in time but ultimately everyones dream is to get Permanent Residency (PR), the new rule is everyone should get IELTS score 7 in all bands to get PR. I have noticed many students who can’t speak english properly are doing the study as student visa doesnot require 7 but finally they do need 7 to get PR.

    Beware of this requirement, also beware of job available in major cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane…..its really difficult. I’d reccomend students to find a course in Canberra.

    The above discussed issues may not be relevant to the Undergraduate/Postgraduate students who has better english.

  28. Nepali haru lai pani kati bdesh ma padhne rahar ho khai bujhnai garo chha. Bdesh ma diploma padhnu bhanda nepalmai Bach/Masters padhe ta bhai halyo ni. Afno giddi ali khiyaune ho bhane ta opportunity chhadai chha ni.

    Paisa nai kamaune ho bhane, government ko youth employment program bata loan liyera invest gare ta bhai halyo ni.K chha ra garo???

    Sab alchi haru lai ready made information ra easy life chahinchha. ani fasai halchan ni andho consultancy le. Cross Country, Bright education.. Naam thulo hudai ma k uni haru lai sab tha hunchha ra??

    Jannu bujhnu kei chhaina. NEpal ma IT tetro boom bhairachha. Internet testo sasto chha. Aafnai haat ra dimaag chalaye ta paiso ni bachyo, sahi info ni paiyo ra afnai skill ni develop hunchha.
    Ki kaso….

  29. धेरै साथिहरुलाइ consultancy-syndrome लागे जस्तो छ। जो पनि consultancy कै बारेमा लेख्छ, कराउंछ, चिच्याउंछ, बर्बराउंछ। मलाइ लुट वा भुट तर बिदेश पुरयाउ भनेर consultancy मा लम्पसार परेपछि उनिहरुले लुट्ने नै भयो। उनिहरुले पनि पैसा कमाउनै खोलेका हुन। समाजसेवा गर्न लाइ हैन। त्यसमा पनि गोर्खेको बिजनेस न परयो – लुटेर हुन्छ कि कुटेर – पैसै कमाउने हो। किन नलुटुन त गोर्खे consultancy ले।
    अब माथि केहि साथिहरुले सल्लाह दिए जस्तो नेटमा आफैं युनिभर्सिटि खोज्नुस र consultancy-syndrome बाट मुक्त हुनु होस।
    consultancy भन्दा धेरै ठुलो समस्याहरु नेपालमा छन। भुखमरि, अपहरण, बन्द, हड्ताल, महंगि, कालो बजारि, लोडसेडिं, ठगि, डकैति, भारतिय हस्तक्षेप, हरुवाहरुको राज र लुट। देश दन्दनि बलिरहेको छ। सच्चा नेपालिलाइ त यस्ता कुराको चिन्ता हुनु पर्ने हो। आफूलाइ लुटाएर भए पनि तपाइं त बिदेश पुग्नु भो, नेपालमा नेपालीहरु कति दुखले बांचेका छन्? सोच्नु भा छ?

  30. यो कन्सल्ट्यान्सीको ठगाईमा नेपाली बिध्यार्थीहरु पर्नु परेको दुःखद खबरहरु बिदेशमा पुगिसकेकाहरुले भन्दा पनि नेपालमै भएका, अनि बिदेशीन खुट्टा उचालेर बसेका साथिहरुले थाहा पाउनु बढि उपयोगी हुन्छ जस्तो लाग्छ|

    यसको लागि पनि प्रयास गरौं है उमेश जी| खै कसरी यो अभियानलाई बढि भन्द बढि प्रभावकारी बनाउन सकिन्छ, साथिहरुलाई idea भए त्यो पनि share गर्नुहोला है|

  31. dear friends, cross country matrai hoina nepalma bhaeko 99% consultancy haru tyastai ho fraud. maile nai afno bhaiko visa processing ko lagi vibrant education consultancy bata garaunda suruma usle 150000 liyo bank statementko lagi but after one month usle feri 50000 magyo, ani usle rakheko 2000000 bank bata jhikera aba paisako lagi blackmailing gardaichha ,maile ta aba talai ajha paisa dina sakdina bhaneko chhu ani banko staff chinau jasle paisa khaera statement baneko chha but tyo chor amrit gautam bhanne daanka le manchhe chinauna mildaina bhanera bhanchha. maile uslai thadai bhanisakeko chhu mero bhaiko visama kehi gadbadi bhayo bhane mero bhai ta blacklistma parchha2 but tero haalat pani khattam hunchha bhanera, aba tapain harunai bhannus yasta daanka harulai sisno paanile hirkauna hunchha ki hundaina? kura nepali agent haruko matrai hoina bideshma basne chor agent harupani tyasta ho, yo saale haru nepali bhaera nepali lai nai thagchha, yiniharudekhi saabdhan hunuparchha ani yiniharulai paata kasera thoknuparchha,

  32. Try to go through this link http://www.studera.nu you will find information about different courses and available scholarship to study in Sweden… but unfortunately there is no scholarship available for Nepalese student from this year…:(

    Regarding job and accommodation, please try to contact Nepalese student STUDYING in Sweden and/or student union.

    Education :9/10 (One of the best in Europe)
    Job : 2/10 (Very less)
    Living cost : Higher than any other EU countries and US (~ 3000 SEK/month in Stockholm)
    Language (in School and surrounding except job): English is enough.


  33. tyo cross coutry sachi nai chor daka le kholeko ho….maile pani finland garne bhanera 7 mahina jhulayo matra…..ani ma sangai gareko sathi finland pugyo teslai pani finland ma alpatra parecha….CROSS COUNTRY is fraud….baru nepal basau tyo consukltancy ma najau….aile ma irelan ma chu yaha ko pani economy behal cha…if anyone coming here needs any information u can contact me without hesitation my add is [email protected]….jai nepal…….

  34. अब धेरै नेपाली साथीहरु फिन्ल्यान्ड आउने दिन कुरेर भिसाको तयारीमा हुनु हुन्छ। धेरै साथीहरु त पक्कै कन्सल्तेन्सीको गुलियो कुरामा मुख मिठाएर बस्नु भएको होल। त होसियार फिन्ल्यान्ड मन्दीको मारले बेहाल छ, यो पहिला देखिनै काम पाउन मुस्किल ठाउँ हो अहिले त फिन्निश हरुनै फाल्टु छन। तेसैले साँच्चै पढने हो भने टन्न गाठ बोकेर, बौ आमा सँग प्रस्ट कुरो गरेर आउने। नभये गाह्रो पर्ला। कन्सल्तेन्सीलाई पैसा दिनु भयो भने फिर्ता माग्नुस् । दिन बाँकी छ भने न दिनुस्। कुनै कुरा बुझ्न परेमा तपाईंको कलेजमा मेल गर्नुस् राम्रो जवाफ पाउनु हुने छ। for more information, plz log on to http://www.finlandnepal.com

  35. अब धेरै नेपाली साथीहरु फिन्ल्यान्ड आउने दिन कुरेर भिसाको तयारीमा हुनु हुन्छ। धेरै साथीहरु त पक्कै कन्सल्तेन्सीको गुलियो कुरामा मुख मिठाएर बस्नु भएको होल। त होसियार फिन्ल्यान्ड मन्दीको मारले बेहाल छ, यो पहिला देखिनै काम पाउन मुस्किल ठाउँ हो अहिले त फिन्निश हरुनै फाल्टु छन। तेसैले साँच्चै पढने हो भने टन्न गाठ बोकेर, बौ आमा सँग प्रस्ट कुरो गरेर आउने। नभये गाह्रो पर्ला। कन्सल्तेन्सीलाई पैसा दिनु भयो भने फिर्ता माग्नुस् । दिन बाँकी छ भने न दिनुस्। कुनै कुरा बुझ्न परेमा कुर तपाईंको कलेजमा मेल गर्नुस् राम्रो जवाफ पाउनु हुने छ।

  36. nursery class ma padna jaana laageko ho ra bandhu – consultancy le bhaneko sabai kura patyaune. higher education ma jaana laageko bhane ali ali research ta aafai le pani garnu parchha. consultancy haru samaj sewa garna awashya pani khuleka hoinan. alikati wa alibadi guff ta dinchhan dinchhan – tyo ta sabai business ko nature ho. galinai garne ho bhane consultancy lai matra gaali nagaram. dherai jaso case ma higher education bahana matra ho – jasari bhaye pani jati nai tirera bhaye pani nepal chaadne haami so called nepali ka bhawishya baat suru garam, ani rasan kinne pasale, khasi ko maasu bhandai bheda ko maasu bhechne maasu pasale, 200% profit khane aushadhi pasale, commission line pujari, manpari paisa thataune bus, tempo taxi driver, bina sitti manchhe marne bheed, utpatyang samachar dine patrakaar, desh rape garne neta – yaha swachha ra bhaladmi bhanne ko chha??? pashupati ma sanyaashi jogi haru le ta fokat ma gaza dina chodisakeko samaj haamro! baru i personally think, those bad experience had a good lesson for you. i am sure you can pretty much confront such situation in the future – i wish you never have to. jai nepal.. jai nirjiv dhunga maato, paat patingar, himal, pahad. no jai janta!!

  37. hey all dude,
    Nepal ka sabai consultancy lai ban garna sakidaina ra? aakhir tini harule kasako hit ma kam gardainan bhane why not check them to publicize false informations. they just help in preparing forged documents. malai pani 1 putalisadak ko consultancy le fasayera great trouble ma pareko thiyo. It was really hard time for me….even police case.But sathi ho maile tyo consultancy ko socalled manager lai ta arrest nai garaidiyeko chu. mero 2-3 yrs nai barbad garidiyo….k garnu aafu jati janne chu bhane pani tini haru dharai perfect huda rahechan hami student lai fasauna…..anyway I really wana see the all nepalese so called education consultancy be closed…. plz lets try to control them…

  38. sab jana naaija naaija matra vanchan alu haru. ani k hami chai nepal ma basnae tire ko dhuwa khayera.

  39. I am sorry to hear about you. Many consultancy offices in Nepal give unreliable informations and networks which is sometimes hard to know, and student like us believe blindly on them. As a result,we become the victim of their deceitful pretenses.

    But, don’t worry!! have courage. You have come to one of the best countries in the world. Wish you get some opportunities on the way!!

    Goodluck .

  40. hi guys,

    Special information for the students of nepal.
    The online application for sweden for the spring semester has begun now and it will remain open til august 31st.

    online application damn necessary if u want to be admitted in any program. so dont miss the online application deadline.

    I am providing one link from where u can fill up to 8 program in different universities from one application form.

    For sweden
    https://www.studera.nu/ it is for application

    for general infromation
    http://studyinsweden.se/Home/ it is for general information

    for finland for the polytechnical university

    for norway

    Mohan Maharjan
    MSc. Software Engineering
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden

  41. yi student hun ra….??? paisa kamauna aayaka vaneko jasto navayara aile Consultancy lai sabai dos thupare ka… navaya padnus na……अध्ययन को हिसाबले राम्रो छ। तर २ वर्षको धान्ने पैसा आफूसँग लिएर आउनु पर्छ। yo aphaile lekheko ho ni… padna aayaka khuru khuru padnu ni aba ki writer le padni paisa pani Consultancy le nai pathidinu pareo….??? aba dad lai paisa magauni khurukhu padni…….

  42. I think Nepalese student must consider extra carefully is when they go to study in the Non-English Speaking countries without knowing local language because it decreases chances of getting a job by 80/90%. So, come with enough fund to study here. If you got a job, you would be able to save or return to your family. It’s expensive to live here.
    there is Sweden-Nepal association, HelpNepal and nepalese consulate. If you wonder anything, you could contact them. Otherway is to contact Nepalese individuals who live in country through any chat,community website namely hi5,Facebook,myspace etc. thanks

  43. यस्ता पनि बिधार्थी, आफु जान लागेको बिश्वबिधालय, ठाउँको बारेमा बूज्न Consultancy मा जाने। Internet मा प्राय: सबै सुचना पाहिहालिन्छ नि? यस्ताले के गरी खालान?

  44. One good suggestion
    Sweden is not taking tuition fee. This is a positive factor. It is one of the highly developed country with their own language. If you don’t know their language you will never get job.
    Most of students who come here are not the best students in Nepal.
    Just for earning money… You have to understand that labour can never earn money. Nepal ma pani tehi ho , aru desh ma pani…

  45. Thankx a lot to all frens for ur kind information to new commers to foreign countries. As all my fren told that life is not easy in either europe or in usa. It is totally different as ur informed by consultancy in Nepal. So be prepared urself and more n more information urself as much as u can.

  46. I know about the job condition in sweden, because I also came from same consultancy at that time we were 27. No of them has got job till now. It has become 12 month that I arrived in sweden still now I havent got job, I am reading in malmo at now I am in stockholm, but I havent got job. I also got poor condition, that u cannot bear. CROSS COUNTRY is a consultancy run my pradeep and he is maphya and gunda. Please be careful other student, who are willing to come in sweden. You will not get job, but education is good here. you have to take money from Nepal to read here.
    The cross country also took 75000 with me. Other new commer dont give fore than 2000 to cross country because his expense to apply is only 1200 not more than that. In sweden I have got contact with 30 to 35 student, among them 3 to 4 people are working.

  47. ma pani first ma finland try garne vanera cross country gayeko thiya but exam finland mai dine janu par6 vane pachhi maila testo risk leyena an d i finally tried to denmark. ma aaila denmark ma 6u….yeha sukha, dukha j vaye pani aaila samma thicki6. thyo cross country sachhi fataha ho…findland ma education free 6 but they want top take 1 lakhs for processing fee. thanks god dhanna selection exam findland ma vayo ra maila risk leyena exam dina janako lagi bexause fial vayeo vane jana , ra aayuna matrai hun6…ani paisa matra kharchha hun6 natra vane mero halat pani prem jee ko jasti hune theyo…plz advertisement ko pachadi nagali ,. fact kura k ho thyo detail ma bujhera matrai abroad ko processing garnu hola…

  48. jayalal ji , tapai aafai nai denmark ma kam gardai hunu huncha re, kaha bata prem ji lai help garnu huncha.

  49. उमेसजि माइसंसार.कम कन्सल्टेन्सि ब्लग हो कि क्या हो ? 😉 अब त वाक्कै लाग्न थाल्यो कन्सल्टेन्सि गन्गन लेख देखेर ।

    कन्सल्टेन्सि धाउने कुरै बेकार हो । उच्च सिक्षा पढ्न जानेलाइ गुगलमा इन्फर्मेसन खोज्न पक्कै आउंछ । एडमिसन, एकोमोडेसन, छात्रबृति, काम सबैको इन्फर्मेसन इन्नेटरटबाट पाइन्छ । पत्राचार गरेर सबै कुरा मिलाउंदा दुख हुन्छ र समय पनि लाग्छ । आफूले त त्यसै गरियो । कन्सल्टेन्सिको क समेत देख्नु परेन। यसरि दुख गर्न नसक्ने, कन्सल्टेन्सिको भर पर्ने अनि उनिहरु मार्फत बिदेस पुगेपछि चाहिं उनीहरुलाइ तथानाम गालि गर्ने प्रबृति ठिक हो ? नेपालिले अरुलाइ गालि गर्न पाए पछि धक फुकालेर गर्छ भन्थे । हो रै छ कि क्या हो ?

    कन्सल्टेन्सिमात्रै किन ? नेपालमा सबैले ठग्छन् । ब्यापारिले चामलमा ढ्ंगा हाल्ने, बगरेले मरेको बाख्राको मासु खसिको ताजा मासु भनेर बेच्ने, २ ठाउंमा चित खाएको ख. (खजांचि) माकुने प्रधानमन्त्रि हुने, दिपक “बोरा” गणतन्त्र नेपालको मन्त्रि हुने… लिस्ट लामो छ । अहिले लाइ यति ।

  50. CROSS COUNTRY साचै नै हो FRAUD, धन्नै म पनि फसेको तर बचेँ…BE CAREFUL FRIEND….BE AWARE FROM CROSS COUNTRY…..

  51. Thank you Prem Dai for your warning hope this experience of yours will be an eye opener for all those who in the hope of foreign dreams are consulting different consultancies.

  52. good job prem ji , yeha hajur jastai consultancy ko karan bata dukha paune nepali haru dherai chan. so be careful nepalese students. testo consultancy mathi krawahi garnu parcha.

  53. from this story we came to know that we have to be very careful before we are going somewhere through consultancy….

  54. It Is very sad to Hear that . NOw I am in USA and I Like to say every new comers to USA. IT is very hard to find job because of economy . Please Be prepare get real information. Don’t follow to consultency . IF You Have enough money to pay collage fee and accomadation you can come USA otherewise this not time to come here .

  55. Thank you Bhattarai for the right info and willingness to help nepali frenz. Good job!!!

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